
Presentation "Architecture of Ancient Greece". Ancient Greek temple. Presentation to the lesson on the MHC (Grade 9) on the topic Presentation on the topic of the temples of ancient Greece

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Some Greek temples really resemble large palace halls.
But early temples are more like a modest treasury. Moreover, considerable treasures were traditionally kept in the temples.

The classic Greek temple was formed for several centuries from the shape of the palace hall of the Myckey Kings.

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The cult statue of the Divine with the altar.
Naos (Greek. "NAOS" - the ship) - an interior, sanctuary.
Pronaos (Greek. "Pronaos" - Prepare) - Open room before Nao.
Oppiode (Greek. "Opiste" - located behind) - premises for the sanctuary for storing relics.
Stereobat is a stepped base of the temple.

The main parts of the Greek temple.

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Gradually, the number of columns increased in the temples.
First, four columns appeared on the one hand.
Such a temple is called "sler".

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Then the columns appeared from the other edge of the stylobate.
Such a temple is called "amphiprostil".

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Greek. "Peripteron" - surrounded by columns.

Finally, in the "classic periputer", the columns opened the temple from all sides.

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So we see Parfenon

It would look like Parfenon, if all his lines were strictly horizontal and vertical

So Parfenon is built. Its columns are tilted inside, and horizontal lines slightly curved up.

Often, the executors of the periparters specifically tilted to create the illusion of straight lines.

Architecture of ancient Greece Temple of Gera (Poseidon) in Pestum. The second quarter of the 5th century. BC. The temple of the ger (Poseidon) in the Pestum "Man is a measure of all things."

  • Feodor Focical Temple of Athens in Delphi
Greek order
  • Orders - a system of rational relations between columns and overlaps lying on them.
The main parts of the Greek order are:
  • 1) the foundation of the temple - stereobat ;
  • 2) the upper part of the stereobate - stylobate ;
  • 3) vertical supports rumped in stilobate - columns;
  • 4) the upper part of the column - kapitel ("Head" of columns);
  • 5) The upper part of the building, relying on the columns, was named entablature. It consists of archored (beams that lie on columns) frieze and carnisise ;
  • 6) Triangular Completion of the Duscal Roof - gable.
  • Treasury of Athenian in Delfa, built in honor of the goddess of Victory Nika
Features of the Doric Orders
  • Doric column is chorenny and squat, she has no base, foundation; It is sharply narrowed up.
  • Its vertical barrel is divided by shallow wide grooves - wannelers having acute edges.
  • Approximately 1/3 height of the trunk of the column had swelling ( entasis ).
  • Top of the column - kapitel - It is a flat "pillow" - echinus and quadrangular slab - abacus .
  • Friez processed by alternating vertical straps - triglyphs and square plates between them - moves decorated with reliefs.
Doric order Temple of Gera in Pestum. Doric order Features of the Ionian Order
  • Thin, high columns; They could not stand right on the stone steps, they need a stand - a base similar to an accurate stand of a chess piece.
  • The flutes of the columns are deepest, separated by non-sharp edges, but thin planes; Each flute ends with tops from above and below.
  • The cap of the column is two curl of the spiral - volute .
  • The architecture of the ionic order consists of three horizontal strips; Along the entire temple, a solid ribbon is a frieze, decorated with relief.
  • Ionian order
Church of Nicky. Ionian order Erechteyon. Portico Caryatid on the Acropolis Features Ionian Orders
  • According to the proportions, this order coincides with the ionic, but is distinguished by a higher capitle decorated with the leaves of the Akanf - a poisonous plant.
  • The function of the support in it is completely disguised with a decorative bouquet, so the Corinth Orders is used in decorative purposes.
Corinth Orders of Apollo Temple in Ephesus. Corinth Orders Planning structure of the temple
  • Based on a residential building type megaron where the focus was replaced by the statue of the Divine.
  • These were simple buildings that had a longitudinal rectangular plan with a double roof and a small indoor space.
  • The inner space consisted of the central part, or the sanctuary ( castle , or naos. ), where the statue of the Divine, and the front part - portica (pronaos ).
  • Sometimes the western side of the temple was located for storage of gifts ( optiode ).
  • The inner space of large temples was three-way (separated by internal columns on 3 longitudinal parts - need ). On average, the figure of God was placed on the middle.
Types of temples in ancient Greece:
  • but) "Temple in Antah" - A small rectangular structure, the entrance to which was framed by the protrusions of the longitudinal walls - Antami (antines - protruding walls), between which 1-2 columns were raised.
  • b) Prostyle(Greek Pro - Ahead; Stylos - Column) - a rectangular building with one near the columns on the main facade.
  • in) Peripter - Rectangular building, from 4 sides framed by colonnade.
  • d) Dipter- a rectangular building, from 4 sides, surrounded by two rows of columns.
  • e) Monoputor - Round in terms of the temple, consisting of one colonnade, covered with a cone-shaped roof.
Church of Nicky. Ionian order
  • Prostyle
Iktin and Callicrat. Parthenon. Athens
  • Peripter
Feodor Focyo. Temple of Athens in Delfa
  • Monoputor

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Ancient Greek temple

Mark Vitruviy Pollyion Rome Architect and Mechanic, Academic and Encyclopedist Treaty Created in 1 V to AD.

Vitruvius created the typology of the ancient Greek temples. Types of ancient Greek temples (vitruvia): Megaron, Prompt, Amphiprostil, Peripter, Dageter

Megaron (Dr. Greek. Big Hall) Greek House of Rectangular Plan with a focus in the middle. He served as the prototype of the temples to the Homerovsky (prescript) period. Megaron is the easiest type of an ancient Greek temple in the ants: on the front facade has a closed warrant in one row of columns.

Prompt (from Dr. Greek. Ahead and column) a rectangular building with a number of columns on the main facade. The term is also used to designate the portico, protruding from the main facade of the building. For the first time, the temples of this type were built by Etrusca and the Greeks, later the Romans adopted it for the construction of its temples.

Amphiprostil (Dr. Greek. Prefix with the meaning of duality, ahead, column) The type of ancient Greek temple, on both facades of which (front and back) is four columns in one row (order). Otherwise, called double forgive.

Peripter (Dr. Greek. Surrounded by columns, "round-round") main type of ancient Greek temple, rectangular construction, framed from four sides by colonnay.

Dageter (Dr. Greek. "Two") Type of Temple in Antah, around which from all sides, an ionic order (most often), columns in several rows (2 and more).

Church of Nicky Apterems Athens Acropolis

Parthenon Athens Acropolis

Acropolis (Dr. Greek. Upper city) elevated and fortified part of an ancient Greek city, the so-called upper city; Fortress (shelter in case of war). On the Acropolis, the temples of the deities of patrons of this city were usually located. The most famous Acropolis in Athens, entered into the World Heritage List.

Athenian Acropolis

Necropolis (literally "City of the Dead") is a large cemetery (underground galleries, scleps, cameras), located on the outskirts of the ancient cities (in Egypt, Malaya Asia, Etruria), with tombs and stone tombstones. In particular, the complex of the burials of the ancient world, for example, the Dipilon necropolis in ancient Athens, in ancient Egypt - the necropolis of the city of hair with the tombs of the pharaohs and nobility, and many other Romans often had necropolis along the roads to remind those who live about the exploits of the ancestors (the most famous - Roman catacombs along the appieiye road).

Antablem Balobic overlap of the span or the completion of a wall consisting of architectures, frieze and eaves. Antablement - upper, carrying part of the architectural order. The structure of the antablement is different in three architectural orders: Doric, Ionian and Corinthian.

FRONTON (FR. FRONTON, forehead, front of the wall) Completion (usually triangular, less often - semi-curvous) facade of the building, portico, colonnade, limited to two roof rods on sides and cornice at the base.

Caryatida The statue of a dressed woman introduced into use of ancient Greek architecture to support the antablemer and, therefore, replacing the column or pilaner.

"Architecture of ancient Greece" - Presentation, which will introduce with the origins of European architecture, with three main orders and outstanding monuments of ancient Greek architecture. In addition to illustrations, the presentation contains a video that you can only see in the PowerPoint program.

Architecture of ancient Greece

"Architecture of ancient Greece" - One of the most important topics in the course of world artistic culture, since truly understand the huge number of excellent monuments of European architecture, enjoying their beauty in full, only when you know the foundations of this art, the emergence of which is associated with ancient Greece.

It is very important to introduce students with three architectural orders: Doric, Ionical, Corinthian. The guys must be remembered from which elements the column consists, what is the difference between the capitals of the Doric Column from the Capitals of Ionian or Corinthian.

Walking through the streets of European cities, Russia we encounter many buildings created using forms born in ancient Greece. One of my favorite activities - Walking with a camera on the Moscow streets and alleys. A collage that I present to your attention is made up of my photos made during such walks. It would be nice to organize an excursion for students in the native city in order to detect elements of an ancient order in buildings, by whom they passed once without paying attention to them. Such buildings can be seen on the streets of many cities of Russia.

Antique order in Moscow

As a home task, the guys would be offered to choose from: to create a project of the temple for one of the Greek gods or goddesses (it can be a drawing, layout, application), a presentation about one of the ancient architectural monuments or creative work on creating a photo album made by the guys of architectural pictures Monuments in the style of classicism.

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