
Temples of Baalshamine and Bal: Destroyed Palmyra Symbols. Jihadists from the game blew another ancient temple in Palmyra Temple Bal in Palmyra

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Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. Jihadists captured Palmyra in May

The militants of the radical grouping "Islamic state" blew up the ancient temple of Bal in Syrian Palmyra, built about two thousand years ago. This is the second temple in the ancient Palmyra, destroyed by the militants in August.

As the Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights Based in the UK, as a result of the explosion, the temple is partially or completely destroyed.

Significant confirmation of information on the destruction of the temple is not yet possible. The jihadists themselves, usually publish photos and videos of destruction, have not done so.

Bal Temple dedicated to the local Supreme Divine is one of the most significant buildings of the ancient Palmyra. The temple, like many other buildings in Palmyre, combines the elements of the Greco-Roman and Middle Eastern architecture: the layout of the structure is made in the style of Middle Eastern temples, and the facades - according to the pattern of Roman and Greek.

A few days ago, jihadists of destroying another temple on the territory of Palmyra -

The Temple of Baal-Shamal (or Baalhamma) was considered one of the most significant monuments of late Antiquity, he was erected in honor of the pagan Phoenician God of storms and fertile rains. Historians believe that he was erected in the first century of our era.

The destruction of the Temple of Baal-Shamine in UNESCO was called "a new war crime and a huge loss for the people of Syria and all mankind."

Destruction of monuments

The grouping "Islamic State" has established control over the ancient city of Palmyra - UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Right holder illustration Reuters Image Caption. The Temple of Baal-Shamina was considered one of the most significant monuments of late Antiquity

Since then, researchers and astrical culture lovers around the world feared that Palmyra will comprehend the same fate as a number of other architectural monuments in Syria and Iraq destroyed by the militants.

In July, it became known that the Islamists destroyed the three-meter statue of Leo Al-Lat from Palmyra, whose age was two thousand years.

In the middle of August, the militants, the main caretaker of the architectural complex in Palmyre Helt Ashad.

According to relatives of the famous archaeologist, the militants beheaded Asaad, and then hung his body on one of the Greco-Roman columns in the center of the ancient city.

Jihadists of the "Islamic state" representing a significant historical value.

The militants of the IG previously equalized from the land of the ruins of the ancient city Nyud in Iraq, and also destroyed the statue complex in the Iraqi Mosul.

Archaeologists of Oxford and Harvard Universities in an attempt to save the remaining antiquity monuments to the population of Middle Eastern countries, where jihadists from the "Islamic state" grouping are operating.

Thousands of local residents, on the idea of \u200b\u200barchaeologists, could make three-dimensional pictures of destroyable buildings and sculptures with the help of similar cameras. In the future, three-dimensional pictures would allow to create copies of destroyable buildings.

Ancient palmyra

According to the Bible, Palmyra was founded by the king Solomon in the oasis in the middle of the desert between the Damascus and the Euphrates River.

Later, Palmyra became an important shopping center at the intersection of trade routes between the West and East.

The ancient facilities in which Greco-Roman and local traditions were mixed, as well as the influence of Persians, were erected in the I and II centuries of our era.

The grouping "Islamic State" is recognized as a terrorist organization in a number of countries, including in Russia.

What historical monuments we have lost, and which survivors - in the photo report Guardian

After the liberation from ISHIL, the ancient Palmyra archaeologists with a fading heart went to inspect the painting of destruction. A number of key monuments were destroyed, but others have survived. Experts hope that in the end it will be possible to recreate all the blown ISIS buildings.

Palmyra: What we lost

Temple Bal: Lonely Stone Arch - That's all that remains from one of the main monuments of Palmyra and the most important antique temple in the Middle East. Bal Temple was blown up ISHIL in August 2015. The sanctuary of the Chief God, who was destroyed inside the temple, the patron of Palmyra Bal, the God of the Sun of Yighhibol and the god of the Moon of Agliabola.

Triumphal Arch: The symbol of the ancient ruins, the triple triumphal arch, connected two parts of the Great Colonnade - the main street of the city. The militants of ISIL blew up the central part of the Arch in October 2015, leaving only two side columns. Arch was erected in honor of the Roman emperor Septimia of the North, UNESCO considered this arch "outstanding example of Palmy art."

Temple Baalsamin: Built in 17 AD. And previously considered one of the most preserved monuments of Palmyra, the Temple of Baalsamin was erased from the face of Earth by the militants ISIL in August 2015. The temple was dedicated to the Phoenician God of Storms and Heaven, his columns were covered by Greek and Palmish inscriptions.

Palmyra: What monuments survived

Citadel:The militants blew up the ladder leading to the Citadel, retreating into the upper fortress from the lower major ruins. Fortress XIII century. BC. Destroyers before, but its main part survived it.

Lion Alla:The statue of a lion guarding the gazelle, decorated the temple of the ancient Goddess Allat in Palmyra. This 15-ton statue of limestone was too heavy so that they were able to evacuate the museum staff on the eve of the seizure of ISHIL. The nose of Leo broke away when the militants pushed the statue of the ground, but she escaped complete destruction. Other artifacts that remained in the museum were also damaged.

Roman Theater: Theater referring to the II century AD. was found almost intact. In July 2015, ISIL militants posted on the online video, on which 25 people were shown in the walls of this theater.

Great Colonnade: The main street of the city practically did not suffer from the presence of ISIL. The magnificent series of columns in 1 km long, leading from the Bal Temple to the Western Gate of the city, endured the invasion.

The question of the restoration of destroyed monuments Palmyra is now one of the main scientific community. About readiness to help reconnaissance at the end of March, the director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky said. The director of the Syrian monuments of antiquity Maamoun Abdelkarim speaks of a period of five years, which will be required to complete the restoration of blown monuments. However, not everyone agrees that it is necessary to take for the reconstruction, until the war ended.

Material prepared Maria Onuchin,AI

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Temple Bela is the largest facility Palmyra. Today it is partially restored. His building, as evidenced by the inscription preserved on his ruins, was erected in 32 of our era. The Temple Bela is a kind of hybrid of Eastern and ancient archipers: the building plan is made in the traditions of the temples of the Middle East, and its facades are decorated in the spirit of ancient architecture, according to the Greek and Roman temples. Temple Bela is located in the center of the extensive open yard of the sanctuary.

The ruins of the temple rise in the middle of almost square, surrounded by colonnades of the yard. Along with the elements of the Greek-Roman architectural style in his appearance, the influence of Eastern traditions is felt: Roman architectural forms are combined with oriental and grandeur. The quality of the fortress in the fight against the crusaders, and the building suffered greatly.

The sanctuary was located on a high terrace of 305x210 meters and was surrounded by walls of well-fitted stone blocks. Walls decorated small columns. The yard from all sides was surrounded by the covered porticists, relied on two rows of columns. From the western side of the courtyard there were main gates, decorated with cutlery and sculptures through three doors, it was possible to get inside the yard.

Today, the remains of carved stone plates and large pieces of broken columns in disarray are lying around the ruins of the temple. The inner space of the temple Bela is a single large hall, not separated by any colonnades or walls.

Temple Bela.

Temple Bela is the largest builder of Palmyra. The temple is dedicated to the local Supreme Divine - the Lord of Thunder and Lightning.

The temple was considered the main city shrine. It was built by 32 of our era. The temple complex included the courtyard with a fence, ritual pools, altar and temple itself. The entrance was decorated with eight-colonous recipes with towers on both sides. The architectural style of the temple has absorbed both Greco-Roman and oriental tradition.

Now only the ruins remain from the temple, which rise above the square yard surrounded by columns. Despite this, the temple still shakes visitors to their greatness and monumentality.

Ruins of Bal Temple in Palmyra. The main temple of the Bal sanctuary. The inner hall of the Bal Temple.

Bal's Temple in Palmyra - the temple dedicated to the local Supreme God Balu, part of the complex ruins of the ancient Syrian city of Tador. He was the main shrine of the city. To date, partially restored. The temple is a kind of hybrid of Eastern and antique architectures: planning is made in the style of the temples of the Middle East, and the facades are according to the sample of Greek and Roman temples. Built in 32 of our era (one of the most ancient buildings of the city).


Bal Temple is located in the center of the extensive open yard of the sanctuary. The sanctuary was located on a high terrace of 64050 m?, Surrounded by walls from stone blocks. Walls decorated small columns. The yard from all sides was surrounded by the covered porticists, relied on two rows of columns. From the western side there were main gates decorated with sculptures and propellants.

Main Church of the Bal Sanctuary

It was located on a stepped base, the central room of the rectangular shape was surrounded by colonnay from all sides, while on the ends of the building - in two rows. The central entrance to the temple was not from the end, as was customary in the ancient temples, but from the longitudinal side. The entrance is isolated with powerful pylons covered with stone reliefs.


The internal space of the main temple is a large hall, not separated by any colonnades or walls. The light in it penetrates through almost under the roof itself, rectangular windows. In the center of the end walls, huge niches have been preserved, in which the statues of the gods were once located. Previously, the temple was covered with a flat roof, but by now there is nothing left of it, only the remains of the corner stairs leading to the roof have been preserved.

Temple of Baal in Palmyra - The temple dedicated to the local Supreme God Baal was part of the complex of the ruins of the ancient Syrian city of Palmir, was the main shrine of the city. The temple was the original hybrid of Eastern and antique architectures: the layout was performed in the style of the temples of the Middle East, and the facades are according to the sample of Greek and Roman temples. Built in 32 of our era (one of the most ancient buildings of the city).

On August 30, 2015, the militants of the radical terrorist group of the Islamic state produced an explosion on the territory of the temple, destroying its central structure almost completely.


The Temple of Baal was located in the center of the extensive open yard of the sanctuary. The sanctuary was located on a high terrace with an area of \u200b\u200b64,050 m², surrounded by walls from stone blocks. Walls decorated small columns. The yard from all sides was surrounded by the covered porticists, relied on two rows of columns. From the western side there were main gates decorated with sculptures and propellants.

The main temple of the sanctuary of Baal

It was located on a stepped base, the central room of the rectangular shape was surrounded by colonnay from all sides, while on the ends of the building - in two rows. The central entrance to the temple was not from the end, as was customary in the ancient temples, but from the longitudinal side. The entrance is isolated with powerful pylons covered with stone reliefs.


The internal space of the main temple was a large hall, not separated by any colonnades or walls. The light in it penetrated through the rectangular windows located almost under the roof itself. In the center of the end walls, huge niches retained, in which the statues of the gods were once located. Previously, the temple was covered with a flat roof, but by the time of the final destruction from her there was nothing left, only the remains of the corner stairs leading to the roof.



    Reconstruction of the temple

    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2807.jpg

    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2814.jpg

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    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2850.jpg

    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2885.jpg

    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2876.jpg

    The Temple of Bel, Syria 02 am2864.jpg

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Excerpt that characterizes the Temple of Bal in Palmyra

"What are the misfortunes there, what could be nonsense? They have all their old, habitual and deceased, "Natasha said mentally.
When she entered the hall, his father quickly came out of the Countess room. His face was wrinkled and wet from tears. He, apparently, ran out of the room to give the will to the sobbing to his sobs. Having seen Natasha, he desperately waved his hands and broke out painfully convulsive sobbing, distorted his round, soft face.
- Peter ... Petya ... Look, look, she ... she ... calls ... - And he, sobbing, like a child, quickly seed weakened her legs, went to the chair and fell almost on him, closing his face with his hands.
Suddenly, as an electric current ran throughout the essence of Natasha. Something terribly hurts her heart. She felt a terrible pain; It seemed to her that something was broken in it and that she was dying. But after the pain, she felt instantly exemption from the ban on his life lying on her. Having seen the Father and hearing from the door of a terrible, rude cry of the mother, she instantly forgot himself and his grief. She ran up to his father, but he, powerlessly waving his hand, pointed to the mother's door. Princess Marya, pale, with a trembling bottom jaw, came out of the door and took Natasha by his hand, telling her something. Natasha did not see, did not hear her. She entered the door with rapid steps, stopped for a moment, as if in the fight against himself, and ran to the mother.
The countess lay on the chair, strangely awkwardly pulling out, and beat his head against the wall. Sonya and girls kept her hands.
- Natasha, Natasha! .. - Screaming the Countess. - It is not true, not true ... he lies ... Natasha! - she screamed, repulcing from themselves around. - Title all, not true! Killed! .. ha ha ha ha! .. not true!
Natasha became his knee on the chair, bent over his mother, hugged her, looked at her unexpected force, turned her face to him and pressed against her.
- Mama! .. Bluebind! .. I'm here, my friend. Mama, she whispered her, not silent for a second.
She did not let her mother, gently fought her, demanded pillows, water, unbuttoned and ruined the dress on the mother.
"My friend, Golubushka ... Mama, Drain," she whispered, kissing her head, hands, face and feeling as uncontrollable, streams, her nose and cheeks, threatened her tears.
The countess squeezed her daughter's hand, closed her eyes and sleeved for a moment. Suddenly, she rose with unusual speed, it madly looked around and, seeing Natasha, began to squeeze her head out of all his strength. Then she turned her face frozking from pain to him and looked at him for a long time.
"Natasha, you love me," she told a quiet, gullible whisper. - Natasha, you will not deceive me? Will you tell me the whole truth?

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