
Presentation on the topic of Yakuta people. Yakuta. Yakuta - the people in the Russian Federation (380.2 thousand people), the indigenous population of Yakutia (365.2 thousand people). The main groups of Yakuts are Ambinsko-Lensky. Yakutia during the Civil War

Yakuta. Yakuta - the people in the Russian Federation (380.2 thousand people), the indigenous population of Yakutia (365.2 thousand people). The main groups of Yakuts are Ambinsko-Lena (between Lena, Lower Aldan and AMG, as well as on the adjacent left bank of Lena), Vilyui (in the pool of vilyuya), Olekmin (in the Olekma pool), North (in the tundra area of \u200b\u200bthe River Anabar, Olenek, Kolyma , Yana, Indigirika). They speak the Yakut language of the Turkic group of the Altai family, which has groups of the Govorov: Central, Vilyuic, North-West, Taimyr. Believers - Orthodox.

Eskimos. Eskimos, ethnic community, group of peoples in the United States (in Alaska - 38 thousand people), in the north of Canada (28 thousand people), in Denmark (Greenland Island - 47 thousand) and the Russian Federation (Chukotka Autonomous District of the Magadan Region - 1 , 5 thousand people). The total number of 115 thousand people. Languages \u200b\u200bof the Eskimo-Aleutian family.

Sellocks. Sellocks are the people in the Russian Federation. The number is 3,600 people. Live in the Krasnoselkup district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other districts of the Tyumen region (1600 people). They speak the Selkup language of the Selfish Group of the Ural family. There is also a Russian language.

Nenets. Nenets are the people in Russia, the indigenous population of the European North and the North of Western and Central Siberia. Live in the Nenets Autonomous District (6.4 thousand people), Leshukonsky, Mezensky and Primorsky Areas of the Arkhangelsk region (0.8 thousand people), the northern regions of the Republic of Komi, Yamalo-Nenets (20.9 thousand people) and Khanty- Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, Taimyr Autonomous District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (3.5 thousand people). The number of 34.5 thousand people in the Russian Federation. Two ethnographic groups are distinguished: Tundra and Forest Nenets. Related peoples: Nganasans, Enzi, Selkup.

Khanty. Khanty - (self-setting - "man"), the people in the Russian Federation (22.3 thousand people). Live on Obi, Irtysha and their tributaries in the Khanty-Mansiysk (11.9 thousand people), Yamalo-Nenets (7.2 thousand people) of autonomous districts and the Alexander and Kargasok district of the Tomsk region (804 people). The total number of 22.5 thousand people. Close to Mansi, with whom communities called Obzhi. Among the Khanty there are three ethnographic groups - North, South and East. They are distinguished by dialects, self-inflating, features in household and culture, and endogamy.

Tuvintsy. Tuvintsy are the people in Russia, the main population of Tuva (198.4 thousand people). In total, 206.2 thousand people in the Russian Federation. Also live in Mongolia (40 thousand people), China (3 thousand people). Tuvinians are divided into Western and Eastern, or Tuvintsev-Townians, which make up about 5% of all Tuvintsev. They speak in the Tuvinsky language of the Turkic group of the Altai family. Dialects: Central, Western, Southeast, Northeast. Russian, in southern regions - Mongolian languages \u200b\u200bare also common. Writing on the basis of Russian graphics. Believers - mostly Buddhist - Lamyists, and Dobddian cults, shamanism, are also preserved.

Chuvashi. Chuvashi - the people in the Russian Federation (1773.6 thousand people), the main population of Chuvashia (907 thousand people). Also live in Tataria (134.2 thousand people), Bashkiria (118.6 thousand people), Kazakhstan (22.3 thousand people) and Ukraine (20.4 thousand people). The total number of 1842.3 thousand people. They speak Chuvash language of the Turkic group of the Altai family. There is also a Russian language. Believers of Chuvas are mostly Orthodox.

Chechens. Chechens are the people in the Russian Federation (899 thousand people), the main population of Chechnya. Number in Chechnya and Ingushetia 734 thousand people. The total number of thousand people. Believers Chechens are Muslim Sunnis. They speak Chechen language of the Nakho-Dagestan group. There is also a Russian language (there are 74% freely). Writing after 1917 first on the basis of Arabic, then Latin graphics, with based on the Russian alphabet.

Ossetians. Ossetians - the people in the Russian Federation (the main population of North Ossetia, the number of about 335 thousand people) and Georgia (the main population of South Ossetia, the number of 65 thousand people); Live also in Kabardino-Balkaria (10 thousand people), in Karachay-Cherkessia (4 thousand people). The number in Russia is 402 thousand people. They speak the Ossetian language of the Iranian group of the Indo-European family. It has 2 dialects: Iranian (Loefully based on a literary language) and Digorsky. Writing (from the 19th century) based on the Russian alphabet. Believers - Orthodox, there are Muslims.

Mordva. Mordva - the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Mordovia. The number of 1072.9 thousand people in Russia, including 313.4 thousand people in Mordovia, also live in Kazakhstan (30 thousand people), in Ukraine (19.3 thousand people), in Uzbekistan (11.9 thousand people). The total number of 1150 thousand people. Mordva consists of two subethnos - Erzya (self-calf) and Moksha (self-adhesion). In Mordovia, Moksha is resets mainly in its western and southern regions, Erzya - in Eastern.

Markets. Markets - the people in Russia. The number of 644 thousand people. Mari - the indigenous population of the Republic of Mari El (324.4 thousand people). Compactly live in Bashkiria (105.7 thousand people), Tataria (19.5 thousand people), Udmurtia (9.5 thousand people), Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions. Live also in Kazakhstan (12 thousand), in Ukraine (7 thousand), in Uzbekistan (3 thousand). The total number of 671 thousand people.

Mansi. Mansi - the people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC of the Tyumen region. (About 100 people live in the north-east of the Sverdlovsk region. The number in Russia is 8.3 thousand people, of which in the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC - over 6, 5 thousand people. Related by the Hantam, with whom they are united by Obskan Ugrics. They speak the Finno-Ural family of the Ural family in the mansiysk language. Over 60% of Mansi consider Russian language. Writing since 1931 on the basis of Latin, with the basis of the Russian alphabet. Literary Language based on the Sosvinsky dialect. Believers - Orthodox. Traditional beliefs are preserved.

Buryats. Buryats are the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Buryatia, the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug of the Irkutsk Region, the Aginian Buryat Autonomous Okrug of the Chita region. The number of 421 thousand people in Russia, including 249.5 thousand people in Buryatia, in the Ust- Horde Autonomous District of 49.3 thousand, in the Aginsky Autonomous District of 42.4 thousand outside of Russia - in North Mongolia (70 thousand people) and small groups in the Northstast of the PRC (25 thousand people). The total number of 520 thousand people. They speak the Buryat language of the Mongolian group of the Altai family. Russian, Mongolian languages \u200b\u200bare also common. Despite the Christianization, Western Buryats remained with shamanists, believing Buryats in Transbaikalia - Buddhists.

Veps. Veps - the people in Russia. Live in groups in the south of the Republic of Karelia (the south-west coast of Onega Lake), in the eastern regions of the Leningrad and Western regions of the Vologda regions. The number of 13 thousand people, in Russia - 12 thousand, of which 6 thousand people live in Karelia. They speak on the Veps language of the Finno-Ural family of the Ural family. There is also a Russian language. Believers - Orthodox.

Bashkirs. Bashkirs are the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan). The number of 1345.3 thousand people in Russia, including 863.8 thousand people in Bashkiria. Live also in the Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen regions. They speak on the Bashkir language of the Turkic group of the Altai family; Dialects: South, East, is allocated by the North-Western Group of Govorov. Common Russian, Tatar languages. Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet. Believers Bashkirs are Muslim-Sunnis.

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The Republic of Sakha is located in the northeastern part of Siberia. Yakutia is the largest subject of the Russian Federation - the largest administrative and territorial unit in the world. The Republic of Sakha borders in the West with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the south-west - with the Irkutsk region, in the south - with the Amur and Chita regions, in the south-east - with the Khabarovsk Territory, in the East - with the Magadan region and the Chukotka Autonomous Region, in the north of her Composite borders form the sea Laptev and East Siberian.

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In the West - the Meshness of the Suproyansky, in the east - the ridges of Verkhoyansky, the Blackskoye, in the South-Alandanian Highlands and the border turning ridge. In the northern part of the North-Siberian Iano-Indigir and Lower Kolymbach. In the north-east - Yukagir plateau.

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Yakutia is one of the most rivers (700 thousand rivers and rivers) and lakes (over 800 thousand) of Russia. The overall length of all its rivers is 2 million km, and their potential hydroenergoresurs are estimated at almost 700 billion kW. The largest shipping rivers: Lena (4400 km), Vilyui (2650), Aldan (2273), Kolyma (2129), Indigirika (1726), Olekma (1436), Anabar (939) and Yana (872 km). Washed by the seas of Laptev and East Siberian.

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Almost all the continental territory of Yakutia is a zone of solid centuries-old permissal, which only in the extreme south-west passes into the zone of its intermittent distribution. The average outflow layer power reaches 300-400 m., And in the river basin - 1500m.: This is the maximum freezing of rocks on the globe. In the mountains of Eastern Yakutia, 485 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200b413 square meters. km. And with fresh water reserve about 2 thousand cubic meters. m.

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The climate is sharply continental, differs in the duration of winter and short summer periods. The maximum amplitude of the average temperatures of the coldest month - January and the warmest - July is 70-750c. In the absolute value of the minimum temperature (in the eastern mining systems - hollows, depressions and other reductions up to minus 700 ° C) and according to its total duration (from 6.5 to 9 months per year), the republic has analogues in the northern hemisphere.

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Most of the territory of Yakutia is located in the zone of the average taiga, which to the north is replaced by the zones of Fondra and Tundra. The soil is predominantly permanently taiga, ferrous-forest, alluvial-meadow, mining and tundrovo-gley. Forests (Daurry larch, Pine, cedar stabel, spruce, fir, birch, etc.) occupy about 4/5 of the territory. In the valleys of rivers and alas, the meadows are common. On the coast and vertices of the mountains - shrub, herbal vegetation and lichen. Preserved sands, sable, hare-beaches, ermine, fox, ondatra, reindeer, Iister, Kabagra, Snow Baran; Pink Chaika, White Zhuravl Sterch and others. In the seas - Omul, Muksun, Nelma, Chir. In rivers - Sig, Pike, Perch, Ostr, Nalim, Taimen, Lenok. Olkmin Reserve, Ustlansky Reserve.

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Minerals: diamonds, gold, tin, mica, tungsten, polymetallic and iron ores, coal, natural gas, mineral springs, etc. largest diamond reserves (45%) The Republic of Sakha ranked first in the world. The explored reserves of coal in Yakutia (9617.8 million tons) can provide production in the amount of 150 million tons per year.

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The population of Yakutia is 950.7 thousand people. The share of the urban population is 64.2%, the population density is 0.3 people / km2.

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The indigenous population of Yakutia (365 thousand people), Yakutsky refers to the northeastern branch of the Turkic group of Altai languages. Believers - Orthodox. The Yakuts were formed as a result of the absorption of the local tribes of the Lena medium-sized migrants. In a racial attitude, Yakuts are representatives of the Central Asian anthropological type of the North Asian race. In the traditional farm and material culture of Yakuts, there are many features similar to the culture of cattle breeders of Central Asia. The inclusion of Yakuts to the Russian state (1620-30s) accelerated their socio-economic and cultural development. In 17-19 centuries, the main occupation of Yakutov was, cattle breeding from the second half of the 19th century, a significant part began to engage in agriculture; Hunting and fisheries played a utility role. The main type of dwelling was a log Balagan (yurt), summer - collapsible Uras. The clothes were sewed from the skins and fur. In the second half of the 18th century, most of the Yakuts were addressed to Christianity, but shamanism was also preserved.

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The main industry is a mining: diamonds ("Diamonds of Russia-Sakha" - Alrosa), gold ("Gold Yakutia", "Aldanzoloto"), Tin ("Deputy Committee"), mica, antimony, coal ("Yakutugol"). Gas mining are developed ("Yakutgazprom"), the forest and woodworking industry (Yakutles), the production of building materials, etc. The basis of the energy industry is Vilyuyskaya HPP, Chulmanskaya, Yakutskaya GRES. In the republic, the open-to-Vilyuskaya oil and gas province having great perspectives. Among the prospective projects for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Sakha should include the development of the Chayandin field of natural gas with the transfer of it to the Eastern Siberian-China-South Korea in the future in the future in the future, as well as the construction of a cascade of power plants on the Rivers Uchur and Timpton total capacity 5 million kWh.

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Most of the cargo flow are on water transport. The automotive network of the republic is developing. By 2008, it is planned to eliminate the diverse gaps on the highway "Kolyma" highway (Yakutsk - Magadan). By 2015, it is planned to tie the road of the republican value "Villue" with Ust-Kut, the Irkutsk region and give it a federal status (Yakutsk - Mirny - Lensk - Ust-Kut - Tulun). In the future, it is planned to enter the AMAGA highway (Yakutsk - Amaga - Ust-May) to the port of Ayan in the Khabarovsk Territory. It is also planned to build year-round existing routes "Yana" (Handiga - Batagay - Ust-Kuig) and "Anabar" (peaceful - successful - Olenek - Yurung Haya). At the same time, the federal Lena highway, which connects Yakutsk with the All-Russian automotive network, requires very serious repair. Aerified air transport is developed. There are 32 airport in the republic. The construction of the Amuro-Yakut iron highway to Yakutsk continues. There is a section of Berkakit - Aldan - Tommot.

"Country of Ireland" - There are also other types of megaliths. The decisive battle occurred on April 23, 1014 at the village of Klinth. Anglo-Irish conflict. For example: Dolmen, crumb, deer stones. Approximately in the III century BC. Celts come to the territory of Ireland. City ports. Celts. In 1014, the Vikings were expelled from the territory of Ireland.

"" The atmosphere of the Earth "grade 6" - the atmosphere. Where the main mass of atmospheric air is contained. Cloudy. List climate-forming factors. Air battle. What is the difference between the marine climate from the continental. In the winds of which direction most often falls out of precipitation. Calculate the average annual air temperature. Name the main layers of the atmosphere.

"New Economic Geography" - stimulation of density and cutting distance in Bukaramanga, Colombia. Tokyo's trains are transported daily 8 million people. Achieving economic density. Details of computers are produced and collected throughout East Asia. Simplified boundary intersection regime in Europe, gesectic in Africa. Structure of the report.

"SAMARA CITY" - length in the meridian direction - 50 km, in a latitudinal - 20 km. 1930 - "Samara House of Officers" (st. Area area - about 465.97 km? Magnificent panoramic view of the Volga and Zhigule Mountains. Authorities. The average annual temperature - +4.7 C ° The average annual wind speed - 3.5 m / With average annual air humidity - 72%.

"Luxembourg" - together with Belgium and the Netherlands enters Benilux. The famous Fort Tungen was built in Kirchberg County in 1732. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 2586 km?. Length of both arches is 84 meters. Casemates. In the east, the country is limited to the Mosel River. Customs and traditions. Gazizova Dinara. Fort Tungen.

"Wet Equatorial Forests" - Primary rain forests have been preserved only in the Central Bowl of the Congo River. There are also boys, buffalo, hippos. Color will depend on special microbiological processes in the soil. In the Equatorial African forest there is little herbivores, and therefore few and predators. Africa. Wet evergreen forests of Equatorial Africa.

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