
Traces of ancient pracivilization. New Zealand. Traces of the Atlantean civilization Kurgan in the Yakut tundra

For the first time, the well-known Soviet scientist and atlantologist Nikolai Feodosevich Zhirov (1903-1970) spoke about atlantology as a science. In 1964, his famous book “Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology”, where the scientist formulated its principles and methods. According to him, atlantology as a science can be considered one of the sections of the biogeography of the modern, Quaternary period (Anthropogen) of the geological history of the Earth. When studying this problem, it is necessary to take into account many factors: geological, paleobiological, comparative mythology. The task of scientific atlantology, writes N. F. Zhirov, is, first of all, to reveal the true that is found in various historical sources and myths, including Plato's legend, and to find supporting facts and considerations in information received from various scientific disciplines. To solve these problems, atlantology widely involves a large number of sciences: geology, archeology, oceanology, history, astronomy, astrophysics, anthropology, ethnography, mathematics, geophysics, volcanology, and many others.

In the West, literature on Atlantis, from the younger contemporaries of Columbus to modern research, literally swept the whole world. Seidler already speaks of "the worldwide deluge of Atlantological literature." For two and a half thousand years, about 25,000 works on Atlantis were written, according to Z. Kukal, only 3,600. Over 95% of the literature on Atlantis belongs to the new time, 85% of them - to the twentieth century.

Z. Kukal divided the entire atlantological literature into four groups. The first includes purely scientific books with an extensive bibliographic base, containing practically no inaccurate or fictitious data. These are, first of all, the books of N. F. Zhirov (1964), G. Luce (1939, 1969, 1975), Y. Shpanut (1953), L. Germain (1955), V. Brandenstein (1951), K. Krestev ( 1966), H. Imbellone and A. Vivante (1942), A. Bessmertny (1935), A. Galanopoulos and E. Bacon (1959). The second group included books of a popular science nature, where, nevertheless, scientific processing of the material prevails, although arbitrary argumentation and even fantastic assumptions of the authors take place. This includes most of this kind of literature, including the “bible of atlantologists” - the work of I. Donelly “Atlantis. The world before the flood” (1882). In addition to them, one can point to the works of A. Bragin (1946), J. Bramwell (1937), P. Lecure (1950), R. Malese (1951). The third group includes books with fantastic hypotheses and fictions, the most famous of them: L. Spence (1924), O. Mook (1956), D. Sor (1954). The fourth group will include books of the science fiction genre and various kinds of occult and esoteric sources, including the works of H. P. Blavatsky “Isis Unveiled” (1877) and “The Secret Doctrine” (1888).

In 1923, the first journal devoted to Atlantis “Atlantis” began to be published in Paris, and on June 24, 1926, the Society for Atlantological Studies (Société d'Études Atlantéennes) was founded there, the main task of which “became a critical and scientific analysis of all problems associated with the existence Atlantis, collecting literature and providing support for all scientific research concerning this extremely interesting problem.

In 1948, a new journal, Atlantean Research, appears in London. For a long time the journal was headed by the well-known atlantologist, member of the Royal Geographical Society Edgerton Sykes (1894-1983), who also founded the Atlantis Research Center in the English city of Brighton. Here Sykes collected the largest collection of classical sources, monuments of ancient literature and collections of legends related to Atlantis.

Atlantomaniacs declared emphatically at the Vancouver Congress (1933): “We will never abandon the idea of ​​Atlantis just to please the geologists and botanists. Atlantis has won a position too honorable in literature to be shaken by tedious scientific arguments.

In many countries of the world, magazines about Atlantis are still published, centers and societies of atlantologists are being created. One of the main such centers is located in the state of Virginia (USA). The Association of Scientists and Educators (ARE) was established in 1932 on the basis of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, where research, experiments, seminars and lectures are conducted related to the famous “readings” of the great seer and other problems, in particular, the problem of Atlantis. After the death of Sykes, all materials and books from England were transferred to the library of the Association, where they are now.

In recent years, in various countries, in particular, in Russia, secret projects have been developed to carry out reconnaissance and research work in the Atlantic Ocean (and not only in it). “Black archaeologists” are active in this regard, the finds of which are unlikely to appear in the near future before the eyes of scientists and specialists. In Russia, the Russian Society for the Study of the Problems of Atlantis (ROIPA) deals with the problem of Atlantis.

Russian atlantologists have become noticeably more active. Since 1999, the almanac “Atlantis: Problems, Searches, Hypotheses” has been published in Moscow - the first Russian periodical dedicated specifically to Atlantis and the main problems of atlantology. This publication presents all points of view, both traditional and non-traditional. The Almanac introduces the reader to new discoveries in the field of ancient archeology and history, bold hypotheses, rare archival materials about Russian and foreign atlantologists or famous cultural figures who somehow covered the theme of Atlantis in their works and works.

The Almanac tells about the unknown pages of domestic atlantology. Russia enriched the world image of Atlantis with great names: A. Norov, V. Kapnist, E. Blavatskaya, D. Merezhkovsky, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, V. Khlebnikov, V. Rozanov, Vyach. Ivanov, D. Andreev, A. Tolstoy, A. Belyaev. We have tried to highlight the layer of Russian culture that has not been fully explored, associated with the esoteric knowledge of the most ancient civilizations on Earth.

As part of the almanac, a unique and the only one in Russia and in the CIS countries, the Museum of Atlantis named after A.I. N. F. Zhirova. The museum has an extensive library of books in Russian and other materials on Atlantis. Books, manuscripts, photographs from the family archive and other things belonging to the most prominent Soviet scientist and atlantologist Nikolai Feodosevich Zhirov are carefully stored here.

In 2000, the First Russian Congress of Atlantologists took place in Moscow, which mainly dealt with organizational issues. Nevertheless, it was prioritized in the leadership of Russian atlantology at the moment. The leading atlantologists of Russia were the writer, President of the Moscow Club of Secrets, academician of the International Academy of Informatization Vladimir Shcherbakov and laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Alim Voitsekhovsky. At its meeting, the congress noted the revival of interest in Russia to the problem of Atlantis. The development of the science of atlantology will inevitably lead in the near future to a practical goal - to the discovery of the mysterious Atlantis.

Searches and finds

Oddly enough, it was archeology that developed a criterion for separating myths, behind which there are real events, from myths that have no points of contact with history. Rich excavations in Crete and in the places of Troy, Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos and others have shown that the legends about these cities are based on historical data. And the inscriptions of this era suggest that some of the heroes, like Priam, Hector, Paris, and perhaps Eteocles and others, were historical figures. The attempt made by the Italian historian E. Peruzzi to present the history of Rome according to the reigns of Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Anka Marcius returns us to the long-overcome tendency to perceive Roman etiological myths as reality.

In recent years, scientists and researchers have increasingly turned to psychology mythology. The images of myths in poetic form reflect the universal experience and the main models of the development of human society. Such models are called “archetypes”, they are universal and inherent in people of all cultures and in all historical periods.

Despite the obvious fiction and verbal lies, the myth may contain the truth at the inner level, as a kind of subjective experience. The guise of a myth, thus not devoid of falsehood, does not in the least interfere with its internal truth and his idea of ​​plausibility (“Timaeus”, 59 p.). Foreign scientists speak about such myths, for example, G. Perls, V. Tyler, V. Otto, R. Graves and others.

When Z. Kukal's book “Atlantis in the light of modern knowledge” (1985) was written, many years passed. During this time, science has managed to expand the boundaries of the Unknown, attracting the rich mystical experience of all mankind.

After the death of H. P. B. Scott-Elliot, the no less famous book “The History of Atlantis” (London, 1896) was published. He used in it the writings of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society on the origin of the Fifth Root Race. A. P. Sinnett, in the preface to Scott-Elliot's book, writes: “All the facts presented in this book were collected gradually, with tireless attention during research; and this study was carried out not by one, but by several famous people and, moreover, for several years. To facilitate their undertaking, these persons were given the opportunity to familiarize with some geographical maps and other documents preserved from time immemorial in safe places away from those restless peoples.” Later, Felon (1903), Manzi (1922), Steiner (1923), Bramwell (1937), A. Bragin (1946) and other atlantologists significantly supplemented the occult tradition about Atlantis.

Long before Jung's discovery of the collective unconscious, H.P.B. memories, which connect the broken links of the chain of time, forming from them a mysterious, dream-woven basis of our collective consciousness“. In The Power of Myth, J. Campbell writes: "Freud and Jung both believed that myth is rooted in the unconscious." In Nature, nothing ever disappears completely, but traces of the deeds of a person or other unreasonable creatures who lived, live and future inhabitants of the Earth remain forever. This is the so-called “Memory of Nature”. Such a memory of events - cosmic, historical, personal - is stored in various natural objects. In order to get in touch with this object, it is necessary to apply the highest psychic powers and abilities. Is it not from the depths of the collective myth-building do people get access to the history of Atlantis and other pracivilizations?

Further discoveries of the 20th century in various fields of science and culture only confirmed the exceptional universality and universality of the secret esoteric knowledge contained in the "Secret Doctrine". This book has absorbed all the ancient wisdom of not only the Atlanteans, but also the previous human races that once lived on Earth. Already in our time, an alchemical society has been created at the Department of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where the “Secret Doctrine” is systematically studied, and students and teachers draw up lesson plans for this book. According to our information, one of the closed US institutes is also studying the heritage of H. P. Blavatsky and other occultists, theosophists on the problem of Atlantis and searching for unknown historical documents related to this island.

The esoteric tradition speaks of the mysterious treasures of the world, supposedly hidden in the reliable, secret vaults of the Earth. Esotericists report that the Atlanteans received sacred relics from previous races: the Hyperboreans and Lemurians, and then were transferred to the best representatives of our Fifth Race. Only the Great Initiates know where the precious heritage of the extinct Races is hidden. These repositories are located in South America, Africa, Europe, Russia and Tibet.

Jorge Livraga writes in his book “Thebes” that about 12,000 years ago, as a result of another cataclysm, the last fragment of Atlantis, Poseidonis, disappeared, but most of the libraries and some Atlantean objects were already in Egypt.

Some of these relics, somehow connected with Atlantis, have already been found: the gold of Troy, the geographical maps of Ptolemy, Piri Reis, Orontius Phineus, Mercator, Bembo Isis Tablet, Noah's Ark, the famous crystal skull "Mitchell Hedges" or "Skull of Doom" (discovered in 1927 in a Mayan temple in British Honduras, now Belize) and other skulls found in Central America, Europe and Tibet.

According to modern reconstruction, the remains of the last glaciation can be observed on the Ptolemy map in Northern Europe. If so, then the picture depicted on this map refers to a period that is 10,000 years away from us. The geographical maps of Piri Reis, Orontius Fineus had prototypes related to the late glacial period, neither the Phoenicians, nor the Egyptians, nor the ancient Greeks had such knowledge. They clearly show the rivers that flowed in Antarctica about 6,000 years ago! The Piri Reis map shows a large island in the Atlantic Ocean east of South America in the Sao Paulo region. According to Russian and Italian researchers, Atlantis was in this place. Holocene movements of the planetary crust have been discovered here during the last 12,000 years, which occurred after the end of the ice age. Granites, carbonaceous shales, were found at the bottom of the ocean, which could only be formed on the land. The lithospheric blocks have sunk to the bottom recently and are not covered by marine sediments. Plato's description of the relief of the capital of Atlantis surprisingly resembles the local structure of a volcanic caldera. Arc-shaped concentric uplifts and underwater valleys in a circle are hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

The tablet of Isis was found in 1530 and sold to Cardinal Bembo. There have been many interpretations of the Tablet. Divided into three panels, it may represent a plan of the halls where the mysteries of Isis were performed. Plato, passing the initiation ritual in the underground hall of the Great Pyramid, stood in front of the altar, on which lay the Tablet of Isis.

Literally all experts claim that the skulls come from Atlantis. The "Skull of Doom" is a repository in which some information is incomprehensibly recorded. The fact is that this skull sometimes glows, and images of unfamiliar landscapes and mysterious buildings appear inside it, similar to the temples of the Atlanteans.

Sensational finds still excite the imagination of people. One of these finds should be recognized as the treasury of unknown kings from Dorak on the Asia Minor coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara in the 1950s. According to experts, the age of the relics of unknown gods, seen and partly described by Professor James Mellart, was 45 centuries! Dorak's gold has drifted into private collections and is apparently lost to science forever. In the 1980s, an exhibition was opened at the New York Metropolitan Museum, which exhibited the treasures of Croesus taken out of Turkey 18 years ago. In 1999, in Turkey, where the kingdom of Phrygia was once located, the golden tomb of King Midas was discovered. It is made of golden blocks, its size is 9.5 by 4.5 meters. The royal sign of Midas is engraved on the walls of the tomb, as well as texts about the life of the Phrygian king. In the center of the burial room stood a large golden sarcophagus, inside of which was a coffin. Austrian expert on ancient civilizations, Dr. Wolfgang Reinstein, said that the body of King Midas still has an amazing ability to turn all objects into gold if touched.

The modern historian William Henry writes in his book that even in his youth, Franklin Roosevelt bought shares in a company that was trying to find the treasures of the Knights Templar. As president, Roosevelt came under the strong influence of Nicholas Roerich, who believed in the reality of the existence of Atlantis. There is evidence that the so-called Stone of Destiny, which fell to earth from Sirius, was delivered to America. According to legend, the Stone was in the hands of the rulers of Atlantis, then passed to King Solomon. “The stone was hidden in a tower in Shambhala, in Tibet, it emitted waves that affect the fate of the world,” writes V. Henry in his book.

In his program article “Lords of Ogenon. Mythology of Atlantis” I consider two directions in the study of the problem of Atlantis: mythological and occult-esoteric. I managed to isolate from a great variety of myths and legends (primarily ancient Greek), those that straight point to Atlantis. If there was a legend about Atlantis, told by Plato, then it should have been passed down from generation to generation in the form of genealogical schemes, behind which stands the historical reality and the great-memory of mankind, hidden in the deepest layers of the “collective unconscious”. Most likely, it was the oldest pracivilization on Earth, the real name of which is known only to the Initiates. And it doesn't have to be called Atlantis.

Such well-known atlantologists as I. Donelly, E. Sykes, S. Bellamy, L. Spence, L. Stegeni, L. Seidler, N. Zhirov, V. Shcherbakov and others repeatedly turned to Greek mythology (and not only Greek), seeing in it a direct indication of the marine (mainly “Poseidonian”) origin of the Atlanteans. But, unfortunately, they did not go further than such evidence, and could not unwind the most complex tangle of mythical genealogies, reveal the esoteric meaning and purpose of ancient traditions and legends.

The article defines and deciphers the mythological and genealogical schemes and tables of gods, heroes and historical figures who were directly related to the kingdom of the Atlanteans and their hidden treasures. Among such persons: Sanchuniathon, Philolaus, Pherekides, Pythagoras, Socrates, Gelon of Syracuse, Pindar, Aristotle, Xenocrates, Xenophon, Theopompus, Cyrus, Cambyses, Mita (Midas), Alexander the Great, Nonn Panopolitansky, the Zeno brothers, Valery Bryusov, Apollinary Mikhailov , his son Mikhail Mikhailov and many others.

In the same article, for the first time, a place was established where the sacred relics of Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis are hidden. According to folklore tradition, on one of the capes of the island of Crete, “the greatest treasures of antiquity” are hidden. Through historical research, I have identified connection sacred relics of Atlantis and other pracivilizations with Crete. The path to the ancient relics is closed - they are guarded by the golden dog of Zeus. Apollinary Ivanovich Mikhailov, a representative of an old noble family, and his son Mikhail Apollinarievich Mikhailov knew the secret of the enchanted place. But a strange, premature death interrupted their search and research.

The culture of Atlantis, thus, having absorbed the culture of the perished civilizations of Hyperborea and Lemuria, was transformed into a European one, and then into a global one (according to Donnelly). Therefore, for the majority of researchers and scientists, the traces of the Atlanteans are not found, because they are among us, the people of the Fifth Race, for we came out of the Fourth Race of the Atlanteans.

A huge number of artifacts have accumulated in the world, proving the existence of pra-civilizations in ancient times, and it is simply unacceptable not to notice this. The finds of recent years prove that it is urgent to revise the chronological framework for the development of known civilizations. The recent discovery of giant pyramids in Peru pushes back the emergence of the culture of the ancient American peoples by several millennia. At present, the pyramids, except for the well-known ones in Egypt and Mexico, are open in all parts of the world: in North and South America, in England, Crimea, on the Kola Peninsula and near Nakhodka (Russia), China, Tibet, Morocco, Sudan, Namibia, Mozambique, Australia, near Bermuda and on the coast of Easter Island. Before our eyes, the prophecies of Donelly and Blavatsky that structures like pyramids existed at the “four corners of the world” and were never a monopoly of the country of the pharaohs are coming true before our eyes. According to Blavatsky, Adepts and “Wise” people of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Races lived under the pyramids in underground dwellings.

One of the underwater pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle was recorded in the 1990s by American oceanographers using sonar instruments. After processing the data, scientists suggested that the surface of the pyramid-shaped structure is perfectly smooth, perhaps glass! In size, it is almost three times the size of the pyramid of Cheops! According to the characteristics of the echoes reflected from its surface, the sides of the pyramid are composed of some mysterious material, similar to polished ceramics or glass. The famous atlantologist and explorer Charles Berlitz was sure that such a mountain is located at a depth of 400 meters, its height is 150 meters, and its base is about 200 meters. Unfortunately, C. Berlitz did not manage to conduct underwater research.

Egyptian pyramids still surprise researchers. At one time, al-Mamun (786-833), when opening one of the pyramids, discovered a statue of green stone and an emerald bowl. In our opinion, it was a symbolic image of Atlantis, and the bowl is the famous Antediluvian Grail. Historical sources claim that the Grail, once presented to the Buddha, comes from Egypt (c. 12000 BC), where it was kept as a symbol of the esoteric spiritual culture of antiquity. Napoleon saw, for example, in the Great Pyramid something that shocked him and struck him to the core of his soul. The great emperor never told anyone else about the meeting with the Unknown.

American Egyptologists claim that the design and construction of the Sphinx and the pyramids began in 10450 BC. e. And this was done under the supervision of the Atlanteans. It was in this year that a new round of precession of the earth's axis began, lasting 26,000 years, and the star Zeta Orion occupied the lowest point above the horizon. The location of the stars in Orion's belt in 10450 BC. e. relative to the Milky Way coincides with the location of the pyramids relative to the Nile - its analogue among the Egyptians. In ancient drawings, the Sphinx was depicted lying on a stone building. At the base of the pedestal of the Sphinx, traces of water erosion were revealed. But it was not a flood of the Nile, but a real flood, and it went from north to south (8000 BC). The latest data allow us to say that for several million years the Nile did not flow into the Mediterranean Sea, but into the Atlantic Ocean, and the waters of the river came closer to the pyramids and the Sphinx, which is confirmed by E. Casey's prediction of May 28, 1925.

In 1993, with the help of a caterpillar robot, a miniature stone plug or door was found at the end of the narrow ventilation duct of the Great Pyramid. The entrance hole is 20 by 25 centimeters. Copper pins are visible in the door. Scientists have suggested that a secret chamber is hidden behind a stone plug. Egyptian authorities immediately banned further research. One of the sects of adepts E. Casey declared that the prophecies of the great Teacher were coming true that the secret archive of the Great Priests from the lost Atlantis should be preserved in the pyramid. However, the chamber should be opened on the night of 2012. Edgar Cayce at one time predicted that in one of the temples of Egypt a part of the special records for the Initiates of the time of Atlantis would be found (entry 5750-1 dated November 12, 1933). Casey wrote: “The time is coming big changes“.

Changes came at the end of the twentieth century. It seems that the prophecies of the great clairvoyant are beginning to come true before our eyes. At the end of 1999, the Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass discovered a vertical shaft between the Cheops pyramid and the Great Sphinx. A burial chamber with a black granite sarcophagus was found at the bottom of the shaft. Hawass suggested that this was the tomb of Osiris and that sacred writings might be there.

In September 2002, American specialists, with the participation of the same Zaha Hawass, finally drilled through a stone plug. Behind her, they saw the same traffic jam. Two axes were found on the upper part of the second stone, which coincide with the copper inserts of the first stone, if you mentally draw a straight line. The editor of one of the atlantological journals, Dan Clark, suggests that the stones look like a miniature copy of some megalithic structure. The two axes of the second stone refer to the copper inserts of the first stone symbolically, for example, like two stars. Perhaps it has something to do with the Book of the Dead. The second stone, therefore, is, as it were, a door to heaven, and this door has its own door bolts to heaven - axes. Symbolically, such axes are the way to other worlds, but to which ones?

To date, the most promising areas for the search for Atlantis are: the Cuban and Bahamas, the Bermuda Triangle, Central and South America, the island of Sao Paulo, the Celtic shelf, the coast of Spain, the mouth of Gibraltar, the Atlas region and Tritonida (North Africa), Macaronesia, the islands of Crete and Santorini.

The esoteric tradition, as it were, confirms the words of Plato. Theosophists (including H. P. Blavatsky) tell us about four ancient continents that periodically disappear after each cataclysm on Earth. These are the Indestructible Sacred Country (the only one of the four that is destined to stay from the beginning to the end of Manvantara, throughout each Round), Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis. In ancient times, Atlantis was a huge archipelago, consisting of "an accumulation of many islands and peninsulas." At the beginning of Atlantean history, says Blavatsky, the vast Continent was divided into seven peninsulas and islands (called Dvipa). The mainland (Atlantis) included all the North and South Atlantic regions, as well as parts of the North and South Pacific Ocean, and even had islands in the Indian Ocean (the remnants of Lemuria). Blavatsky once again emphasizes that it is impossible to draw a clear line that would mark the geographical border of the archipelagos of the perishing Lemuria and the emerging Atdantida. Thus, such a scatter in the geography of finds tied to the history of Atlantis is understandable. The ten kingdoms of the sons of Poseidon could have arisen on seven islands, peninsulas, or even areas ( one must think on the continental shelves, which later disappeared), then turning into numerous colonies on all continents (“Eastern Atlantis” by V. Shcherbakov, Crete and other countries of the Mediterranean).

In his new book Gates of Atlantis (2000), British scholar Andrew Collins examines in detail the translation options for Plato's dialogues. They say that the kings of Atlantis (ten sons of Poseidon) had power "over other islands and regions of the opposite continent." The descendants of Poseidon “ruled as princes of countless islands in the ocean, besides own." According to Collins, Plato was trying to tell us that the rulers of Atlantis, and indeed of the "other" islands, held under their rule oceanic territories equal in area to Libya and Asia! Therefore, the kingdom of the Atlanteans was not a single island massif, but a huge a bunch of islands.

Traditionally, the southwestern part of Europe and the northwestern tip of Africa are regarded as the location of the legendary Atlantis. Atlas, for example, was the king of ancient Mauritania, located in what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. It was here that J. Mayol found stone walls at a depth of 40 meters in the waters of Morocco, stretching for 16 km. In Plato, the twin brother of Atlas, Eumel (Gadir), received “the tip of the island directly in front of the Pillars of Hercules, the very area that today is called Gadir” as inheritance. Atlantologists usually identify him with Tartessus-Atlantis. In the later Roman era, the Iberian port of Gades was named Cadiz.

In 1973, an American submarine off the coast of Spain near Cadiz discovered the ruins of the legendary Atlantis. In total, 4 expeditions were carried out, the last one took place in 1997. After that, US President Richard Nixon classified all information about this discovery. But only now some details of such studies have become known. Scientist Jeremy Horwick published the book "Mission - Atlantis: What sailors know about the lost continent", in which he writes about this operation. He cites declassified official documents and interviews with former sailors from the submarine. According to Horvik, “the ruins lie at a depth of 1600 meters and cover a vast area of ​​about 50 square meters. km". The Americans were able to raise to the surface and take out samples of antediluvian equipment and weapons of the Atlanteans. Subsequently, they wanted to use the unique technology of Atlantis in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. All this knowledge was used by US scientists to create powerful military equipment, including stealth aircraft, an anti-missile system, and space technology. Similar findings have already been reported in the media. In the mid-1970s, south of Cadiz, archaeologist M. Asher discovered the remains of four huge buildings with stone-paved roads at a depth of 30 meters.

French scientist Jacques Collina-Girard stated that Atlantis was located in the Strait of Gibraltar. For 19,000 years, the level of the World Ocean was 130 m lower, and Gibraltar at that time was much narrower and longer. In fact, such a strait was the “inland sea” that Plato spoke of. In the western part of the ancient “strait-sea”, Jacques Collina-Girard found an island stretched from west to east, where, in his opinion, the Atlanteans lived. To the east of this island, at the bottom of the strait, there is a series of elevations, which then represented an archipelago consisting of four or seven islands, which correlates well with the esoteric tradition and the tradition of Plato.

But the discovery of September 7, 2001 should probably be considered the most sensational discovery. A group of Spanish-American geologists discovered an underwater plateau 250 miles at a depth of 1 km southwest of the Azores, stretching for more than 90 km. In the center of the plateau, they found an intact temple with nine columns about 1 meter in diameter. The columns support a flat stone roof measuring 6 by 10 meters. Nearby were the remains of five ring canals with bridges. Between the channels there are four more groups of buildings, also similar to temples.

As Dan Clark told our almanac, he has sensational photographs of mysterious structures. But the materials and photographic documents on this discovery have been blocked by US intelligence agencies and are currently not available. But still, Dan Clark promised to send us photos of the discovered temples, and we will be able to publish them in the near future.

Recent studies have shown that the Azores were once an island mass equal in size to Spain. It had mountains that rose 3,655 meters above sea level, as well as an ancient river system. Rivers flowed down the southern slopes of San Miguel and collected in a huge valley. One of the riverbeds stretched for 288 km! In the southeast was the so-called Great Plain, similar to Plato's description, with an area of ​​about 9065 km2; a river flowed here, comparable in size to the Thames.

Russian and American geologists have long studied the Ampere, Josephine, and Atlantis seamounts, which are part of the Horseshoe Archipelago. On the slopes of these mountains, the remains of some structures, walls, terraces, built of huge rectangular stone blocks, were found. Samples of basalt showed that such a rock could only have formed on the land 12000-15000 years ago. Thus, almost 12,000 this archipelago was above the water and stretched from the Azores to Gibraltar. Here Zhirov placed "his" Atlantis, being not familiar with the latest research.

Many scientists and atlantologists have long identified Atlantis with the Caribbean archipelago (the Greater and Lesser Antilles). According to Collins, the Atlantean archipelago included Cuba, Haiti, and Puerto Rico, while the other seven kingdoms were the remnants of that land archipelago that stretched from Cuba to the Bahamas. According to the scientist, the cataclysm occurred in the region of 8600-8000 years. BC e. due to the impact of a huge asteroid. It was in Cuba that a highly developed civilization existed that built stone sculptures, earthen monuments, and drew no less mysterious rock paintings. Recent studies have shown that people in Cuba lived around 6000 BC. e. (Levis culture), which was absorbed by the wider Guayabo Blanco culture (5000 BC). The Paleo-Amerindians (Guayabo Blanco) are believed to have reached a high level of development comparable to the Paleolithic hunter-gatherer communities that lived in Europe during the period c. 40000-9000 AD BC e. Some of the monoliths are reminiscent of Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in Europe. Their age is at least 4000 years. Of particular interest are abstract geometric compositions: concentric rings, spirals, triangles, squares and rhombuses. The drawings are dated between 5000 BC. e. and 250 AD e. According to other estimates, their age is at least 30,000 years! Petroglyphs symbolically depict the orbits of the planets and the Sun, as well as the fall of a giant comet.

The scientist locates the capital of Atlantis to the west of Havana on a fertile plain that stretches almost 540 km to Pinar del Rio itself. This plain about 10,000-8,000 years ago extended southward to the shores of the island of Molodist (Isle of Pinos) and its width was almost 160 km. It was here, in the western waters of Cuba, in the Gulf of Guanahacibibes, that a joint Cuban-Canadian expedition in May 2001 discovered the ruins of an urban complex covering an area of ​​40 square kilometers at a depth of almost 700 meters. On a huge plateau, the scanning device recorded an underwater city with clearly planned streets and squares. On the squares one could see architectural structures in the form of pyramids, buildings, huge balls made of processed granite blocks. The size of the largest blocks reaches 2 × 2 × 5 m. The stones resemble the ancient buildings of Easter Island and Stonehenge. The stones are ideally cut and represent, as it were, the foundation of a kind of pyramid or other large structure. This city may have been built by an unknown race of Atlanteans around 6000 BC. e.

The researchers found mysterious inscriptions on the stones. Some depict an "American cross" consisting of two ovals superimposed on each other at right angles. In America, this “cross” has been known since ancient times, long before the discovery of Columbus. The same crosses and signs are found in the caves of the Cuban archipelago. Some inscriptions are very similar to Central American and ancient Greek writing. Still, researchers are more inclined towards the Cretan-Mycenaean linear letter B (III-II millennium BC), which has not yet been deciphered. Most likely, such signs were left in various regions of the Earth by the so-called “peoples of the sea”, who left the shores of the Aegean Sea due to a terrible catastrophe.

After the cataclysm, the climate changed dramatically, and intensive melting of the polar ice began. Huge masses of water poured onto the east coast of North America, into the Gulf of Mexico and Europe. The ice age has ended. After the level of the World Ocean rose, the island massifs of the Bahamas and the Caribbean archipelagos were flooded. The formation of bottom sediments along the circumference of the submerged land masses in the Bahamas began in 10000-8000 years. BC e. Around 3000 BC e. The sea level has settled at about the current level. than today, but then these shoals were under water due to rising ocean levels.

In recent years, the most sensational discoveries have been made in the Bahamas. Since the 1960s, the following objects have been found here: several structures similar to the “Bimini road”, the remains of ancient temples, several dozen marble columns, a huge amount of processed and polished stones and granite blocks, pottery and ceramic figures created around 5000-3000 BC e. Two processed stone blocks, found in 1975 and 1995, are building elements of some kind of structure. On their ribs there are “complex connecting elements” in the form of a deep triangular tongue or groove.

D. Manson Valentine, a specialist in underwater archeology and antiquities of pre-Columbian America, French oceanographer Dmitry Rebikoff and other researchers discovered, described and recorded about 60 objects located in the shallow waters of the Great Bahama Bank, which may be of archaeological interest. Near the island of Kay Gvintchos, the researchers saw terraced slopes from the height of the flight, the “streets” on which ran almost parallel. Valentine defined this place as a kind of "ceremonial center". Closer to Cuba, they noticed "a lot of dark rectangles and straight lines stretching into the distance." Subsequently, Valentine will call this find "the architectural plan of an exceptionally complex urban complex."

The researchers immediately remembered the prediction of Edgar Cayce, made by him in 1933 and 1940, that in 1968 or 1969 it would be possible to find the wreckage of the underwater temple of the Atlanteans near Bimini. Thus, Valentine and Rebikoff recognized the discovery near Andros Island as important evidence of the return of Atlantis in 1968. Valentine, in a press release issued in Miami on August 23, 1968, announced that “an ancient temple has been found, the walls of which are somewhat tilted. The walls are masonry and, without a doubt, are the work of human hands.

The latest research into the Bimini road has shown that it was built on a flat surface; the road crosses underwater geological formations where minerals are located; the stones were arranged in such a way that one can speak of their astronomical orientation; traces of metal and an artificial trench were found under the road; a large stone was discovered, which may be the main stone in the entire structure, performing a ritual or other role; found a stone with drilled holes, which has no analogue in any of the known cultures. Rebikoff states that the large stones of the Bimini Road are supported in turn by pyramidal pillars. There is no doubt that the road was built by unknown builders with the help of technical means and is similar to the engineering system of the Mediterranean. Based on the fact that most of the stones had dimensions of about 2.3 and 3.45 m, the researchers received a conventional building unit - 1.15 meters. This ancient unit was exactly equal to two Phoenician cubits, or 1.14 meters. Radiocarbon analysis of rock showed 15,000 years! Therefore, the members of the expedition considered that the road had more of an architectural than a geological origin.

Valentine believed, for example, that the Bimini road was made of what is called a composite—special concrete! Recent studies of the Egyptian pyramids have shown that they (and not only them, but also many temples, obelisks) are built of concrete, which, when hardened, turned into a solid monolithic rocky structure. On many blocks of the Egyptian pyramids, traces of wooden formwork are visible. Scientists have found a human hair inside the block.

Now several organizations are working in the Bahamas, including the Atlantis Quest group (Joan Henley, Wanda Osman), the GAFA project (Joan Henley), the Alta project (Bil Donato, Donnie Fields) From 1997 to 2001 in About ten expeditions have been carried out in this area. The Association of Scientists and Enlighteners (Virginia, USA) coordinates and finances these expeditions.

In 1998, scientist Bill Donato discovered three concentric circles south of Andros Island, which had previously been observed by other researchers. But the thing is that such structures are very difficult to fix in water and determine their coordinates. Underwater structures can be seen at a certain time of the day, at a certain viewing angle and light illumination. As Bill Donato told the Russian almanac "Atlantis: Problems, Searches, Hypotheses", these ruins resemble the rounded capital of Atlantis, outlined by Plato. In terms of their size, the three circles exactly correspond to the description of the capital in the Critias dialogue. Museum of Atlantis N. F. Zhirova, created with our almanac, has unique photographic documents of these expeditions. Remains of a pentagonal structure and traces of an ancient waterfall at the bottom were also found.

The latest research shows that humanity does not stand still. From the colored pieces of the antediluvian heritage of the most ancient pracivilizations, a whole mosaic canvas called “Atlantis” is gradually being formed. Once again, humanity is convinced that it is impossible to consider History without interconnection with the ancient Tradition and the Esoteric Teaching. The development of the science of atlantology will inevitably lead in the near future to a practical goal - to the discovery of the mysterious Atlantis. Once E. Blavatsky said that only in the 21st century will the contours of the lost Atlantis be revealed to people. Humanity is still waiting for “future discoveries and “findings”. Indeed, the 21st century is already beginning to present surprises that are hard not to believe.


  1. Blavatskaya E. P. The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3. M., “Progress, Sirin”, 1991.
  2. Donelly I. Atlantis. The world before the flood. Samara, 1998.
  3. Zhirov N. F. Atlantis. The main problems of atlantology. M., 1964.
  4. V. Shcherbakov. The Golden Hall of Poseidon. - In search of Atlantis. M., 1986.
  5. Z. Kukal. Atlantis in the light of modern knowledge. - Z. Kukal. Great Mysteries of the Earth. M., 1988.
  6. Voronin A. A. Lords of Ogenon. Mythology of Atlantis. - Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses, 1999, 2001, 2002, no. 1-3.
  7. Voronin A. A. Blavatsky. "Memories" of Atlantis. - Atlantis: problems, searches, hypotheses, 2002, no. 3.
  8. Berlitz Ch. The Mystery of Atlantis. Suffolk, 1982.
  9. Hall M. P. Encyclopedic exposition of Masonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic, Rosicrucian symbolic philosophy, vols 1-2. Novosibirsk, 1992.
  10. Jacques K. Egypt of the great pharaohs. History and legend. M., 1992.
  11. Rudzitis R. Brotherhood of the Grail. Riga, 1994.
  12. Livraga H. Thebes. M., 1995.
  13. Hapgood Ch. Maps of the Sea Kings. - The Book of Secrets, vol. 5. M., 1994.
  14. Taho-Godi A. Plato's Myth as Real and Imaginary. - Plato and his era. M., 1979.
  15. Malinichev G.D. Unexcavated Troy. - Technique-youth, 1973, N 4.
  16. Remains of King Midas found? - Secret power, 1999, N 20.
  17. Voronin A. A. Where are the mythical treasures hidden? - Treasures and treasures, 1998, NN 7-8; 1999, NN 1-2.
  18. Voronin A. A. Heavenly Stone Grail. - Science and religion, 1999, N 2.

Delfis, 2003, N 2.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

An article from the "hypersensation" series, but no one heard.

In 1982, at 61 degrees. NL on the bank of the river Lena (Rus), 140 km above Yakutsk at an altitude of more than 105 - 120 m above the river in the Deering-Yuryakh area, the Prilenskaya archaeological expedition of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences discovered the most ancient Rus settlement of all known today.

It is called the settlement "Deering". Its age has been determined by the best archaeological, geological-geomorphic, paleomagnetic and other modern methods and is 3 million years BC. For 13 years by 1995, more than 32 thousand square meters of cultural-containing layer were uncovered, more than 4.5 thousand cultural objects of other Russ were found, incl. - anvils, chippers, various tools, etc.

The presence of this center of protoculture is consistent with the geological data on the existence in the Tertiary and Quaternary periods of the Cenozoic era in the vicinity of the present north pole of a large continent (Arctida), which subsequently sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean due to the onset of glaciation and floods (its traces may be the underwater Lomonosov ridges and Mendeleev), as well as with the Vedic and Avestan epics, according to which there was a pra-civilization, which then began migrating to the south with many streams, separated by hundreds and thousands of years, when it got colder. Only hundreds of millennia later, when the Rus descended to the South, they, according to legend, met other dark-skinned people who appeared from Africa.

Why is no one shouting about this on all TVs?!

The discovery of such an ancient settlement (as well as the linguistic data itself) clearly entails the need to reconsider the prevailing views on world history. First of all, attempts to calculate the history of Russia from the 8th - 10th centuries that do not correspond to reality (characteristic moments of this phantom history: Russians are a mixture of Finno-Finns with Tatars, wild idolaters and human sacrificers, to whom Cyril gave a letter, Vladimir - faith, R - state , - empire, etc.).

In fairness, it should be noted that under the influence of revealed facts, works began to appear more and more often, in which the beginning of Russia from a “small tribe near Novgorod” in the 9th century is pushed further and further back into the millennia. And in addition to listing the options for Russia: Kievan, Ryugen, Mecklenburg, Spanish-Galician, Pomeranian, Franco-Roussillon, Norwegian-Nidaros, Swedish-Lapland, Volga, Black Sea, South Urals, Middle Asian, Little Asian, ... - it has already been noted spiritual meaning of Russia.

Other archaeological evidence

We also note the excavations of Okladnikov, who found the burials of the Rus, belonging to the period 100-35 thousand years ago. BC, excavations in the Oleneostrovsky burial ground, where an ancient Russian burial of a priest in full attire was found (30 thousand years BC).

In 1987, in the South Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, archaeologists (as well as children and American satellites) discovered an ancient Russian city - the Arkaim astronomical observatory. It is located at 52 deg. 32 min. NL and 60 degrees east longitude. The estimated age is 4 - 2 thousand years BC. It is older than the similar structure Stonehenge in England, located almost at the same latitude (51 degrees 11 minutes north latitude). According to the geometric parameters (the radius of the rings, the location of the main axes, etc.), they coincide, according to archaeologists, with an accuracy of up to a centimeter.

From the Arkaim finds, sculptures of a yogi, an astrologer, various art products from different metals, from bronze, huge ancient Russian metal-smelting furnaces and wells-pipes, etc. are well known.

In July 1992, archaeologists reported to the UN that near Arkaim, in the Sintasht burial ground, the ashes of the priest and warrior Zoroaster (Zarathustra, Zoroaster) were buried. Zarathushtra, the son of Staroshastra from the Spitam family, lived in the Harati Mountains in the Southern Urals in the city of Agarti (near present-day Chrysostom in the region of Mount Taganay). There, for the Arkaim king Yima, he develops a war chariot, and also creates his own teaching Avesta (“First News”) - in fact, the first religious system based on the ancient Russian Vedas (“Knowledge”).

In 1978, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, during the excavations of the Red Mound, the archaeologist Binhau discovered 113 mummified bodies - the remains of the Russian mission of the enlightener and governor Prigost. The age of the mummies is estimated at 4 thousand years.

Cultural traces settled in 7 - 3 thousand years. BC. archaeologists conventionally named the ancient Russian pra-civilization throughout the space of Europe: “Trypillian culture”, “culture of linear-band ceramics”, “Fatyanovo culture”, “culture of battle axes”, “corded ceramics”, etc. So, related to the last two types (3 thousand years BC), excavations east of the Dnieper gave over 30 thousand pieces of clay sculptures with more than a thousand different ornaments, including the common cross and the Aryan (Oryan) rotating cross - swastika.

It should also be noted that recently appeared information about the existence of archaeological finds - traces of the intelligent activity of ancient civilizations dating back to a period of hundreds of millions and billions of years BC. Darwin claimed that man is no more than 100,000 years old. Previously - Neanderthals, Australopithecus, Cro-Magnons ... Is this true? :

In 1972, in the village of Oklo (at the Munana uranium mine) in Gabon, a rod was found in the thickness of uranium ore, completely identical to those currently used for nuclear reactors operating on U-235. According to the French nuclear experts who studied it, the reactor in which this rod worked went out about 1.7 billion years ago (that is, at the end of the Middle Proterozoic)

Chronicle of "secret archeology".

XVI century - Peru, an 18-cm nail was found in the rock in silver mines. Age - hundreds of million years
1840 - skeletons, age - 2 million years
1852 - piece. Massachusetts, during an explosion in a quarry, a vase in the form of a bell with inlaid in the form of a complex floral pattern was found in the rock mass.
1891 - American Miss Culp broke a piece of coal and discovered a gold chain weighing about 200 g. The age of the coal is hundreds of million years
1897 - drawing on stone - 320-360 million years
1830 (Philadelphia) marble block with a carved letter "PI" - 35-40 million years
1844 - golden thread - 320-360 million years
1844 - iron nail - 360-408 million years
1852, piece Massachusetts - vessel, 6 figures - over 600 million years
1856, USA - complete human skeleton - 33-35 million years
1871, Illinois - coin - 200-400 thousand years
1891, Illinois - gold chain - 260 million years
19th century, California - the remains of tools, bones - 10-55 million years
19th century, Illinois - human skeleton - 320 million years
The end of the 19th century, Italy - the geologist Giuseppe Ragazoni discovered human remains in the sediments. Age - about 4 million years
1950, Mexico - parking - 80-90 thousand years
1927, Nevada - a fossilized boot mark, on the sole - a double seam. Found in deposits of age - 160-195 million years
1928 - Oklahoma, several polished concrete blocks - 36 million years
1928 - piece. Oklahoma, cubic-shaped concrete blocks and fragments of a wall made of them were found in a coal mine. Age - about 280 million years
In shallow water off the Galapagos Islands, divers found 4-meter pillars made of translucent material, one was stamped with an equilateral triangle. Diamond cutters did not take material unknown to modern science
1961, Siberia - tools - 1.5-2 million years (published in 1984)
1983, Turkmenistan - the imprint of a human foot - 15 million years
1966, California - human skull, close to modern - 55 million years
1968, Ohio - hieroglyphic wall - 45 million years
1969, the village of Rzhavchik, Tisulsky district, Kemerovo region. Found the Mummy of the Princess - hundreds of millions of years.
1979, Tanzania - human footprint - 4 million years
60s, Mexico - tools - 250 thousand years.

Western Transylvania. Over the past few decades, miners in the town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal, South Africa, have found hundreds of metal spheres

a) made of hard blue metal with white spots,

b) hollow balls with a white porous center.

The fibrous structure inside and the shell around it are extremely hard - impossible to scratch with steel. Age - 2800 million years, i.e. 2.8 billion years!. (The age of the Earth is about 6 billion years. And the “Cro-Magnon man” is no more than 40 thousand years.)

A reasonable explanation for this is given by neither official science nor religion (well, perhaps except for Buddhism).

First, as usual, a few quotes:
"One of the biggest mysteries of New Zealand is related to the archaeological excavations in the Waipua forest, which have been ongoing over the past thirty years. What archaeologists have found there is unknown, but the fact remains: in 1988, the New Zealand government issued a special decree: all the results were classified for 75 years these excavations!
This caused an uproar across the country. The legality of the imposed ban on the publication of archaeological information was hotly discussed in the press, in Parliament, and indignant letters were sent to the National Archives from all over the country.
The government clumsily justified itself and explained its position as "the interests of politics." However, the fact remains that the document, signed by the head of the work, archaeologist Michael Taylor, contains 14 pages of the so-called secret text and imposes restrictions on some of the information related to field reports on archaeological excavations in the Waipua forest in 1979-1988,
which cannot be published until 2063.
What is the secret that archaeologists discovered in the Waipua forest? According to some eyewitnesses, this is a huge, consisting of more than 2 thousand buildings, a pre-Auri city, built of stone, spread over an area of ​​​​500 acres. Witnesses swear that Ned Nathan, head of the New Zealand Archaeological Advisory Committee, after reviewing the results of radiocarbon analysis, loudly exclaimed: “This is five hundred years earlier than we got to
500 acres is approximately 2 sq. km
For comparison: Suzdal is a city with an area of ​​15 sq. km, and the old city in a bend is about 0.25 sq. km.

And here's more:
"In the heart of the North Island of New Zealand lies Lake Taupo. Surrounding the lake are untouched wild forests, which are today declared the Kaimanawa Forest Park. Lake Taupo was formed on the site of a giant volcano crater. This feature of the lake attracts many tourists In the 1990s, thirty kilometers from this lake in the forest, next to the road, tourists discovered the mysterious ruins of the once gigantic structure.This mysterious place is commonly known in New Zealand as the Kaimanawa Wall.
These ruins became visible, apparently as a result of the fact that the rains washed away the soil under the roots of a huge tree standing on a hillock. A part of the wall, built of rectangular stone blocks, was exposed, each of which has a height of about one meter, a length of about two meters, and a weight of several tons. Some blocks are fitted to each other with jeweler's precision. In these places, the masonry between the giant blocks cannot be pushed even with a knife blade, but some blocks have parted, and gaps of several centimeters have formed between them, which can be explained by the uneven settlement of the foundation under the blocks.
On the exposed part of the giant wall, a straight, horizontal line can be clearly seen between the masonry of the lower and upper rows of blocks, which indicates systematic construction according to the laws of geometry adopted today. This type of masonry according to the rectilinear laws of geometry is more typical for the Atlantean period of civilization...
And if we assume that this island existed during Atlantis in the form of an island, then we can safely say that the Kaimanawa wall belongs to the Atlantean period.
In New Zealand, the matter does not go beyond arguing how these ruins arose - in a natural way or this wall was built by people. The first version is believed (or pretended to be believed) only by materialistic scientists, the second version is believed by all the rest, but none of them dares to say that such fundamental buildings belong to the work of local aborigines, who have never built anything more solid than straw dugouts.
As a result, no one dares to clean up the area around the mysterious ruins of the Kaimanawa wall. And the pictures show that the roots of the trees hide several more rectangular blocks. What could be under the wall? Maybe a whole city or the ruins of a huge building? What other mysteries lurk in the ground around the Kaimanawa Wall? Who dares to take responsibility and carry out scientific archaeological work there?
The answer to the question of how old these ruins are can be given by a two-meter layer of humus that has accumulated over the walls of Kaimanawa. According to rough estimates, it takes several hundred millennia to form such a layer of soil ... "


Well, about hundreds of millennia - this is the approach of an amateur. Experts say that a meter layer of soil grows in about 10,000 years. And taking into account the preservation of the Mesozoic evergreen forests of the subtropical zone, 1 meter of soil can grow in 5,000 years.

"There are three main versions about its origin:
1. The "Kaimanawa Wall" was built approximately two thousand years ago by the first settlers of New Zealand, known as the Waitaha, who were subsequently exterminated by the Maori.
2. The wall is a remnant of a hospital built 50 years or more ago.
3. It's just a natural rock formation.
Future study of the Kaimanawa Wall will no doubt reduce this list to one item. However, the fact that a beech tree with a girth of 2.9 m grows on one of the sections of the wall greatly reduces the likelihood that its age is 50 years or a little more ... "
Reader, does the wall in the photo look like the "remnant of the hospital"? :)

"Maori legends often mention white people with blond or red hair, whom the islanders called "kiri-puvero" or "uru-keu." Throughout New Zealand, skeletons of strange people with red, brown or blond hair have been found at various times "In particular, in the early 1900s, the skeletons of two women with knee-length blond hair were found in a cave near Dargaville. In 1965, the remains of several tall men with red hair were found in a cave burial near Port Waikato."
Somehow, local archaeologists fail to preserve the honor and glory of the Maori, as pioneers in this territory. It seems that the descendants of the Atlanteans kindly accepted the ancestors of the Maori, taught them crafts, how to play the flute, and the Maori ate them as a thank you. They realized that the Atlanteans had not only intelligence, honor and conscience, but also tens of kilograms of dietary, easily digestible meat.
I read all this and decided to look in New Zealand for traces characteristic of the Atlanteans - round islands with ring channels, landing mastabas, geoglyphs, pyramids.
And this is what I got:

1. Near the Gulf of Florence, on a shallow shelf, there is something similar to a square mastaba with a side of 100 m.
http://fotki.yandex.ru/next/users/repin-v-n/view/538780 Contour selection
Interestingly, the mastaba is oriented towards Cuba, where the capital of Antilles Atlantis was supposedly located - a round island 6.66 km long, surrounded by an annular channel /now on the shelf off the southern coast/.

2. An incomprehensible geoglyph on the NNE from the lake. Karaka, 2.2 km - a circle, a square, a triangle with a side of 40 m. Whose is it in the reserved forest?
Highlighting the contour, and something is visible under the shore of a nameless lake (?)

3. In the same forest, something geometric and obscure. I would compare it with the remains of the walls and towers of the epic Murom (now - the village of Murom, Belgorod Region) - according to the general impression, although it looks like a fairy tale.
http://fotki.yandex.ru/next/users/repin-v-n/view/538796 Contour
The length of the right side of the "wall" is more than a kilometer, the square on the bottom left is about 140 m. The location of these artifacts on a peninsula with a narrow isthmus is convenient for defense. Maybe this is already the period of the Maori wars with the descendants of the Atlanteans? Moreover, this is not a single fortification, there are others that are considered by local historians to be the work of the Maori. Remember? - "never built anything more solid than a straw dugout."
The last photo is a hill in the center of Murom. The overgrown remains of walls and towers are visible along the road at the bottom of the frame.

4. Here's something else that doesn't quite look like a straw dugout, but has managed to overgrow very thoroughly:
Same with contouring. Rectangular walls; the smaller one, the right one, is about 20 m long.

5. Here are the traces of another structure hidden by the soil. The right side is destroyed by the erosion of the hill. The dimensions of the inner part are 36 m, the outer contour is 60 m. The hill is about 80 m, half a kilometer from the sea.
Same, bigger:

6. And one more thing, 45 m, also oriented to Cuba:
Something between a gentle pyramid and a tholos.

7. But the lake. Taupo, Western Bay shelf. Some kind of dilapidated structure with massive walls 85 x 200 m:
http://fotki.yandex.ru/next/users/repin-v-n/view/538778 Contour
Nearby is the mysterious Kaimanawa forest with its incomprehensible buildings, and not far from the shore of the same lake in the very center of the North Island is a huge ... pyramid?

8. If this is a pyramid, then so far it is the largest one I have found on Earth: 1600 m on the side, height - about 500 m. It has swollen very strongly, traces of modern erosion are visible in two places on the slopes, but the forms are still clearly guessed. Of course, this is not a squatter, but a refinement of a natural hill - but after all, rock remains are at the heart of many Egyptian pyramids. In the photo - a pyramid in several angles and its contouring.
But bigger pyramids were built on Mars:
This pyramid is 4400 m on the side!
And this pyramid is 3200 m.
So the pyramids of New Zealand and Greenland (1200 m) are small in comparison.
Although there are intermediate sizes between the "Great" Cheops pyramid with a side of 230 m and the Pyramids of New Zealand and Greenland.
Here is a two-sided pyramid in Visoko (Bosnia) with a side of 660 m:
Here are the pyramids in Greenland, the largest of which has a side of 800 m:
For comparison, in the view from above: on the left - Greenland, on the right - the pyramids of Giza, Egypt. Not scaled.

9. A strange triangle on the shelf with a side of 40 m, 30 km north of Auckland:

10. Raglan has a wonderful bay - comfortable, with indented banks, convenient bays, a narrow, perfectly controlled entrance and almost an island in the center. It is turned into a peninsula by an isthmus only 100 meters wide. Perfect port! And on this peninsula there is something under a layer of soil on the shore:
Perhaps these are the foundations of buildings on the shore.

To be continued



I read you - and admire!
That's how you immediately understand everything correctly! .. Exactly! Atlanteans
- fair-haired, fair-skinned (this is a must!), tall, long-bearded, strong, kind, wide, sincere ... well, just like us, real Hyperboreans ... with such huge, wise, all-understanding eyes (however, no, eyes - it doesn't seem to be from here
- the wild primitive Maori were taught everything, and those them - r-r-r-time, and that's it: they ate mediocrely! “They entered without knocking, without a sound at all, they set off a bamboo club ...” Horror!

Little things just get in the way...

* Maori appeared in New Zealand (= N/Z) by historical standards relatively recently - no more than 1000 years ago, or even less. Somehow, the safety of the Atlanteans turns out to be very great: quite recently they were found on our sinful Earth ... or you have to admit that the Maori ended up in N / C much earlier, which, it seems, is NOT confirmed by archeological data and is not approved by the Maori themselves.
And it is unlikely that such ‘great teachers’ would let themselves be vulgarly devoured; the history of the Earth - the colonization of the Americas (both), Australia, N / Z itself rather suggests the opposite.

* The pyramid above the title of the article is wonderful, but... not very artificial; On Google map it looks like this:
http://www.google.ru/maps/place/38 °56"30.7"S+175°41"42.0"E/ (+below)
With the naked eye, smooth, not square outlines of the foot are visible, and above - even rounder, the top - also very smooth, INCORRECT outlines, like any natural hill, moreover, not at all in the center of the square ...
And THIS should be considered an artifact? Why, actually?

* Kaimanawa wall: interesting data!.. Only real experts come to completely different conclusions, for example:
In 2 words:
- "wall" (that's right) - a natural formation (outcrop of ignimbrite rock in the Rangitaiki region), which is ~ 330 ts years old,
- it is not unique: similar formations are found elsewhere in this area of ​​Kaimanawa-Taupo,
i.e. it is NOT a megalith.

* Waipoua forest: photos, here:
in particular, but not only, stone axes -
the thought of the Atlanteans (with missiles, vigorous bombs, d / w), is sinful, DOES NOT suggest.

So, in my opinion, “your anecdote ... turned out to be nonsense” (c) film “Hussar Ballad”.

Dekim, what eloquence! :O)
1. Bombs were VERY long ago. Then the remnants of the Atlanteans went wild. Moral principles and the gene pool were preserved, but rockets cannot be built by two or three tens of thousands of hands, and even a printing house with paper production cannot be saved. Natural savagery, and it will take 3-4 generations. And thousands of years passed before the appearance of the Spaniards in the Canary Islands and the Maori in New Zealand. So what do you want - that I repeat and repeat simple truths to you at each such collision?
Forgot? I do not believe it - after all, we analyzed the "chronicle" of the Atlanteans for the last 50 thousand years quite recently.
"With the naked eye, you can see the smooth, not square outlines of the foot, and above - even rounder, the top - also very smooth, INCORRECT outlines, like any natural hill, moreover, not at all in the center of the square ...
And THIS should be considered an artifact? Why exactly?"
Or am I wrong about something?


>>> Or am I wrong about something?

Generally speaking, the categories of “rightness” or “WRONG” refer to fairly reliable knowledge ... to which your constructions, alas, do NOT belong: these are nothing more than hypotheses - yes, bold ones - in the fidelity of which their author (for some reason) is completely sure.
But YOUR confidence and THEIR (hypotheses) fidelity are VERY different things: the first is very SUBJECTIVE, the second is OBJECTIVE and must have confirmation-E, and better -I (hereinafter - "P-I?").
And with this - so far - sad, to say the least.

I think - and, of course, I may well be wrong - that you are wrong in almost everything.

>>> Bombs were VERY long ago

Quote (“Aeneid navyvarat”, ~ 1820s reptiles, i.e. years):

Achuhaўshys, ўskrychaў Aeneas:
“Oh, tsar-tsarevich, that Neptune!
I will not be proud of you brahun ... "

What I mean is that here is your 'chronology':
And I'll try not to leave her.

According to her, at the height of the glaciation ~50 thousand years ago, a ‘powerful world civilization’ (P-Z?)
~ Where was she then? not very clear; however, perhaps all over the world ~
starts a war (P-Z?)
~ with whom? why? and why in this difficult (at least climatically) time? also riddles~
and crashes, (P-Z?)
~ not an idle question: HOW? what does it express? in the mass death of people, the loss of technology? ~
while the ‘elite’ are saved ‘in the caves of Greenland’ (P-Z?)
~ WHAT caves, may I ask?? and why exactly there? 50 thousand years ago, all of Greenland was a solid ice sheet, all year round, and the boundary of multi-year ice was in the region of southern England! ~
and somehow, according to your 'chronology', 'survives' for ~35,000 years, (P-Z?)
~ It is completely incomprehensible how! .. ~
until warm...

Bombs (P-Z?), one must think, were ~ 50 thousand years ago: otherwise what kind of war is this?
And then I quote you:

>>> Then the remnants of the Atlanteans went wild. Moral principles and the gene pool were preserved

The latter - although not very believable, but comforting ... but what about the timing? after all:

>>> Regular savagery, and it will take 3-4 generations

That is, ~100 years. But let me! But what about 35,000 years (that is, 350 times longer!) in the ice of Greenland? (and was it not feeding on the holy spirit?) All this time - there was no ‘regular savagery’? Why? and why did it happen so quickly - almost instantly - ... then? When?
Some questions ... But there are no answers.

>>> And thousands of years passed before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Canary Islands and Maori in New Zealand.

Even VERY many ... and where did the Atlanteans find themselves all this time? what were they doing? Have they degraded, or vice versa? Are the rather clumsy piles of stones in N/C the work of the Atlanteans? feral or not? What generally points to the Atlanteans? Definitely not Plato...
And again questions... And again there are no answers.

Yes, I do not argue, there are very destroyed (and also unfinished) pyramids, unlike the pyramids from above.
But such pyramids are not everywhere, but only in Egypt, which is unique:
- a unique culture, which has no analogues, has been building pyramids for thousands of years, and that is the only reason why there are quite a lot of them in different states, and different ones (and there are relatively few destroyed and unfinished among them),
- unique natural conditions contributed to the preservation of monuments of material culture (not only the pyramids: the papyri of Oxyrhynchus, etc.).

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

We live in Quantum time, there is a transition, the gene memory wakes up. We already know at the level of the heart that there was a single Pracivilization.
On all continents there is one type of megalithic structures, later star-forts all over the planet.
A system of pyramids, temples that receive and transmit information to each other, possibly into space.
What happened to our ancestors, what happened, when, why?
The Vatican hides the library, so the information can be found there.
Looking at museum exhibits, I unexpectedly made a conclusion.
So many similar faces.
I will exhibit faces, sculptures, they are collected from all continents.
Once humanity was represented by one people who spoke the same language. These people were the Aryan Slavs, and the common language was Russian.
And let someone say that there is no similarity.
The beautiful and noble faces of our ancestors look at us.
Museum of Tehran.

Iran Museum

Russia 15th century, on the barrel of a cannon

Iraq. Nineveh. Nebi Yunus. Iraqi archaeologists were excavating a monumental entrance at the end of an Assyrian building. Large sculpture head

Nebi (Arabic) - the same as "prophet", i.e. a God-inspired husband, in contrast to a razoul - a "messenger of God" who has a special mission from God. The Koran lists 28 prophets, including N.-Muse (Moses), N.-Daud (David), N.-Suleiman (Solomon), N.-Yusuf (Joseph), N.-Eyub (Job) , N.-Yunus (Jonah), N.-Yahya (John), N.-Isa (Jesus). Muhammad is the last and greatest of the prophets.
I believe that the head of the sculpture bears the maximum resemblance to this sculpture.
India, Unakoti.

Peterhof, Russia

Darius I (other Persian Darayavaush, which means "Holding good", "Good-equal") - Persian king, ruled in 522 - 486 BC. e.

Crimea, Scythians

There are such faces in America, these are the remains of the destroyed Slavic-Aryan temples throughout America.
The shores of America are strewn with ruined temples. They were brought in by trucks.

There is an amateur film about megaliths, of which the wave-cuts on the beach in New York are composed, with traces of ancient Slavic culture,
It turned out that the entire eastern coast of North America from Nova Scotia (Canada) to almost Florida, that is, about 2000 kilometers, has all the same structures, entirely from the same megalithic blocks, of the correct form and with traces of ancient processing .
Even from a satellite, some show traces of processing, some kind of cutouts, almost everywhere they come across with characteristic round holes.
As for the photographs of amateurs attached to the area and specifically taken near the structures made of blocks, for obvious reasons, serious censorship was carried out by someone, this is immediately evident.
In the pictures there are practically no blocks themselves, only abstract landscapes, occasionally somewhere, casually, blocks come across, but in such a way that nothing can be seen. But still, a few pictures with artifacts somehow leaked out, apparently due to the negligence of censorship. They have a part of a stone colonnade, possibly some ancient Slavic temple.

Yes, America had a vast and developed state. And not in ancient times, but quite recently.
Have you noticed how quickly farmland, water supply channels, roads, clearings are overgrown ...? Twenty years, and you can see that there was something here only from a height. That is, in order to erase the traces, it takes not thousands of years, and not even many hundreds.
And looking at a map of New Orleans after the recent flood, Louisiana and Mississippi show some large-scale formations that are obviously artificial, but do not belong to American culture. For they are in the depths of the swamps. Star-shaped channels, channels similar to the system of very regular streets. The most extensive network of canals in the uninhabited zone, and you can trace their continuation lost in heavily eroded and flooded spaces.

Pay attention, Transformers -4 - the shooting was carried out in abandoned temples of America.
Once humanity was represented by one people who spoke the same language. These people were Russians, and the only language was Russian.
So says Valery Alekseevich. He came to this conclusion after studying more than 3,000 archaeological sites. Among them are ancient sanctuaries, cult objects and utensils of ancient and pre-antique times, letters containing cryptography, Christian icons of the first centuries and other artifacts found around the world.
The main method of research is a scrupulous study of small details on these ancient objects in order to find texts hidden or worn out from time to time.
Michael Kremo at a press conference in 2003 (see Itogi magazine dated May 27, 2003, posted on the Internet site (KUR) spoke, in particular, about 4 artifacts from America, on which Russian words were written in proto-Cyrillic First of all, two facts are striking.
Ancient Russians lived in America and even built some cities (for example, Krumia). And they lived a very long time, approximately, from 200 to 30 thousand years ago, according to various estimates. And along the sole of a shoe from Nevada, the Ancient Russians have lived in America for 5 million years.
Michael Kremo: “It is difficult for official science to recognize the existence of Indians at least 60 thousand years ago, because the Indians, relatives of the Chukchi, arrived in America from Asia along the Bering Isthmus about 26 thousand years ago, and before that they simply did not exist on the American continent It was. But to assume that some ethnic group lived here before them and before the glaciation is too revolutionary.
And according to the research of M. Kremo, it turns out that this unknown ethnic group were Russians. This discovery for North American scientists is even more poignant.
Slavic faces on the stones of the beach in Brooklyn, part 1-3
Leakey on Brighton Beach. Video for seditious cards

And here are our native Slavic faces. Prophetic Oleg

Peter and Fevronia.

Yes, our Pra-civilization once freely communicated with the entire Cosmos and a huge work was done to divide it into nations.
It would be nice if you send a similar type.

Any person interested in the secrets of the past will name the mysterious sights of our planet, as if created with the help of ancient advanced technologies - Egyptian pyramids, Japanese sarcophagi or grandiose structures in Peru. However, our country also has its own traces of pracivilizations. We list some of them and add that in fact there are many more.

1. Megaliths of Mount Pidan (Primorsky Territory)

Pidan is the well-known obsolete name of Mount Livadiyskaya (height - 1332.6 m), which is part of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system in Primorsky Krai. It is believed that the word "Pidan" in translation from the language of the Jurchen tribe means "Stones poured by God." And indeed, looking at the stones located on Mount Pidan, you begin to believe that it could not have done without "gods" or people who own high technologies. Scientists believe that these are natural formations. The photographs clearly show carefully crafted blocks with straight edges, stacked on top of each other and huge structures.

2. Chud mine in the Urals

The Chudsky mines are traces of ancient gold mining, which was carried out by the mysterious Chud tribe, who once lived in the Urals and Siberia. After the appearance of Christians there, it disappeared, and, according to legend, went underground. Geologists and archaeologists at the beginning of the 20th century found many Chud mines, but almost all of them were later destroyed. However, one mine - near the village of Borisovka in the Chelyabinsk region is well preserved. The age of this regular circle with a clear hole in the middle is at least 4 thousand years!

3. Megaliths on Mount Ninchurt in the Arctic

In the Murmansk region, on the Kola Peninsula, next to the famous mystical lake Seydozero, there is Mount Ninchurt. The name of this lake comes from the Sami "seid" - a sacred stone in which the soul of a shaman lives. The Saami call this place Luyavrchorr, which means "Mountains near the Lake of Power". Even in the last century, a megalithic complex with blocks and stone steps was discovered here. Numerous tourists find on the mountain and around it more and more evidence of the existence of pre-civilizations in these places, for example, a road made of stone slabs, regular round stone wells and blocks.

4. Mysterious megaliths of Vottovaara

Vottovaara is a hard-to-reach mountain in the Muezersky district of Karelia. Its height is 417 meters, and its area is about 6 kilometers. It is officially recognized that this place was a cult for the ancient Sami - sacrifices were made here, there is a huge number of seids - sacred stones. But even more interesting are the mysterious megaliths, as if left over from an ancient powerful civilization - huge blocks and stone balls.

5. Chichaburg - an underground city in Siberia

In the late 90s of the last century, during aerial photography in the Novosibirsk region, researchers discovered an unusual anomaly on the shore of Lake Chicha, which is located 5 km from the regional center of Zdvinsk. The picture clearly showed the contours of the buildings, and on an area of ​​​​more than 12 hectares. Scientists, using geophysical equipment, explored a mysterious place called Chichaburg. The pictures showed clear contours of streets, quarters, powerful defensive structures, and on the outskirts - the remains of a developed metallurgical production. It turned out that there was also a class stratification in the city - stone palaces were adjacent to the houses of commoners. According to preliminary excavations, the settlement was created in the 7th-8th centuries BC, therefore, a developed civilization existed in Siberia at the same time as the ancient Greek ...

6. Kurgan in the Yakut tundra

This mysterious mound is located in the inaccessible Khalarcha tundra on the Kolyma lowland (Nizhnekolymsky ulus, the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia). Its exceptionally correct form is striking. Compare the image of this mound with another, no less mysterious formation in the north of the Irkutsk region - the Patomsky crater.

7. Patomsky crater

The Patomsky crater is located in the Bodaibo district in the north of the Irkutsk region. It was discovered in 1951 by geologist Vladimir Kolpakov, and is still one of the most mysterious natural objects. It is not clear how the crater, similar to a volcano, but containing no traces of igneous deep rocks, appeared on the surface of the earth and how it turned out that this formation has no analogues in the world. For a long time it was believed that the Patomsky crater is a consequence of the Tunguska explosion, however, larches were found on the slopes of the crater, which appeared before the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. But the same larches set a new riddle. The annual rings of some of them grew intensively for almost 40 years, and then this process stopped for some time. Scientists observed a similar picture in Chernobyl and in Semipalatinsk, in the nuclear test zone. It turns out that there was a burst of radiation in the Patomsky crater? It turned out that it was. Scientists discovered that in 1845, a five-fold increase in the radioactive isotope in wood occurred in the crater, which lasted for several decades. The reasons for the increased background radiation at a time when there was no question of any nuclear research are still not clear.

8. Zyuratkul elk

A giant geoglyph in the form of an elk was found near Lake Zyuratkul in the Chelyabinsk region. The gigantic stone figure of an elk can only be seen from the air, as are the famous geoglyphs of the Nazca plateau. The age of the Siberian geoglyph is from four to ten thousand years. Today it is the largest (218 by 195 meters) and the most ancient geoglyph.

9. Stone city in the Urals

Stone Town is one of the most famous megalithic complexes in Russia. It is located in the Gremyachinsky district of the Perm Territory, at an altitude of 526 meters above sea level. It got its name due to the fact that it consists of streets, squares, passages, arches, dead ends, as if cut into a monolithic stone. According to legends, a strong and proud tribe once lived in this place. Once a blind daughter was born to the leader. An evil sorcerer cured her, but in return he bewitched the city, turning it into stone. Once the Stone Town was called the Devil's Settlement and was notorious. Perhaps because sacrifices were obviously made here. This is evidenced by bowl-shaped recesses that can be found on the stones at the highest point. Most likely, these were sacral vessels for sacrificial blood. Some of the huge stones and stone blocks on the hill fort seem to have been crafted with some amazing tools.

10. Chandar plate

In the last century, the scientist Alexander Chuvyrov discovered notes of the 18th century in the Ufa archive, which said that two hundred white slabs covered with strange icons were stored near the village of Chandar. Chuvyrov decided to find these stones and organized several expeditions. Only in 1999, one of the mysterious plates was found - a local resident told that a huge stone had been lying under the porch of his house since time immemorial. He was pulled out and taken to the Bashkir University. The dimensions of this stone are 148 cm by 106 cm, the thickness is 16 cm, and the weight is about a ton. But the most striking thing about the slab is that on its surface there is a map - and three-dimensional! Serious research began, during which it was proved that the Southern Urals were represented on the Chandar Plate, but the terrain was partially different from the modern one. Mountains, rivers and the Ufa Canyon, which no longer exists in our time, are marked on the map. Moreover, there are images of dams, canals and dams. There are also inscriptions on the plate, which scientists have not been able to decipher. It is curious that the age of the find turned out to be simply fantastic - about 120 million years.

N. Trubinovskaya

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