
Age for kindergarten enrollment. How to collect documents and arrange a child in the garden

Now everyone is accepted in stages

Photo: Maxim KISELEV

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Who's ahead

It seems that in Smolny they took note of the "stage-by-stage" system of filling schools and transferred it to kindergartens. Since February, a new procedure for recruiting preschool institutions has been in force in the city. Komsomolskaya Pravda read the document and found out how everything will go now.

So, applications from parents for the current year will be accepted from February 1 to June 30. And the main innovation is that the document now sets clear deadlines and stages for when and who will be enrolled.

First of all, of course, beneficiaries will go. Among them are children of kindergarten workers, children from large families, from families with a disabled child. Out of the general queue, those who have older brothers and sisters are already engaged in this garden will be accepted. Well, and, traditionally, the children of police officers, military officers, judges, investigators and other law enforcement officers.

Planned translation

We are moving to another district of the city, - the mother of three-year-old Artem shared her experiences with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - How to transfer to another kindergarten, I'll never know. Is it back in line.

In line, but not in general. During March, kindergarten groups will be filled with just such children - who are in line for transfer from one district to another. By the way, at the same stage, kids will be enrolled, who before that could only be provided with alternative options, for example, part-time groups.

Well, from April 1, the main stage will already begin. The bulk of the children are enrolled. In the same period, parents can try to transfer the child from a distant kindergarten closer to home. Or move from the usual group to a compensatory or wellness group.

Region, in line!

Oh, how many complaints there were about the fact that places in city gardens are occupied by children registered in the Leningrad region. Then, as the "local" kids, who stood in line later, are left without a kindergarten. Now this issue has been resolved.

Applications from families that do not have registration in the northern capital will be considered during the recruitment period - from September 1 of the current year to February 1 of the next year - subject to availability, the education committee explains.


How to enroll a child Kindergarten

Submit an application by filling out a special form on the State Services portal (gu.spb.ru). Or by contacting the regional MFC. The queue will still be the same, the only difference is that in the second case, the center staff will enter the information into the electronic database for you.

Enter data: standard - information about the parent applying, about the child, information about which kindergarten you need (district, focus). If you are eligible for preferential enrollment, here you also need to attach copies of documents that give these benefits. Copies can be made in any format, scanned or photographed.

You need to indicate the numbers of the three kindergartens that you consider suitable for your baby. The one you specify first will take priority. Previously, this was included in the application as an additional wish.


From February 1 to May 1, when applications are being processed and kindergartens are being recruited by future pupils, changes to applications will not be accepted.

- Track information about the number in the queue using an electronic form. To do this, you need to indicate the number of the application and the last name, first name, patronymic of the child. The number will come to you email. Do not be alarmed if the system reports that the application is "not found" or "not queued." As a rule, this means that it has been received by the commission, but is still in the process of being considered.

Print the notification of enrollment sent to you by e-mail and go to kindergarten with it. The document is valid for thirty days from the date of its receipt.


What documents are needed when enrolling in a kindergarten

Direction issued by the acquisition commission

Statement of one of the parents (or legal representative)

Copy of birth certificate

Medical record of the child (form No. 026-U)

Passport of the parent who applies


The primary right to be enrolled in a kindergarten will remain with children from single-parent families who are in a difficult life situation.

A difficult life situation is a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen. - explained in the apparatus of Svetlana Agapitova. - For example, disability, inability to self-care due to illness, orphanhood, neglect, low income, unemployment, lack of a fixed place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness and the like. To obtain a certificate of a difficult life situation, you must contact the departments of social protection of the population of the administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg.

Registration of the child in preschool- a difficult procedure that begins with the application for a place in the group. The process requires the preparation of documents and consists of several stages that parents need to know.

Initially, you need to take a place in the queue for kindergarten. To date, there is a so-called electronic queue, where the parents of the baby need to register. Since there are few pre-schools and the number of small children is increasing, kindergartens are overcrowded. Therefore, it is best to stand in line immediately after the birth of the child. Then it is likely that in a few years there will be a place for a baby in the group.

Application documents

When submitting an application, the approximate date of the desired entry into kindergarten is indicated. It should be noted that some institutions accept children from the age of 2, while others - only after reaching the age of three. If the child is at home until the age of 4, and then the parents express a desire to take him to kindergarten, most likely the baby will be accepted, since a place necessarily appears in the formed groups due to the relocation of one of the children or other circumstances.

You can register in the electronic queue in two ways: on your own on the website or with the help of a kindergarten employee. There are separate applications for each region of the country. When filling out the form, parents must provide the following information:

In some regions, the number of preferred kindergartens may be unlimited, while in other regions it is strictly fixed. All the nuances and features of filling out the application can be obtained from the heads of the kindergarten.

As for the privileged categories of families, each preschool institution can independently set the maximum allowable number of such children per group. A child from a family of beneficiaries can be enrolled in a kindergarten bypassing the general queue, but there is a queue among beneficiaries. When applying for this, this must be taken into account and it is advisable to provide a document confirming that the family belongs to a certain preferential category.

By filling out an application on the website, parents receive an individual number. With it, you can enter the site at any time and check up-to-date registration information and the current situation in the electronic queue. This feature will allow you to constantly track changes if they occur.

What happens after applying

After registering, parents are always interested to find out what happens next and how the child is enrolled in kindergarten. After submitting the application, a letter with confirmation of enrollment in the kindergarten will be sent to the specified e-mail address.

Then parents can start collecting documents for admission.

If you have not received a referral to any of the selected kindergartens, you can contact the department preschool education. Specialists will be able to review the number of filled places in each kindergarten in the city and find an opportunity to enroll the child in the institution that will be most suitable for him in the opinion of the parents.

It is important to remember that in addition to regular kindergartens, there are also specialized preschools where children with special needs can be. If parents want to enroll their child in such a kindergarten, they must have a referral or a doctor's report on this referral in their hands. This medical document must also be provided when applying for admission to the kindergarten. Often, such specialized institutions have a sufficient number of vacant places in groups, so it is not difficult to get there.

Preparation for admission

Thus, when confirmation of enrollment in a certain kindergarten has been received, and parents are quite satisfied with this, preparations for admission can begin. To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents, which includes:

  • an application that is written in the name of the head of the kindergarten, in any form;
  • a photocopy of the passport of one of the parents;
  • birth certificate of the child and its copy;
  • preferential documents, if any.

After submitting the documents, the child must undergo a medical examination. The referral to the commission is issued by a nurse in the kindergarten, and with him the parents go to the local pediatrician. The nurse in the clinic enters a special medical card for the child, into which the following documents are also glued:

Body check

After filling out the card, the child, together with their parents, must go through several doctors who put their conclusions on the card. Among them: an ophthalmologist, a speech therapist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon, a dentist and a pediatrician's opinion. In addition, the child must pass several tests: general analysis urine and blood, feces for eggs, worms and a smear for enterobiasis. If the child enters a specialized kindergarten, you must also obtain a referral from a doctor or medical commission of the area in which there are problems.

If the parents have refused preventive vaccinations since the birth of the child, this must be confirmed by their application addressed to the head of the children's clinic. A copy of this application must be attached to the medical record. When the entire medical commission is passed, the conclusion is transferred to the nurse from the kindergarten.

Kindergarten payment

As for the payment for kindergarten, here the state provides parents with certain benefits, which consist in the return of a certain amount of money paid. Which part of the amount will be returned depends on the number of children from the same family who attend this preschool. So, if a child goes to kindergarten alone, the amount of compensation will be 20% of the money paid. For the second child, the amount of compensation is 50%, and for the third and all subsequent children this figure is 70%.

In addition, there are certain categories of benefit families, which the state also helps to pay for kindergarten. These include single mothers, large families and others. For each region, the complete list of benefit families may differ slightly, so it is better to get this information from the head. In order to receive compensation, it is necessary to collect documents: an application, bank account details for returning compensation, a copy of the parent's passport, documents confirming the benefit.

When all documents are collected and the registration procedure is completed, the child can begin the period of adaptation to kindergarten.

We signed up for the queue for 2015, we signed up for a long time (late 2012 - early 2013). At the time of September 2015, my daughter will be 2.10 (she is November). Permanent registration in Moscow.
There is a mess in my head and a lot of questions, help me figure it out.
1) When they stood in line, I chose priorities at random, then there was a merger of kindergartens with schools.
What we have now:
Priority - a complex of 4 kindergartens (one is very good, two are so-so, one is bad according to reviews). Of the minuses - they are all not very close to our house, that is, on neighboring streets.

Question 1: Do I understand correctly that we can be enrolled in any of these 4 kindergartens and that the chances of getting into a good kindergarten are not very high? and it may turn out that they will enroll us in kindergartens that are so-so, or maybe even in a bad one, but they are all not so close to home.

Additional - a complex of 3 kindergartens (according to reviews, it’s somehow unclear, well, that is, probably all are mediocre), everything is in the courtyard of our house, well, that is, very close.

Question 2: Do I understand correctly that in order to change priorities, I only have no more than a week left until February, then the base is closed for recruitment? If you change priorities (additional - make it a priority), then the queue flies? Will we be put to the end?

Advise what to do??? Do not rock the boat already and hope that they can be enrolled in a good distant kindergarten, and if luck turns away and they enroll in distant kindergartens "not very" then ask for a transfer to gardens closer to home ?. Or run urgently to change priorities?
Who has recently changed priorities among the selected gardens, please share your experience and recommendations!!!

2) Tell us, at least for example last year, when is the distribution of "November" children? When can we expect a "letter of happiness" from OSIP?? There is only a note on the site (line number "among children aged 2 years 8 months to 3 years, entering on the main list")
March? April? May?

3) There is still a complicating situation ((In the spring we need to temporarily go abroad, I would like to fly away with our dad. We plan to return at the very end of September. Dad's flight is on April 25 (+ - a couple of days, he, alas, cannot postpone Do I need to decide something with air tickets for me and my daughter? Or does dad fly alone, and my daughter and I will arrive later, or do we manage to fly away all together?
It all comes down to the problem of enrolling in the garden!!
When and how does all this happen? What documents should you immediately run to carry to the kindergarten as you received a "letter of happiness" from OSIP ?? When is a child considered enrolled in kindergarten? and you can safely leave temporarily without worrying that we can be "thrown out" of the garden.
It's nothing that we will go to kindergarten not from the beginning of September, like everyone else, but at the beginning of October ?? Should I write a statement or something?? It takes a long time to do a medical card in the garden in the state. clinic? Will I have time to do it upon arrival in a week or will it be faster to do it somewhere in a paid center?
Thanks to everyone who answers.

APD. Went to OSIP. You can change the priority of gardens until February. The queue does not fall off, if you do not change the priority yourself, it is better to go to OSIP, everything will be changed there. The distribution (our age will be 2.10 at the time of September) was told that it would be around May.

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