
The risk factors include diabetes. City Center for Medical Prevention. How to recognize diabetes

The causes of the occurrence and development of diabetes are almost impossible. Therefore, correctly talk about the risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Having an idea about them, you can recognize the disease at the very beginning, and in some cases even avoid it.

To be aware of this issue, it is necessary to separately discuss what is diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types, risk factors provoking the disease.

1 type

In this case, the body's immune system destroys cells responsible for insulin production. Pancreas as a result of this can no longer develop insulin.

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Unmodified and modifiable risk factors for diabetes mellitus:

Everyone who has a chance of diabetes with diabetes (genetics or obesity) is recommended only a vegetable diet that is constantly permanently. It is important to remember that it leads to undesirable consequences. medicia treatment. Some medicines contain hormonal components.

In addition, any drug has side effects And negatively affects one or another body. The pancreas in the case suffers first. The presence of viruses can disrupt the body's immune defense. It is important to keep track of your health constantly. And if there is at least one of the listed factors, it is necessary to regularly observe the doctor.

Such a disease as type 2 diabetes mellitus does not develop without any reason. Conduct the disease and contribute to the emergence of complications can the main risk factors. If you know them, it helps to recognize and prevent negative impact on the body.

Sugar diabetes risk factors can be absolute and relative. Absolute belongs caused by hereditary predisposition. To cause a disease, you only need to be in certain circumstances. Which represent the risk of diabetes.

The relative factors for the development of diabetes are the causes associated with obesity, disruption of metabolism, the emergence of various diseases. Thus disrupt general state patient may stress chronic pancreatitis, infarction, stroke, provoking diabetes. Pregnant women and older people are also risking to be among the patients.

Which contributes to the development of diabetes

You can select the risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus that bear danger to humans.

  • The main factor causing a diabetic disease is associated with an increase in body weight. The risk of diabetes is great if the human weight index exceeds 30 kg indicators per m2. In this case, diabetics can take apple shape.
  • Also, the reason may be an increase in the waist circle. In men, these dimensions should be not more than 102 cm, and in women - 88 cm. Thus, to reduce risk, it is necessary to take care of their own weight and its decrease.
  • Improper nutrition also leads to a disruption of metabolism, which enhances the likelihood of the disease. It is important to use vegetables every day in an amount of at least 180. Vegetables with green leaves in the form of spinach or cabbage are particularly useful.
  • When using sweet drinks, obesity may occur. This is due to the fact that such a drink makes cells less susceptible to insulin. As a result, the person rises blood sugar. Doctors recommend as often as possible to drink ordinary water without gases and sweeteners.

Elevated blood pressure is not the first provocation factor, but such symptoms are always observed in diabetes. With increasing indicators of more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. The heart cannot fully pump the blood that disrupts blood circulation.

In this case, the prevention of diabetes mellitus is to perform exercise and proper nutrition.

The risk factors of the type of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be associated with virus infections in the form of rubella, wind sieves, epidemic hepatitis, and even influenza. Such diseases are a kind of launch mechanism affecting the appearance of sugar diabetes complication.

  1. Maintaining an improper lifestyle also negatively affects the patient's health. In chronic lack of sleep, the body is depleted and the excess amount of stress hormone begins to be produced. Because of this cell, insulin resistance is acquired, and the human increase begins in humans.
  2. Also, there are few sleeping people all the time I feel hunger because of the increase in Grejn hormone, which stimulates appetite. To avoid complications, the night sleep period should be at least eight hours.
  3. Including type 2 diabetes risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle. In order to avoid the development of the disease, you need to be physically actively moved. When performing any physical exercise, glucose begins to come from blood to muscle tissues, where it acts as an energy source. Also, physical culture and sport hold the mass of the human body normally and eliminate insomnia.
  4. Chronic stress caused by frequent psychological experiences and emotional voltage leads to the fact that the excess number of stressful hormones begins to be produced. For this reason, the cell's cells acquire special resistance to hormone insulin, and the level of sugar is sharply increasing in the patient's body.

Additionally, due to stress, a depressive state is developing, a person begins to eat badly and does not fall out. During depression, a person has an depressed state, irritability, loss of interest in life, such a state by 60 percent increases the risk of developing the disease.

In depressive state, people most often have bad appetite, do not seek to engage in sports and physical education. The danger of such violations is that depression leads to hormonal changes provoking obesity. In order to cope with stress in time, it is recommended to do yoga, meditation and more often to pay for yourself.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus primarily affects women of age over 45 years. They can be expressed as a slowdown of the metabolic rate, a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in weight. For this reason, this age category needs to be engaged in physical education, to eat correctly, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly examine the doctor.

Certain races and ethnic groups have more high risk Disease development. In particular, diabetes mellitus by 77 percent more often affects African Americans, Asians than Europeans.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to influence such a factor, it is necessary to monitor your own weight, it is necessary to eat, get enough sleep and lead the right lifestyle.

Sugar diabetes type 1: Risk factors

Sugar level

Type 1 diabetes mellitus risk factors are primarily associated with hereditary predisposition.

According to scientific observations, the probability of inheritance of the disease on the maternal line is 3-7 percent, from the father's disease is transmitted in 10 percent of cases.

If diabetes is available at mother and father, the danger increases to 70 percent.

  • All diseases associated with violation of the pancreas, provoke diabetes mellitus. Quite often, the pancreas is damaged in physical injuries.
  • With constantly high level of blood sugar, the likelihood of complications is great. Similarly, the first type of disease can be caused by the long flow of prediabet.
  • The reasons contributing to the occurrence of a severe form of diabetes may be related to the presence of diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, disease of cardio-vascular system, diabetic neuropathy.
  • Also, the disease can provoke frequent smoking, elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol indicators, peripheral arterial diseases, psychiatric disorder.

Risk factors and prevention

The prevention of diabetes mellitus includes the elimination of all the reasons that lead to the development of the disease and severe complications.

For the disease, as it is important to prevent the development of viral diseases. A child with hereditary predisposition must be breastfeed at least to one and a half years.

Children need from childhood to learn correctly perceive stressful situations. Food should consist of natural products, without preservatives, dyes and other artificial additives.

Prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus, if you pay attention to your own health in time, lead a healthy lifestyle and do everything so as not to provoke a disease. Especially this should be paid if the patient has age over 45 years. Such people need to regularly undergo blood test for sugar, also the doctor usually gives direction to the glycemic profile.

Throughout life, it is necessary to observe the water balance and consume a sufficient amount of fluid per day.

This is due to the fact that the pancreas is required, in addition to the insulin hormone, synthesize water solution Bicarbonate substances to neutralize the natural acids of the body. With dehydration, the bicarbonate begins to be actively produced, and insulin is synthesized much slower.

Also for the full passage of glucose into the cells, a sufficient amount of fluid is necessary. Most of the water is spent on the production of bicarbonate, the other part is required for assimilation nutrients. Thus, on the production of insulin may not be enough water balance.

Doctors recommend sticking to simple rules: in the morning drinking two glasses of pure water without gases. Additionally, water drink in front of each meal. At the same time, tea, coffee, carbonated water, alcoholic beverages do not include drinks. The video in this article will show the risk factors of diabetes.

Sugar diabetes confidently walks in our planet and takes life every year an increasing number of people. Millions of patients around the world lose their ability due to this disease every year. So why does this pathology together with cardiovascular diseases have such widespread? Who should be afraid of their health for their health, and what are the risk factors of diabetes mellitus, so as not to get sick?

Types of diabetes

Diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, a whole group of endocrine diseases, which are characterized by persistent chronic hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which leads to a violation of carbohydrate and other types of metabolism. There are several types of this disease, the main of which are two of whom:

  • first type
  • second type.

With the first type, there is insufficiency of the production of insulin hormone in the beta cells of the islands of the pancreas. The mechanism of occurrence is often consigned to autoimmune damage to the endocrine part of the pancreas. This type is most often manifested in young or childhood. It was called before insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, but this definition is inaccurate, since the 2nd type of this disease may also require the appointment of insulin therapy.

In the second type of disease, there is relative insulin insufficiency. This means that the pancreas in sufficient quantities produces this hormone to absorb glucose, but the peripheral tissues do not absorb it. The state of immunity to insulin develops in obesity and is called insulin resistance.

At the beginning of the disease, the pancreas can produce a hormone even in excessive amounts, compensatoryly trying to reduce the level of glucose. Over time, its reserves are depleted, and the patient may require replacement insulin therapy, so the former name of the 2nd type of diabetes "Insulin-dependent" cannot be called correct.

In diabetes mellitus, the prevalence of the disease reaches 8.6% of the population and, depending on the region of living, can fluctuate. The absolute number of patients for 2016 amounted to more than 400 million. And this is only among the adult population. Half of patients do not even know about their pathology. More than 90% of all cases of the disease fall on a diabetes mellitus.

Reference! According to the results of research, the number of people suffering from diabetes, in the last third centuries increased by 2 times.

The most sad fact is a sharp increase in morbidity among children. The prevalence of this problem in childhood and adolescence It is about 0.5%.

First-type diabetes and a tendency to it

Type 1 diabetes is associated with pancreatic insulin deficiency. The disease is in most cases genetically determined. It leads to it the gene breakdowns in the 6th pair of chromosomal set. Such defects predispose to autoimmune damage to the islands of Langerhans of the pancreas due to the increased products of the autoantibheus. Therefore, the main factor in the development of this type of disease is a family predisposition.

Not always, a person with a burdened family history is mandatory with diabetes, because only about 15% of patients argue that there were such patients in their families

The risk of illness also affects the degree of kinship:

  • mother diabetes increases the risk of a child in a child to 2%;
  • father's diabetes increases the risk to get his child to 6%;
  • sugar diabetes of 1st type at the brother or sister increases the risk of this disease to 5%;
  • if one of the brothers or sisters and one of the parents is sick, a child increases its risk of disease by 30%;
  • with the disease of both parents, the risk of a child is about 60%;
  • if a single-line twin is sick, the risk of getting sick with another ranges from 35 to 75%.

Also, determining the blood of antibodies to the beta cells of the pancreas in people with a burdened family history of the first-type diabetes, contributes to the risk of becoming sick of this pathology. Racial affiliation also has an impact on the likelihood of the development of the disease of the first type: representatives of the European-like race are sick them more often than Asians or dark-skinned.

In addition to these major factors, other affecting circumstances are distinguished:

Predisposition to the second type of diabetes

Sugar diabetes mellitus is considered a multifactorial disease and the main cause of its occurrence is difficult. Most scientists agree on the fact that the hereditary predisposition to this pathology with the assistance of other harmful factors of the medium is almost always implemented in the manifestic disease.

Two groups of factors can affect the development of second type of diabetes:

  • unmodifiable
  • modifiable.

Unmodifiable factors

Under unmodiform factors, you should understand those that cannot change the person. These include:

  • genetic tendency;
  • race;
  • age;

Statistical data suggest that sick parents can convey to a child with a child with an 80% probability, and if they both have a type 2 diabetes, this probability is striving for 100%. Unlike the 1st type of diabetes, to which the Europeanoids, 2nd type are more susceptible to Asians, Latin Americans and African Americans.

With age, the likelihood of the development of the second type of this disease increases significantly. Especially it rises sharply after 45 years. Female floor is more prone to diabetes mellitus.

Modifiable factors

The risk of getting diabetes influence the modifiable factors that a person can and should control:

  • obesity;
  • insulin resistance;
  • dislipidemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • hypodynamine;
  • improper nutrition;
  • chronic stress;
  • bad habits;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • long-term corticosteroids;
  • pathology of pregnancy and fetus;
  • violations of feeding and feeding in infants.


One of the main factors is obesity. The criterion for the diagnosis of this state is considered to be the body mass index.

The body mass index is calculated by dividing the weight in kg on growth in cm²

Adipocytes (fat cells) stretch and lose the ability to react normally with their receptors to insulin. In the muscles in obesity, there is also fat rebirth, and therefore they cannot utilize all glucose, which comes along with food. So develops insulin resistance. Another mechanism of influence on the insulin apparatus is toxicity of free fatty acidswhich in obesity in excess circulate in the body.

A significant role is played not only the very fact of the presence of obesity, but also the type of fat distribution into the depositing areas. To determine the type of obesity, the waist amount can be measured: permissible norm For women, up to 88 cm is considered (ideally up to 80 cm), for men - up to 102 cm (ideally up to 94 cm).

Obesity according to the type of "apple" is more dangerous in terms of the risk of the development of the diabetes of the second type

Reference! In studies in people with excessive body weight when weighing only 5 kg, the risk of diabetes was halved, and the risk of death was reduced by 40%.

Such serious evidence makes it possible to distinguish the overweight of the body a leading role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Insulin resistance

This factor is closely associated with obesity and is its direct consequence. Insulin resistance in practice is manifested by a violation of glucose tolerance or an empty stomach hyperglycemia. To identify it, it is necessary to carry out an oral test of glucose tolerance (it is a blood sugar with a load). The blood glucose rate of an empty stomach is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l, 2 hours after a carbohydrate load - up to 7.8 mmol / l.

When the insulin resistance is detected, it is necessary to contact the endocrinologist or therapist to obtain recommendations to change the lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of diabetes.


This condition is characterized by an increase in the level of atherogenic lipid fractions (triglycerides, cholesterol, low LPDL lipoproteins and a very low density of LPONP) and a decrease in the concentration of anti-theaterogenic (high density lipoproteins of HDL). The state may have a genetic nature, but most often the result of incorrect power, which leads to overweight.

Attention! Atherogenic dyslipidemia leads to atherosclerosis and increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.

If animals saturated fats prevailed in the patient's diet in the absence or a minor amount of plant unsaturated, this will lead to the development of an atherogenic nature dyslipidemia, which increases the likelihood of sugar diabetes.

Arterial hypertension and other cardiovascular problems

With hypertension, damage to vessels in all organs, the work of myocardium is worse, the risk of cardiovascular complications (stroke, heart attack) is growing, and diabetes.

Insulin resistance, obesity, dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension are components of the concept of metabolic syndrome or the so-called deadly quartet, which annually takes the lives of millions of people.

Hypodynamine and improper nutrition

These risk factors for the development of diabetes are, perhaps, it is necessary to put in the head of the corner, since it is due to them and all other circumstances contributing to diabetes and other diseases occur. For a low-active lifestyle, modern people pay a very high price - a multiple increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Important! Regular physical exercise contribute to a decrease in body weight, insulin resistance, arterial pressure and the normalization of the lipidogram.

Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates (sweets, products from top grade flour) and saturated fat leads to the accumulation of excess weight, atherosclerosis of vessels, arterial hypertension, insulin resistance and depletion of reserves of the inasurant apparatus of the pancreas.


In conditions of chronic stress, the body produces a large amount of cortisol and adrenaline, which are conjunral hormones and are able to raise blood glucose. This requires from the pancreas of additional insulin products to reduce it. In addition, in the presence of contributing factors, strong emotional overload can lead to the manifestation of diabetes of both types.

Some people are inclined to "jamming" stress, which can lead to obesity and insulin resistance

Lack of sleep, which develops with insomnia as a result of chronic stress, also contributes to the development of diabetes. In case of lack, there is an excessive allocation of the grenin hormone controlling appetite, and a decrease in lipolysis processes. These factors lead to obesity.

Bad habits

The pathological effects of nicotine on the vessels contributes to their damage and development of cardiovascular diseases, increasing the risk of diabetes. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the pancreas, as a result of which its insular apparatus may be damaged.

Endocrine pathology and hormone treatment

All internal secretion glands are closely interrelated, and the violation in any element of the endocrine system can entail other hormonal disorders. For example, with enhanced products of conjunral hormones (glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones), transient hyperglycemia or diabetes can develop. For this reason, steroid diabetes is developing with long-term corticosteroidal therapy.

Pathology of pregnancy and feeding infants

Risk factors for pregnancy are considered:

  • gestational diabetes;
  • the birth of a kid weighing more than 4000 g increases the risk of diabetes for both the mother and for the child;
  • obesity pregnant.

The problem of child obesity is very acute, as it is noted an increase in the incidence of 2nd-type diabetes among children. In this plan, the type of feeding the baby is important. It has been proven that breastfeeding reduces the risk of disease, and early introduction into the diet of cow's milk, including in the form of a mixture, increases it.

Go to a healthy lifestyle - the best way Prevent Sugar Diabetes


The main measures of the prevention of diabetes are:

  • normalization of the diet with a decrease in the number of simple sugars and animal fat;
  • consumption of sufficient liquid (8 cups per day);
  • daily physical activity duration of 20 minutes;
  • reducing body weight in obesity;
  • leveling of stress and normalization of sleep;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • refusal from harmful habits;
  • prolonged breastfeeding;
  • persons after 45 years every three years it is advisable to make a glucose-bearing test.

We must not forget that diabetes - today the disease is incurable. It, of course, can be controlled, but it is better to propagate, adhering to the recommendations listed above.

As is known, the risk factors of the type of type 1 diabetes differ from those for type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

  • access_time.

Below is an extended list of factors with different types of diabetes:

Type Diabetes 1 Risk Factors:

    Family history of diabetes. Increases the likelihood of antibodies to the human antibodies to island cells, which, in turn, increases the risk of the development of type 1 diabetes.

    Race.Type 1 diabetes is more often found among representatives of individual ethnic groups. For example, in the United States, representatives of the Europeanid race have a greater risk of developing type 1 diabetes than African Americans and Latin Americans.

  • An autoimmune disease.Type 1 diabetes can develop against the background of other autoimmune diseases, such as Greiva's disease (in which the thyroid gland produces too many hormones) or vitiligo (the condition in which the skin pigment deficiency is observed).
  • Effects of environmental factors. Increased incidence of type 1 diabetes over the past 30 years is associated with changes in the environment and lifestyle. This category includes the following factors:
  • The impact of toxins and chemical compounds.Toxins, which are contained in food and water (for example, arsenic), can activate autoimmune mechanisms in genetically susceptible people. Therefore, the effects of toxins can lead to an autoimmune damage to the pancreas.
  • Infections.Studies show the possible causal role of viral infections (for example, enterovirus infection) in the development of type 1 diabetes. These viruses are transmitted from man to man with air-drip or fecal-alimentary path. Despite the fact that bacterial infections are rarely mentioned in this regard, these microorganisms are also the potential cause of damage to the pancreas and, ultimately, the development of diabetes.

  • Disruption of intestinal microflora. Some factors of the external environment (for example, cesarean section and the use of antibiotics) are interrelated with the development and operation of the human microbiome - a set of microorganisms that live in our body. The intestinal microflora affects the metabolism of lipids and glucose, as well as on immunity and risk of systemic inflammation. In disruption, the microbiome balance arises the risk of type 1 diabetes.
  • Hygienic hypothesis.This hypothesis suggests that autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, may arise due to excessive hygiene and reduce the frequency of development of children's infections. In other words, the hypothesis suggests that more "net life" can lead to the weakening of the immune system and, consequently, to increase susceptibility to disease.
  • Refusal of breastfeeding. Some studies have found that children who for a longer time stayed on breastfeedingThere were a lower risk of type 1 diabetes.
  • The use of large quantity of cow's milk.This factor can contribute to the progression of type 1 diabetes in children with antibodies to islet cells.
  • Growth and birth at birth.Higher weight at birth and rapid weight gain during the first 12-18 months of life are associated with the development of type 1 diabetes. This relationship has yet noted only in Scandinavian countries.

Type Diabetes 2 Risk Factors:

Although the risk factors such as family history, age and ethnicity cannot be changed, we strongly control other factors associated with nutrition, physical activity and weight.

Remember, the likelihood of the development of type 2 diabetes can increase factors:

  • Overweight / obesity
  • Age 45 years or older
  • Family history of diabetes
  • Ethnicity. Type 2 diabetes is 6 times more common in humans of South Asian origin and 3 times more often - in the natives of African and the Caribbean countries.
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Having a history of gestational diabetes or the birth of a child weighing 4 kg or more.
  • Low physical activity.
  • Having a history of cardiovascular diseases or stroke
  • Depression
  • Smoking
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Black acanthosis (dark, thick, velvety skin around the neck, armpits or other skin folds).

Recent studies also discovered the connection of the development of type 2 diabetes with the following factors:

  • Gout - Arthritis type, which develops in some people with a high content of uric acid in the blood.
  • Infertility. Studies show that men with a low amount of spermatozoa increased the risk of developing metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis with. In a study conducted in Taiwan, chronic hepatitis C was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity in children. Recent analysis showed that in last years The number of children and adolescents with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is more than doubled and that this increase apparently coincides with the increase in the prevalence of obesity.
  • Poor sleep quality. People with apnea (breathing interruption) during sleep is three times higher risk of diabetes in comparison with people without this violation.
  • Violation of the function of the lungs. The proposed mechanism of communication of the violation of the function of the lungs with diabetes is a reduced physical activity, which is predisposing to an increase in the weight and development of metabolic syndrome.
  • Low height.According to Finnish researchers, low growth in adults is a prognostic factor in the violation of glucose metabolism and increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Early or later onset of menopause. Studies show that women who have the last menstrual period to reach 45 years of age or after 55 years have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes compared to women who have menopausa come from 46 to 55 years.
  • Lack of employment guarantee and frequent change of work.A recent meta analysis showed that people who are threatened with unemployment and / or with variable incomes have an increased risk of diabetes. This fact emphasizes the role of a long impact of anxiety and stress on the development of diabetes.
  • Eating sweet drinks.The study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology has shown that the use of more than two sweetened non-alcoholic beverages The day doubles the risk of diabetes.
  • Reception of antiretroviral drugs. Using some medicines Against HIV (for example, inhibitors of reverse transcriptase) can increase blood glucose and lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Risk factors gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is an increasingly common complication of pregnancy, especially in women with overweight or obesity. Other risk factors for the development of gestational diabetes include:

  • Precondition (glucose level exceeding the norm)
  • Having a history of gestational diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • The presence is a history of type 2 diabetes.
  • Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Age older than 25 years (the risk is even higher, if you are over 35 years old). Ethnicity. The prevalence of gestational diabetes is especially high among women from South Asia and Southeast Asia compared with representatives of the Europeanid race, African Americans and Latin Americans. The birth of a child weighing at least 4.5 kg or with congenital malformation
  • Having a history of stillbirth or miscarriage
  • Early start of menstruation. A study conducted in Australia has shown that girls who have menstruation began at the age of 11 or younger, significantly increases the risk of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Low growth (<1,50 м)
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. Recent studies show that women with a higher level of thyroid hormones in the first half of pregnancy are susceptible to increased risk of developing gestational diabetes.

Sugar diabetes is a serious metabolic disease, in which due to insulted insulin synthesis by the pancreas or due to the perception of this hormone, the tissues increase the amount of glucose in the blood (more than 6 mmol / l on an empty stomach). This is accompanied by various clinical symptoms and dangerous by the development of all sorts of complications that can cause disability and even the death of the patient.

Sugar diabetes is two types: insulin-dependent 1 type (there is not enough insulin in it in the body) and more common insulin dependent or 2 types (with this form of the disease, the hormone is produced, but the tissues are not sensitive to it).

The first-type diabetes is more often at a young age, and, as a rule, suddenly. The second type is characteristic of the older people and develops gradually, that is, a violation of glucose tolerance appears first or before diabetes, then if a person does not know about his problems or simply will not forget about health, the process progresses.

Causes of diabetes and risk factors

The cause of type 1 diabetes is most often autoimmune damage to those pancreas cells that produce insulin. In addition, the insulin synthesis, viral lesions, inflammation and pancreas can provoke a violation of insulin synthesis.

For 2 types of diabetes, the main reason is because insulin receptors in adipose tissue are modified and cease to function. Also receptors can be damaged at various autoimmune processes.

Risk factors for insulin-dependent diabetes type 1:

  1. Burdened heredity.
  2. Excessive mass of the child's body.
  3. Autoimmune diseases.

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Obesity.
  3. and alcoholism.
  4. Elderly age.
  5. Insufficient physical activity.

How to recognize diabetes?

The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

Polyuria patient often goes to the toilet, calling for urination arise several times during the night. The polydipsy appears a strong thirst, drying the mouth, so the patient consumes a lot of fluid. Polyphagia to eat not because the body really needs food, but due to cell hunger. In diabetics, glucose is not absorbed by cells, the tissues suffer from lack of energy and send the corresponding signals into the brain.

In case of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the symptoms described above appear sharply, while the patient also begins to lose weight noticeably. The diabetes of the same type, as mentioned above, is developing gradually, therefore, the signs of the disease are not always pronounced.

In addition, various inflammatory skin diseases are characterized for diabetics (for example, furunculosis), frequent ARZ, poor height of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Absadin on the body, dryness and itching of the skin, violation of vision, general ailment, and a pronounced reduction in abilityability.

In the event of the described symptoms of diabetes, it is necessary to refer to the therapist or endocrinologist for examination and timely detection of endocrine disorders.

Complications and methods of treatment

The sharp complications of diabetes include:

  • Hypoglycemia (it can end coma).
  • Hyperglycemia.
  • Ketoacidosis (accumulation of ketone bodies in the body, while the patient smells like acetone).
  • Hyperosmolar (arises with severe dehydration on the background of hyperglycemia) and lacticidotic coma. These states require the immediate hospitalization of the patient.

However, sugar diabetes complications are not limited to acute problems. With a given disease, the entire body suffers, so such patients are often developing specific pathological conditions.

Other types of possible complications for diabetes:

  • Nephropathy is kidney damage, which can end with renal failure.
  • Retinopathy is a damage to the retina, dangerous full loss of vision.
  • Polynereropathy, in which "goosebumps" appear, numbness numbers, convulsions.
  • Diabetic stop, which is manifested by cracks and trophic ulcers on the skin. This state develops due to innervation violations and blood circulation in the limbs.

The treatment of diabetes mellitus today has only symptomatic nature, that is, aims to normalize the level of glucose in the blood and prevention of complications. In addition, doctors conduct educational work with patients: teach them the basics of self-control using portable glucometers, also tell how to introduce insulin and correctly compose a diet with diabetes.

To reduce the level of glycemia, at the first type of diabetes mellitus, insulin injections are used, during the second type, the sacrarization preparations that are taken inward. Only a doctor should be engaged in the selection of drugs.

Tablets from type 2 diabetes

  • Glucophage 500 mg, 850 mg, 1000 mg (active substance - metformin hydrochloride), Germany
  • Gluconyl 500 mg, 850 mg, 1000 mg (metformin hydrochloride), Kazakhstan
  • Maninyl 3.5 mg, 5 mg (in the composition of Glyibenklamide), Germany
  • Gliclazide 80 mg (active substance - glyclaside), Kazakhstan
  • Glucovans 500 mg / 2,5mg; 500 mg / 5 mg (as part of metformin hydrochloride, glibenklamide), France
  • SIOFOR 500 mg, 850 mg (metformin hydrochloride), Germany
  • MR 30 mg diabeton, 60 mg (based on glyclaside), France
  • Glucobay 50 mg, 100 mg (active substance - Akarbouz), Germany
  • Methofamma 500 mg, 850 mg, 1000 mg (metformin hydrochloride), Germany
  • Antaris 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg (Gliemepiride active ingredient), Kazakhstan
  • Amaryl 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg (glimpirid), Germany
  • Neworms 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg (repaglinide substance), Denmark
  • Olive 520 mg (BAA, in Inulin, Jimmery Extract), Evalar, Russia

Prevention of developing the causes of diabetes mellitus is a healthy and necessarily active lifestyle, warning obesity. Well, people who have risk factors worth (it is better to completely eliminate "harmful" carbohydrates) and regularly undergo prophylactic inspections. With the appearance of any symptoms of diabetes mellitus, you should apply as soon as possible to a medical institution for a deeper survey.

Video: The first symptoms of diabetes

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