
Alena popova public figure instagram. Alena popova, public figure, founder of the open projects foundation. Alena Popova's success story

- Tell us how you got into the tech business.

- I always knew that I was a humanitarian. I really liked journalism, and only over time I realized that I am a more talented manager than a journalist. When I was 13, I sold my first project. It was a school newspaper, bought by a serious publisher. In 2000, I entered the Faculty of Cybernetic Journalism at Moscow State University. This was the beginning of my history in the technology business. Then I ended up in the very first group that made the first international exchange, the group that first started talking about mobile television. And the so-called creators, the parents of the Internet segment in Russia, were my teachers - Lebedev, Nosik, etc. And I really wanted to understand in the classroom why the hell they teach us how to write on the Internet, but they don't teach us how to create Internet companies! The first technology site I made was a facilitator site - a trading platform that connects Western and Russian companies. The project was successful. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry was ready to buy the site from me, but we decided not to sell, starting to cooperate with Koreans, who were very interested in their presence in the Russian segment of the Internet. Therefore, the project was eventually closed, because in today's realities, an intermediary is no longer needed to find a partner on the Internet.

- Tell us about successful projects that you are proud of.

I am proud of the many projects I have done. For example, while still at the university, together with the faculty children, an animation studio was created that produced content for mobile television. We are the only ones in Russia, and I hope we will remain the only ones for life who received a prize at the Cannes Short Movie Awards for best piece it is mobile content. We correctly calculated that the content should be wordless, understandable by actions, so that it does not need to be translated into different languages. And now Video Snack sells content to 12 countries around the world. Today it continues to work as a content base, as a localizer: it takes content, localizes it, makes it sane and sells it.

You can recall an absolutely wonderful project that we did for the operating system of Nokia phones. We sold it to a major European operator.

There are also a large number of unsuccessful projects, because I am one of those people who believe that you need to empirically test ideas. Therefore, we had a number of unsuccessful projects, but this mainly refers to off-line projects. For example, the topic of e-government, which I am working on now, began three years ago, when there was no crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, it began with the idea of ​​making the Duma 2.0 project. I then said that it was necessary to discuss laws, introduce amendments, and if a large number of people introduced amendments to the law, then this should go to the Duma. But the project did not go well then, because people did not believe in its reality. It was just too early for such a project. Now it is absolutely timely. But then it was a certain fail, which helped me understand that I was running in front of the locomotive, and this should not be done. Because if you are running in front of a steam locomotive, it’s like you are chopping a clearing in the forest, but you don’t even get firewood. Then others come to this clearing and settle down normally on it.

- What are the most common mistakes our Ukrainian and Russian entrepreneurs make?

The Ukrainian market is very small and more global because the amount of money is less and the projects are mainly focused on business development outside of Ukraine. Therefore, the sales offices are very well developed, the understanding of the target audience is very well developed and, in principle, from the point of view of the internal content of projects, Ukrainian projects are in trend. Few new trends are being created in Ukraine, simply because the market is small, so it is easier to repeat the model that already exists and it begins to develop globally faster. On the Russian market, the main mistake was the desire to just copy, not thinking about whether it would work on the market. Therefore, a lot has failed. The second mistake was more likely an investor's one - to invest in all sorts of crap, to develop something that did not make sense to develop. And the most important thing globally is that people with ideas do not know the market at all, they do not know that there are analogues, the most important thing is that they do not know the mistakes that have already been committed before them. It seems to me to be total stupidity. If you start doing something, then first do some research: who has already done it with what result.

- You have a Startup Women project. Why did you decide to make it a separate project?

Because women are the main consumer audience of the web. Due to the fact that the economy is very volatile, men take assets out of the economy, and women bring them in. We analyzed the 2008 trend and, based on the analytics, launched this experiment. The entire market has criticized us for talking about women founders. Therefore, we launched the project not only from the point of view of a woman-founder, but also from the point of view of women-oriented in general, that is, focused on women. It was impossible not to single out this project separately, since women have a peculiar behavior in the network. They can have multiple entry points, multiple favorite projects. For example, in the women's consumer market, the Lamoda and BuyVIP projects are not competitors, because a woman can buy dresses often and do it at different sites. A man, he is more targeted, he uses one entry point - he enters auto.ru and then goes to auto.ru. He is not interested in other resources.

- Please tell us about the Open Projects Foundation. What are the entry conditions?

The Foundation works in two directions. The first direction is the grant model, which I do not really like, and we are now discussing the possibility of replacing it with an interest-free loan, which will be given to subsidized projects, that is, social services. There are a large number of social projects that can grow into something over time. A kind of crowdfunding platform, which is made by Vladlena Taraskina (head of Rusini.org). This site will eventually be able to earn a percentage, but so far it is a subsidized project. In order to enter the fund, you must have a prototype of the project. If there is no prototype yet, then this is an entrance to the Startup Women Community, where we are now doing the main three courses: financial literacy of women, business literacy - the correct setting of project tasks and goals, drawing up a business plan and the third course - finding partners. All these three things are closed in Startup Women itself, and the fund is already investing in what can be seen and touched.

- Copycat vs Disruptive in new markets, what's good, what's bad?

It is impossible to do any Disruptive, if you didn't Copycat ... Everyone must first understand how and what works, and then come up with something of their own. There are very few geniuses who create something new from scratch.

- Can you give a forecast of the state of the industry, say, in 5 years?

After five, no. Because I believe that in general the industry will die, it will move into a state where people with free capital from the trade sector will invest money. And this will lead to the creation of projects that can quickly monetize, and, most likely, these will be mobile, not Internet projects. And the Internet as such will die quietly and peacefully. Here, in my opinion, only the analytics sector will remain: social profiles, recommendations, data sales, and so on. But this will no longer be the consumer business that we have now. And, by the way, I have already made a bet for a lot of money that the sector will die in 5 years. He simply has no choice now ☺

Alya Gorodetskaya

Alena Popova's success story

Alena Popova was born in Yekaterinburg in 1983, but lived in Novosibirsk for a long time. In 2000, she moved to Moscow, where she was educated as a journalist at Moscow State University. By the way, Alena graduated from an educational institution with honors.

Alena began her career in journalism in 1998, several years before entering Moscow State University. In Yekaterinburg, she led a number of regional projects. And then she moved to central television as a producer. Today this woman is a prominent public figure who became the founder of the ROU Civil Corps, as well as StartupWomen. In addition, Alena Popova is successfully doing business in the Internet space, she is the creator of a venture fund called Rusbase. Many consider her a worthy competitor to well-known political figures. She is even listed on Forbes.

Career in politics

Alena's political career began when she entered the State Duma as a parliamentary correspondent. But then she moved to the small aviation airport, where she went from a press secretary to a director in the development department. But then Alena began to develop her own projects. Many seek to order business speaker Alena Popova, who knows firsthand how to start her business from scratch. Therefore, if you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, it will be useful for you to learn about all the nuances and pitfalls of a start-up. Since 2009, Alena has been successfully investing in Russian start-up projects, but at the same time, the political path is also actively present in her activities. Without exaggeration, she can be called an expert in the field of e-government. She actively participates in many political projects, of course, using the Internet space as a highly effective platform. On the website of the holiday agency Bolshoi Gorod you can invite for master classes.

Career in the Internet space

Not many people today can boast of their successful projects on the Internet. And Alena here, too, was noted for very striking results. She became the founder of the Internet resource Starlook, an animation studio and other interesting projects, including Duma 2.0. Moreover, Alena's projects are all diverse - one is devoted to women's topics, another to the production and distribution of video content, and the third is to support political activity in Russia. Knowing firsthand all the intricacies of the Russian Internet space, Alena successfully lectures at her home educational institution. If you invite business coach Alena Popova, you can learn about what information wars are. This issue, of course, is more relevant for the political sphere of activity, but within the framework of increased competition, this topic will be useful to all heads of Russian companies.

Considering that Alena is an expert in the field of venture investment and launching projects from scratch, you can order a business speaker Alena Popova, and she will provide consulting support in building an effective business. She constantly monitors the information technology market, as well as the most prominent figures in this field of activity. Therefore, it will be very interesting to hear about new trends and trends in the IT field. On the website of our company you can visit Alena Popova for a business event.

In general, inviting business coach Alena Popova will be useful for any company. She is not only an excellent specialist, but also a very competent speaker. At her master classes, you can understand that you should not be afraid of mistakes and that they are in many ways the key to success. She will tell you how you can and should learn competently from your mistakes. Alena Popova - media consultant, producer in the Internet space, an expert in starting a business - a very versatile person who is worth getting to know in order to become more efficient and successful! Therefore, if you are just starting your project, or you are already an entrepreneur, but do not know which direction to move on, it is worth ordering the services of the speaker Alena Popova - we are sure that this will give a new impetus to your activity!

Alena Popova today is a well-known public figure who is doing her best to turn the state around to face its people. She strives to make Russia a real welfare state, and for this Alena Vladimirovna makes every effort.

Today, many tend to invite Alena Popova to lectures. She is a very bright speaker who, with her performances, ignites, gives an impetus to become better. After all, she became the main initiator in the formation of a network of mutual assistance, when people help each other in difficult situations.

In addition to social activities, Alena is a successful internet entrepreneur who became the founder of the Civil Corps and also a venture fund. Therefore, she is also invited with business trainings. The services of the speaker Alena Popova are in great demand today, and she shares her experience, knowledge and worldview with great pleasure.

Curriculum Vitae

According to Alena Popova's official website, she was born in Yekaterinburg in 1983. In 2000, she moved to the capital, where she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism with honors at Moscow State University. In 2015, she began her studies at the Law University at the Faculty of Advocacy. Today Alena is fluent in English.

Alena Popova's career

Alena Popova's official website notes that she often gives lectures at Moscow State University. And the topics with which she speaks are not very characteristic of the weak half of humanity. But this is what makes Alena unique. Information wars, modernization cases in the field of business and politics, Political companies on the Internet - if you are also concerned about these issues and would like to dive deeper into their understanding, you can order the speaker Alena Popova. She is a recognized expert in the field of e-government and a venture investor. In addition, today she advises on the development and formation of a business, her opinion is respected and highly valued in the business community. Therefore, if you are faced with the goal of gaining experience and skills, then conducting master classes with coach Alena Popova will give you a lot.

How to invite Alena Popova to lectures?

You can invite Alena Popova to lectures in our agency. We will take care of all organizational issues - you just need to contact the manager.

Our agency specializes in the selection of speakers for your events. We have been working in this area for a long time and have all the necessary competencies to implement your project at a high-quality level. Our team collaborates with the most famous and media speakers. But we are ready to offer you less familiar speakers, the level of professionalism is also beyond doubt. Each of the speakers we offer has all the necessary skills public speaking and have already received more than one positive assessment of the most diverse audience.

It is with great pleasure that we are ready to organize the participation of famous and honored Russian athletes in your event. To invite gymnasts, figure skaters, coaches today has become the most important. Many principles of a sports career allow you to achieve success in other areas. Everyday life... Here you can invite the speaker Aleksey Nemov, who has already established himself as an excellent speaker. This gymnast knows firsthand about overcoming oneself, behaving under stressful conditions and striving to achieve results. It is also with great pleasure that we organize master classes for you and your team with Ilya Averbukh, who is not only an excellent skater, but also a completely successful businessman. Also, among the world-famous figure skaters, Irina Slutskaya can be singled out separately. And I must say that she not only conducts master classes for children in figure skating, but also speaks at trainings on personal growth. Speaker Irina Slutskaya's services are in great demand at events, and our agency will help to invite her too.

We also work with outstanding boxers who, by personal example, show the principles of a successful struggle for leadership. For example, Kostya Ju. His training entitled The Path to Success is very popular and in demand today. And we will also help you organize lectures by coach Kostya Ju. He is very sociable, makes great contact and always gets enthusiastic responses from the audience.

All in all, you have a huge selection of the best speakers at your disposal. And with great pleasure we will help you organize master classes with trainer Alena Popova. Contact us! We will help you organize your project at the highest level!

Nonprofit candidate

Organization: Regional public institution for the organization of volunteer social assistance to victims of emergency situations "Civil Corps"

Direction of activity: Charity, volunteering and volunteering, civic education and patriotic education

I was born in the city of Yekaterinburg, I grew up in Novosibirsk. In 2000 she moved to Moscow to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 2005 she graduated from the University with honors. As a journalist, she started with regional broadcasting projects in Yekaterinburg, then moved on to work in the central media as a producer of radio and television programs. From 2001 to 2003 - parliamentary correspondent in the State Duma. Until 2006, she worked at a small aircraft airport near Moscow, where she rose from a press secretary to director of the development department. Since 2009 I have been involved in Internet business and develop entrepreneurial technology and social projects.

I believe in the technological future of our country, therefore I support new technologies in the field of mass notification of the population in emergency situations, liquidation of the consequences of emergencies. I am engaged in the search and support of competitions for children's projects aimed at creating new devices and applications in the field of radiation safety, emergency forecasting.

In 2010, she participated in helping victims of fires in Moscow and in the development of recommendations for the coordination of civil projects and emergency services in case of fires in large cities... After Krymsk, where I was the coordinator of the Good Volunteer Camp, I organized the Civil Corps volunteer movement for emergencies. In 2012, the Civil Corps volunteers liquidated the consequences of an emergency in Dagestan and fires in Siberia. In 2013, we took part in the elimination of the consequences of the floods at Far East.

In 2011, she was a candidate for the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Novosibirsk region. Since 2013 I have been a member of the working group The State Duma RF under the law on volunteers. Since 2014, I have been an expert of the Security Committee of the Public Chamber of the city of Moscow.

In 2012, when there was a flood in Krymsk, I came there as an entrepreneur and volunteer, and left as a civic activist and creator of the volunteer movement. My main task today is to develop in the people around me the desire to help others, especially women and children.

I am unacceptably often confronted with stories of an unsafe urban environment: my friend was recently beaten in his apartment in Moscow, and no neighbor opened the door for him as a wounded person, while the surveillance cameras in the house did not work. My uncle left home in Novosibirsk and disappeared. A few days later, the uncle was found not by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but by the search and rescue squad, when we practically buried him. In my presence they tried to steal a 6-year-old child on the street. Therefore, I decided to apply my entrepreneurial experience in the technological field to develop the volunteer movement and security programs within the framework of the Civil Corps NGO and the Safe City initiative.

The main accents in this program are the development of technologies and volunteering in the field of security, the promotion and implementation of training programs on correct behavior in case of emergencies in the urban environment (including children's programs dedicated to the urban environment), reducing the vulnerability of the population in case of emergencies, etc.

Also, within the framework of Cities Without Danger, we are engaged in targeted assistance to victims of domestic violence, combining all existing rehabilitation centers and hotlines into a single initiative, and promoting a bill to counter domestic violence.

I believe that any my words will say much less than my experience in the category in which I go to the elections to the Public Chamber.


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    Regional public institution for the organization of volunteer social assistance to victims of emergency situations "Civil Corps"

    The regional public institution for organizing volunteer social assistance to victims of emergencies "Civil Corps" is a public association of volunteers that aims to provide material, psychological and other assistance, as well as to eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies, reduce the vulnerability of the population in emergency situations and supporting programs for the safety of children and women in cities.

    What the Civil Corps volunteers do:

    • collection and transportation of humanitarian aid
    • assistance to victims of natural disasters, accidents and disasters
    • teaching citizens the rules of conduct in case of emergency
    • support of new developments and technologies in the field of warning, information and response
    • assistance to children affected by emergencies

    Civilian Corps in Questions and Answers.

    1.What does the Civil Corps do?

    The civilian corps provides assistance to citizens affected by emergencies, both local and global. By victims we mean people who have lost their homes and property as a result of a natural disaster or fire.

    2. So you are duplicating the Ministry of Emergencies?

    No, the Civil Corps is not a rescue unit. Rescue activities require specially trained people, sophisticated equipment and a license. We are engaged in social assistance to those people whose lives have already been saved, but they do not have the essentials in order to live on. Any caring person can be trained in this kind of work in a short time.

    3. How do you help the victims?

    There are three types of standard assistance that we have provided, for example, to flood victims in the Amur Region. This is help with a weekly food supply, hygiene kit and bedding set. This, as a rule, is needed by all victims. In addition, we meet the individual life needs of the victims - in medicines, special and baby food, items of care. Also, the victim needs psychological assistance and advice on his further actions - where to turn for the restoration of documents, where to get a certificate of the fire, who to turn to for social assistance, what state assistance he has the right to count on.

    4. But emergencies are rare!

    Unfortunately, this is not so. Emergencies in Russia occur several times a day. After all, an ordinary fire is also an emergency, during which people suffer no less than, say, in Krymsk. In the first three weeks of 2013, 2843 fires occurred in Russia (this is not counting small fires that firefighters went to), 245 people died, and another 1224 people were rescued by firefighters from the fire. What is the fate of the saved and will they receive sufficient help? This is the question.

    As for large-scale emergencies, they are not rare. In Russia, not a month passes without an emergency, during which a large number of people lose their property and are left without the most necessary things.

    5. But should the state help the victims?

    State aid in local emergencies like a fire is regulated by regional legislation. For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, victims who have completely lost their home can only count on 1,000 rubles per family plus 500 rubles per family member, but no more than 10 thousand rubles per family. Such assistance is, of course, absolutely inadequate. In other regions, the situation differs little and not always for the better. In case of large-scale emergencies, such as a flood in the Far East, a colossal burden of rescuing people and restoring infrastructure falls on the state. In such a situation, in all civilized countries, public structures are included in the process of providing assistance.

    6.How to understand that this person is a victim and not a fraud?

    In order to identify the victims and cut off the false victims, we work according to the revealing, not the declarative principle. To do this, the assessment and coordination team identifies the people living in the affected structure, questionnaires them and either immediately issues the necessary assistance or delivers it later. In this case, it does not matter whether the person was registered in the burned down house. It is enough that he lived there and lost property as a result of the emergency.

    7. Who works in the Civil Corps?

    Initially, the Civil Corps was a social movement that united caring people who wanted to help their neighbors. However, in order to improve the efficiency and efficiency of work, it was decided to reorganize the Corps into a Public Institution, which will have a permanent staff of professionals in the field of emergency management, as well as a volunteer staff of citizens trained during seminars and practice.

    A 24-hour local disaster relief watch is absolutely essential for hands-on volunteer training. So that, once in an emergency zone of the scale of the Derbent disaster, a person is psychologically and practically ready to perform tasks. Unfortunately, 99 percent of people in Russia do not even suspect what the main work in emergency situations actually consists of.

    8.Whose account is the Civilian Corps funded by?

    We do not seek financial assistance from the state. We count on the help of foundations, corporations and ordinary people.

    9.Where is the guarantee that the Civil Corps will not waste money?

    All receipts and expenses of the Corpus, including the smallest ones, will be published on its website. As part of the cost reduction policy, all goods and services will be purchased by the Corps at the lowest possible price.

She is wearing a sheath dress and stiletto heels. There are a lot of interesting things on the bookcase, for example, medical injection bottles “Putin's Tears. Miraculous ". As the label says, these “tears are effective for colds, constipation, hemorrhoids, low wages, menopause in women, corruption of all kinds. Everything works - 146% guarantee "

As the label says, these “tears are effective for colds, constipation, hemorrhoids, low wages, menopause in women, corruption of all kinds. Everything works - a guarantee of 146% ”(this is the figure for the turnout in the elections to the State Duma that appeared on the night of summing up the results on the country's television screens). These containers with "tears" and other creative protest paraphernalia are given by a civil activist, a candidate for the current State Duma, volunteer and businesswoman Alena Popova, together with her associates, to everyone who comes to opposition rallies.

- Alena, you are the founder of the A
lenaPopova.ru"What does it mean?

It was the parents who founded the brand. This is a brand that belongs to a large number of projects that I support or develop. I am not necessarily the leader of these projects. I said: I am an open gate, come in! If you have an interesting project, if it suits me in my field of activity: women's, social entrepreneurship, general political activity, which I adhere to, which does not contradict my views, I am ready to talk about you. If you need my name, then I am ready to put my name.

What gives your name?

My name gives people who come to me from high technologies a certain recognition. I won't say super-wide because I'm not Mark Zuckerberg, but in this niche it gives them b O more citation, mentioning, and I immediately start giving them contacts.

- How long have you had such a name that can be useful to others?

No, recently, only since 2009, I began to actively engage in this. The same thing is happening in my politics now. This is why Kashin's question (special correspondent of Kommersant. - EAT.): "Who is Alena Popova?" He asked it on Twitter, and it brought me to the top of Twitter in one day. It was PR on the negative, because, naturally, there was a bunch of negative things about me.

- In connection with what Kashin decided to ask this question?

- By the way, I don’t remember what was the reason. I remember that I was driving to a conference in a car from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and mentions began to come to me on my cell phone, it began to buzz continuously. I think, "What's going on?"

Do you get messages on your cell phone when you are mentioned somewhere on the Internet?

Yes, if they mention me somewhere, I receive a so-called "alert", that is, a notification. They write directly: "You were mentioned ..."

Why do you need this?

I always analyze the influence of my words or actions on what really happens to me. And I watch mediology, that is, I look at the level of positive-negative in relation to what was said.

Do other opposition leaders also have such a mailing list?

Many have it.

I am the "roof"

Your website says that you are a "business angel". Who are you an angel for?

This is when you can give a few rubles of yours to a person for his certain project, for an idea.

- Do you have so much money that you can invest?

It's not a lot of money. To complete a project, you need, say, 100 thousand rubles. Yes, I have that kind of money, and I like to give it away. If you are successful, I have such a philosophy, you must give, you must definitely share this success.

That is, you can now be the "roof"?

You can say that, only for a certain level. For example, I launched the New Faces project on my blog, because this whole “iconostasis” of speakers at rallies is strange to me. There are young, active people, they do a lot, no one knows about them. And I told the guys: “Come, I'll just tell you about you. I have 100 thousand on social networks, in different accounts, let them know about you, 100 thousand is super for you! "

And how did you become recognizable, Alena?

I came to the IT sphere and became the first girl who took up such a strange phenomenon as e-government. It is everywhere, but we do not. I did it. And it was easy for me, and, in general, everything worked out. I had an idea for an Open Duma a long time ago. I am annoyed that our parliament is like a crypt: both outwardly, like a closed crypt, and internally, it is not clear what is going on there. And this is our representative power, I pay my taxes for them. Now broadcasting is periodically watched from 20 people to 90 thousand, depending on what is happening. But the "Open Duma" is an amazing thing, we do it through the office of Ilya Ponomarev.

And what does it mean, "through the office of Ilya Ponomarev"?

This means that we take the channel that is in his office. They have this internal Duma channel extended to the entire Duma and is, accordingly, in the office of each deputy.

And how much did the budget cost "OpenThought"?

This is a very funny amount. The site itself was probably worth $ 150.

And the Duma quickly agreed to this "OpenDuma "?

No. They try to ignore it at all. They pretend that the broadcast is not taking place, moreover, it seems to me that they pretend that the official broadcast is not taking place either.

I will be prime minister

You have set yourself the goal of becoming the first woman prime minister of Russia within five years.

Yes, I thought it could be done within five years. My intuition told me, and the course of history suggested what it might be. Now I think that based on analytics recent events, 100% is not five, but, on the contrary, five to ten.

Why did you change the time frame?

The Prime Minister is not a "crust", not an appointment, it is task management. Now the state will be engaged in protectionism, preserve the domestic economy, despite joining the WTO, because now the local business will begin to collapse. And in order to preserve it, you need the image of a very serious manager who is trusted.

Medvedev is not that level?

I think that Medvedev is just the wrong image. I think this will be a person who is already in the state apparatus, so that he will broadcast the idea that “I am stability” during the crisis stage. This is what we are actually fighting against.

And in 10 years, what will be the conditions under which you can become prime minister?

In the interval of 5-10 years, the economy will have to change very much, women will have to receive a greater number of social managerial roles simply for economic and social reasons. This is exactly what will happen in such a period.

And under what president do you see yourself as prime minister?

I would like to under a parliamentary republic.

Could you become prime minister under President Putin?

I'm trying to figure out for myself what his strategy is. I have not formed any relation to him, except that I assume that everyone is smart from the start, I do not assume that everywhere are stupid freaks.

- Do you have such a phrase: "I am sure that we need to answer the question: who, if not Putin?" Can you answer it?

- I can. First, the super-presidential republic must be removed. Make a parliamentary republic. In my opinion, it is necessary to make a Kyrgyz scenario: in an amicable way, without bloodshed, to appoint a president for a transitional period. From time to time they say that it will be Kudrin ...

Where are you going to get to Putin?

If there was a chance to negotiate, then they could go in such a way that they do not touch him, his family, and so on. The same thing that, relatively speaking, he did to Yeltsin.

Why does Putin need this? He feels great, in my opinion.

At the moment, surrealistic things are being pumped up around this power, and no one hears his voice. Flying with Siberian Cranes or calling Masha Gessen with talks about "Around the World" - if you analyze everything, the picture is surreal. Either he lives in his surreal world, or this world arose because he was tired of power. There was no need to take these obligations, they press. But it is clear that he wants to go down in history. Moreover, go down in history precisely from the point of view that history should analyze everything and say that this path was correct.

- You were not told that your political style and ambitions of the prime minister are very similar to Yulia Tymoshenko?

They talked. Many people say. And by type, they tell me that I look like her. I studied, of course, Tymoshenko, and I am very interested why she is in this process, why exactly Tymoshenko? This is such a flattering comparison for me now, despite the fact that she is in prison and this is a bad strategic move. That is, you cannot dream of being like a person who has made a big mistake somewhere.

Are your prime ministerial ambitions real?

They are very conceptual to me. They are realizable due to the fact that I am a hard-working and efficient person.

Okay. Do you want to create your own party, for example?

I think from the point of view of logic. I don’t have that political weight now that will help me create my own party.

But you will be the prime minister, as I understand it?

I have no doubt. The prime minister is the person who manages tasks. If I act in the same way as I am acting now, then I have no doubts, because I do not act within the framework: "I want a star from the sky."

Why do you want to become the prime minister and not the president?

- Because the president is the person who is the person, and the prime minister is the person who performs the tasks. I'm more comfortable this way ...

Why don't you want to be a face?

It is more logical to perform tasks first, and then, if there is such an opportunity, gaining experience, expect that you will be a person.

That is, you do not exclude for yourself that someday you will run for president?

So far, I do not rule out anything at all, given the fact that for the second week I have been told that I am in operational development. People from the opposition speak and from the authorities speak. From all sides. And they say it so sympathetically, lowering their head.

I'm in operational development

And how is it in development? Are you being followed? ..

- They tell me this: outdoor surveillance, wiretapping, and total, and surveillance behind the car, penetration into the room ...

Can you feel it?

I feel like my phone's battery is running out very quickly. Some comrades say that this is because they are really listening.

- My battery has also started to run out very quickly lately, I thought it was due to the old age of the phone ...

Well, all the journalists are officially bugging, so ... No, I'm not paranoid. Everything is fine.

And why does the battery run out quickly when they listen? Are they listening to your battery, or what?

They say, of course, energy consumption, because it catches additional channels.

Why are you in development?

I am told that this is due to the fact that Gudkov was deprived of his mandate. Now they will deprive Ponomarev of his mandate. And since I am next on the list in Novosibirsk to receive a mandate, then all this is happening.

Has the issue already been resolved that Ponomarev will be deprived of his mandate?

- I do not know. There are a lot of rumors. Everyone plays this game, adjusts, and they like everything: a lot of rumors here, a lot of rumors here ... And people begin to believe in these rumors. I don’t believe the rumors. Analytics, that is, objective data, says the following: it is impossible to strip the mandates of disgraced deputies in a row, because then again you are concentrating very strongly, collecting the protest that has now dissipated a little.

I reason like a girl in a sandbox

- They deprived Gudkov of his mandate, deprived Ponomarev, so what? Most people don't give a damn about it.

People, however, don't give a damn, because people want to live. I argue like a girl in a sandbox - all the concentration of forces is in Moscow, and all, as you know, revolutions happen in the center. Then there is a split of the elites. And against the background of the deprivation of mandates, a split of the elites is taking place, because this does not affect the people in any way, but it does reflect on the elites.

- How many deputies should be deprived of their mandates for a split of the elites to occur? Until it happened. There is not even a hint.

No, there is a hint. I was in the Duma at the very moment when we were discussing the revocation of Gudkov's mandate. Many deputies of United Russia came out, said that we did not want to take this sin on our souls, it was clear that they were in a state close to hysteria: what a mess going on! They all understand this.

You don't have to participate in this chaos. A person always has a choice.

This is fear. In order not to participate in the lawlessness, one must not be afraid to surrender the mandate, one must not be afraid to go out and say what you think. You need to log out. And the system was created for 12 years, it is very difficult to get out of it. It is impossible to get out of it. So I think that I am an absolutely fearless person.

If Ponomarev is deprived of his deputy mandate, will you take this mandate?

This is a very big question for me, but until this happens, I cannot make a decision.

Me and Krymsk

- Why do you need this volunteering at all? After all, for sure for you this is some kind of financial loss, at this time you cannot deal with your projects that give you money?

Yes, but for me it is organic. Fortunately for myself, after Krymsk I realized that I like doing this. I feel comfortable doing this. For example, a dead body does not cause any shock to me. Probably, this is, unfortunately, because I am still a woman ...

A lot of people after Krymsk gathered and decided that it was necessary to form a movement. Called the Civil Corps, it is a volunteer on-duty network. This movement has four tasks: monitoring an emergency before it occurs; this is a crisis map of Russia, where some civil activists are located; this is the formation of a material and technical base and the formation of an information and analytical resource that collects applications from potential volunteers. In addition, we agreed with Rossoyuzspas and a number of other organizations that everyone who wants to take first aid courses. I asked to be included in the Public Council of the Ministry of Emergencies. Plus, the Ministry of Emergency Situations gave me a certificate for volunteering in Krymsk, and it was signed by Minister Puchkov.

- And what will you do with her, with this letter?

I won't do anything, I didn't even go to get it. I said that this letter should be for everyone, and not just for me alone. But the story is such that if the minister has already signed the letter for you, then the question arises: why can't you be included in the council under the ministry, since the minister has recognized that you are an expert?

Didn't he turn you on?

Not yet.

Me and the opposition

Alena, what did the opposition leaders answer to you when you made a claim to them that they did not go to Krymsk?

A lot of people publicly replied that I personally offended them with this statement, that in general, who are you, that we will not miss you for a long time. But I will not say that it was at all - to hang myself to go. The following killed me: when they started writing that they helped with money. What, they say, now take shovels and go to patch up the holes of power?

And did someone from the opposition leaders give a lot of money?

Ponomarev kept a wallet and also transferred money. They say Navalny transferred money. Sobchak collected money at the auction. Yashin brought, as they say, he himself came to the observation room, packed humanitarian cargo.

- I just remembered, because the leaders of the opposition went to Astrakhan to support Shein. And they were shown everywhere. Why didn't they go to Krymsk? Because there, I think, is dirty, it is uncomfortable there ...

- I have no answer to this question. I have a bunch of points of view that people considered it impossible to interfere in this, because they will be accused of "PR on blood", their rating will drop. Or they thought that there was no need to go there, because it is easier to be the face of this process in the outside world. The word "opposition" for me after Krymsk lost its essence, I said that there are people who are ready to do, and people who are ready to speak.

That is, it turns out that our current opposition leaders are only ready to speak.

Because of this, we very much argue with all of them. Now those who are ready to speak understand that they need to deal with specific things.

What new ideas did they offer? What did Navalny offer, what did Udaltsov offer, what did Gudkov offer? What?

- Navalny ... I have a certain attitude towards Lesha. For a number of reasons, I consider the initiative to elect the Coordinating Council only to legitimize Lesha, so I do not participate in this process, I do not want to be an extra at the wedding of the protagonist ...

- Why do you think so? There are, in my opinion, 216 applications. People do not understand that they are Navalny's extras, just as those who went to the polls with Putin were extras ?!

Yes, there are similarities in the processes. There is a great desire to finally unite, to acquire some kind of legitimacy ... This word "legitimization" has already bothered me. Legitimization, to be elected, to show that I have the right to be here. I believe that all efforts should have been directed now to support the municipal elections on October 14th. And after the elections, perhaps, it would be necessary to create a unifying body, but already having some leverage through the municipalities. Now all activity is spent on acquiring a certain political veil, a certain threshold of rating, so that you will be spotted in certain opinion polls by Levada, polls by VTsIOM. This gives a lot of people confidence that they are indeed leaders of a certain target audience.

- Well, let's say there will be some high rating from Gudkov, from Navalny. But further it must be kept, raised. And by what means?

It seems to me that there are such thoughts now: to raise - not to raise, no. There is an idea: to gain a foothold in certain roles. You are the leader of such an audience, of such a protest, you are such a leader, you are all sitting together, the media write about you.

- There is another phrase of yours: “Someone manages to promote themselves and gain points in searches and detentions, but no one has yet succeeded in becoming a new constructive face of protest.” So you think that detentions and searches are PR?

Oh sure. Very strong. In general, in practice, we have all new "stars", faces - these are people who are persecuted, or who have been beaten, or who have been imprisoned.

Now there is a certain trend - the trend sounds as follows, it was voiced by Olga Romanova in a concentrated manner: “The one who has not been sitting cannot be considered a normal person”.

I am a neophyte

One gets the impression that the opposition leaders think exclusively about their PR.

To be honest, I don’t know at all what the opposition leaders think about, because I blame them for the same. But I am rightly accused absolutely oppositely that I should not be a moralizer, because who am I to judge them all. They have been in this fight for a very long time, and I here is such a "fifa with a bow" appeared and I teach everyone to live. Many people call me a neophyte. This is a new convert who came to this protest ...

And, as a matter of fact, the old-timers, who of them?

Well, everyone has been engaged in political activity for a very long time, ten years. Ponomarev, Gudkov Sr. has been in politics for a long time. Kasparov, Nemtsov, Udaltsov for a long time. The fact that little was said about them does not mean that they are not politicians. Yashin has been in politics since childhood.

You see, you can be a “Komsomol member” for a long time, but this does not mean being a mature politician.

And I am not saying that they are mature politicians, I am saying that they have been in politics for a long time.

So you annoy them?

I think I annoy a lot of people.

Are they getting you out of this protest movement?

I think there is no such story - to survive. For many of them, I am some kind of concentrated incomprehensible something.

- On the Wikipedia page it is written: "The article" Popova Alena Vladimirovna "is proposed for deletion." What do you say to this?

This Wikipedia article was initiated by a number of people I didn't know at all when they started doing this. And then they told me that the article was being deleted. I wrote to the development group that guys tell me the rules for deleting. And I was told that “while you are insignificant for the country, while you have not done anything special at all. Why should you be on Wikipedia? Who are you anyway? " From this point of view, they are right. On the other hand, I know all the comments to this article, because the guys periodically write to me: “Alena, how is that? At the rally, the riot police broke your arm - this is the basis for adding it to Wikipedia. " I say: “Guys, probably not the foundation. The reason to enter in great encyclopedia- when you discovered Newton's binomial. When you invented the second cosmic speed. Or something else. This is - yes, I guess. " It seems to me that it is good even that this article is to be deleted for now. This is a beacon - that you really need to do more specific things!

- In my understanding, Wikipedia is generally complete nonsense, it is not an encyclopedia, but just anyone can write whatever he wants, that he gets into his head, this is a bunch of gossip.

I think Wikipedia is an amazing project.

I will be an astronaut

I have a dream to fly into space. I am sure that I will fly, because as a child I was in the cosmonautics circle. And even as a child, I went to "Artek" and was wildly shocked there by the museum of cosmonautics. And the cosmonaut coach arrived there. We passed the centrifuge there ... I was 10 years old. And I remember that I asked that person: “Who is an astronaut? What does it take to become an astronaut? " He says: "Yes, any person." But due to my health they didn’t take me into the cosmonautics detachment.

Do you want to fly into space as a tourist?


It is said to be very expensive.

They say it will be cheap. I don't want to fly tomorrow. In fact, they promised me everything until I was 35. There is very little time left.

That is, before becoming prime minister, you fly into space?

I think these are not interrelated tasks, this is just my dream.

How many days are you going to fly there?

I had a dream to fly, just to see. When there was this Geofizik plane, a Russian invention, I just wanted to go to the stratosphere. I wanted to feel what weightlessness is. Accordingly, this is a three-hour flight. Then I was at the observatory. I was told about how the moon is arranged, why it is so arranged, etc. I wanted to fly to look at the moon.

Do you want to fly to the moon?

- Objectively, to the moon, probably not. I want to go to space.

And who else from the opposition wants to go into space?

I think they will all add up for me to fly into space!

And they did not return ...

And flew away as early as possible.

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