
Western Siberia. Geographical location, main features of nature. Presentation on the topic "Western Siberia" Western Siberia 9

The topic of the lesson "Western Siberia"

The purpose of the lesson: To organize the work on the assimilation of the peculiarities of the geographical situation, the resource base, the population and the economic specialization of Western Siberia. Tasks: Educational: Developing: Development of care, logical thinking and expansion of the horizons, preparation of students for life in the post-industrial society. Secure the ability to extract information from atlas cards ability to analyze data and formulate conclusions reveal the causes of the dependence of the natural resource potential and industries; as well as the dependence of the development of the area from the EGP features Educational: Development of cognitive interest, creative activity of students, education of information culture; students must make sure that the development of any territory is impossible without knowing its featuresEquipment:

During the classes

    Organizing time Studying a new material
Teacher The Eastern Economic Area consists of three large economic regions. Let's call them and point out on the map (p.195 Fig. 59) - Our task to identify differences between these areas. And today we will introduce in detail with Western Siberia.
Exercise 1. Examine the Atlas Card "Western Siberia" and fill in the pass in the text. Area area is _______ km 2. It lives ________ thousand. person. Western Siberia is the district of Russia, which borders with 3 states: _________________. Russian neighbors are ____________________ regions. In the north, Western Siberia has an output to _______ Sea. The area is from _____ subjects: ____ regions, ____ autonomous districts, ____ edges, _____. There are two important transport highways in the district of the district _______________ The most close connections are established with ______________ by the economic area. The benefits of EGP Western Siberia are to be in _________________ Negative factor is _____________.
- Check using the slide
Teacher: - Different parts of Russia are distinguished by natural and economic conditions: some of them are thickly populated, and other deserted; Some are rich in minerals, while others are poor. Thus, the conditions of each territory are favorable for the development of various industries, and each territory focuses on the production of those types of products, the conditions for the production of which are most favorable.
Task 2. Work in groups 1 group. Conclusion: the development of the territory is complicated _ (territory of the territory, permafrost, polar night in the north of Western Siberia)______________________
2 group. (rich, rich) natural resources, especially _________ (fuel).
Answer. Western Siberia has large oil and gas fields. The oil field is located in the middle part of Western Siberia - average Priobye, in the area of \u200b\u200bSurgut and Nizhnevartovsk: Samotlorskoye, Surgut, Saliamskoye, Ust-Balyk, Varghaan, and others. In the north of the Tyumen region, natural gas is mining on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets JSC. Deposit - Urengoy, Yamburg, Polar, Bear, and others. In the south in the Kemerovo region, the largest Kuznetsky coal pool is located (high quality coal, affordability of industrial development). In the south of the Kemerovo region (Mountain Shore region) of the Iron Rud deposit. In Altai, mercury and gold, manganese and polymetallic ores are reserves. In the south - Kulundy Lake - deposits of the glauble and cook salt. Forest resources, taiga has valuable types of wood - cedar, fir, larch. In the south - in the steppe zone fertile soils - chernozem. Significant water resources.
3 group. - demographic indicators - accommodation - density - National composition - urbanization, cities (strong, weak);the area has (wealth or deficiency)
Answer.Population population - 15.0 million people; 10.2% of the Russian Federation. Natural increase - negative-5.5. Posted population unevenly. The average density is 6 people / on sq.km. Southern regions are most closely populated - along the Transsib. The taiga populated mainly valleys of rivers. In the tundra density less than 1 person / per square. km. The indigenous population of North - Nenets - Ural family. The middle part is populated by two peoples - Khanty and Mansi - Finno-Ugric Group Ural Language Family. In the south - Altaisa is the Altai family. The Russian population prevails - more than 90%. Urbanization coefficient - 71%. Large cities are located mainly at the intersection of railways and shipping rivers. Cities "Millionaires" - Novosibirsk and Omsk.
Messages of students about the cities of Western Siberia.
Teacher: - When the territory begins to produce this or that products in volumes exceeding local needs, and provides it with other areas of the country, it consists of it territorial specialization. - Three groups of factors affect territorial specialization: - Natural (natural conditions and resources); - social (number and composition of the population, historically established labor skills); - Economic (availability of transport infrastructure, consumers, etc.)
Task 3. Determine the economic specialization of the area. (Appendix 2)
1 group.

Natural resources

2 group.

coefficient specialization K. . P N.
If a To ____ 1. then this industry is specialization industry .

N. - share of the population of the district
in the total population of the country \u003d

Take output. District specialization sectors are _______________
3 group.

Specialization branches

70% of all-Russian oil 92% of all-Russian gas
Cast iron, steel, hire
Aluminum Tin Zinc
Mineral Fertilizers, Synthetic Resins and Plastics, Chemical Fibers, Tires
Airplanes, radio equipment, devices. Tanks, spacecraft, carrier rockets, communication satellites. Mountain and metallurgical equipment, machines. Tractors Wagons
Forest-round, furniture, matches
Meat, milk 11% 13%-Common Russian Federation.
Pants, meat Answer:
      Diversified economy; Developed scientific base; This is the main oil and gas and coal base of the country; Large metallurgical base; District of developed grain farming
TPK Western Siberia.(There is a demonstration of space shots from the COR "Domestic differences of the West Siberian district"
Teacher: - The North and South part of Western Siberia differ significantly in the nature of economic specialization. Oil and gas production determine the specialization of the north. On the outer picture, oil production in the Tyumen region is presented in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Purovsky field. Motion light lilac with white tone - disturbed territories, field infrastructure (drilling platforms, pipelines, roads); Dark lilac objects - Gary from fires; Light lilac monophonic - wetlands. Gas production in Yamalo-Nenets AO - Urengoya deposit. Lilac and pink tones - infrastructure; Dirty green and brown - wetlands. Here in the northern part of the district was formed oil andazocymic West Siberian TPK. - The specialization of the southern part of the district determine the mining of stone coal, the metallurgical industry and highly developed agriculture. A picture of the Kuznetsky coal pool. Purple and dark lilac shades are the territory of the field (coal cuts, careers, dumps of rocks). Novokuznetsk is a large metallurgical center, which employs two full-cycle plants, ferroalloil plant and an aluminum plant. The site of the territory of the Altai Territory is pink and brown tones - plowed agricultural land. Here in the southern part of the district was formed coal-metallurgical Kuznetsco-Altai TPK.
- What are the area problems very well viewed in these pictures?
Answer: 1. Writing. The nature of the nature of the tundra makes it difficult for economic activities in this natural zone (the presence of lakes and swamps prevents the maintenance of roads, harsh climatic conditions are unfavorable for people's lives.) The teacher explains that there are roads and platforms in the tundra, where driving rigs are specially pouring. 2. The industries prevail (mining, metallurgical) - unfavorable changes in the structure of the economy. 3. Environmental problems: pollution of the river Ob oil; Destruction of deer pastures; air pollution in the Kuzbass area of \u200b\u200bcoal dust, emissions of metallurgical plants, solard of TPP; Soil erosion. 4. Problems of the peoples of the Far North; 5. Lack of labor resources; 6. Insufficient development of social infrastructure.
Teacher: - How can these problems solve, and what are the prospects for the development of the area?
Answer: 1. DESIGN 2. Development of the manufacturing industries 3. The use of special techniques, the reconstruction of old industries, the adoption of laws on the conservation of nature.OUTPUT.In terms of its economic potential, the area is in third place after the center and the Urals. The main national economic function of Western Siberia is the supply of oil and gas to the European part of the country. In the oil industry of Western Siberia, powerful concerns have been created. The largest and consistently working are "LUKOIL" and "Surgutneftegaz". The role of coal recently decreases. The area is allocated in the all-Russian division of labor with black and non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, chemical industry. The value of the production of grain of wheat solid varieties. 10% of grain fees in Russia. 3. Fastening.Preparing for GIA.1. In Western Siberia, the north zone takes:
    Most of the territory; Approximately half; Lower part.
2. What natural zone is absent on the West Siberian Plain?
    taiga Taiga Mixed Forests wide forests
3. From the resources of Western Siberia the greatest value for the country have:
    Forest; Fuel and energy; Ore.
4. A complex of structural materials is developed in Western Siberia:
    In the north; On South.
5. Install the correspondence:Industrial centre:
    Urengoy; Novokuznetsk; Novosibirsk.
6. The economy of Western Siberia basically uses resources:
    Own; Bridal.
7. Which of the cities of Western Siberia is the largest population?
    Novosibirsk Barnaul Tomsk Tyumen
8. Install the correspondence between the type of product and the region of Russia, which specializes in its release. Product type of Russia
    coal A. Arkhangelsk region oil B. Republic Tatarstan wood V. Kemerovo Region Chelyabinsk Oblast
Record write to the table.

9. How to explain the placement in the city of Kemerovo production of nitrogen fertilizers? Specify at least two reasons. 10. How to explain the placement of tractor buildings in the city of Rubtsovsk in the south of Western Siberia? Specify at least two reasons. 11. Determine the region according to its brief description. This republic is bordered by three countries. The only urban settlement is the capital. Like most mountainous areas, it is extremely not evenly evenly: most of the villages and the villages are located along the rivers, as well as in the intergoregous basins. Leading industry economy - agriculture. The share of industry in the structure of the economy is one of the lowest in the country. The food industry is developed, non-ferrous metal ore production, production of building materials.12. Dorisite the scheme of the Siberian Metallurgical Base.

13. There are such a song from the Peoples of Mansi:We will leave, leave the Earth,
To no longer be born
And on fast horse skis
Do not slide behind the fellow.
Our boats like graves
On the sands rotten sadly,
And in the villages of empty
Only mice will live.
What kind of problem of indigenous people of the North speaks in poem?4. Homework:p. 289-291 (Textbook Geography of Russia "Population and Management" Alekseev, Nikolina), give the characteristic of the TPK according to the plan - 1 version of West Siberian, 2Variant - Kuznetsco-Altai.


    Geographical position.

    Natural conditions and the most important types of natural resources.

    Largest cities.

    Industry Specialization Branches (by city).

    Features of transport development.

    Geographically - production relations.

    Problems and development prospects.

    The conclusion about the meaning and development of the TPK.

Attachment 1 - Cards for work in groups

1 group. Give a brief description of the natural conditions of Western Siberia. What is the difference between natural conditions? Rate natural conditions.

Conclusion: the development of the territory is complicated ______________________

2 group. Determine the atlas map, which natural resources have a district (Specify where, in which part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area). Give a economic assessment of the natural resources of Western Siberia. On the contour map, mark the largest mineral deposits. Word output: Western Siberia (rich, rich) natural resources, especially _________

3 group. Give the characteristic of the population of Western Siberia: - demographic indicators - accommodation - density - National composition - urbanization, cities Rate population and labor resources. Formulate the conclusion: the settlement of the territory - (strong, weak);the area has (wealth or deficiency)labor resources; The problem of the indigenous population is acute.

Appendix 2.
1 group. Using knowledge of the natural resources of the district, suggest which industry of farms will be developed in Western Siberia. Fill the table. On an economic map, find the centers and areas of these industries.

Natural resources

3 group. Using the text textbook, fill in the table. On an economic map, find the centers and areas of these industries.

Specialization branches

Prove that Western Siberia is highlighted by its powerful economy. Answer: Evidence that a powerful economy has developed in Western Siberia:
      Diversified economy; ……… ……….. ………….. ……………
2 group. Using the application table 4, the formula and calculator, calculate which industries will be sectors of the specialization of Western Siberia. Fill in the table, build a schedule. On an economic map, find the centers and areas of these industries.
To determine the specialization exists coefficient specialization K. . P - the proportion of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, in the total production of the country N. - share of the region's population in the total population of the country
If a To ____ 1. then this industry is specialization industry .
N. - share of the population of the district
in the total population of the country \u003d

It turned off many years ago. Widespread Pantime reindeer herding received on . Deer, which are bred for these purposes, contains in special pens. Deer is the only family of mammals, annually growing and dropping the massive organ - horns. Panta - Roga During their annual growth, they have a tubular inorganized structure, filled Covered with fine velvety skin with short soft wool. Deer have greater value due to their medical properties. Cut from live animals without harming them. obtained by this animal helps to cope with the illness of many and many people. In the eastern traditional healer systems (China, Korea), the Pants are widely used to preserve strength and youth, they are located on the top of the drugs used and are comparable only with ginseng.

Samoenalysis lesson

The lesson "West Siberian Economic District" is 17 in the topic "Geography of large regions of the Russian Federation", so the main task of the lesson was

    identify the features of the geographical location and the natural resource potential of the area; make a "image of the territories", which are part of the Z-Sir form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of the formation of the population of the district and its modern settlement; give a characteristic sectors of the specialization of the district and the factors of their development; determine the state of the economy and problems.

Based on the tasks, the content and structure of the lesson were selected. The content of the educational material complies with the software requirements and as close as possible to the age-related features of students.

The structure of the lesson is also aimed at implementing the goals set.

The type of lesson is combined, so there are almost all the main stages of the lesson. The proposed lesson model allows students with the help of various sources of information to identify the importance of the West Siberian district for the economy of the country, to evaluate natural resources for the development of the economy, to establish specific features of the population, to identify the sectors of specialization of the territory, formulate the problems of the area and outline their solutions. The lesson is presented in a single format in the form of a presentation.

When planning a lesson, great attention is paid to the organization of students in the lesson, it is supposed to change the activities of students, it is clearly distributed to every type of activity. Information resources are treated as a means that helps the lesson to make the most productive. In the lesson, everything is subordinated to the main goal, other technologies and types of work are used: work with a map, tutorial. The designed presentation is some aesthetic and informational background of the lesson accompanying it from beginning to end. Students, working in creative groups, receive a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern economy of the region, problems and development prospects. They have a latitude of views and responsibility in decision-making, the ability to communicate and defend their point of view.

When studying a new material, a large role is given to independent work of students. Guys, using textbooks, work on a guidance card in groups, analyze and compared, independently draw conclusions, which allows you to actively develop students' thinking. Educational sessions are distinguished by a clear organization, high level of independence and self-organization of students, differentiation of the educational process. Filling the tables on the results of the work of each group can significantly reduce the time in the lesson and submit new knowledge in logical graphical form.

After studying the new material, checking the master's assimilation where the test control is used in time, which allows you to quickly check the knowledge of the guys, increases interest to the lesson, and is also aimed at the formation of self-esteem skills.

The homework is partially differentiated in nature and allows you to take into account the possibilities and interests of the guys.

In the lesson, various forms and methods of work were used: front work, independent individual, group. The variety of methods of explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partially search allows you to make a lesson in saturated, interesting and productive.

Throughout the lesson, various types of feedback were also used: self-control, observation of students' activity, or interconnected, which makes it possible to promptly correct errors and send the activities of the guys in the right direction.

Various learning tools needed to implement the educational process are used in the lesson: textbook, atlas maps, geographic object models - interactive cards, digital space shots, technical training (computer, projector, electronic presentation), magnetic manuals, which increases the cognitive activity of students to subject.

Thus, thanks to the use of various methods and forms of work, a correctly selected content of the educational material and the structure of the lesson, the lesson's tasks are also implemented and the goal is achieved.


From 1992 to 1996, I worked in the Akilovsky primary school of the Kochenovsky district of the Perm region. This educational institution was announced by the experimental platform on the topic. "Block-laboratory system based on immersion in the subject." In 1997, I changed the place of residence, but Nostalgia for experimental work remained and I continued to work in this direction, already in another school. The structure and principles of building a lesson are preserved. Educational sessions are distinguished by a clear organization, high level of independence and self-organization of students, differentiation of the educational process. I offer one of the developments of such a lesson.

Geography lesson in grade 9
Designed by a teacher of the geography of the first qualifying category MOU
"PSOS №2" Khulanova S.E.

Tutorial Rum V.Ya., Drontov V.P. "Geography of Russia. Population and economy. "

Theme lesson Western Siberia
The purpose of the lesson
  1. To organize the work on the assimilation of the peculiarities of the geographical situation, the resource base, the population and the economic specialization of Western Siberia.
  2. Learning to establish relationships, allocate the main problems, predict the results.
  3. Relieve careful attitude towards nature of its edge, its natural resource potential.
Main content
  • Statistical data.
  • Features of the geographic location.
  • Specificity of natural conditions and resources.
  • TPK Western Siberia and their specialization.
  • Problems and development prospects.
  • Large industrial assemblies - Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsky, Surgut, Tyumen, Barnaulsky.
  • Cities - Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Gorno-Altaisk.
  • Technopolis - Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.
  • Oil concerns - LUKOIL, YUKOS, Surgutneftegaz.
Leading concepts PTK, TPK, Metallurgical base, Specialization, technology.
Equipment Physical map of Western Siberia; Atlas - Grade 9, YNAO; symbol table; signal cards; album sheets; markers; Card Lock; Contour cards
Work with contour card
  • Apply the TPK of Western Siberia (in fig. 77 of the textbook).
  • Apply industrial nodes with an indication of their specialization and nature of relationships.
Material textbook. x 64 p.300, 307 - 315

During the classes.

1. Lecture of teacher

(20 minutes, based on the Lock recorded on the board and on cards for accounting).

Ingredients: Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo region, Altai Territory, Rep. Altai, Yanao, KhMAO

Gd Prom + Resources

oil-70%, 1/3 swamps


term. water

Z-Sib Plant in Novokuznetsk

Zd ferroalloys in Novokuznetsk

Zn - Belovo;

SN - Novosibisk;

Al -Novokuznetsk


VDK- Omsk, Novosibirsk

En. Mash-Ie.




C \\ x Masha

Gas Novosibirsk

Fuckers-Barnaul, Tobolsk

Plastics, Cravators -omsk, Tomsk


Yar. Wheat, grain - 20%

m, mm cattle-in,



mechanical Pererab. Woods prevailing


2 TPK: a) Kuznetsco Altai

Coal, CM

b) West Siberian

Oil Gas

2. Self-driving

(20 minutes, on tasks from the board).

2) Make a story (based on Lok) about the farm of Western Siberia.

3) give the characteristic of the TPK of Western Siberia according to plan:

1. Geographical location.

2. Natural conditions and resources.

3. Specialization TPK.

4. Problems and development prospects.

  • 1st option - Kuznetsco-Altai coal-metallurgical TPK;
  • 2nd option - West-Siberian oil and gas chemistry TPK)
  • .

4) Additional tasks (on the selection of students) problem-search nature:

  • prove that Western Siberia is highlighted by its powerful economy;
  • word problems facing the West Siberian oil and gas chemistry complex;
  • make an advertising avenue in the drawings of the West Siberian Economic Area.

3. Workshop

. (20 minutes, checking for self-drivens).

1) A story about Western Siberia (based on Lok).

2) the characteristics of the West Siberian and Kuznetsco-Altai TPK according to plan.

3) checking the fulfillment of additional tasks of a problem-search nature (by choosing a teacher).

  • Evidence that a powerful economy has developed in Western Siberia:
    1. Diversified economy;
    2. Developed scientific base;
    3. This is the main oil and gas and coal base of the country;
    4. Large metallurgical base;
    5. District of developed grain farming.
  • Problems of West Siberian TPK:

a) the insufficient development of the oil and gas processing industry;

c) insufficient development of the chemical industry;

c) environmental problems;

d) the problems of the peoples of the Far North;

e) shortage of labor resources;

(f) Insufficient development of social infrastructure.

  • Exhibition of advertising prospectuses.

4) Game "Believe - do not believe?"

Students have signal cards. The teacher asks a question and reads options for answers. Students raise the desired card: "believe" - \u200b\u200bwhite, "I do not believe" - \u200b\u200bblack.

1 question. What are the main features of EGP and FGP of the West Siberian district:

  • large territory °
  • distance from central regions °
  • neighborhood with Ural district °
  • good transport network
  • ·
  • access to the seas of the north-ice ocean °
  • favorable natural conditions ·
  • rich Natural Resources °
  • the main territory of the region has a plain relief
  • borders with Kazakhstan and Mongolia.

2 question. What resources rich in the Kuznetsco-Altai TPK?

3 Question. What industries have been formed in West Siberian TPK?

4 question. What industries are developed in Western Siberia?

  • heavy °
  • accurate °
  • agricultural °
  • automotive ·

OUTPUT. The main national economic function of Western Siberia is the supply of oil and gas to the European part of the country. The role of coal recently decreases.

4. Start.
(20 minutes)

The tasks are given on the increasing option A to B. Students necessarily fulfill the tasks, starting from A.

Level A - corresponds to the estimate "3", the test that determines the minimum base level on the topic.

The level B - corresponds to the estimate "4", includes leading concepts on the topic.

The level of B - corresponds to the estimate "5", complicated and creative tasks.

2. Install compliance:

3. Set the match:

4. In Western Siberia, the Zone of the North takes:

  1. Most of the territory;
  2. Approximately half;
  3. Lower part.

5. From the resources of Western Siberia, the greatest value for the country has:

  1. Forest;
  2. Fuel and energy;
  3. Ore.

6. A complex of structural materials is developed in Western Siberia:

  1. In the north;
  2. On South.

7. Set compliance:

8. Western Siberia mainly uses resources:

  1. Own;
  2. Bridal.

B. Explain the concepts.

B. Creative tasks for the choice of students.

1. Dorisite the scheme of the Siberian metallurgical base.

2. There is such a song among the peoples of Mansi:

We will leave, leave the Earth,
To no longer be born
And on fast horse skis
Do not slide behind the fellow.
Our boats like graves
On the sands rotten sadly,
And in the villages of empty
Only mice will live.

What kind of problem of indigenous people of the North speaks in poem?

What are the problems of the indigenous population would you add more? Invite ways to solve these problems.

5. Outcome lesson.

6. Homework.

  • § 64.
  • Consider problems and prepare for the discussion (1st group - p.311, 2nd group - p.314).
  • Apply a nomenclature to the contour card and learn.
  • Note: the material is designed for 2 paired lessons.


    Video Tutorial "Western Siberia. The geographical position, the main features of nature "will introduce you to the West Siberian Economic Area. From the lesson you will learn about the administrative-territorial composition of the district, its geographical and economic and geographical position. In addition, the teacher will tell in detail about the originality of the nature and resources of Western Siberia.

    The population of the district - 16.7 million people;

    Area of \u200b\u200bthe district - 2,427 thousand square meters. km.

    Fig. 1. West Siberian Economic District ()

    Features of the economic and geographical position of the district:

    1. Relative proximity to developed areas of European part of Russia

    2. Proximity to resources

    3. Transit position

    4. Availability of access to the sea (and the Northern Sea Route)

    The West Siberian Economic Area occupies an extensive space to the east of the Ural Mountains, extending almost to Yenisei. But especially great length from north to south. In the West, the district borders with the Northern and Ural economic regions, in the south - with Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia, in the north - has access to the Kara Sea, in the East - East Siberian Economic Area.

    Climate and nature of Western Siberia.

    The West Siberian Plain is held most of the territory of the district. Altai mountain system is located in the south-east - the highest part of Western Siberia (Beluha Mountain - 4506 meters). Most of the Western Siberia is located within the continental climate of the moderate belt, and its northern part is within the subarctic and arctic belts, so its climate is continental. Western Siberia covers five natural zones: Tundra, Fundra, Taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Most of the Western Siberia are swatched, here the largest area of \u200b\u200bswamps in the world.

    Fig. 2. Swamps of Western Siberia (Vasyugal) ()

    In the south of the district, the Trans-Siberian Railway Highway is held, which crosses the largest Siberian rivers (Ob, Irtysh). The largest lake of the region is chanes. A significant part of the territory is within the permafrost.

    Fig. 3. Ob river in Barnaul

    Natural resources of Western Siberia.

    Western Siberia is rich in mineral resources - oil, gas, coal, ores. The area of \u200b\u200bpromising oil and gas territories is estimated by more than 1.7 million km 2. The main fields are confined to the average purchase (Self-Corporal, Megion and others in the area of \u200b\u200bNizhnevartovsk; Ust-Balykskoe, Fedorovskoe and others in the Surgut area). The field of natural gas in the indolar area is a bearish, Urengoy and others, in the Polar, Yamburg, Ivankovsky and others. New deposits are open on the Yamal Peninsula. There are oil and gas resources in the Ural.

    Fig. 4. Gas pipeline "Yamal-Europe" ()

    Gas deposits are open in the Vasyugansk area. In general, more than 300 oil and gas deposits were opened in Western Siberia.

    This area is also rich and coal. Its main resources are in Kuzbass (Kemerovo region), the reserves of which are estimated at 600 billion tons. About 30% of Kuznetsk coal - coking. Coal layers are distinguished by high power and locked closely from the surface, which makes it possible to maintain open extraction along with a mining way. In the northeast of the Kemerovo region is the Western wing of the Kansky-Achinsky basin of brown coals.

    Great and ore base of Western Siberia. There are stocks of soda and other salts in the lakes of the Kulundy steppe in Western Siberia. Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions are rich in limestone. Western Siberia has thermal iodine-bromide sources. Altai is rich in building materials.

    The overwhelming part of the forest resources of the region is concentrated in the zone of the West Siberian Taiga, and the rest of the row is distributed between the Altai Territory and the Kemerovo region, where mountain forests prevail. In addition, Western Siberia is rich in water resources and chernozem soils.


    1. Name and find on the map the subjects of the Federation of the West Siberian Economic Area.

    2. What is the peculiarity of the nature of Western Siberia? Give examples of the natural zones of the region.



    1. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9 CL.: Tutorial for general. Uch. / V. P. Dronov, V. Ya. Rum. - M.: Drop, 2011. - 285 p.

    2. Geography. 9 CL: Atlas. - 2nd ed., Act. - M.: Drop; Dick, 2011 - 56 p.


    1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A. T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

    Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

    1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drag. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

    Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

    1. Measuring materials. Geography: Grade 9 / Sost. E. A. Zhizhin. - M.: Vako, 2012. - 112 p.

    2. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. Grade 8 / N. E. Burgasova, S. V. Bannikov: Tutorial. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2010. - 144 p.

    3. Geography tests: 8-9 classes: to the textbook ed. V.P. Dronova "Geography of Russia. 8-9 Classes: Textbook for general education institutions "/ V. I. Evdokimov. - M.: Exam, 2009. - 109 p.

    Http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C7%E0%EF%E0%E4%ED%EE-%D1%E8%E1%E8%F0%F1%EA%E8%E9_%FD%EA% EE% ED% EE% EC% E8% F7% E5% F1% EA% E8% E9_% F0% E9% E9% EE% ED

    The purpose of the lesson: to study the influence of the EGP of the area and the provision of natural resources on the development of the area and its economic specialization. Examine the influence of the EGP of the District and the provision of natural resources on the development of the area and its economic specialization. To identify the differences in the TPK of Western Siberia. To identify the differences in the TPK of Western Siberia.

    1) Administrative division of the West Siberian district. TASKS. 1. On the map of Russia, determine the administrative-geographical position of the district. 2. To write down administrative units of the region. 3. Find the largest cities of the region and celebrate them on the contour card.

    Borders with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. - ¼ is behind the northern polar circle. - Exit to the Kara Sea. - borders with the Urals and Eastern Siberia. - Located at the intersection of transport routes. - Distance from the center. - Writing. - It has rich natural resources. - Openness of the territory from the north. - Great length of the territory.

    TPK of Western Siberia West Siberian (complex of the oil and woodworking industry) Kuznetsco-Altai (coal-metallurgical complex) Task: On the contour map, mark the natural resources and the main centers of these TPK.

    Choose 3 true statements for each subject of the Area: 1. In the region, there is a 2nd humanity of the city "Millionaire" of Siberia. 2. It is within the Altai Mountains. 3. The head riches of the region - oil, gas, forest. 4. Laptop recreation area (Teletsk Lake). 5. In the area - the Kuznetsky pool. 6. Removing sheepship, beekeeping. 7.Ansmata economically developed area in Siberia. 8. The development of the regional wealth is agro-climatic resources. 9. The basis of its coal there was a powerful thermal energy. 10. In the territory of the edge of the Center for Tractor Building - Rubtsovsk. 11. The most large area of \u200b\u200bWestern Siberia. 12. In the region of the city - "Millionaire", the center of Science Siberia. 13.Good is well developed - aircraft construction. 14. The radio is wealth - polymetals, salts, cement. 15.Nokuznetsk is the largest center of Science Siberia. 16. In the south of the region, sunflower, gardens grow. 17. Assistant unit is the edge. 18. The whole territory of the region is bursting.

    Check the task! 1. Tyumen region Tyumen. - 3,11, Kemerovo region -G-Mr. -K-KEMEROO. - 5.9, Novosibirsk region. - Novosibirsk city. - 7.12, Omsk region - G.OMSK - 1.8, Altai Krai - Barnul - 10.14, Republic of Altai Gorno-Altaisk - 2.4, 6.

    Final test. 1. The largest cities of the Western Siberian region are located: and along the Trans-Siberian Railway Railway used in large deposits in the northern part of the district, along the Siberian rivers 2. Activate the characteristic feature of the district: and the most powerful hydropower plants in the presence of cities - "millionaires" in the most High proportion of urban population M developed engineering

    Homework Prepare a message on the topic (to choose from): Prepare a message on the topic (to choose from): - People inhabiting the territory of Western Siberia, their traditions, customs and rites. - People inhabiting the territory of Western Siberia, their traditions, customs and rites. - Problems and prospects for the development of Western Siberia. - Problems and prospects for the development of Western Siberia.

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