
Sims freeplay practicing films. Internship. Requirements for the process of turning

The production process is a combination of targeted actions of enterprise personnel on the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production is professionally trained personnel; Whether equipment (machinery, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.); Labor objects (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products); Energy (electric, thermal, mechanical, light, muscular); Information (Scientific, Commercial, Operational Production, Legal, Socio-Political).

Professionally controlled interaction of these components forms a specific production process and makes it content.

The production process is the basis of activities of any enterprise. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of an enterprise and its production units.

The main part of the production process is the technological process. During the implementation of the technological process, a change in geometric forms, the size and physicochemical properties of labor items occurs.

In their significance and role in production, production processes are divided into: basic, auxiliary and servicing.

The main materials are called production processes, during which the manufacture of the main products produced by the enterprise is carried out.

The auxiliary includes processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes. Their result is the products used at the enterprise itself. The auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of equipment, the development of steam, compressed air, etc.

The serving processes are called such during the implementation of which the services necessary for the normal functioning of both basic and auxiliary processes are being carried out. These are the processes of transportation, storage, picking parts, cleaning the premises, etc.

The production process consists of a variety of different operations, which are respectively divided into main (technological) and auxiliary.

The technological operation is part of the production process performed at one workplace above one object of production (part, node, product) by one or more workers.

In appearance and purpose of products, the degree of technical equipment is classified on hand, machine-manual, machine and hardware.

Manual operations are performed manually using a simple tool (sometimes mechanized), for example, manual color, assembly, packaging of the product, etc.

Machine-manual operations are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms with the mandatory participation of the worker, for example, the carriage of goods on the electrocars, processing parts on machines with manual feed.

Machine operations are fully performed by the machine with minimal participation of workers in the technological process, for example, installing parts into the machine processing zone and removing them at the end of processing, monitoring the operation of the machines, i.e. Workers do not participate in technological operations, but only control them.

The hardware operations proceed in special units (vessels, baths, furnaces, etc.). The worker observes the serviceability of the equipment and the testimony of the instruments and makes it possible to adjust into modes of operation of aggregates in accordance with the requirements of technology. The hardware operations are widespread in food, chemical, metallurgical and other industries.

The organization of the production process consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process of manufacturing material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and in the time of the main, auxiliary and serving processes.

The economic efficiency of the rational organization of the production process is expressed in reducing the duration of the production cycle of products, in reducing costs for the production of products, improving the use of fixed production assets and increasing the turnover of working capital.

The type of production is determined by the comprehensive characteristics of the technical, organizational and economic features of the production caused by the nomenclature, regularity, stability and volume of production. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of fixing the operations of the KZ. The fastening coefficient for the workplaces group is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations made or subject to execution within a month, to the number of jobs:

Kz \u003d

To opi

To r. m.

where copi is the number of operations performed at the I-M workplace; Kr.m is the number of jobs on the plot or in the workshop.

There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Single production is characterized by a small amount of output of the same products, the re-manufacturing and repair of which are usually not envisaged. The fastening coefficient of operations for single production is usually above 40.

Serial production is characterized by the manufacture or repair of products by periodically repetitive parties. Depending on the number of products in the battery or series and the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient of securing operations distinguish small, medium-terrain and large-scale production.

For small-scale production, the fastening coefficient of operations from 21 to 40 (inclusive), for the average production - from 11 to 20 (inclusive), for large-scale production - from 1 to 10 (inclusive).

Mass production is characterized by a large amount of product output, continuously manufactured or repaired for a long time, during which one operating operation is performed on most jobs. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for mass production is taken equal to 1.

Consider the technical and economic characteristics of each of the types of production.

Single and close to it, small-scale production are characterized by the manufacture of parts of a large nomenclature in workplaces that do not have a certain specialization. This production should be quite flexible and adapted to perform various production orders.

Technological processes in conditions of single production are developed consolidated in the form of route cards for the processing of parts for each order; Plots are equipped with universal equipment and a snap, providing the manufacture of parts of a broad nomenclature. A wide variety of works that have to be performed by many workers requires them various professional skills, so there are highly qualified workers on operations. In many areas, especially in experienced production, the combination of occupations is practiced.

The organization of production in conditions of single production has its own characteristics. In view of the diversity of details, order and methods of their processing, production sites are built on a technological principle with an arrangement of equipment for homogeneous groups. With such an organization of the production of parts in the manufacturing process, pass through various sections. Therefore, when transmitting them to each subsequent operation (plot), it is necessary to thoroughly work out the quality control of the quality of processing, transportation, job definitions to perform the following operation. Features of operational planning and management consist in timely configuration and execution of orders, monitoring the promotion of each part of operations,

providing systematic loading of sites and jobs. Big difficulties arise in the organization of material and technical supply. The broad nomenclature of the manufactured products, the use of enlarged consumption rate of materials create difficulties in uninterrupted supply, which is why large stocks of materials are accumulated in enterprises, and this leads, in turn, to the ovever donkeeration.

Features of the organization of single production affect economic indicators. For enterprises with a predominance of a single type of production, a relatively high complexity of products and a large volume of unfinished production due to the long-term layering of parts between operations are characterized. The cost structure of products is characterized by a high share of wages. This share is usually 20-25%.

The main possibilities for improving technical and economic indicators of single production are associated with the approaching it on a technical and organizational level to serial. The use of serial production methods is possible with a narrowing of the nomenclature of the parts manufactured by the parts and unification of parts and components, which allows you to go to the organization of subject sites; expanding constructive continuity to increase parts launch batches; Grouping loved ones in the design and procedure for making parts to reduce the time for the preparation of production and improve the use of equipment.

Serial production is characterized by the manufacture of a limited nomenclature of parts by parties repeating at certain intervals. This allows you to use special equipment along with universal. When designing technological processes, it includes the procedure for performing and snapping each operation.

The following features are characterized to organize mass production. Tsehi, as a rule, are in their composition of the subject reserved areas, the equipment on which is disposed of in the course of the standard technological process. As a result, relatively simple links between jobs are made and prerequisites for organizing a direct-flow movement of parts in the process of their manufacture.

The subject specialization of the plots makes it necessary to process the part of the parts in parallel on several machines performing the operation following each other. As soon as the previous operation ends with the processing of several first parts, they are transmitted to the following operation until the end of the processing of the entire batch. Thus, under mass production, a parallel-sequence organization of the production process becomes possible. This is his distinctive feature.

The application of this or that form of the organization in terms of mass production depends on the complexity and volume of the released products. So, large, labor-intensive details, manufactured in

large quantities and having a similar technological process, enshrine at one site with the organization on it variable-flow production. Details of medium sizes, multipleration and less labor-intensive are combined in the party. If the launch of them in production is regularly repeated, portions of group processing are organized. Small, low-tech parts, such as normalized studs, bolts, are fixed by one specialized site. In this case, the organization of direct-flow production is possible.

For serial production enterprises, significantly smaller than in the unit, labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products are characteristic. In mass production, compared with the unit, products are processed with smaller intervals, which reduces the volume of work in progress.

From the point of view of the organization, the main reserve of labor productivity growth in mass production is the introduction of methods of tract production.

Mass production is characterized by the greatest specialization and is characterized by the manufacture of a limited nomenclature of parts in large quantities. Mass production are equipped with the most perfect equipment that allows you to almost completely automate the manufacture of parts. Automatic stream lines received a lot of distribution.

Technological processes of machining are developed more carefully, by transitions. Each machine is secured by a relatively small number of operations, which ensures the most complete boot of jobs. The equipment is located in the chain along the process of the technological process of individual details. Workers specialize in performing one, two operations. Details from the operation for operation are transmitted by the piece. In terms of mass production, the importance of organizing inter-operational transportation, maintenance of jobs is increasing. Permanent monitoring of the condition of cutting tools, devices, equipment is one of the conditions for ensuring the continuity of the production process, without which the rhythm of work in areas and in the workshops is inevitably violated. The need to maintain a given rhythm in all stars of production becomes a distinctive feature of the organization of processes in mass production.

Mass production ensures the most complete use of equipment, a high overall level of labor productivity, the lowest cost of manufacturing products. In tab. 1.1 The data on the comparative characteristics of various types of production are presented.

Table 1.1 Comparative characteristics of various types of production


Type of production








volume of release




manufactured by A.


manufactured by B.









partially special







one, two



detailed operations

on the machine




homogeneous machines







uniform details

Transfer of objects




labor with operation


for surgery

Form of organization






1.4. Organization of production process

in space and time

The construction of the rational production structure of the enterprise is carried out in the following order:

- the composition of the shops of the enterprise, their power in size providing a given output of products is established;

- squares for each workshop and warehouse are calculated, the spatial locations in the general plan of the enterprise are determined;

- all transport links are planned within the enterprise, their interaction with nationwide (external for the enterprise) paths;

- the shortest routes of interception movement of labor items along the production process are scheduled.

The production units include traces, sites, laboratories, undergoing control checks, testing main products (manufactured by the enterprise), components (purchased from the side), materials and

semi-finished products, spare parts for maintenance of products and repair during operation; Various types of energy are produced for technological purposes, etc.

TO departments serving employees include housing bombing departments, their services,factory-kitchens, dining rooms, buffets, kindergartens and nursery, sanatoriums, boarding houses, holiday homes, pretabilities, medical schools, voluntary sports societies, technical training departments and educational institutions engaged in the production qualifications, cultural level of workers, engineering workers, employees.

The main structural production unit of the enterprise (except for enterprises with a radiation structure of the management) is a workshop - an administrative area that performs a certain part of the general production process (production stage).

Come are quite full divisions, they operate on the principles of economic calculation. In mechanical engineering, goes, as a rule, are divided into four groups: basic, auxiliary, side and utility. In the main workshops, operations for the manufacture of products intended for implementation are performed. The main goals are divided into stockpiling, machining and assembly.

TO foundry includes blankblacksmith-stamping, blacksmith-presses, sometimes sets of welded structures; To cultivating

- mechanicing, woodworking, thermal, sets of electroplating, paint and varnish protective and decorative coatings of parts, to assembly - the sets of aggregate and final assembly of products, their coloring, equipment spare parts and removable equipment.

Auxiliary sets are instrumental, non-standard equipment, model, repair, energy, transport.

Side - Tsehi utilization and processing of metal waste Metal methods and pressing chips into briquettes, cigarettes. Available - Tsehi, manufacturing containers for packaging products, sawn forests that are preserved products, its packaging, loading and sending to the consumer.

In addition to these shops, almost every machine-building plant has production trains, services and departments serving non-industrial farms (utilities, cultural and domestic, housing, etc.).

A certain place in the structure of all machine-building plants is occupied by warehousing, sanitary and technical devices and communications (power grid, gas and air tubers, heating, ventilation, well-maintained road rail and fine transport, etc.).

A special role in the production structure of the association (enterprise) is played by design, technological units,

research institutes and laboratories. It develops drawings, technological processes, and experimental works are being carried out, the designs of products are brought to full compliance with the requirements of GOST, technical conditions, experimental and experimental design works are carried out. In these units with a special force, the integration of science with production is manifested.

The workshops include basic and auxiliary production sites.

The main production sites are created on a technological or subject matter. In areas organized on the principle of technological specialization, technological operations of a certain species are performed. In the foundry shop, for example, areas can be organized in the following technological directions: land-receiving, manufacture of rods, casting forms, processing of finished casting, etc., in blacksmith - sections for making forged blanks on hammer and presss, heat treatment, etc., In the mechanical - turning, revolving, milling, grinding, plot and other areas, in the assembly - sections of the nodal and final assembly of products, tests of their parts and systems, controlling station, greasy, etc.

In areas organized by the principle of subject specialization, there are not separate types of operations, and the technological processes in general, as a result, receive completed products for this site.

The subsidiary includes sites of the main mechanic and the main energy in the current repair and maintenance of the mechanics and energy equipment; Tool-dispenser pantry with a sharpening workshop, transport service, repair workshop and maintenance in good condition of technological equipment, etc.

With a centralized system of organizing service and current repairs at the enterprise, auxiliary sites in the workshops are not created.

Auxiliary goals and plots are organized according to the same signs that the cores and plots of the main production.

The constant treatment of management enterprises to the external environmental factors makes it possible to change the management structure in a timely manner in order to promote the sustainability of the enterprise and its flexible response to the market medium translucent oscillations. That is why it is necessary to consider the organization of production management (territorial, transport, resource, technological, etc. Factors) as a system of actions, orienting the development of the enterprise.

A number of factors affect the manufacturing structure:

Sectoral affiliation of the enterprise - the nomenclature of products, its design features, materials used, methods for obtaining and processing blanks; simplicity of design and manufacturability of the product; the level of requirements for product quality; Production type, level of its specialization and cooperation;

composition of equipment and technological equipment (universal, special, non-standard equipment, conveyor or automatic lines):

- centralized or decentralized organization of equipment maintenance, current repair of its and technological equipment;

- the ability of production is promptly and without larger losses to rebuild the production of new products in the modified product range;

- the nature of the production process in basic, auxiliary, side and utility shops.

The production structure of the enterprise of various industries has its own characteristics arising from the nature of the main production.

In the textile factories, in most cases, a technological structure is operating with the simultaneous specialization of individual sites on certain rooms of yarn and stern articulas. The greatest number of factories has all the stages of tissue manufacturing: spinning, weaving, finishing. Part of the factory specializes in performing one or two stages.

Technological structure prevails at metallurgical factories. Coppured, domain, steel, rolling tsehi are created.

General in the production structure of enterprises of various industries

- organization of auxiliary and servicing farms. The main energy and the main mechanic, transport and warehousing are available at the enterprise of any industry. On the machine-building plant there is always an instrumental shop, on a textile factory - filling and shuttle workshops, manufacturing tools for textile production.

The question of choosing and improving the production structure of the enterprise (association) should be solved both in the construction of new enterprises and during the reconstruction of the existing ones.

The main ways of improving the production structure:

- enlargement of enterprises and workshops;

- search and implement a more advanced principle of building shops

and manufacturing enterprises;

- compliance with the rational relationship between the main, auxiliary and servicing workshops;

- constant work on rationalizing enterprises planning;

- integration of individual enterprises, the creation of powerful industrial andscientific and production associations based on the concentration of production;

- ensuring proportionality between all parts of the enterprise;

- changing the production profile, i.e. Product production, specialization and cooperation; development of combining production; attainmentconstructive technological homogeneity

products due to broad unification and standardization; Creating a beech-like enterprise management structure. The consolidation of enterprises and workshops allows for a broader scale to introduce new high-performance techniques, constantly improve technology, improve the organization of production.

The identification and implementation of reserves for improving the structure of workshops and production sites is the factors of constant improvement of the production structure, an increase in production efficiency.

Compliance with the rational relationship between the main, auxiliary and servicing workshops and sites should be aimed at raising the specific gravity of the main workshops in the number of employed workers, the cost of fixed assets, the size of the occupied areas.

Rationalization of planning implies the improvement of the master plan of the enterprise.

The quality of use of available capabilities, resources and a favorable market situation is associated with the production planning mechanism. Construction of an optimal plan for the possible change in the plan of the plan is the key to implement the internal sustainability of the enterprise in an external economic environment. That is why special attention should be paid to material planning material.

The master plan is one of the most important parts of the project of an industrial enterprise, which contains a comprehensive solution to issues of planning and improvement of the territory, placement of buildings, structures, transport communications, engineering networks, organization of business and domestic services, as well as the location of the enterprise in an industrial area (node).

High demands are presented to the General Plan, the main of which are:

1) the location of production units is strictly in the process of the technological process - warehouses of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, procurement, machining, assembly tsehs, warehouses of finished products;

2) placement of auxiliary sites, farms near the main production shops that they serve;

3) rational device of railway tracks inside the enterprise. They must be subordinated to both the premises of the warehouses of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products and the warehouse of finished products, where goods are made by removable equipment, spare parts, preservation, packaging, capping, loading, dispatch of products to the consumer;

4) the greatest direct accuracy and the shortest ways to transport raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

5) exception of counter and return flows both inside and outdoors;

6) the most expedient options for the location of external communications of the enterprise and access them to engineering networks, highway roads, railways, etc.

7) accommodation in blocks of laboratories (measuring, chemical,x-ray control, ultrasound, etc.) serving them, as well as heat treatment shops and protective coatings of parts, finished products.

At large enterprises, the goals are advisable to combine into the housing. When designing enterprises, it is necessary to take care of

building building. Depending on the nature of the product, its design features, if possible, to build hulls in a multi-storey version. Choose rational distances between shops, workshop blocks and enclosures, observing sanitary conditions, safety and fire safety requirements.

The Lay General should also provide for the possibility of further development of the enterprise and ensure such a production structure in which the highest production results can be achieved at the lowest costs; Create conditions to maximize the interests of all employees of the enterprise.

Placement of basic, auxiliary, side, utility workshops

and plots serving farms, management bodies, transport highways on the territory of the enterprise has a huge impact on the organization of production, its economy;

determines the direction of cargo flows, the length of the tracks of rail

and fireless ways, as well as the efficiency of the use of production areas.

The compactness of the development, its rational density and the floors make it possible to save capital investments, reduce the volume of construction work and intra-water transport, reduce the length of communications, reduce the duration of the production cycle, to implement the integrated mechanization and automation of production and auxiliary processes, reduce the time of stay of the finished product on a broader scale Warehouse, improve labor productivity, improve product quality, reduce its cost.

The task of employees of project institutes, engineering and technical workers and industrial workers of industrial enterprises is a continuous improvement in the production structure, placement of workshops and production sites. Especially serious attention to this issue must be given during the reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion of the enterprise and new construction. Improving the plant's master plan - manifestation of care for improving the efficiency of production, improving the quality of products and working conditions.

Analysis of information on the dynamics of internal ensuring the production of the enterprise and the demand of its production by the market is a condition for a qualitative assessment of its sustainability. At the same time paying attention to the production of production at the enterprise can reveal the factors of the ability or inability of the enterprise and sustainable development in the future. At the same time, the mechanism of such an analysis may be fixed by the relationship of the properties of the service and the objectives of ensuring the overall characteristics of the production of production at the enterprise.

The form of production organization is a certain combination of time and in the space of elements of the production process at the corresponding level of its integration, expressed by the system of sustainable relations.

Various temporal and spatial structural constructions form a set of major forms of production organization. The temporary structure of the organization of production is determined by the composition of the elements of the production process and the procedure for their interaction in time. According to the type of temporary structure, the forms of organization with consistent, parallel and parallel-consistent transmission of labor items in production are distinguished.

The form of the organization of production with consistent transmission of labor objects is such a combination of elements of the production process, which ensures the movement of the processed products in all production sites by parties of an arbitrary value. Labor objects for each subsequent operation are transmitted only after the end of the processing of the entire batch at the previous operation. This form is the most flexible with respect to changes arising in the production program, it allows you to fully use the equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of purchasing it. The disadvantage of such a form of organization of production is the relatively large duration of the production cycle, since each part before performing the subsequent operation, it suffers in anticipation of the processing of the entire batch.

The form of the organization of production with parallel transmission of labor objects is based on such a combination of the elements of the production process, which allows you to run, process and transmit object items from the operation to the operation of the piece and without waiting. Such an organization of the production process leads to a decrease in the number of details in the processing, reduction of the needs in the areas necessary for storage and passes. Its disadvantage - in possible downtime of equipment (jobs) due to differences in the duration of operations.

The form of the organization of production with parallel-consistent transmission of labor items is intermediate between

sequential and parallel forms and partially eliminates the flaws inherent in them. Products with operation for operation are transmitted by transport parties. It ensures the continuity of the use of equipment and labor, it is possible to partially parallel passage of the part of the part of the operations of the technological process.

The spatial structure of the organization of production is determined by the number of technological equipment focused on the working platform (the number of jobs), and the location of it relative to the direction of movement of labor items in the surrounding space. Depending on the number of technological equipment (jobs), there is a single production system and the corresponding structure of a separate workplace and a multi-part system with a workshop, linear or cellular structure. Possible variants of the spatial structure of the organization are presented in Fig. 1.2. The workshop structure is characterized by the creation of areas on which equipment (jobs) is located in parallel in the flow of blanks, which involves their specialization in the sign of technological homogeneity. In this case, the part of the parts entering the site is sent to one of the free jobs where the necessary processing cycle passes, after which it is transmitted to another area (in the workshop).

Fig. 1.2. Options for the spatial structure of the production process

On a plot with a linear spatial structure, equipment (jobs) is located in the course of the technological process and the part of the parts processed on the site is transmitted from one workplace to the other sequentially.

The cellular structure of the organization combines signs of linear and shop. The combination of the spatial and temporal structures of the production process at a certain level of integration of partial processes causes various forms of production organization: a technological, subject, direct-flow, point, integrated (Fig. 1.3). Consider the characteristic features of each of them.

Fig. 1.3. Forms of organization of production

The technological form of the organization of the production process is characterized by a workshop structure with consistent transmission of labor items. This form of the Organization is widespread on machine-building factories, since it provides maximum equipment loading in small-scale production conditions and is adapted to frequent changes in the process. At the same time, the use of the technological form of the organization of the production process has a number of negative consequences. A large number of parts and their multiple movement in the processing process leads to an increase in the volume of incomplete production and an increase in the number of intermediate storage points. A significant part of the production cycle constitutes the loss of time due to complex intertilic bond.

The subject form of production organization has a cellular structure with a parallel-sequential (consistent) transmission of labor items in production. On the subject site is set, as a rule, all the equipment needed to process the part of the parts from the beginning to the end of the process. If the processing cycle is closed within the site, it is called items.

The objective construction of the plots provides direct accuracy and reduces the duration of the production cycle of parts. In comparison with the technological form, the subject allows you to reduce the total cost of transporting parts, the need for production areas per unit of products. At the same time, this form of production organization has disadvantages. The main one is that when determining the composition of the equipment installed on the site, the need for certain types of processing of parts is put forward to the fore, which does not always provide full equipment loading.

In addition, the expansion of the product range, its update requires periodic redevelopment of production sites, changes in the structure of the equipment park. The direct-flow form of the organization's organization is characterized by a linear structure with the magnificent transmission of labor items. This form ensures the implementation of a number of principles of organization: specialization, direct accuracy, continuity, parallelism. Its use leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, more efficient use of labor due to greater labor specialization, decrease in incomplete production.

With the point form of the organization of production, work is fully performed on one workplace. The product is manufactured where its main part is located. An example is the assembly of the product with the movement of the worker around it. The organization of point proceedings has a number of advantages: the possibility of frequent changes in the design of products and the processing sequence, manufacturing of various nomenclature products in the amount determined by the needs of production; The costs associated with changing the location of the equipment are reduced, production flexibility increases.

The integrated form of production organization involves the combination of basic and auxiliary operations into a single integrated industrial process with a cellular or linear structure with a sequential, parallel or parallel-alone transmission of labor items in production. In contrast to the existing practice of separate designing of storage, transportation, control, control, processing on sites with an integrated form of organization, it is necessary to link these partial processes into a single production process. This is achieved by combining all jobs with the help of an automatic transport frequency complex, which is a set of interrelated, automatic and warehouse devices, computing equipment intended for organizing the storage and displacement of labor items between individual work places.

Management of the production process is carried out here using a computer, which ensures the operation of all elements of the production process on the site according to the following scheme: Search

the required workpiece in stock - Transportation of the workpiece to the machine - Processing - Return of the part to the warehouse. To compensate for the deviations in time during transportation and processing of parts, buffer warehouses of inter-operative and insurance nearers are created in separate workplaces. The creation of integrated production sites is associated with relatively high one-time costs caused by the integration and automation of the production process.

The economic effect in the transition to the integrated form of production organization is achieved by reducing the length of the production cycle of parts, an increase in the loading time of machine tools, improving the control and control of production processes. In fig. 1.4 depicts equipment arrangement schemes in areas with various form of production organization.

Fig. 1.4. Schemes of the location of equipment (jobs) in areas with various form of organization of production:

a) technological; b) subject; c) direct-flow; d) point (for the case of assembly); e) integrated

Running again

The intermediate stage in the preparation of the base of the weaving machine, which is subjected to only the main yarn entering on the bobbins after rewinding in a reworker. In fact, it is the union of threads with a large number of winding packs for one reptile package. In the process of turning on a repaid roller or weaving Navoi, a certain number of threads of the calculated length is called.


- Intermediate stage in the preparation of the base of the weaving machine, which is subjected to only the main yarn entering on the bobbins after rewinding in the turning department. In fact, it is the union of threads with a large number of winding packs for one reptile package. In the process of turning on a repaid roller or weaving Navoi, a certain number of threads of the calculated length is called.

Modern reptile car

Methods again

Four methods are practiced in production: partial, ribbon, sectional and complete. Over each of these methods may be interrupted and continuous.
The most common way to turn out is partioner, providing the greatest performance. Also studies and experience in enterprises have shown that a distinguished view is a disturbing appearance.
The filaments of the bases of the parts are put on the re-rollers with a certain number of threads, which form a batch with a total number of threads equal to the number of threads on weaving Navoi.
Punchback is used if, according to the conditions of technology, there is a cutting of yarn (for cotton, linen, woolen ringer, artificial and synthetic threads and yarn).
The threads with a large number of winding packs are put on separate ribbons on a special drum. The total number of threads in the ribbons is equal to the number of threads on the Weavka Navoi. Then all tapes are simultaneously tightened with a reveal roller on the weaving Navoi.
The ribbon method is used: for wool hardware yarn, as it has a high linear density and does not cut down (waste with the minimum process, and the woolen yarn is better and more expensive than other types of raw materials); When the artificial slaughter is again, if there is a large number of threads (10-12 thousand or more); When turning out colored threads, that is, the basics with a manner, in the case of complex interweaving (the manner of the base is a sequence of color threads based on).
The threads with a large number of winding packs are hung on separate sections (with a small filling width). The total number of threads, piled into individual sections, is equal to the number of threads on weaving Navoi. The individual sections are then recruited on the common trunk and form weaving
Used to prepare the basics of technical tissues.
A feature of the full way to turn out is that the base with winding packs is wound directly on the weaving Navoi.

Requirements for the process of turning

  • In the process, physicomechanical SV-VAs of yarn or threads should not deteriorate;
  • The tension of the feed threads should be the same and, whenever possible, constant during the entire process;
  • The length of the turnout should be calculated, a whole range of weaving devices should be obtained from reverent rollers;
  • The winding form should be strictly cylindrical and the specific winding density must comply with the adopted value;
  • The performance of the process of turning should be maximum, and the waste is minimal.

Circuit diagram of the process

In the figures "A", "B", "B" - is shown a partial method ("A and" B - the drive of the shaft from the drum; "B" - the drive of the shaft from the electric motor); "G" - a ribbon method.
The threads of 1 base, winding with winding packs placed in a reveal part pass through the guide parts 2 and the dividious row 3, enhance the measureal shaft 4 and navigate to the revealed shaft (drum) 5. Pointing shaft 6 serves to press winding.
As can be seen from the figure, the ribbon method of turning is different from the partial because the base wound on the drum 5 is removed to the weaving Navoi 7. This leads to excessive downtime of ribbon machines (the CPV of the machines does not exceed 0.3 - 0.4). In order to increase the efficiency of ribbon machines, reverent drums make removable; They are sent to the Shlichtoval Division for the Fundamental Fundament.
Depending on the type of yarn and fibers, additional devices can be enabled in the pylon schemes of the machines (cylinders, tension devices, etc.).

Process diagram. Methods again

Vices, waste when re

Warm worst worsen the quality of the foundation and future tissue, increase the dignum (waste) and reduce the performance of the shlicking machines and weaving machines. When it is possible, the following vices are possible:
  • Fallowka - when the end of the torn thread does not bind to the end of the thread on the revealed roller, and soak on it;
  • Coppie - When the end of the torn thread is tied to another thread on a revealed roller.
    Fallowd and the Council cause the formation of harnesses on a reverent roller during a shlincing, and when weaving, the approach and yield of the thread;
  • Rvanis on the roller - a break of the thread group and binding to them with a beam or in a fleece;
  • Cutting the threads in the edge of the reptile roller - the result of the incorrect setting of the row relative to the flanges or the flange disk;
  • Slabin and a different tension of the thread - the result of improperly regulating the tension devices or slip the thread from under the washer of the tensioning device;
  • Non-compliance of the number of threads on the roller and the result of the inattention of the windows during the installation of the bet on the bottle;
  • Landlight of the region - occurs with an uneven fit of the rotor roller to the reasons;
  • Incorrect Warning Length - occurs when the meter is incorrect;
  • There are also large nodes when binding, the beam winding, mixing on the roller of different types of yarn.

Waste with again

  • Due to the change of Bobin rates
  • When breaking threads
The percentage of fugaries is 0.02-0.15% of the mass of yarn of incoming in turning (this percentage depends on the method of turning, the thickness of the yarn and its quality).
Liquidity in Runny

The breakdown in turning is determined in the form of a number of cliffs per million meters of a single thread. The scope of 1 million meters is considered by the formula:
O \u003d K * 1000000 / MS * LSN, [cliffs per 1 million meters]
K is the number of cliffs by 1 revealing roller or tape;
mSN - the number of threads on a reveal roller or tape; LSN - Warm Length

The magnitude of the breakdown when renovated with conical bobin is located on the limits of 1 million meters: 4-6% (X / B yarn of medium thickness); 8-10% (wool crest yarn); 10-14% (wool hardware yarn). Scraper scraps approximately 2 times less.

Service of revealing machines

Running machines are usually serviced by 2 people: a revelman and a ravine. The again eliminates the cliffs, changes the reversal rollers, fills the car, cleans and lubricates it. The raw replaces the bet on the spare bobbinets inside the tumbler while the exterior bobbin goes again. Often work as a brigade (ravines) 2-3 people for 2-5 cars.
Performance of revealing machines

Theoretical productivity
Pt \u003d Vc * T * M * T / 1000000, [kg / h]
Actual performance
PF \u003d PT * CPV, [kg / h]
Vc - speed of turning, m / min;
t is the operation time of the revealing machine (T \u003d 60 min);
m - Number of threads on a reptile roller;
T - linear density, tex; CPV - the coefficient of useful time (CPV \u003d 0.4-0.6).

Partion reptile machine SP-140. Technology system

The partial reptile machine is designed to turn the yarn with reservoir on reverent shafts at high speed. Compared with the reasons on the ribbon machines, when it is possible, a large uniform of the tension of the main threads is ensured, the best shape and structure of the Navoy, labor costs are reduced and the cost of treatment in weaving is reduced.
Threads with Bobin 1, located on a reveal frame 2, pass between two guide rods 3 and through a row 4, enhance the Merile roller 5 and navigate to the re-shaft 6, which receives movement from the electric motor 7 through the clinorem transmission 8. Sealing the main yarns is carried out by a rotary shaft. 9. Row 4, distributing evenly the basic threads between the flanges of the reserved shaft, allows you to put the basic threads in parallel to each other.

Partion reptile machine SP-140. Kinematic scheme

From the electric motor 5 of the DC clinoremable transmission, the movement is transmitted to a reasanced shaft 2. Pointing roller gets a move due to the friction about the re-shaft. The reunpel shaft is located between the pinologists 9 and 4, which, when fixing the revealing shaft, or before removing it, can get movement in the axial direction from the electric motor 3.
Movement from the electric motor to Pinlas is transmitted through worm gears, gears and worm-screw gears. Pinoli is connected with a reveal shaft with spikes at the ends of the pinol and the corresponding grooves in the clutches of the reserved shaft disks. The clamp and the disconnection of pinalls with a reveal roller is performed before slipping the clutch on the shaft of the electric motor 3.
From the Merile Shaft 7, the movement is transmitted to the toothed gears of TAHOGENERAR 6 and the decimal counter 8.
The row makes a reciprocating movement for a certain distance, which ensures the scattering of the turns of the yarn on a revealing shaft, preventing them into the lower layers and contributing to obtaining the correct cylindrical winding.
The reciprocating movement of the row is transmitted from the mechanism of rotation of the reversal shaft using the worm gear and the crank-connecting transmission of the angular lever, which reports the movement of the row.
The mechanism of removal of a worked reserved shaft and supply to the pinologists of the empty is activated from a reversing electric motor 1 with a worm pair, a uniform worm that turns the toothed sector on the shaft 10. The electric motor 1 turns on with one of the two buttons: under the action of one of them An empty shaft is lifted, under the action of another - lowering the full revealing shaft.
On the machine there is a mechanism for maintaining the constancy of the linear speed again as the winding diameter increases the winding shaft. This is carried out using a tachogenerator. With a minor increase in the diameter of the winding of the base on a reverent shaft, naturally, the linear velocity of the threads increases, and since the measureal shaft rotates due to the friction of the threads about it, then its rotational speed increases. On one shaft with a measurement roller there is a tachogenerator. It is connected to the electric motor 5. The electric current produced by the tachogenerator increases; Passing through the magnetic amplifier, it demagnetizes the amplifier in proportion to the strength of the current. Since the power of the electric motor 5 is constant, it leads to a decrease in the voltage supplied to the motor winding and a decrease in the speed of rotation of the electric motor pulley. Moreover, a decrease in the speed of rotation of the electric motor pulley occurs in proportion to the increase in the winding diameter of the reserved shaft.
Thus, with an increase in the diameter of the winding of the base on the revealed shaft, its rotational speed is reduced, due to which the constancy of the linear speed is ensured. However, during the operation of the machine, deviations from constancy of linear speed are observed due to the flaring of the machine mechanisms. The speed of turning is set using the variable resistance handle. The machine is equipped with an arrow speed indicator.
From the Merile Shaft 7 with the help of a three-stage gear transmission, the movement is transmitted by a decimal counter of the length of turning. The counter is calculated for the maximum length of the base of 100,000 m.
The length of the thread is measured by a mechanical path - a meter associated with a measuring shaft rotating due to friction on moving threads. In the process of turning, especially when starting and stopping the machine, there is a slipping of the threads along the surface of the measurement shaft, as a result of which the difference between the actual length of the threads, piled on the re-shaft, and the meter reading. This increases the exit of the soft ends in the shlincing and the formation of incomplete bases when finalizing the party. Especially this inaccuracy of the operation of revealing machines is obvious in the manufacture of the bases with surprise. When winding on a re-shaft, the yarn of the installed length machine automatically turns off.

Kinematic scheme of the revealing machine SP-140

Ribbon revealing machine SL-250-W. Technology system

The SL-250-W machine is designed for the ribbon again woolen and cotton yarn from the conical bobin of the cross winding with the subsequent rendering of the threads on the weaving Navoi.
The filaments of the bases converge with the conical bobbin 1, stationary-mounted revealing sections on the bobbinetters, pass through the stretching devices - the brakes 3, fixed on the racks of the reptile frame, and then through the contact hooks of 4 mechanisms for controlling the presence of threads placed in the front of the reveal frame on both its parties. Upon exit from the reveal frame of the base, the bases are passing through the guide shafts 5, a dividious row 6, a row of caliper 7, enhance the measureal shaft 8 and the guide shafts 9 and wound on a repaid drum 10.
Thanks to the application, the rapid costs of the rewrite operation are reduced in the reservation of the bridge sections. The field of how the bobbins are triggered, the threads between the bobbins and nithenetters are cut off, the brown sections put forward on the rails from the revealing frame, and spare sections with the places installed in advance with bobins will be taken. Thus, the machine reloading is reduced to changing sections and binding the ends of the bases of the base.
Stretching devices are used to create the necessary tension of the threads when putting them on a repaired drum.
The mechanism of controlling the thread of electrical action carries out automatic stopping of the machine in case of a break of one or more threads.
The dividing row is the guide body and at the same time separates the threads on the group for laying between them of dividing shoelaces (prices). In this regard, in the dividing row, the propulsion of teeth and, in addition, it is equipped with a lifting device.
The caliper row serves to uniform distribution of threads in the width of the tape and the bias of the tape along the forming revealing drum while winding it into the drum.
Merile shaft is connected to a decimal gear counter. When developing the first tape (at the beginning of it, the decimal counter is included and at the same time with it - the counter of the revolutions of the reptile drum. At the end of the first ribbon, the counter of the revolutions of the reversal drum actuates the mechanism of stopping machine. The remaining tapes are fused on the testimony of this meter only. Due to the presence of two counters, the possibility of winding tapes of the same length is possible. When working with one meter, it is impossible to obtain all tapes of the same length due to the different magnitude of the slip of the threads along the measure of the measure and a different number of cases of start-up and stopping machines when driving a ribbon.
Delicious row 6, caliper 7 row, Merile shaft 8 with a decimal counter and guide shafts 9 are fixed on the table of the caliper mechanism 11. When unscrewing the tape, the table of the caliper mechanism 11 with all the details fixed on it, by means of the driving screw 12, is evenly moving along the guides 13, With this, the corresponding displacement of the layers of the tape is ensured and the correct form of its cross section is created. Depending on the linear density of yarn and tape density, the value of the caliper movement varies.
The perimeter of the re-drum 10 is equal to 4 m. With its rotation, the drum reports the forced translational movement. The repaired drum rotates forcibly from a separate drive.
When the revealed drum is a navito given number of ribbons needed to form one base, the tapes are tape into weaving Navoi.
To perform this operation, the machine has a giving machine 16, which is the second half of the revealing machine. In the process of passing threads, the threads are wounded with a re-drum 10 and, passing through the guide shafts 14, navigated to the weaving dip 15. The guide shafts 14 are used to direct the base to the weaving Navoi and are an additional zone to create tension of the threads. Basically, the specified magnitude of the tension of the filaments of the base during the passing of them to the weaving Navoi is created by braking the reptile drum by a 10-brake brake.
In the process of passing the base to the weaving Navoi, the transit machine 16 is uniformly moved along the drum under the action of the driving screw. This movement is equal to moving the caliper, but is directed in the opposite direction. The movement of the pressing machine is necessary for proper laying of the bases of the base relative to the flanges of the weaving Navoy. Weavier Navoi rotates from a separate drive.

- This is a practical part of the educational process in the highest or secondary-seat educational institution, which is in organizations in real work activities. Practice is designed to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills necessary to assign qualifications and final student certification as a specialist. The results of production practices are evaluated according to the standards adopted in the school, and fit into the educational process.


Industrial practice for a student often becomes the starting point of his professional career. The most common mistake of students is a formal attitude to the process of passing practices, as another study task. In order to extract the maximum benefit from the practice, it is necessary to have the right attitude and understand that this is a unique opportunity to "try the soil", while still under the wing of your educational institution. Significantly saving time and strength, you will not make unnecessary movements at the end of the university and you will know exactly where to go on.

What are the opportunities to practice a student:

    consolidate theoretical knowledge;

    apply knowledge and skills in practice;

    navigate in the real workflow and see the underwater stones of the selected specialty, which are not visible in theory;

    directly contact with the professional community;

    get job search skill and communicate with the employer;

    gain experience in cooperation with an experienced notebook;

    as soon as possible understand that the specialty or even the area is chosen incorrectly and do not meet your profession requirements;

    navigate in the profession and decide;

    "Personalize" the market and understand what is in demand and what else needs to be rushed;

    find yourself a workplace suitable for a career start;

    get the initial experience that is so lacking with young professionals in the device to work after training, and make your first record in the employment book;

    to achieve first success and show the ability in the selected specialty in front of the future employer.

Students are undergoing manufacturing practical practice at senior courses of universities when a specialty has already chosen, and usually the topic of practice correlates with knowledge and skills obtained in the semester. Practice takes place at the bases of real enterprises, with whom the university has a preliminary agreement. The direction of the organization must comply with the student specialization. The student has the right to choose a suitable practice database, and the university must provide a list of possible options. If the student is already working on the profile, he has the right to take practice at the place of this work.

During the practice, the student must keep a diary, which is signed by the head of his practice. At the end of the practice, its results are estimated on a par with exams and credits and are noted in the test book. Also, the work of the student assesses the management of the practical base, on which he worked, and issues the characteristic. The direction of production practice can be technological (directly practical work, the acquisition of skills) and research or pre-diploma (conducting scientific research on practical material).

The legal side of the issue should be defined in the regulatory documents of the University, and is also governed by the relevant articles of the TC RF. The duration of the working day of the student-travelers from 16 to 18 years should be not more than 36 hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and aged 18 years not more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the period of practice, students apply to the internal regulations adopted in the organization, and general rules for labor protection. In the event that the practice takes time to practice, he receives all the rights of the employee: the right to receive a salary, the right to paid leave, on disability allowance, etc. Also, it is assigned to the appropriate employee responsibilities.


Despite the fact that students-trainees are a rather troublesome business for the organization, in production practice there are undeniable advantages and for the company. Becoming the practice of practice and interacting with the profile educational institution, the organization gets the opportunity:

    "To raise" young professionals under themselves, teaching them in accordance with the necessary precisely to your organization with the requirements and specifics;

    adjust educational programs for specialized universities, interacting with them.

The legal side of the process of making a trainee has a number of difficulties that, however, are quite overcome. The main snag for personnel is the lack of an article clearly regulating the adoption of travelers to work. The concept of a contract between the student and the organization in case of practice is absent in principle. In this situation there are two options for action.

1. Conclusion of an employment contract with a trainee. In the case of industrial practice and if there is an appropriate vacant place, the student is adopted on the basis of an urgent employment contract and enters into labor relations. The rationale for the conclusion of the contract can be formulated according to Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation approximately like this: "The employment contract is concluded during the passage of production practices." If the student is the first official employment, then he needs to make a labor book and testimony of pension insurance (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Since the conclusion of the contract, the travelers are endowed with all relevant rights and obligations of a full-fledged employee.

2. Making a trainee without enrollment to the staff. If in the contract between the educational institution and the employer initially spelled out that students are taking practice without official employment, and if there are no vacancies, then the student does not receive a specific labor function, but is in practice more familiarizing off, is not responsible like an employee. However, the rules of the internal schedule operating in the enterprise and the rules for labor protection on it are distributed. To enroll students to the enterprise, an order is published, in which all the necessary details are prescribed (names of students, deadlines and goals of practice, the procedure for passing, responsible mentor, etc.).

If the student already works, and his work profile corresponds to the specialty for which it is studying, it can take practice at the place of his work, providing the appropriate certificate to the university.

Thus, production practice is a mutually beneficial event, both for students and employers, helping them to get acquainted with each other and start professional interaction.

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