
Tour in the Transcarpathian region: attractions, tourist and little-known places. Traveling in Ukraine: the most interesting places of Transcarpathia, which are striking the beauty of rest in Transcarpathia in the summer interesting places

Western Ukraine, namely Transcarpathian region. - This is an amazing region where the traditions are especially read and value the culture, where it is so easy to breathe, feeding the energy and strength of nature.

In other words, here you can find more than ever thought. Traveling through the little-known and tourist sites of the Transcarpathian region Does not leave even professional travelers indifferent.

Where to go and what to look in the Transcarpathian region

Volcano on black grief

Transcarpathian region, Vinogradov

Photo otdyhaem.com.ua.

That Samea "Black Mountain"which was previously considered acting volcano, Located above cancel Kankovfrom side Cities Vinogradov.

There is a small recreation area with a lake and a quarry, where the red clay had once dug. In the center of the presented territory is located botanical Reservewhere tourists are also allowed.

Reserve It extends for as many as 747 hectares, including a variety of vegetation: oaks and beech, silver linden and rowan. Gustness of vegetation, by the way, was due to the previously found here volcano.

The quarry from which red clay was mined is simply delightful.

Transcarpathian region, Vinogradovo

Photo ukrainaincognita.com.

Defensive Peni Palace appeared in Transcarpathia in the 16th century. Magnata Penius Formed lock In the Baroque style, give the sophistication and pyshnost to the structure. In palace The library existed from the very beginning, and this suggests that the owners were very rich people.

Peni Palace Each century increased due to the superstructures of new floors and the growth of infrastructure.

On the first castle floor there was a subsidiary farm and a warehouse, and on the second - premises for guests and residents castle.

Everything halls in the castle were decorated with symbols of the knightly dynasty and family symbolism Penius. Even in the exterior, intricate and slight angular symbols of the family coat of arms prevailed Pen.


Transcarpathian region, p. Pylipets, ur. "Cherenk"

Near the village Pilipets known thanks to the ski resort, is one of the most Beautiful waterfalls in Ukraine - waterfall Spike.

His feature in loud sounds, which resemble a whisper. Water drops as a cascade from a 14-meter height and this spectacle shakes.

Since 1993, all uniforms of Ukraine are gather at the waterfall to the most ambitious Festival "Shipot". Local argue that water in the waterfall has unusual properties to cure diseases and correct health.

Colochevskaya narrow scene, coloche

Transcarpathian region, p. Colochea, ul. Friendship, 26.

Museum "Colochevskoye narrow-chain" Located skansen "Old Village" And represents the real train!

Yes this train Museumwhich, by the way, is also engaged in transportation. In each of the 10 cars you will find items associated with the history of the narrow scene. It is known that here it was involved not only the Soviet mechanism, and also Czech.

Minute story - The narrow-chain was created at the end of the 19th century in order to turn the workers on the sawmill, and then together with the wood back. Naturally, scientific and technological progress made the need for such labor, but the exhibit remained and is part of the story Transcarpathian edge.

Nevitsky Castle, Nevutsky

Transcarpathian region, p. Nevutsky, Kamenitsa, ul. Uanskaya, 100, t / b "Verkhovyna"

Nevitsky Castle First mentioned in documents of 1274.

It is located on a high hill covered with forest. Thanks to this ruin are among the most picturesque in Ukraine.

Lock It is one of the favorite visits for newlyweds, and among tourists recently the castle has gained great popularity.

The castle is dilapidated, but at the same time it has a very romantic look, including thanks to the rated roof on the donjone tower, which adds a few fabulous fortress. If you have already arrived in Transcarpathia, do not regret the time and visit this wonderful castle.

Carpathian biosphere reserve, Rakhov

Transcarpathian region, Rakhov, ul. Red Pleso, 77

Ukraine is rich beautiful reserves and Reserved zonesThat's why they should be seen and take care of the surrounding nature.

So, on the outskirts Rakhova located Carpathian Biosphere ReserveIt is represented by a huge variety in Europe and is considered the most valuable on the planet Earth.

Yes, since 1992, this Biosphere Complex - UNESCO ReserveThat is, it can soon become his object. There is a museum of nature and ecology, and from higher points are seen The best corners of Transcarpathia.

Transcarpathian region, p. Long, ul. Victory, 3.

Photo fotostudio.com.ua.

Standing in the valley around river Borzharva And according to many scientists, another 13th century was erected. Of course, the originally built was framed with a tree and a stone, but later, together with the change of owners, the appearance was changed.

So, in the 15th century, the luxurious luxurious lock with an outstanding facade, and in the 18th century it has already been restored count Teleki. Count turned the castle in a summer residence, which gave him a special charm. There was a tsarist for a long time and the highest ranks of society, but in the 20th century the Bolshevik region began. From those times there is still a sanatorium.

Old Chan, Lumshory

Transcarpathian region, p. Lumshory, ul. Forest, 8.

Photo Traveler.com.ua.

IN Transcarpathian region You can not just walk with a camera, snacking cheese and drinking wine. Here you can also improve, and truly!

Chan in Lushmorah - This is a kind of hot bath in the open space. Special water is extracted from mineral sources to heal many diseases. The beneficial properties of water are applied to the nervous system, joints and skin covers.

In total, there are 18 chains with a capacity of up to 20 people. The temperature of the water in each of the chains ranges from 35 to 45 degrees.

It is said that it is most useful to warm in the chain in the winter.

Transcarpathian region with. Top Grabovenna

Photo arpad-line.com.

Hungarian troops in the 20th century in eastern Carpathian Created a so-called Arpad line - a defensive strip of 600 km.

The line was not solid, but a little intricate with special moves and riddles. According to historical facts, they built this defensive strip quickly quickly, since in the time of the second world there was no time.

It is known that through Carpathians The path of the fourth Ukrainian front, who fought for more than a month with the Army of Hungary. At that time, about 100 reference points, more than 400 fire lines and almost 500 km of trenches were created.

Seednya castle, average

Transcarpathian region, p. Average

Photo m--d-m-a-x.livejournal.com

From Semennyansky Castle There were practically ruins, but it does not make it less well-known and popular.

If you believe legends, then lock templary erected - a secret order, who, according to legend, was kept groil bowl.

The feature of the castle is that it was almost the only one was made in the Romanesque style. The palace stood by many battles worthy, but no one wanted to restore him, as he corresponded little to the ideas about the life of the rich nobles.

Mountain Peiku, Belasovitsa

Transcarpathian region, p. Belesovitsa Volovetsky district

Mount Picuy - The highest point of the Verkhovinsky Major Ridge. From the village to the top of the mountain lies a three-km footpath. This is one of the most picturesque corners of the Carpathian Mountains.

Near the top is historical pass "Russian Path"Who was once the border between Poland and Hungary. It also was formed wonderful waterfall VoevodinThe path to which persistent tourists will be extruded frankly, but the memories will remain for life.

By the Day of Independence of Ukraine, 24 channels prepared a special project about surprising places in each region of the country. Today we will tell you what corners of Transcarpathia you need to visit every Ukrainar.

In the Transcarpathian region there will be a vacation for everyone: for extremal tourists - a campaign on the mountains of the Black Sene and Svidovo; For lovers of "lazy" recreation - Thermal waters of Koshina and Bereakhov; For connoisseurs of historical heritage - Castles of Uzhgorod and Mukachev.

All the most beautiful places of Transcarpathia cannot be described in several words, so we propose to pay attention to the selection of places that should be visited first.

Transcarpathian region: what is worth visiting

Uzhgorod - Majestic Castle, Wide River and Sakura

The amazing city on the river is the administrative center of the Transcarpathian region. The first mention of it dates back to 872 year. Today the population of the regional center is more than 100 thousand people.

Sakura Festival.On the famous Sakur festival called Sakura Festthousands of tourists come from all over Ukraine. The peak of flowering decorative Japanese cherries falls at the end of April - the beginning of May and they bloom for two to three weeks. The program of the annual festival always appears on Internet resources, offering convenient tourist tours and routes around the city.

Despite popular myths about the appearance of pink trees in Uzhgorod, according to the official version in the 1920s, Czechoslovak engineers were supposed to lake a new administrator in the city center and Sakura was planted for the experiment, which unexpectedly arrived in this territory. Today, the greatest amount of Sakur can be seen in the spring along the river - the longest alley in Europe (2.2 km).

Blooming Sakur on the streets of Uzhgorod

Regarding interesting tourist places "Capital" Transcarpathia, then the analog of Lviv Shevchenkovsky Guy - Transcarpathian Museum of People's Architecture and Life. The local lore open-air museum stores 14 thousand ancient exhibits of folk applied art. It was created in 1965 and now covers an area of \u200b\u200b5.5 hectares.

Uzhgorod Castleit is considered one of the most ancient fortification facilities in Ukraine (the first mention - X century), which from the mid-20th century has become a local lore museum and invites all tourists to excursions. From a small viewing platform, a magnificent panorama of the city opens, on the background of which you can make beautiful photos.

Panorama from the territory of Uzhgorod Castle

It is impossible not to mention such wonderful monuments of architecture as the Cathedral Cross Cathedral (1841), the Roman Catholic Church of St. George (1775), Rustle Mikhailovskaya Church (1777), Uzhgorod Synagogu (1910), Church of St. Yuri, Episcopa Residence, Uzhgorod Children's Railway and Botanical Garden.

Roman Catholic Church of St. Georgia

In Uzhgorod, it is best to get on the train, which is sent immediately to the regional center.

Castle Palanok.

The legendary Mukachevsky Castle of the Palanok is not the first year in its possession of thousands of tourists. The first mention of it dates back to the XI century, and built it for the protection and control of trading and military paths. Strengthening at one time increased many enemy oceades, the longest of which was the Austrian, which lasted three years (1685-1688). Then the castle belonged to the famous Hungarian Princess Ilona Zrini - she headed the National Liberation Movement of Croatia and Hungary against the Austrian Empire.

Castle Palane in Mukachev

Medieval walls store a lot of secrets and myths, which still failed to solve. However, we know exactly - from the mountain, on which the castle is located, offers an amazing view of the vintage city of Mukachevo. There is even a legend that people supposedly poured out this mountain, but the work cost them terrible torment, from where the likely name of the Mukachevo settlement went.

The castle of the Palanok, with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 14 thousand square meters, is divided into three levels: upper, medium and bottom locks. Also, under the majestic historical building, secret underground transitions have been preserved, which at one time was considered asylum for people and livestock.

Today in the castle spend a lot of excursions. To get to it, you need to sit on any transport, which is lucky in Mukachevo, and with its own pass to the castle goal.

Nevitsky Castle

The dilapidated castle near the village of Kamenitsa Uzhgorod district is first mentioned in history in about the XII century. After long collisions and religious wars, Transylvanian Prince Yuri I Rakkotsi destroys the castle - and only a few castle walls remain from it and one tower. And by the way, this castle is considered to be the first castle building built on the territory of modern Ukraine.

Nevitsky castle near the village of Kamenitsa

If you want to get to the Nevutsky Castle, you need from the bus station "Uzhgorod-2" ("Perechtinsky Bus Station") to sit on any bus that drives through the village of Nevutsky. At the bus stop near the castle there are information shields on which the labeled walking route is marked by Nevitsky Castle.

Palace of Counts Shenborn

In a harmonious village of Karpati near Mukacheva, there is a palace of Counts of Shenborn, or the castle is Berbaw. He was built at the end of the XIX century - then the palace served as the owners of the residence and the hunting house.

In 1946, he turned into a sanatorium "Carpathians", whose specialization is treatment and rehabilitation after diseases of the vessels and hearts. In addition to rare plants, which for more than a dozen years we grow in the garden-arboretum, there is also a Bolve with mineral water on the territory of the palace. It is also called a source of beauty for the healing properties of water.

Palace of Counts Shenbornov (Castle Buckwear) near Mukacheva

The castle is best to get along the railway. In Mukachev, you need to sit in the train, which is sent to the station "Carpathians", and from there you can walk to the palace. The sanatorium can be reached by car, moving along the Kiev-Chop highway. There you will connect to the towns of Suskovo and Chinadievo, between which the amazing palace is located.

Thermal waters of Transcarpathia

If you have never had the opportunity to swim in the thermal waters, then the city of Beregovo and the village of Kosino (Mukachevsky district) will definitely like you. Tourist complexes are fascinating their beauty and spectrum of therapeutic services.

Health complex in Kosino

It is here that you will find outdoor pools and saunas with thermal waters, the temperature of which reaches more than 40 degrees. Natural mineral water, in particular, in the coast, rises directly from thermal wells, in excess of 1 km. Thousands of tourists from all over the country come to these edges of Transcarpathia to go not only on tasting delicious wines and cheeses, but also perfectly spend time and health.

Balneological resort Lumshory

The perfect place to relax and restore forces is the Balneological Resort of Lumshor, who originates from the XVII century. The village of Pereroinsky District, which is located at the foot of the largest Polonina of the Ukrainian Carpathians - Polonina Runa - invites not only a pleasant pastime, but also to improvement in metal chains.

For some, such an exotic rest may seem somewhat strange, but bathing in mineral hydrogen sulfide water will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition to unforgettable impressions, swimming in Chanins helps to improve the musculoskeletal system and rejuvenate the body.

Lumshors are invited to swim in Chans

Given the remoteness from civilization, it is quite difficult to get to the village. It is best to start your route from the regional center by train, which passes through the swirling. There you will reproach to the route transport that regularly leaves the bus station.

Lake Sinevir

The real pearl of the Carpathians, which affects its beauty and unique flora and fauna, is located in the Meshgore district. She became not only an excellent tourist point, but also a place to shoot not a single film and a video clip. It is also often referred to as the "marine eye", which is striking with its crystal water and mountain landscapes.

Transcarpathian region (Ukr. Zakaropatska region., Weng. Kárpátalja, Rusin. Podkapartsk region) - the area of \u200b\u200bUkraine, the administrative center - Uzhgorod.


The territory of Transcarpathia was part of the Great Moravia, the Galician-Volyn Principality, the Hungarian Kingdom, Transylvania, Austria-Hungary. The territory of Transcarpathia was part of the four Committes of Hungary - Coast, Maramoros, Ung, A Poland. In 1918-1919, the territory was occupied by Czechoslovak and Romanian armies, in May 1919, the meeting in Uzhgorod proclaimed the desire to enter Czechoslovakia. On June 4, 1920, in the Saint-Germinsky Treaty called "Podkarpatskaya Rus" (Cesh. Podkarpatská rus, Cesh. Země Podkarpatoruská, from November 22, 1938, is within Czechoslovakia in the status of the autonomous unit Puberpatskaya Rus (according to the text of the CSR Constitutional Law on November 22 1938). In Czechoslovakia, the territory was divided into 14 districts - Beregovo, Great Birch, Vinogradov, Irshava, Mukaryvo, Mukachevo, Mukachevo, Perechin, Rakhiv, Svalyava, Tsychev, Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod-Village, Hust. After the transfer of the Sukan region Czechoslovakia (see Munich Agreement 1938) In Transcarpathia March 15, 1939, the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Government of Subcarpathian Russia, Augustine Voloshin, was proclaimed independent state - Karpathian Ukraine. On March 18, 1939, Hungarian troops were introduced in Transcarpathia. In 1944, Transcarpathia was paid off by Soviet troops. (Transcarpathian Ukraine (1944-1946)).

On June 29, 1945, an agreement was signed in Moscow on the entry of the former subcarpathic Rus to the Ukrainian SSR (agreement 186/1946 SB. Czechoslovak Leader). The agreement was finally ratified by the Czechoslovak Parliament on November 22, 1945. In addition, Czechoslovakia agreed to convey the USSR about 250 km² of territory in the vicinity of Chop - Batfa settlements, Talk, Small Selloters, Padded Komarovtsy, Pallo, Rutovtsy, Solomonovo, Surte, Tisaashwan, Tyagash, Chop, who were not part of Subcarpathian Rus, and There were part of the Slovak Zemmlin (Velkokapushansky and Kralyochlzytsky districts). On January 22, 1946, the Department of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was created on the joined lands, the Ussrian region was created. On April 4, 1946, the village of Lekarovtsy (Slovak. Lekárovce) was transferred to Czechoslovakia from the order of the Transcarpathian region.


    The Transcarpathian region is located on the southwestern slopes and the foothills of the Eastern Carpathians, and also includes the Zakarpathian lowland. In the south, the area is bordered by Romania (the heads of Satu Mare and Maramures), in the south-west - with the Hungarian Medean Sabolch-Satmar-Beach, in the West - with the Presovsky and Kositsky edges of Slovakia and in the north - with Poland's subcarpathic Voivodeship. This is the only area of \u200b\u200bUkraine bordering Slovakia and Hungary. Thus, the Transcarpathian region is a peculiar Ukrainian "window to Europe". In the north and east, the area borders with two other regions of Ukraine - Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk. By area, the area ranks a penultimate place among twenty-four Ukrainian regions, ahead of only the Chernivtsi region.

    The territory of the region is 12,777 km², the population is 1,259,068 people (as of September 1, 2014), which corresponds to 2.11% of the territory and 2.78% of the population of Ukraine.


    About 80% of the territory of the region is the Carpathian Mountains located in three main ridges (the Verkhovinsky Ridge, the Waterproof Range and the Polonsky Ridge), as well as the ridge of volcanic carpathians and four less large, but higher mountain arrays (Blackwood, Svidoven, Gorgan and Rakhovsky Array). The tops of the Montenegrin ridge are the highest on the territory of Ukraine - the tops of pop Ivan, Brereyscul and Petros exceed 2 km in height, and Goverla mountain reaches a height of 2061 m, being the highest point of the region and Ukraine. From the northeastern slopes of Carpathian Transcarpathia separated Pass: Yablnetsky (Yablonotsky), Torun, Uzhoksky, Versetsky, Volovetsky and legions high from 931 to 1110 m above sea level. Most of the population lives in the applicant lowland (up to 250 m height), which occupies a little less than 20% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region.

    In the territory of the region flows 9429 rivers and flows. The largest of them is Tisa (Tissa), the left danube influx formed with the merger of white and black tees. In the boundaries of the region, its length is 240 km. All major rivers of the area fall into either in Tisu itself, including Borzhava, Rick, Teresava and Terbell, or in Bodrog in Slovakia (Latience and Oh). In the region there are 137 natural lakes, mostly glacial origin, the largest and deep lake of Transcarpathia is Srynevir. Traditionally, it is believed that the Geographical Center of Europe is located on the territory of Transcarpathia near the village of Business Rakhovsky district (this point of view is currently disputed).


    Soil cover Transcarpathia is very diverse. For each embossed zone, its own group of soil is characteristic, although in general they can be attributed to the mixed borcembly-podzolic. On the plain the delicate-opolny gleying soils and gley or brown gley soils are common. For the foothills, it is characterized by burglar-podzolic, and in the mountainous terrain the brown forests, ferrous-burglar and mountain-meadow soils prevail.

    Flora and fauna Transcarpathia belongs to the number of richest and best of all preserved throughout Europe. The forests that are the main wealth of Transcarpathia, now occupy more than 45% of its territory (from the countries of Central Europe with this indicator only Slovakia can be compared, 41%), although at the beginning of the XIX century they covered 85% of the land of the region.

    Transcarpathian forests differ in the composition of woody rocks, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe vertical explanation. Transcarpathian lowland can be further attributed to the forest-steppe zone, as the forests have been preserved only by 15% of the plain territories of Transcarpathia. The plane forests are mostly dubovoy-ram, although Olha and Birosis are also found here. Foothills are covered mainly by oak or beech forests. The european beech dominates, starting with 700-800 m above sea level. At an altitude of 1000-1200 m to beech, spruce and fir are added to the beech, and even higher, mixed coniferous-beech forests are inferior to conifer. Above 1500-1600 meters for Transcarpathia are characterized by subalpine and alpine meadows, known as Polonins.


    In the Ukrainian Carpathians there are 74 species of mammals (out of 102, found in Ukraine). 69 of them permanently reside in the Transcarpathian region. Significant industrial potential have populations of empty animals, which are the largest in the country. Parquers are represented by 5 species: there are noble deer, wild boar, European roeland, as well as two introduced species - mouflon and lan. In addition to them, on the territory of the region for a long time they come from the neighboring regions of the bison. In the structure of empty animals they prevail roe, accounted for 57% of the total livestock. The number of boars (3937 individuals in 2000) and deer (4333 individuals) is one of the highest in Ukraine. Nevertheless, poaching and adverse weather conditions periodically cause a significant drop in the number of large animals.

    From the predatory in the area there are lynx, forest wild cat, brown bear, fox, wolf, caressing, chore, badger, otter, ermine, two types of mink and cunits, as well as a acclimatized Far Eastern raccoon dog. Otter, badger, ermine, lynx and forest cat are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. An important role in saving the disappearing forest cat is played by his Transcarpathian population consisting of more than 500 individuals. Brown bear depicted on the coat of arms (237 individuals in the area as of 2000) on the territory of Ukraine is now found only in the Carpathians. In addition to these, in the Transcarpathian region there are insectivores (Mole, Yozh, Breasons, Blownings, Courtyards), rodents (from the Alpine Snow Welding to Typically Steppe Hamster), Town-shaped (hare-rusak), manochable (most of which are listed in the Red Book). Some species (Zayak-Belyak, Sulna) were destroyed in the XIX-early XX century.

    281 View of the Birds of Transcarpathia is more than 80% of the entire Ornithofauna of Ukraine. Of these, the nestings are 127 species (44%), settled - 60 (23%), flights - 48 (17%), was lined - 38 (13%), wintering - 8 (3%). Sedded, in particular, are the grouse, aunt, a row, gray partridge, Pheasan, Owl, Burkut, Filin, Owl, Berkut, Big and Small Hawks, Cut, Woodpecker, Nutrovka, Tit, Sparrow, Chizh, Finch, Lark, Clest. Other types (Oriole, Drozd, Swallow, Sorokoput, Ducks) are also very common. Special protection requires unique populations of predatory and sovereign birds, since almost all protected Ukrainian birds of these detachments (Berkut, Snakeed, Mokhnogo Owl, Orel-Dwarf, Filin, Sparrows, Skop, Sokol-Sapsan) are found in the field, as well as inhabiting alpine Dark-like forests Carpaths Glukhari, Tetheriev and Ryabchiki.

    Of the reptiles in Transcarpathia, there are 13 species, including 1 type of turtles, as well as several species of lizards and snakes (Conditions are ordinary and water, ECClap, Medeyanka and Viotushka ordinary). The area presents the entire spectrum of amphibians present in the country (17 species): Salamandra spotted, Tritons are ordinary, comb, carpathian and alpine, quax ordinary, green toad, frog lake, angry and herbal. 57 species of fish common in the reservoirs of the Transcarpathian region are characteristic of the Danube basin. For mountain rivers Typical salmon (Trout, Harius, Dunaisky salmon), for the plains - carp (crucian, carp, roach, garnet ordinary, chub, eldet, brutal carp), catfish, pike perch, roshch, chop, perch, bream, lin , pike.

    Protection of Nature

    In the Ukrainian Carpathians, which occupy most of the region, the largest sections of virgin wide and mixed plesons, representing the minimally distorted anthropogenic effects of the Flor and Fauna of the Middle Eastern province of the Hollarctic biogeographic zone are preserved. To preserve their flora and fauna in the region, a number of protected areas are open - reserves (1 biosphere, with six separate sections), natural parks (2 national), reserves (sobbing reserve with a waterfall of Voivodic around Polonina-Runa - Runov ( 1479 m), west of Zhdniyevo), Dendroparks (the arboretum near P. Great Bereznis) and many of the attention of Nature noteworthy [monuments], in which there are sv. 2000 plant species, 350 species of mammals and birds. The total area of \u200b\u200bprotected areas and protected objects is 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the territory of the Transcarpathian region (according to this indicator, with Transcarpathia in Ukraine, only the Khmelnitsky region with a recently open Podolsk Tistra Park) competes.

    The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, created by Decree of the Government of the Ukrainian SSR, is owned to the greatest and most interesting facilities of the Natural Reserve Fund, created by the Decree of the Government of the Ukrainian SSR in the framework of the general-based process of creating protected areas to preserve the pristine natural complexes in 1968. The ecosystem of the reserve is attributed to the most valuable on the planet and from 1993 enters the international network of biosphere reserves protected by UNESCO.

    The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 57,880 hectares, consistent with 6 separated areas of arrays: Chernogorovsky (Blackorn; with the highest vertex of the Ukrainian Carpathian Goragla), Maramorosh (Marmarosh; Rakhov Mountains, Mount Pop Ivan, 1940 m), Svidovo (Verse Clothes and Dragobrat), Kuzelsky (Cousin), Ugal-Solitary (the largest array of virgin beech forests in Europe; near the village of coal Stalactite caves), and the unique "Narcissus Valley" near the Hustry, which is the largest array of [the rarest] high-altitude narcotic drugs in the world; As well as two reserves - "Black Mountain" and "Julia Mountain". It is noteworthy that 5 of the 6 arrays of the reserve are located on the territory of Transcarpathia (as well as Chernogorsky, located in Transcarpathian (Rakhovsky district) and Ivano-Frankivsk regions). The Carpathian biosphere reserve is one of the largest scientific and ecological and educational centers of the Carpathian region. The Museum of Ecology Mountains and the History of Natural Management Karpat, the exposition of which demonstrate the structure and patterns of the functioning of mountain ecosystems, the nature of the management in the mountains, culture and life of local residents. For outstanding achievements in the preservation of natural, cultural and historical heritage, the Council of Europe for the first time in Ukraine awarded the Carpathian biosphere reserve with a European diploma.

    The National Natural Park "Srynevir" was created in 1989 [by transformation and expansion (until the current area) of the Landscape Reserve "Sanevir Lake", which existed for 15 years] in the upper reaches - the area of \u200b\u200bthe source and the upper part of the catchment - the River Terebli. Here - in the mountain range of Gorgan, the central part of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Strymba, 1719 m; and the city of Negroez, 1707 m), - on the square 40.4 thousand hectares are preserved beech, coniferous (death), mixed forests and alpine meadows where 914 types of higher vascular plants grow and about 100 species (tenth) of the rarest and endangered plants are guarded, as well as a number of species of rare vertebrates - noble deer, brown bear, roe, wild boar, lynx, wolf, fox, raccoon dog , Cute, hare gray, squirrel, otter, badger, ermine, deaf, trout, spotted salamander.

    Synevir (Lake up to 0.5 km², at an altitude of 989 m) is a business card of the Ukrainian Carpathians, their peculiar brand deservingly attracting a huge number of tourists.

    The Uzhan National Natural Park was created by the Decree of the Perinsite Ukraine of September 27, 1999 No. 1230/99. Park (391.6 km²) Located in the mountain range Oriental Beskids (along the river is almost 45 km), being an integral part of the only three-sided Polish-Slovak-Ukrainian International Biosphere Reserve "Eastern Carpathians", which is confirmed by the UNESCO MAB certificate. In particular, in the park there are over 200 types of valuable healing plants, 40 of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

    Almost all the space is occupied by thick picturesque forests, with an obvious predominance of coniferous rocks, which evergreen scales cover the peaks and the slopes of the mountains. Sometimes dense forest cover is tearing, bringing landscaped diversity in the landscape, rare glades (polonins) used by hardworking carpathian peasants under the bellows and pastures.

    Resort and recreational resources

    The resort resources of the Transcarpathian region constitute mainly mineral waters and climate. On the territory of the region - about 360 mineral springs whose water is different in composition and represent all major groups of mineral waters. The most promising for the resort use of 30 deposits, of which sanatorium-resort institutions operate on the basis of 13 [in the complex of the region's recreational resources - according to the information and telephone reference book "Yellow Pages Ukraine" (Yellowpages.ua) - 75 explored and 38 listed in the Mineral Cadastre Water of Ukraine deposits of 30 types of mineral waters studied with a flow rate of 3.3 thousand m³ per day, which are unique].

    In the Maggielsky district, near the r. Rica [the balneoclimatic resort terrain of the Soyma], found significant reserves of carbon dioxide chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium water, on the basis of sources of the Soymovsky field operates the resort of the Verkhovin (s. Soyma); Carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium water containing cobalt, nickel, manganese and iron, is available in Kelechin resort. A large deposit of carbon dioxide containing iron, manganese, arsenic, is near the village. Kvass (mountain resort Mountain Tisa) and pos. Kobyleckaya Polyana in Rakhovsky district. Carbon dioxide was also discovered in the Khust district (Dragovo's resort location, Sayana's resort - at the foot of G. Big Shayan). Especially rich in carbon dioxide deposits - Burkut (Ukrainian Narzan) - in Svalyavsky and Mukachevsky districts, where the Svalyavskaya group of resorts is located, as well as the Karpataya resort (railway platform Karpaty, Mukachevsky district, near the apiary; at the border with the Svalyava district; sanatorium; Located in the luxurious County Palace K. Shenborne). Sulfide sulfate calcium water deposits in Mukachevsky district are used in the resort of the bruise. Chloride sodium waters were found near the village. Ust-Chorn in the Turevsky district. Mineral waters are used in resorts for both baths and drinking treatment. In addition, in the region there are 5 factories, which are spilled as medical and table mineral waters "Dragovskaya" and "Luzhanskaya"; As medicinal - carbon dioxide under the names "Planed", "Polyana-Kvasov" (+ "Polyana-Font") and "Svalyava".

    In the Transcarpathian region Resorts are also functioning: Kuita Polonina (s. Golubina), Polyana (since 1892, official use with therapeutic goals and bottling in the water bottle of the Polyana-Fike source) and solar Transcarpathia (Polyana-Kvasov is both in the glade), there are plane resorts (Koi All 4 are part of the Svalyava group of resorts), Celechin, and others.

    14 sanatoriums (5000 places), including 9 trade union and 5 sanatoriums in the jurisdiction of health authorities (900 seats), as well as 10 sanatoriums-collectors belonging to various enterprises and institutions; 2 trade union holiday homes. For spa construction (and recreational and tourist recreation - rehabilitation), Rakhovsky, Mezhigansky, Volovetsky, Great Moberensky, Perechinsky, Khustsky and Uzhgorod districts, where more than 60% of carbon dioxide reserves are concentrated. In Uzhgorod there is a branch of the Odessa Research Institute of Resortology; Along with the clinic in Uzhgorod, the branch has a clinical base in the republican allergic hospital in the village. Salvian. One of its departments intended for the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma and some other chronic nonspecific diseases of lungs with asthmatic manifestations is located in a salt mine at a depth of 300 m (see speleotherapy).

    Transcarpathian region is the most important area of \u200b\u200btourism of nationwide importance. Here there is at least 11 roundabases (4000 seats), including in Uzhgorod, Mukachev, Rakhov, Volovets, Murenje, Yasin and other places; 4 Tour desk - in Uzhgorod, Mukachev, Khust and Rakhov.

    Transcarpathia is one of the centers of winter sports of Ukraine.

And now the main attraction of Mukachevo - Castle of the Palanory.
The castle is located on the hill, the height of which is 80 meters. The origin of the hill, as the guide told us, has two versions. One - he is bulk, at the other - volcanic origin.

Road to the castle:

Through dry ditch, the bridge is transferred:

On the right, our guide:

According to legends, once the castle was like this:

The thickness of the walls is impressive:

Analogue of a modern intercom between floors - you need to shout in this hole and you will hear on the next floor:

In the courtyard:

Ancient Well:

Let me remind you, the castle is located on the hill, the height of which is 80 meters. So it was oh how difficult to get to the water. Nevertheless, the well died the well of the required depth, and water appeared in the castle.

On the observation site:

Mukachevo as palm:

Inspection Mukachevo with more finished and you can go on, to Uzhgorod.

Uzhgorod - the capital of the Schropat region. Uzhgorod is a city that is located on the river. That's the river itself:

In the place where we left the car, some rally passed (in the background):

Several frames of the city center:

Monument to the lamp:

The castle (Eh, it was necessary to look for a guide, did not see anything themselves, but from what they saw - they understood little):

Ditch around the castle:


With a fortress wall:

At this, the story of visiting Uzhgorod could be finished if it were not for one institution. Having been in Uzhgorod, it is impossible not to go to dine in the Korchm "Dets NOTAR". Cult place. Literally means - 100 grams of notary. The place where Zabarpat humor is assembled and embodied.

Before dinner, you need to get around and inspect the entire territory.

Come yourself, about whom or what we are talking about))):

Fresh Euro 2012 theme is also not left aside:

By track to WC:

Outstanding beans:

Before leaving))) :

For all the fun, they feed in Corcch seriously and tasty. National dishes from Transcarpathian cuisine.

In Korchme, they laughed and lunch, then left Uzhgorod and took the course to Lviv (the road M06 - Chop - Uzhgorod - Lviv). We drove past Mukachevo, after which they made a stop in Chinadievo - there are two more castle here.
The first castle is more like a big house:

And the second castle is a real palace. The former hunting house of the Counts of Shenborn (such scales of the hunting house they were in the order of things). Now there is a sanatorium:

And they came out to explore the surroundings from the height of the pass:

Somewhere not far from Square, next to the villains, the lower blue-like Motel for Overnight:

Decent, clean, neat, inexpensive and almost empty. Motel immediately placed. Polite and nice staff, good rooms. The motel is called "Viking Carpathians". Near the motel there is a gas station, as well as the cafe "Dikanka", where they prepare delicious dumplings with a different stuffing. We had dinner and had breakfast in the "Dikanka".
And on the other side of the motel there is a platform, on which we immediately unfunnel football:

Helmet, and we go to sleep. And waking up, we see such a view from the window:

This motel, by the way, turned out to be the most cozy for the entire hotel from all the hotels met. And Wi-Fi is free was in the rooms and the Internet has worked. And slept very well. 320 hryvnia for 3-bed luxury rooms on our family (we were given another extra bed, so we felt all the four of us).
Breakfast and leaving for Lviv, before it is about 100 km.

And finally - a few frames with the streets of Lviv:

The city is very beautiful:

Any journey ever ends. Goodbye, Lviv, goodbye, Transcarpathia, to the meeting, Ukraine, and we are time to return home.

Practical information

Condition of roads and road traffic in Western Ukraine

As of the summer of 2012, the road H09, according to which we drove from Yaremche through Rakhov, Khust to Mukachevo was quite worthy of quality. Unintelligible, but the holes and Koldybin minimum, the quality of the coating is quite normal. The asphalt is almost everywhere without cracks, the chosable was not observed. The road M19 / E85 on the site of the watery - Kovel - Lutsk - Dubno is much worse, at night there is better not to go there - a lot of pit, Koldybin, and in places from trucks in the asphalt, a real track was formed - it is possible to damage the bottom. In the afternoon, it is normal, everything can be seen, all obstacles can be accessed if you do not rush. The same M19 / E85 road on the Dubno plot - Kremenets - Ternopil a little better, but only a bit.
After the tracks described above, the quality of the road M06 / (E40, E50) on the plot of exactly - Dubno - Lviv - Uzhgorod is above all silence. It is no better - this is the best route of Ukraine. There is a separation strip and two strips in each direction, asphalt is not bad. Speed \u200b\u200blimit - where 90, and where and 130. Local worn faster than these restrictions :).
There are traffic cops, they usually sit at the table with a laptop in a tent on the sidelines. Somewhere installed radars with video phixation (then on the screen of the laptop you will show you a video where you are in the title role :)), and somewhere ordinary vintage radars. I do not recommend violating, the fines are large - from 400 hryvnia ($ 50) and further. The traffic cops work mainly on their pocket, immediately reducing the penalty for the client twice. You can bargain and need!
The most frequent and "expensive" violations are exceeding the speed and crossing the double solid (where it is, naturally). While you have not broken anything, no one "just so" stop will not be, even despite your "foreign" numbers, do not worry. Our crew was stopped the only time for departing to the oncoming lane on a very "cunning" circle for Mukachevo, how to go from Mukachevo to the side of Uzhgorod. There are three roads on a circle, more precisely, the R54 road is adjacent to the road M06 by the circle. We traveled from Mukachevo on P54 and had to turn in a circle on the M06 towards Uzhgorod, but it turned out that this circle is not completely with one-way movement, and one of his sector has a bilateral movement (where M06)! And I drove along a smaller radius, and this was already a counter it! Well, I did not reach the accident, and I worked out the wrong, moved to a larger radius, already inevitably disturbed marking and double solid. The traffic cop saw these maneuvers, stopped, dilked to the booth, showed a video, asked if I learned my car ... I talked for a long time, the outcome of the conversation was minus 400 hryvnia to the traffic cop (Bidding started directly from the price of a fine for creating an emergency and intersection of a double solid - from 850 hryvnia). Surgovo, but there will be a lesson. And the circle is really very cunning there and who drives it first, almost everything automatically and fall into this trap.
Local drivers are mostly adequate, there are of course likhachi, and chams, but they are a bit.
In general, the road movement of difficulties does not carry.

Where to spend the night in Transcarpathia (Mukachevo and Uzhgorod)?

In Mukachevo, we spent one night at Weekend Hotel - 400 hryvnia for a quadruple room. The situation in the room where we spent the night, quite at the level, there is a satellite TV, a refrigerator, air conditioning, a full cute bathroom. Breakfast is not included, there are free Wi-Fi in the rooms, through which it really was impossible to enter the Internet. There is a bar and a restaurant with food and drinks in the room. They ordered two mojito - cocktails were made well and delivered quickly. In general, nothing such a hotel.
The hotel "Palanok" is also recommended (next to the castle of the same name, very convenient for its inspection). The cozy double room will cost 290 hryvnia. There is a TV, refrigerator and air conditioning.
And another hotel. "Mother Abode" is a private pension of European-type Bad & Breakfast, it is located on General Petrova Street. Pretty cozy hotel.

In Uzhgorod, we recommend hotel "Golden Mountain". In essence, this villa is located 2 km from Uzhgorod. Address: Uzhgorod district, p. Barwinka. And about one good hotel - "Duet Plus" Double room from 400 to 500 hryvnia. Air conditioning, satellite TV, Wi-Fi. Located on the street. Kositskaya, 6.

Where to eat in Uzhgorod?

Want to laugh, taste the Zakrpatsky humor, while it is good to eat - visit Corchm

Where to eat in Lviv?

Sit, drink beer in a pleasant and interesting place, well, to eat, at the same time, inexpensive you can in the cafe of the roof. Located on the square market. Very unusual and creative cafe, you need to even know the password :). Without a password - Cafe "Gusov Lampa" (st. Armenian, 20)
Sit and drink coffee and a lot of other instead of coffee and coffee - a coffee shop "Golden Dukat". Street I. Fedorova, 20. Or come to Zucmen (st. Staroevrayskaya, 3)
Tasty, satisfying and expensive to eat with a beautiful view of the city - the restaurant of the garment hotels "Citadel", ul. Grabovsky, 11. Or Restaurant Hotel "Opera" of Freedom Ave., 45.

P.S. Go to Transcarpathia!
Good luck!

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