
Versailles city is a prestigious suburb of Paris. Versailles Palace in Paris Sights of Versailles in France Photos

During the trip to France, they usually go straight to Paris. This is a wonderful city with a unique atmosphere and architecture. Most immediately fall in love with the local lifestyle and the spirit that itifies it right in the air. But no less interesting will be visited and surrounding towns. They also have many attractions and remarkable visits. Versailles, one of these cities in the southwest, which is focused on tourists and with joy waiting for new guests. Many learned about him as a city where the famous Versailles Palace is worth a visit to any tourist.

Versailles a small town. It is located 17 kilometers from the capital, so no less than Lyuden in the tourist season. In addition to the beautiful towns and palace, you can find a lot of entertainment for yourself. Festivals and holidays are often held in the city. Although he is considered a suburb of Paris, it is a fairly modern and crowded town in which you can find everything you need. Therefore, if you plan to make it a point of your stay, then you will not need anything, especially since Paris will have you hand.

City description

Among the many tourist destinations and attractions that you will hear in France will definitely be the Versailles Palace. This is a magnificent bohemian place that is drawn in a large area. This is the main place in the city, but very bright and memorable. Therefore, it is necessary to visit this city. Much activity in the city is directed precisely on tourists, since for many years he has a big influx of visitors. Therefore, many live and work there on this sphere.

But there is another side of the city associated with education. There are several educational institutions in Versailles that have good status and credibility. Without churches, shops and theaters in the suburbs also do not do. Therefore, the population is quite large, if not comparing with the capital, of course. In Versailles, approximately 90 thousand people live. Not to mention the fact that a few thousands of people visit the city daily. There is everything you need for life and leisure.

Where is

On the map you can find the city by name: Versailles, France. Or will the accurate coordinates on the map: 48 ° 48'19 "s. sh. 2 ° 08'06 "in. d.

How to get to the city

If you want to get to Versailles from Paris and inspect this fabulous town, that is, a few ways that are pretty simple and can cope, can anyone.

The easiest way is an excursion. In Paris, you can find a lot in Paris, with different locations for visiting and time. It is worth just to choose what you will be tasted. This option is perfect for those who are afraid of free to drive around an unknown country or simply does not like to fuss and search on the map where to go. All trips to Versaille are most comfortable as possible, and the guide will tell you in detail the story of these places. Typically, the price goes around 50-60 euros, for children there are discounts about 20 euros.

If you still want to make a trip on your own and the spirit of adventurism boils into you, then you should plan your way in advance so that you have not worried about anything during the trip. It is good there is a fast transport that takes you to the city without problems. First, you can sit on the RER train. You need a line C, you can put down at several stations in Paris, which will be closer to you (Champ de Mars-Tour Eifell, Musee d'Orsay, Pont De L'Alma, Gare d'Austerlitz, Les Invalides, St. Michel- NOTRE DAME, INVALIDES). There is also a SNCF train, you can only sit on the station. The passage costs 3 euros, the actual price can be clarified. From the desired station, you will have to go about 15 minutes on foot.

Versailles were built under the leadership of Louis XVI C XVIII century. Later, the ensemble becomes an artistic and architectural monument of tsarism. It is the largest in Europe and is distinguished by a unique fullness of the plan, the unity of architectural forms and a changed landscape.

Starting from the end of the 17th century, Versailles were an ideal residence for the solemn country techniques of European monarchs and aristocracy.

To the Great French Revolution, Versailles was the official royal residence. Opened to the public and admitted a museum in 1801, and in 1830, the Museum Territory entered the entire architectural complex of Versailles, also, in a short time, in just 7 years, the Museum of the France history opened in the ensemble.

At the end of the 20th century, Versailles with the surrounding territory was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It was in Versaille a lot of most important events of French and world history occurred. Here in the XVII century, there were many international treaties, even an agreement ending with the War for the independence of the United States. Also, the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen has been adopted here. And in the XIX century, after the fall of France in the Franco-Prussian War, in Versailles captured by Germanic troops, the creation of the German Empire was announced. In 1919, a peace treaty concluded, which completed the first world war and laid the beginning of the Versailles system of post-war international relations.

Big Tranony

Big Trianon - Palace in the territory of the Versailles Park and Park Complex, France. It was built in the XII century by architect Jules Arduen-Mansar by order of Louis XIV in the style of classicism on the village of Tianon, which the emperor acquired in 1668 in order to increase the territory of the Versailles Complex. Large trianon is 2 kilometers from the Versailles Palace.

The second name of the Big Tranon is a marble trianone. This is due to the fact that the facade of its facade is made of white and pink marble. The arched colonnade connects the southern and northern corps of the palace. The perpendicular extension-gallery is adjacent to the northern wing, and the roof of the palace is hidden behind the low balustrade. Around the large trianon there is a park, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 23 hectares. Here you can see bright flower beds and compositions in the form of intricate geometric patterns from shrubs and gravel. Nowadays, the building of the Big Tranon is used to receive official guests.

And what sights of Versaille did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Park of the Versailles Palace

The Royal City of Versailles is 20 kilometers south-west of Paris. The city is more famous as the Versailles Palace, because it is a huge Palace Complex, built by Louis XIV. Since the late XVII century, the Versailles Palace and Park Ensemble is an indicative model for the residences of the European Aristocracy. Also, the Park and Palace in 1979 were included in the UNESCO list. This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in France.

Very interesting park of the Versailles Palace. It is a regular park, because it has a geometrically correct, symmetrical layout. The regular park of the Versailles Palace is considered one of the most significant in Europe. It consists of a large number of terraces, which are gradually decreasing as far as possible from the Versailles Palace. All in the park - lawns, swimming pools, flower beds, fountains, is a logical continuation of the architectural style of the palace itself. In addition to greenhouses and Alley, there are several palace buildings in the park. Versailling Park reflects the integrity of the plan and harmony of architecture and landscape of the Versailles Palace.

Fountain Laton is a beautiful fountain, which is a decent decoration of Versailles, and this is one of the most famous fountains in the world.

Architects Le Notrow and Le Brune worked on the fountain, who tried to portray the antique myth about the goddess Laton. According to the legend, Laton gave birth from Jupiter twins and for it was cursed by the wife of Jupiter. In the architectural composition of the fountain, the moment is depicted when the exhausted Laton asks Jupiter to save it from Lycian, who insult her and threaten to kill. Jupiter heard the request of the beloved, and to console her and protect it, he turns the peasants in the frogs.

In the center of Fontana is Laton, which is surrounded by her children. And there are frogs around it, as well as people who have become more incomplete. Based on the fountain there is a series of turtles. Work on the fountain was completed in 1670.

Small trianone

Small trianone is a chic castle of small sizes, located in France in the territory of the Versailles Palace. The structure was built in 1762-1768 by order of Louis XV as a gift for Marquis de Pompadur. It is made in the mixed style of the Rococo and Classic Epoch. Now the Small Tranon is considered a memo Maria-Antoinette, which became its owner in 19 years old and came to break from royal life.

The palace has an exquisite cube with two floors and five windows on each wall. The task of the architect was to limit the intersection of guests with a servant, as evidenced by the presence of a special structure of the basement. In it, the servants had to cover the tables and send them an elevator into the dining room, but special equipment was not made.

Queen's chambers are pretty simple, but at the same time elegant. The bedroom is furnished with handmade furniture Masters Jean-Henri Rizena and George Jacob, and an inventive mirror, which, using a conventional handle rises from the floor and is installed in front of the room windows, continues to surprise tourists.

Gardens and park Versailles

Gardens and park of Versailles located on the territory of royal possessions are included in UNESCO World Heritage Site. This chic ensemble consists of 350 thousand trees, 50 plants, terraces and palaces. He was erected for years, now on the entire planet not to find a similar one. The total area that this unique object occupies is 900 hectares.

The entire park is decorated in a classic French style, until the landscape architect from France Andre Lenotr brought him to perfection. Construction was started in 1632 under Louis XIII. For all the time of existence on the territory of the park and gardens of Versailles, the palace of a large trianon in Italian style appeared, the palace of a small trianon, a queen farm, built in 1783. In the summer, you can visit the presentation of the "Holiday of Big Fountains", known as "Dancing Fountains".

The most popular attractions in Versailles with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous Versailles on our site.

The Royal Town Versailles (Versailles) is located near Paris, known in the world due to its unique attractions - the palace and park complex Versailles, as well as an ambiguous event that passed here in the XVIII century.

In June 1789, representatives of the third estate held a meeting in Versailles, which served as the main impetus to the beginning of the Great French Revolution.

The long period of time the town of Versailles remained the main residence of French monarchs, and today it is rightfully considered one of the most popular tourist destinations in France.

To admire the incredible beauty of the ancient palace and strolls in an amazing park come travelers from all over the world. Over the centuries, the main population of the town is the aristocrats and carriers of various titles obtained before French revolution who with great neglect refer to those who got their titles during the time Napoleon Bonaparte .

On the day of Bastille, local conservatives love to demonstrate their colors, putting on black dressings and ties in the sign of Mourning for the "old regime". It should be noted that at the entrance to the park at the end of the Ren Boulevard ("Boulevard Queen") is the hotel "Palais Trianon", where a pleasant to drink a cup of tea.

In 1919, on the territory of this hotel, we held outcome negotiations on the signing of a peace treaty, which included in history as the Versailles world. Another attraction of the town of Versailles is the markets on which there are quite profitable transactions, the subject of which is both products, in the market of Notre Dame and used things in the Passage "Ceole".

In the Royal Town Versailles (Versailles), on the left side of the Rer Versailles-Rive Gauche station in the house number 2-bis on Avenue Paris, there is a travel agency where you can seek additional information, but it is unlikely that anything can prevent you from heading right in Versailles Palace .

Royal Palace in Versaille

Located twenty kilometers south-west of Paris Royal Town Versailles (Versailles), better known as the Palace in Versailles (Versailles Palace), is a huge castle built by King Louis XIV and who now became one of the most visited tourist destinations in France.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a new palace originated by the monarch due to the terrible envy, which he experienced, seeing the castle of his finance minister in Vicomte (Vaux Le Vicomte). As a result, the king took an unequivocal decision that his future palace should certainly exceed the luxury and the grandeur of his minister.

He hired the team of famous masters built castle in Le Viscount , Architect Louis Levo, Landscap architect Andre Lenotra and artist Charles Lebedin and ordered them to create something that should exceed the Palace of the Palace of the Palace of Hundreds.

Palace in Versailles (Versailles Palace) became an apotheosis of indulgence to the whims of the French kings, and although perhaps you don't really like the situation in which I wished to live an extravagant and loving exalt "King Sun", but still you should see all The historical significance of this castle, as it is great and all the stories about her, truly fascinating, and the park surrounding the palace is simply charming.

Since 2003, the Royal Castle in Versailles (Versailles Palace) has become the object of one of the projects under the patronage president Jacques Shiraka - large-scale plan for the restoration of the palace, comparable in the size of investment except with the project Mittera By update Lover .

The project with a total budget of 400 million euros is designed for a twenty-year period, during which the initial gardens layout will be restored, the facade and the inner part of the opera will be renob, and the three-meter gilded king grille is returned to the inner marble courtyard. In addition, after the completion of the restoration works, tourists will be able to visit those parts of the palace for free, which today you can get only, being as part of the excursion group.

However, over the next few years, work will be limited only to the most urgent tasks: ensuring the integrity of the roof, the absence of short circuits in the electrical wiring, as well as control over existing temporary interruptions in the central heating system, which will not allow the palace to fly into the air, because this in due time is not They dared to afford even revolutionaries.

Not far from the station sell tickets to Versailles cheaper. They are selected on the street enterprising people and sell again. In principle, you need to look carefully at the date and if the day is eating, then take. Control in Versailal Park is not unclipped at all. What could be in the park to enter and go out.

When you retain the tickets check again and the control is left again. So you can save.

Floral clock ...

From the station to the palace complex on foot for 15 minutes ...

Not far from the palace there is such a Tunekhonomon-Gastarbaiter ... grandmother earns.

Himself! THE SUN!

Louis XIV, King - Sun, near the Versailles Palace.

The city of Versailles, heaven from Paris his characteristic of him since the time of Baron Osman (Haussmann) architectural style. Openwork lattices of balconies, marquises, attic, many greens.

"King on nicknamed the sun))) I saw the castle of my finance minister in the village of L-Viscount and I understood why there was so little money in the treasury and Zalenor ... Soon he hired the same team of masters - architect Louis Levo, Artist Charles Lebedin and Landscape Architect Andre Lenotra and ordered them to build something that he should surpass the palace in Le Vikont a hundred times.
The right was Ivan the Terrible, blinding the architects ...

As a result, the Versailles Palace became apotherapy of indulgence to the whims of French monarchs. Maybe that's why he is not very impressive. And even though the historical significance of this palace is enormous, some kind of different and too overloaded with details.

Personally, I have created the impression of something smeared on the plane. Some one is very horizontal, lying and not symmetrical. Perhaps the expanses are to blame or mood on that day ... or I have a different harmony parameters or just I am from St. Petersburg ...

Queue in the museum office ...

Once this territory belonged to Jean de Soisy, whose family owned the lands from the XIV century.
Then the Earth bought. The history of the Versailles Palace begins with a very modest stone hunting castle with dimensions of 24 to 6 meters. He would be erected by order of Louis XII in 1623

"Castle" was where the marble courtyard is now. After 10 years, the territory was expanded by purchasing the Versailles estate from the Archbishop of Paris from the genus Gondi, and a two-year restructuring was taken.

Only in 1661, after the Front uprising, Louis XIV decided that this place is suitable for permanent residence. Live in the Louvre for the king became unsafe.

Architects Andre Lenotr and Charles Lebeds rebuilt the palace in the style of Baroque and Classicism.
Soon the city appeared around the palace, in which artisans supplied, supplying the Royal Courtyard.

Antoine Quaupel Louis XIV gives an audience by Ambassador of Persia Mohammed Reza-run in the Mirror Gallery of the Versailles Palace, 1715.

After 1789, the palace began to wind. Maintain it in a chic condition was not funds. Gradually, the palace became an outstanding national historical museum, in which busts, portraits, paintings of battles and other works of art predominantly historical value were exhibited.

After the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War 1871. Versailles was the residence of the headquarters of the German army.

On January 18, 1871, the German Empire was proclaimed in the mirror gallery, and its Kaiser - Wilhelm I. It was in the Versailles Palace to humiliate the French. The peace treaty with France was signed on February 26, too, in Versailles.

But after 1 World War, the French have played themselves. It was in the Versailles Palace a preliminary truce was concluded, as well as the Versailles, which the defeated German Empire was forced to sign.

This time, the historical place was picked up by the French to humiliate the Germans, although the signing of such a contract in Berlin would be logical))))

Some historians believe that this is precisely this shame, huge contribution payments and the recognition of sole guilt strongly hit the Germans of the Germans and helped to come to power Hitler. Who capturing France again recovered ...

Adolf Hitler came to mind the idea to sign the surrender of France exactly in the very place and in the same car in which in 1918 Germany pressed the compa truce. For this, the fascists removed the car from the museum memorial complex.

Transferred it to a historic place, put on a memorable slab and it was there that a French surrender took)))

ehhhh Ostap suffered ... This is another story and the topic for another big post))) I just have a memorandum and a commemorative plate and the trailee, this fascist was taken to Germany, and at the end of the war burned from sin, disassembled and buried for loyalty. So I had to sign the capitulation (the French including) is not in the car))) but back to Versailles, the Palace.

After World War II, the Versailles Palace became the place of German-French reconciliation. This is evidenced by the festivities about the 40-year anniversary of the signing of the Charming Treaty, which took place in 2003.

Palace Theater and Church.

The marble courtyard, where the hunting castle once stood and from where Versailles began.

They fell during the restoration, so the roof was closed. Now the details ... Gold a lot ...

All paper and amounts for construction remained. Scientists and financiers argued for a long time and recalculated the cost of the palace and the park today. It would be about 250 billion euros. Slightly more than our Olympics ... But in our mountains and what scope ...

Clock with the Sun ...

Restoration work began thanks to Sarkozy. The program of the phased restoration was designed for several decades. I hope it will continue after his departure.

Those who wish to stroll through the palace of the Sun king, poke below ...

Versailles is difficult to compare with our Peterhof. Fountains in Peterhof and more and the prostation is more interesting, etc. I would give 10 to 3 in favor of Peterhof. If you compare with the park Alexandrovsky and ... or rather with space in front of the Catherine Palace in the royal village. But there is more interesting pavilions, and space is more like a park. There are no fountains there, but they are not needed. But there are its secluded beautiful corners, which are attractions themselves.

I would give 7 to 5 in our favor. C compared difficult. He has a serious advantage in relief. He is "Forest Park". There are hills, age-old trees, river, and against the background of this "lively", and not aligned channels of nature, beautiful gazebos, palace, even imitation of vintage ruins look harmoniously and not fully and at the same time ambitious. He is just another ...

Former royal stables.

City sketches ...

We went on foot, in your pleasure with a secret goal ... eat oysters (the idea was not mine).

Market Square. There was an attempt to buy oysters, and not order from the restaurant)))

Bird of the world ...

There was almost no one in American cafe. But for her all the column.

Market abundance, but there are not many buyers, to put it mildly ...)))

We never filed oysters. None in the market there was not in restaurants. Maybe for the better. They are alive, and women do not eat living. I would have to dig the pits and bury them)))

Dog with a tube)))

The plug was not observed at all. Although it would seem most rush hour - 18 hours.

Girl with a dog's mobile phone ...

Zebra with devils than ...

Wonderful transitions ...)))

Versailles are associated with the royal palace, and very often the word Versailles and implies only the palace. So I believed, starting to plan my trip and thinking about the place for the first time. But this is the city, the city is small, but very cultured, historical, magical, incredibly interesting and very tourist.

At the beginning of the article, I decided to immediately show its borders to understand the whole scale.

When I planned my trip, I did not realize the whole scale of the journey, which awaits me. I was nice and very surprised.

I arrived at Versailles by bus from Paris. About how to get to the place, I will tell below in the article. So, I went to the usual local bus along with the city inhabitants and the same tourists as I, who lived in Paris, and went on a tour of Versailles. Already at the entrance to the city, there was such an interesting and unusual feeling, I don't know exactly how to transfer it ... as if you were slowly and gradually tolerated into the past. You know how fantastic films show when the main hero lived in 2016, went to a picnic with his friends. They began to fool, playing in the "find me", and now he went over the tree to hide, then a little more, and he already found himself in the past, and there are no friends, but there are only some people on the horses that Ride in this forest and hunt. At this point, the protagonist in full confusion: how this may be at all. Everyone who came to Versailles, for a while feel like a similar heroes, the heroes that something magical, incomprehensible and incredible happened - you leave the bus, and you are already in another world. Here everything breathes the story, it is very rich here, while cozy and hospitably.

I advise you to experience this feeling once. Just hear about him little: when you feel everything described inside yourself, it is completely different. You will definitely like in Versailles.

If you look into the future, I think that Versailles will retain their uniqueness for many dozen years ahead, the atmosphere of history, wealth and luxury, balls and royal decoration. All that makes up charm and charming. And having been here once, you will remember this magic moment for a very long time, when from the 21st century were transferred to the luxury and wealth of the royal palace. You will remember long to remember the taste of local liver and hot chocolate, which every day drink and eat local residents. And local shows, exhibitions, concerts, dances, speeches will be inspired even the pick-up traveler.

How to get

The main flow of tourists comes to the city from Paris. Versailles - one of the main points when visiting the capital of France, no matter how unusually sounded. Of course, after all, to be in Paris and do not visit Versailles - a huge mistake. It is necessary to come here at least for a day. Therefore, we will look at the main options for transfer from Paris.

In Versailles there is no airport, therefore the most popular, reasonable and objectively convenient way of traveling - flight to the capital of France, from where one of the convenient and preferred options for you can be reached before the destination. Read about all existing ways below.


So, there is no air flight with Versailles. The nearest and most popular airport from the tourists is Paris Charles de Gaulle. Very much useful information you can find on the official airport site. By the way, it is very convenient that there is Russian on the site.

Flight to Paris from Moscow, depending on the month of flight, will cost from 10500 RUB (November) to 24400 RUB (June-July). Prices are greatly different from the number of transfers or direct flights.

From St. Petersburg (Pulkovo Airport) cost varies within 12700-25000 RUB. Also the price depends on the time of year and the number of transfers on the way.

Ticket prices can be viewed.

Airlines flying to Paris are quite a lot. Time on the way is 3.30 hours (subject to direct airfare).

By train

Since the main flow of tourists who come to Versailles is tourists coming from Paris, consider the main methods of transfer from the capital. One of the popular options is just a train.

  • The fastest composition is sent from Montparnasse Station. Ticket price - 3.55 EUR. Tickets and route can be viewed on the site. Here you will always find the most pressing information. From Saint-Lazar Station (Paris), which is located in the 8th district, not far from large shopping centers, trains are sent to Versailles-Rive-Droite Station in Versailles.
  • The second option is also a train, but they guys not only in Paris, but also the suburbs. The RER compositions are called (something like electric trains). A feature of this type of transport is that RER trains ride not only under the suburbs, but also in Paris himself, and intersect with the subway. RER 5 lines. You need a line C. Buy Tickets can be, for example, in kiosks, at the metro station (like any ticket for public transport in Paris). Just pay attention to the zone in which the ticket is valid. It is necessary to get to the station in Versaille Versailles Rive Gauche. Travel time is approximately 30-40 minutes. The price of the ticket varies depending on the end station (zone). In many trains, doors do not open themselves, you need to click on the button near the door.

Upon arrival at Versailles at the Versailles Rive Gauche station, which I just said about, you can very short to get to the central entrance to the Versailles Palace.

On foot it takes 10 minutes.


For my taste, the most picturesque and budget way to travel from Paris is the bus. By Versal, you can drive on bus number 171, which departs from Pont De Sevres Metro Station and drives up almost the main entrance to the Versailles Palace. It is convenient: left the bus, made a couple of steps and you are in the main attraction of Versailles. Tickets can be used ordinary, which operate in Paris in zones 1-2.

But moving by bus has its cons, you need to remember. The flight can easily stay and come not on schedule due to traffic jams. And in Paris they are often. There are still strikes of local residents. Passengers of buses have long been accustomed to such a situation. And either come out of the bus and transplant to another type of transport (most often metro), or are quietly waiting in the end of the strike (parade). I got into one of these strikes, the bus just got up and stood in the middle of the road, and the local Paris babulechka, seeing my, apparently the surprised-frightened eyes, told me calm, kind tone on the singement French: "Paris" (Parisia). I then sat next to her and watched the show called "Paris".

If comfort is important for you and you are ready to pay for it, I recommend the option with a transfer from Paris to Versailles. There is a comprehensive service: "Transfer Paris - Versailles - Paris + entrance ticket to the palace." There are other options - for a day or half a day, at night show. Come and choose what suits you. Buses that work in such "sets of services" are called express buses. You can buy tickets here, on the site, it works in English and French.


If you are traveling by car or took a car for rent, you can get to Versaille from Paris for 30-40 minutes along the route number 10 (free road). In the way, you will meet a lot of pointers to Versailles, so the experienced motorist is quite difficult to get lost.

Also from the capital can be reached by taxi. This is also the car. So, if you are convenient, you can use a taxi service. The car can be caught on the streets of Paris or order through a special service. Time on the way will be about 40 minutes (excluding traffic jams). Taxi is an excellent option for those who do not want to understand all the schemes and singularities of public transport, for those who prefer comfort and convenience. And it is very beneficial for friends of friends. The trip will cost about 50 EUR.


Versailles - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 1.

Kazan 1.

Samara 2.

Ekaterinburg 3.

Novosibirsk 5.

Vladivostok 8.

When the season. When it is better to go

Each season has its advantages and its drawbacks. Each tourist chooses the time of the year, which is most preferably for it based on cost, free time and goals. So, in order.

Versailles in the summer

Of course, summer is the most popular time to visit Versailles. Heat, all the most interesting and not very sights of the city.

June is the most popular month for theaterons. Connoisseurs of performances come here from all of France to look at the speeches and not only. In June, many different theatrical performances are held. The performances are held even on the streets. You can also dance among street dancers along with other tourists. Visit numerous exhibitions and other cultural events. You can get acquainted with the program of the month of Moliere.
And on June 21, a celebration of music is held. Numerous musicians of various directions come out. This event is very popular among Versailles youth.

If you have the opportunity and you are a connoisseur of culture with a capital letter, come in June and plunge into the whole stormy, interesting, incredible, theatrical and magical atmosphere of the city.

Versailles in autumn

The main flow of tourists is reduced from mid-September. The main attractions continue to work and receive guests. The weather until November is warm enough for comfortable excursions and walks.
I also advise you to consider the autumn months to plan your trip to Versailles.

Versailles in spring

I want to tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the spring season.

So, the advantages:

  1. The cost of air tickets below.
  2. The cost of the tourist ticket is lower (if you travel through a travel company).
  3. Easier and cheaper can be booked housing. If you rent housing in Paris (very many tourists come in this way), a wider selection is presented in the spring months and the price is lower. All this is explained by the number of arriving tourists.
  4. Less will need to stand in queues in museums.
  5. In the spring there is its own unique charm when nature wakes up and the flavors of spring are felt in the mood, aromas, behavior of the city itself.

From the disadvantages you can allocate:

  1. An increase in the likelihood of rain, strong wind and other "charms", especially early in spring.
  2. Tourist places still appear before the traveler not in this glea.

And yet, despite the disadvantages, for me the finest time for traveling visits is spring. Already warm, and there are few tourists, and the price is lower, and the weather makes it possible to get hundreds of kilometers with comfort, studying and watching the life of someone else's country.

Versailles in winter

In winter, Versailles is also interesting and is unusual in its own way.

Fountains do not work, it is minus. But there are many different events: performances, exhibitions. You can always be interested in spending your leisure.

But here it is worth considering the weather conditions. The coldest month is counted January.

Versailles - weather by months


Versailles - weather by months

Areas. Where better live

The territory of the city is relatively small. Prices for accommodation in hotels can be compared with prices for hotels in Paris.

If you arrived at Versailles for one day, it is better to stay with overnight in Paris hotels, as Versaille hotels category 1-2 * are more expensive than the Parisian relevant category, while the level of service in Paris is higher.

If you spend in Versailles a couple of days, especially if you travel by car, then boldly book accommodation here. Many hotels have free parking. This is a big plus.

So, the price of accommodation in the hotels of Versal varies, but depending on what, to be honest, I did not understand when choosing a hotel. The service is clear, but the distance from the city center or proximity to sights does not significantly affect the price. Therefore, my advice - choose based on their budget. Here all major tourist places close to each other.

  • The cheapest accommodation option for today is such hotels like BUC Lounge Hotel 2 *. Price - 78 EUR. A completely decent, simple and budget option for accommodation.
  • Prices per night accommodation can reach 300 EUR. In such hotels, you will be offered spa, gym, diverse food, pools and even tennis courts.

It is impossible to allocate specific areas where you can rent housing is cheaper or more expensive. Choose a hotel, considering any location, guided first of all for the price and special offers for the date of your arrival.

Very important advice. Book with independent formation of a tourist trip, hotel in advance. Already for the month of June and July are employed by 55% of all hotels.

Rent housing in the private sector for accommodation is not very accepted and not very popular. And in vain, if you wonder even more to plunge into local life, you can safely rent an apartment for the same money as the hotel. Only here you need to consider several points: usually the cost of living add additional costs, such as cleaning and a deposit for the safety of the property. Prices depend on a specific object.

Select and book accommodation is convenient for. Check Prices for apartments are available, and compare the cost of rooms in hotels.

What are the prices for rest

Buy a tour directly only in Versailles is quite problematic, since the main offers are tours to Paris and at the same time visiting Versailles.

The cost of a tourist trip with departure from Moscow or St. Petersburg begins from 600 EUR for 7 nights / 8 days. The price of the tour includes a flight, meals, accommodation in the capital and a derived excursion. It is quite logical, because the majority of tourists in Versailles drive for 1-2 days, and get from Paris to Versailles, as I told you earlier, you can on the public transport on average in 40 minutes.

The price of a tourist package depends on the level of the hotel, food, from travel time and arrival dates. Options can be viewed.

Main attractions. What to see

Of course, you all heard of the main highlight of the city. But in addition to the palace, there is in the city and other cultural or historical sights. I'll tell you about them further.

Top 5.

The main sights of Versailles (or what is necessary to see and feel in Versailles):

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

If you are in the city for a day, it is unlikely to have time to visit the church. If you have a couple of days, I recommend to visit Church of Our Lady. (EGLISE NOTRE-DAME). She is close to the Versailles Palace. Although everything is not far there. So, this church is famous for the fact that her architect is Jules Arduen-Mansar. His creation is a magnificent, huge scale and simply a beautiful cathedral of the disabled houses in Paris.

All christening, weddings and funerals that took place in the life of the royal family were celebrated in the church. Now in the church there is a picturesque canvas of the era of the Board of Louis XIV, in particular the "Virgin Assumption" of Michel Cornel. If time allows you to go here.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

I have already spoke about part of the museums, but I repeat once again:

  • Museum Lambin (Musée Lambinet) for connoisseurs of painting, as well as for those who love the story - here the walls have their original "decoration".
  • Museum of the history of France (Musée de L "Histoire de France). He was created at the destruction of the Duke of Orleans, who in 1830 became the king of France under the name of Louis Philippe. The king refused to settle in the Versailles Palace. Instead, he decided to create in National Reconciliation There is a museum of the history of France.


Of course, no doubt and other options, main Park of the city - Versailles. This is the main reason and the main goal of visiting the city by all travelers. And I want to say when only approach the Versailles Palace, it becomes clear why. He is huge, he is majestic, he is beautiful and he uniquely admires.

To get to the palace, and therefore in the park, in most cases, especially in the season (and this is all the summer months), you will need to defend the line, live queue for the entrance. I passed through it in June and the time of "standing" was 1.5 hours. In my opinion, this is one of the important points in the formation of your tour - choose not so popular months. The street was very hot +35, the sun fry more and more the crowd of those who wish to see the Versailles and the Palace. When visiting the park with children, taking into account the moment and stock panamas, water and patience. It is important here to note that this queue is already on the inspection, that is, here you are already with a ticket. You need to buy a ticket in a separate room, to the left of the entrance, on the spot, be sure to see signs that show where the ticket office. In these cashiers, surprisingly, there are practically no queues and buying a ticket will take about 10 minutes. In this room there are toilets.

But as soon as you pass through the cherished gate and get to the territory of the palace, you will immediately forget all fatigue, because I do not know how to explain it, but you are as if you fall into the past, passing through the gate. You immediately surrounds the magic atmosphere of greenery, fresh air, space, beauty, scale of all complex. It is difficult to explain, it is necessary to feel and feel on yourself.

So, the Versailles Palace and the whole territory around it, including the park, are great! I will not go into the history of the construction of the complex, I will not talk about all the historical events, intrigues, passions and the effect of all this on the history of France, I'll just say that no one in the world could create anything like that - beautiful and large-scale. There is no equal Versaille.

In order to taste the entire atmosphere and really enjoy the stay on the park complex, you need at least a day. I would recommend two days. Here, you can buy a tour or explore the park yourself. With an independent embodiment, I strongly advise you to use the card (which can be taken at the entrance). It is enough to get lost here. Yes, how it would not sound ridiculously. It is very easy to lose scale, it seems that everything is simple and logical, but the tracks, streets, paths are long here, and the desire to "cut" the path appears, and then the main danger is lost here - you are losing. Do not worry, quite, of course, do not get lost and be sure to find the way back to the exit, but it will take a lot of time and strength. There is a central entrance and several "black" entrances and exits that local residents know about.

Here, many residents come to do sports, run among the greens, sow on the grass, come on cars to picnics. Machines leave to the park area of \u200b\u200bthe palace. Take the card and forward.

An independent inspection of the entire complex has several advantages. And most importantly of them, in my opinion, is the unity with the versal, with the atmosphere, with local residents. You can also sit on the grass near the water, get your package with a sandwich and taste lunch on the lawns of Versailles. When can you be able to visit the picnic in the territory of the Versailles Palace? And is it possible to do it with a group of tourists? Of course not. Act.

The Palace itself (internally decoration) can also be viewed independently, buy a ticket to take an audio guide and stroll through the villages of Louis XIV with headphones in the ears.

There are several options for excursions. There is an opportunity to eat in the territory of the Versailles Palace, also to purchase souvenirs. The price is formed depending on the territory being visited, so be careful when buying a ticket. Tickets can be bought through the site, but I advise you to take them directly when visiting, but in advance to go online, see the plan and already have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you would like to see and for what they are willing to pay. And most importantly, combine all this data with the number of time you have allocated to a visit to the Versailles Palace and its park area.

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