
Congratulations on the day of preschool education. Scenario-congratulations to preschool workers on their professional holiday, the day of the preschool worker

On this day we helmet
Hundreds of congratulations
Good luck workers
Preschool institutions.

We wish educators
Methodists, nannies,
To grow up happy
Our children are with you.

Let the children make you happy
Good luck is coming to the house
May happiness and success
Accompany in everything.

Congratulations to preschool workers
And educators welcome now.
I wish you success, love and joy,
Shined so that happiness every hour.

I wish you all victories on the horizons
And at home so that peace and kindness reign.
Let love warm your souls
And the heat is on top.

preschool workers,
Who takes care of our preschool children,
Accept our bouquet of congratulations,
Thank you all for your hard work today!

Health, happiness to you, all the best in the world,
Let the nightingales sing in your soul,
Let the children love you and obey,
Let all parents appreciate your work!

Someone wants to frolic
Someone didn't eat the porridge
Someone lost a sandal
Someone sat on the potty...

All workers in business -
Feed and warm
Cover with a fresh blanket
Read and sing a song.

Accept from the whole world
A low bow you are for
What do you give kids?
Love, kindness and kindness.

To all kindergarten staff
Happiness, joy, love,
Life bright and beautiful
Fireworks in your honor!

Thank you, educators, for all the work, worries,
For your very important, useful work.
You teach us goodness, you and I are interested,
We understand you easily and learn wonderfully.

We wish you a happy professional day!
We will learn poems for you and sing songs.
We want to please you, thank you for everything.
We sincerely thank you with love.

We wish you health, patience and strength,
So that every day only brings joy with him,
To smile more often, laugh from the heart
And so that the kids always adore you.

Congratulations to all educators
Your work is so important and invaluable.
I wish you patience and cheerfulness,
So that there is enough strength for everything in life.

Let the kids listen to you, of course,
Because you have so much to give them.
Let everything be successful
So that you do not have to lose heart!

Today is your day, teachers!
Our children are guardians.
We heartily congratulate you
And we wish you all the best.

May the days be filled with light
Summer never ends in my heart
Good always come back
And more often you meet in life.

You give children care
More importantly, you won't find a job.
Thank you for your attention,
Warmth, kindness, understanding.

Your work is very important
They don't always pay what they deserve, though.
Our kids need care
When at work we are whole weekdays.
Your skillful, reliable hands
They will accept the guys - and you are with them all day,
With you, they do not know boredom.
Play, develop children are not too lazy,
Congratulations on your holiday!
Light labor is ready to glorify in songs.

Congratulations today
Happy Day of all educators.
Let it be joy, calm,
Your work is creative.

Let the little fidgets
You are listened to unconditionally.
Let troubles bypass
Life will be bright, very long.

To feed those, to change diapers,
With the order to play - everything in life for children!
And because in the garden boys and girls
Everyone is grateful to their nanny!

Let the children honor and love you
For your generosity and warmth,
For giving your love in abundance,
We wish you good luck with your kids!

Although sometimes it is so difficult with them,
But this is your path and you can’t turn off it!
We wish you career growth
So that you can easily wave abroad!

Day preschool worker country is celebrating.

Today in this hall gathered all those who make the life of a child in kindergarten interesting and rich, comfortable and safe. Here are those who have devoted themselves to children. Now all these wonderful people have their own holiday "Day of the preschool worker."

There is one country in the world, you can not find another like this:
Not marked on the map, and the size is something small.
Take a look at that country, go around it
And you will see: everywhere nearby, wherever you go, there will be a friend.
Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for children
Everyone must have guessed?

This is your own kindergarten!

Truly creative people work in your kindergarten - educators. They have kind assistants to educators and cooks who cook delicious food, nurses work next to them who monitor the health of children, laundry workers keep the preschool clean.

To all kindergarten staff
I dedicate poetry
After all, you are worthy of an award,
Your everyday life is not easy!

Let the kids listen to you
And the authorities love everyone
Let it not be too difficult
educational process!

From beloved little ones
I send you greetings,
I will dance with them
Or I'll sing a song
I'll tell verses, burr,
I'll wave my hand at the end
To congratulate you on the holiday,
Dear teacher!
You, and a nurse with a tray,
What scolds everyone for the dirt,
And all those who go to work
Goes to kindergarten every time!

Who will teach friendship strong,Share a game with a neighborCarefully eat all the porridge?Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,Draw flowers in the window?Who will sing, verses will tell?Our teacher!

Who will console, regretWho will teach you to become kinder?The beloved garden is more beautiful with her,With our teacher!

So that in the garden the whole pedagogical process
It was like Wonderland

Teachers' councils, master classes,

All worries cannot be counted.

Don't forget the workshops...

Methodist - our honor!

From morning to evening in kindergarten
They are like bees, accustomed to work.
In their groups, they observe cleanliness:
That's why everything glitters and sparkles.
They will bring food to the group on time,
They will feed the children and give supplements.
Without them, the educator is just a disaster!
Help is always needed!

Cleanliness is the key to health.This truth is old.Congratulations to us very friendlyIt's time for our nannies.

Look, everything is clean.Mop, rag and waterIn their hands, like artists -circus tightrope walkers,We are always surprised.

We wish you healthAnd spiritual purity.Your rare estateWe call with love -"Genius pure beauty!

For health and figure,
And for the strength of the legs and arms
For physical education classes
The fizruk will take the children!
Music lessons
Kids love.

Here they dance, have fun

And they play from the heart.

To the psyche of the child
Did not inspire fear in adults,
They need a thin psychologist
Suggest when and how
Explain this and that
Personal make a test,
Give parents answers
Why isn't their son eating...
Psychology is a science,
Not an easy thing, brothers.
Without a psychologist in our age
Man cannot live.

Exam for educators.

Game "Fairytale hero".

Winnie the Pooh)
Baba (Yaga)
Uncle (Styopa, Fedor)
Brownie ... (Kuzya)
Dr. Aibolit)
Grandfather .... (Frost, Mazai)
Ivan Tsarevich)
Zmey Gorynych)
Red Riding Hood)
Koschei the Deathless)
Cat ... (Matroskin, Leopold, in boots)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Crocodile Gena).

In winter cold, summer heat
Any resistance to infection
Gives until the evening in the morning
your favorite nurse

Hands smell clean.
Powders, "White".
She's at work all day.
She's not too lazy to wash clothes.

The caretaker has a lot to do,
Everything must be foreseen.

All works, all repairs

On time appointed to be in time.

The magic of cooking
They are skilled here.
Everything that is fried, boiled
It was delicious.
Thanks to our chefs
What delicious food is cooked for us.

I have years
I will be 17.
Where should I work then?
What should I do?

You go to kindergarten
Do you love kids?

Do you respect mom and dad?

Well, go to GORONO
It has been waiting for such a long time!

Get ready for work
Come back to our kindergarten.
Will you play with the kids
And get paid

And what is the salary?

To be honest, it's not big.
But honor and glory!

Respect - teacher,
Medic, cook or nanny -
Respect everyone, my friend
And the responsibility is great.

All: Wow!

Not! I won't go to kindergarten
I'll find it easier.
All day childish din,
Screams, quarrels here and there.
Don't sit down, don't leave.
You can be so crazy!
All my life to play with dolls,
Run, jump and jump.
And fiddling with pots….
This thing is no good!

Ah, I agree with you
Oh, this kid!
Capricious, fighters.
What nerves are needed here!
Everyone must be cherished, taught,
Sometimes even treat!
Help them get dressed
Gather for a walk
Put them all to sleep
Read stories before bed.

They cook porridge, compotes.
Every day the same worries.
Who needs to be punished
Plans day and night to write.

Okay! What do you! Stop it!
After all, we have a holiday here!
And today, in this room
We will reveal the secret for you.

All: To work in the garden, to live,
We must love all children!

The script of the festive concert for the Day of the preschool worker

Waltz sounds in the hall.

Leading. Hello guys, dear adults!

Today is our holiday!

Employees gathered in this hall,

All who greet you in the morning!

September 27 is a holiday, the Day of educators and all preschool workers. Children came to congratulate you on your holiday.


Who teaches order in the morning,

Who sciences opens the world to us,

Who will teach us to do exercises,

Heals both the bully and the bully!

Who will teach us to appreciate art,

Distinguish where the landscape is, where the portrait is,

Who plays us "Merry-sad",

Who will teach us to love ballet.

Who bakes and prepares meatballs,

Who cleans and fixes tables

Who gives us advice about life,

Sweeps and washes floors.

To you, relatives, beloved, tender,

Gratitude and respect.

May they be filled with love and light

Every day yours and every your home!

The song "Congratulations!"

Leading. Our favorite kindergarten

It's full of guys.

And today they themselves

They perform in front of you.

Dance "Matryoshka"(st. gr)


Don't let your mother into the garden?

Don't be sad, buddy.

Instead of a mother, the guys

In the group educator!

We are the second family - a group,

Here are toys and comfort,

And to miss and cry is stupid,

Mothers will come in the evening.

Physical education and swimming pool,

Games, songs - just class!

We have fun in the garden

Every day and every hour!

The song "Early in the morning kindergarten" (cf., Art. gr)

Who will teach friendship strong,

Share a game with a neighbor

Carefully eat all the porridge?

All: Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,

Draw flowers in the window?

Who will sing, verses will tell?

All: Our teacher!

Who will console, regret

Who will teach you to become kinder?

The beloved garden is more beautiful with her,

With our teacher!

Dance "Autumn Leaves Waltz"(prep. gr)

About our fun kindergarten

We speak warmly

Year after year for all the guys

It's open like a house!

For naughty and restless.

Cunning, mischievous

Breakfast, dinner and lunch are here.

Care and love!

We were taught to play here.

Sculpt and craft

And sing songs and dance

Be educated!

We need an eye and an eye,

We are not averse to fooling around.

But they love each of us

Like a son or daughter!

Dance “Quarreled-reconciled” (cf. gr)

Congratulations on the holiday

And with all our hearts we wish:

Don't get old, don't get sick

Sing songs with us!

The song "Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten"

General dance with employees “Invitation»


It's good that we're all together now

How are we without children?

With them, our life is brighter!


Thank you all for your creativity and hard work

For everything you played, sang, sewed.

And what they put into the souls of children,

Let years and hardships not erase.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the preschool worker"

Fanfare sounds. The leader comes to the middle of the hallholiday .

Vedas : Dear friends, every year in September is celebratedDay of workers of preschool education . And today we wholeheartedly want to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten on thisholiday .

Through bad weather and through the years,

Despite hard work,

Not demanding the reciprocity of nature,

Preschool workers go .

They bring warmth and joy to children,

And knowledge, and beauty of life.

All children's questions will be answered

From morning to evening, he is always on duty.

They arework for a modest salary

Often forgetting about family.

And in children memory will be the best board,

Which will be left behind.

1. Song : "And I am a teacher" - teachers sing.

1st Tutor : There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own charm,

But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful,

Than the one whoI work .

2nd Tutor :We -preschool workers , we have to

Love for your profession.

We have a task - all our knowledge,

For raising children.

1st Tutor : Today we are glad to meet and we will sing more cheerfully,

We wish happiness and joy for all our guests.

May parents smile kinder at us more often,

After all, we are all second mothers to their little children.

1st reb : Needholidays give due attention

We arecelebrating Education Day again !

2nd reb : Holiday for all preschoolers , holiday of education ,

Who made efforts for the joy of children!

3rd reb : It's time for us to congratulate everyoneholiday of enlightenment ,

All health and kindness, joy, fun!

2. Song : "Kindergarten" preparatory group.

presenter : Educator - sounds proud! It is they who give themselves entirely to the upbringing of babies, not sparing their time and effort, who do not know the words"I don't want" , "I can not" , "I do not know how" who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves hiswork and everyone rushes hereday to continue to live for them, kids, and be needed by them ...

Insofar aswe have a holiday , special, then, of course, I also want to do something special for you, dear educators ... Attention to the screen!

Slide show : "Educator" - in the background of the song.

presenter : And now accept congratulations from your pupils.

1st reb : Educator! beautiful word!

It sounds very loud and proud.

With daypreschool worker today ,

The kids are in a hurry to congratulate you!

2nd reb : It's not easy for you to sleep - that's for sure!

We sometimes play pranks

But today we promise you

Never upset you!

3rd reb : Smile, you are our relatives,

Let the weariness leave your eyes.

Let luck lead you through life

We wish you good health now!

4th reb : Do not get sick with your soul, do not grow old,

After all, you can't take away your enthusiasm!

Educators! We are your children

We are ready to give you hearts!

Chorus : Congratulations! Congratulations!

We dedicate a song to you!

3. Song : "Educator" - preparatory group No. 4.

presenter : From morning to evening in kindergarten,

They are like bees, accustomed to work!

In their groups, purityobserve :

That's why everything glitters and sparkles.

They will bring food to the group on time,

They will feed the children and give supplements.

Without them, the teacher is just a disaster!

Help is always needed!

Accept congratulations from the guys of the middle group.

1st reb : For the first time I came to kindergarten, like a fairy tale, -

And a fairy tale for a long timeturned out :

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And a fairy - there was a nanny for us!

2nd reb : In her gold and beautiful hands,

Anywork will seem like a miracle .

She is and semolina will give

So it's impossible to answer"I won't" !

3rd reb : Let the fairy continue to meet people,

In a beautiful and affectionate-affectionate tale.

Thanks from moms to you and from kids,

For your care, patience and kindness!

presenter : Accept congratulations from the guys of the senior group.

4. Song : "Baby tooth" - senior group.

presenter : All our employees take care of the health of children in kindergarten, and each, for his part ... Medical examination, menu preparation, nutrition, is directly related to their health. And the issues of healthy and tasty nutrition are associated with the timely preparation and storage of products. And behind this are these wonderful people. Attention to the screen.

Dear women, the little crumbs of our kindergarten congratulate you.

5. Dance : "Dolls" - junior group.

presenter : I would like to say many thanks for the conscientious work, from children, from parents to such employees of the kindergartenas : our laundry staff : Always sympathetic housekeeper Plotnik, our master with golden hands; janitors, constant guards of the kindergarten.

For you a musical gift from the guys from the group"Watercolors" .

6. Song : "Walking with strollers" .

caregiver : These teachers are called kindergarten specialists.

It is an integral part of the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

They are masters of phonograms,

Concertholiday programs .

All children have talents :

Singers, dancers, musicians!

In the performances, the roles are played

And they perform a lot.

These are not big words :

Music directors : lady : "La-la-fa!"

caregiver : The girl I want to talk about

Humble, hardworking and responsible.

For all the lessons of tact teaches,

And it never seems to get tired.

For everyone in stock she has advice,

And a kind smile radiates light ...

Kindergarten psychologist

caregiver : Is in the team woman alone,

Beautiful, full of energy!

Teaches kids physical education

Our gloriouspreschool children .

They care about their health

And he will be successful in that.

Leadscalling work ,

Physical education instructor.

Litvinova Ludmila Konstantinovna

Guys from the group"Smeshariki" congratulations to our specialistsholiday and prepared a humoroussketch :

7. scene : "My family" - preparatory group"Smeshariki" .

presenter : Clerk -

This is not a paper grinder for you,

And not some paper scribbler

He is just as important as a teacher!

Issue all certificates and various benefits -

There is a lot of paper in the gardenwork !

presenter : Who is in charge seriously

All economy? Our caretaker!

In whose hands is always skillfully

Does any business argue?

She's always fine

Paint, brooms, notebooks,

And on the tree New Year

Dancing and singing with us!

presenter : Educators will teach

Like with childrenwork better ,

Which direction

Advance in learning

How to develop children's speech,

Protect from mistakes

Convincing, eloquent -

Our permanent methodologist!

presenter : To be the head,

It takes a lot of love :

Documents of different mountains,

numerous controversies,

heating, walks,

Accountants nooks and crannies.

Know what's in the kitchen, in the yard,

What are the stains on the carpet.

But one duty

And she is the most important.

And it sounds like this -

You just need to love children.

Leader's word.

presenter : Dear friends! I would like to once again congratulateholiday all the employees of our kindergarten, who daily give the warmth of their hearts to children. May your kindness and professional skill transform everyoneday for children in kindergartenday of joy and happiness .

Dance : "Flash Mob" the teachers are dancing.

presenter : Dear friends! Once again, congratulations onholiday all employees of our kindergarten who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! I am sure that your kindness and professional skill will transform everyoneday for children in kindergartenday of joy and happiness .

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2. All living things are drawn to the kind, bright, affectionate.

Presenter 1. So are our children. They love those who show care and attention to them, whose hands and souls warm them with their warmth. That is why the kids rush to the kindergarten, where they are met by sensitive and kind women who have dedicated themselves to the most noble and peaceful profession. They rush to those who create an atmosphere of love and joy for their pupils, they rush to those who try to make their life interesting and meaningful.

Presenter 2. And today our holiday is dedicated to us, workers. preschool education.

Child 1. We are on a professional holiday

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts

Everyone who "burns out" at work

Who do kids love so much?


Everyone who cares and feeds,

Who dances and sings with them

Laundry washes, guards,

And answers with his head

And intelligence develops them

All the soul, the heart gives.

Presenter 1. Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - educators, assistant educators, cooks, a nurse, a laundress and a housekeeper, a supply manager, a speech therapist, a psychologist, an instructor in physical education, methodologist, music director. We also have an independent, self-confident manager.

Adults and children know

It's not easy to lead.

And of course the first lady

It's also very hard to be.

Keep the answer in the district.

For team work

To speak loudly and beautifully

All decisions to be made

Everyone needs advice

Then scold someone

Or give an award.

A very difficult job!

Protocols and reports.

May God for all worries

You will be richly rewarded!

Presenter 2. By tradition, we open our holiday with a song about educators.

The song is the middle group "Our educators" with a soloist.

Poems: middle group

1 child

Kindergarten, kindergarten

Why do they say so?

Because together in it

We live as one family.

2 child

Don't let your mother into the garden?

Don't be sad buddy.

Instead of a mother, the guys

In the group educator!

3 child

Our family is a native group,

Here are toys and comfort,

And to miss and cry is stupid,

Mothers will come in the evening.

Presenter 1. And now listen to the ditties about how the guys live in kindergarten.

1. Our favorite kindergarten,

Lots of different guys here!

Everyone is so different

And so cool!

2. Having fun in kindergarten

unpretentious people.

In a quiet hour he does not sleep,

3. Educators with us -

It's just top class!

put on heels,

Like fashion models!

4. We love our nanny very much,

She loves us too.

And a perky ditty

Let's sing to her now!

5. To exercise every day

We come together

Because "worm"

We need to crawl.

6. Loud music plays

In the music room

It's a musician again

Plays the guitar!

7. Mothers bring us in the morning

And we are stubborn.

We'll fuck in the locker room

And then we go to play.

8. The nurse smears green

We get sick sometimes.

Even vaccinates

From diseases to us always.

9. Something we are hungry,

There is a great hunt

When you want to eat

Remember the chef!

10. Soon we will grow up big,

The years will fly by quickly

We will often remember

Our favorite kindergarten.

Presenter 2. Stop singing ditties. Get up, let's dance.

Dance middle group "Leaf, leaf, leaf fall"

Host 1. And now we welcome our veterans. Each of us, looking back, can say: "How young we were, how sincerely we loved, how we believed in ourselves!" Inspiration, a dream, a happy relationship of souls united us.

Who came up with judging the age

By the number of years lived?

Well, if you are full of vigor,

If you love the whole world?

If your world is filled with colors,

Where is black missing?

If you don't caress

And dreamy like a poet

If you're all striving for something new,

And you are not attracted by peace -

Then you are a teacher from God.

Stay always like this!

Presenter 2. And accept a song as a gift.

Song about autumn senior group.

Lead 1. Educator is our profession,

There is no calling better and more beautiful,

We are always young at heart

And proud of their work!

We are proud that children love us

For care, warmth and comfort,

They don't want to leave these walls

And willingly come here again!

Song about educators senior group.

1 child

Thanks for the love and understanding

After all, the garden has become a second home for us,

May your wishes come true

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

2 child

We wish you happiness and good

Do not know you grief and sorrow.

To have more bright days

And the gloomy ones did not visit!

Flash mob senior group

Song "Hope"

Anthem of educators (to the motive of the song “Hope”)


Back to work in the morning.

Again we are cut off from home,

Again we are met by children,

Contests, crafts, performances.

Here we have work and friends.

And children enthusiastic faces.

And you can't get away from it

May this last for a long, long time.


And the garden is calling and calling.

Here we sculpt, play, and build,

And we create comfort for children,

And everyone deserves an award.


And around fun, children's laughter.

Everything is familiar to us firsthand.

We are educators with you,

Children meet every day.

And let them run, years fly,

And sometimes life is hard.

Happiness and love to you for years,

Dear and close friends!


And the garden is calling and calling

And friendship warms us all.

And we are all a big family

Otherwise, we don't.

Lead 2. All employees of a preschool institution

Happy holiday today!

Our work is very important, no doubt,

We wish you patience and perseverance!

The song "On pots" (music "Grandmother - old women")

1. We sit on pots
The whole day usually (children stand in 2 rows: 1 row in caps sit on

We look at each other in pots, shake our heads, 2nd row sing)

and groan habitually

We sit and do business

Yes, we are still shy.

We all go to the nursery

And we don't regret it.

Chorus: Nannies, cooks, teacher and laundress (get up from the pots and steam

Head kindergarten, a nurse, a methodologist to boot. playing patty)

Aunts, aunts - we respect you,

And that's why we're here now!

2. We wish you good, happiness and health, (1 row stands on the sides of

And the salary should be with the tongue of a cow, singing children and everyone sings)

We wish you long years and a clear road,

And also to appearance was always wonderful.

3. Let the boss always respect you too,

And a parent should never offend.

All live well and do not lose heart,

If they give a reprimand, sneeze at him!

Vedas.: Dear collaborators Today you will be congratulated not only by us, but also by our beloved parents.

Congratulations from parents: How many eyes and hands do you need,

To follow around
For your tomboys -

Golden lollipops.

There - laughing, here - crying,

And the other is jumping on a stick ...

Not everyone here with this case

Get it done quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will do everything:

He will punish, regret

Kiss and feed

Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher

Without him, he is not so friendly.

We send you a wagon of joy,

From parents - bow!

The song is a remake from parents to educators. To the motive "Team of our youth". Edited by: L. Gurchenko

1. Thanks to the wonderful teachers,
You were the second family for children,

And all mothers and fathers know

Sometimes it's hard with kids.

Chorus: To captivate and teach children,
Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How hard it is to be an educator.

2. Here we have already trodden paths,
We went in summer and winter,

And you raised our children,

Always (Hearts) warmed them with kindness.

3. And it's a pity that we part so soon,
But time can not be appeased and not restrained,

Team of the best teachers

You could always surprise us.

4. Talents are tested for loyalty,
We have something to be thankful for

And if, what, then immediately to this kindergarten,

We will bring all the children to you.


Presenter: Not in an overseas kingdom
Not in a distant state

Not beyond the high mountains ... But among ordinary people there lived a gardener, and she had a garden (children with flowers easily ran in and sat on the podium. It was an extraordinary garden (the Gardener appeared with a watering can, bypasses the sitting children, pretends to water them) sings:

Like in my garden
Flowers don't grow

Bushes do not grow

Mushroom berries.

The boys are growing there

In jackets, pants,

And the girls bloom

In dresses, skirts.

I watch the garden

Where kids grow up

Get loose, kids

Like flowers on branches. (The gardener sits down among the children, strokes their heads)

Host: That's the garden! Well, the garden, it is full - full of guys! The gardener loved her children, she watered them every day, washed them, fed them, taught them, and took them for walks.

Gardener: And fought with weeds!

Host: Yes! She had enough patience ... She played games with the kids to drown out all the weeds, and let good sprouts live.

Gardener: Days and months go by, the children are growing, growing ... They have grown big - like this, and they said ... (the children got up, put the flowers in vases)

Children: We are cramped in the garden
Too little space

Gardener: And from the garden bed
The boys jumped off

Were like flowers

Berries, mushrooms...

The children go out the door.

Vedas: This is how we raise our children, raise them, and they grow up and go to school. And they grow up so big, beautiful, smart... just like our graduates!

We meet: graduates of our children's school "Dolphin"!

Graduates come out and stand in the middle in 2 rows, read poetry:

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!

From your yesterdays, from your current ones,

From tomorrow's students!

Today we are on behalf of every heart,

On behalf of our happy youth.

On behalf of our sonorous childhood

We say thank you!

Thank you," we say softly.
We are our educators.

We also confess to you:

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times

We will remember you all our lives.

Thanks to our lovely nannies
For their care and diligence!

Thanks to those who us

Learned to sculpt and draw!

Thanks to those who us
Learned to sing and dance!

Thanks to all those
Who worked in the kitchen

We cooked porridge and prepared compotes!

Thanks to those who treated us
And he taught to put a thermometer,

I watched our cheeks

Aleli, like flowers!

For what you dreamed about here
We have been for many years

For what was, will be, is,

Thanks Kindergarten!

Graduates give flowers.

Vedas: (addressing the graduates) Tell me, guys, have you already chosen your future profession?

But our little children already know exactly who they will become in the future.

Poems for children:

1 child: We are still guys,
We can't count

Maybe not enough knowledge

But you can dream!

2 children: I will probably be a doctor,
I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

3 children: Soon I will be a military man,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

4 children: Ballerina and singer

I have always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up nicely

Sing and dance for you!

5 children: I am a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

6 children: I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The kids will be happy with me

I tell you for sure!

7 children: Well, I'll be back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become an educator!

Vedas: Of course, we all really want our graduates to become not only the most the best doctors, fair teachers, famous artists and artists. But the most important thing is that they become good, kind, honest people. After all, the most important profession in life is to BE HUMAN!

The song "Being Human" is performed by graduates with preschoolers.

Vedas: And I want to end our concert with lines from a poem:

Who gave all his heart to children,

He devoted his life to them

He is always young at heart

Appearance is always beautiful.

Because next to childhood

You can't get old.

Because in the distance without end

We must always look!

Tatiana Rodionova-Yakovleva
Scenario-congratulation of preschool workers on their professional holiday Day of the preschool worker

(you can combine preparatory, senior and middle group, from each group a small verse-congratulation and number;

Poetry and fairy tale taken from the Internet)

Host1. Kind day dear and respected kindergarten workers!

Today the most important a day in kindergarten is a professional holiday for all preschool workers. Allow me to congratulate all those present, and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, patience, happiness, and health.

2nd leader.

How many tests fell on the lot of educators and all preschool education workers! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of children, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and "second wind" from a well-timed good word. And today we want to say a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

Child. We are in professional holiday

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts

Everyone who "burns on work» ,

Who do kids love so much?

Everyone who cares and feeds them

Who dances and sings with them,

Laundry washes, guards

And the intellect develops them,

All the soul, the heart gives!

Child 1. Why are there so many guests,

Chandeliers festively burning?

Congratulates teachers

Our fun kindergarten!

Child 2. I'll tell you a secret

I'm always sure of that...

Educators and children

Real friends!

Child 3. There are various holidays

Today your holiday.

Gathered staff in this room

All who greet us in the morning!

Child 4. We gathered in this hall

The joy of meeting, giving each other

Today we will give you a song

In this light september day!

(number from the preparatory group)

Leading Fun, joyful in this land,

Any miracle will knock on you

Just want not in a waking dream

Good fairy to visit us

Fairy: Kind day, friends! I heard you call me. I want to give you an unusual gift - this is a magical book of childhood. It is filled with bright pages of children's games, songs, poems, dances, fantasies, creativity.

With a light hand

I'll flap like a wing

Quietly I will say my spell

Just touch me with a magic pen

A magical book will grant a wish.

(Waves a magic pen, a book opens; use a projector)

Fairy: The first page of the magic book opens, it is filled with autumn mood.

1st reb: Need holidays give due attention

We are celebrating Education Day again!

2nd reb: Holiday for all preschoolers, holiday of education,

Who made efforts for the joy of children!

3rd reb: It's time for us to congratulate everyone holiday of enlightenment,

All health and of good, joy, fun!

4th reb. Oh what fun today

We have a happy holiday.

Play music louder

The legs themselves are torn to dance.

(number from the middle group)

1 child: We are happy to congratulate now

All kindergarten workers:

teachers, doctors,

Babysitters and cooks

2 child: And the caretaker quickly,

Our washerwoman, watchmen -

Everyone who lives here with us

He gives his heart to children!

(a game "Collect a bouquet")

Leading. There is one country in the world, you can't find another such:

Not marked on the map, and the size is something small.

Take a look at that country, go around it

And you will see: everywhere nearby, wherever you go, there will be a friend.

Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for children

Everyone must have guessed?

Children: This is our native kindergarten

Theatrical scene for the Day of the preschool worker(number from children of the older group)

Leading. - Tili-bom, tili-bom, Cat's house caught fire!

It's good that the kittens had a great kindergarten!

The cat was immediately sheltered, warmed, fed,

But in order to live in the kindergarten, she was ordered to serve.

Cat - How so? For me to work?

I've been sleeping all my life, lazy,

I only washed myself lying down, but I lay on the rug!

Leading. - Answers her here, by the way, aunt Belka - educator:

Squirrel - Here, in the garden, you can’t be lazy, you need a whole day toil,

Watch the guys, give classes in time,

Put them on the pot, learn a rhyme together,

Put them to bed in their beds, write down plans in a notebook,

Entertainment to spend, and then go to sleep!

You will be my assistant, here are the dishes, wash!

Wipe the floor, the flowers of the fields, help dress the children!

Cat: No, no, no, I can't! How can I help you?

Squirrel: Take a rag to start.

Cat:I'm washing my manicure! It even hurts to bend over! I do not want! Enough for me!

Squirrel: How lazy you are, white-handed, proud!

Cat: I didn’t hold a rag in my paws! Broken claws,

Squirrel: If you continue to be like this, you will not build your own house!

You will be dirty and hungry, and you will die in a cold winter!

Leading: Then the kittens come running, quickly help the cat,

They took a rag and a bucket, soap, a brush, a broom, a whole helped her for a day, aunt cat supported.

Cat: All now I understood: only good deeds

They will bring income and joy, and rest will be sweet!

I fell in love with the guys who go to kindergarten,

And I will go to study and I will not be lazy,

Everything is now on my shoulder, I want to become a teacher!

Leading: The cat built a house, earning everything by hard work

And now she is garden, and work is her joy,

She became her second home, sweet, kind, dear!

Glory, glory to teachers, educators relatives!

Child: About a century and a half ago, German public figure Friedrich Fröbel named preschool"garden" believing that a child is like a flower and its development depends on attentive and caring care. And the educators are haunting gardeners, lovingly and carefully growing these treasures. We heartily congratulate you on the honorary title of educator! Accept souvenirs from us.

Fairy: You are good fairies leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light.

Hope you happy

Big recognition

And new discoveries, and new victories!

(a general dance is performed, children and workers, "If you're having fun, then do it.")

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