
USA: Colorado State. Colorado - "Golden" State of Colorado where is

Colorado - state in the west of the central part of the United States, one of the so-called mountainous states. Colorado borders with the states of Wyoming and Nebraska (in the north), Kansas (in the East), Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona (in the south), Utah (in the West).
Colorado - the eighth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, its area 269 837 km². The capital and largest city - Denver. Other major cities - Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Arvada, Pueblo, Westminster, Boulder, Englwood, Centennial.
Colorado - the 38th state of the United States, it was formed on August 1, 1876, when the country marked his century. Because of this, the official nickname of Colorado - the state of the Independence Day Century (English. CENTENNIAL STATE).

origin of name
The name of Colorado, as well as the names of several other states of the US West, came to English from Spanish.
The first Spanish researchers called the Land of the Modern State of Colorado "Colorado", which means "red", it was red that it seemed to him at first landscapes of this very "multicolored" actually.
And when in 1876 a new US state was created, this name was considered suitable for him. By the way, the nickname, the "Station of Century", Colorado received precisely thanks to the date of his education. The fact is that in 1876 in the USA celebrated the century of adoption of the Declaration of Independence and Education of the United States.


Colorado is part of the US mountain states and borders Wyoming and Nebraska in the north; Kansas in the East; Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma in the south; Utah in the West.
Colorado - one of two (together with Wyoming) "rectangular" states of the United States, limited to two parallels (from 37 ° to 41 ° Northern latitude) and two meridians (from 102 ° 03 "to 109 ° 03" Western longitude).
The south-western border point of the Colorado state is the so-called point of "four angles", in which the boundaries of the states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah converge.
Colorado State Relief is extremely diverse. Here you can see extensive plains and high mountains, canyons and plateaus.
Colorado is the only state of the United States, the whole territory of which has a height above sea level over one kilometer (the lowest point of the Colorado state is 1,011 meters above sea level). Colorado is the highest point of Colorado - Mount Elbert (4401 meters, the highest top of the rocky mountains and the second highest in the continental part of the United States, after the Whitney Mountain in California).

The Colorado River is one of the major in the state. Here, in the north there is its source. It flows in the western part of Colorado. In the south of the state is the source of another major river - Rio Grande. She takes her beginning in the Rocky Mountains and descends to the south. You can allocate the Arkansas River, the source of which is also located in Colorado. It flows east over the great plains and then flows into the Mississippi River. Another major staff river - South Platt.

The climatic picture of Colorado is heterogeneous: the southern part of the state is not always the warmer North, the rocky mountains strongly affect: with an increase in height, the temperature decreases, and the humidity rises. For climatic conditions, the state is divided into two parts: Eastern plains and Western foothills.
Arkansas River in Colorado
In the east, the climate is moderate and continental: low humidity, moderate precipitation (380-630 mm per year). Here is one of the highest average temperatures in the United States. In the summer, the temperature increases to 35 ° C (on average), and in the winter it can fall to -18 ° C.
The climate of Western Colorado is more homogeneous. There are arid places, mountain climates on elevations. The hottest month is July (21 ° C). Winter here is very wet, which is the opposite of the eastern part of the state.

Annual income per capita in Colorado, as of 2008, exceeded forty two thousand dollars, Colorado occupies a thirteenth place in the United States according to this indicator.
Colorado State Economy is extremely diverse, which allows it relatively easy to experience fluctuations in national and global economic systems.
The capital of the state, Denver is a major financial center of the United States. The extremely advantageous geographical location of the Denver, about the insertion between the financial centers of the Eastern and West Coast of the United States, makes it a strategically advantageous and convenient place to accommodate federal institutions, the creation of high-tech industries, tourism, development of educational, commercial, financial, cultural programs.
In the state of Colorado, mining, chemical, food industry, engineering is well developed. There is a convenient transport infrastructure and enough energy resources.

A tangible contribution to the economy of Colorado is also a tourism industry. Ski resorts Colorado are very popular in the USA, primarily Aspen. Attractive for tourists and national parks of Colorado, including the famous Park Mesa Verde, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Denver - the largest city and capital of Colorado (Colorado). Denver is located in the central part of the United States between Rocky Mountains in the West and Great Plains (High Plains) in the East. The city covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 400 sq. Km. and is located 1609 meters above sea level. Often, Denver is called "Mile High City" ("City at a mile height"). According to estimates 2013, the population of Denver is 649 thousand inhabitants. The total number of residents living in the city agglomeration of Denver exceeds 2.5 million.

Denver relatively young city. It was founded in 1858 by the gold kansas on the spot where they found gold. The prospectors in the hope of obtaining political benefits were called the Denver Miner's Camp in honor of Governor Kansas James Denver. However, by that time, the governor had already left his post (as the gold detectors did not know), and the decision on the title did not give any practical preferences. In the place of modern Denver, 3 independent cities were initially located, but in 1859, the name of Denver was common for everyone in the field of whiskey barrel. In 1861, Denver received urban status.

Geographical location seriously influenced the economy of the city. Being the largest city within a radius of 800 km, Denver has become an important logistics center. This is the most important transport hub for the supply of "mountainous states" (Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming), besides, Denver is located in the middle of the path between the major cities of the Midwest (Chicago, St. Louis) and cities Western coast of the United States. Denver International Airport (Denver International Airport) is 4th on the airport's workload in the United States and the 10th worldwide.

Main Attractions Denver

  • Colorado Capitol State Capitol
  • Denver Art Museum (DENVER ART MUSEUM)
  • Historic District Lodo Historic District
  • Confluence Park.
  • Denver Zoo (4th most popular in the USA)
  • Naturally Scientific Museum of Denver (Denver Museum of Nature and Science, one of the largest museums in the USA)
  • Denver Botanic Gardens (Denver Botanic Gardens)
  • Concert platform Red Rocks Amphitheatre
  • Museum with grave Buffalo Bill (Buffalo Bill Museum)

In 70 miles from Denver, the most important landmark of Colorado is the Rocky Mountain National Park National Park.

According to 2013 estimates in Denver 53% of white, 31% of Latin Americans, 9% of African Americans, 3% of Asian origin. More than 70% of residents have a native language - English, while 23.5% speak home in Spanish. 14% of the population - German origin, 10% - Irish, 9% - English, 4% - Italian. 18.7% of the population in American statistics lives below the poverty line.

The climate in Denver is characterized as a semi-desert, continental with distinctly distinguished seasons. Winter can be both soft and cold. Despite the fact that in the mountains to the west of the city there is a large number of snow and the air is colder, in the Denver Winter itself is softer. Snow can fall out from October to April but usually no longer lies. In the summer in Denver relatively small air humidity, warmly in the afternoon and comfortable evenings. In general, in Denver more than 300 days a year shines the sun, and the number of annual sun hours is greater than in Miami and San Diego!

Colorado State Map:

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Colorado (English Colorado or) is the state in the west of the central part of the United States, one of the so-called mountainous states. Colorado borders with the states of Wyoming and Nebraska (in the north), Kansas (in the East), Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona (in the south), Utah (in the West).

Colorado - the eighth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, its area 269 837 km². State population - 4.6 million people (22nd US). The capital and largest city - Denver. Other major cities - Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Arvada, Pueblo, Westminster, Boulder, Englwood, Centennial.

Colorado - the 38th state of the United States, it was formed on August 1, 1876, when the country marked his century. Because of this, the official nickname of Colorado - the state of [Independence Day] (English. CENTENNIAL STATE).

Year of education: 1876 \u200b\u200byear (38th in order) Statel Slogan: Nothing without Providence Formal name: State of Colorado. The largest city city: Denver State Capital: Denver Population: more than 4.6 million people (22th place in the country). Area: 269.8 thousand sq. Km. (8th place in the country.) More large cities in the state: Colorado Springs, Aurora, Lakewood, Fort Collins, Thornton, Westminster, Arvada, Pueblo, Sentheniel, Boulder, Grill, Longmont, Lolden, Grand Junkshn.

History of Colorado

At the beginning of the XVI century. The territory of the future state examined the Spaniards. Since 1706, the Colorado territory was announced by the colony of Spain. The earth received its name from the Colorado River, which in turn was named because of the red-brown il contained in the water. Then the province moved to France. The United States received the eastern part of Colorado as a result of Louisiana purchase (1803). The central part of Colorado moved to the United States in 1845, and the Western part - in 1848, as a result of the war with Mexico. In the 1850s, gold was found near Denver, and the crowds of migrants were hung here. During the Civil War, most of the gold killers were on the side of the Union. They successfully beat their gold support from the invaders from Texas.

On March 3, 1875, the US Congress adopted a law that defines the requirements for the territory of Colorado, which must be fulfilled to become a state. Finally, August 1, 1876, 28 days after the celebration of the Century of Independence Day, the US President signed a decree allowing the 38th US state to the Union.

According to the census in 1930, the number of state residents exceeded a million people. Colorado suffered greatly from the Great Depression, but his condition was restored after World War II. The most important sectors of the staff of the state of steel mining, agriculture and tourism.

Geography of Colorado State

Colorado is one of the three states (along with Wyoming and Yut), all the boundaries of which are parallels and meridians, and, like Wyoming, forms simply "rectangle" (more precisely, the sector of the earth's surface) between the latitude pair and a couple of longitude. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Colorado territory is 269.8 thousand square meters. 37% of Colorado territory occupy national parks.

Colorado climate climate

The climate of Colorado is rather mysterious. The southern part of the state is not always warmer north. The fact is that Rocky Mountains are strongly influenced by the climate: with an increase in height, the temperature decreases, and the humidity rises. For climatic conditions, the state is divided into two parts: Eastern plains and Western foothills.

In the east, the climate is moderate and continental: low humidity, moderate precipitation (380-630 mm per year). Here is one of the highest average temperatures in the United States. In the summer, the temperature increases to 35 ° C (on average), and in the winter it can fall to -18 ° C. The climate of Western Colorado is more homogeneous. There are arid places, mountain climates on elevations. The hottest month is July (21 ° C). Winter here is very wet, which is the opposite of the eastern part of the state.


Colorado - the eighth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, its area 269 837 km². State population - 5,68,367 people (22nd USA). The capital and largest city - Denver. Other major cities - Arvada, Boulder, Westminster, Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Oraora, Pueblo, Centennial, Thornton, Fort Collins.

Colorado - the 38th state of the United States, it was formed on August 1, 1876, when the country marked his century. Because of this, the official nickname of Colorado - "Century Staff" (English CENTENNIAL STATE).


At the beginning of the XVI century. The territory of the future state examined the Spaniards. Since 1706, the Colorado territory was declared Spanish colony. The earth received its name from the Colorado River, which in turn was named because of the red-brown il contained in the water. Then the province moved to France. The United States received the eastern part of Colorado as a result of the Louisiana purchase (). The central part of Colorado moved to the USA, and the Western part - in 1848, as a result of the war with Mexico.

In the 1850s, gold was found near Denver, and the crowd of immigrants were hung here. In 1862, the civil war began. Many gold killers sympathized with confederations, but most of the gold kits were faithful to the Union. In 1862, the army of the Confederation under the command of the Brigadier General Henry Hopkins Silla came out of Fort Bliss in Texas and headed along Rio Grande, invaded the northern part of New Mexico. The goal of the campaign was control over the territory of Colorado, in particular gold peculiar, and California. The 1st regiment of the Colorado volunteers under the command of Colonel John Slava made the transition from Denver through the Raton Pass and on March 26 entered into a decisive battle at the Glorieta Pass in the mountains of Sangre de Cristo in the Rocky Mountains.

In 2014, Colorado became the first state of America, legalizing marijuana.

Coat of arms and flag


Eastern Rocky Mountains go to great plains - a plateau with prevailing steppe vegetation. In the west of the state there is a Colorado Plateau - a semi-desert zone with canyons, remains and other characteristic form of relief.

The mountains



There are also many African Americans, people of Chinese, Korean and other nationalities in the state of the state. Mostly they live in the east of Denver, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe orora. Many of them are descendants of immigrants who arrived at the Colorado territory during the Golden Fever.

Religious composition

Christianity is the most popular state religion - 65% of the population is confess. Protestantism is the most popular branch of Christianity - 44% of the inhabitants of Colorado are confess. Catholicism profess about 19% of the state's population.

Religious composition of the population of Colorado.

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Colorado (English Colorado or) is the state in the west of the central part, one of the so-called mountainous states. Colorado borders with states (in the north), (in the northeast), (in the East), (in the south-east), (in the south), (southwest), (in the West).

Colorado - the eighth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, its area 269 837 km². State population - 5,68,367 people (22nd USA). The capital and the largest city -. Other major cities - Arvada, Boulder, Westminster, Lakewood, Oraora, Pueblo, Centennial, Thornton, Fort Collins.

Colorado - the 38th state of the United States, it was formed on August 1, 1876, when the country marked his century. Because of this, the official nickname of Colorado - "Century Staff" (English CENTENNIAL STATE).


The territory of the future Colorado in 1860 was part of the territories of Nebraska, Utah, New Mexico and Kanzas.

At the beginning of the XVI century. The territory of the future state examined the Spaniards. Since 1706, the Colorado territory was declared Spanish colony. The earth received its name from the Colorado River, which in turn was named because of the red-brown il contained in the water. Then the province moved to. Received the eastern part of Colorado as a result of Louisiana purchase (1803). The central part of Colorado moved to the United States in 1845, and the Western part - in 1848, as a result of the war with.

In the 1850s, gold was found near Denver, and the crowd of immigrants were hung here. In 1862, the civil war began. Many gold killers sympathized with confederations, but most of the gold kits were faithful to the Union. In 1862, the army of the Confederation under the command of the Brigade General Henry Hopkins Silla came out of Fort Bliss in and headed along, invaded the northern part of New Mexico. The goal of the campaign was control over the territory of Colorado, in particular gold peculiar, and California. The 1st regiment of the Colorado volunteers under the command of Colonel John Slava made the transition from through the Raton Pass and on March 26 entered into a decisive battle at the Glorieta Pass in the mountains of Sangre de Cristo in the Rocky Mountains.

On March 3, 1875, the US Congress adopted a law that defines the requirements for the territory of Colorado, which must be fulfilled to become a state. Finally, August 1, 1876, 28 days after the celebration of the Century of Independence Day, the US President signed a decree allowing the 38th US state to the Union.

According to the census in 1930, the number of state residents exceeded a million people. Colorado suffered greatly from the Great Depression, but his condition was restored after World War II. The most important sectors of the staff of the state of steel mining, agriculture and tourism.

In 2014, Colorado became the first state of America, legalizing marijuana.

Coat of arms and flag

By law 1911, the official state flag is a rectangular cloth. The red letter "C" means "Colorado" (called the same river in the same name), which means "red" in the Spanish language (the "color", "painted" value, which is often given in publications, is less than use). Golden bowl inside "C" speaks of the presence of gold mines in the state. Blue and white stripes on the flag symbolize the blue skies and white snow of the Rocky Mountains Colorado. On the coat of arms, the state that was officially adopted in 1877, the triangular figure symbolizes the all-way eye of God. The coat of arms depicts mountains of the state, land and kirk, which symbolize the mining industry Colorado - the basis of the state economy.


Great continental section

Colorado is one of the three states (along with and), all the boundaries of which are parallels and meridians, and, like Wyoming, forms simply "rectangle" (more precisely, the sector of the earth's surface) between a pair of lard and a pair of longitude. Square occupied Colorado territory - 269,837 km². 37% of Colorado territory occupy national parks.


Relief Colorado is diverse. In the central part, the territory of the state intersects from the north to the south ridges of the Rocky Mountains (the highest point - Mount Elbert, 4399 m). They form the so-called great continental section: the rivers flowing the west of these mountains belong to the pool of the Pacific Ocean, and those rivers that are east are belonging to the Atlantic Ocean Basin. The slopes of the mountains mostly covered with coniferous forest - only a few vertices all year round are under the snow. Most of the state's population lives next to the eastern slopes of the mountains, as this place is protected from the storm winds of the Pacific Ocean. Colorado is 55 out of 104 US mountain peaks that have an absolute height of more than 4,000 meters and relative - more than 500 meters.

Eastern Rocky Mountains go to great plains - a plateau with prevailing steppe vegetation. In the west of the state there is a Colorado Plateau - a semi-desert zone with canyons, and other characteristic form of relief.


The climatic picture of Colorado is heterogeneous: the southern part of the state is not always the warmer North, the rocky mountains strongly affect: with an increase in height, the temperature decreases, and the humidity rises. For climatic conditions, the state is divided into two parts: Eastern plains and Western foothills.

Arkansas River in Colorado

In the east, the climate is moderately continental: low humidity, moderate precipitation (380-630 mm per year). Here is one of the highest average temperatures in. In the summer, the temperature increases to 35 ° C (on average), and in the winter it can fall to -18 ° C.

The climate of Western Colorado is more homogeneous. There are arid places, mountain climates on elevations. The hottest month is July (21 ° C). Winter here is very wet, which is the opposite of the eastern part of the state.


The Colorado River is one of the major in the state. Here, in the north there is its source. It flows in the western part of Colorado. In the south of the state is the source of another major river - Rio Grande. She takes her beginning in the Rocky Mountains and descends to the south. You can allocate the Arkansas River, the source of which is also located in Colorado. It flows east over the great plains and then flows into the Mississippi River. Another major staff river - South Platt.
The largest area and in depths in the state of Lake - Grand Lake, the second place is occupied by Lake San Cristobal.


According to data for July 2013, 5,268,367 people live in Colorado. The population growth is great due to high fertility and large number of immigrants. The greatest increase in the population is expected to have the eastern foot of the Rocky Mountains, especially in Denver.

The most populous city of the state and its capital -. In his agglomeration, Denver-Orora-Boulder lives 2,927,900 people, that is, about two thirds of the entire state population.

A large number of Spaniards live in Colorado. They live mainly in Denver and in the south of the state and are the descendants of the first settlers of these lands. As a result of the 2000 census, it turned out that 10.5% of the state of the state speak Spanish.

There are also many African Americans, people of Chinese, Korean and other nationalities in the state of the state. Mostly they live in the east of Denver, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe orora. Many of them are descendants of immigrants who arrived at the Colorado territory during the Golden Fever.

Religious composition

Catholic Church Near the city of Boulder

Christianity is the most popular state religion - 65% of the population is confess. Protestantism is the most popular branch of Christianity - 44% of the inhabitants of Colorado are confess. Catholicism profess about 19% of the state's population.

Religious composition of the population of Colorado:

  • Christianity - 65%
    • Protestantism - 44%
    • Catholicism - 19%
    • Mormons - 2%
    • Orthodoxy - 1%
  • Judaism - 2%
  • Islam - 1%
  • Other religions - 5%
  • Atheism - 25%

On average, 17% of atheists, in Colorado - 25%.


Corn Plantation in Colorado

National Bank of the United States in Denver

Colorado State GDP in 2007 was equal to 236 billion dollars. The income per capita was $ 41 192. According to this indicator, the state ranks 11th in. From the middle of the XIX century, the basis of the state economy began to make a mining industry and agriculture. In the second half of the XX century, the role of services has increased.

Food industry, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, metallurgy is developed in Colorado. The staff has deposits and mining of coal, oil, natural gas, vanadium, uranium, zinc, gold, silver and molybdenum. The staff is one of the leaders in the USA for the production of beer. The state economy is characterized by high technological and good quality.

It is the most important financial center of Colorado. It is located a mint, several large banks. Food industry, mechanical engineering, light industry work.

In Colorado, the income tax is 4.63% regardless of the amount of income. Unlike most states where the tax is calculated on the basis of "federal corrected gross income", a "taxable income" is considered to be a tax base in Colorado (income after federal benefits and federal standard deductions). The staff of real estate and personal enterprises are subject to taxation, and state property was released from it in 2003. As of January 2010, the unemployment rate in Colorado is 7.4%.

see also

  • List of cities Colorado by population


  1. United States of America // Atlas of the World / Sost. and prey. To ed. PKO "Cartography" in 2009; GL ed. G. V. Pozdnyak. - M.: PKO "Cartography": Onyx, 2010. - PK. 168-169. - ISBN 978-5-85120-295-7 (cartography). - ISBN 978-5-488-02609-4 (Onyx).
  2. Colorado // Dictionary of geographic names of foreign countries / d. ed. A. M. Komkov. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Nedra, 1986. - P. 169.
  3. Pointer of geographic names // Atlas of the world / Sost. and prey. To ed. PKO "Cartography" in 2009; GL ed. G. V. Pozdnyak. - M.: PKO "Cartography": Onyx, 2010. - PK. 222. - ISBN 978-5-85120-295-7 (cartography). - ISBN 978-5-488-02609-4 (Onyx).
  4. In Colorado, allowed to sell marijuana (Neopr.)

From the XV century BC e. To about the XII century. n. e. At the current territory of Colorado, Indian tribes lived, called "Anasazi", representatives of the developed agricultural civilization. Their possible descendants are the tribes of Utah and Shayen familiar to us in American Westerns.
In the XVII century Spaniards come to the territory of the future Colorado, which give the region the current name. Following them, the French come from the already mastered Louisiana colony. A long struggle begins for control over this territory.
At the beginning of the XIX century. The United States of America occupy Colorado, and in 1876 it becomes a thirty-eighth state.
During 1913, thanks to one Norwegian, among the locals appeared addiction to skiing. So Colorado becomes one of the main centers of the "White Madness" of skiing. Even earlier, in the seventies of the XIX century, with the appearance in the region of the railway, the crowds of gold kits were hung here. But the "gold fever" in Colorado was short.

At first glance, Colorado is only rocks and mountains, but in fact he abounds of sights.

Most of the Colorado state is located on the territory of the mountain range, according to which the climatic border between Western states (California, Utah and Nevada), the central and eastern parts of the United States passes. Savhotch is one of the two mountain ranges, which crosses the state from north to south and serves as a hydrographic boundary between the pools of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
The highest top of Colorado - Elbert (4398 m).
The eastern part of Colorado is a flat area. Here are engaged in animal husbandry and produce in significant volumes of oil, gas, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal and silver.
Near Colorado Springs there are offices of companies engaged in electronics and information technologies.
In Colorado, tourism plays a very big role. Aspen, located 354 km south-west Denver, is known to lovers of winter sports around the world. Influential and rich person seeking bright impressions every year come here to enjoy exciting descents.
Near Colorado Springs is a garden of gods - rocks from red and white sandstone and other sedimentary rocks surrounded by evergreen cypresses. This is an amazing landscape, especially during the sunrise.
We must certainly visit Colorado Springs. Here is a restored antique ranch, which seemed to come to us from Westerns. It is worth walking along the National Park, which is declared by the cultural heritage of UNESCO. Here you can find traces of staying the first residents of this state, belonging to the culture of Anasazi tribes.

general information

Thirty-eighth US state (since 1876).
Common borders with states: Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.

Capital: Denver 598 707 people, in agglomeration - 2,506,626 people. (2008).

English language.

Currency: US dollar.

Religion: Christianity.

The most significant cities: Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Boulder, Pueblo, Arvada.
Rivers: Colorado. Arkansas, South Platt, Rio Grande.

Mountains: Medicin-Bow Ridge, Savhotch Ridge, San Juan.


Area: 269,837 km 2.

Population: 4 301 261 people. (2000).
Population density: 15.9 people / km 2.
Average height above sea level: 2100 m.
Highest point: Elbert (4398 m).


Minerals: Metal ores, coal, natural gas, uranium.

Agriculture: Growing potatoes, sugar beet, animal husbandry.

Curious facts■ Colorado in Spanish means - "painted in red tones". Apparently, the thing is that the Colorado River flows between the rocks of the red shade.
■ From 1858 to 1860, Denver, the main city of Colorado, was called aurari.
■ Near Colorado Springs is one of the most significant educational institutions of the United States - the United States Air Force Academy.
■ For about 1850, over 10,000 people embraced by the Golden Fever, in pursuit of luck, rushed to Colorado Springs.

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