
The biggest wild and home boys in the world. Caban - wild pig where boars are found

Experimental hunters probably had to meet in the forest with such an animal as the Wear, hunting him. They are found not only in forests, but also in the desert terrain. What is this animal where the boar lives and what does it look like? We will talk about this in the article and find out a lot of interesting things about the life of the wild beast.

Animal Wear and his description

Wear is the ancestor of a home pig. The mammal animal belongs to the detachment of the man-fusion povelty, the kind of kabanov family of pigs. Animal also has other names: secchech; boar; Wild pig.

Despite the fact that the Wear occurred from the home pig, it looks like a pet. He has more dense and short body, Legs thicker and higher in size. His head is higher and thinner, ears are also longer and sharp. And the ears are standing, not like a home pig.

At the idar of all the time growing lower fangs. In males, they are more developed than females, the largest and stick out from the mouth. On the back because of the thick bristles, something like the mane is formed. It rises the row when the boar is in an aggressive state. In the cold season, under the bristles, you will be growing.

Bristles on the torso has black-brown color with reddish tint. Drowing the brown-gray and all together creates a common color in gray-brown-black colors. The rest of the body - legs, tail and muzzle in the color of black. Animal color depends on the habitat, it can be black and very bright almost whiten. Such specimens are found in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Balkhash.

Animal dimensions at an altitude of up to 1 meter in the withers and body length to 175 cm. Middle boar is usually about 100 kgBut there are larger animals weighing up to 150-200 kg. In Eastern Europe, these animals can be weighing up to 275 kg, and on the territory of Manchuria and Primorye to 0.5 tons.

Females less males, their height in the withers up to 90 cm and the maximum can weigh up to 160 kg. The duration of their life is usually 14 years old, but in captivity they can live longer until 20 years, when the terrain becomes protected.


These animals prefer to settle on wooded area and swampy terrain. Boars live throughout the European part to the Scandinavian Peninsula. They also live in Asia and in the northern part of Transbaikalia, the Far East, in southern Siberia.

Wepers live in Argentina as well in Central and North America. The boars inhabited North Africa, but the hunt for them was too popular, so they were practically exterminated.

These animals can live in various places of our planet, even in tropical forests and in the desert. In Europe, boars love to dwell in oak and beech forests. There are many swampy terrain, fields and meadows. In Central Asia, Vepri prefer to settle in deciduous and fir forests, as well as in nut-fruit groves.

Boars can not stay in one place long place, so migrate in search of food. The boars are looking for habitats with large harvests or grow different feeds. In the European part, the largest population is located in Sweden, more than 1,000 individuals.

Behavior and nutrition

The lifestyle of males is different from females. The males prefer privacy, live singly. Females are going to groups with cubs, their total number can be up to 50 individuals. The males come to the group only in the marital season.

Wild boars in search of food hunt in the morning or evening. At night and the Day of the boars love to rest calmly. Animals are characterized by sharp hearing and smell. They have a rather weak vision, so they are more oriented on the other of the senses.

Boars love to eat vegetable foodThey are in constant search for new and fresh food. Thanks to well-developed fangs, the land will rotate and dig the following:

  • roots;
  • plant bulbs;
  • tubers.

Also, the boars love to eat other types of vegetation:

  • Berries.
  • Fruits.
  • Nuts.

In Spring and Summer Time, animals are happy to eat:

  1. Young grass.
  2. Leaves of shrubs and trees.
  3. Shoots.

Since boars eat not only vegetable food, they also feed food of animal origin Using:

  • eggs of birds;
  • snakes;
  • frogs;
  • fish;
  • insects;
  • worms.

Adults are attacking both larger food of animal origin, such as lambs or young deer, are not bended to Padal.

Werery excellent swimmers, they can wonderfully swim and capable of overcome in water more distances. Animal can easily swam river or lakes about. Despite the big weight, the boars are fast runningTherefore, they are considered dangerous enemies for many animals.

Reproduction of boars and females

The average life expectancy of wild boar is 10-12 years old. From September to December, Kabanov passes Gon. The males appears a protective subcutaneous shell - the thickness of the muscle is 2-3 cm.

It is located on the sides and serves as protection against the attack of enemies. It also helps protect against rival fangs in the marriage in the fight for the female. During this period, they accumulate additional fat.

In the marriage season among males goes constant struggle for females. During this period, they lose weight and their strength. Many wounds appear on their body, but it is worth it because the male can get up to 8 females for mating.

The female shelters the cubs about 115 days, they appear in April quantity of 2-3 piglets. Such a number is only in females who give birth for the first time, then it gives birth to 4-5 cubs.

There have been cases when the female managed to give birth to 10-12 piglets. The offspring always remains with the mother, she feeds it with his milk about 3.5 months. Sexual maturity in females begins in a year and a half, and in males in 5-6 years.

People have long been hunted on wild boars, so man is the main enemy of this animal. Mostly hunting is kept for animal skinsAlthough it is considered very tasty and nutritious.

Wear (boar)- Animal of medium sizes, refers to the mammalian section. The people "Wild Pig", is a distant ancestor of domesticated.

In natural conditions, the Wear - Animal is sufficient dangerous. He is able to feel a stranger on very distant distances. Protection of its territory is responsible.

Hunting of boar Vepry Pretty tempting view of the rest. Hunters believe that a killed boar must be in trophy. As a rule, skins are collecting, and the meat is prepared.

Especially famous for the well-preserved Kabani Slanders, they can often be seen on the walls of famous hunters. Photohead Kabana Vepry. Posted in many historical sources.

Description and Features of Kabana Vepry

Wild Wear Caban. - This is a detachment of manflock, the arrivals are not chewing and a family of pig. This mammal varies significantly with a home pig. Torch is dense, shot down and rather short.

The legs are higher and thicker, which allows him to undergo long distances. Powerful head, with long elongated digging, standing and sharp ears. The main dignity wheel Kabana. - It is his constantly growing fangs.

Tight and thick bristles cover the whole body. On the upper edge of the body, the wool forms something like the mane when the boar is alert or frightened.

The color of the animal can be from a brown-brown to black - it depends on the stay. In the cold time, a layer of scuffing grows under the elongated wool. Color wheel Kabana. It can be varied and depends on the habitat.

A well-shot torso goes into a shortened tail, with a fluffy brush. the front of wheel Kabana. Very developed, which allows him to move to remote areas. The body length reaches up to 175 cm, weight in the range from 100 to 200 kg, height in the withers to 1 meter. The females are less than males, the head will also be varied in size.

Lifestyle and habitat wild boar

For the first time known resettlement wheel Kabana.belong to Southeast Asia. Next, they settled in many continents. The appearance of a wild boar eventually changed in the color, the size of the head and body.

The living environment is the most extensive among all mammals. A significant part spread through deciduous and mixed forests, in the taped areas and the steppe zone.

In antiquity, habitat wild boar Vepry. It was much wider, now in some places the boys completely disappeared. In Russia, the animal is significantly common in Tien Shan, South, in the Caucasus, Transbaikalia. Wheel Kabana. It can be grouped into four main sections (from the distribution region):

* Western;
* Indian;
* Eastern;
* Indonesian.

The reason for the rapid domestication of the animal is its operational adaptability and omnivore. Wear Caban. - This is a social animal, for them it is normal to gather in herd.

Approximately one male has to be from 1 to 3 females. Young, females and piglets are going to numerous herds, old individuals hold apart. The female can be in the stem from 6 to 12 piglets. Color is often striped to get lost between leaves and branches.

Food boar Vepry

Food wear Caban. Mainly vegetation, from which is included in the diet of tubers, roots, nuts, berries, aches, mushrooms. In the cold time, the animal is forced to eat with larvae, bark of trees, eggs of birds, padal.

If the forests are lacking in the forests, they can visit the farmers of potatoes, beets, turnips and cereals. Sometimes we bring serious damage to landings and sowing.

By eating a forest litter, often eaten pine caterpillars and larvae. Thus, producing sanitary traverses, besides, the permanent rupture of the Earth improves the growth of trees and shrubs.

Per day adult individual wheel Kabana. Can consume from 3 to 6 kg of feed. Those animals that are found near the rivers can eat fish. Very important in the diet of water, it should be a large number.

Breeding and life expectancy boar

Adult individual (on average) wheel Kabana.may live from 10 to 14 years, in captivity reaches 20 years. In 1.5 years, sex maturity comes, females fall from November to January.

Selfing in the female can be once a year, but meets 2-3 times. Mother protects the piglets very carefully and is always aggressive. After three weeks, young people can move independently, breastfeeding lasts up to 3-3.5 months.

What is the difference between the boar, purely formally nothing, as this is the same animal. Only boar- This is a book name, and vepr., hogor secchat - conversational. They are often used in hunting vocabulary. It can be assumed that it depends on the age of individual.

When Gon Beast occurs, the boar can be resistive to the last breath. Wear Caban. may be killerBut for many hunters it is not an obstacle. In pursuit of sharp feelings, they can be in confrontation. The boar is able to defend its territory until the end.

general characteristics

Boar - omnivorous man-painted unwanted mammal from kind pig (SUS). It differs from home pig, which undoubtedly occurred from boar (and other close species), shorter and compressed body, thicker and high legs; In addition, the head of the boar is longer and thinner, the ears are longer, sharper and more than standing, sharp, fangs are more developed and sharper (by the male they are much more developed than in females).

The bristles, except for the bottom of the neck and the back of the abdomen, forms the genus on the back. Black and brown bristles with an admixture of yellowish, undercoat brownish gray, thanks to this, the common color of gray-black-brown, muzzle, tail, lower legs and hooves - black. The motley and pancakes are rare and they are considered to be descendants of wild domestic pigs. Body length up to 2 m, tail 25 cm, shoulder height 95 cm; The weight of an adult boar can reach 150-200 kg.


Wild boars are found in the broad-sized and mixed forests of Mainland Central European (from the Atlantic to the Urals), the Mediterranean (including certain areas of North Africa, including the Atlas and Kerenaica), steppe areas of Eurasia, Central Asia, in the north-east of anterior Asia; In the north it comes to 50 ° C. sh., in the east to Amur and Himalayas; For these limits (in South Asia, South and Central Africa), relative species replace it. In antiquity, the habitat of boar was significantly wider than modern. In Central Europe and the Middle East, it was previously laid almost everywhere, now in many places is exterminated, as in all of England. It is believed that the Xabani Mesopotamia and Europe are believed that the cubans of modern domestic pigs are. In Russia, Kaban is found at the considerable territories of the European part of Russia (except for the Northeastern Tundra and Tayzhny regions), in the Caucasus, in South Siberia; On Tian-Shan, it rises to 3,300 m. In North America, European boars are delivered by a man as an object of hunting and spread in the wild, along with the wild home pigs. In Australia, wild pigs in a lifestyle are similar to the boars.

Wild pigs


The boar holds in rich water, swampy areas, both wooded, and overgrown with reed shrub, etc. The old males live mostly alive and join the herds only during mating. Female form usually small herds out of 10-30 females and young and young, weak males. The flow occurs from November to January; Between the males occur at this time fierce fights. Pregnancy lasts about 18 weeks, the number of cubs (born normally once a year) 4-6; At first, they are painted with white, black-brown and yellow stripes that help to mask in the forest litter. The female carefully protects the young and mad protects them from enemies. Polatyat Kabana reach approximately 1.5 years old, adults become 5-6 years old.

Kabana movements awkward, but fast, it floats in excellently and can swim considerable distances. The vision is weak, but the smell and rumor is very good. Cabans are careful, but not coward; Irritated, wounded or protecting the young, they are very brave and dangerous in their strength and terrible fangs. In addition to man, kabanam, mainly young, dangerous only wolves and lynx, and in South Asia Tigers, which, however, rarely attack the old major males. In the afternoon, the boars lie in the dug pit; Sometimes a common lair is satisfied. By evening, they come out to swim and find food consisting mainly of vegetation (roots, fruits, acorns, etc.), but also includes various small animals and Padal. Also, they can visit the fields of potatoes, turnips, grains, making harm to agriculture, especially what breaks and pulling sowing. They often spoil and young trees. Very rarely boars attack both rather large animals, patients or wounded, for example, lins, roe deer, even deer, kill and eat them. Kabana meat is delicious (for which he was tamed), skin and bristles are also helpful.

Hunt for boars

In Heraldik

Kaban, Vepr - the emblem of courage and fearlessness, always colors of black and profile. Sometimes one boar head (FR. la hure); Moreover, it is necessary to designate the color of the eyes and paint, which is distinguished by the teeth of boar (FR. les Defensees.). Kabana's head is a popular sign on the signs of modern restaurants and entertainment establishments, in this context it symbolizes both curious and sexual power.

Caban - Animal, symbolizing cruelty. Acts as a personification of sin. As a heraldic symbol indicated a combination of ferocity and courage. White boar was the breasting emblem of Richard III. On its coronation in 1483, 13,000 such icons were ordered. For this reason, the opponents called Richard "Kaban" or "Borov". After the king's defeat in the battle at Bosworth, the owners of hotels changed the emblem of a white boar on blue. The latter was a heraldic sign of the opponent of Richard Count Oxford.


  • MP Vavilov. "Hunting in Russia in all its species." - M.: Typography F. Johanson, 1873 - 224 p.
  • A. Cherkasov. Notes of the Eastern Siberia Hunter (1856-1863). Edition 1 - SPb.: Publishing House S. V. Zvonareva, 1867. - 707 p. (Cherkasov A.A. Notes of the Eastern Siberia Hunter - M.: Publisher: Physical Education and Sport, 1990. - 575 c.)
  • kn. A. Urusov, "Cloud hunting for hoofed animals" ("Nature and Hunting", 1883 IV), Vernensky Citizen (B. Karpov), "Mantuck - Tiger Fighter" (ibid, 1880 x)
  • Foli J. Encyclopedia signs and symbols. - M.: Veche, AST, 1997. - 432 p.

see also

Caban is a representative of the detachment of man-fate family of pigs. Forms a separate genus. It has a different name - Wear or wild pig.

Externally different from home fellow. The boar is denser. Compared to home pig has longer legs. Head elongated. Have long standing ears. The males have large lower and upper fangs. The fur on the torso is long and hard, in the winter it is thick, and in the summer less often. It may be dark gray, brown or black. There is a mane on his head and back. The muzzle, legs and tail are usually black. In some areas of Central Asia, you can meet bright individuals.

Kaban sizes

The boar can have a different size, it depends on the locality where it lives. Northern inhabitants are larger than southern. The smallest boars live in the south-east of Asia and the south of India, their weight is about 45 kg. The individuals inhabiting in the Carpathians can weigh up to 200 kg. The largest representatives of the genus live in the northeastern part of Europe, to the Ural itself. Their weight reaches 300 kg. The largest fixed weight of this animal was 320 kg. In Italy, you can find a boar weighing 150 kg, and in France - 230 kg.

On average, the weight of an adult individual varies from 80 to 120 kg. Their body in length reaches 0.9-2 meters. In the withers grow up to 55-110 cm in height.

Have a tail, the length of which is 15-40 cm. The males have long sticking fangs. Females, unlike males, have small fangs that are not visible. The offspring of boars up to 6 months of age differ from adults, light, yellow and brown stripes are going on their torso. This color perfectly masses from predators.

Habber habitat

Wild boars are ordinary inhabitants of Russian forests.

Preferred habitat - wooded areas and swampy terrain. The boar loves lying in marsh mud. Representatives of this kind are inhabited in Europe, the central, southeastern and eastern parts of Asia, in the Middle East, in India and North Africa. In the steppe terrain, the mountains and in dry territories, this animal does not occur.

The boar lives in some areas of Siberia, it can be found in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the southern part of the Irkutsk region. Today he lives in the forests of the Moscow region, and in the territories located north. In search of food, it can climb a meadow of highlands, but the height should not exceed 3300 meters. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, they loved coniferous and deciduous forests for living, in the Caucasus - fruit.

In the XIII century, these animals did not become in the UK, in the XIX - in Denmark, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, the boars disappeared from Austria, Germany, Italy and the North of Africa. In 1930, the wild pig was almost completely exterminated in Russia. However, since 1950, the population began to revive. To date, the boar lives even on a foggy albion.

They live in the parks of wildlife of England. The largest population lives in Sweden. Its number is more than 100 thousand individuals. Representatives of the genus are also found in North America, more precisely, in the eastern United States, where they were delivered specifically for hunting. There is a population and in Australia, but there are not wild boars, and the homemade who ran away from the farms was wild and now adapted to life in wildlife and continue to multiply. According to behavior and lifestyle, representatives of this population do not differ from the boars, but they are still not them.

Cabani Behavior

Females live in groups whose number can reach up to 50 individuals. Dominates the mature female. The males prefer a single lifestyle and in groups come only in the marital season. Hunt and looking for food in the morning and evening twilight. In the day and night clock, the boars prefer to relax. These animals have excellent hearing and beautiful sense of smell, but they have a weak vision.

Thanks to the fangs of boys can dig ground and get rhizomes, tubers, plant bulbs. This is their main food. Also eat berries, fruits, nuts. In the spring and summer eating young grass, leaves of trees and shrubs, shoots. From animal food, eagles of birds, worms, insects, fish, fond of frogs and snakes. Padals eat and young lambs and deer. Boars are perfectly swimming and can easily twist the lake or river. They run well, can develop a fairly greater speed, and considering their size and weight, are very dangerous for enemies.

Reproduction and life expectancy

In the wild, the boar lives 10-12 years old, in captivity animals wait until 20 years. From November to December, Kabanov passes Gon. The males increase the subcutaneous protective "shell" - muscles with a thickness of 2-3 cm. It is located on the sides and performs the function of protection against the rival fangs, which he can hurt in the fight for the female. Also during this period, animals accumulate fat.

During the marriage season, males constantly participate in battles for females, and therefore they lose weight, weaken. They have a lot of wounds on the body. The winner can get up to 8 females. The duration of pregnancy is about 115 days. Births are held in April. The first time the female usually gives birth to 2-3 piglets. In the future, it gives birth already 4-6 young. There are cases when 10-12 piglets may be in litter. When 3 days left before childbirth, the female leaves the herd. She is looking for a place, pulls the pit there, closes her branches and gives birth there.

At the birth of a pig weighs from 750 grams to 1 kg. The first 4-6 days they are sitting in the nest, and then the female together with the offspring returns to herd. The offspring everywhere walks with his mother. The female feeds a young milk for 3.5 months. The growth in these animals continues until 5-6 years. Female females become 1.5 years old, and males - in 5-6 years.

Enemies of boar

Enemies for boars are all predators. But they are usually attacked on young individuals, since adult boys are strong, large, possess strong legs, and males are also sharp fangs. Therefore, the boar is able to repulse, and even, in some cases, the striker dies, but more often gets serious injuries.

The main enemy of the Wild Pig is a man.

The main enemy remains a person. People hunted and continue to hunt. In most cases, the animal is killed in order to make scarecrow and demonstrate their skill of the hunter from his head. Meat of these animals people eat in food, it is very tasty and nutritious. From the bristles of boars, massage brushes for hair, toothbrushes and brushes for applying foam for shaving were made.

Now the bristle for the manufacture of toothbrushes is not used - it is nonhygienically, and shaving brushes and hair brushes are sometimes made from it. It is made of bristles more and painting brushes. Kabanov's skin can be eaten. Today, the hunt for this beast has gained a sporty character, this is done for the sake of entertainment, and not food mining. Often hunt with dogs or drive the sacrifice on horseback.

If the hunter meets with the Veprem, especially with the wounded, then a man threatens a deadly danger. An animal lightningly rushes on the enemy, and if you do not run away in time, you can die. Repeated boar does not attack. Under normal conditions, the boar is not aggressive. The exceptions are females with the offspring, if the mother decides that the children threaten danger, then she will defend them to the last.

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The boar, also known as the boar and a wild pig, is a mammal from the squad of a manflock, sub-train, pig-shaped, pig family, wheels of boys. This is the ancestor of domestic pigs.

The size

The length of the body of adults of wild boar reaches 175 cm, the height is about 1 m. Weight to 100 kg, occasionally from 150 to 200 kg.


From domestic pigs, this animal is distinguished by short and dense physique, thick and high limbs, a long and thin head, longer, sharp and standing ears. The upper and lower fangs are constantly growing and sticking out the mouth up.


The body of a wild boar is covered with elastic bristles, except for the bottom of the neck and the back of the abdomen, on the back there is a peculiar mane with a comb of it. In winter, a thick and soft undercoat begins to grow in this bristle.


The color of the bristles is black and brown with a yellowish tint, undercoat the brown-gray color, so the overall color is regarded as a gray-black-brown, muzzle, tail, legs and hooves - black. Occasionally meet the motley or pan of individuals.

Features of the body

The neck is massive, thick, short, head is large, wedge-shaped, ears are long, wide, small eyes. The powerful stall with a patch is issued forward and allows the animal to dig an earth, even freezlu, at a depth of 15-17 cm. The tail of the straight, 20-25 cm in length, decorated with a brush on the tip. Sounds make up similar to the home pig (grunts and squeal). When running, develops speed up to 40 km / h. Good swims.

Features of nutrition

What is food

Wild boar is an omnivorous animal and in almost this indicator, as a person. Its diet is mostly vegetable food, which varies by seasons (tubers, roots, rhizomes, bulbs, fruits, acorns, seeds, nuts, berries, mushrooms, trees bark, rags, shoots), as well as various small animals (worms, Mollusks, frogs, lizards, snakes, rodents, insectivores, eggs of birds and insect larvae), and Padal. Specific food preferences depend on the territory of residence and season.

How much eats

During the day, an adult boar consumes 3-6 kg of feed, mining the bulk of food from the forest litter and soil.


Earth explosion with boars contributes to seeding seeds, and the subsequent resumption of trees. Also these animals destroy forest pests than helpful.


In the hungry time of the boar, on the contrary, visit potato and other fields, and harm to agriculture, breaking and pulling out crops. Sometimes they attack birds and hares, occasionally on the lanes, roe deer or deer, if those weak or sick.

A number of poisonous plants and snake poison do not affect the boars.

Where she is garbage

Wild boar spread is wide enough. The view dwells in short and mixed forests of Europe (from the Atlantic to the Urals), in the Mediterranean region, in the north of Africa, in the steppes of Central Asia, in the north-east of the anterior Asia and in the south-east of Asia. There are also island populations of wild boar in all seas and oceans of our planet.

Common views

Since wild boars have very volatile habitats, 16 subspecies were allocated and combined in 4 regional groups: Western, Indian, Eastern and Indonesian wild boars.

Male and female: main differences

Wild boar's females are always a bit smaller in size than males, and their fangs are also not so large and outstanding as representatives of the opposite sex.


The boar prefers rich water, swampy terrain, both wooded and overgrown with reeds and shrubs. These are social animals that form herds with matriarchal lifestyles. The old males usually live one by one, they join the herder only in the marriage period.

Behavior in group

Females form groups of 10-30 individuals: young, young and weak males. The largest flocks include up to 100 individuals. These groups are moving over long distances, but only in its area area from 1 to 4 km² and do not migrate.

Movement and orientation on the terrain

Moves wild boar awkwardly, but quickly, finely floats and can sail enough long. Vision is bad: the boar does not distinguish colors, a man who stands 15 meters from him, will not see. Oriented with the help of smell, taste and hearing. The boar is careful, but not a cowardly, if he is annoyed, injured or protects his cub, it becomes truly dangerous and aggressive.

Activity time and rest

Since this is an animal susceptible to sharp temperature drops, it is a lot of lying in the mud to protect against insects and burns, and maintain the optimal body temperature. Wild boars are active mainly at dusk, the day are searched in the digsulated pits with a depth of 30-40 cm. On the evening they come out, bathe and go to search for food.


Wild boar is considered limited to a polygamine animal: one of the male accounts for 1-3 females.


Females usually enter the marriage games in the second year of life, and the males only for the 4-5th year. The flow occurs from November to January, at this time the males arrange with each other cruel fighting, applying their powerful fangs.


The duration of pregnancy is 18 weeks. In one brood in the female on average 4-6, sometimes up to 12 young.


The weight of the newborn piglet from 600 to 1650 is striped, with white, black-brown and yellow stripes, which mask the baby in the forest litter. After 4-5 months, the color changes to dark.

The female is carefully guarding the young, aggressively protecting them from enemies, and returns to them every 3-4 hours. In the first weeks of the life of piglets are sitting in a kind of "nest". Gradually begin to go out with female, and in 3 weeks begin to develop adult kaban habits.

Dairy feeding lasts up to 3.5 months. On autumn, young people reaches a weight of 20-30 kg.


Severe maturity in wild boars comes around 1.5 years, full of maturity in 5-6 years.

Natural enemies

In addition to people, a wild boar, mostly young, threaten the wolf and lynx, in Asia - Leopard and Tiger, which occasionally attack on adult males. Big snakes and predatory birds can also attack the piglets. In general, the population is stable and not under the threats of extinction or destruction.

  • The genericants of modern home pig - these are wilderness of Mesopotamia, Malaya Asia, Europe and China, which people domesticated in the era of Neolith. According to archaeologists, already 13,000 - 12,700 years ago, wild pigs were domesticated in the Middle East. At first they were kept in the middle-aged state on the will, as happening and now, for example, on New Guinea. The remains of pigs were discovered by scientists in Cyprus, where they could get only from the mainland along with people. The first domestic pigs were brought to Europe from the East, after which the active process of domestication of European wild pigs began. It happened quite quickly thanks to the high adaptability and omnivities of wild pigs. These animals were divorced because of delicious meat, and their skins were also used (for the manufacture of shields), bones (to create workers and weapons) and bristles (for brushes). In India and China, the boars eaten human waste and they were even called "pork toilets."

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