
Exhausting minerals presentation. Presentation on the exhaustion of natural resources. Fragments from the presentation

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The concept of "natural resources" and their classification

Natural resources - natural objects and phenomena that a person uses in the labor process. These include: atmospheric air, water, soil, minerals, vegetable and animal world, solar energy, etc. The main components of natural resources are: water resources - water reserves used as a source of water supply for industrial and domestic needs, hydropower, as well as transport highways, etc. Land resources - resources used or intended for use in agriculture, under construction in settlements, under iron and road roads, as well as other structures, reserves, parks, squares, etc., occupied by minerals and others. Forest Resources - raw materials (used to obtain wood), as well as forests of various purposes - wellness (sanitary-resort), field - and forest protection, water protection, etc. Mineral resources - all natural components of lithosphere, used or intended for use in the manufacture of products and services As mineral raw materials in natural form or after preparation, enrichment and processing (iron, manganese, chrome, lead, etc.) or energy sources.

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Energy resources are a set of all types of energy: sun and space, atomic energy, fuel and energy (in the form of mineral reserves), thermal, hydropower, wind energy, etc. Biological resources are all live international components of the biosphere with a genetic material enclosed in them. They are sources of manufacturing material and spiritual benefits. These include fishing facilities (stocks of fish in natural and artificial water bodies), cultivated plants, pets, picturesque landscapes, microorganisms, i.e. This includes plant resources, the resources of the animal world (the stocks of the fur beast in natural conditions; reserves reproducible in artificial conditions) and others.

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All natural resources are divided into two groups: exhausted and inexhaustible. Exhausted resources are such, the volume of which with a certain degree of accuracy can be installed and limited, the reserves of which, as they extell, decreased to such an extent that their further exploitation threatens their complete disappearance. As a result, the exhaustion of natural resource reserves is inevitably. In turn, exhausted resources are divided into renewable and non-renewable natural resources. Renewable natural resources include such that can be restored either by nature themselves (naturally), or with the help of targeted human activity, but only if the condition and speed of recovery are preserved. Renewable resources are usually referred to: land (elements of soil fertility), aquatic (fresh groundwater of the active water treatment zone) and biological (forests, natural feed areas, land, water fauna, vegetable and animal world, etc.). Inexhaustible natural resources are divided into: Space, climatic and water. This is the energy of solar radiation, sea waves, wind. Taking into account the enormous mass of the air and the aqueous medium of the planet, atmospheric air and water are inexhaustible. Allocation is relative. For example, fresh water can be viewed as a resource exhausted, since in many regions of the globe arose a sharp deficit of water.

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Environmental events

Currently, the Federal Task Force "Waste" is being implemented, whose task is to reduce the level of environmental pollution by waste and saving natural resources due to the maximum possible recycling waste into the economic turnover. The program includes objectives to reduce their formation based on the introduction of low-waste and waste-free technologies, reducing the number of dangerous production residues by applying new technologies, as well as the tasks of environmentally friendly accommodation them. Despite some progress in the field of environmental protection, the situation on this issue in Russia, in comparison with many developed countries of the world, remains intensive. An industrial method is processed only by 3.5% of solid household waste, and the rest are exported to the polygons and landfills. Until now, in Russia, negatively few of the enterprises for neutralizing and the disposal of toxic industrial waste corresponding to the necessary requirements is practically not available equipment for these purposes. If you do not take urgent measures, Russia can turn into a "waste landfill".

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Ways to solve a global problem

For example, Italy offered to use new types of building materials in the cities: "transparentconcrete" (transparent concrete), paint performing air purification (it "absorbs" could and antibacterial ceramic tiles. Finland's pavilion was designed so that it is possible to minimize CO2 emission (other words so that greenhouse gas, which is created in it, was trampled and used). In the case of Malaysia, the building material for the facade was plastic of recycling, as well as material based on recycled palm oil. Norway used for the roof translucent material - a special kind of artificial leather. In addition, that it misses the light in the afternoon, this material accumulates solar energy - and the pavilion can provide itself with energy independently, absolutely autonomously from the total power grid.

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The problem of using natural resources. The ability to exhaust natural resources. State of renewable resources

Natural resources

Natural resources - These are elements of nature, part of the entire set of natural conditions and the most important components of the natural environment, which are used at a given level of development of production forces to meet the various needs of society and social production.

Classification of natural resources on the main components of the environment

  • minerals (mineral resources);
  • water resources (from the point of view of water consumption and water use);
  • land resources (as an essential element of agricultural production and the object of real estate);
  • biological (vegetable and animals) resources;
  • climatic resources ;
  • air resources ;
  • energy resources of natural processes (solar energy, wind, tides are fed, inner heat of the earth, etc.);
  • integral resources (for example, recreational).

Environmental classification based on the principles of exhaustibility and renewability

  • inexhaustible , the use of which does not lead to visible exhaustion of their stocks (solar energy, water and wind energy, earth heat);
  • exhausted non-renewable , the continuous use of which can lead to a decrease to a level in which further operation becomes impossible or economically inexpedient;
  • exhausted renewable which is peculiar to restoration (flora, fauna, water).

Scale use renewable Resources should be correlated at the speed of their self-healing, determining the scientifically substantiated deforestation quotas, catch fish, water consumption.

Operation non-renovable Resources should be minimized, economically encouraging all forms of savings, reducing waste share, transition to the use of inexhaustible or renewable resources, development and speedy introduction of new, more advanced technologies.

Exhausted non-repaid natural resources

  • These include primarily mineral resources.

Mineral resources - These are all suitable real components of the lithosphere, used in the economy as mineral raw materials or energy sources (ore and non-metallic fossils, hydrothermal sources, etc.).

All major economically important mineral resources can be conventionally divided into 5 groups:

  • construction Materials;
  • fuel resources;
  • agricultural fertilizers;
  • ores for ferrous metallurgy;
  • rudes for non-ferrous metallurgy .

According to modern data, world resources of the most important metals may be enough with the current level of mineral mining for a period of 20 to 200 years.

During the XX century. From the depths of the Earth, up to 85-90% of the coal, black and non-ferrous metals were extracted in the entire history of mankind. Despite the fact that humanity is inconspicuously increases the annual mining mining, the threat of their complete exhaustion is not a major problem. As one fields are used, the following, and the ratio between the prey and the reserve of the main resources in the economy remains sufficiently constant for decades. However, the reserves of highly concentrated raw materials are steadily reduced.

Over the past 50 years, repeatedly predicted the ambulance depletion of certain minerals. In one of the most significant forecasts drawn up in the United States in 1980 at a special order of the US President, the following data were given on the world's main mineral resources available in the world: iron ore should be enough to 2070-2180, raw materials to obtain aluminum - to 2060-2110, copper - until 2010-2100, lead - until 2005-2030, uranium - until 1988-1994.

As oil and gas production increases, it turned out that the reserves encouraged by this time became greater, not less . To date, the exploration of new deposits has time for using old, the truth-open deposits are most often located in less convenient for mining and processing places, for example, on the shelf of the World Ocean and in remote sugar regions.

Can be noted such negative moments as increased geological and exploration costs and mineral mining Since finding mineral is becoming increasingly harder, and the development has to involve deposits with poorer ores that are also in more complex geological conditions. Scientific and technical progress requires widespread use of non-ferrous and rare metals. . But their content in ore usually does not exceed 1-3%. In addition, the extraction coefficient for these metals is 50-70%, and for rare metals - 4-20%. The rest of the breed is accumulated in dumps.

A significant improvement in the results can be achieved with the complex extraction of useful components from ore.

Economically open method of mining is more profitable than mine, but he entails negative consequences. In order to miner minerals in this way, it is necessary to shoot more and more empty breed every year, which increases the area withdrawable from land use, and the amount of empty breed in dumps. Due to the dusting of the terrain, the yield of crops in the nearby areas is reduced during the opening method of production.

Water resources

  • The total volume of the Earth's hydrosphere is 1.3 billion km3. However, fresh water accounts for only 2.5%, and fresh water in rivers available for consumption by people are even less than 0.0002% of the total hydrosphere. The predominant fresh water is concentrated in ice and snow cover, above all Antarctica, Arctic and Greenland. In second place in stocks there are groundwater, most of which are practically unavailable for consumption and only a very small part is in lakes and rivers

Picture. Changes in water consumption in the world during the XX century: 1 - Agriculture, 2 - Industry, 3 - domestic use

If you rate the river stock is not simultaneously, but for the year, then it is currently equal to 43,500 km 3 What is approximately half the volume of all lakes in the world. By the end of the XX century. Humanity has become consumed on various economic objectives of 4430 km 3 water, T. . 1/10 Part of the whole flow of rivers.

According to the UN, the total water consumption of mankind from 1900 to 2000 increased by almost 9 times despite the fact that the population of the world increased only by 3.5 times.

Biological resources

RESOURCE OF ANIMAL MIRAINE - This is a combination of all species and individuals of wild animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, as well as insects, mollusks and other invertebrates), inhabiting a certain territory or environment and are in a state of natural freedom.

Herbal resources - A combination of plant communities inhabiting land or its individual regions.


  • The resources of the animal world refer to biological resources. The main differences between biological resources is their self-reproducibility - recovery of the number for a certain period of time. This sign of bioresources shows that, subject to their rational use, the operation of these resources is possible for an unlimited long period.
  • However, it was their resumption that caused complacency and led to the fact that, exterminating valuable types of animals and plants, a person did not think and often prevented their natural renewal. In total, with 1600, 226 species and subspeck animals were disappeared (and in the last 60 years - 76 species) and about 1000 species are under threat of death.

At the moment, two main directions can be distinguished, according to which the animal world is affected.

First direction - Direct (focused) impact on certain types of animals (catch, shooting), including illegal seizure of species.

Second direction - Independent impact:

  • environmental pollution (biological and microbiological);
  • change in habitat;
  • economic activity;
  • introduction of new species.

As a result of direct extermination and indirect effects, there is a depletion and irrevocable loss of natural gene pool, violation of ecosystems and changing individual parameters, the leading biosphere, as a rule, to a decrease in its stability.

Herbal resources

Most of the organic matter of the planet is accumulated in the forests, the main total biological diversity. Forests play an important role in photosynthesis, oxygen balance, carbon dioxide absorption and in general in climate stabilization on Earth.

With their correct consumption, it is possible to unlimitedly receive biological products produced by forest ecosystems. By natural-climatic forest restrictions, approximately 40-50% of the land area can occupy, but by now they occupy a smaller area - 38.8 million km 2 . Forests are most productive among all land ecosystems. During the year, 80 billion tons of new biomass (dry matter) are formed in them and dies about the same. This is 2/3 of the total plant biomass growth on land. At the same time, oxygen is released due to photosynthesis, as a result of which the forest ecosystems of the world, along with the world's ocean, are the main "light planets".

To the large-scale spread of humanity on the land of the forest occupied approximately 60 million km 2 . By 1954, good forests covered only 41 million km2 (of which 28 million km of solid forests and 13 million km2 sparse forests). To this you need to add another 6.75 million km 2 degrading forests in developing countries and 4.1 million km 2 sowing restored forest. All together approximately 52 million km 2 which is 35% of the surface of the sushi.


  • By the beginning of the XXI century. The forests remained only at 29.6% of the land of Sushi, occupying 38.7 million km 2 , of which 95% are natural ecosystems, and 5% of the forest plant. According to the UN, only over the past 10 years, the forests decreased by 94 thousand km annually. But what remains, represents a huge wealth, unevenly distributed in continents. Russia accounts for 22.4% of all forests of the world.

  • In all economically developed countries, cutting down the forest is compensated by its landing. While in the underdeveloped countries, especially the tropical region, deforestation continues at an average rate of 12.6% per year, the areas occupied by forests in Europe, in the last decade, increase annually by 0.1%, in the US - by 0.2, In Russia - by 0.01%.
  • If in 1980 the entire area of \u200b\u200bforest planted in the world amounted to 85-100 million hectares, by 1995 it almost doubled (161-181 million hectares). During the 1990s, forest plantations increased annually by 3.1 million hectares. According to 2000, most forests are planted in China (45 083 hectares), India (32,578 hectares), Russia (17,340 hectares), USA (16,238 hectares) and Japan (10,682 hectares).


  • The socio-economic development of mankind in the second half of the twentieth century was accompanied and continues to be accompanied by the degradation of natural resources, degradation and pollution of the natural environment, the growth of the overall level of mortality and the incidence of the population, including children. The heavy ecological situation is generated by the system of irrational, wasteful use and is an important characteristic and an integral element of the socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural crisis, both in our country and in the world as a whole.
  • Under conditions, when the scale of the anthropogenic environmental impact has reached such dimensions, it is threatened with life on the planet, environmental protection and rational environmental management overlook the fore.
  • Under the threat of disappearances are inexhaustible at first glance biological resources, such as animals and vegetable. The stocks of easily accessible mineral resources are suitable. The implementation of more hard-to-reach deposits will require a much greater ingenuity from humanity.

Man, creating a culture, nevertheless, was not freed from the bonds that bind him with nature. But the development of technology and the active use of natural resources had such a strong impact on the Earth's ecosystems in the twentieth century, which forced people to think about rational nature management not for the sake of benefit, but for the sake of survival. During the lesson, you remember the classification of natural resources, learn about the main problems associated with their use, on the history of environmental management in prehistoric and historical time. Get acquainted with modern ideas about the rational use of natural resources.


  1. What types and types of natural resources are you known?
  2. What are the main problems associated with the use of natural resources?
  3. How did the problem of the exhaustion of natural resources solved in prehistoric time?
  4. What problems the use of natural resources collided with a modern person?
  5. How is environmental pollution related to mineral mining?
  6. Discuss with friends and native prospects for recycling raw materials in your region. Is it possible to solve the problems of depleting mineral deposits and the accompanying mining of pollution?
  1. Biological Dictionary ().
  2. All biology ().
  3. Internet portal Bio.Fizteh.ru ().
  4. Biology ().
  5. Internet portal Sochineniya-referati.ru ().

Natural resources and their classification. Natural resources are those means of existence of people who are not created by their work, but are in nature. For appointment, resources are divided into four groups: food energy raw materials environmental is the most interesting classification of resources for exhaustibility. For exhaustability, resources are divided into exhausted and inexhaustible. In inexhaustible resources include three groups of resources: Space climatic water

Energy resources to non-irreparable include coal, oil, gas, peat, nuclear fuel, light elements that can be used in thermonuclear synthesis: hydrogen, helium, lithium, deuterium. Energy resources are divided into renewable and non-renewable energy resources refer to the energy of direct sunlight, photosynthesis energy, muscular energy, hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy, energy of tides and sings, energy of waves, energy of precipitation processes and their evaporation.

The main direction of energy should be replaced by non-renewable resources for renewable, however, at present, the most energy (60%) is produced on thermal power plants, and most of the thermal power plants operate on the most environmentally dangerous fuel - angle.

Natural resources and their classification Natural resources (natural resources) - Elements of nature, part of the entire set of natural conditions and the most important components of the natural environment that are used (or can be used) at a given level of productive forces to meet the diverse needs of society and social production. Natural resources are the main object of environmental management, in the course of which they are exposed to operation and subsequent processing. The main types of natural resources are solar energy, inside the terrestrial heat, water, land and mineral resources are the means of labor. Plant resources, animal world, drinking water, wild plants - are subjects of consumption.

Due to the huge amount of natural substances used and energy, the problem of human security by natural resources is global. To prevent the exhaustion of natural resources, the rational and integrated use of natural resources is necessary, the search for new sources of raw materials, fuel and energy.

For economic significance, minerals are divided into balance sheet, the operation of which is applicable to the current moment, and the offensive, the exploitation of which is inappropriate due to the low content of the useful substance, the high depth of the occurrence, features of the working conditions, etc., but which in the future can be developed.

Under the classification of natural resources it is understood as the separation of the totality of objects, objects and phenomena of the natural environment into groups of functionally significant features. Given the natural origin of resources, as well as their enormous economic importance, the following classifications of natural resources natural (genetic) classification are developed - classification of natural resources for natural groups: mineral (minerals), aquatic, land (including soil), vegetable, (incl. Forest), animal world, climatic, energy resources of natural processes (solar radiation, internal heat of the Earth, wind energy, etc.). Often, the resources of the plant and animal world are combined into the concept of biological resources. The environmental classification of natural resources is based on the signs of exhaustibility and renewability of resource reserves. The concept of exhaustion is used when taking into account the reserves of natural resources and the volumes of their possible economic seizure. Resources are distinguished on this basis: inexhaustible - the use of which a person does not lead to the apparent exhaustion of their reserves now or in the foreseeable future (solar energy, inside the ground heat, water, air); The considered non-reparable - the continuous use of which can reduce them to a level in which further operation becomes economically inappropriate, while they are incapable of self-healing for the timing, commensurate with the terms of consumption (for example, mineral resources); Happened renewable - resources that are peculiar to the ability to restore (through reproduction or other natural cycles), for example, flora, fauna, water resources, in this subgroup allocate resources with extremely slow renewal rates (fertile land, forest resources with high quality wood). Economic, when natural resources are classified into different groups from the point of view of economic use opportunities: natural resources are allocated for the technical capabilities of operation: real-used productive forces used at this level; Potential - established on the basis of theoretical calculations and preliminary works and comprising in addition to precisely established technically available reserves also, the part that currently cannot be mastering the technical capabilities; On the economic feasibility of replacement, resources are distinguished and indispensable. For example, it is replaced by fuel - energy resources (they can be replaced by other energy sources). It is indispensable to own atmospheric air resources, fresh water, etc.

Among the classifications of natural resources, reflecting their economic significance and economic role, the classification in the direction and types of economic use is especially often used. The main criterion of resource division in it is to assign them to various sectors of the material production or non-productive sphere. On this basis, natural resources are divided into industrial and agricultural resources.

A group of industrial production resources includes all types of natural raw materials used by industry. In connection with the diversified nature of industrial production, the types of natural resources are differentiated as follows: Energy, which include various types of resources used at the present stage for energy production: combustible minerals (oil, gas, coal, bituminous shale, etc.) Hydroenergoresurs (energy river water, tidal energy, etc.); Sources of bioenergy (fuel wood, biogas from agricultural waste.); Sources of nuclear energy (uranium and radioactive elements). Neenergetic resources representing raw materials for various industries or manufacturing participating in accordance with its technical characteristics: Minerals that are not related to the Kautobiolite group (ore and non-metallic); water used for industrial production; land employed by industrial facilities and infrastructure facilities; Forest resources of industrial significance; Biological resources of industrial significance

Agricultural resources are united by the types of resources that participate in the creation of agricultural products: agroclimatic heat and moisture resources necessary for the production of cultivated plants and grazing; o Agroclimatic heat and moisture resources necessary for the production of cultivated plants and grazing; o Soil-land - the land and its upper layer - soil, which has a unique property to produce biomass; o vegetable biological resources - feed resources; o Water resources - water used for irrigation, etc. The resources of the non-productive sphere (non-productive consumption - direct or indirect) include the resources taken from the natural environment (wild animals representing the objects of fishing hunting, drug raw materials of natural origin), as well as recreational resources The economy, protected areas, etc. The connection of natural and economic classifications allows you to identify the possibility of multidirectional use of various natural resource groups, as well as their replacement, draw conclusions about the tasks of rational use and protection of individual species. By relationships of use, there is the following classification: Resources of unambiguous use; Resources of unambiguous use; Multipurpose resources, incl. Interconnected (integrated) use (water resources) mutually exclusive (competing) use (land resources). Multipurpose resources, incl. Interconnected (integrated) use (water resources) mutually exclusive (competing) use (land resources).

In market conditions of the farm, the classification of natural resources is acquiring practical interest, taking into account, in particular, the nature of trade in natural raw materials. For example, it is possible to allocate: resources that have strategic importance, which should be limited, because it leads to undermining the defense relics of the state (uranium ore, etc. Radioactive substances); Resources having a wide export value and ensuring the main flow of currency revenues (oil, diamonds, gold, etc.); Resources of the domestic market, which are usually ubiquitous, for example, mineral raw materials, etc.

Water objects Surface aqueous objects are constant or temporary concentration of water on the surface of the sushi in the forms of its relief having the boundaries, the volume and features of the water regime. Surface water objects consist of surface waters, bottom and shores. Such water bodies have a multifunctional value and can be provided to use for one or more goals at the same time. Surface water objects are divided into surface watercourses and reservoirs on them, surface reservoirs, glaciers and snowfields (Art. 9 of the Russian Federation). Consider them in more detail. Surface watercourses are superficial water objects whose water is in a state of continuous motion. These include rivers and reservoirs, streams, interbabs channels redistribution and integrated use of water resources. Surface reservoirs are superficial water objects whose water is in a state of slow water exchange. Surface reservoirs include lakes, reservoirs, swamps and ponds. Glaciers Water legislation recognizes the moving natural accumulation of ice of atmospheric origin on the earth's surface. Snowballs fixed natural clusters of snow and ice, preserved on the earth's surface during the whole warm season or its part. The inland sea waters and the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation also include the water facilities. Inside sea waters are sea waters located towards the shore from the source lines adopted for the reference of the width of the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation. The territorial seas of the Russian Federation are coastal sea waters 12 maritime miles, measured in accordance with international law and Russian legislation. As already mentioned, except for surface water objects, there are also underground water objects, which are defined as focusing in the hydraulic connection of water in rocks, having boundaries, volume and features of the water regime (Article 17 of the Russian Federation). These include: aquifer of water horizons, focused on cracks and voids of rocks and hydraulic communications; groundwater pool The totality of aquifer of water horizons located in the depths; The groundwater deposit is part of the aquifer, within which there are favorable conditions for the extraction of groundwater; Natural groundwater yield of groundwater yield on land or under water.

The normalization of water protection of water is used for water supply of the population, industry, agriculture, for breeding fish, transfer of goods by water transport, generating electricity and recreation. In addition, reservoirs serve as natural receivers of household, industrial and agricultural wastewater. Drinking water should be harmless to humans, have good organoleptic properties that are characterized by the intensity of the permissible change of smell, taste and colors. The concentration of chemicals falling into sources with drains should not exceed the permissible norms established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the sources of centralized water supply. The main regulatory requirement for water quality in water bodies is the observance of the established maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). For water bodies, MPC is such a concentration of harmful substances in water, when the water is exceeded, it becomes unsuitable for one or more types of water use and water consumption. Unit of measurement of PDC mg / l or g / l. Not all wastewater can be reset in reservoirs. There are certain restrictions for about thinking enterprises. So, it is forbidden to drop the following sewage types: water that can be used in recycled and re-water systems (heating systems, coolant coolant, rollers and calenders, refrigerators); Waters that can be used in recycled and repeated water supply systems (heating systems, coolant of rubber mixers, rollers and calenders, refrigerators); water with valuable impurities subject to disposal in this or other enterprises; water with valuable impurities subject to disposal in this or other enterprises; water containing raw materials and reagents, semi-products and products in quantities exceeding the standards of technological losses; water containing raw materials and reagents, semi-products and products in quantities exceeding the standards of technological losses; Waters containing harmful substances for which MPCs are not installed; Waters containing harmful substances for which MPCs are not installed; Water, Kok Poy can be used for irrigation in agriculture. Water, Kok Poy can be used for irrigation in agriculture.

Private classifications of natural resources are also being developed, reflecting the specifics of their natural properties and directions of economic use. An example of this kind serve various landlocative classifications, groups of rivers in the degree of regulation of flow and others. The geological and economic classification of minerals is widely used in the main areas of their use in industry: fuel and energy raw materials (oil, gas, coal, uranium, etc.); Black, alloying and refractory metals (iron, manganese, chromium, nickel, cobalt, tungsten, etc.); noble metals (gold, silver, platinum), chemical and agronomic raw materials (potash salts, phosphorites, apatite, etc.); Technical raw materials (diamonds, asbestos, graphite, etc.).

Water protection - activities aimed at preserving and restoring water bodies. The main indicators characterizing water intake, water consumption and drainage, discharge of polluted wastewater into natural aquatic objects. Water intake is the volume of seizure of water resources from surface (including seas) of water bodies and underground horizons in order to further consume water. The total fence includes used mine-mine waters obtained during mining. This indicator does not include the volume of water skipping through the hydroells for the production of electricity, the gate of ships, fish pass, maintaining shipping depths, etc. Also not taken into account the volume of transit water intake for feeding to large channels. Water consumption (water use) - the use of polar from various sources of water resources (including sea water) to meet economic needs. There is no turnover water consumption, as well as the reuse of waste and collector-drainage water. Regulatory-purified wastewater - drains that have been cleaned on the respective structures, and the assignment of which after cleaning to the aqueous objects does not lead to a violation of the quality of water in the controlled target or the water use paragraph, i.e. The content of pollutants in these wastewater should correspond to the approved maximum permissible reset (PDS). Regulatory-clean wastewater - drain, whose lead without purification in water bodies does not lead to a violation of the norms and quality of water in the controlled target or water use paragraph. The turnover and consistent use of water is the volume of saving the fear of fresh water through the use of circulating and repeated water supply systems, including the use of waste and collector-drainage water. No water consumption in systems of municipal and industrial heat supply does not apply to turning.

Forest Fund The Forest Fund is more than one third of the territory of Russia. It consists of:, forests, land covered with forest or designed for forestry, non-exhausted lands, but located inside the lands of the forest fund (shrubs, swamps, roads, gary, requests, etc.). The central place in the composition of the elements of the forest foundation is occupied by forests. The foundations of the forest legislation of the Russian Federation define forests as a totality of land, wood, shrub and grassy vegetation, animals, microorganisms and other components of the environmental environment, biologically interrelated and affecting each other in their development

Regarding the forest and its resources, legislation uses four basic concepts: rational use, reproduction, protection and protection. The rational use of the forest (as it interprets this commenting literature) is to obtain the maximum amount of forest products with minimal forest areas. At the same time, it is necessary to say about the environmental side: subject to the rules for protecting the environment during the native environment. Reproduction of forest resources Measures to increase forest productivity, improving their quality and breed composition of forest protection measures for the fence of forests from fires, illegal marines, violations of the established procedure for forest management and other illegal actions that cause harm to the forest. Forest protection The system of biological measures aimed at combating diseases and pests of the forest.

Legal regulation of the use and protection of forests is aimed at preventing and eliminating such negative phenomena caused by economic development as exhausting and pollution of forests. Forest depletion should be considered not only the physical destruction of forests as a natural factor, but also a decrease in their productive functions (for example, soil protection, water protection, etc.). Sources of depletion of forest arrays are irrational forest management, cutting down of forests without a scientifically based system of reproduction, fires, illegal forests, the destruction of animal-beneficial animals. Forest pollution enter into the surrounding forest environment of substances and drugs, damage to forest plants and animals living in the forests. Such an impact turns forest from an active defender with childbirth and a person to sacrifice technical progress.

Another element of the Forest Foundation is the Earth. It is represented in two values: as an integral part of the land foundation (Art. 3 RSFSR) and an integral part of the forest fund. Hence the double legal function of this category. As part of the Land Fund, the Earth serves as an object of legal regulation by land legislation. In this sense, its protection and use must comply with the Land Code. The same document determines the procedure for the emergence and termination of the right to use the lands of the Forest Foundation. At the same time, as an integral part of the Forest Fund, the land is influenced by the legal regulation of the use of forest protection.

The third structural part of the Forest Foundation is the animal world. Under it is a community of wild animals and birds, insects living in the forests. They are organically connected to the forest as with their habitat. At the same time (like the Earth), the animal world of forests has an independent value and is regulated in the aspect of its protection and use by special legislation.

The essence, goals and objectives of payments in the field of natural resources use as we have already said, the use of natural resources occurs on a fee basis. The main document regulating activity in the field of use of natural resources is the law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", adopted by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on December 19, 1991. Fee for natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forest and other vegetation, animal The world, recreational and other natural resources) will be charged: - for the right to use natural resources within the established limits; - for super-luminous and irrational use of natural resources; - on reproduction and protection of natural resources. Parisability is one of the basic principles of environmental management. In accordance with the legislation on the environment, the imposition of payments is aimed at achieving a number of goals: - firstly, the fee for the use of natural resources is a source of replenishment of state and local budgets, as well as environmental funds. - Secondly, the most important goal of payments is to stimulate nature users to the rational use of those resources for which they pay, and increase the efficiency of their environmental activities. Payments for the protection and reproduction of natural resources are designed to compensate for society the costs of restoration and maintenance of land, forests, water and biological resources, reproduction of the mineral resource base. The size of payments for the protection of reproducible natural resources is the cost of reclamation of disturbed lands, landing for forest crops and care, on artificial breeding of fish canvas, purification and reservolation of water bodies. Under the reproduction of non-repaired resources (mineral resources), the search and geological exploration of new mineral deposits are understood. These payments come to special targeted extrabudgetary funds, of which are sent to the relevant activities.

Classification, types and forms of payments Classification, types and forms of payments The fee for the use of natural resources is divided into two main types: - fee for the right to use - fee for reproduction and protection of natural resources. The fee for the right to use natural resources is the form of implementing economic relations between the owner of natural resources (objects) and the nature user, and includes the following components. 1) Renta (fee for the use of natural resources) - the income that the owner of a natural resource receives, renting it or operating independently. The amount of income is determined primarily by the natural properties of the resource. For certain types of natural resources, the rent has a different name. In mining legislation, these are payments for the use of subsoils, in forest legislation - forest grade for short-term use of forest funds and rent - with leases, water tax - in water legislation. 2) deductions for reproduction, restoration and protection of natural resources. The Water Code of the Russian Federation provides for deductions to the restoration and protection of water bodies, the FZ of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" - deductions to the reproduction of the mineral resource base. 3) Fundes for super-luminous (excess) use of natural resources. 4) Other payments related to the use of natural resources reflect the specifics of the implementation of the principle of resource management in relation to individual natural resources. Thus, mining provides for payments for participation in the competition (auction) and issuing licenses, excise taxes, land fees or water management and section of the territorial seaside, fee for geological information about subsoil, Water Code of the Russian Federation - a fee for issuing licenses for water use . The resource-use fee is distributed between the budget of the Russian Federation and the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in whose territory the use of natural resources is carried out. The composition and procedure for applying a very extensive system of payments for the use of natural resources (resource payments) is clarified as the accumulated experience is generalized.

Specific types of payments are established in acts of environmental legislation in relation to individual natural resources. Currently, the following types of payments (taxes) have been operating for the use of certain types of natural resources: - Earth. The fee for the use of land is charged in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On the Earth Place" in the form of land tax and rent. Land tax is charged with owners, users and land owners. The rent accordingly is paid by tenants, its size is determined by the Agreement of the Parties. - Forest resources. Forest Podachi (with short-term use) and rent (under the rental of forest fund sites) (Article 103 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation) are charged for the use of the Forest Foundation. - Water resources. The system of payments related to the use of waters includes a fee for the use of water bodies (water tax), a fee for restoring and protecting water objects (Article 123 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation); - Animal world. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Animal World", the system of payments for using the animal world includes a fee for the use of the animal world and fines for over-limit and irrational use of the animal world. - subsoil. When using subsoils, payments are made in the form of a fee for participation in the competition (auction) and the issuance of a license, fees for the use of subsoils, deductions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base, excise taxes, payments for the use of the water management and seabed areas (Article 39 of the Law of the Russian Federation " subsoil ").

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