
Esop biography for children and interesting facts. Watch what is "Esop" in other dictionaries who such an Esop biography briefly

Years of life: He lived about 600 BC. e.

State: Ancient Greece

Field of activity: Literature

The greatest achievement: Became the first Basinist, whose works reached our time.

All at school we studied such a genre of poetic creativity as a fable.

Preferably, of course, in Russian schools they talk about our compatriot, Great Basinow, Ivan Andreyevich Krylov.

But his source bass leads from, it created a genre of a half-philanthory character named Ezop.

Ezopov Language

In fact, all the scenes of Bassen came to us from Ezopa, and the rest of the Basinople - Wings, and his predecessors Fedr, Jean de Lafonten, Lessing - only retell his fables, adding details and enjoying them into the form of poems with a mandatory instructive result in the final.

In the times of Ezopa, the fables have not yet had the appearance of the poetic work, Ezopova Basni were prose. They had the kind of small fairy tales with a moral allegoric subtext, the main roles in which were performed by animals or inanimate objects.

The concept of basen is as simple as possible: the characters are sketchy and conditional, the language is simple and close to the conversational. In this small genre, this is not important, the moral lesson is greater importance, which the author teaches the reader.

Before Ezop, they also existed fables, but such plots were introduced by them for the first time and gained tremendous popularity, despite the fact that the society was in many ways, its shortcomings and human vices.

Also, the Basinist is considered the creator of an allegorical language, which is called the name of its author - Ezopov language, many phraseologisms, proverbs and sayings take the beginning.

This language, allegorical expressions, veiled criticism of the strengths of this world, their vices and immoral actions, with the help of which it was possible to express their thoughts and protests, was always popular, especially in those times, when to tell the truth directly was dangerous for life.

The original poems of Ezopa did not reach this day, probably originally they were an oral form and were transmitted from a person to a person, from mouth to mouth.

Basni Ezopa reached us only in the processing of later Greek and Roman authors - Fedra, Babria, Avina.

Life and death of Ezop

About the fact that Ezop came from, it is known to be extremely small, his biography of his foggy, there is almost no historical information.

In the stories about him, it is not clear where the truth begins, and where the fiction of biographers who wanted to romantize the image of the Creator. Even the time in which the Basinople lived only about the sixth century to our era.

It says that Esop was a slave of the Samos slave owner of the Jaadmon.

Many ancient writers call the place of his birth to Frace, Sarda, Frigia. Although basically this information is false: with Fracey Ezopa only connects relations with the Thracian slave Rhodopeis, and in his sarda, it leads a legend, where the mythical Esop appears in the feast of seven wise men.

Later, his fatherland was called small Asia, which corresponds to the name of the wiser - Esop, Áisopos, and Frigia often was a stereotypically called country slaves.

Aristophane leads the legend about the death of the Basinistian in Delphi. Some citizens of the city outraged the eidny and offensive speeches of Ezopa about their sins and disadvantages, and they decided to switch it.

In secret, they invested in His Kotomka the Golden Bowl, stosed from the temple. When the Bogomolers searched in connection with the theft, the bowl was in the things of Ezop, and he was scored to death with stones.

Later, the truth came out and the son of the owner of the slave Ezopa was paid to the ransom for the life of the Creator.

Delphs in the minds of the Greeks were a city in which poetry and creative spirit flourishes, since they were under the auspices of God Apollo.

In this regard, probably according to legend, Esop was killed here, and his fables found patrons.

The appearance of the legendary basinist and character traits

Nothing is known about his appearance, but his image agrees closely with the work. The slave-acute slave, allegorically contrived of the ruler of the world, was a man repulsive outdoor, chromonogam or hunchback, with monkey features of the face.

The character was attributed to him the corresponding - embittered and peep, but, together with the wise. In particular, it was brightly found a mapping in anonymous "Ezop's Best" written by a common language.

Here, Esop acts as a foolish plow and a wise man, deceiving his master - brainless philosopher - and the strengths of this world.

But oddly enough, in this anecdotal product, the Basni Ezopo themselves do not play an important role, all his jokes and statements, which the character uses in "lifeshop", did not have early mentions and even genreo did not correlate with the work of the Basinist.

But this image of a cunning, intelligent and quirky slave, the servant moved to medieval culture.

Histority Disputes Ezop

In antiquity, no one doubted the reality of the Figure of Ezop, only in the XVI century Martin Luther raised her questioned.


Although there is a reason to believe that already in the V century BC, there was a collection of Basen Ezopa in the go, one of the characters of Aristophan mentions something like this.

The image of Ezopa was shrouded in myths and legends, romanticized both by antique authors and medieval, so it's hard to say whether such a person was real.

Nevertheless, the creativity of Ezopa and Ezopov language reached our time and remain popular and relevant.

Who is Esop? The answer to this question is obliged to know every person who likes such instructive literary works as Basni. An ancient Greek writer is considered almost the founder of the genre, however, the existence of this character still remains unproved. His biography consists, rather, from the legends, many of whom contradict each other than from reliable facts.

- Man or legend?

For the first time in the existence of this character, in the XVI century, no one challenged the fact of the life of an ancient Greek writer. Since then, the discussion does not stop, scientists were divided into several camps, offering various versions of the answer to the question about who Ezop.

Supporters of the theory confirming the historicity of the writer lead a lot of arguments that can indirectly prove its existence. However, even they are not able to deny the fact that the appearance, which possessed the Basinist Ezop, is unknown almost nothing. In the lifeviews considering his personality, it is endowed with various features. There is even a popular version, which says that the Basinista was hunchback, possessed extremely repulsive outfice.

The nature of the sage is described by all the authors approximately equally. Who is Esop, if you trust their characteristics? Sly, a dodgy man, endowed with a sharp mind and a sense of humor, capable of fooling anyone. Often they are attributed to such qualities as welded, malice. However, these characteristics are also practically not confirmed by the facts only, only preserved legends.

Biography writer

Basinople Ezop, if you believe in its existence, born in the 6th century BC. All popular legends about his origin testify that the writer was born and grew up in slavery, this fact does not dispute historians. The most common version states that this person was the property of the owner, whom the name of Madmon, who lived on this theory was distributed thanks to the Greek historian Herodotus, insistered on it.

Who is Ezop, if we assume that the information possessed Herodotus is correct? The scientist argued that the writer was a freedman, fell from the hand of Delphian priests. At the same time, the Madmon insisted on the ransom, which was obtained by him from the servants of the temple. It is assumed that the execution of the sage is connected with his ridicule over God Apollo, who could not be confused by the people who enjoyed him.

There is another version that insists that the owner of Ezopa was Xanf, and the writer appeared in Frakia. The basis for such assertions was the study of the fables attributed to the heellendar hero, as well as the processing of information provided by Herodot.

What is known about the bass

Was the person named Ezop in reality lived, or is it only a beautiful legend? He is attributed to the creation of more than 450 Basen. It is assumed that the works were written in poetic form, but the original was not preserved. The Basni Ezopa reached our contemporaries in the form of retells, outlined in prose. It is also considered that initially they traveled from generation to generation in orally.

The first who combined the works of the Basinista in Tom, became Demetrius Falersky, at least his works are the most ancient from the well-known. In the third century, 10 books were created before our era, unfortunately, they were lost more than 10 centuries ago. Next, other scientists, for example, Flavius \u200b\u200bAvian, began to translate the fables to Latin.

Features of works

The argument of Ezopo about the world has had a great influence on many writers who lived a much later legendary character. It is not surprising, because they were invented a whole universe, the inhabitants of which were animals, birds, insects. Since people are not heroes of works, an instructive lesson acquires an allequulatory nature.

The stories that are attributed to the Basinista are encharged with conciseness, simplicity and uncomplication of morality. The object of riding in them becomes vices, from which people could not get rid of it to this day. It gives the works of Ezop to the invariable relevance. An instructive completion is a characteristic feature that is peculiar to all fables without exception. A person who reads them does not have to independently guess exactly where the protagonist is wrong.

The writer offers readers to think about their own behavior, actions, views on the world around us, separating the true values \u200b\u200bfrom false. Its writings are useful for people of all ages, ranging from the youngest children. The latter is still better to get acquainted with instructive creativity with the help of Basen Krylov.

Plots of works

Many basin plots written by presumably Ezopom, familiar to people from early childhood. Hardly someone did not hear about the children who swore all the vineyard in vain search for his father's inheritance. About a fox, which is not powerful, and the cunning and flattery took his food from the crow, leaving the unfortunate bird in fools. About the fox, which justified its inability to extract grapes, located on a too high branch, because he has not yet dose. About how the flea was caught, and that it turned out.

Influence on other writers

Russian Esop is so called the writer Ivan Krylova, whose ancient Greek sage really had a tremendous influence. To make sure it is enough just to remember the famous story about the ravene, a fox and cheese, and then compare it with the "original". Indeed, almost all plots of popular wallets are taken from works that have survived since ancient times. This does not mean that the writer can be accused of plagiarism. It is his works written by a simple language that are ideal for reading small children, are considered an impeccable model of the modern genre.

Those who like the Basinie Krylov and Ezopa can pay attention to the work of other writers who actively used the ancient Greek stories as a source of inspiration. For example, the works of the Frenchman Jean de Lafontena, "Simplified" translationals of Lion Tolstoy.

The history of life
ESOP (ESOP) is considered to be the Basni's attorney as a genre, as well as the creator of the artistic language of allegory - the Ezopov language, which has not lost its relevance from ancient times to the present day. At the most dark periods of history, when the truthful word could be lost his head, mankind did not fall into little only because he had Ezopov's esopov in the arsenal - it could express his thoughts, views, protests in plots from animal life, birds, fish .
With the help of Basen, Ezop taught humanity with wisdom. "Using animals in the form in which they to this day are captured on heraldic coat of arms, the ancient passed from the generation to generation the great truth of life ... - wrote Gilbert Chesterton. - if the knightly lion is fierce and terrible, he really fierce and terrible; If the sacred ibis stands on one leg, it is doomed to stand so forever.
In this language, created like a huge animal alphabet, withcluded ancient philosophical truths. Just as a child teaches the letter "A" on the word "stork", the letter "B" on the word "Bull", the letter "B" on the word "Wolf", a person learns the simple and great truths on simple and strong beings - heroes of the Basen " .
And this never defaulting humanity, so many obliged Esopa, still does not know if such a person really existed, or is a collective face.
According to legends, Ezop was born in the VI century BC. In Frigia (Small Asia), was a slave, and then the freedman. For some time, he lived at the court of the Lidius king Crisa in Sardakh. Later, being in Delfa, was accused of priest aristocracy in patrimoncy and dropped from the cliff.
The whole book of funny stories about his life and adventures has been preserved. Despite the fact that Esop, according to the legends, was ugly and humpback, besides folly legends, he became a real hero of people's traditions telling about his bold performances against the rich and nobility, about the entertainment of the false wisdom of ruling tops.
In the book of the German archaeologist, historian and art historian Herman Hafner "Outstanding portraits of antiquity" (1984) presents a drawing on a drink for drinking vessel made in the V century BC In Athens (stored in the Vatican). On him grotesque depicted Horbun Vesavi with a fox, who, judging by the gestures, tells him about something. Scientists believe that the Figure shows Esop.
In the same book, Hafner argues that in Athens during the reign of Demetrius of Falersky (317-307 BC), the statue of Ezop, created by Lisipp, was placed next to the Seven Wise men's group, which testifies to the High Westness of the Basinist and two century after his death. It is believed that at Demetrius Falersky, the meeting of the Basen Ezopov, compiled by an unknown person, appeared. "In such a compiler, apparently, there was something great and human, - as Chesterton said rightly, - something from the human future and human past ..."
Under the name of Ezopa, a collection of 426 fables in prosaic presentation was preserved. Among them are many scene familiar to us. For example, a hungry fox noticed on one vine hanging borders of grapes. She wanted to get them, but could not and gone, saying about herself more green. " Or "Wolf saw once, as shepherds eat a shepherd. He came close and said "What noise would have rose from you if I did!"
Basmeni from this collection writers of different eras attached literary shape. In the first century N.E. This was famous for the Roman poet Fedr, and in the II century - the Greek writer Babry. In the Middle Ages, Basni Ezop and Fedra were produced by special collections and were very popular. Of these, the plots of the Basinoisians of the New Time of Lafontane in France, Lessing in Germany, I.I. Chemnitzer, A.E. Izmailov, I.A. Wings in Russia.
From Russian Prosaikov, the most virtuoso owned by the Ezopov language M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. His fairy tales "Promotud Piskar", "Carace-idealist", "Eagle-Macenate" and others are an excellent sample of Ezopov skill.

Aesop (Dr. Greek. αἴσωπος) (FR. Ésope, ENG. AESOP) - a semi-fine figure of an ancient Greek literature, a Basinist, who lived in the VI century BC. er

(Ezop. Picture of Diego Velasquez (1639-1640))


Whether Esop was a historical person - it is impossible to say. The scientific tradition of the life of Ezopa did not exist. Herodotus (II, 134) writes that Esop was a slave of a certain Jaadmon from Samos Island, lived in the times of the Egyptian king Amasis (570-526 BC) and was killed by deliffes. Geraklid Pontic a hundred years later writes that Ezop came from Fraceia, was a contemporary of Ferkida, and his first owner was called Xanf, but he removes the same data from the same story of Herodota through unreliable conclusions. Aristophane ("Wasps", 1446-1448) already informs the details of the death of Ezopa - the stray motive of the abandoned bowl, served as the reason for his charges, and the fables about Eagle and the beetle told them before death. Comic Plato (end V c.) It also mentions the posthumous reincarnations of the soul of Ezop. Alelexide comedian (end of the IV century), who wrote a comedy "Esop", encounters his hero with Solon, that is, it is already frightened by the legend about Esopa in the cycle of legends about seven sage and king. His contemporary Lisipp also knew this version, depicting Ezopa at the head of seven wise men). Slavery at Ksanf, the connection with the seven wise men, death from the delicacy of Delphic priests, - all these motives became links of the subsequent Esopov legend, the core of which has already been to the end of the IV century. BC e.

Under the name of Ezopa, a compilation of the Basen (from 426 short works) is preserved in prosaic presentation. There is a reason to assume that in the era of Aristophane (the end of V c.) In Athens, a written collection of Ezopova Bassen was known for which children were taught in school; "You're ignorant and lazy, even Ezopa did not learn," says the Aristophan one act. These were prosaic retellings, without any artistic finish. In fact, in the so-called Ezopov, the compilation entered the fables of various eras.

Later, the name of Ezopa became a symbol. His works were transferred from mouth to mouth, and in the III century BC. e. Demetrius Falersky (approx. 350 - approx. 283 BC) were recorded in 10 books. This meeting was lost after IX century. n. e. In the era of the Emperor of August, Fedr carried out these bass Latin Yambic verse, Flavius \u200b\u200bAvian, about the IV century, shifted 42 bass Latin Elegy Distich. About 200 n. e. Baberry outlined by Greek verses of Holiamb. The writings of Babria were included by the Planud (1260-1310) in his famous collection, which had an impact on later Basinople. "Ezopova Basni", all are compiled in the Middle Ages.

Basni Ezopa was translated (often recycled) to many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including famous fan of Jean Lafonten and Ivan Krylov.

Ezopov Language (named Basinista Ezopa) - Tyneshka in the literature, allegory, intentionally masking thought (idea) of the author.

In Russian, the full translation of all Esopovskaya Bassen was published in 1968.

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Many plots of short moral stories of Ezopa are familiar to everyone from childhood. It is unlikely that someone did not hear about the fox, which the custody took the cheese from the crow, or about the sons who were in search of the treasure the entire vineyard.

Ezop was born and lived in the VI century BC. e. The most famous legends say that, unfortunately, the Basinista was a slave. This theory was distributed thanks to the works of Herodota historian.

Popularity Basnopiisa

In ancient Greece, everyone knew about who Ezop. His fables were constantly transmitted from mouth to mouth, they were part of the school program. It was the Esop that was the first Basinist, who, through animal images, described human flavors, ridicule them. He focused on a wide variety of human weaknesses: pride and greed, laziness and deception, stupidity and cunning. His sharp, satirical fables often brought listeners to tears. And often even the rulers asked to tell them to felt their public.

Basni, who came to us through the century

Stories that were invented by Ezopom, fascinated listeners with their brevity, conciseness, satire and wisdom. Their main object of ridiculation was human defects, from which people cannot get rid of it to the present. And it makes the works of Ezopa so relevant. They have animals and people, birds and insects. Sometimes even Olympasians come across among the acting characters. With the help of his mind, Ezop was able to create a whole world in which people can see from the side to their shortcomings.

In each of the Basen, Ezop shows a brief scene from life. For example, a fox looks at the grape cluster, which she does not get it. Or lazy and stupid pig begins to pinch the roots of the tree, the fruits of which just fed. But sons are beginning to drag the vineyard, trying to find the treasure that the father allegedly hid on his territory. I get acquainted with the fables of Ezopa, the reader easily remembers the simple truth that the real treasure is the ability to work that there is nothing better in the world and worse than the language, etc.

Historical information about Esophe

Unfortunately, about who is such an Esop and what his life was practically no information. Herodotus writes that he was a slave from the owner named Idmon, who was a resident of Samos Island. Ezop was a very plump worker and often released such jokes over which other slaves laughed. At first, the owner was dissatisfied with all this, but then I realized that Ezop really had an outstanding mind, and decided to let him go.

These are brief data from the biography of Ezopa. Another historian, Graclit Pontic, writes that Ezop was from Thrace. His first owner was called Ksanf, and he was a philosopher. But Esop, who was smarter than him, frankly attempts over his attempts to be wise. After all, Xanf was very stupid. There is practically nothing about the personal life of Ezopa.

Bass and Athenian

Once, Alexander Macedonsky demanded the residents of the city of Athens to give him a speaker of Demosphen, who expressed him against him in very sharp tones. The speaker told the townspeople Bass. It said that somehow the wolf asked her sheep to give him a dog guarding them. When the herd listened to him, then the predator very quickly dealt with them without protecting their dogs. Athenians realized that he wanted to say about it, and did not give demosphen. So the fables of Ezopa helped residents of the city correctly assess the situation. As a result, they united in the fight against the enemy.

All fables of Ezopa contain an entertaining plot that pursues a listener on thinking. His creations are filled with morality, which is understandable to everyone. After all, the events of the Bassen are based on those events that probably have come to experience everyone during their lives.

In the future, the creation of the Basinist Ezopa many times corresponded to other authors who contributed their additions to them. Ultimately, these stories turned out short, mocking and shaped. The expression "Ezopov language", which applies to the entire allegorical and mocking, turned into a nominal one.

What did the Basinoist talk?

About who is such Esop, legends walked. He was often depicted by a low and humpback elder with a whispered voice. They said that Ezop possesses repulsive appearance. However, as shown further analysis, this description does not coincide with those data that are fixed by historians. The description of his appearance is the fruit of the fantasy of various writers. It was believed that since Esop was a slave, he had to constantly beat him and plowly - because he was portrayed humpback. And since the writers also wanted to show the wealth of the inner world of the Basinista, then his appearance they represented ugly and ugly. So they tried to warm up interest in the works of the Basinista, and often to their own, the authorship of which were attributed to Ezopu.

And gradually a huge amount of fictional information about who Ezop was muck into the legend of the Basinista. Maxim Planud, a famous Greek writer, even made up the biography of Ezopa. In it, he described it like this: "The freak freak is not suitable for work, the head looks like a dirty boiler, the hands are short, and on the back - humpback."

Legend of death

There is even a legend about how the Basinople was killed. Once, the ruler of Krepes sent it to Delphi, and when Ezop arrived there, he began to teach the locals in his own way. They were so outraged by this that they decided to take revenge. In the Kotomka to the Basinowstar, they posted a bowl of the temple, and then they began to convince local priests that Esop is the thief and the predominant of execution. No matter how the Basinople tried to prove that he did not cradle anything, nothing helped. He was led to a high rock and demanded that he dropped off. Ezopu did not want such a stupid death, but the evil citizens insisted. I could not convince them in any way and dropped from a height.

Whatever the real biography of Ezopa, his fables managed to relive the century. The total number of fables is more than 400. It is believed that the works were written in the form of poems, but in this form they are not preserved. These creations are known in every civilized country. In the XVII century, Jean Lafonten was engaged in processing, and in the XIX of his works, Basni moved to Russian due to the work of Krylov.

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