
Montignac food system table. Michelle Montignac's correct diet as the basis of a healthy diet. Vegetable soup with fish

Almost everyone who is trying to lose extra pounds wants to do it as quickly as possible, but the Montignac diet for weight loss is not designed for instant results, it is based on the principle of restructuring the entire nutritional system. Its founder, French nutritionist Michel Montignac, believes that extra pounds do not depend on the amount of food consumed if you do not have to limit yourself to establish the correct nutritional system. But at the same time, you need to eat only good foods.

The Montignac diet for weight loss is not based on a decrease in fat consumption and the total number of calories when eating, but the ability of a product to increase blood sugar, that is, its glycemic index. In short, the essence of the Montignac diet for weight loss is as follows. Glucose is the main supplier of energy for a person, after a meal, the blood sugar level rises significantly and the pancreas receives a signal to start producing insulin, which contributes to the proper processing of sugar into glucose and it enters the cells of the body. If you constantly eat foods with a high glycemic index, the pancreas may malfunction and sugar will begin to be processed into body fat. Subsequently, such a failure can develop into diabetes mellitus. Based on this, Michel Montignac's diet for weight loss proposes to restructure the menu so that the priority is foods with a good glycemic index, containing the so-called slow carbohydrates. Their use does not lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar, which means it does not interfere with the work of the pancreas.

The Montignac diet for weight loss is more correctly considered a nutritional system, because it involves the establishment of the correct approach to food, to reduce and then control weight.

The basic rules of this diet are as follows:

  • you need to eat only healthy and nutritious foods every day;
  • you need to limit the amount of foods high in carbohydrates as much as possible;
  • exclude saturated fatty acids from the diet. They contain foods such as butter and animal fats;
  • include foods with unsaturated animal fats;
  • observe the optimal combination between proteins of animal and vegetable origin .;
  • drink only decaffeinated coffee;
  • do not use honey, preserves, jams and sweets;
  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • reduce the amount of flour, in particular sweet baked goods;
  • prefer wholemeal bread;
  • include more fish and seafood in the diet;
  • do not abuse foods containing harmful carbohydrates.

The main plus of the Montignac diet is that if you follow it constantly, it will be, in essence, the right nutrition, which many are striving for.

There are also several more undeniable advantages of the Montignac diet for weight loss:

  • As a result of adherence to this diet, metabolism is normalized, which contributes to weight loss;
  • You don't have to limit your salt intake;
  • It is not necessary to exclude delicious and junk food permanently - it must not be abused;
  • Those foods that are allowed have a high nutritional value, which means there will be no feeling of hunger;
  • The permitted food supplies the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • The choice of permitted names is large and therefore everyone can compose for themselves the optimal diet menu at home.

Like any other, the Montignac diet for weight loss will have disadvantages and contraindications:

  • the need to constantly monitor the products used and select the correct ratio;
  • complete rejection of alcohol;
  • to achieve the result, you need to follow a diet for a long enough time, sometimes several months;
  • people with diabetes should not be on this diet;
  • it can also not be used during the recovery period after a serious illness or surgery.

Stages of the Montignac diet

The Montignac diet can be divided into two phases. Below is a detailed description of each:

  • Phase one: weight loss. It can last from 1 to 3 months. During this period, it is necessary to give up all food that contains fast carbohydrates, as well as alcohol. In addition to the fact that during this period of the diet extra pounds go away, the pancreas normalizes, which gets used to independently produce the required amount of insulin. If before that there were malfunctions in the work of this organ, then in the first few weeks of the Montignac diet, fatigue is felt, the body is rebuilt to work on new way... At the same time, the habit of eating only high-quality food is being developed.
  • Phase two: in this phase of the Montignac diet, the effect is consolidated and the transition to proper nutrition on an ongoing basis occurs. During this period, you can pamper yourself with prohibited foods a couple of times a week. But at the same time, exclude chips and other snacks, and give preference to chocolate or cake. These rare exceptions will not do any harm, since by this time the pancreas will begin to work normally.

It's important to know! To improve your well-being in the first phase of the Montignac diet and speed up the loss of extra pounds, you need to add to the diet physical exercise... You can go jogging, swimming or dancing. The main thing is physical exercise should be moderate and regular.

The Montignac diet for weight loss assumes that after passing the first phase, with restrictions, the second becomes a permanent way of life with few exceptions. In this case, the lost kilograms will not return, and besides, proper nutrition helps to improve the functioning of the body as a whole.

Sample menu for a week

The Montignac diet involves at least three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. And two snacks in between.

When compiling a menu, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • breakfast must necessarily consist of foods containing proteins and carbohydrates;
  • the lunch menu of the diet should contain vegetables or fruits, which should be consumed separately from the main course;
  • dinner should be the lightest of the main meals.

The Montignac diet allows you to eat varied and at the same time healthy.

A sample menu for every day for weight loss on the Montignac diet is shown in the table below:

Day of the week / meal Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Apple or pear

gray flour bread with butter, decaffeinated coffee, and low-fat milk

Vegetable salad,

Smoked salmon

Lean meat with beans

In the second phase of the diet, you can afford chocolate mousse or a couple of glasses of wine.

Vegetable broth soup,

Vegetables, raw or baked;

Low-fat cottage cheese, green tea

Tuesday Scrambled eggs with a slice of bacon or sausages, coffee with a slice of gray bread Oven-baked seafood with vegetables,

In the second phase, you can add a piece of shortcrust cake with fruit and two glasses of wine

Vegetable soup, cauliflower with shredded cheese, green vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt, and still water
Wednesday Muesli drenched in low-fat yogurt, decaffeinated coffee Oven braised mushrooms, a small piece of baked fish, stewed vegetables with cheese Chicken breast with stewed vegetables, green salad, natural yogurt
Thursday Decaffeinated coffee with low-fat milk and a slice of wholemeal bread buttered Squid or shrimps, baked tuna with eggplant, vegetable salad with cheese.

In the second phase, you can afford 2 glasses of wine

Vegetable soup, stewed lentils or beans, a glass of berries, or one fruit
Friday Skim milk and bread with unsweetened fruit jam Beef with broccoli, vegetable salad and cheese Soup with vegetable broth, pasta from hard varieties wheat with mushrooms, natural yogurt
Saturday Thoughts with two low-fat yogurts, decaf coffee Oven baked fish with mushrooms and vegetables, cheese Chicken stew with vegetables, salad from fresh vegetables and yogurt without additives
Sunday Decaffeinated coffee with skim milk, low fat cottage cheese and orange Grilled fish with spinach, raw vegetables.

In the second phase, you can afford dark chocolate and three glasses of wine

Lean pork with cheese and lentils, stewed vegetables.

To the main menu of the Montignac diet, you can add two snacks, the menu of which includes low-fat yoghurts, fruits, nuts.

Interesting to know! French culinary traditions are taken as the basis for the Montignac diet, therefore, when preparing dishes, you can add various spicy herbs to recipes: basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme. They will add aroma and improve the taste of baked meat and fish, as well as vegetable salads.

List of major foods and their glycemic indices

Since the Montignac diet is based precisely on the exclusion from the diet of foods with a high glycemic index, which contain the so-called fast carbohydrates, then you need to know which foods you can eat and which ones are better to refuse. Carbohydrates are also useful, these are the so-called slow carbohydrates, these products have a glycemic index of no more than 50. They are allowed to be consumed subject to the Montignac diet.

An approximate list of allowed foods with an indication of the glycemic index:

  • 50 - bran bread, unpeeled rice, peas, unpeeled cereals;
  • 40- oatmeal, freshly squeezed fruit juice, bread made from gray flour, durum pasta, any beans;
  • 35- dried peas, dairy products;
  • 30- lentils and chickpeas, dried beans, rye flour bread, fresh fruit;
  • 22- dark chocolate;
  • 15- soybeans, all green vegetables, tomatoes;
  • Less than 15 - lemons and mushrooms.

Meat is not included in this list, as it does not contain carbohydrates and therefore its glycemic index tends to zero. Accordingly, with the Montignac diet, meat can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

An indicative list of foods prohibited when following the Montignac diet, indicating the glycemic index:

  • 110- malt;
  • 100 - glucose;
  • 95 - white bread, baked potatoes;
  • 90- honey,
  • 85- popcorn, carrots;
  • 75 - white sugar;
  • 70 - muesli; milk chocolate, corn, boiled potatoes, peeled rice, cookies;
  • 65 - beets, gray bread;
  • 60 - melon, bananas;
  • 55 - fruit jam, high-quality pasta.

It is necessary to try to include in the diet as little as possible of the above food, which, according to Michel Montignac, will allow not only to lose extra pounds, but to consolidate the effect obtained for a long time.

Please note: The Montignac diet for weight loss is essentially a nutritional system that must be adhered to for a fairly long time in order for the body to independently begin to maintain an optimal weight.

The Montignac diet is based on the rejection of foods with a high glycemic index, that is, those that contain fast carbohydrates. This means that it involves the elimination of many familiar foods from the diet, such as white bread, sweets and even carrots with beets, in order to achieve the desired weight loss results when using this method. Judging by the reviews, those who decide to lose weight with the Montignac diet for a few kilograms need to tune in to observe it for a long time.

The main idea of ​​Montignac's split diet is to limit the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed, not to reduce the amount of food consumed. It is easy to switch to this food system if you look in detail at the table of food compatibility and their glycemic indices. Thousands of people have already appreciated the effectiveness and simplicity of the Montignac method of separate feeding!

Separate meals according to Montignac consist of two phases:

  • the first is a decrease in excess body weight;
  • the second is maintaining weight at the achieved level.

The task of this food system is to eliminate the so-called pendulum effect in dietetics.

Consider the basic principles of the first phase of Montignac separate feeding

If you planned to lose weight, using the Montignac separate feeding system, it is necessary to completely exclude from daily diet potatoes, flour products, bread, pasta, rice, butter and margarine. And also bananas, cottage cheese, melons, sugar and ice cream. Recommended on the menu include meats, mushrooms, eggs, legumes, fish and seafood.

It is important that the diet is rich in plant fiber, namely green vegetables.

Following the principles of separate feeding Montignac breakfast and lunch should be the most rich, and dinner - early and light... The number of meals should be at least three times a day. In the process of eating, it is forbidden to drink food. It is recommended to drink only half an hour after eating.

It should be noted that Michelle Montignac in its separate power supply system completely excludesalcoholic drinks from the menu.

Very important exclude in the diet combinations of carbohydrates with lipids... This rule applies to all starchy carbohydrates and fats. For example, you cannot eat bread with butter or lard.

Fruit should be consumed with caution.

In combination with many food products, they can cause disruption of the digestive tract, while losing all their valuable properties. As a result, not desirable include fruit on the menu right after lunch or dinner. Them are the best eat on an empty stomach k, 20 minutes before the main meal or three hours after eating. An exception is lemon, which goes well with many salads and.

Whole milk contains both fats and carbohydrates, so it is rational to drink skim milk. Low-fat cottage cheese contains only proteins, and carbohydrates are concentrated in milk whey.

We offer an approximate menu for the first phase of Montignac separate meals.

For breakfast:

Option number 1.

Jelly-like fruit pulp jam, low-fat cottage cheese or yoghurt, wholemeal bread.

Option protein-lipid №2.

Eggs, cheese, or bacon. Skim cheese.

In all variants separate food menu for breakfast can include skim milk weak tea or coffee cafein free. In the first phase of separate feeding, it is desirable exclude cocoa from the diet. Beverages it is recommended to consume without additions Sahara.
Breakfast can be replaced

For lunch:

Fresh salad green vegetables, and to it a choice:

  • lean bird,
  • meat or fish,
  • cheese and still water.

Lunch can also be completed with low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, in the amount of 100 g.

On the lunch menu must enter lipids and proteins... Salad recommended fill with vegetable oil, lemon or vinegar. Protein foods should not be doused in flour or breading. It is also prohibited to use sauces with flour added to them. Side dishes should contain fiber, therefore, include in your diet a lot vegetables.

For dinner:

Option protein-lipid №1 which includes a lot of fiber and a small amount of carbohydrates.

Thick vegetable soup, cooked without carrots and potatoes, and optional:

  • lean bird
  • fish or eggs,
  • green vegetable salad.

Option protein-carbohydrate №2 , which is characterized by the presence in the menu of a large amount of fiber and a small amount of lipids.

The following dishes are offered to choose from:

  • vegetable soup,
  • beans,
  • boiled whole rice with tomato puree,
  • artichoke, with the addition of lemon and mustard,
  • green vegetable salad.
  • low-fat cottage cheese is recommended for dessert.

The main condition is to exclude from the dinner menu any oils, fats, cheese, and also eggs. The lipids you eat at night are quickly converted to adipose tissue.

Very important in separate meals according to Montignac competently to distribute the main meals for the week. The diet should include poultry twice, fish and meat three times, and legumes and whole foods four times.

First phaseseparate food according to Montignac maybe last so many, how to you need to to normalize your his weights... Then the second phase of Montignac separate feeding begins.

Let's consider the basic principles of the second phase of Montignac separate feeding.

Second phase allows for some indulgence. For example, it is allowed sometimes mix fatswith carbohydrates... But provided that the menu will also include a lot of fiber in the form of vegetable salads.

Here are the main rules for the second phase of separate feeding:

  • it is forbidden to include any sweets, honey and jam in the menu;
  • do not overuse bad carbohydrates;
  • Eat whole foods and legumes
  • drink only skim milk.

During the second phase of separate feeding, you need to learn yourself regulate your diet and think over the menu in detail. But after a while, you will be able to perform these actions automatically. It should also systematically control your weight until the diet becomes your lifestyle.

In this way, at the basis of a separate food according to Montignac is the principle of getting rid of habitual conditioned reflexes that are associated with overeating, and acquisition absolutely new food skills, contributing to the normalization of weight for life.

Text: Ekaterina Eliseeva

Eating according to the Montignac diet, you are unlikely to faint hungry, complain about monotonous food or say goodbye to chocolate. His doctrine is often cited as one of the best diets of the 20th century. What are the features and benefits of the Montignac diet?

Every solid diet (especially the author's) must certainly have a legend, and Montignac's diet is no exception. They say that Michel once worked in Paris as a representative of one of the American pharmaceutical companies. Alas, his job duties also included business lunches: Mr. Montignac constantly accompanied the right people, who came to the French capital, in their campaigns along the best restaurants... As a result, he acquired overweight, with whom he could not part with the help of all kinds of diets. The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves - Montignac developed his own nutrition system, which made him famous all over the world.

Bitter chocolate, unlike sugar and honey, is allowed!

The Montignac diet: a concept

The diet has two phases. The goal of the first phase is to cleanse the body and lose weight. The second goal is to maintain the results obtained during the first phase.

In the first phase, you will have to give up "bad" foods, preferring "good" and correctly combine foods with each meal. Thus, you can get rid of both toxins and extra pounds (however, you should not expect instant results from this diet).

In the second phase of the Montignac diet, the diet becomes less severe and sometimes "liberties" and "indulgences" are allowed - in the form of eating "bad" foods.

"What is good and what is bad" in the Montignac diet

The division of foods (primarily carbohydrate) into "bad" and "good" according to the Montignac diet occurs according to the degree of their influence on blood sugar levels.

In our body, a hormone is produced daily - insulin, which prevents the breakdown of fats. This happens when the blood sugar level rises. The higher the blood sugar level, the more insulin is produced.

In principle, blood sugar always rises after any meal, but how quickly this happens and how high it rises depends on what was eaten and with what.

Our starting point is the glycemic index (GI), which measures the rise in blood sugar after consuming a product. The higher the GI, the "worse" the product. Note GI different products v different sources may not match. However, regardless of the exact numbers, it is not difficult to determine if a product is suitable for the first phase. The basis of the diet is low-GI foods.

The rules of the first phase of the Montignac diet

  • It is forbidden to eat foods with a GI greater than 50.
  • Foods with an index from 20 to 50 can be eaten, but separately from foods containing a large amount of fat - the interval between meals of dissimilar foods should be at least three hours.
  • Products with a GI of 15 or less can be eaten practically without restrictions and combined with any others.

Products and their GIs

Diet: following the Montignac diet, you need to eat regularly, at least three times a day and at about the same time. At the same time, breakfast should be quite hearty, lunch average, and dinner light and as early as possible.


  • meat, fish, poultry (not very fatty, exclude the liver);
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable salads (from green vegetables or tomatoes), you can season them with sour cream or vegetable oil;
  • unsweetened yogurt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sauces that do not contain flour.


  • low fat yogurt;
  • vegetable soups (from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, i.e. with a glycemic index below 50);
  • vegetable salads (also from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, i.e. with a glycemic index below 50), seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice;
  • porridge (on the water): wheat, buckwheat, brown rice;
  • wholemeal pasta.

Compatible with both protein-lipid and protein-carbohydrate:

  • skim cheese;
  • beans, beans, soy;
  • green vegetables, tomatoes;
  • lemons;
  • mushrooms.

The transition to the second phase of the Montignac diet

The transition to the second phase is carried out when your weight has reached the desired mark or has ceased to decline. If you use the Montignac nutrition system to cleanse your body and did not want to lose weight at all, focus on improving your well-being and a feeling of lightness.

It is recommended to adhere to the diet of the second phase of the Montignac diet for life.

Rules for the second phase of nutrition according to Montignac

In the second phase, it is allowed (in small quantities and infrequently) to consume foods with a glycemic index greater than 50, it is only recommended to refrain from eating honey, white bread and starchy foods (potatoes, white rice, corn, pasta made from refined flour). As a last resort, consume "very bad" carbohydrates with foods high in fiber.

Allowed (also in small quantities and infrequently) and the joint use of fat and carbohydrate-containing products. Likewise, foods high in fiber can help reduce the bad effects of this.

Sometimes you can even sugar - however, subject to an important condition - on this day you no longer allow yourself any other "bad" carbohydrates.

Currently, it is difficult to find a woman who would not want to lose a couple of extra pounds. However, few people know which way to lose weight most effectively fights excess weight.

Someone is trying to starve, someone is exhausting their body with excessive training. However, in the end, it is not always possible to lose weight.

This technique appeared at the end of the 20th century.

Interestingly, she is a little strange, because her menu consists of peculiar products that are far from our usual diet.

However, it really helps to bring the body back to normal and lose weight by a decent amount of kilograms. So what is this food, and how does it help you lose weight?

Let's take a closer look at everything.

The essence of the diet for weight loss

This method of losing weight is a kind of system proper nutrition, which is aimed at normalizing metabolism. When the metabolism is normalized, the body automatically corrects weight, so excess weight begins to quickly go away.

Montignac divided all products into compatibility groups. The basis of this division is the content of the glycemic index in foods.

It is worth noting that the dependence of the glycemic index between blood sugar levels is directly proportional - the higher the glycemic index level, the higher the sugar level.

Basic principles and rules

First, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Foods with high glycemic levels promote the absorption of high glucose levels into the bloodstream.
    As a result, the body produces an increased production of insulin, which is responsible for the rapid accumulation of body fat.
  2. If the glycemic index in food is low, then the sugar level is also low.
    You can eat this food in unlimited quantities and lose weight without any problems.
  3. Remember, foods with a low glycemic index are allowed in unlimited quantities.
    But foods with a high glycemic index should be completely abandoned.

In addition to the rules, you must familiarize yourself with the basic principles of such nutrition:

Advantages and disadvantages


  • simplicity and ease of compliance;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • weight loss in a short time;
  • maintaining the results in the subsequent period;
  • there is no acute feeling of hunger;
  • during nutrition, the body is actively saturated with vitamins and microelements.


  1. The main disadvantage is nutritional imbalance. If you eat on this diet for a long time, then in the end you can harm your health and body.
  2. You will have to give up many of your favorite foods.


This diet does not apply for the following indications:

  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • with various pathologies of the kidneys;
  • pregnant women;
  • lactation period in women.

The whole truth about the Montignac diet can be found in the video.

Menu for the week and stages of the Michel Montignac diet


Diet for the week.


  • in the morning you should drink natural juice from an orange or apple, eat a bun with butter and drink a cup of coffee with a little milk and no sugar;
  • for lunch we drink a glass of white weak wine, eat a piece of boiled beef or chicken meat with peas, vegetables, a piece of cheese and drink it with compote;
  • we eat in the evening fish soup, light vegetable salad with lemon juice, low-fat cottage cheese 200 grams, drink a cup of unsweetened tea;


  • we have breakfast with bacon or sausages, fried eggs, washed down with unsweetened coffee with milk;
  • we dine on grilled tuna with stewed vegetables, biscuit and drink herbal tea;
  • we have dinner with vegetable soup, baked cauliflower with cheese, vegetable salad - 100 grams, we drink yogurt and water;


  • in the morning we eat 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, bread and wash down with unsweetened coffee with milk;
  • for lunch we eat boiled fish with tomato or cheese sauce, we drink unsweetened tea and still mineral water;
  • in the evening we eat vegetable soup or green borscht, a slice of ham or bacon, vegetable salad and drink low-fat yogurt;


  • for breakfast we drink a glass of natural juice, a slice of coarse flour bread, eat porridge in water with a slice of butter, drink a cup of tea or coffee with low-fat milk without sugar;
  • for lunch we eat boiled or baked meat, any vegetable, vegetable salad, washed down with unsweetened tea;
  • have dinner with an omelet with tomatoes or mushrooms, vegetable soup or vegetable salad, low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of tea or coffee;


  • for breakfast we eat one or two fruits, a slice of bread with butter, we drink a cup of coffee with milk without sugar;
  • we dine with a piece of grilled fish, cheese, vegetable salad without mayonnaise, we drink a glass of natural juice or a cup of tea without sugar;
  • have dinner with fried eggs with tomatoes or mushrooms, vegetable salad and drink mineral water without gas;


  • for breakfast we eat 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of natural juice;
  • we dine on baked fish with vegetables, light vegetable salad and drink a glass of dry wine;
  • for dinner we eat a piece of low-fat boiled meat and drink a glass of natural juice;


  • we have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of coarse flour bread and drink a cup of coffee;
  • we dine with a piece of boiled beef with vegetables and beans, vegetable salad, fruits and drink unsweetened tea;
  • we dine with vegetable soup, chicken or fish salad and drink mineral water without gas.

Diet stages

This technique has two stages or, as they are also called, phases.

The first phase is aimed at losing extra pounds. It is for this reason that the menu at this stage should consist of foods with a low glycemic index (below 55).

Meals should be separate. You do not need to eat carbohydrate foods with a glycemic index above 20 and foods with high fat at the same time.

It is allowed to eat tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms and green vegetables.

Remember to take 3 hours between high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods.

At this stage, you should eat vegetable soups, fresh fruits, berries, mushrooms, stewed vegetables, herbs, lean meats, seafood.

The second stage is aimed at maintaining and further preserving the results. During this period, it is necessary to eat food with a low glycemic index.

In this phase, you can eat fats and carbohydrates at the same time, but they must be combined with vegetable salads with a high level of fiber.

Food Glycemic Index Table

Michel Montignac's diet recipes

Vegetable soup with fish

The soup will require the following components:

  • sturgeon or trout fish - 1 piece;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • one carrot;
  • 50 grams of tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • olives - 2-3 pieces;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.


  1. Cut off the head, fins and tail from the pre-processed and cleaned fish.
  2. Peel the onion, peel and rinse the carrots.
  3. Boil the head, fins, tail, onion and carrots over medium heat. Do not forget to add salt to the broth.
  4. Peel the second onion and chop it with a knife.
  5. Peel the cucumber and cut into strips.
  6. We put the pan on gas, pour in vegetable oil and add onions and cucumbers to it. Refueling everything tomato paste and fry until tender.
  7. In the meantime, we filter the fish broth and boil the fish fillets in it.
  8. Then add onion and cucumber dressing with tomato to it.
  9. Olives and lemon juice can be added to the finished soup.

Baked chicken breasts with yogurt

The following products are required:


(1944-2010) - the author of the popular effective weight loss system. He was against low-calorie diets. The value of the glycemic index is the main scheme for focusing nutrition, as Montignac believed. The nutritional system from a renowned French nutritionist is considered one of the most successful diets of the last century. How does it differ from many others?

"Bad" and "good" carbohydrates

Michel Montignac's dietary system is one of the most popular, divided all carbohydrates into good, energy-giving, and bad - with a high glycemic index (more than 50), which are the main reasons for weight gain, fatigue, metabolic slowdown, and so on. Healthy carbohydrates include a significant amount mineral substances, vitamins and minerals. There are practically no negative consequences for the body. "Good" carbohydrates are only partially absorbed, so they cannot cause a noticeable increase in blood sugar levels.

The so-called harmful carbohydrates include: glucose, baked potatoes, white bread made from premium flour, honey, carrots, sugar, processed cereals, chocolate, boiled potatoes, cookies, corn, white rice, black bread, beets, bananas, melons, jams , high-grade flour pasta and others.

Healthy carbs with a low glycemic index include: fructose, whole wheat bran and whole wheat bread, brown rice, peas, cereals, fresh fruit juices, durum pasta, colored beans, dairy products, lentils, rye bread, fresh without sugar, dark chocolate (over 60% cocoa), soy, green vegetables, tomatoes, lemons, mushrooms.

Fats in the energy system

Michel Montignac, the nutrition system according to which we are considering, does not allow combining "bad" carbohydrates with fats. Otherwise, a significant percentage of the lipids taken will remain in the body. He identified two large groups of fats: animals (they are found in fish, meat, cheese, butter, etc.) and vegetable (margarine, butter, etc.). Some of them increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. These are mainly saturated fats, which are found in fat, meat, smoked and dairy products, and palm oil.

However, there are those that reduce cholesterol levels or have virtually no effect on its formation. Examples include skinless poultry, eggs, and oysters. We find these fats in vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, corn and others. Healthy fish- sardine, herring, tuna, salmon, mackerel. Fish oil has no effect on cholesterol levels in any way, but it is able to lower blood triglyceride levels, preventing blood clots and protecting the heart.

Prohibited foods

What products does Michel Montignac urge to abandon or reduce to a minimum? The food system is built in such a way that it should not include positions with a high glycemic index. For instance:

  • Sugar. According to a nutritionist, this is the most dangerous product. How, then, to maintain the minimum required blood glucose? This is one of the main secrets. Montignac reminds us that the human body does not need sugar and artificial glucose, it can be easily found in fruits, grains, legumes.
  • Refined flour white bread. Although it contains carbohydrates and provides our body with a certain amount of energy from a nutritional point of view, this product is completely useless, and the whiter it is, the worse.
  • Potato. Another "outcast" in the system. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, mostly in their skins, which rarely are eaten. It supplies a very high percentage of glucose. Puree has a glycemic index of 90, baked potatoes - 95. For comparison, recall that the index of pure glucose is 100.
  • They are not only made from wheat flour, but also various fats, vegetable and butter oils, cheese, eggs are added to them. This contradicts the basics of separate nutrition, without which it is not possible to get rid of extra pounds, as Montignac believed.
  • Nutrition system (a dietitian recipe book contains many combination options useful products) also excludes alcohol, since this factor also plays an important role in weight gain, as it causes an elementary appetite.

During many years of research, a nutritionist has studied the metabolism and the use of foods in accordance with their glycemic index. The diet that Montignac advises (the nutritional system, the principles of combining products play an important role in it) has much in common with others. Here are some of the tips that you can often find in articles on healthy eating:

  1. Don't mix "bad" carbohydrates with fats.
  2. If possible, use only "good" fats.
  3. Combine fats with vegetables, especially those that are high in fiber.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. Give up starchy foods, sweets, and so on.

The theoretical foundations of the Montignac diet

According to the theory of Michel Montignac, weight increases if you consume a large amount of carbohydrates, in particular those that have a high glycemic index. Such foods have a negative effect on blood sugar levels, increasing it significantly. And this, in turn, triggers the production of insulin. It is a hormone that stabilizes blood sugar levels. Over time, the body begins to develop insulin resistance, in other words, it stops responding to it.

Excessive consumption of foods with a high glycemic index causes sugar levels to stop stabilizing naturally. The production of insulin stimulates the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for storing fat, and most importantly, insulin inhibits the enzyme triglyceride lipase, and also promotes the breakdown and removal of fat from the body. Based on these data, the French nutritionist has developed his own nutritional system.

Montignac: the food system

The recipe book, authored by Michel Montignac, does not call for restriction, but rather offers its reader many options for a balanced menu. You should choose the high quality of all types of products: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Nutritional value and the effect on blood sugar should be taken into account. The emphasis is on the very culture of food and eating habits, which is applicable not only for weight loss, but also for its stabilization, as well as for prevention diabetes mellitus Type 2 and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

There are two phases of the diet suggested by Montignac. The nutrition system (phase 1 is the cleansing of the body, phase 2 is the preservation of the results obtained) is not really a diet, rather, it is a way of life. Points to watch out for:

  • The right choice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the first stage, you need to give up bad foods and introduce good ones into the diet. This seemingly simple recommendation will help cleanse the body of toxins and lose excess weight. However, you should not tune in to the fact that you can get instant results with this diet.
  • During the second phase, you can relax a little. Nutritional requirements are already less stringent, you can even afford some food liberties, of course, within reasonable limits.

The essence and features of the diet

The French meal plan includes:

  • Limiting the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index (beets, potatoes, carrots) that raise blood sugar levels and contribute to overeating and weight gain.
  • Exclusion from the diet of incongruous combinations: animal proteins and carbohydrates, fats and sugar, etc.
  • Compliance with the principles of separate nutrition.
  • The consumption of foods containing sugar should not exceed more than two to three times a week.
  • Including protein and healthy fats in your diet often and in any amount, but using them separately from the rest of the meal.
  • Fruit as a snack between meals.
  • Consumption of grains and legumes only raw.
  • Choice of polyunsaturated omega-3 acids (for example, fish oil or linseed oil) and monounsaturated fatty acids(such as olive oil).
  • Refusal or restriction of the use contained in such food products like butter, fatty meats.
  • The rule of thumb is that the best carbohydrates are those with the lowest glycemic index.

Approximate menu for the day

Breakfast can include any fruit, a slice of whole grain bread with low-fat cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt, decaf coffee. Lunch consists of avocado with olive oil and vinegar sauce, steak, boiled beans, cheese and mineral water. For dinner, vegetable soup, green salad, and people with chronic diseases you should consult your doctor before using the range of products suggested by Montignac. The food system (we will present the menu for every day below) is designed in such a way that there is a clear division into permitted products and those whose consumption should be limited.

Glycemic index

Accordingly, nutritionists have taken a starting point for themselves, which is called the glycemic index. The larger it is, the less suitable the product is for consumption. The diet during the first phase should be based on those dishes, the ingredients in which have a low glycemic index (less than 50). There should be about 3 hours or more between meals. You need to eat three times a day, plus two snacks. It is preferable to do this at the same time. Breakfast should be hearty, lunch and dinner in moderation, and light snacks such as fruit should be chosen in between.

Diet start

What is a diet? Montignac (the food system, the menu of which we are considering), suggests choosing the following products during the first phase:

  • Protein-lipid option: lean meat, fish, poultry (except liver), cheese and eggs, vegetable salad, consisting of tomatoes and green vegetables, seasoned with sour cream or any vegetable oil, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Protein-carbohydrate option: vegetable soups (with a GI of less than 50), low-fat yogurt, vegetable salads (vegetables, as for soups), vinegar or lemon juice as a dressing, pasta made from wheat flour, porridge without milk - millet, buckwheat, unpeeled rice.
  • Mixed option: beans, beans, soybeans, low fat yogurt, green vegetables, tomatoes, mushrooms, and lemon.

Transition Time and Phase Two Rules

The diet that Michel Montignac proposed, the nutritional system, the recipes - all this is not something temporary, it should become a good habit, preparation for healthy eating throughout life. The transition to the second stage is necessary after the first progress in weight loss has been made. During weight loss, it often happens that the weight stands still, this is normal. It is important not to despair, but to follow the set goal, no matter what. The body also needs time to adapt to a new way of eating, he himself will decide when he will not mind giving extra pounds.

Features of the second phase

The second phase involves the consumption of a small amount of products with a GI above 50, provided that they are not combined with white bread, potatoes, corn, white rice, pasta. In other words, if you already eat something harmful, then it is better to combine it with something useful. For example, pasta doesn't do much harm if eaten with vegetables, the same can be said for pork. But to combine fatty meat and starchy foods (potatoes) is not worth it. Does Montignac's food system allow sugar to be consumed?

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