
What is Normandy. What to see in Normandy: Cities that should be visited. Normandy and her story

Unforgettable trip to Normandia

Normandy pays a lot of charm: beautiful rural areas, unique architecture with historical jewels, such as and , as well as rocks and attractive coast beaches. - This is the region in which they truly fall in love with each at first sight and for life!

Normandy, France ....

Normandy is located on the coast of North-West France, north-zapad is washed by the waters of La Mansha, and in the south-west, it is adjacent to Brinagne, another non-scenic of the scenic province of France.

Normandy consists of two regions and five departments: Normandy (with the departments of Calvados, Mans and Orn) and the Upper Normandy (with the ER and San Martim departments). According to the simple reason that Normandy is so extensive, and that you can enjoy it in full, We summarized the main attractions for each area to help you determine which areas most interesting for you (beaches or countryside, historical monuments and picturesque villages ...).

See also our articles: an excursion to Normandia from Paris with a Russian guide, which can be found in Normandy, an excursion to the arrival in Rouen.

Southern Normandy

The most famous monastery in France, the most famous tapestry in the world, Cider and Calvados, gardens around the picturesque villages and "disembarking" Normandy becomes more interesting for their visitors.


Calvados occupies North of Lower Normandy and includes most landings in Normandy (beaches, where allied troops landed during the invasion of France in the Great World War), and several popular resorts.

Beach and coast of Normandy in

"Normandy Beaches" means different things for different people - for some, these are memories of the Great World War, while for others it is famous resorts.

Beaches of Normandy

The landing beaches (Beaches Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah) are a popular pilgrimage destination in Normandy. Here there are also many beaches and resorts on the coastal, such as Deauville and Trouville, with their unique 19th century architecture carefully preserved, as well as the picturesque harbor of the city of Ontfler. After Normandy with a Russian-speaking guide, you can reveal all its secrets ... during an excursion You will have the opportunity to visit the tasting of Cider and Calvados!

Other highlights in Calvados

Another popular destination by Baye, it is here that you can see the famous tapestry, a medieval tapestry, which tells the story of how Wilhelm the conqueror captured England in 1066

Also in Calvados, you can visit the Cathedral of Lizieu, a large pilgrimage center, and the city of Falez can see the medieval castle of Wilhelm's conqueror.

Your excursion to Normandia from Paris will not be forgotten, filled with sea emotions and impressions from what he saw.


The Mans Region is located in the West of the province, here is the Mon-San Michel Abbey (the most visited landmark in France outside of Paris). Nearby you can also visit the city of Granville, which protects the entrance to the Bay of Mont-San Michel.

We can also offer you during an excursion to Mont-San Michel, visit the city of Cacal and San-little, having stopped at his oyster farm.


To the south-east of the province there is a region of ORN, attractions here, slightly less than in the northern regions of Lower Normandy, but still interesting, especially to explore and study small traditional villages and cities.

Having left us in Argeantan, you will see Des Ducs Castle and other historical monuments, as well as study his medieval castle and the Old Town, will not forget about the city of Alenson, the resort town of Bagnoles, which is ideal for those who are looking for peace and relaxation, and on Ploy a minute in the picturesque village of St-Ceneri-Le-Gerei.

Upper Normandy

Normandy Region of Art and History of the Castle of Richard Lion Heart and Garden Monet, with exciting coastal landscapes and major cities and resorts ...

One of the most interesting cities in Normandy, Rouen has a beautiful medieval center, famous for the pictures of Monet and with its masterpiece of gothic architecture.

The gardens in (better known as the mona garden) are also located here, carefully preserved their own appearance, with well-known watercolor paintings, it is rightly the most visited garden in France.

Impressive Chateau Gair Richard The lion's heart stands over the village of Seine.

The village of Era, among the "most beautiful villages of France," Lyon-la-Food Another attraction in this region of Normandy, and we will also enjoy this beauty in the afternoon, exploring the city and Cathedral of Evre.

The most visited place in the Upper Normandy is the alabaste coast, with its exciting high cliffs in Etretat and Fekampe, it is one of the most beautiful coasts of France.


In the bays between the cliffs, you will find several small cities with pleasant and between yachts and casinos.

Excursion to Etret, bring you a lot of emotions, here you will discover the main ports of Dieppe and Havre, who are worth visiting. The Gavre Center is guarded as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Normandy for gourmet

If you like seafood in the coastal area, Northern France including Kale, Picardia, Normandia and Brittany, these places are an excellent version of the combination of pleasant with useful. It is here that you will find the best lobsters, mussels, scallops, sea perch ...

The region also has agricultural products of the highest quality, the climate is ideal for growing some of the best fruits and vegetables, and the manufacture of cheese, cider and calvados is performed in the region, since it is the native region of these products!



eastr. oblast on the S.-Z. France, off the coast of La Mansha. In 911. g. dates. Vikings established domination over the sea coast and founded in the mouth of the Duchy of Normandy (Normandia) . Name from ethnonym Norman - "Northern People", the overall name of Scandinavians in the Middle Ages. Cm. Also Cotanne.

Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


(Normandie.), historical region. on SZ. France, off the coast of Prol. English Channel. Pl. 29.9 thousand km². Main cities - Rouen , Can . The name comes from Normanov, who won in 911. Usti r. Seine. In 1202-04 belonged to the French king Philip II. Heavyly suffered in the first century war, in 1417-50. was occupied by the British. In 1468, Louis Xi included it in his own ownership. Alive, apple gardens (pr-in cider and apple vodka - Calvados). Black Metallurgy, Masha, Petroleum., Text., Chem., Food. Prom-st. Seaside resorts.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Normandie - Historic Province in North-West France (cm. France), near the coast of Straita La Lansh. Normandy is located mostly in the Basin of the Lower Seine and on the Conanten peninsula, includes the departments of Calvados, Mansh, Er, Primorskaya Sena, ORN with a total area of \u200b\u200b30 thousand square meters. km. Population of 3100 thousand people (1992). Normandy is divided into two economic areas - Upper Normandy and Lower Normandy. Main cities - Rouen, Kan, Gavr, Cherbourg. Agriculture wears in Normandy mainly a livestock direction. The Norman breed of dairy cows provides the production of milk and oil. Local apples are used mainly for the preparation of Calvados and Cider. The seaside resorts of Dieppe and Trouville, as well as historical monuments attract tourists to Normandia.
The name "Normandy" comes from Normanov, at the beginning of the 10th century won the mouth of the Seine. In 911, the leader of Normanov Rollan and the King of France Karl III Prisulicly concluded an agreement on the formation of the Duchy of Normandy. Formally, the duke obeyed the king, but in fact it was independent. In 924-933, Normans subordinate to their lands in the West (Lower Normandy). The conquerors merged with the local population, the Norman Dialegect of French was formed here.
In the 11th century, the Norman Duke Wilhelm II (rules in 1035-1087) included in his own ownership of the County of Men and part of the County Anjou. In 1066, he won England, since that time the Nandal Dukes become English kings. In 1202-1204, Normandy was dismissed by the French king Philip in August, but retained special rights. In the 13th century, provincial states began to convene in Normandy. The province of 1337-1453 in the period of Century War was seriously injured. She was conquered by the British in 1417-1419, and released in 1449-1450. In 1468, Louis Xi included Nordandy with the status of the province to the royal domain. During the Reformation in Normandy, Calvinism was widely spread, during the Hugueno Wars Hugugeni seized a number of Norman cities, including Rouen.
In the 16th-17 centuries, Normandy was one of the most developed in the trade and industrial attitude of the provinces of France. In the Norman cities, the submerged, the production of the canvas, lace, glass, iron products. Norman merchants traded with England, the Netherlands, Mediterranean countries, participated in colonial trading. Cancellation In 1685, the Nange Edict caused mass emigration of the Norman Gugugotov in England and Germany. In the 17-18 centuries, numerous folk uprisings broke out in Normandy, the largest of which is the rebellion of barefoot in 1639. During the Great French Revolution in 1790, administrative reform was carried out in France. The province of Normandy was abolished, and its territory is divided into departments. In 1944, the Norman landing operation of the Allied Forces laid the beginning of the second front during World War II.
Deauville (Deauville-sur-Mer, Deauville Sur Mer) - a seaside resort in France, on the shores of La Mans in Normandy, south-west of Gold, 200 km from Paris. The sea resort in Deauville received fame in 1860 due to the Duke of De Morney, a consolidated brother of Emperor Napoleon III Bonaparte. The development of high fashion in France is connected with Dovful. One of the first of his salons was once opened in Deauville Coco Chanel. The festivals of jazz, classical music, modern art, Asian and American films are held in Deauville. Deauville - the center of equestrian and sailing. Here is the Hippodrome of La Tuka, where there are horseback competitions and bidding are arranged, on which purebred annual stallions are exhibited.
Deauville - city of mansions of the early 20th century - combining modern, Norman style, elements of Gothic and Renaissance. Historical monuments are lost against the background of modern quarters. Mosts have been preserved - a walkway along the beach of 800 meters long. Deauvil takes tourists all year round, at the most favorable season - from May to October. The continuation of Dovivil is the former fishing village of Trouville, known since the time of the Vikings. In the village of Tourists, it is proposed to visit the casino and the Thalassotherapy Center. At 10 km from Deville, there is an onfler, a small picturesque port town with ancient wooden architecture that inspired many artists-Impressionists.
Dieppe is a seaside climatic resort in France, on the shore of the strait of La Mans, northeast of the Gold. Today Diepot is a port city. From here it is sent to the ferry to the British New Haven on the other shore of La Mansha. The shore of Diepe in 1942 was a witness to the failed landing of the Anglo-Canadian troops. In the castle of the 15th century, built from brick and stone, there is a museum, where the collections of ivory products are presented: the city was previously famous for the art of thread. In the maritime section of the museum exhibited models of ships 18 and 19 centuries. Other sections demonstrate items found in archaeological excavations, Vases of the Precuccian era, the works of Dutch and French artists of 17 and 20 centuries. One of the halls is dedicated to the graph of George Marriage. The artist is buried in Varanjville (Varengeville), high above the sea in a chapel, the windows of which he once arranged. You can see the Church of Saint-Jacques (Saint-Jacqes) and visit the vintage portions of the city.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

  • Norland
  • Norman Islands

Watch what is "Normandy" in other dictionaries:

    Normandy - Normandy Neman Normandie Niémen ... Wikipedia

    normandy - South., Number of synonyms: 2 Peninsula (47) Province (56) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Normandy - (Normandy), historic. oblast On S. Z. France, the habitat of the Celtic tribes and part of the Kingdom of Chlodight. He was in nesture during the meringues and suffered from the invasion of the Vikings of Normannov in the 9th century. In 912, the leader of Normanov Roller received terr. in katch ... The World History

    Normandy - (Normandie), the historic region in the north west of France, mainly on the Normandy Peninsula. Includes Calvados Departments, Mans, Er, Seine Primorskaya, Orn. 29.9 thousand km2. Divided into 2 Economic Area Upper Normandy and Lower ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Normandy - (Normandie) Historical area on S. Z. France, off the coast of Straita La Mans. Located mostly in the Basin of the Lower Seine (Paris Pool), partly on the Cotanne Peninsula. The territory of N. is divided into departments: Primorskaya ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Normandy - Eastr. oblast On S. Z. France, off the coast of La Mansha. In 911 dates. Vikings established domination over the sea coast and founded the Duchy of Normandia at the mouth of the Seine (Normandia). Name from ethnonym Norman Northern people, general name ... ... Toponymic Dictionary

    NORMANDY - Origin: Normandia French passenger liner, one of the largest, high-speed and comfortable passenger ships, winner of the prize "Blue Tape of Atlantic. Entered into account in 1935 in the first flight across the Atlantic Ocean ... ... Sea Encyclopedic Directory

    Normandy - (Northmannia, Normannia, Normendie, Normandie) first a special duke, then one of the provinces of France. N. bored with the British Canal, Brittany, Maine, Orleans, Ile de France, Picardia and occupied the territory of the present departments ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Normandy is one of the most romantic and popular lands of France. Camembert and Pon L'wek, Liquor "Benedictine" and Calvados appeared here. The province keeps the memory of the Orleans Virgin, who has changed the course of century war, and the landing of allies in Normandy, who has become a turning point in the very bloody hostility of the 20th century - World War II.

Normandy on the map of France

The picturesque area, which laid the foundations of the French beach holiday, is located in the northwestern part of the country. It consists of two regions: Upper Normandy, covering the Primorsky Sene and ER, and the lower, including Calvados, Mans and Orn.

Top and Lower Normandy on the map

Airports in Deauville Saint Gatch, Kan Carpick, Rouen Vale de Siena, Cherbourg Moperty and the Terminal of the Garara take international and domestic flights.

From the Paris Railway Station, Montparnasse and Saint-Lazar in Deauville and Rouen run high-speed trains TGV. These cities connect and high-speed autobahn. You can get to Deauville from English Portsmouth on the ferry.

Coloric cities

From the whole kaleidoscope of colorful Norman cities, which is not considered in all its glory without a rented car, can be distinguished, Kan, Ontfler, Etretret, Trunville-sur-Mer, Ulgat and Cabourg.

Rouen - the capital of Normandy

The second of the settlements founded by the Gallam in the territory of modern France flourished during the Roman Empire and was the center of Norman Duchy.

Rouen did the trial over Jeanne d'Ark and miraculously survived during the air attacks of the Second World War.

Now it is a tangled tangle from narrow medieval streets, ancient half-timbered houses, gothic temples and trendy boutiques. Once every 4 years, Rouen takes sailing Armada.

Sailing Armada in Ruan

Kan - the main city of Lower Normandy

In the time of Normanov, the Kahn, located at the confluence of Orna and Udon, was an impregnable island fortress.

After a day d (* d-day or jour-j, in French - the Operation of landing in 1944), he almost disappeared from the face of the Earth - the front line was running through the city quarters.

Today, when the memory of cruel battles has been preserved only in the expositions of the World Museum Memorial, the heart of Lower Normandy has become a thriving resort.

Memorial in memory of World War II

SPA-procedures of the local Thalazur thalassotherapy center are famous far beyond France.

Ontofler - Cradle Impressionism

The facades of the health care houses who served medieval "gates" to England were painted by the brush of the founders of impressionism - Bodhen, Yokind, Coust and Monet.

Harbor onfler, covered with fishing boats and white sailboats, decorates Sati, Bodler and sulfur work.

The most colorful part of the Antique Capital of Normandy is the old quarter. There are salt warehouses, the wooden church of St. Catherine and the centuries-old docks.

Harbor of romantic onfler

Deauville - Queen of Norman beaches

Resort town of Deauville will hear the favorite in people of solid wealth. Here Saint-Lauren rested from the worldly bustle of Yves Saint-Laurent, and began his star path Mademoiselle Coco Chanel.

When to go to rest on the atristic coast and what to see in the city: about climate and attractions of Deauville.

The cultural life of Dovivil is rich in events: the city takes the jazz festival "Swing" and a parade of convertibles.

At the racetrack "De La Tuk" there is a prestigious equestrian auction. Interesting for holidaymakers and Thalassotherapy Center Algotherm, specializing in kinesiotherapy.

Wide Beach Deevail

Trunville-sur-Mer - Marine Paradise

Until the XIX century, the twin brother Dovivil was a small fishing village. But fashion for a beach vacation has changed his fate.

Today, Trunville-sur-Mer is a resorted resort among Parisians, numbering about two hundred campgrounds and 14 hotels.

It seems to be born for romantic walks on the alleys hiding luxurious villas, intimate rendezvous in family restaurants and shopping on a fussy fish market - the only thing that remains from the past.

Cozy proud, top view

Etretret - city with postcards

The main attraction of Ertget, with the American painter Henry Bacon, is the chalk cliffs, the bonded coast.

In a tiny town that can fully fit in one frame, there is everything for self-respecting romance.

There are old castles that took European monarchs, and colorful houses overlooking La Mans, and the rare wooden market, and the hoppers of the mysteriousness of the bunkers of the Second World War.

Romantic chalk cliffs of etret

Ulgat - Star Coast Cot-Flery

At the beginning of the 20th century, Ulgat, located 15 km from Deauville, was a popular marine resort. Today, it is cozy and a worldly, and the empty railway station has become an exhibition hall.

The city, filled with old villas and picturesque churches, has a family holiday.

Guests of the resort can look at school of culinary craftsmanship, go to the hike Flower Bank Or order one of the spa procedures in the center "Deep Nature SPA".

Ulgat - Sea Resort for a relaxing spa

Cabur - Pets of French Bohemia

In 1853, a small fishing settlement of Cabourg was a fashionable seating area in the style of Bel Epok.

A pretty town was immortalized on the pages of the novel "In Search of Lost Time". His creator, Marseille Prost, has corrected his health in these territories from year to year.

Nowadays, unusual night racing and a film festival "Romance Days in Kabur" are held here.

Recently, the resort opened a 4-star hotel complex "Thalazur Talassotherapie & Spa".

Fashionable Cabourg, place of treatment and thalassotherapy

What to see in Normandy - Historical and Natural Attractions

The epochs left in Normandy the chain of traces on the territory of Normandy - the attractions telling the story of this region.


Chateau Gaire, laid down by Richard, Lion's heart 40 km from modern Rouen, now lies in the ruins, like a powerful citadel in the heart of Cana, erected by Wilhelm the conqueror.

Much better preserved younger fortresses. The charm of the castle about, built in the 15th century in the style of Loire castles, emphasizes a picturesque park.

Kani-Barvil, built in the Department of Primorskaya Sena in the 17th century, has retained part of rare interiors.

Modest Martenville, located near Rouen, became the museum of antique furniture, and Vaski at the outskirts of the Le Trion - the Museum of History and Contemporary Art.

Churches and abbey

The acting Benedictine Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, completely surrounded by water during the strongest tides in Europe, is the second attendance of the attraction of France.

Ruins of Jumiege, where he loved to indulge in the thoughts of Victor Hugo, drown in apple orchard. Gothic notre-ladies de Jera takes international festivals of organ music, and in the walls of Gravel-Saint-Onorin, built in the Romanesque style, is located a museum.

In the Ruan Cathedral, captured in the pictures of Monet, Richard Lion's Heart and His ancestor - Norman Rollo were restored. And the church of Saint-Mer, Engleep, is famous for the fact that the American paratrooper was accidentally landed on her roof.


Since 1966, in the estate of Claude Monet, the exposure dedicated to the Impressionist is located.

Garden and Japanese bridge in the manor of Claude Monet in Giverni

IN Chateau ballerua In the vicinity of Baye, there is a museum of balloons, and the main attraction of the city itself is the Museum of the Baensky Gobel.

In the territory Kansky Castle The ethnographic exposition of the Normandy Museum is open.

Donzhon Ruan Castle Became Zhanna D'Ark tower, and Cherbour-Okteville Marine Station is the place of memory of the victims of Titanic.

Interesting collections of the Benedictine Palace in Fekama, the Camembert Museum and the Cider Museum in Waloni.

Historic attractions

Most of the historic places Rouen is connected with Jeanne d'Ark. After the inquisition process in the backyards of the Ruan Castle, she signed the renunciation on the Cemetery of St. Uen's abbey and was predicted fire on the square of the old market.

On the coast of Harbor Malberry, where landing in Normandy was made on June 6, 1944, a military museum under the open sky was created. In Cana, there is a memorial dedicated to the military glory of World War II, and in Bayeh - the Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normania.

The Malberry coast is the place of landing allies in Normandy in 1944.

Natural monuments

In Normandy, there are 4 natural reserves: Breoton's reserve, Kotangen's marsh zone and Bessen, reserve Normandy Man and Persh.

Natural reserve Brotonic

Cape Carter, which is not far from Barnville Carter, has its own secret place - the cave, where the Holy Germain deprived the life of the bloodthirsty dragon.

Cave from the legend about St. Mermen and Dragon

And in the village of Alluville-Belfoss grows the oldest tree in France - oak, crushed roots in the 13th century.

Norman cuisine

Norman chefs are famous lovers of gastronomic delights and bold experiments. Skillfully combining sweets with salty, they prepare a traditional duck in Sidra, Dieppsky cast iron with seafood, sausage of the vibrant and territory in Normansky.

Where to stay: hotel reviews and booking.

It will be nice if we share with friends:

It consists of five departments: Mans, Calvados, Orn, ER and Primorskaya Sena. The region is also divided into two territorial administrative parts: the upper and lower Normandia. In the territory of the Upper Normandy, the hay flows, it flows into the sea near.

The main city of Normandy - Rouen - Located 130 km from Paris. The area of \u200b\u200bthis region is about 3.5 thousand square meters. More than 3 million people live here.

This is the land of beautiful gardens and parks. The soft oceanic climate and soil fertility are ideal conditions for the development of agriculture, especially animal husbandry and fruit growing.

The region is known for its cheeses. It was this land that became the birthplace of the famous camembert. It is famous for Normandy and an apple alcohol drink Calvados, sidrom (apple kvass) and horses (75% of purebred French horses grown in Normandy).

Norman cuisine is diverse and is based on the wealth of nature of this graceland. The extended coast provides residents of this edge with fish and seafood, mussels are prepared here not in the usual wine sauce, but in thick cream.

Cows and sheep graze on the juicy meadows, oil, cream and sour cream include the main products of the region. Here, the creamy oil is most often made salty, while the so-called "fresh" prefers everywhere, i.e. Cute.

Norman landscape is very diverse and picturesque. On his background, the medieval architecture is especially romantic. The local landscape decorate the idyllic peasant houses.

Normandy is one of the most popular tourist destinations of France.

This part of France has been further subjected to devastating attacks of Normans. Normans in France called Vikings - immigrants from Scandinavia, Pirates and Warriors, mining and fame seekers. The mouth of the Seine served for a long time to Norman's reliable shelter, from where they made raids into French cities. At the end of the IX century, Romann, or Rolf, who invaded northern France was Rolf. After several invasions, Rollyon is firmly established in these lands. Roller forced the King of France Karl rustic to give him in Len (hereditary possession for military service) The region of Northern France conquered by him, which was then called Normania. Under the contract in Saint-Claire (912), Karl is a rustic Rollan received land between the EPT River and the Sea, provided that he recognizes himself with the King's vassal and appeal to Christianity. Roller was baptized, married to the daughter of Charles, Gizel and became the source of the Norman Dukes. According to the example of Rollon, many Normans adopted Christianity. Gradually, the Normans began to absorb local customs, French, and so far in the Norman adverb, there are words indicating the influence of the Scandinavian element. Norman influence has affected the militancy of Normandy residents and in their passion to remote expeditions.

In 1066, the descendant of Rollon ruler Normandy Wilhegelm won England, and thus the house of the Dukes of Normandsky received the English crown.

In 1203-1204, Normandy was conquered by Philip II August; She ceased to exist as a special state and became part of the domains of the French kings. Gradually, Normandy began to bother with French dominion and became a completely French province. She was provided with significant benefits and a special court, some of which persisted until the revolution of 1789, when all the special rights and privileges of individual provinces disappeared.

But the critical historical moments occurring on this land are not only associated with the period of the Middle Ages. The brightest event of the XX century. It happened here on the Norman land. In 1944, during World War II, it was here, on the shore of La Mansha, on the Norman beaches, allied troops were planted. With the opening of the "second front" began the large-scale and rapid liberation of Western European countries from the Hitler's occupiers. Those who want to learn more about this greatest historical event, we recommend visiting the famous memorial in the city of Karene, as well as the Arroman Museum.

Imagine land like a chessboard with green cells of all shades. Earth this stretches along the Seine and borders with the Paris pool, Brittany and the Sea, which she ends with the sandy coast. The land is called Normandia .

It is worth saying this word, as apple trees in color, fat cows, grazing in juicy grass, gradious houses, firmly standing for alive hedges; Abundant food and lifestyle, firmly connected with fertile soil.

These images are inspired primarily with fertile lands of the coolant, stretching from Cana to the comfortable beaches of Deauville, Trouville and Kabur. But this is not all Normandy. Other images give birth to granite rocks and sandy plains of Cotanna, broken Reliefs of a brazier resembling Brittany, the cliffs of the edges of KO. After all, Normandy was initially and remains still, thanks to the ancient roots, the country of the sea, ports and adventures. Therefore, just as Norman as a meadow in the heart of this land, you can call white cliffs in Etretat

Erosion and wind turned them into arches, in the monumental gate, opening directly to the sea. One of them is a lot - like a tower with a sharp spire that protects the passage in the rocks. Here I found asylum Arsen Lupin - the hero of the novel Maurice Leblana.

Heavy waves beat in the base of the rock, the wind and water are tirelessly work, catching it. Seagulls and albatrises nest on top.

History of Normandy A thousand years ago began when the fogs of the North Pirates arose here. Before vikingswhich are also called normans, (French version of the word Northmen) slipped on their fast drakkarey Through faults in the rocks, they already visited the coast of America, established themselves in England and Ireland. All Europe, from Don to Byzantium, from Spain to Italy, flutter with one mention only about them. When Normans rose in Seine to Paris, all Gallium was embraced by horror. But the king Karl rustic He was a cunning politician and preferred the battles negotiations. IN 911 The year Karl signs a treaty with the leader of Normans to Saint-Claire-sur-EPT Rolonfor which Nesterry - The whole territory between Seine and Brittany is given to the invaders. In return, Vikings undertake to become legitimate vassals of the French king. New duke called Normandy.

So militant sailors landed ashore and founded a new genus. And today in Normandy, strong, light-eyed, reddish people are often found. In local adverbs, in the names of settlements and cities: Elbeff, Babek or Iwto - such roots are guessed; As Beuf (dwelling), Bee (Creek), TOT (field). The influence of Normans is noticeable and in the lifestyle and in agricultural relations, which until Louis XIV was regulated by the usual Norman law.

It is felt in the thrust of the inhabitants of this edge to the sea. Long before the great expeditions taken by the Spaniards and Portuguese, sailors from Diepe, Gamra and Onflora Farochi Sea, getting to Newfoundland, Africa, Brazil, Sumatra and Canada.

Chapplen, founded Quebec, was the Norman shipowner. Call of the sea is not mass. You feel in large ports of Gauring, Cherbour, Rouen. However, it is even more felt in the fishing settlements of the edge of Ko, for example, in Fekane - Fisyballet Port, beautiful ancient town. Here, between modern vessels, torn radars, you can still meet small puzzled people, on which the descendants of the Vikings, not afraid of either storms or fogs, go to the open sea.

The daughter of the sea, Normandy is also a skeleton of the Seine. The royal waterway leading directly to Paris connects the ocean with the ground. Sena has been playing the most important strategic and economic role in the area.

Majestic landscapes, green hills that are found in the river valley from Veksina to Ko and Garara seem to speak only about peace and peace. However, they repeatedly became witnesses of the horrors of war. Not far from Paris, on the border of Il de France and Normandy, it is worth fortress Chateau Guyar.

This fantastic building with towers, donzhons *, galleries, fortifications, underground labyrinths were built. in the XII century Richard is a lion heartTo close the road from Paris to Rouen. Already in 1204, after five months, the siege, the fortress took possession Philipp-August. Then Heinrich IV. ordered to destroy it. But even today the ruins towering on hill Antelli., produce a strong impression.

A little further down the river in a clear, softly luminous sky. Openwork bell tower Rouana, Economic and Intellectual Center of Normandy. Some miracle of the last war bombardment spared the old quarters of Rouen with their wooden houses, the area of \u200b\u200bthe old market, where Zhanna D "ARC, and the delightful churches of Saint-Macau and Saint-Uan, and the last one - with the eighty-day tower in style were burned Flaming Gothic

and also the Cathedral of Our Lady, admired Monet.

On the right bank of the hay rises up the road of abbey. Today, Saint-Vandry and the Jumier, which in the VII century was one of the main centers of Western Mysitianism, are just ruins against the background of a magnificent landscape. But time destroyed not all. The spirit of the distant era is still alive in the pride of the magnifies of Jumian.

Downstream river, not far from Rouana, is located CodbekHere, during the equinox, crowds are going curious to look at a large tide. High like a wall, rises on this day water in the hay. At Codbek, there is a Tancarville, famous for the longest hanging bridge in Europe (1420 m), and for him - the second one by the value of the trade port of France,

from here for more than a hundred years, ships go to America. Such large boats as "Normandy" and "France" are assigned to the Gavrian port.

The main city of the Upper Normandy and the Lower Seine Havre has its "twin" in the central part of the province.

it port Canwhich some time was called Norman Athens, his intellectual life was so bright. Here is the center of classical Normandy: the Valley of Spring, the fertile lands of the coolant, the famous Beaches of Deauville, Trouville and Kabur, where Marseille Proust admired her "girls in bloom."

Everyone in Cana reminds of the time when France and England almost missed a single state. Castle in which once lived Wilgelm the conqueror And Queen Matilda, now became a museum. We owe this royal couple with the foundation of the male abbey (Church of Saint-Etienne), in which the grave of the conqueror, and the female abbey (Trinity Church), where Matilde is buried, - wonderful buildings, strict, clean, very characteristic outlines, from which Norman Roman style. Quite nearby, in Baye, there is the best "story in pictures" in the world - the rug of Queen Matilda. Fifty-eight skillfully disinanted plots, each with their name, tell the story of the conquest of England by Normans.

Around Kata is a magic green country: a meadow with a thick grass, a crystal river, live swelling, apple orchards. The rebirth era houses built from wood and glazed bricks, replaced the fortified medieval castles here. One of the most beautiful buildings - manor Krasart near Livaro,

its darkened half-timbered walls and elegant turrets are calmly looking into the sleeping water of the pond.

The same calm reigns near the sea - on the coast of the Grace and on the coast of Flery. On the coast of the grace, which stretches from the mouth of the Seine to the mouth of Tuka, there is an adorable town of Othler. This port once flourished, but then pushed with a gavrom to second place. Today's gray-blue city with calm harbors, shipowner houses,

narrow and high like ships, with the wonderful wooden church of St. Catherine, built in the XV century port carpenters.

The Gara coast is replaced by the coast of Flery, for more than a hundred years old have been considered a recreation area. Dumas and Flaubert contributed to the popularity of Trunville. And according to the sidewalks, thanks to the duke de Morney, since the beginning of the Empire, the celebrities of the world of art, literature, theater and finance walked. But, in addition to the famous, there are still dozens of small resorts located among wooded hills, cropped herbs, sandy beaches and dunes, stretching along the coast of Nastry and Besen. These are flaps, Luke-sur-Mer, Colville, Saint-Laurent, Vierville, who are content with their modest reputation of "family resorts".

If you follow from the port-en-beless then on the coast, you will fall into Cotanen. Here, literally every beach can tell about the June events of 1944, the wound wounds have not been delayed so far. Only the Cathedral remained in Saint-Lo from all historical buildings. In Waloni, a small old town, which, thanks to Barba D, Orevilly got into the history of literature, only one was left from the luxurious mansions of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The town of Kutan was also fought with the ground; fortunately, a miracle was preserved his gothic cathedral, the rapidly ascended two Sweet spire, as if a despite gravity, causing a person to Earth. A little further costs Cherbourg, who has become a large military port during the war. The scenery of Cotanna is stern, wild - as if hides the mystery; on the marine, seized shores are standing out of the granite of the house - The cradle of gloomy legends. Lessa, who gave so much joys Barbe d "Orevilly, recently declared an ornithological reserve. At the extreme western point of this area, the bracket begins. From here Not far to Brittany, the hills can be seen, and finally, the Abbey Abbey Mont-Saint-Michel is getting up

Is Breton Is this Abbey? Or maybe Norman? In any case, we are talking about one of these places - they are somewhat on the globe, - where people already at the dawn of mankind tried to speak with heaven. When "Norman Merciful" - members of the religious fraternity that exists with the times of medieval epidemics of the plague and engaged in the burial of its victims - pass in embroidered costumes, with horagohs and bells on the ancient path of pilgrims, which Brenels in Saint-Jacques deert,

they necessarily have stopped in Mont-Saint-Michel. But in antiquity they worshiped here in some unknown deities.

As legend says, Holy Ober, Bishop Avranha, consecrated the magic cliff by order of Archangel Mikhail, the winner of the devil and the conductor of the souls going on the sky. The masterpiece of Western European architecture, very catholic in spirit, Mont-Saint-Michel matimia to himself.

In the summer, the crowds of the people and the Big trade weaken the impression of his mystical beauty. But in winter, when the island is empty when cold winds and waves are fighting about the fortress walls, mont-Saint-Michel Abbey Cares its true appearance.

It is at this moment that it is necessary to wander through the fortifications, descend on one of the stairs running to the sea, stand up before the old Dogesque-Lena house and visit the "Mervey" built in the XI-XV centuries, consisting of three rooms at different levels: a hall for distribution of alms , Knight's hall and monastic courtyard, whose gallery is resting at two hundred forty columns from red granite. This is where the Benedectants who built the abbey and called him " Mont-Saint-Michel, who threaten from the sea».

The danger could be threatened not only from the sea, but also from Granville, the ancient refuge of Korsarov, Northern Monaco, having flown on the granite rock of the eightieth meters altitude and retaining its fortifications from the time of marine robbing wars. His upper city exists from the XVIII century. In 1793, a bloody drama was played here: the Shuana after the difficult transition was expected by the English fleet, which was to help them master the city, but they were thrown and destroyed. Miche * wrote about the "healthy wind of Granville." Standal and Victor Gyu mention these events in their works. From Granville, you can go on one of the three hundred granite islands: for example, on the barrels or on Jersey.

Such is Normandy: Almost Breton in the West, almost Picardian in the East and at the same time absolutely distinctive thanks to the people who created it.

This is a country of single farmers and sailors-adventurers, developed trade and deep faith; From the first day of the existence of Duchy Norman, these contradictions merged together, and this unity determined the essence of the country's soul. Today, let's say, tourism is encouraged here - but only in certain limits, favorable conditions for the development of industry are being created - but so that it does not damage agriculture, breeding livestock and fishing.

In short, Normandy retained a sense of measure and a tendency to well-thoughtful aids.

The birthplace of great writers. - Malierba, Cornell, Flaubert - Normandy attracts artists since it glorified the predecessors of impressionists attracted here with transparent air and changeable light. Normandy finally pays one more charm: this is the land of valetors and gourmets.

Normans do not wear more national costumes, with the exception of folklore festivals, when they wear splashing blouses, neck scarves in a fine cage and casket. But in the valleys, as before, apple tree bloom, the air is soft, in the quiet Norman harbors with white seagulls, sails - in one word, Normandy and to this day it leads to himself, still remaining the one that she always melted.

Coin is a river located in the north of France, which is a large transport artery of the country. Its length is about 776 km, and the pool area is 79.66 thousand km². The river nutrition is predominantly rain, water levels occurred from November to March. The hay has four major tributaries - Marne, Ob, UAZ and Jonna.

In the 60s of the XX century, the level of water pollution in the river reached maximum limits, the hay became almost dead. But, radical measures were undertaken, which led to a significant improvement in the local ecology. In 2009, the Atlantic salmon returned in the water of the river.

The source of the hay is located in the southern part of Langro in Burgundy, then it proceeds along the wide valley of the Parisian basin here is her channel rather tool. Near the city of Havre, the Sena River flows into the Bay of the Strait of La Mans. She plays an important economic role, thousands of ships with drafts up to 6.5 meters take place every year.


Etretat attracts tourists with its white cliffs, hang over the coast. Alebaster coast stretches for many kilometers, and some of the rocks nature seemed specifically cut into bizarre forms. Basically, these are the galleries of beautiful arches. One of the most famous local attractions are the "Triple Arch" and "Needle" - these are whole stone sculptures, cutting down with waves, wind and time.

Here, many famous historical personnel loved. Mary-Antoinette in Ethet was his seabed site for oyster fishery. But most of all the artists loved walking along the rocky shores. Coro, Boden, Delacroix, Monet and Mana forever captured their memories of Etheret on canvas. Here was a villa from the composer Jacques Offenbach, in these places were looking for inspirations of Dumas, Hugo, Carr and Maupassan.

The name of the "Etretret" is translated as a "farmhouse farm".

And what sights of Normandy did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Ruran Cathedral

The Ruran Cathedral is perfectly recognizable even without guides and numerous guidebooks, especially among the fans of the creativity of impressionists.

Openwork outlines of this temple inspired the Great Claude Monet on the creation of 36 paintings. Amazing, elegant, incredibly huge Rueny Cathedral is proudly towers among the narrow urban streets. At the end of the XIX century, the Rueny Cathedral of Notre Dame was the highest building in the world. Its powerful and at the same time elegant walls fascinate with their incredible, almost magical beauty. In order to appreciate the dimensions of this grand constructure, tourists have to do a lot of themselves, otherwise he simply does not fit in sight of the whole.

The shooting spire of the Ruan Cathedral of Notre Dames 152 meters high dates back to the XII century, equal to him to find almost impossible. The left tower of the cathedral was erected in the Epoch of early Gothic, and the construction of the right ended only in the XVI century. Some windows of the cathedral are decorated with stained glass windows of the XIII century, glorifying thanks to a specific blue shade, more widely known as the "Charter Blue". The stunning beauty of these stained glass windows is described by Flaubert in the immortal novel "Mrs. Bovari".

The Rueny Palace of Justice is one of the most beautiful Gothic Palaces of France, which is dated to the beginning of the XVI century. The floor of the century ago were the controls of Normandy, and today justice is nevertheless in the building, but the entrance is not open here. The Palace of Justice is an excellent example of a late-old style, which is often referred to as a flaming gothic.

Inside the building is a very beautiful vaulted room. Such buildings are externally similar to fabulous locks. The Rueny Palace of Justice suffered greatly from bombing during the Second World War, but soon was completely restored. In order to enjoy the gothic spiers, turrets, statues, chimeras and ridges, adorning the palace, you need to enter the courtyard through the main gate.

In the courtyard, be sure to pay attention to the "High House" ("Maison Sublime") - a beautiful stone structure, which was used at the beginning of the XII century as the synagogue of the Jewish community Rouen. Now there are industrial and artistic museums, as well as a rich library (approximately 133 thousand volumes, 400 Incunabul and 3500 manuscripts).

Church Saint McLo.

The church of Saint McLau, located in the French city of Rouen, not far from the famous Ruon Cathedral, was built by architect Pierre Robin in 1434-1470. The church of gray stone attracts attention to its unusual species. Architectural style - Flaming Gothic. The facade of the church resembles a flame of a burning candle, it is clearly traced in a special form of windows.

On the wooden doors of the three-penette church of the gray stone, biblical plots were cut out, inside the stained glass of the XV century. Behind the church, Saint McLo is the cemetery of the same name, in which the dead from the plague was buried in the Middle Ages. It is a Columbarium with gallery decorated with shapes of skulls and bones of wood.

Norman Most

The Norman Bridge, located in the north-west of France, crosses the Shenya River between the cities of Ontofler and Havr. The length of his main span is 856 m, the pilon height is 203 m, and the total length is almost 2 km, which makes it the longest rope hanging bridge in the world. Thanks to its elegant and slender design, it is considered one of the most aesthetic structures.

Norman bridge was erected seven years since 1988-1995. During construction, tourists and local residents were given the opportunity to visit tours of the construction site, but only for certain days. These excursions were very popular that he gave rise to the phenomenon of "technical tourism". The entrance to the bridge is about 5 euros.

From the Norman bridge opens a magnificent review, it's just a paradise for artists and photographers. Many panoramas filmed here, you can find on the covers of fashion magazines, calendars and postcards.

Square of the Old Market Market (Rouen)

The scene is marked high (20 meters), but modest in the form of a cross standing in the middle of a small flower garden.

In the center of the square there is a cathedral of Saint Jeanne d'Ark. He was built in 1979 architect Louis Arretsh. This is a very unusual structure made outside the canons of the construction of Catholic temples. Its roof in shape resembles the languages \u200b\u200bof flames, which were brought by Jeanne death physical, but in a moment gave her name to immortality. The cathedral is interesting for old stained glass windows, preserved after the destruction of the temple, which was standing at this place to the Second World War. The architect very organically inscribed saved stained glass fragments in the building of the new cathedral.

On the south side of the Square of the Old Market is the Jeanne D "Ark Museum. The exposition of the museum, located in the vaulted dungeon, is devoted to her life and death and presents lithographs, layouts, restored model of armor and flags of that era.

On the square there is a large indoor market - a noisy place, but very colorful. Around the area - well-preserved multicolored half-timbered houses, the first floors of which attract tourists with bright signs of cafes, souvenir shops and bistros.

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Garden castle Miromhenille

The beautiful garden of the castle Miromenil is not far from the city of Diepp, in France. Born in this famous castle French writer Gi de Maupassan. The lock architecture is considered mixed, as it has a four-time history. Rose bushes, fruit trees, wood peonies, magnolias and a unique collection of clematis are blooming around the castle under the protection of the walls of the XVII century.

Opposite the castle there is a garden, for which a group of professional utility workers and gardeners is monitored. This piece of plot, broken into smooth squares with rows of vegetable beds and wonderful flower beds, causes a special delight of tourists. These vegetables are grown on the garden like: carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, artichokes, garlic, radish, spinach, salad, cabbage. The main mission of the garden-garden of the castle Miromenil is "feed the womb and to delays the eye."

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