
Radio waves and frequencies. Properties and application of radio waves. (Grade 11) presentation on the topic of radio waves with questions

Available humidifier. "Cold" humidifiers. Optimal and permissible temperature parameters. Ultrasonic air humidifiers. Tasks. Changing humidity in the cabinets during training activities. Lack of humidity for indoor plants. What is air humidity. How the temperature changes in various cabinets. Analysis of the properties of the air environment. Purpose. Dry air and eyes. Changing the temperature regime in the cabinets.

"Electrolysis of solutions" - the use of electrolysis in cosmetology. Purification of metals. The oxidation process. Selection of nitrogen dioxide. Electrolysis NaCl solution. The transition of copper ions from the anode to the cathode. Electrolysis in solutions. Oxygen. Process on the anode. Obtaining alkalis. Copying relief products. The use of electrolysis. Test on the topic "Electrolysis". Redox process. Determination of the essence of the electrolysis process.

"" Electromagnetic waves "11 class" - a coil of the receiving circuit of the radio. Electromagnetic wave transverse. Interference. Electromagnetic wave. Oscillatory contours. Plan. Hypothesis. Location of vectors E, B and V in space. Purpose. Relevance. Properties of electromagnetic waves. Hypothesis Maxwell. Energy transfer. Basic formulas. The law of refraction of the waves. Theoretical part. The law of reflection of waves. Solving tasks from part A EE Physics for 2007.

"" The structure of the atom "grade 11" - disadvantages of the atom of Rutherford. On the basis of the conclusions from the experiments, Rutherford proposed a planetary model of the atom. Specific ideas about the structure of the atom developed as the facts of facts accumulate about the properties of the substance. Thomson model needed experimental verification. Deviation is possible only at a meeting with a positively charged particle of a large mass. Rutherford Ernest. The structure of the atom. Radioactive substance.

"Registration of ionizing radiation" is a scintillation method. Particle tracks. The principle of work of the Wilson camera. Experimental methods for registering ionizing radiation. Name. Bubble camera. Vilson Camera. Ionization of molecules. Working chamber. Geiger counter. Fillers. The meter of Geiger Muller. Experimental methods of ionizing radiation. Scintillation counter. Methods for detection of alpha, beta radiation.

"" The structure of the atom "physics of the 11th grade" is a planetary model of the atom. P \u003d H. Why electrons can not change the trajectory of particles. What is created as a result of experience. Bohr theory. Disadvantages of the planetary model of the atom. What caused differences in charts. What is the corpuscular wave dualism. The planetary model does not allow to explain the strength of atoms. Photo effect - the phenomenon of electrons of electrons from solid and liquid substances. Determine the energy and impulse of the photon of visible light.

Slide 1.

Radio spread models, field prediction prediction methods and distribution loss methods used by ITU-R Aleksandr Vasilyev and Kevin Hughes International Telecommunication Union Bureau Radiocommunication Department of Research Commissions International Union Telecommunication Center for Advanced Training for Europe and the CIS, Kiev, Ukraine International Conference "Radio Frequency Monitoring" ", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Clade 2.

In which cases is necessary to evaluate the distribution loss? 1. When designing and creating radio communication systems, the required signal level? Required coverage area? time and period of operation of the system? Required quality? International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 3.

In which cases is necessary to evaluate the distribution loss? 2. Compatibility with other systems and services The level of the interfering signal (signals)? interference zone? Period and time of the presence of a interfering signal? Reduced service quality? Is joint work possible?! International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 4.

Distribution Models and Frequency Ranges (1) Frequency Range Frequency ONC 3-30 kHz Wave Lathe 30-300 kHz Ground Wave, Spatial Wave Mount 0.3-3 MHz Ground Wave, Spatial Wave HF 3-30 MHz Spatial Wave International Conference " Radio frequency spectrum monitoring, Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 5.

Distribution Models and Frequency Ranges (2) Frequency Range Frequency OVH 30-300 MHz Spatial Wave, Tropospheric Scattering, Diffraction, Line Primeness Line PHF 0.3-3 GHz Spatial Wave, Tropospheric Scattering, Diffraction, Line Line Form Microwave 3-30 GHz line of direct scope of the KVCH 30-300 GHz line of direct scope International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 6.

The main factors, when evaluating the propagation of radio waves 1. The effects of the propagation due to the underlying surface and obstacles to the wave path 2. Effects spread in the troposphere: for a clean atmosphere 3. Effects distribution in the troposphere: for a contaminated atmosphere 4. Effects distribution in the ionosphere - frequency-dependent International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 7.

Variability of the climate distribution in the troposphere temperature, pressure, water vapors The rain intensity coverage with clouds of change in the ionosphere is therefore depending on the place (region) - climate, season of year, and in some cases, time / night time (for example: moderate, tropical, equatorial Climate; Summer, Winter) International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 8.

Research Commission 3 (IR-3) "Radio distribution" of the problem: the study of the nature of the propagation of radio waves in an ionized and non-ionized medium, the effects of precipitation, the effect of the refractiveness of radio waves and the characteristics of the radio noise in order to improve radio systems. Structure (Working Groups): RG 3J - Basics of Radio Voltage RG 3K - Distribution of the "Point-Zone" RG 3L - ionospheric distribution of the RG 3M - the distribution of "Zone" and Earth-Cosmos International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 9.

IR 3 - "Radio distribution" Key issues Creating and clarifying maps of radio methodorological parameters: climatic maps (precipitation, water vapor, etc.); cards of the refractiveness of the radio signal for various territories; The conductivity cards of the earth's surface, etc. Prediction of distribution loss: for a useful signal and interfering effects; on the road Earth-Space; in local radio networks; For broadcasting service signals (including digital) and mobile communication. International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Clade 10.

Publications of IR 3 (Other IR) Recommendations References Reports All Publications of IR are prepared on the basis of input documents sent by the participants of this research commission (ITU member states and organizations / enterprises of the ITU-R sector member), after discussion and approval at the IR meeting. Procedures for discussion, approval and adoption of publications are developed and approved by the Radiocommunication Assembly. International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Clade 11.

IR 3 - distribution of radio waves. References Radio wave curves on the surface of the ionosphere and its effect on the distribution of radio films Application of radio wave dissemination data to predict communication channel Earth-Cosmos Distribution of radio filter systems of ground and mobile communications in HFF and UHF Radiometeorology frequency ranges ... International Conference "Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring ", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 12.

Recommendations ITU-R Series P of Recommendations 1. Basic Recommendations: Basics (for example, Definition) Radio Vichem Effects - Effect of Soil, Influence of Obstacles Radiometeorology Ionospheric Effects International Conference "Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 13.

2. Methods Prediction of field tension: Methods Prediction for ground traces Prediction methods for trails Earth-Cosmos Sharing frequencies, methods of prediction of interference levels and coordination Recommendations ITU-R Series P Recommendations International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 years UCRF ITU

Slide 14.

Examples of ITU-R Recommendations related to basic concepts: P.526 Distribution of radio waves due to diffraction P.833 loss due to vegetation P.835 Reference standard atmospheric P.676 Weakening in atmospheric gases P.453 Radio refraction index: its formula and data About refraction P.837 Characteristics of precipitation used to simulate radio wave propagation P.1240 Maximum applicable frequency (MUF) and prediction of the ITU-R Recommendation Recommendation Series R Series International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 15.

Reflection of radio waves Recommendation ITU-R p.526 "Radio spread due to diffraction" diffraction (reflection) from smooth spherical earth diffraction Diffraction due to obstacles and uneven surfaces: Obstacles simulated by wedge-shaped inhomogeneities The theory of Fresnel single smooth obstacle multiple obstacles Multiple Obstacles conducting wedge-shaped heterogeneity International Conference " Radio frequency spectrum monitoring, Kiev 1-4 June 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 16.

Refractation of radio fils Recommendation ITU-R P.453 "Radio refraction index: its formula and refraction data" Formulas for calculating the refractive index (curvature of the wave path, caused by the inhomogeneous structure of the troposphere, mainly vertical) for the atmosphere, vertical refraction gradient Evaluation of the waveguide effects digital Maps with data for calculating the refraction index for different seasons (available from the Internet page of the Research Commission 3 at: http://www.itu.int/itu-r/software/study-groups/rsg3/databanks/troposph/index. HTML) International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 17.

Preciple modeling Recommendation ITU-R P.837 "Characteristics of precipitation used to simulate radio wave propagation" Digital maps indicating the intensity of precipitation exceeded in the specified percentage of the average year for the entire surface of the Earth are based on data for 15 years available from the Internet Pages of the Research Commission 3 At http://www.itu.int/itu-r/software/study-groups/rsg3/databanks/troposph/rec837) International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 18.

Recommendations ITU-R Series of Recommendations Examples of recommendations for predicting field strength: P.533 Prediction for the RF range P.1546 point-zone, 30-3000 MHz P.1238 indoors, 900 MHz-100 GHz P.530 Ground services; Direct Visibility P.618 Earth-Cosmos (Fixed Satellite Service) P.681 Mobile Satellite Service P.452 Interference on the Earth's Surface,\u003e 0.7 GHz International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 19.

Field voltage prediction in the RF range - Recommendation ITU-R P.533 "Method of predicting radio wave per RF" Input data Coordinates of the frequency (2-30 MHz) System parameters Month and year Solar activity Results Mid-monthly data: Maximum applicable frequency ( MUF) Receiver input voltage Receiver input power Signal / noise ratio The smallest applicable frequency (LUF) Basic Line Reliability (BCR) International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Slide 20.

Rec533 program Rec533 program - Computer implementation of rivers. ITU-R R.533 to estimate the spread of RF ionospheric waves and the operational characteristics of radiolines in the range of 2-30 MHz, an antenna amplification is estimated in accordance with the rivers. ITU-R BS.705 Applicable to planning systems, controlling the use of frequency and diagnostics of operational characteristics is available from Internet Pages IR 3 at the address: International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Clade 21.

ITU-R P.1546 Recommendation ITU-R P.1546 Recommendation on the Point-Zone Runs for Ground Services in the frequency range of 30-3000 MHz "is used to predict the field strength for landlocked and mobile services: distance 1 - 1,000 km different percentages 1 - 50% Earth, sea and ridiculous paths Prediction as using the surface database and without one dependence on changes in refractive gradient for a given region International Conference "Monitoring Radio Frequency Spectrum", Kiev June 1-4, 2004 UCRF ITU

Presentation to the lesson "Radio wave"

teacher Maura Lyceum №14

Ermakova T.V.

Radio waves - electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths 5 · 10 -5 -10 10 meters and frequencies, respectively, from 6 · 10 12 Hz and to several Hz. Radio waves are used in transmitting data in radio networks.

For the first time in his work, James Maxwell told James Maxwell in 1868. In 1887, Heinrich Hertz experimentally confirmed Maxwell's theory, having received radio wave a few dozen centimeters in his laboratory.

What is radio wave?

  • electromagnetic oscillations propagating in space with speed
  • transfer through the space energy emitted by the electromagnetic oscillation generator
  • are born when the electric field changes
  • characterized by frequency, wavelength and power tolerated power

Range frequency

Name range (abbreviated name)

Very low frequencies (ONC)

Name range of waves

Low frequencies (LF)



300-3000 kHz


Average frequency (s)

High frequencies (HF)


Very high frequencies (HVF)

300-3000 MHz


Ultra High Frequencies (UHF)


Ultra-high frequency (microwave)



Extremely high frequencies (EHF)

300-3000 GHz

Hyper Hyper Frequency (GVCH)



Radio ranges

  • for aviation communications
  • for ground-based communication
  • television
  • broadcasts
  • for cosmic communications
  • for sea communication
  • for data transfer and medicine,
  • for radar and radio navigation.

RANGE Radio mills


Shortwave range (KV)

Range frequency

2-30 MHz



25.6-30.1 MHz

"Low Band"

Due to the features of distribution in mainly applied to long-distance communications.

33-50 MHz

Civilian range in which can

enjoy communicating individuals. In different countries, on this site allocated from 40 to 80 fixed frequencies (channels).

It is not clear why, but in Russian is not there was a term defining this range.

136-174 MHz

400-512 MHz

"800 MHz"

The most common range movable ground communication.

806-825 I. 851-870 MHz

Range of mobile ground communication. Sometimes do not allocate this site in separate range, and say VHF, implying frequency bands from 136 to 512 MHz.

Traditional "American" range; widely used by mobile communications in USA. We did not get much distribution.

How radio waves apply

  • radio waves emit through antenna
  • transfer of long-wave broadcasting stations can be taken at a distance of up to several thousand kilometers
  • middle-wave stations are heard within a thousand kilometers.
  • The energy of short waves decreases sharply as removal from the transmitter.
  • studies of short and ultrashort waves showed that they quickly fade when they go at the surface of the Earth. When the radiation is directed upwards, short waves are returned back.

SPREAD Radio mills


Spreading short waves Depending on the frequency and time of day

  • with a decrease in wavelength, their attenuation and absorption in the atmosphere increases.
  • the spread of waves is shorter than 1 cm influence the fog, rain, clouds that strongly limit the range of communication.

Block width px.

Copy this code and insert yourself to the site.

Signatures for slides:

Topic number 3. Antennas and distribution of radio waves. Lesson number 3. Antennas of military radio stations

  • 1. Appointment, classification and main characteristics of antennas.
  • 2. Aerials for communication with surface radio waves.
  • 3. Antennas for communication with spatial radio waves.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - 1 -
  • Educational questions:
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Introduction
  • The antennas relate to the passive components of the means of communication and constructively represent the combination of conductors and dielectrics. Along with the implementation of the basic functions of radiation and receiving radio waves, modern antennas can perform important functions of spatial filtering of radio signals and ensuring the direction of action of radio systems.
  • In most cases, the radio station antenna also serves both for receiving, and for transmission, but in special cases, separate antennas can be used for this.
  • Constructive execution of antennas significantly depends on the range of radio waves applied.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • 1. Appointment, classification and main characteristics of the antennas
  • Devices intended for radiation and receiving electromagnetic waves are called antennas.
  • The transmitting antenna under the influence of HF currents and fields focused in the output circuits of the transmitter creates an electromagnetic field in the space in the form of electromagnetic waves. In turn, the receiving antenna under the influence of the field of the incoming electromagnetic wave creates currents focused in the input elements of the receiver.
  • The simplest antenna is an elementary electric dipole (hertz vibrator, a half-wave vibrator), that is, a short segment of the wire, which is large in comparison with its own distance, in the free space, the radiation field in the form of an electromagnetic wave.
  • The length of the wave of these oscillations is equal to double the length of the antenna wire λ \u003d 2L. Along the wire, one half-wave current is stacked.
  • Antenna whose length L \u003d λ / 2
  • and is called a half-wave vibrator.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • The main characteristics of the antennas
  • - input resistance - It is defined as the ratio of the complex amplitude of the input voltage to the complex amplitude of the input current and contains the active and reactive components:
  • ZA \u003d RA + XA
  • - efficiency (Efficiency) antenna - the ratio of the radiated power to the power supplying the antenna from the transmitter:
  • ήa \u003d Rizl / RPRD
  • - directional action coefficient (KND) Antenna - a number indicating how many times it would be necessary to increase the power of the transmitter when using an unireded antenna instead of a given direction, so that the signal value at the reception point remains unchanged:
  • D \u003d rnenapr / RNAPR
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • - antenna amplification coefficient Determined as the work of the efficiency and knd:
  • G \u003d ήA D \u003d Rneneipr / RPRD
  • KU shows how many times the power of oscillations emitted by the non-directional antenna is larger than the power coming from the transmitter into a real (directional) antenna at the same amplitude of the EPR in the receiving antenna. The reinforcement coefficient of antenna makes it possible to evaluate how many times you can reduce the power of the transmitter with the same range due to the use of the directional antenna.
  • The listed characteristics relate to both the transmitted and receiving antennas, which is explained by the property of reversibility, resulting from the principle of reciprocity. According to this principle, the antenna that works on the reception has the same characteristics as when using it as transmitting. Consequently, one and the same antenna can be used as a receiving-transmitting one.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • - antenna directivity diagram - characterizes the intensity of the emission of an antenna in different directions and expresses the dependence of the amplitude of the electric component of the electromagnetic field at some distance from the direction of radiation.
  • The antenna is directed if it creates an unequal magnitude of the radiation field in equidistant points of space.
  • The most complete picture of the distribution of radiation intensity gives spatial patterns of the direction, however, they are complex during the graphic image. Therefore, to determine the directional characteristics of the antenna in most cases, it is limited to the removal of its radiation diagrams in two mutually perpendicular planes of polarization E and N. Depending on the orientation of the antenna relative to the surface of the Earth, the plane E may be horizontal or vertical.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Q 0.5 PMAX
  • So, the curve depicting the direction of the antenna radiation
  • in a horizontal or vertical plane,
  • is called an antenna pattern.
  • Any real antenna has a maximum radiation direction called the main direction Charts. DN in most cases has several highs separated from each other by minima.
  • The area adjacent to the maximum and located between the two minima is called petal.
  • The petal corresponding to the maximum radiation is called the main (main), and other petals are lateral.
  • Width of the orphanage chart The angle q is called, within which the power of radiated radio waves is reduced by no more than twice as compared with the power emitted in the direction of the maximum antenna radiation.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Foci diagrams are built in polar (Fig. 2 a) or rectangular (Carteste)
  • (Fig. 2 b). Coordinate systems.
  • (In this figure shows a diagram of a symmetric vibrator in
  • E-plane.)
  • Foci charts made in polar coordinates (A) differ greater clarity, since it is possible to provide a change in the radiation intensity in space.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Classification of antennas
  • for appointment: but) transfer, reception, receiving-transmitters
  • b) for radio communications, radio relay and tropospheric communication
  • by range of use: long-wave shortwave
  • Ultra shortwave, decimeter, centimeter ...
  • by range properties:narrowband, broadband,
  • frequency independent
  • according to the principle of operation and construction:
  • - wire (linear) - are performed from thin, compared with their long and wavelength, conductors: symmetrical and asymmetrical, vibratory, frame, spiral, rhombic and single-wire. Applied on MV and square.
  • - diffraction: slotted, striped, waveguide, strip, lens, mirrored, rod, flat, as well as combined (combination of several types of emitters, such as horn-mirrored). These antennas are used on DMV and SMV.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Rule-parabolic antennas
  • radio relay stations
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • according to the properties of the direction:
  • directional
  • union:
  • - circular (uniform) radiation along the ground
  • - anti-aircraft radiation
  • - combined radiation (in Zenith and along the Earth)
  • by way of use:
  • stationary
  • field
  • onboard (installed on land, water,
  • flying and other mobile objects)
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • The antennas of military radio stations must have limited dimensions, low weight, easy to install, easy to remove, should not demiss a radio station and control points.
  • For each type of station, its optimal type of antenna is selected. Therefore, the antennas of military radio stations are distinguished by the variety of types from the simplest to highly efficient.
  • In the field, the choice of antenna and the skillful use of it are essential factors affecting the range and reliability of communication.
  • The available radio station is usually not amenable to change during operation and only the choice of antenna and operating frequency makes it possible in specific conditions to achieve the necessary results.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • 2. Aerials for communication with surface radio waves.
  • The possibility of radiocommunication depends not only
  • the properties of the antennas, the power of the transmitter and the sensitivity of the receiver, but also on the properties of the medium in which radio waves are distributed.
  • If the transmission and reception locations are located on the ground surface, the Earth will significantly affect the field strength at the reception point. Depending on the wavelength and properties of the applied antennas, the role of the earth's surface and other factors may be different. With relatively small distances and altitudes of the antennas, it is possible to neglect the effect of the ionosphere and the troposphere and take into account only the waves extending along the earth's surface, that is, surface or earth waves.
  • An important positive quality of radio communication with surface radio waves is the stability of the field strength at the reception site, i.e. the earth's wave field remains unchanged, regardless of the time of day, year, meteorological and cosmic phenomena.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • The lack of radio communication of the surface wave is a limited range of communication, so due to observations radio films with a semiconducting earth surface and due to shielding action Its curvatures, field strength decreases with distance much faster than in free space.
  • The range of radio communication of the earth's wave significantly depends on the parameters of the soil, the wavelength selected by the type of antennas
  • and weakly depends on the power of the transmitter.
  • Basic requirements for antennas operating a terrestrial wave:
  • Maximum radiation should be directed along the surface of the Earth.
  • The antenna should emit (taking) vertically polarized waves, for the field with horizontal polarization faster fading along the ground.
  • These requirements respond two main types of antennas
  • pitry and wire.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Shtyryvaya antenna (ASH) represents asymmetric vertical vibrator and is an antenna surface beam emitting electromagnetic energy evenly in all directions along the earth's surface, but not emitting to zenith.
  • The pinion diagram of the pin antenna is the correct circle (in the horizontal plane) and the petal (in the vertical plane), while the petal is directed at a certain angle to the earth's surface, depending on the properties of the soil and the length of the antenna. The most effective is an antenna with dimensions from ¼ to ½ wavelength (quarter-wave and half-wave vibrators). The elongation of the antenna to ¾ λ presses the petal to the ground, further elongation, on the contrary, directs the main radiation up. Thus, it doesn't make sense to apply an antenna over ¾ λ, as it does not lead to an improvement in radiation along the ground.
Shtyryvaya antenna
  • hA \u003d λ / 4
  • hA ≥3 / 4λ
  • 45-60o.
  • hA ≥ λ / 2
  • 10-15O.
  • DN in VP
  • DN in gp
  • Frequency range 1.5-108 MHz radiocommunication range up to 70 km
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • AS-1,5 (Antenna Kulikova) - Foldable flexible pin antenna with a length of 1.5 m, intended for use with wears and radiocommunication rates. Named by the surname of the inventor, Sergey Alekseevich Kulikova. Kulikova Antenna is a set of sleeves strung on a steel cable. The upper end of the cable is fixed in the antenna tip, the lower is connected to the tensioning mechanism. With a strained cable, the design forms a durable and flexible electrically a single rod capable of withstanding sufficiently large transverse loads. The antenna is attached directly to radio equipment or to the onboard vehicle bracket. With a weakened cable, the antenna can be collapsed into a small ring. Kulikova Antenna is widely used in military communication technology. It is the main one in many military wearable kV and VHF radio stations of low power type P-105M, R-107M, R-159, R-168-5UN. Communication range up to 10 km.
  • AS-2.7 (combined) It consists of AS-1.5 and the base of six 20cm sections (duralum tubes). It is used in the same radio stations to increase the range of communication up to 12-15 km.
  • AS-1.5 and Ash-2.7 to increase the range of communication up to 60-70km can be installed on half-eyed or telescopic masts with a height of 11-18m.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Telescopic mast It consists of thin-walled duralumin pipes of different diameters. Mast height: in lowered state-2.7 m.; in the raised state-12.1 m.. Mass Machta-83 kg. In the mast there is one fixed and seven rolling tribes incoming one to another, as well as the winch installed on the main mast knee for lifting and lowering the mast. In the raised state, the TM is attached to the defillary made from the segments of the steel cable (diameter of 4 mm) separated by the insulators. Exhausts are located three tiers of three defits in each. The first tier of the delay is fixed to the top of the main knee, the second - at an altitude of 7.3 m, the third - at an altitude of 10.3 m. The lower ends of the detents are attached to the corner necks scored in the ground at a distance of 8 m from the base of the mast circle after 120 ° . Included in the set of radio stations and CSM on armor.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Middle Power Radio Station
  • with telescopic masts
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Half-eyed mast It is used mainly on KSM type P-142N. It consists of one fixed and six movable thin-walled duralumin pipes of different diameters, which are included in each other and interconnect with the help of locks, westing in special sockets. At the top knee of the mast there are ears for which kapron deficule is attached. Mastift is made manually, without winch. The mass of the antenna is 35 kg.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • AS-1.5 / 11 -The antenna pinned on the mast is designed to communicate the earthly wave when working in the parking lot. Constructively antenna consists of a flexible pin and composite knees of 0.3 m and 0.2M total height of 1.5 ... 3.6 m with three counterweights connected by bayonet locks with an antenna head.
  • The counterweight in the antenna creates the effect of the underlying surface, due to which the energy of the radiated EM wave is distributed in such a way that the antenna radiation diagram is raised. This makes it possible to communicate on longer distances (up to 70km) with better quality. Antenna is non-directional and does not require correspondent orientation. It is installed on the top of the half-eyed mast height of 11m, for the deployment of which the area is 10x10m. The antenna power is carried out using a coaxial cable (feeder) connected by one end to the antenna head, another to the side connector KSM.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • ASH-4 (tank) Designed to communicate the earthly wave both in the parking lot and when driving. Constructively consists of 4 duralumin or steel tubes of various diameters connected with each other using special castle joints and fortified on a special bracket. Available on all armobes, on medium power radio stations, command-staff machines. Provides a range of up to 30 km.
  • Antennas are equipped with climbing mechanisms (MPa), which are intended to change the position of the pin antennas. They are electromechanical devices by which the antennas can be installed in the inclined, vertical or transport position.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Wide-band antenna (Shdo) Designed to provide radio communication with the earth's wave in the frequency range of 30 ... 60.0 MHz on a range of up to 80 km. The antenna has a circular radiation with vertical polarization in the horizontal plane. Performed in two versions: in the form of a volume or flat asymmetric vertical vibrator.
  • For the radio stations of the average power and CSM of the Old Park (P-140M, P-145BM, BMP-1KSH) is an asymmetrical volumetric vertical vibrator consisting of a central rod with a length of 2655mm, eight rods - vibrators with a diameter of 6mm located around the central rod and eight counterweights length 2m each.
  • For the radio stations of the average power and CSM of the new Park (P-161A-2M, P-149BMR) is an asymmetrical flat vertical emitter with counterweights, which is made of aluminum pipes of various diameters. The emitter consists of a rod and two removable frames. Counterweight (8 pieces) 2 m long is located evenly around the circumference. The antenna is installed on the top of the telescopic mast height of 16m and connects to the RF connector with a coaxial cable RK-75 with a length of 25m.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Antenna Shda
  • on a telescopic mast 12m.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Thus, asymmetric vertical antennas provide maximum radiation along the surface of the Earth, which was the cause of their wide use for communication with earth waves.
  • In the horizontal plane, such antennas form an unired (isotropic) radiation, which makes it possible to ensure the operation of the radio station in motion, in the radio network or in cases where the direction on the correspondent is unknown.
  • T-shaped antennas formed from symmetric inclined vibrators possesses similar.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • In addition to the non-directional asymmetric vertical antennas in military communication technology, we found wide use of the directed wire antennas that have a radiation pattern in horizontal and vertical planes, oriented towards the deployment of antenna. So, on mobile kV and VHF radio stations as a directional antenna used running wave antenna (ABB).
  • The antenna is an isolated copper conductor length La \u003d (5 ... 7) λ, which for the average operating frequency of the VHF range will be 40m. The wire is suspended in parallel above the ground at the height H \u003d (2 ... 3) m in the KV band and at height h. \u003d (0.5 ... 1) m in the VHF range. One end of the wire is connected to the radio station, and on the other end is the active resistance of RN \u003d (300 ... 500) Ohm with wire counterweights
  • The antenna should always be deployed so that the wire and counterweight are directed towards the correspondent.
  • ABB is effective on dry and very dry soils where there is a horizontal component of the electric field Eg.In order to efficiently use the directional properties of the ABB when working on wet areas of the terrain, the type of this antenna is used. λ -Lambda-shaped antenna.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • λ --Fashion antenna is a single-wire running wave antenna, the part of the wire is raised over the ground to the height of 0.62 λ that for the average wave of the range of all VHF of radio stations is 5 ... 6 m. As a support λ - It is desirable to apply a wooden mast antenna, in the absence of which you can use different local items (separate trees, pillars, high fence).
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Food diagrams λ - shaped antenna
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • The effectiveness of the antenna, and, consequently, the limit range of communication is significantly dependent on the route, terrain on the track and from the state of the soil in the immediate vicinity of the antenna. It is established that on wet soils more efficient is a pin antenna, on dry - ABB, and λ -Forning more efficiently ASH and ABB in all cases.
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • 3. Antennas for communication with spatial radio waves
  • Antenna Inclined symmetric vibrator (inclined dipole) Designed for communication with ionospheric waves during the operation of the radio station in the parking lot and is two inclined vibrator (shoulder) of the average length of each L \u003d 1/2λ. Each antenna shoulder is made of two segments of a flexible stranded wire that can be connected by jumpers. This design allows in a low-frequency range of the range (1.5 ... 6 MHz) to use a vibrator with a full length of the shoulder, And in the high-frequency part (6 ... 12 MHz) - with shortened. The antenna is deployed on the mast with the height of the suspension 9-12m and is connected to the matching radio station with a two-wire feeder with a length of 15m. Antenna is a weakly directed with predominant radiation in the direction perpendicular to the dipole plane. Therefore, to provide radio communications to a range of up to 300 km, the antenna can be oriented arbitrarily, and on the range over 300 km - the longitudinal axis of the canvas perpendicular to the direction to the correspondent. For radio stations of average power, an antenna VN 40/12 (VN 13/9) is used, which provides a range of communication up to 800 km; For KSM radio stations - antenna VN 25/11 (VN 15/11) with a communication range up to 350km.
  • Range of Frequency VN 25/11 (D2x25) - 1.5-6 MHz VN15 / 11 (D2x15) - 6 - 12 MHz Radio range up to 350 km
  • Symmetric inclined vibrator (VN 25/11)
  • Inclined dipole (D2x25)
  • Antenna Delay Symmetrical Vibrator Chart
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • V-shaped antenna (v 46/12) Designed to provide radio communication in the parking lot of the ionospheric wave in the range of 10 ... 30 MHz on a distance of more than 800 km.
  • Constructively antenna is made in the form of two beams of the copper stranded wire with a length of 46 m. \u200b\u200bThe upper ends of the rays are attached at a height of 12 m telescopic mast. The lower ends of the rays are spread to a distance of 37 m from each other so that the angle between the projections of the earth's rays amounted to 50 0. In order to ensure the traveling wave mode, the ends of the rays are loaded into the active resistance (R \u003d 400 Ohms) and the counterweight.
  • The antenna has a reference to both vertical and horizontal planes with a maximum radiation in the plane of the bisector of the angle between the rays. In the middle part of the working range, the width of the main petal of the antenna pattern in the vertical plane is 30 ... 35, and in horizontal - 25 ... 30
V--shaped antenna (V2x46 m)
  • Frequency range 10-30 MHz Radio range up to 2000 km
  • V-shaped antenna radiation pattern
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Antenna of anti-aircraft radiationit is intended for the connection of the ionospheric and terrestrial wave of SV radio stations at short stops and in motion. On CSM P-142n, the emitter is made of two separated P-shaped frame elements installed on the roof of the car. The maximum emitted electromagnetic wave is coming forward and up the machine.
  • On the radio station of the R-161A-2M and CSM P-149BMR, two-stroke antennas of anti-aircraft radiation (DSHAZI), consisting of an antenna cannon, lifting mechanisms and coaxial lines, are used. The antenna canvas consists of two four-meter pins located in the operating position at an angle of 30 0 to the horizon ("oblique") and the body dimensions. The lifting mechanisms ensure the translation of the antenna from the transport position to the vertical (for operation of the earth's wave) or oblique (for the operation of the ionospheric wave) and back. The characteristics of the antenna radiation in the horizontal plane have some direction towards the lower ends of the pins with the inclined position. When working, they are oriented by the front of the car (BTR) on the correspondent. In the hiking pin can be removed. Communication range up to 350km.
Antenna of anti-aircraft radiation (Asi)
  • Frequency range 1.5-14 MHz radiocommunication range up to 300 km
  • Two-lumpy az.
  • (R-161A-2M, R-149BMR)
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Azia Foci Charts
  • DN in VP
  • DN in gp
  • Frames
  • (KSM R-142N)
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • Exterior
  • l \u003d 7M
  • Mast Telescopic H \u003d 11 m
  • Mast Telescopic H \u003d 11 m
  • Jumper
  • Ash- 3, 4
  • Vibrator inclined 2x25 m
  • Antenna field KSM R-142N
  • Antenna combined with counterweights
  • Exterior
  • Military Department of Communications
  • Lesson number 3 - - -
  • hA \u003d λ / 4
  • hA ≥ 3/4 λ
  • 45-60o.
  • hA ≥ λ / 2
  • 10-15O.
  • DN in VP
  • DN in gp
  • Running Wave Antenna Foci Chart
  • Food diagrams λ - shaped antenna

The author of the presentation "Properties and Applications
radio waves
Pomaskin Yuri Ivanovich Teacher Physics MOU Sosh№5
Kimovsk Tula region.
Presentation is made as an educational and visual textbook manual.
"Physics 11" authors G.Ya. Myakisheva, B.B. Bukhuzva, V.M. Scharugina.
Designed to demonstrate on learning lessons a new
Used sources:
1) G. Y. Mikyshev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, V.M. Scharugin "Physics 11", Moscow, Enlightenment
2) N.A. Parfenteva "Collection of Tasks in Physics 10-11", Moscow, Enlightenment 20
3) A.P.Rymkevich "Physics 10-11" (Task) Moscow, Drop2001
4) Photo by
5) pictures from the Internet (http://images.yandex.ru/)


Distribution of radio waves
Physical principles of television
Development of means of communication
Issues for fixing the material

Properties of electromagnetic waves

Properties of electromagnetic waves

Properties of electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves
Absorb it

Absorption of electromagnetic waves

Absorption of electromagnetic waves
When passing electromagnetic waves through
Different dielectrics their intensity
decreases absorption

Reflection of electromagnetic waves

Reflection of electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves
Reflected OT
conductive media
(metals, ionospheres ...)
Reflection occurs in
reflection law
When refilling waves from
Metals are changing
Plane polarization

Refraction of electromagnetic waves

Refraction of electromagnetic waves
When moving from one environment
to another electromagnetic
Waves change their own
(refracted) according to
Law of refraction
Quantity (indicator)
refraction depends OT
Electromagnetic speeds
Waves in these environments

Polarization of electromagnetic waves

Polarization of electromagnetic waves
The wave is possible
(Make Make
oscillations in strictly
plane) that
talking about

Distribution of radio waves

Distribution of radio waves

Distribution of radio waves

Distribution of radio waves
Long waves
Long waves (λ\u003e 100 m) envelope
The surface of the earth due to the phenomenon
diffraction. This iscriminated
The brighter than the larger the wavelength.
Disadvantage of long waves
is their strong absorption
surface layers of land and
Long waves provide
Reliable communication on small
Distances with enough
Powerful transmitters

Short waves
Short waves
(10 M.< λ < 100 м)
Approach to
Large distances
Due to multiple times
reflection OT.
Jonospheres I.
Surfaces of the Earth

Ultrashort waves
Ultrashort waves
(λ < 10 м) проходят сквозь
ionosphere and almost not
Envelope surface
They are used to communicate with
and for communication between
Points lying in B.
Direct Visibility




Radar is
Detection I.
precise definition
Object with help
Distance to the object
Determined by the formula:
R \u003d CT / 2
In radar are used
Two radio wave properties:
The property of reflection I.
Final speed

10 20

In radar
UFFs are used
Generators (with long
waves of about 10 cm and
Locator works in
Pulse mode
(Duration of each
Impulse is
Millionnign shares
seconds and intervals
between them approximately
1000 times more)
Radar received
Wide application B.
Different areas:
In different areas
Military case
Navigation in aviation and on
In the weather service
Planet location
Speed \u200b\u200bcontrol
Mode on the roads (traffic police)
And many others

Physical bases of television

Physical bases

Television is a way to transfer
Images with help
Electromagnetic waves
First you need to impose an image on
High-frequency electromagnetic wave
Then highlight the image from
modulated electromagnetic wave

Video transformation in video signal

Image transformation B.
Video transformation in video signal
occurs in the iconoscope
The iconoscope is the most important part of the television

Mosaic screen
a gun

E device
Electric signal
(video signal),
obtained by
imposed on
High frequency
oscillations I.
Radiated in the form
Waves with transmitting

Video transformation into the image

Video transformation
In the image
The video signal is converted into the image when
Aid Kinescop
Kinescope is the most important part of the TV

The wave excites B.
receiving antenna
High frequency
With help
Devices from them
stand out
th contour I.

Questions for fixing
List the main properties of electromagnetic waves
Give examples of properties
Electromagnetic waves
What is radar? What properties
Electromagnetic waves underlie radar?
Where is radar used?
What radio waves do radar solutions work on? Why?
What is television?
With the help of which device is converted visible
Image into an electrical signal?
Tell us about the principle of work of the iconkop.
With what device electrical signal
is transformed into a visible image?
Tell us about the work of the kinescope TV.
Tell us about the modern means of communication


§§54-58 (physics11)
Prepare messages on topics:
Application of radar
Television application
Modern means of communication
mobile connection

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