
Who is the representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. Why the Russian representative in the UN Security Council "poked" his British colleague. From the history of the issue

He reacted harshly to the words of British Permanent Representative Matthew Rycroft, who during today's meeting of the Security Council said that Moscow was "shamelessly supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar, who is a murderer and criminal."

In addition, the British foreign policy figure accused Russia of abusing the right of veto in protecting the current government in Syria and supporting chemical attacks on civilians, which London blames on Assad. At the end of his speech, Rycroft explained that "Moscow has lost confidence", but the Kremlin "is not too late to change its course and influence Damascus, getting it to comply with the ceasefire."

In response, the Russian diplomat said that Rycroft's speech showed his firm intentions to impede the work of UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura to de-escalate the conflict in the Arab country. Also, according to Safronkov, the British representative plans to bring confrontation to the Security Council and hinder the development of the Syrian political process.

“And the thing is, and many in the UN already know about this, that you were afraid, you lost your sleep, that we would cooperate with the United States. You are afraid of this, you are doing everything to ensure that this interaction is undermined. Look at me, don't avert your eyes, why are you averting your eyes? he said directly to Rycroft.

Safronkov also pointed out that the British diplomat, during his speech, "said nothing about the political process" and instead made "insulting demands" on Russia, Iran and Turkey, which are the guarantors of the ceasefire in Syria.

“You spoke today, Mr. Rycroft, not on the agenda of the meeting, you insulted Syria, Iran, Turkey, and other states. Please follow the order of the development of the meeting, if some are irresponsible, insulting, straying into slang, refer to their place in . Don't you dare insult Russia anymore!" the employee said.

The Russian spokesman went on to say that while Moscow is fighting terrorists, Paris and London are hosting illegal armed groups, “many of which are slaughtering Christians and other minorities in the Middle East, attacking Orthodox cathedrals on Palm Sunday.”

“Do you care about them? Completely confused already in your anti-regime ideas. Western countries must give up pride and arrogance, and also think about the future of Syria, which must be preserved as a unified and secular state. Russia, in turn, takes a responsible approach to its obligations to maintain the ceasefire in Syria,” the Russian diplomat explained.

At the end of his speech, Safronkov recalled Moscow's proposal to create a coalition to clear mines in Syria, and also called "blackmail" the statements of Western partners that for this you first need to change the ruling regime in Damascus, reports.

Rycroft said last week that the US strike on the Syrian air base was a proportionate response to the chemical attack in Idlib.

“Had Russia not used its veto power in the Security Council seven times against the views of other members of this council, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have faced sanctions and justice,” he said.

At the end of February this year, Russia and China in the UN Security Council vetoed the adoption of a resolution imposing sanctions on Syria for the attacks with chemical weapons in 2014 and 2015, which official Damascus is accused of. Bolivia also refused to support the draft resolution, while Egypt, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia abstained from voting.

The reason for the introduction of restrictions in the document was the final report of the UN Commission of Inquiry and, which states that containers with chlorine were dropped from military helicopters on residential areas of Damascus by law enforcement officers subordinate to the official Syrian government.

Before the vote, Rycroft called on all members of the Security Council to vote for the draft resolution, and then expressed regret that it was not adopted. At the same time, Rycroft sharply criticized Moscow, accusing it of "condoning the crimes of the Syrian government."

The charter was signed on June 26, 1945 by representatives of 50 countries.
From the Soviet Union, it was signed by the USSR Ambassador to the United States Andrei Gromyko.


The Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York was established after the creation of the United Nations in accordance with the UN Charter, signed on June 26, 1945 at a conference in San Francisco and entered into force on October 24, 1945. The placement and arrangement of the Permanent Mission was connected with the elaboration and coordination of the general issue of the location of the UN headquarters. The decision to choose the United States as the country of permanent residence of the UN was taken by the Preparatory Commission on December 15, 1945, but during 1946 there was a discussion of this issue; only on June 26, 1947, was signed, and on November 21, 1947, the "Agreement between the United Nations and the United States regarding the location of the headquarters of the United Nations" came into force.

The main provisions on the immunities of representatives of the Member States of the Organization in the main and subsidiary bodies of the UN were formulated in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13, 1946.

In April 1946, the staff of the Representative Office was approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The tasks of the Permanent Mission included active participation in the activities of the main and specialized agencies of the UN system.

The status of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN was also determined on the basis of the resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 3, 1948 on permanent missions to the UN, which regulated the procedure for appointing permanent representatives and the procedure for formalizing their powers.

Since 1991, with the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation, along with other former republics of the Union, is represented in the UN as an independent state and functions on the basis of the “Regulations on the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to an International Organization”, approved on September 29, 1999 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In December 1991, the Russian Federation, as the legal successor of the USSR in the international arena, officially took the place of the Soviet Union in the UN Security Council after passing the necessary procedures established by the UN Charter.

Permanent Representatives of the USSR and the Russian Federation to the UN

Gromyko Andrey Andreevich

  • He has been in diplomatic work since 1938.
  • 1939 - Head of the Department of American Countries of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • end of 1939 - adviser to the embassy (since 1941 - embassy) of the USSR in the USA;
  • 1943-1946 - Ambassador of the USSR to the USA and at the same time envoy of the USSR to the Republic of Cuba;
  • 1946-1948 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and at the same time Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1948-1949 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1949-1952 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • from June 1952 - Ambassador of the USSR to Great Britain;
  • 1953-1957 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1957-1985 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • since March 1983 - at the same time he was the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR;
  • 1985-1988 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Malik Yakov Alexandrovich

  • In diplomatic work since 1937.
  • 1937-1939 - an employee of the central apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1939-1942 - Advisor to the embassy (since 1941 - embassy) of the USSR in Japan;
  • 1942-1945 - Ambassador of the USSR to Japan;
  • 1945-1946 - political adviser in the Allied Council for Japan;
  • 1946-1953 - deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR
  • 1948-1952 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council;
  • 1953-1960 - Ambassador of the USSR to Great Britain;
  • 1960-1980 - deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, at the same time in 1967-1976. Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and Representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council.

Zorin Valerian Alexandrovich

  • In diplomatic work since 1941.
  • 1941-1943 - in responsible work in the central office of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1943-1945 - Head of the Fourth European Department of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1945-1947 - Ambassador of the USSR to Czechoslovakia;
  • 1947-1955 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1952-1953 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council;
  • 1955-1956 - Ambassador of the USSR to Germany;
  • 1956-1960 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1960-1963 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and the UN Security Council;
  • 1963-1965 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1965-1971 - Ambassador of the USSR to France;
  • 1971-1986 - Ambassador-at-Large of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Vyshinsky Andrey Yanuarievich

  • In diplomatic work since 1940.
  • 1940-1946 - First Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1946-1949 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1949-1953 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1953-1954 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN.

Sobolev Arkady Alexandrovich

  • 1939-1942 - General Secretary of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1942-1945 - Advisor to the USSR Embassy in Great Britain;
  • 1946-1949 - Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of the Department of Political Affairs and Affairs of the UN Security Council;
  • 1949-1950 - Head of the Department for UN Affairs of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, member of the Collegium of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1950-1951 - Head of the US Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1951-1953 - Ambassador of the USSR to Poland;
  • 1953-1954 - Head of the Department of the Americas of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1954-1955 - Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1955-1960 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council;
  • 1960-1964 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

Fedorenko Nikolai Trofimovich

  • He had the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
  • In diplomatic work since 1939.
  • 1939-1941 - dragoman of the USSR Embassy in China;
  • 1941-1948 - Third Secretary, Second Secretary, First Secretary, Counselor of the USSR Embassy in China;
  • 1948-1949 - Acting Head of the 1st Far Eastern Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1950-1952 - Advisor to the Embassy of the USSR in the People's Republic of China;
  • 1952—acting Head of the 1st Far East Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1952-1953 - Head of the 1st Far Eastern Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1953-1955 - Head of the Far Eastern Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1955-1958 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1958-1962 - Ambassador of the USSR to Japan;
  • 1962-1967 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council;
  • 1968 - released from work at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the transition to the system of the Academy of Sciences.

Troyanovsky Oleg Alexandrovich

  • He had the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
  • In diplomatic work since 1944.
  • 1944-1947 - attaché, third secretary of the USSR Embassy in Great Britain;
  • 1947-1951 - an employee of the Central Office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1951-1953 - head of department, editorial board of the Novosti magazine;
  • 1953-1958 - Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1958-1967 - Assistant to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR;
  • 1967-1976 - Ambassador of the USSR to Japan;
  • 1976-1986 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1986-1990 - Ambassador of the USSR to the People's Republic of China;
  • 1990-2003 - an employee of the Central Office of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Dubinin Yury Vladimirovich

  • Has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  • He has been in diplomatic work since 1955.
  • 1955-1956 - trainee, USSR Embassy in France;
  • 1956 - employee of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1956-1959 - employee (P-1) of the UNESCO Secretariat in Paris;
  • 1959-1962 - Third Secretary, Second Secretary of the First European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1962-1963 - assistant to the head of the First European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1963-1968 - First Secretary, Counselor of the USSR Embassy in France;
  • 1968-1971 - Deputy Head of the First European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1971-1978 - Head of the First European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1978-1986 - Ambassador of the USSR to Spain;
  • 1986 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1986-1990 - Ambassador of the USSR to the USA;
  • 1990-1991 - Ambassador of the USSR to France;
  • 1991-1994 - Ambassador at Large of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1994-1996 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
  • 1996-1999 - Ambassador of Russia (with the rank of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) in Ukraine;
  • 1999 - released from work in the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Belonogov Alexander Mikhailovich

  • In diplomatic work since 1954.
  • 1954-1962 - referent, art. referent, attaché of the Contractual and Legal Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1959-1962 - Third Secretary, Second Secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1962-1967 - third secretary, second secretary, first secretary of the USSR Embassy in Great Britain;
  • 1967-1978—Advisor, Art. adviser, ch. adviser to the Office for Planning Foreign Policy Activities of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1978-1979—head. Africa and Middle East Division;
  • 1979-1984 - deputy. chief, chief US Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1984-1986 - Ambassador of the USSR to the ARE;
  • 1986-1990 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and Representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council;
  • 1990-1992 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR;
  • 1992-1998 Russian Ambassador to Canada
  • 1998 - released from work at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Vorontsov Julius Mikhailovich

  • In diplomatic work since 1952.
  • 1952-1954 - referent, art. referent, attaché of the Second European Department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1954-1958 - attache, third secretary of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1958-1963 - Second Secretary, First Secretary, Advisor to the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1963-1965 - Advisor to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1965-1966 - deputy. head Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1966-1977 - Counsellor, Counsellor-Envoy of the USSR Embassy in the USA;
  • 1977 - deputy. Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Planning, Member of the Collegium of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1977-1983 - Ambassador of the USSR to India;
  • 1983-1986 - Ambassador of the USSR to France;
  • 1986-1989 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR; simultaneously since 1988 the Ambassador of the USSR in Afghanistan;
  • 1990-1994 - Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN;
  • 1994-1998 - Ambassador of Russia to the USA;
  • since 1999 - Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for the CIS; Simultaneously since 2000, High-Level Coordinator on the issue of Iraq's compliance with its obligations regarding the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and their remains, as well as the return of all Kuwaiti property, including archives seized by Iraq.

Churkin Vitaly Ivanovich

(b. 1952 - 2017)

  • Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York, USA, and Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Security Council
  • In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Speaks English and French. In diplomatic work since 1974.
  • In 1990-1992 - Head of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR / RF.
  • In 1992-1994 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1994-1998 — Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • In 1998-2003 — Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada.
  • In 2003-2006 - Ambassador-at-Large.
  • Since April 8, 2006 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN and Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Security Council.
  • Has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

  • In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Speaks English, French and Sinhala.
  • He began his activity in 1972 at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka.
  • Between 1976 and 1981 worked in the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor and Senior Advisor at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN.
  • From 1988 to 1990 - Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
  • 1990-1992 - Director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • 1992-1994 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • 1994-2004 — Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to
  • United Nations and representative of the Russian Federation
  • in the United Nations Security Council.
  • Since 2004 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation.
  • Awarded with state awards.
  • Married, has a daughter.

Nebenzya Vasily Alekseevich

The diplomatic activity of the Russian Federation in the United Nations is carried out by a large and complex mechanism of permanent missions of the Russian Federation to the UN and its specialized agencies. The main element of this mechanism is Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York, which, like other Russian permanent missions to the UN, is guided in its activities by the “Regulations on the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to an International Organization”, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1999 No. some requests for regulation of working conditions of workers sent to work in the representative offices of the Russian Federation abroad” dated December 2, 1994 No. 1337.

In accordance with them, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN is the state body of the country's foreign relations, carrying out the representation of Russia in the United Nations, and is part of the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Permanent Mission carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, other legislative and regulatory acts, orders and orders of the Russian Foreign Ministry, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation, norms of international law, UN rules, agreements with the United States as the host state and subject to US law. The Permanent Mission ensures the implementation of a unified political line of Russia in the UN and, for this purpose, coordinates, in accordance with the established procedure, the participation in the activities of the UN of all federal executive authorities, authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, Russian state institutions, organizations and enterprises, their delegations and groups of specialists that assist the Permanent Mission in the exercise of its functions.

Main tasks and functions Permanent missions of Russia to the United Nations, designed to ensure the achievement of the goals of Russian diplomacy in the UN, can be represented as follows:

Representation of the Russian Federation in the UN;

Ensuring the participation and protection of national interests, the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation within the framework of the UN;

Fulfillment of instructions of the President, the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and other federal authorities, requests from federal and local authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations;

Clarification and analysis of the activities of the UN, cooperation within its framework of the Member States;

Informing the President, the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, other federal executive bodies on the execution of instructions and on issues related to the activities of the UN;

Contribute to the implementation of the purposes and principles of the UN;

Negotiating with the UN and within its framework, participation in the development of draft international treaties, conventions, resolutions and other documents related to the activities of the UN;

Maintaining contacts with the UN Secretariat, permanent missions of the UN member states and observers, international non-governmental organizations accredited to the UN, as well as with state authorities, public associations, business, scientific and cultural circles of the host country, mass media on issues within the competence Permanent missions to the UN;

Participation in the preparation and work of the Russian delegation at the sessions of the UN General Assembly and UN conferences;

Broad coverage of Russian foreign and domestic policy both inside and outside the UN;

Clarification of the positions of the Russian Federation when voting in the UN Security Council;

Preparation jointly and in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and other federal executive bodies of the positions of the Government of the Russian Federation on all issues under discussion;

Statement of these positions in the relevant UN bodies.

To perform a large number of functions, the Russian Mission to the UN has a budget, which is annually approved within the framework of the general budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At present, the organizational structure of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN is as follows. The institution is headed by a Permanent Representative with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Then follow: the first deputy (as a rule, in the rank of Ambassador) and deputies of the permanent representative in the rank of Envoys Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of I and II classes. The deputies supervise, respectively, the political, economic, social-legal and administrative-personnel activities of the Russian representative office. These officials form the leadership of the Russian representative office. The rest of the staff is divided into groups and departments, called referenturs, according to the functions they perform - political, economic, social and legal, budgetary and personnel, information and public relations, administrative and economic, etc.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN appointed by the President of Russia on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and after consultations with the relevant committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and removed from this post by a decision of the President of the country. Moreover, he is appointed to the position for an indefinite period. The permanent representative holds the highest position of the federal civil servant of category "B" and has great powers. He directs all the activities of the mission, is a member of the Russian delegation at the session of the General Assembly, represents the Government of the Russian Federation in the Security Council, the UN Economic and Social Councils (ECOSOC), participates in the work of the most important UN bodies when discussing the most complex and especially interesting issues of the Russian Federation. It is entrusted to pronounce the most responsible statements on behalf of the Russian leadership. He determines the structure of the Permanent Mission, distributes duties among its employees. Almost all representatives of the USSR and Russia at the UN were career diplomats.

The first deputy and deputies of the permanent representative are direct assistants to the head of the Russian mission. According to their status in the system of the federal civil service, they occupy the main position of category “B” and are appointed to it by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the recommendation of the Collegium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Deputies of the Permanent Representative report to the Permanent Representative as their immediate superior, as well as to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The First Deputy, according to the tradition that has developed among the permanent members of the Security Council, leads the current work of the Russian delegation to the UN Security Council and performs the functions of the Representative of Russia in his absence. Deputy Permanent Representatives head the operational and diplomatic activities of the Permanent Mission in the relevant areas, bear the main responsibility for negotiating and participating in debates in the main UN bodies and meet with their counterparts from delegations of other UN member states.

Since political issues are usually the most important and complex, political referenture permanent missions are the largest and most responsible subdivision. Its staff is made up of the most trained and experienced professionals.

The number of employees of the referentry is a value that varies depending on the volume of work of the Security Council in different periods of the development of the world community. But in general, their number does not exceed 15 people. As a rule, these are specialists with fundamental political science training, multilateral experience in diplomatic work, knowledge of the peculiarities of work in international organizations and in specific regions. Here, even junior diplomatic officials perform all important types of information and analytical work.

The referentura ensures the work of Russian representatives in the First (Political) Committee of the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, covers almost all issues of international security, including disarmament and peacekeeping operations in certain regions. The referentry is headed by a senior adviser, as a rule, in the rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the II class. It consists of several senior diplomats - advisers and first secretaries - each of whom oversees a specific issue. They have one or two middle and junior managers under their supervision. The head of the political referent, according to the established tradition, is sent from the Department of International Organizations (DIO) of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Senior diplomats represent either the DIR or regional departments (depending on the international issues that are the focus of the UN). The vast majority of junior and middle diplomatic positions are filled from among the staff of the DMO.

Economic referenture ensures the work of Russian representatives in ECOSOC and the Second (Economic) Committee of the UN General Assembly and in other specialized UN agencies of the relevant profile. The unit is relatively small - 10-12 diplomatic workers, but all of them must have an economic education. Their main task is not so much to solve operational information problems, but to prepare analytical and review reports, expert opinions. This unit is becoming increasingly important as the focus shifts from the political to the economic side of the UN. The referentry is led by a senior adviser, who, as a rule, is commanded by the DMO. Advisors in charge of ECOSOC and the Second Committee are sent from the DMO, and for specific economic issues from the Department of Economic Cooperation (DEC). In terms of its numerical composition, this structural unit has recently been expanding and has practically become comparable to the political one.

Social and legal referenture deals with social problems and humanitarian cooperation (Third Committee) and issues of international law (Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly). There are no more than 10 people in the states of referentry. It is headed by a senior adviser, sent by the Legal Department (DL) of the MFA. He is a lawyer by training. The referent is staffed with staff from the Legal Department and the Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights (DHHR). The unit is relatively small - 10-12 diplomatic workers, but all of them must have an economic education. Their main task is not so much to solve operational information problems, but to prepare analytical and review reports, expert opinions.

Budget and personnel referenture coordinates and ensures the interaction of the Russian representation with the Fifth (budget) committee of the GA and maintains contacts with the authorities of the host country and the mayor's office of New York. The quantitative composition is small: 5-6 people. The referentry is led by a senior adviser, usually from the DMO or the Human Resources Department (DK). It consists of diplomats sent by the DMO, DC or the Department of North America (DNA). As a rule, they do not change their professional specialization, since a deep understanding of the problems of the UN budget requires many years of practical experience.

Activities information and public relations assistants great importance is attached to the overall tasks facing the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN. At the forefront of the functioning of this unit is the task of informing the UN, representatives of other countries, American authorities and the public about the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation or the actions of our government on the world stage as widely as possible. The staff of the referentry maintain relations with international non-governmental organizations accredited in New York, carry out the necessary work with representatives of all the media covering the activities of the UN, arranging for them press conferences and meetings with the leaders of our delegation during the work of the General Assembly and interviews with the Permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. The Referentura maintains close contact with the UN Office of Public Information, is responsible for organizing exhibitions in the UN building that highlight various aspects of the life of Russians and speeches by scientists and cultural figures coming from Russia. In a word, this subdivision does everything in order to provide Russia with an advantageous view of Russian policy at the UN and in the host country. It is led by a senior adviser, a native of the DMO or the Department of Information and Press (DIP). The composition of the referentry is completed, as a rule, from among the diplomatic servants of the DMO, DIP, DSA, the quantitative composition is up to 5 people.

Administrative and economic referenture is headed by a senior adviser seconded either by the General Secretariat or the DMO. Deals with protocol, budget and financing, communications, documentation, travel and other aspects of the overall administration of the Permanent Mission; supervises the work of the administrative, technical and service personnel of the Permanent Mission. In terms of personnel, the referentry is quite numerous (8 - 10 people), represented by employees from the DMO, the General Secretariat, the Department of State Protocol.

During the sessions of the General Assembly, all the activities of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation are focused on ensuring the work of the Russian delegation. It is usually headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, who usually participates in the work of the UN General Assembly for 10-15 days, after which the leadership of the delegation is transferred to the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, appointed as his deputy. The head and personal composition of the delegation (5 people) and their deputies are approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It may also include deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, representatives of other ministries and departments. The official delegation is accompanied by advisers and experts.

For the most part, these are employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry from the following departments: DMO, DES, DP, DHHR, DIP, the General Secretariat, as well as representatives of other federal departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Atomic Energy, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, etc. Diplomatic staff of the Permanent Mission are assigned to the members of the delegation of the Russian Federation and provide all possible assistance to their effective work during the session.

Among other permanent missions of the Russian Federation involved in the work of the UN and its specialized agencies, we should highlight Representation of Russia to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva. It is here that meetings of various UN bodies are most often held. The Permanent Mission ensures the work of Russian delegations in the work of ECOSOC on economic and social problems, trade, science and technology. An equally important area is ensuring the work of Russian delegations in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Economic Commission for Europe (EEC), the Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Affairs (UNI-DIR) , Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO). The Permanent Mission also carries out interaction between Russia and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Geneva hosts the headquarters of the UN specialized agencies: the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade organizations (WTO). The Permanent Mission is also accredited to these organizations. The relevant referentries operate in the representative office. In addition to employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of interested departments work in the permanent mission: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Economic Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia, etc.

In the 90s, when the Conference on Disarmament (CD) was intensively working on the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was being developed, a separate representative office of Russia was established in the CD. In fact, it was created on the basis of the Russian delegation to the Conference on Disarmament. The representation included: a permanent representative with the rank of ambassador, a deputy permanent representative, advisers and other employees. In addition, the representation included experts from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Economy and other departments. After the tasks were completed - the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was signed, work on the CTBT was completed, a decision was made to close the permanent mission. Its functions were transferred to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation in Geneva, within which a special group was created to ensure the work of our delegation at the Conference.

Geneva is also home to a number of international non-governmental organizations registered with the UN ECOSOC. By virtue of established traditions, the Permanent Mission in Geneva maintains links with these organizations. At the same time, the main task of the representative office is to provide assistance to the relevant Russian non-governmental organizations, either members of these international organizations, or maintaining working or correspondent relations with them. The specifics of the work is determined by the fact that the representative office, being a state structure, provides assistance to non-governmental organizations, but exactly to the extent that such assistance is requested by the organizations themselves. The representation does not in any way impose the line of the state and does not interfere in their work.

Geneva is the headquarters of an organization with a special status - the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Although the committee is called international, it is a purely Swiss organization created in 1863 for humanitarian purposes. This organization became the prototype of the national committees of the Red Cross, which began to be created in other countries. These organizations, in turn, united to form the International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Permanent Representation of the Russian Federation in Geneva maintains relations with it on the same basis as with other non-governmental international organizations. As for the ICRC, contacts are made with it through the Russian Embassy in Switzerland. Our Permanent Mission is in contact with the ICRC occasionally and in consultation with the Russian embassy.

The specifics of the work of the Russian Representation at the UN Office in Geneva lies in the fact that it has to solve the widest range of issues - from universal to highly specialized, which to a certain extent predetermines its structure, which includes functional referents or groups in charge of each area of ​​activity or one or other organization. So, in addition to political and socio-economic, there are, for example, referent offices on human rights, scientific and technical, WHO referent office, ILO referent office, etc. A wide range of tasks, coverage of issues place high demands on the diplomatic staff of the mission, its professional selection. Personnel are recruited not only from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department of International Organizations - DMO, Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights - DHHR, Legal Department - DP and Department for Security and Disarmament - DVBR), but also from line ministries, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and institutions on the profile of the work of international organizations.

The Permanent Mission is headed by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. He has deputies in the rank of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoys of the II class, who oversee the following areas of work: political (including issues of relations with international non-governmental organizations, disarmament and human rights), socio-economic and scientific and technical. The Deputy Permanent Representative for Political Affairs performs the functions of the Permanent Representative in his absence. This is a highly professional diplomat with extensive experience at the multilateral level. As a rule, this position in the Permanent Mission is filled by an employee of the Department of International Organizations (DIO) or the Legal Department (DL) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Deputy Permanent Representative for Economic Affairs coordinates all work to ensure the Geneva session of ECOSOC (this is usually a representative of the DIO or DES). The UN Specialized Agencies Deputy (sent by the DMO) is responsible for the activities of the referent and delegations sent to Geneva by various federal departments.

The overall quantitative composition, as well as the composition of referents in the permanent mission in Geneva, is smaller than in New York. Here referentures do not exceed 5-6 people.

In addition, Russia has separate Permanent Missions to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, to international organizations in Vienna - the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Vienna Office, the Standing Committee of the Organization for the Implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBTO PC), the Wassenaar Arrangements, - established in 1957 (until 1967 - Permanent Mission of the USSR to the IAEA ). In other cases, where the headquarters of other agencies of the UN system, as well as organizations established to implement international agreements, are located, the Russian representation is carried out through the embassies of the Russian Federation in these countries. Thus, the Russian ambassador to Kenya is Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat). The interests of the Russian Federation in the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP, Bangkok) are represented by our Ambassador in Thailand. In Rome, at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), where Russia has the status of a permanent observer, the head of the bureau works. The representation of the Russian Federation in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London is carried out by our embassy in the UK.

In all these cases, within the framework of the embassies, groups have been created consisting of one or more diplomatic employees to ensure interaction with relevant organizations and assist the work of our delegations.

Such is the mechanism of functioning of the Permanent Missions of Russia to the organizations of the UN system, which are called upon to implement the tasks of Russian diplomacy in the United Nations. The Permanent Mission is a powerful and flexible apparatus, built and functioning in such a way as to quickly assess the reaction of member countries, notify the Government of the Russian Federation of the need to take a particular position on issues considered by the UN, combine the methods and techniques of parliamentary struggle and "traditional" diplomacy to achieve ensure decisions in the national interests of the Russian Federation and popularize Russian foreign policy in the UN. In turn, employees serving in such an apparatus are required to have a broad outlook, be aware of all the most pressing international problems, and be fluent in two foreign languages. At the same time, the leading and senior diplomatic staff must have experience in multilateral diplomatic work.

The diplomatic activity of the Russian Federation in the UN is carried out by a large and complex mechanism of permanent missions of the Russian Federation to the UN and its specialized agencies. The main element of this mechanism is Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN in New York, which, like other Russian permanent missions to the UN, is guided in its activities by the “Regulations on the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to an International Organization”.

In accordance with them, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN is the state body for the country's foreign relations, carrying out the representation of Russia in the United Nations, and is part of the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Permanent Mission ensures the implementation of a unified political line of Russia in the UN and, for this purpose, coordinates, in accordance with the established procedure, the participation in the activities of the UN of all federal executive authorities, authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, Russian state institutions, organizations and enterprises, their delegations and groups of specialists that assist the Permanent Mission in the exercise of its functions.

Main tasks and functions Permanent missions of Russia to the United Nations, designed to ensure the achievement of the goals of Russian diplomacy in the UN, can be represented as follows:

    representation of the Russian Federation in the UN;

    ensuring the participation and protection of national interests, the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation within the framework of the UN;

    fulfillment of instructions of the President, the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and other federal authorities, requests of bodies of subjects of the federation and local authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations;

    clarification and analysis of the activities of the UN, cooperation within its framework of member states;

    informing the President, the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and other federal executive bodies about the execution of instructions and on issues related to the activities of the UN;

    promoting the implementation of the purposes and principles of the UN;

    negotiating with the UN and within its framework, participation in the development of draft international treaties, conventions, resolutions and other documents related to the activities of the UN;

    maintaining contacts with the UN Secretariat, permanent missions of the UN member states and observers, international non-governmental organizations accredited to the UN, as well as with state authorities, public associations, business, scientific and cultural circles of the host country, mass media on issues within the competence Permanent missions to the UN;

    participation in the preparation and work of the Russian delegation at the sessions of the UN General Assembly and UN conferences;

    wide coverage of Russian foreign and domestic policy both inside and outside the UN;

    preparation, jointly and in agreement with the Russian Foreign Ministry and other federal executive bodies, of the positions of the Government of the Russian Federation on all issues under discussion;

    presentation of these positions in the relevant UN bodies.

At present, the organizational structure of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN is as follows. At the head of the institution is Permanent Representative with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Followed by : First Deputy (as a rule, in the rank of Ambassador) and Deputy Permanent Representatives in the rank of Envoys Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of I and II classes. The deputies supervise, respectively, the political, economic, social-legal and administrative-personnel activities of the Russian representative office. These officials form the leadership of the Russian representative office. The rest of the staff is divided into groups and departments, called referentur, according to the functions they perform - political, economic, social and legal, budgetary and personnel, information and public relations, administrative and economic, etc.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN appointed by the President of Russia on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and after consultations with the relevant committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and removed from this post by a decision of the President of the country. Moreover, he is appointed to the position for an indefinite period. It is entrusted to pronounce the most responsible statements on behalf of the Russian leadership. He determines the structure of the Permanent Mission, distributes duties among its employees. Almost all representatives of the USSR and Russia at the UN were career diplomats.

First Deputy and Deputy Permanent Representatives are direct assistants to the head of the Russian representative office. First Deputy according to the tradition established by the permanent members of the Security Council, he directs the current work of the Russian delegation to the UN Security Council and performs the functions of the Representative of Russia in his absence. Deputy Permanent Representative head the operational and diplomatic activities of the Permanent Missions in the relevant areas, bear the main responsibility for negotiating and participating in debates in the main UN bodies and meet with their counterparts from delegations of other UN member states.

Since political issues are usually the most important and complex, political referenture permanent missions are the largest and most responsible subdivision. Its staff is made up of the most trained and experienced professionals. The number of employees of the referentry varies depending on the volume of work, but in general their number does not exceed 15 people The referent office ensures the work of Russian representatives in the First (political) Committee of the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, covers almost all issues of international security, including disarmament and peacekeeping operations in selected regions. Economic referenture ensures the work of Russian representatives in ECOSOC and the Second (Economic) Committee of the UN General Assembly and in other specialized UN agencies of the relevant profile. The unit is relatively small - 10-12 diplomatic workers, but all of them must have an economic education. Their main task is not so much to solve operational information problems, but to prepare analytical and review reports, expert opinions. Social and legal referenture deals with social problems and humanitarian cooperation (Third Committee) and issues of international law (Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly). There are no more than 10 people in the states of referentry. It is headed by a senior adviser, sent by the Legal Department (DL) of the MFA. He is a lawyer by education. Budget and personnel referenture coordinates and ensures the interaction of the Russian representation with the Fifth (budget) committee of the GA and maintains contacts with the authorities of the host country and the mayor's office of New York. The quantitative composition is small: 5-6 people. As a rule, they do not change their professional specialization, since a deep understanding of the problems of the UN budget requires many years of practical experience. Activities information and public relations assistants great importance is attached to the overall tasks facing the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN. The task of informing the UN, representatives of other countries, American authorities and the public about the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation or the actions of our government on the world stage is set at the forefront of the functioning of this unit. The staff of the referentry maintain relations with international non-governmental organizations accredited in New York, carry out the necessary work with representatives of all the media covering the activities of the UN, arranging for them press conferences and meetings with the leaders of our delegation during the work of the General Assembly and interviews with the Permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. Administrative and economic referenture is headed by a senior adviser seconded either by the General Secretariat or the DMO. Deals with protocol, budget and financing, communications, documentation, travel and other aspects of the overall administration of the Permanent Mission; supervises the work of the administrative, technical and service personnel of the Permanent Mission. During the sessions of the General Assembly, all the activities of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation are focused on ensuring the work of the Russian delegation. It is usually headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, who usually participates in the work of the UN General Assembly for 10-15 days, after which the leadership of the delegation is transferred to the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, appointed as his deputy. The head and personal composition of the delegation (5 people) and their deputies are approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It may also include deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, representatives of other ministries and departments. The official delegation is accompanied by advisers and experts.

Among other permanent missions of the Russian Federation involved in the work of the UN and its specialized agencies, we should highlight Representation of Russia to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva. It is here that meetings of various UN bodies are most often held. Geneva hosts the headquarters of the UN specialized agencies: the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade organizations (WTO). The Permanent Mission is also accredited to these organizations. The relevant referentries operate in the representative office. In addition to employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of interested departments work in the permanent mission: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Economic Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia, etc.

Geneva is the headquarters of an organization with a special status - the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). As for the ICRC, contacts are made with it through the Russian Embassy in Switzerland. Our Permanent Mission is in contact with the ICRC occasionally and in consultation with the Russian embassy.

In addition, Russia has separate Permanent Missions to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, to international organizations in Vienna - the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Vienna Office, the Standing Committee of the Organization for the Implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBTO PC), the Wassenaar Arrangements, - established in 1957 (until 1967 - Permanent Mission of the USSR to the IAEA ). In all these cases, within the framework of the embassies, groups have been created consisting of one or more diplomatic employees to ensure interaction with the relevant organizations, to assist the work of our delegations. This is the mechanism for the functioning of the Permanent Missions of Russia to the organizations of the UN system, which are designed to implement the tasks of Russian diplomacy in the United Nations . The Permanent Mission is a powerful and flexible apparatus, built and functioning in such a way as to quickly assess the reaction of member countries, notify the Government of the Russian Federation of the need to take a particular position on issues considered in the UN, combine the methods and techniques of parliamentary struggle and "traditional" diplomacy to ensure decisions in the national interests of the Russian Federation and popularize Russian foreign policy in the UN. In turn, employees serving in such an apparatus are required to have a broad outlook, be aware of all the most pressing international problems, and be fluent in two foreign languages. At the same time, the leading and senior diplomatic staff must have experience in multilateral diplomatic work.

    Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations- The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN is an official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

    Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    List of representatives of the Russian Federation to international organizations- The article presents a list of representatives of the Russian Federation to international organizations. The date of appointment or dismissal is followed by the number of the relevant Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Embassies, consulates and ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Security Council- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN- Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In the hierarchy ... ... Wikipedia

    Diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation- Russia, due to its geopolitical position, as well as thanks to the success of Soviet diplomacy, has one of the largest networks of foreign diplomatic missions. Russian embassies and consulates operate in almost every country ... ... Wikipedia

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