
How to sunbathe correct to tan. How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective ways, secrets and recommendations. Comparison of the impact of sunburn and burn on the body

How to sunbathe: use protective creams

To ensure the skin of smooth tan, 20 minutes after applying the sunscreen, flashed not refined olive oil. This is one of the best funds for smooth chocolate tan.

How to sunbathe: do not rush

So that the sun does not harm the skin, sunbathe gradually. So, for the first time it is enough 15 minutes outdoor, after which it is better to go to the shadow. Each day, add for 5 minutes of staying under the open sunny rays.

Many are experiencing that a gradual approach to the tanning question will not allow to catch well, because the vacation usually lasts 7-8 days. Do not worry, in the shadow you also get tan: smooth and without consequences for the skin.

How to sunbathe: eat

It is impossible to sunbathe on an empty stomach. This badly affects both the body as a whole and on the quality of the tan. At the same time, doctors do not advise to go to the beach after a dense breakfast. Therefore, limit into something light and nutritious.

Try not to drink alcoholic cocktails, being under the open rays of the sun. The combination of alcohol and sun rays can cause solar dermatitis. If you want a cocktail - go into the shadow.

How to sunbathe: powder

After visiting the beach, be sure to take a shower. To wash off a seaside salt, you can use a soft shower gel. After water procedures, be sure to apply nutritive body lotion on the skin. This will help ensure proper skin care.

How to sunbathe: Drink carrot juice

So that the tan was color of chocolate, smoothly lay down, and the skin did not burn, in front of the beach, drink carrot juice. Its composition stops the effect of free radicals, protects against burns and pigmentation, stimulates the tanning manifestation.

How to sunbathe: Drink vitamins

In order for the tan to go well and was not washed away, but the skin was easier to cope with the negative impact of the sun's rays, before the release, we serve the course of vitamins A, E and D.

It is this company that Vitamin will help you protect your skin, and will increase the production of melanin for a smooth sunburn.

Solar energy is a wonderful antidepressant. It greatly strengthens the nervous system and cancels the manifestation of depression. In addition, the tan contributes to the production of hormone melanin. Enhances blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, restores the elasticity of muscle tissue and prevents early aging.

Sun stay is recommended as the prevention of child rickets and an adult osteoporosis. The fact is that thanks to the sun rays, the human body is enriched with vitamin D - the most valuable building material for bone tissues, hair, teeth, nails.

Beautiful smooth tan is a natural cosmetologist. He hides all the flaws on the body: stretch marks, acne, scars, pigment spots. He treats seborrhea, neurodermatitis, acne, psoriasis. The tanned figure seems slimmer, relief and more attractive. There is for what to laugh on the beach!


Everyone knows that because of a long stay on the active sun, our skin may not shoot, but burn. As a result, we will not get beauty and health, but an unsightly painful body and a few lost day of vacation.

In addition, too frequent staying in the sun leads to dehydration and premature aging. This, of course, does not threaten those who go on vacation, but if you belong to the people of old hardening and prefer to spend months in the country, you should remember.

It should also be remembered that ultraviolet rays provoke the appearance of cancer, in particular, melanoma. In a special group of risk there are people with a lot of moles.

As you can see, a reasonable approach to the tan during the holidays on the sea is useful. It can only harm a healthy person only when non-compliance with elementary security measures or too long staying in the sun for a long time.

Children, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular diseases and skin problems should be especially neat during the sun.

The intensity of the tan depends on the following main factors:

  • the most active (and dangerous) sun from 11 am to 16 pm;
  • than whiter skin, the worse it sunbaths and more risk of burning;
  • the closer the sunbathing point to the equator, the more active than the sun;
  • the higher we rise above sea level, the more active than the sun;
  • from distance to reservoir: the closer - the more intense;
  • dehydration of the body significantly reduces the time of safe stay in the sun;
  • water on the body (sweat or water drops) significantly accelerates the tan.

In any case there is your own rules. If you stick to - get a bonus. If they ignore them or break - punishment. If not correctly sunbathe, then the punishment will be:

  • wrinkles under the eyes
  • dry and brittle hair
  • slap nose and ears
  • blister-covered body
  • sunstroke.

Rules of safe tanning

  • The safest time from 9 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm.
  • After physical training, it is desirable, not to go out in the sun for about an hour.
  • The body after winter, as well as the children's body, is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is necessary to get used to them gradually. Usually, nature itself provides us with a smooth transition from winter by summer, but if you are going to warm countries in January, in the first days in the open sun, you can be at no more than 2 hours.
  • Be sure to follow the body's dehydration. To do this, drink plenty of water or toning green tea. Otherwise, the fluid from the body will evaporate - and the dry body will become strongly susceptible to the rays. It is recommended to drink clean water, as it is only completely absorbed by the body. Sprite, Coca-Cola, Fanta, other limonads - contain a lot of dissolved sugar, so the body will continue to dry despite the drinking liters.
  • If there is no desire to quickly burn after swimming, it is necessary to wipe dry. Otherwise, the water droplets will perform the function of the magnifying glass. After swimming in the sea water - be sure to take a shower, since after water dry the role of magnifying glass will be performed by salt crystals. It is better to sunbathe on the grass and away from the water. Water - reflects the rays, and the sand and stones are very hot.

  • More There are fruits and vegetables. Since these products are easily absorbed, contain a large amount of water and fiber.
  • One of the most important rules of a safe tan is the use of special creams (about them just below).
  • Lips in the sun quickly dry and burst. Do not want pain, fool them with hygienic lipstick before leaving the beach.
  • To avoid sunlight and early wrinkles under the eyes, you need to take sunglasses with you and a light headdress.
  • The easiest way to avoid burning is to lie in the shadow. It is proved that even in the shadows, the body sunbathes 65 percent. If you have 2 weeks of rest, it is better to sunbathe less, but better.
  • Depilation of open bodies increases skin sensitivity several times.
  • The use of alcohol containing cosmetic agents is contraindicated: lotions, spirits, colognes, deodorants. Violation of this rule threatens dry skin and allergic reactions.

Although there are quite a few rollers on the network about how to sunbathe, we recommend seeing a doctor's opinion:

Poses for sunburn

In order for the tan to be smooth, it is necessary to adhere to all rules for airbags, to move a lot and take the necessary poses.

  • If you prefer to sunbathe lying, then observe the following chart: 5-10 minutes on the back, 5-10 minutes on the stomach.
  • Hands need to be disclosed to the sunshine. The head slow down a bit so that the neck does not stay white.
  • You can sunbathe standing, putting the legs on the width of the shoulders. Every five minutes turn to the sun with another side of the body.
  • Sitting sunbathing undesirable, since the rays fall on the skin unevenly.

Small and faster, the tan is going to bed during outdoor activities. Football, Beach Volleyball, Badminton - the best assistant for those who want to shoot beautifully. Droplets sweat increase the effect of sun rays, and active movement gives the body to tanned evenly.

Varieties of sunscreens

Today the cream industry is so great that it is often difficult to determine the right choice. In addition, there are creams for, from and after the tan. So what to choose to really help and did not harm?

For Tan

Modern prolongatives are different oils, sprays, special lotions. They contain SPF and contact only with the top layer of the skin. It is necessary to apply them to clean dry skin in the evening, after staying in the sun. These funds make tan longer.

From Zagara

These are funds with SPF, UVB and UVA components. SPF is protection against ultraviolet. UVB and UVA - from burns and redness. UVA- stronger protection. But none of these funds prevents melanoma by 100 percent. It is necessary to apply them to a clean dry body 20 minutes before entering the sun, and not by the arrival of the beach, how many do. The bottom line is that the cream should absorb the skin before starting to act.

And many still love to face with cream, after 10 minutes go to swim (wash off his remnants) and then surprise why they have sunburn.

After tanning

Such creams contain DHA. This is soothing and moisturizer. Its use soothe skin and keeps her health. It is used after the shower, on a dry body, preferably, at night.

If, at hand, there was no sunscreen, lotion after sunbathing or, at least, an ordinary children's cream, then you will have to remember the advice of our grandmothers. To save the skin from burns, you should use starchy juice potatoes, cucumber juice, yolk, milk cream, crude yolk and clean water.

And, in general, the sun is life, energy, cheerfulness. Tan, on health, just remember the precautionary measures! Share your experience in the comments to this article!

Summer, sun, river or sea - who does not dream about it? This magical time is waiting for, perhaps, everything. It was during the holidays that we restore the forces, rest not only by the body, but also to the soul. In this material, we suggest you talk about how fast, beautiful, and most importantly safely sunbathe in the sun.

It is worth saying that going to any reservoirs, the goal of many people is not only enough to boil, but also tanned. Tanned, the chocolate body is in fashion that some people are even ready to give a lot of money in order to have a beautiful skin color.

Immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to sunbathe. Of course, for many it may look ridiculous for many, since we are accustomed to the fact that if you wish to sunbath, we simply go under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Know, this version of the tan can not only not justify your hopes, but also bring great harm to your health.

If you appreciate your health and treat it to it, then the following tips for you:

  • First, you must realize that it is not possible to sunbathe everything and ignore these recommendations is very undesirable. People who have increased sensitivity to the sunshine should be very gently referring to the pastime in the sun.
  • Need to be attentive and to those people who have light skin. Moles, pigment spots - another reason for concern. If there are at least one of the above factors, the tanning process must be as gentle as possible, since people having such features are prone to sunburn.
  • As soon as you arrive at the sea or on the river, you should not immediately "rush into the outer with your head." To begin with, sunbathe 10-15 minutesand, preferably, not under the outdoor sun. Do not forget that the shoulders, chest, legs are those areas where the skin is most sensitive.
  • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that enough to apply the cream only once for one visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such means need to be applied every hour and take into account the skin feature.

Important: If possible, refuse to visit the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best sunbathing up to 12 and after 16 hours.

  • Many are confident that during while in water, the skin is protected from ultraviolet rays. If you also think you are mistaken. As practice shows in the water of the tan "sticks" even faster, in which, in fact, the danger lies.
  • While the person is in the water, this process almost does not feel, but it is worth going to the land, as a burning will be felt right away. In order to avoid such situations, do not forget to use the cream before bathing.

The tan will be much more beautiful if:

  1. Body position will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget the occasionally dipped into the water.
  2. Special means will be used. Various tan creams will strengthen the effect and give your skin a golden hue. Remember that such funds must be selected individually, based on the type of your skin.
  3. After the tan, you will take a contrasting shower and apply nutritive lotion on dry skin.

Be very vigilant: Sometimes, spending time on the beach, the clock fly imperceptibly. It's no secret that during the process itself it is not always possible to feel how much skin tanned. The most interesting starts later: the skin begins to acquire red, blisters and burns appear. That is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chase over the result at any cost.

How much can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

Earlier, we talked a little about these important issues, now let's consider them more detailed. Before you hear the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple, but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

  • Of course, we all want to get a chic result and spend at least a minimum of time. But remember, it does not happen. It is for this reason, before sunbathing, you need to know the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier to do, and most importantly - safely.
  • Tanning recommend gradually. As soon as you come to the sea or on a different reservoir, it is extremely careful to start the process.
  • To start, sunbathe half an hour, while changing the position of the body to the maximum every 10 minutes. On sunbathing is not under the outdoor sun. A good option can be a place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella.
  • With each afternoon, increase the time of staying in the sun, do not forget to bathe periodically, thus the tan will take better.
  • As soon as the period of adaptation of your body to sunbathing is passed, you can safely enjoy the process of "sunbathing".
  • Regarding the time, which is better to sunbathe, you need to unambiguously say that it is either the morning or evening.

  • The most dangerous sun is from 12 to 15 hours. This period of time is recommended in the room or, at least, far from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also a sun blow, and this is known to be insanely dangerous to health.
  • The most gentle sun is from 8 to 12 in the morning. This time is perfect for the uniform gold or chocolate tan.
  • From 15 to 18 hours The sun rays are also very soft and can hardly bring you any problems.
  • It should be understood that, even by sunbathing at 16 pm, it is necessary to comply with the elementary safety rules that we have said earlier.

Tan at home: folk remedies

If you are not going to relax to the water, and you basically do not have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips for you. As a rule, all folk remedies are reduced to adoption of certain products.

  • Such a miraculous and unique in kind of substance as Likopin, promotes skin acquisition slightly golden shade. And what do you think in which vegetable is this substance? Probably, you and I would not come to mind - in tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tanning, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

  • For a flat tan in food worth use eggplants. These vegetables prevent skin aging, thereby providing its smoothness. Thanks to this, the skin property, the tan falls uniformly.

  • Saturated, bright tan can work out if you drink any daily citrus juices.
  • Dream of a beautiful bronze tan, then to help you come walnut oils. It is only worth paying attention to the fact that after applying such an oil on the skin, you can sunbathe at no more than 30 minutes.
  • Apricots, carrots, as well as their juices Also can contribute to the beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before taking sunbathing at home, you need to drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and a grated carrot.

What to smear to light up in the sun to chocolate color?

Such questions are concerned about holidaymakers quite often, but find answers to such questions - a task that requires time and patience. Of course, the Soviets regarding the chocolate tan is very much, but they are effective, that is what the question is.

We chose only the most effective methods and now we will tell you. So, let's begin.

  • If you want to get an attractive chocolate tan, but your skin will never want to sunbathe evenly and beautiful - use special Cosmetics for sunburn. Now the activator data is quite popular, they will not be difficult to find them. However, we advise you to buy this type of product exclusively in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time consider the type of your skin and its features, because what is suitable for someone, you can harm.
  • Prefer natural activators They are made on the basis of natural basic and essential oils.
  • Aromatherapy, Oddly enough, also improves the tan. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

  • The next our recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, smear beer. Yes, it is this drink that can help you fulfill a dream. The natural components that are in beer, help the tan of "stick" much faster and evenly distribute it along the body.
  • Our advice: Use dark beer. The drink is to apply on the skin, as if slightly rubbing it, but not by pouring. People with light skin are recommended to add olive oil into beer or vegetable. The ratio of the ingredients 1: 1.
  • Another excellent tanning agent can be called coconut oil. Thanks to the action of Laurin and hyaluronic acids, the tan lies evenly and beautifully.

Also Coconut oil It has a favorable effect on the skin:

  • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
  • Helps cells regenerated
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Reduces the chances of solar burns
  • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic
  • Strengthens the immune system of the skin

Cocoa oil is also considered a good tangent. It is important to remember that it is impossible to be overly flashing with these oil, as it can lead to sunburn. Cacao butter - Excellent treatment for problem skin:

  • Makes skin softer and removes dryness
  • Helps face to gain healthy beautiful color
  • Reduces skin reaction to temperature differences
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Leads tone skin to normal

On the eve of the summer and the beach season, as well as any rest in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin, in order not to suffer from unwanted consequences.

Tips written above are uniquely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also keep your health, and this will agree, it is important.

Remember that there is nothing more important than your health and health care, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth risking yourself. That is why we recommend with all the responsibility to take our recommendations - stick to them and enjoy the rest.

Video: "Rules of a beautiful and safe tan"

How beautiful and correctly tan on the sea? We tell how to choose a sunscreen, how long to spend on the sun, how to prepare the skin to the sun and what to do in case of burn - because it is possible to burn on a cloudy day!

Summer We are always looking forward to, and one of the reasons are sunbathing, the opportunity to bask on the sun and get a beautiful tan. Now, many can afford rest in hot countries at any time of the year, and therefore rises and risks associated with a long stay in the sun.

Scientifically proven: harm from solar radiation is greater than good, so do not neglect the rules of a safe tan. We will tell about it in the article.

What is tan

The tan is a darkening of the skin color due to a long stay in the sun. Under the influence of sunlight, a pigment melanin is produced - he gives her a dark shade. If it produces too much in the first stay in the sun, then on the next days you will no longer darken the shade you need.

Ultra-violet rays

Uva-rays The longest and can penetrate the glass and clouds. Burns do not leave, but still pose a danger. They serve as an allergic reaction, provoke skin diseases and decrease immunity. It is these rays that are used in the lamps of a solarium.

UVB rays In short and activated in summer. It is from them that the skin blues, and you get burns. The effects of such irradiation mass: and premature aging, and the destruction of skin cells, and the deterioration of the vessels, and the risk of developing melanoma - malignant tumor. Pigment stains can come at all a couple of years. Do not penetrate through the clouds, clouds and glasses.

Short rays uvc. Do not reach the ground - they absorbs the atmosphere.

(Photo © Shebalso / Flickr.com / License CC BY-SA 2.0)

Benefit from Zagar.

Ultraviolet increases the level of serotonin hormone, which causes a tide of strength and raises the mood. Not only because you are on vacation by the sea - the improvement of the body's condition occurs really from the inside. The Sun contributes to the development of vitamin D, and it is responsible for strong healthy teeth and nails, increases immunity. The tan has both aesthetic component - many believe that pale skin looks painful and not so attractive.

Sun activity map in different countries

Solarium in front of the sea

Many before the release worries the question, whether you need to go like a solarium to prepare for a trip to the sea.

A small portion of ultraviolet will be useful before leaving. So you will avoid burns and immediately a large dose of ultraviolet. This is especially true of the inhabitants of those lard, where it is not enough, and the winter gray months is much more than three. Burn it evenly from all sides in the solarium - and on the sea Sunny will fall smoothly. Do not overdo it! Artificial irradiation is strong and melanin formed a lot. After such "Sun", the beach tan will simply stick to you. If you bought a burning trip and before the holidays you have a couple of days, 1-2 hiking to the salon will be accurately benefited.

Danger. Solarium is unsafe due to UVA rays. Even with the use of sunscreen cream, the ray is not reduced - the creams from this type of radiation simply do not protect. Oncologists are not against artificial ultraviolet in moderate quantities! It is necessary for the people of northern local locations "for mood" and podachka vitamin D.

(Photo © gerlach / pixabay.com)

How much and when to sunbathe

The main rule - sunbathing gradually! In different countries, depending on the proximity to the equator and the time of the year, the tan will be different colors and to go to you too differently.

Here is a scheme, how to sunbathe on the sea. On the first day, spend at the sun no more than half an hour - 10-15 minutes before lunch and the same after. Each day to increase the time for 10-15 minutes. But even at the end of the leave, it makes no sense to take sunny baths for more than 2-3 hours. The production of melanin skin no longer happens - you no longer stop.

When is it better to sunbathe? Ideal in the sun to 11 and after 16 hours. In the afternoon, the Sun is very active and will bring more harm than good.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @pure_virtual)

Where it is better to sunbathe

Doctors converge in opinion - perfectly sunbathe in the shade. In the first week of your vacation, it is undesirable in direct rays. Through the tan clouds fall softer and stay longer.

Water reflects the sun's rays, so on the shore you burn faster. It also applies to snow! It reflects the sun at no worse, so the possibility of burning in the winter is not at all myth.

(Photo © J-NO / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Skin care after tanning

From the long exposure to sunlight, the skin is cut and the dead layer of the epidermis begins to squeeze. There is no particular harm, but it causes an unpleasant feeling. The most important care is moisturizing, as well as a refusal of scrubies and rigid rockets in the first days.

How to get a beautiful and smooth tan

Sunscreen and other means

How beautifully tan on the sea? It is important to choose the right sunscreen to avoid burns. Most popular types of funds: cream, milk, spray, stick. Consider each of them.

  • Cream - The most popular form. Creams have a dense texture that for dry skin is good, but for fatty - no. It is applied bad, absorbing for a long time, leaving those white divorces, but can be used as a base for makeup.
  • Fluid - Light cream. Ideal for oily skin, because it absorbs faster and has a lighter texture.
  • Milk - the most common type of protective body for body skin. Sometimes 2 in 1 - suitable for the body and face.
  • Cosmetic oil It rarely has the degree of protection above SPF 15-20, since its main task is to give the skin the most chocolate shade, without damaging it. In order for the effect to be even more noticeable, glitter, bronzer and other visual tan amplifiers add to the oil.
  • Spray It is convenient for applying onto the back and blades, but evenly distribute it is very difficult. You can burn in those places where it is not enough. Plus sprays for the face - they can be applied over makeup.
  • Stick - Small, but comfortable thing. It looks like a tube of hygienic lipstick. Suitable for small areas of skin - lips, ears, nose. The ears and lips are burning in the sun at no less neck or back, and the skin with them is also painfully well.

At the speed of tanning, the means do not affect, they only increase the safe time in the sun.

Best tanning facilities. Tip and review

What denotes SPF.

Abbreviation SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Translated as "Sun Protection Factor", and the figure denotes the degree of protection - the higher the higher it is. Almost any sunscreen protects only from UVB radiation.

The cream is also needed different: in the first week, use the cream with SPF 50, then with SPF 30, and in two weeks you can use SPF 15.

  • SPF 50. - The skin will receive only 1/50 from the total amount of sunlight - it is 2%. Protects from 98% ultraviolet.
  • SPF 30. - Protects from 97% of the rays, that is, will miss 1/30 of radiation.
  • SPF 25. - Gives the level of protection from 96%.
  • SPF 15. - from 93%.

There are creams with an SPF 70, 80 indicator, and even 100. Do not believe in such numbers, because 98% of the rays are the maximum from which the cream can protect.

(Photo by unsplash.com / @korinori)

In addition to Abbrevia SPF, you can meet such designations:

  • Uva. - The tool blocks the rays of type A (the most dangerous). In Asian countries, the PA ++ index is designated (pluses can be up to four).
  • PPD. Persistent Pigment Darkening - degree of protection against UVA rays. The maximum degree is 42, but it will be enough 8.
  • Broad Spectrum - cream protects against rays of types A and V.

The components that should be contained in the cream are at least vitamins C and E. Also also a good addition to the extract of green tea and resveratrol.

Previously, sunscreens were produced only for adults, maximum - for children from three years. Now you can find creams for children from six months to three years.

(Photo © ben_kerckx / pixabay.com)

The cream is needed not only in the summer

For residents of countries with high sun activity protection is needed all year round. In Russia, in the fall and at the beginning of winter there is no point in it - there is almost no sun. And in winter it is very necessary to use the cream in clear frosty days! In the spring the sun is already becoming more active, and the cream you will be very useful. No wonder they say that the strongest all is burning in late spring - the skin is not yet accustomed to the sun, but the activity of radiation, on the contrary, is very high.

Choose skin cream

It is important to choose the right sunscreen. If you know your skin type, then everything is simple: look for a cream for dry, oily or sensitive skin. If not, see the composition of the cream:

  • dry skin need maximum moisturizing, it will be given aloe, glycerin, hyaluronic acid;
  • fat skin need cream with minerals and the inscription "non-comdogeneous".

(Photo © Francisco_osorio / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)


There are six of them. The first two types are the most vulnerable. They need funds with protection SPF 50, the rest is quite SPF 20-30. How to define a phototyp?

  • I, Celtic: Bright leather, light or red hair, blonde eyes, freckles. So people are better not to sunbathe at all, because they instantly burn.
  • II, Flood-skinned European: blonde hair and eyes, light skin, sometimes freckles. You can light up, but with difficulty.
  • III, Middle Eastern: Dark Break, Brown Hair, Gray or Light Brown Eyes, these people are quite dark, but it's easy to burn in the sun. The tan on such a type of leather falls normally.
  • IV, Mediterranean: dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin. Good and quickly sunbathe.
  • V, Asian: very dark hair and eyes, brown or yellowish skin. Split very rarely.
  • VI, African: black hair and eyes, dark skin. Such people do not overturn at all (but this does not mean that they do not need the means of protection from the sun).

(Photo © unsplash.com / @carlosheviariera)

How to use tools

  • Sunscreen is applied 20 minutes before the sun. So he has time to absorb and protect deep skin layers. Ideally, put the cream in two layers. The second is after complete drying of the first.
  • Update cream you need every two hours or follow the instructions for it. For example, many creams need to be updated after each bathing.
  • Contrary to the problem, there is no strong difference between protection factors 15 and 50.
  • How much cream to apply? If we speak in simple language: about a quarter of a teaspoon for face and on the dining room for each part of the body.
  • It is also important to wash off the cream after staying in the sun, otherwise you can get an allergic reaction.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @ethanrobertson)

Myths about Barre

  1. Glass and clouds are protected from sunlight. No, glass acts like a cream from the sun, delaying far from all rays (not delays Uva.). Therefore, to burn, sitting by the window on the bus, quite real! The same applies to the clouds: it is even easier to burn on a cloudy day, because we are losing vigilance.
  2. Vitamin D can only be obtained by tanning. No, it is contained in many products. For example, in eggs, dairy products and fish.
  3. The sun cures the skin of the face. No, it can only dry the skin, but full-fledged treatment, say, you will not achieve acne.
  4. In windy weather, the skin does not burn. In fact, windy cool weather is just as dangerous, despite the lack of exhausting heat. The weathered face burns even faster, because the skin suffers from cold gusts.
  5. The base for makeup can protect against burns. Can. But it will have to apply at least 7 layers to get the protection factor that is specified on the package.

10 myths about the sun and tan

What to do with sunny burn

How to act if a sunny burn is received? I share my own experience.

  • Drink plenty of water to restore balance. Drink milk and sour milk products, apply kefir and sour cream on the burned skin.
  • Take tablets from allergies: Loratadine, suprastin, diazoline according to the instructions. What for? Saves from edema if the face burns.
  • Apply Panthenol, Boro +, and before entering the street - protective cream;
  • Many move - for oxygen exchange and decrease in waste.

And, of course, it is important to reduce the effect of the sun to a minimum, ideally - not to be on the street. I was saved by three days of the road on the car, there was almost nowhere to go, and the burns almost went to return home.

Summer Sun is deceptive - heats gently, but burns strongly.

Contraindications for tanning

Before you decide to sunbathe in the sun, make sure that your stay under bright rays will not harm your health.

Contraindications for sunburn:

  1. People of Celtic Phototype - Blondes and red-haired with light skin. Skin coverings in such people produces little melanin (the pigment responsible for the tan). The main task of melanin is to protect the deep layers of the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet. His small amount provokes the development of melanoma (skin cancer).
  2. Children under 5 years old and adults over 60 years old, pregnant and lactating women. Do not completely exclude the sun. It is enough to limit the stay under direct solar rays to reduce the risks of thermal and solar strike. It is impossible to sunbathe in the early and later timing, since the increase in body temperature can provoke miscarriage or premature labor.
  3. People with individual contraindications for medical reasons. These include malignant and benign tumors, female diseases (Mioma, erosion), tuberculosis in acute form, hypertension, skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, diabetes, infectious (mononucleosis, chickenpox, hepatitis), Psychoneurological diseases, elevated temperature.

Ignoring the above diagnoses, you risk aggravate health.

With tuberculosis in the active phase, the risk of infection is increasing.

After the transferred mononucleosis, it is better to refrain from ultraviolet rays for 8 months.

After the windmill, pigment stains arise.

How not to burn in the sun

  • Previous yield to the Sun prepare the skin for ultraviolet, visiting the solarium several times.
  • Control the stay at the open sun. This period limit 6-10 minutes. Change the position more often. Do not open the sun for more than an hour.
  • Protect eyes and hair from ultraviolet with glasses and headdress.
  • Do not use deodorants and perfume on the beach. The substances in them cause photodermatosis and increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.
  • Drink more water! During the tan, a person loses a lot of moisture.
  • Wash the towel after swimming. Water droplets focus the sun's rays and can cause a burn.
  • Use sunscreen and lotions.

Observing these rules, you will get a golden and even tan, retaining good well-being.

Protection of face before and after tan

Pay special attention to the face before and after the tan. Apply protective cream before going out, and on the return, wash it out and apply a layer of moisturizing milk or lotion. Do not get drunk on the face of the skin on the face. In this place, it is more susceptible to burns.

How to choose a remedy for tanning

Tanning products are labeled SPF factor. It is marked with paragraphs from 2 to 50. The figure shows the degree of protection against ultraviolet - the higher the better the protection.

On average, the man with white leather can be in the sun without getting a burn of 15 minutes, and the SPF factor index shows how many times you can stay outdoor without redness of the skin. For example, applying a tool with SPF10 you can enjoy the sun 10 times more.

To protect against the sun, Celtic type people will require funds with SPF50 +, NORDIC - SPF from 35 to 50, dark European - SPF from 25 to 35, Mediterranean - SPF from 15 to 25, Indonesian and African-American types can do without them.

All people sunbathe in different ways. Someone has 5 minutes, and someone and 1.5-hour stay in the sun will not damage. Get a smooth tan can be followed by the guidelines on the type of skin. There are 6 main phototypes in total:

  • Celtic type. These are people with blond or red hair. They have pale leather rich in freckles and moles, blond eyes. They can not sunbathe under direct sunny rays. 5 minutes and instead of tanning, red skin appears with blisters. If you consider yourself to this type, stay to sunbathe into the shade. Use the tools from the Sun with a high level of protection.
  • Nordic type. These are people with light skin, little moles, freckles are occasionally, eyes are light or brown, blonde hair or brown. Easy to burn in the sun, but over time, the skin becomes a golden hue. Tanning with light skin need carefully. In the first days, use the funds with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet. With them, the skin will get used and acquire a smooth tan. Limit your stay in the sun is 10-15 minutes.
  • Dark European Type. People with light skin, brown or blond eyes, chestnut or dark hair. Easily sunbathe, but they can burn. At the active sun, do not delay more than half an hour.
  • Mediterranean type. People with olive skin, dark eyes and dark hair. The tan of these lies smoothly and beautifully, they do not burn. May be in the sun up to 2 hours.
  • Indonesian type. Dark brown skin, dark hair and eyes. There is no restriction of stay under the sun.
  • African American Type. People with dark skin, hair and eyes. Representatives of the Negroid race, the skin is deeply pigmented and does not need additional protection.

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