
The use of heat engines. Presentation "heat engines and their application" Application of heat engines in the national economy presentation

Heat engines and environmental protection

When a huge world of contradictions

Satisfied with the free game, -

As if a prototype of human pain,

From the abyss of waters it rises before me.

And at this hour, sad nature,

Lies around, sighing heavily,

And wild freedom was not dear to her,

Where evil is inseparable from good.

N. Zabolotsky

Schematic diagram of a heat engine

1 - heater

2 - refrigerator

3 - working body

The first steam engine - EOLIPIL

Heron of Alexandria,

1st - 2nd centuries AD

H 2 O

Steam pump Severi (1698)

Thomas Severi (1650-1715)

"Fire machine"

Denis Papena (1707)

Denis Papen

Steam-atmospheric piston

Newcomen pump (1710)

Thomas Newcomen

Steam engine

I.I. Polzunova (1763)

Polzunov Ivan Ivanovich

Steam Watt's engine (1765)

James Watt (1736 – 1819)

Gas engines

Etienne Lenoir

(1822 – 1900)

Otto gas engine

Nikolaus August Otto

  • Steam engine
  • Internal combustion engine (ICE)
  • Steam turbine
  • Gas turbine
  • Jet engine


a car




Steam turbine

Gas turbine


Steam or gas jet



Steam turbine

Turbina L.A. Pelton, 1880

The first turbine "Turbinia", 1897

Internal engine combustion

Mechanical work



Jet engine


Gas jet


Application heat engines


Water transport

Space rockets


Influence of heat engines on the environment

Composition of atmospheric air



nitrogen (N 2 )

oxygen (O 2 )

carbon dioxide (CO 2 )

argon (Ar)

water vapor

The number of cars on highways and cities has increased 5 times.

One truck of medium-duty type emits 2.5 - 3 kg of lead per year

In case of malfunction of the carburetor, the content of CO and CO increases 2 in the atmosphere

This leads to the formation of a greenhouse effect.

In large cities spent gases car create smog

Exhaust gases from gas turbine engines contain CO 2 , NO 2 , hydrocarbons, soot, aldehydes

On launch and return to Earth, rocket motors destroy the Earth's ozone layer.

Diseases pollution caused environment

  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Stomach ulcer

Alternative energy sources

Alternative (or renewable) energy sources ( RES) are called energy sources that allow you to obtain energy without using traditional fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.)


power station

Mechanical (kinetic)

water energy

Mechanical (kinetic)

turbine energy

Electric Energy

Tidal power plant

Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Fluctuations in the water level near the coast can reach 13 meters.

Tidal power plant



Wind power plant


wind energy

Mechanical (kinetic)

turbine energy

Operating principle:

the wind turns the blades of the windmill, driving the shaft of the electric generator.

The generator, in turn, generates electrical energy.

Electric Energy

Wind power plant



Geothermal power plants

They convert the internal heat of the Earth (the energy of hot steam-water sources) into electricity.

Energy of the Earth

Internal energy of steam

Mechanical (kinetic)

steam energy

Mechanical (kinetic)

turbine energy

Electric Energy

Geothermal power plants



Solar power plant

Solar power plant (SES)- an engineering structure that converts solar radiation into electrical energy.

Energy of sun

Internal energy of steam

Mechanical (kinetic)

steam energy

Mechanical (kinetic)

turbine energy

Electric Energy

Solar power plant

All solar power plants (SES)

are divided into several types:

  • SPP tower type
  • SES disc-type
  • SES using photo batteries
  • SES using parabolic concentrators
  • Combined SPP
  • Aerostatic solar power plants

Solar power plant

The energy of solar radiation can be converted into direct electric current by means of solar cells - devices consisting of thin films of silicon or other semiconductor materials.


power station



We all need to think about the question:

heat engine - is it good or evil ???

The solution to this problem primarily depends on you and me !!!

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

2 slide

Slide Description:

A heat engine is a device that performs work by using the internal energy of a fuel, a heat engine that converts heat into mechanical energy uses the dependence of the thermal expansion of a substance on temperature. The action of a heat engine obeys the laws of thermodynamics.

3 slide

Slide Description:

Heat engines - steam turbines - are installed in thermal power plants, where they drive the rotors of generators of electric current, as well as in all nuclear power plants to produce high temperature steam. In all major types of modern transport, heat engines are predominantly used: in automobiles - reciprocating internal combustion engines, on water - internal combustion engines and steam turbines, on railway - diesel locomotives with diesel installations, in aviation - piston, turbojet and jet engines.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Steam engines. Steam power station. These motors are powered by steam. In the vast majority of cases, this is water vapor, but machines that work with vapors of other substances (for example, mercury) are possible. Steam turbines are installed in powerful power plants and large ships. Piston engines are currently used only in railway and water transport (steam locomotives and steamships).

5 slide

Slide Description:

Steam turbine This is a rotary heat engine that converts the potential energy of steam first into kinetic energy and then into mechanical work. Steam turbines are mainly used in power plants and transport power plants - ship and locomotive, and are also used to drive powerful blowers and other units.

6 slide

Slide Description:

Reciprocating steam engine The fundamentals of the design of the piston steam engine, invented at the end of the 18th century, have largely survived to this day. At present, it has been partially replaced by other types of engines. However, it has its own merits, which sometimes make it preferable to the turbine. This is the ease of handling it, the ability to change speed and reverse.

7 slide

Slide Description:

Internal combustion engines. Gasoline internal combustion engine. The most common type of modern heat engine, installed on cars, airplanes, tanks, tractors, motor boats, etc. Internal combustion engines can run on liquid fuel (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) or on combustible gas stored in compressed the form in steel cylinders or extracted by dry distillation from wood (gas generator engines).

8 slide

Slide Description:

Diesel engine Diesel engine is a piston internal combustion engine that works on the principle of ignition of atomized fuel from contact with heated compressed air. Diesel engines run on diesel fuel. Ignited with hot air.

9 slide

Slide Description:

Jet engines. Jet engine - an engine that creates the thrust force necessary for movement by converting the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy of the jet stream of the working fluid. There are two main classes of jet engines: Jet engines - heat engines that use the energy of oxidation of combustible oxygen in the air taken from the atmosphere. The working fluid of these engines is a mixture of combustion products with the rest of the intake air. Rocket engines - contain all the components of the working fluid on board and are capable of operating in any environment, including airless space. It does not need oxygen in the air to burn fuel.

10 slide

    LESSON TYPE: Learning new material.


    computer, multimedia projector, screen, multimedia presentation.

    METHODS: verbal, visual, problem-search.

    FORMS OF WORK: collective, individual, group.

    TYPE OF WORK: filling the cluster, studying new topic according to the strategy "Think for yourself - in pairs - share", independent work with a textbook.


    I. Organizational moment. Organization of groups. Announcement of the goal and objectives of the lesson. Examination homework... (Training " Pass the warmth »)

    II. Learning new material.

    Utterance. (Teacher)

    Guys, before we move on to studying the new material, let's remember the key terms that will help us determine the topic of today's lesson. And in this we will be helped by a crossword puzzle, the key word of which is directly related to the topic of today's lesson. (division into 3 groups according to the pictures of "Heat engines". 1- group "internal combustion engine", 2- group "steam and gas turbines," 3- group "jet engine." ...

    Each group chooses its own group captain and follow the order, fills out the student's assessment sheet.

    F.I. pupil


    Challenge Level A (5-10)

    Answers on questions

    New topic

    Problem Level A (11,12,1,3,)

    Level B (4,5,6)

    SLIDE-1. Questions.

    1. One of the ways to change the internal energy of the body ( heat transfer).

    2.The energy source used in industry, transport, agriculture, in everyday life ( fuel).

    3.Kinetic, potential, internal ( energy).

    4.Give the tree - eats, from the water - dies ( Fire).

    (5) The speed of movement of molecules depends on this value ( temperature).

    6. Power unit ( Watt).

    7. The process of combining fuel molecules with oxygen, in which energy is released ( combustion).

    8.Energy unit ( Joule).

    9.One of the types of heat transfer ( radiation).

    Mutual verification (9-10- "5", 7-8- "4", 5-6- "3")

    SLIDE-2. Topic and objectives of the lesson. Learning a new topic (using the material from the textbook).

    The topic of today's lesson is "Heat engines"

    Today in the lesson we will learn: Fill the cluster.

    Human life is impossible without the use of various types of energy, sources of which are various types of fuel, wind, sun, ebb and flow. There are various types of machines that implement in their work the transformation of one type of energy into another. We will consider one of the types of machines - a heat engine.


    SLIDE-3. How does this happen?

    "Brain attack" Video plot model of the simplest heat engine.

    Scheme - classification of heat engines.

    There are several types of heat engines: steam engine, internal combustion engine, steam and gas turbines, jet engine. In all of these engines, the energy from the fuel is first converted into energy from the gas (or steam). Expanding, the gas does work and cools down at the same time. Part of its internal energy is converted into mechanical energy.

    Work in groups "Think for yourself - share in a pair - tell" to consider the types of heat engines. 1- group “internal combustion engine”, 2- group “steam and gas turbines,”, 3- group “jet engine”, each group will perform with its own presentation.

    Engine structure and efficiency formula.

    Those. a heat engine consists of a heater (a device where fuel burns), a working fluid and a refrigerator. Gas or steam, which is a working fluid, receives a certain amount of heat from the heater (Q1). The working body, heating up, expands and performs work (A NS) due to its internal energy. Some of the energy (Q2) is transferred to the refrigerator along with the exhaust steam or exhaust gases.

    Most of the energy from the fuel is not used in a useful way, but is lost in the surrounding space.

    TEACHER QUESTION: What is the name of the value that shows how much of the energy released by the fuel, the heat engine turns into useful work? (Efficiency)

    TEACHER QUESTION: Remember how to find the efficiency of a simple mechanism? Student answer: ( Find the ratio of useful work to spent)

    To find the odds useful action heat engine, you need to find the ratio of the perfect useful work (A NS) of the motor, to the energy received from the heater (Q1).

    That is, the efficiency shows how much of the energy released by the fuel is converted into useful work. The more this part of the energy, the more economical the engine.

    TEACHER QUESTION: Compare the values ​​of Q1 and Q2. ( Q1>Q2)

    TEACHER QUESTION: How much is Q1> Q2? ( on the value of Ap)

    TEACHER QUESTION: How can you find a useful job? ( Q1 -Q2)

    Hence, A NS= Q1 - Q2 and

    TEACHER QUESTION: Compare the values ​​of Q1 - Q2 and Q1. ( Q1 -Q2< Q1)

    TEACHER QUESTION: What can be said about the meaning of the fraction ( less than 1)

    This means that the efficiency is always less than 1, and if expressed as a percentage, then less than 100%.

    III. Solution to the problem of each group Level A (11,12,13)

    Task: What is the efficiency of a heat engine if a quarter of the fuel energy is converted into useful work? (25%)

    SLIDE. Physical education.


    SLIDE. Statement.

    III. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Well, now let's once again briefly repeat what we met in today's lesson.

  • What machines are called heat engines?
  • What types of heat engines do you know?
  • What is an internal combustion engine heater?
  • What is an internal combustion engine refrigerator?
  • How many clock cycles does an internal combustion engine have?
  • What tact is shown in figure 27 of the textbook?

Now I would like to test how well you learned new material... To do this, I suggest you move to computers and answer the test questions. But your knowledge will be assessed by a computer. And I and you will draw conclusions, what you need to pay attention to when preparing your homework.

Reflection: (complete sentence)

Today I can rate my work with "___".

Today I found out ...
It was interesting…
I realized that ...
Now I can…
I learned…
I managed…
I will try….
I was surprised ...
I wanted…

IV. Summing up.

Homework: §21-24 Problem Level B (4-6, 9,10)

View document content
"Abstract + presentation of the lesson Physics Heat engines"

  • One of the ways to change the internal energy of the body

( teplopere d acha ).

2. The source of energy used in industry, transport, agriculture, in everyday life

( fuel v O ).

  • Kinetic, potential, internal

( ener and I am ).

  • You give a tree - it eats, from the water - it dies

( O G on ).

5. The speed of movement of molecules depends on this value.

( tempera a tour ).

6. Power unit

( Wat T ).

7. The process of combining fuel molecules with oxygen, in which energy is released

( mountains e nie ).

8. Unit of measurement of energy

( Joe l b ).

9. One of the types of heat transfer that we get from the sun

( and radiance ).

LESSON TOPIC: Heat engines

  • Formation of concepts and ideas about heat engines, its types, the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine, efficiency of a heat engine.
  • Development of logical thinking, memory, the ability to find the best way to accomplish the task; the ability to correctly explain physical concepts and phenomena; improving the skills of working with a personal computer.
  • Environmental education.

Heat engines called machines in which the internal energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical energy.

Types of heat engines:

(installed at all thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, water transport, railway transport are currently practically supplanted).

Steam turbines.

Internal combustion engines.

(road transport, aviation, agricultural and construction equipment).

Jet engines.

(aviation, astronautics).

Chronology of inventions of heat engines

1690 - D. Papen's steam-atmospheric machine

1705 - T. Newcomen's steam-atmospheric machine for lifting water from the mine

1763-1766 - steam engine of I. I. Polzunov

1784 - J. Watt steam engine

1865 - N. Otto internal combustion engine

1871 - refrigerating machine K. Linde

1897 - R. Diesel internal combustion engine (with self-ignition)

Steam turbine- a type of steam engine in which a jet of steam, acting on the blades of the rotor, causes it to rotate.

The history of turbines is the history of the water wheel.

16th century paddle waterwheel

Waterwheel de la Feu, 1740.

14th century water wheel

Segner's wheel 1750

Poisel's wheel, 1825


Laval steam turbine, 1889

Kaplan turbine, 1900

Euler's turbine, 1754.

Turbine of a modern hydroelectric power station

Creator of the first piston steam engine - 1690

In 1711-1712. English inventor blacksmith Thomas Newcomen built the first piston-type steam (steam-atmospheric) machine.

I. I. Polzunov's steam engine

In April 1763 Polzunov demonstrated the work of a fire-acting machine "

for factory needs "

J. Watt steam engine

  • In 1781, James Watt received a patent for the invention of the second model of his machine.
  • In 1782 this remarkable machine, the first universal "double-acting" steam engine, was built.

Otto internal combustion engine

By 1863, the first sample of an atmospheric gas engine with a piston from an aircraft engine and a manual starter, fueled by a mixture of gasoline and air, was ready.

Refrigerating machine K. Linde

The appointment of a prize for the invention of a refrigeration machine for the crystallization of paraffin prompted the professor in 1870 to closely study the theory of the then-non-existent refrigeration industry. Three years later, the first experimental von Linde steam engine was tested at the Augsburg brewery, in which methyl ether was used as a refrigerant. At the same time, the professor received a patent for his invention in the state of Bavaria, and on August 9, 1877 - already an imperial patent for a "second design" machine that ran on ammonia.

R. Diesel internal combustion engine (self-ignition)

1878 - 1888 Rudolph Diesel is working on a fundamentally new engine design. He comes up with the creation of an absorption engine that ran on ammonia, and a special powder obtained from coal was supposed to act as fuel.

Internal combustion engine

The first four-stroke internal combustion engine ran on gas. It was invented in 1878 by a self-taught German physicist Nikolai Otto.

in 1885 a gasoline-powered carburetor ICE was built.

  • The carburetor ICE has a carburetor device that receives gasoline and air, and a combustible mixture is obtained. .

4 stroke engine

  • 1 stroke - as a result of the downward movement of the piston, suction occurs through the inlet valve of the combustible mixture, the outlet valve is closed.
  • 2 stroke piston compresses the combustible mixture, it is heated and ignited by an electric spark from a candle.

  • 3 stroke - hot gases - combustion products of the combustible mixture - press on the piston and push it down. The movement of the piston by means of the connecting rod is transmitted to the crankshaft.
  • 4 stroke - the piston rises and pushes the exhaust gases through the exhaust valve, which opens at this time

The graph of the change in the state of the gas in the cylinder of the internal combustion engine on p, V- diagram .

  • 1,2-Intake
  • 2,3-Compression
  • 3,4-working stroke
  • 4,5,6,7-release

  • Low weight, compactness, relatively high efficiency (25-30%) led to the widespread use of carburetor engines. They drive cars, motorcycles, motor boats, and are used in chainsaws.
  • But there are also disadvantages: they run on expensive high-quality fuel, are quite complex in design, have a high rotation speed of the engine shaft, and their exhaust gases pollute the atmosphere.

Four-stroke diesel engine

Invented by German engineer Rudolf DIESEL (1858 - 1913) in 1897.

First measure

On the downstroke of the piston, atmospheric air enters the cylinder through the intake valve.

Second measure

During the upward stroke of the piston, the air is adiabatically compressed to a pressure of about 1.2 * 10 6 Pa, which leads to an increase in its temperature at the end of the stroke to 500-700 0 C.

Third measure

The gases emitted during combustion press on the piston and perform useful work during the downward movement of the piston. The expanding gas pressure is kept approximately constant. At the end of the combustion of the injected portion of fuel, adiabatic expansion of the gas occurs. At the end of the stroke, the exhaust valve opens and the pressure drops.

Fourth measure

The piston moves upward and pushes the combustion products into the atmosphere.

The graph of the change in the state of the gas in the DD cylinder on the p, V-diagram.

Isobar 1-2 - 1 clock

Isobar 2-3- 2 clock

AND gobar 3-4 , isotherm 4-5 , isochora 5-6 - 3 clock

AND gobar 6-7 - 4 clock

Diesel engine advantages:

High efficiency (35-40%).

Low fuel consumption

Cheap fuel

Large torque

Disadvantages of a diesel engine:

Lower power compared to gasoline engines

Higher mass

Rocket engine

ROCKET ENGINE, a jet engine that does not use the environment (air, water) for operation. Chemical rocket engines are widespread (electric, nuclear and other rocket engines are being developed and tested). The simplest rocket engine runs on compressed gas. By purpose, they distinguish between booster, brake, control, etc. They are used on rockets (hence the name), airplanes, etc. The main engine in astronautics.

Environmental damage

The negative impact of heat engines on the environment is associated with the action of various factors.

  • First, when fuel is burned, oxygen from the atmosphere is used, as a result of which the oxygen content in the air gradually decreases.
  • Secondly, the combustion of fuel is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • Third, when coal and oil are burned, the atmosphere is polluted with nitrogen and sulfur compounds that are harmful to human health.
  • And automobile engines emit two to three tons of lead into the atmosphere every year.

Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are not the only side of the impact of energy on nature. According to the laws of thermodynamics, the production of electrical and mechanical energy, in principle, cannot be carried out without the removal of significant amounts of heat into the environment. This cannot but lead to a gradual rise in the average temperature on earth. One of the areas related to environmental protection is increasing the efficiency of energy use, the struggle to save it.

  • One of the ways to reduce environmental pollution is to use diesel engines in cars instead of carburetor gasoline engines, the fuel of which does not add lead compounds. Development of automobiles in which instead of gasoline engines are used electric motors or engines that use hydrogen as fuel are promising. Uniform movement of machines, elimination of congestion
  • Setting the speed limit in the city of 60 km / h
  • Withdrawal of freight flows from the city limits
  • Timely elimination of engine malfunctions

Heat engine diagram

Heater T 1

Q 1

Working fluid (gas)

A = Q 1 - Q 2

Q 2

Refrigerator T 2

Toxicity of lead compounds Р b (С 2 Н 5) 4

  • Acts on the nervous system
  • Causes mental retardation
  • Diseases of the brain
  • Deactivates enzymes

Pb (C 2 H 5 ) 4 + 4KI ------ 4 C 2 H 5 K + PbI 4

Pb 4+ + 4I - ------ PbI 4

yellow color

Safe blood level

0,2- 0,8 × 10 -4 %

Task: Level A No. 11,12,13 Level B No. 4, 5, 6

Homework: §22-24

Task: Level A # 14 Level B # 9,10

Slide 2

Lesson objectives:

1. To form the concept of the physical principles of the operation of heat engines. 2. To acquaint students with the most important areas of application of heat engines in the national economy. 3. Find out ecological problems associated with the use of heat engines.

Slide 3

Turn, powerful wheels, Whistle, long belts, Burn from above, really and obliquely, Above the waves of the shafts, lights! Pounds, throwing like a handful, In its fatal expansion Hurry, furious pistons, Fight the dead nature! Valery Bryusov

Slide 4

What is a heat engine?

A heat engine is a device that converts the internal energy of a fuel into mechanical energy.

Slide 5

Types of heat engines:

  • Slide 6

    The history of the creation of a heat engine.

    1690 - D. Papen's steam-atmospheric engine 1705 - T. Newcomen's steam-atmosphere engine for lifting water from the mine 1763-1766 - I. I. Polzunov's steam engine 1784 - J. Watt's steam engine 1865 - N. Otto's internal combustion engine 1871 - K refrigerating machine .Linde 1897 - R. Diesel internal combustion engine (self-ignition)

    Slide 7

    In April 1763 Polzunov demonstrated the work of a fire-acting machine "for factory needs"

    Slide 8

    In 1781, James Watt received a patent for the invention of the second model of his machine. In 1782 this remarkable machine, the first universal "double-acting" steam engine, was built.

    Slide 9

    By 1863, the first sample of an atmospheric gas engine with a piston from an aircraft engine and a manual starter, fueled by a mixture of gasoline and air, was ready. Otto internal combustion engine

    Slide 10

    1878 - 1888 Rudolph Diesel is working on a fundamentally new engine design. He comes up with the creation of an absorption engine that ran on ammonia, and a special powder obtained from coal was supposed to act as fuel.

    Slide 11

    Heat engine device

    Three main elements of any heat engine: 1. A heater that supplies energy to the working fluid. 2. Working fluid (gas or steam) performing work. 3. Refrigerator, which absorbs part of the energy from the working fluid.

    Slide 12

    The principle of operation of a heat engine

    The principle of operation of a heat engine is based on the property of gas or steam to perform work during expansion. During the operation of the heat engine, gas expansions and contractions are periodically repeated. Gas expansions occur spontaneously, and contractions under the action of an external force.

    Slide 13

    Heater. T₁ Refrigerator. T₂ Working fluid Q₁ Q₂ Q₁ - Q₂ = A How does a heat engine work?

    Slide 14

    Heat engine efficiency.

    The efficiency of a heat engine (COP) is the ratio of the work done by the engine per cycle to the amount of heat received from the heater.

    Slide 15

    Efficiency of heat engines

  • Slide 16

    Carnot Nicola Leonard Sadi (1796-1832) - French physicist and engineer. He outlined his research in the essay "reflections on the driving force of fire and on machines capable of developing this force." He proposed an ideal heat engine.

    Slide 17

    The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle with the highest efficiency.

    1 - 2 - isothermal expansion. А₁₂ = Q₁ 2 - 3 - adiabatic expansion А ₂₃ = - ∆U₂₃ 3 - 4 - isothermal compression A₃₄ = A compressed = Q₂ 4 - 1 - adiabatic compression A₄₁ = ∆U₄₁

    Slide 18

    "Heat engines in reverse".

    Reverse heat engines are: refrigerator, air conditioner and heat pump. They transfer heat from colder to warmer, which requires work to be done. The work is performed by an electric motor connected to a current source.

    Slide 19

    "Heat engines vice versa", their principle of operation.

    Working fluid Q₁ A Q₂ = Q₁ + A

    Slide 20

    Heat engines in the national economy.

    Heat engines are a necessary attribute of modern civilization. With their help, about 80% of electricity is generated. It is impossible to imagine modern transport without heat engines (DD, ICE). Steam turbine engines are used in water transport. Gas turbine - in aviation. Rocket engines are used in rocket and space technology.

    Slide 21

    Water transport.

    The first practically usable steamer was built in 1807 by Fulton. (Amer) The first Russian steamship "Elizaveta" was built in 1815 at the factory of the entrepreneur K.N.Berd. His first flight was from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt.

    Slide 22

    Railway transport.

    In 1829, engineer J. Stephenson built the Raketa steam locomotive, the best for that time. The first diesel locomotive was built in 1924. Soviet scientist L.M. Takkel. A diesel locomotive drives an internal combustion engine

    Slide 23

    Automobile transport.

    The self-propelled carriage of German mechanics G. Daimler and Benz is considered the prototype of the modern car. In 1883, a light ICE was installed on a regular horse-drawn carriage.

    Slide 24

    Air transport.

    On December 17, 1903, American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright tested the world's first airplane - an airplane (a glider equipped with an internal combustion engine). The flight lasted 12 seconds at a height of 3 meters from the ground.

    Slide 25

    Space transport.

    On August 17, 1933, the first Soviet liquid-propellant rocket, designed by M.K. Tikhomirov, took off to an altitude of about 400 m. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched.

    Slide 26

    The impact of heat engines on the environment.

  • Slide 27

    ICE and its impact on the environment.

    Internal combustion engine diagram. 1.- combustion chamber; 2- piston; 3- crank mechanism; 4 - radiator in the cooling system; 5 - fan 6 - gas exhaust system.

    GOKU JSC "Comprehensive School at Penitentiary Institutions", Blagoveshchensk

    Heat engines.

    Heat engines are machines in which the internal energy of the fuel is converted into mechanical energy.

    The first heat engine known to us was the external combustion steam turbine, invented in the ΙΙ (or Ι?) Century AD. era in the Roman Empire. This invention did not receive its development, presumably due to the low level of technology of that time (for example, then the bearing was not invented yet).

    Later, a powder gun and a powder rocket appeared in China. It was a relatively simple device. From the point of view of mechanics, the powder rocket was not a heat engine, but from the point of view of physics it was a heat engine. Already in the 17th century, scientists tried to invent a heat engine based on a gunpowder gun.

    Powder shell in ancient China

    • Types of heat engines
    • External combustion heat engines:

    1.Stirling engine is a heat apparatus in which a gaseous or liquid working fluid moves in an enclosed space. This device is based on periodic cooling and heating of the working fluid. In this case, energy is extracted, which arises when the volume of the working fluid changes. A Stirling engine can be powered by any heat source.

    It was first patented by Scottish priest Robert Stirling on September 27, 1816. However, the first elementary "hot air engines" were known at the end of the 17th century, long before Stirling. Stirling's achievement is the addition of a node he calls "economy".

    Robert Stirling -

    creator of the famous alternative to the steam engine, named after him.

    In 1843, James Stirling used this engine in a factory where he was working as an engineer at the time. In 1938, Philips invested in a Stirling engine with over two hundred horsepower and over 30% efficiency. The Stirling engine has many advantages and was widespread in the era of steam engines.

    2.Steam machine

    James Watt - Scottish Inventor Engineer, Creator of the Universal Steam Engine

    The scheme of the Watt steam engine

    The main plus steam engines - simplicity and excellent traction. In this case, you can do without a gearbox. For this reason, the steam engine is convenient to use as a traction motor.

    Disadvantages: low efficiency, low speed, constant water and fuel consumption, heavy weight

    Steam engine - any external combustion heat engine that converts steam energy into mechanical work.

    Truck with steam engine

    Steam fire engine

    Steam engine tractor

    (Efficiency) of a heat engine can be defined as the ratio of useful mechanical work to the consumed amount of heat contained in the fuel. The rest of the energy is released into the environment as heat. A steam engine that releases steam into the atmosphere will have an efficiency of 1 to 8%, an improved engine can improve efficiency by up to 25% or more.

    Thermal power plant can reach an efficiency of 30-42%. Combined-cycle plants can achieve an efficiency of 50-60%.

    In CHP plants, efficiency is increased by using partially spent steam for heating and industrial needs. In this case, up to 90% of the fuel energy is used and only 10% is uselessly dissipated in the atmosphere.


    • ICE (internal combustion engine) is an engine, during which part of the combustion fuel is converted into mechanical energy.

    The first ICE was invented and created

    E. Lenoir in 1860. The working cycle consists of four strokes, for this reason this engine is also called a four-stroke. Nowadays, such an engine is most often found on cars.

    Rudolph Diesel (1858-1913).

    German engineer, creator of the internal combustion engine,

    currently used

    2. Rotary ICE

    This kind of engine is relatively simple and can be created in any size. Instead of pistons, a rotor is used that rotates in a special chamber. It houses the intake and exhaust ports, as well as the spark plug. With this type of design, the four-stroke cycle is carried out without a gas distribution mechanism. In a rotary internal combustion engine, you can use cheap fuel. Also, it practically does not create vibrations, it is cheaper and more reliable in production than reciprocating heat engines.

    "Mazda" based on a rotary engine.

    3. Rocket and jet heat engines.

    The essence of these devices is that the thrust is created not by means of a screw, but by means of the return of engine exhaust gases.

    They can create thrust in a space without air.

    There are solid fuel, hybrid and liquid). And the last subspecies are turboprop heat engines. The creation of energy occurs due to the propeller and due to the release of exhaust gases.

    Jet engine device diagram

    An-140 - turboprop cargo-passenger aircraft

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