
The person who created something. How did humans appear on Earth? When did the first man appear? More about one of the common theories

Each person at a certain period of his life thought about the fact. Centuries-old attempts to reveal this secret have not yet led to a result, scientists are still arguing on this topic. It is logical that the truth must be sought in the most ancient sources, which are closest to the moment of the birth of life.

Theory One: God Created Mankind

One of the first legends that sounded authentic were the stories that God created people. Many peoples believed that the first were molded from clay. It is not known for certain why this particular material was considered “human”. Most likely, this is due to the fact that clay is a radioactive substance, which is explained by the presence of uranium in the composition, and during decay, it can release significant amounts of energy. The ancestors claimed that this was the energy that was used to create living beings. Legends about the first woman and man are known all over the world.

Theory two: people are hermaphrodites

According to other myths that tell how the first one appeared, they descended from some bisexual creatures - hermaphrodites. Adherents of this theory were the peoples of Africa and Sudan. They believed that the division of people by gender occurred after a huge number of years.

Theory Three: Aliens

Modern versions of how people were born connected this fact with the presence of alien life. People believed that unearthly beings came to Earth and artificially gave rise to life on the planet.

Theory Four: Living Cell

For a long time, many scientists rejoiced, believing that they had solved the mystery of how people appeared on Earth. It seemed quite obvious to them that the appearance of mankind is connected with the formation of a living cell.

They built various models when a living cell was born from inanimate matter under the influence of chemical processes. It was argued that this living particle was in the earth's ocean, which at that time was simply seething with chemical reactions.

Later it was proved that everything necessary for the emergence of life was in space long before the formation of the Earth. Scientists insisted that the appearance of a living cell is a coincidence and unforeseen biochemical processes that explain how 1 person appeared.

However, there were people who actively refuted this version, since the content of the genetic code is an abstract record that cannot be predicted. who first discovered the genetic code, argued that a living cell could not originate on its own. But even assuming that this happened, there is no explanation as to why there was such a variety of living forms that arose as a result of a single cell.

Adherents of this theory, how people were born, cited as an example the development of Darwin, who believed that all life was formed as a result of random and chaotic mutations. As a result of natural selection, forms that were unsuitable and unsuitable for life perished. And those strongest who survived continued to survive and develop.

To date, such a theory of how people appeared on Earth does not hold water. Despite numerous excavations, it was not possible to find a single creature from which another creature could originate. If Darwin were right, now we could observe outlandish and amazing monsters.

The recent discovery of the fact that most genetic mutations have a clear direction has finally disqualified the "chance" theory. And the rest of the mutations, which are caused by disturbances in the body, cannot carry anything creative.

Theory Five: Evolution

The assumptions of this theory are that the ancient ancestors of man were higher primates, or monkeys. The modification had 4 stages:

The shortcoming of this theory was that the scientists were unable to explain in detail how mutations could contribute to the emergence of complex life forms. Until now, not a single type of beneficial mutation has been discovered, they all lead to the destruction of genes.

Theory Six: Hyperboreans and Lemurians

Esoteric history has its own interpretation of how people appeared on Earth. It is alleged that before modern mankind, the planet was inhabited by huge giants, who were called Lemurians and Hyperboreans. However, the theory was criticized, because, according to this, it simply could not be. Our planet does not have enough resources to feed such giants. And this is not the only rebuttal. If the growth of these creatures really reached enormous sizes, they would not be able to lift themselves, and with a sharp movement, the force of inertia would knock them down. In addition, their vessels would not withstand such a load, and the blood flow would break through their walls.

This is only a small part of theories, but practical experience shows that each person chooses a version according to his worldview.

Numerous studies have shown that initially all embryos are female, and only during the period of hormonal changes do some of them transform into a male. Many scientists believe that this is due to changes in the male genotype, which entail violations in the Y chromosome. It is she who determines the male gender. According to these data, after some time the planet will be inhabited by female hermaphrodites. US experts support this theory, as they were able to prove that the female chromosome is much older than the male.

With the help of modern research, a huge number of facts have been discovered, but even they do not give a clear explanation of how and where a person appeared. Therefore, people have no choice but to choose the most acceptable theory of the origin of life for themselves, trusting their intuition.

Until now, the origin of man remains a mystery to scientists. Darwin's popular theory has a large number of unproven assumptions and weaknesses.

Due to the absence of some transitional links in the evolutionary chain, scientific minds around the world have been arguing about the origin of man for decades. There are no problems with explanations only for supporters of other theories - from mythological and fantastic to alien and mystical.

How have people explained their origin since ancient times? Let's try to remember the main versions of our appearance on planet Earth...

The main versions of the origin of man


Totemism belongs to the most ancient mythological representations and is considered the first form of awareness of the human collective, as well as its place in nature. Totemism taught that each group of people had its own ancestor - a totemic animal or plant, a totem. For example, if a raven serves as a totem, then it is the actual progenitor of the clan, and each raven is a relative. At the same time, the totem animal is only a patron, but is not deified, in contrast to later creationism.


The mythological ones include the ancient Greek version of the origin of man from androgynes - the first people, who combined the signs of both sexes. Plato in the dialogue "Feast" describes them as creatures with a spherical body, whose back did not differ from the chest, with four arms and legs and two identical faces on their heads.

Model Andrej Pejic

According to legend, our ancestors were not inferior to the titans in strength and skill. Puffed up, they decided to overthrow the Olympians, for which they were cut in half by Zeus. This reduced their strength and self-confidence by half.

Androgyny is present not only in Greek mythology. The idea that a man and a woman were originally one whole is close to many world religions. So, in one of the Talmudic interpretations of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, it is said that Adam was created by an androgyne.

Abraham before the sacrifice of his son

Abrahamic tradition

Three monotheistic religions go back to the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, originating in the legend of Abraham, who was the patriarch of several Semitic tribes and the first person to believe in the one Lord God. They are also called "revelation religions" because the doctrine is based on Revelation, in the words of Alexander Men, "the self-disclosure of the Deity and the announcement of His will to man."

According to the Abrahamic tradition, the world was created by God - Existing from Non-Being, literally "out of nothing". God also created the man Adam from the dust of the earth “in our image and likeness”, so that a truly good man would be. It is worth noting that both in the Bible and in the Koran the creation of man is mentioned more than once. For example, in the Bible about the creation of Adam, in the beginning it says in the 1st chapter that God created man "out of nothing in his own image and likeness", in the 2nd chapter that he created him from dust (dust).

Statue of Lord Shiva in Murudeshwar


In Hinduism, there are at least five versions of the creation of the world and man, respectively. In Brahmanism, for example, the creator of the world is the god Brahma (in later versions identified with Vishnu and the Vedic deity Prajapati), who appeared from a golden egg floating in the oceans. He grew up and sacrificed himself, created from his hair, skin, meat, bones and fat the five elements of the world - earth, water, air, fire, ether - and the five steps of the sacrificial altar. Other gods, people and other living beings were created from it. Thus, in Brahminism, by making sacrifices, people re-create Brahma.

But according to the Vedas, the ancient scripture of Hinduism, the creation of the world and man is shrouded in darkness: “Who truly knows who will proclaim here. Where did this creation come from? Further, the gods (appeared) through the creation of this (world). So who knows where it came from?


According to Kabbalistic teachings, the creator of Ein Sof created a soul that received the name Adam Rishon - "the first man." It was a construction, consisting of many separate desires, interconnected like the cells of our body. All desires were in harmony, since initially each of them had a desire to support each other. However, being on the highest spiritual level, similar to the creator, Adam took on a huge spiritual light, which is equivalent to the "forbidden fruit" in Christianity.

Unable to achieve the goal of creation with this single action, the primary soul split into 600 thousand parts, and each of them into many more parts. All of them are now in the souls of people. Through many circuits, they must carry out a “correction” and gather again into a common spiritual complex, also called Adam. In other words, after the “breaking” or fall into sin, all these human particles are not equal to each other. But, returning to their original state, they again reach the same level, where they are all equal.

Evolutionary creationism

As science developed, creationists had to compromise with natural science concepts. An intermediate stage between the theory of creation and Darwinism was "theistic evolutionism." Evolutionary theologians do not reject evolution, but consider it a tool in the hands of a creator God. Simply put, God created the "material" for the appearance of man - the genus Homo and launched the process of evolution. The result is a modern man.

An important point of evolutionary creationism is that although the body changed, the human spirit remained unchanged. This is the position officially held by the Vatican since the time of Pope John Paul II (1995): "God created an ape-like creature by putting an immortal soul into it." In classical creationism, a person has not changed either in body or soul since the time of creation.

"Theory of ancient astronauts"

In the 20th century, the version about the extraterrestrial origin of man was popular. One of the founders of the idea of ​​paleocontact in the 1920s was Tsiolkovsky, who announced the possibility of aliens visiting the Earth. According to the theory of paleocontact, sometime in the distant past, approximately in the Stone Age, aliens visited the Earth for some reason. Either they were interested in the colonization of exoplanets, or the resources of the Earth, or it was their transfer base, but one way or another, part of their descendants settled on Earth. Perhaps they even mixed with the local genus Homo, and modern people are mestizos of an alien life form and natives of the Earth.

The main arguments on which supporters of this theory rely are the complexity of the technologies used in the construction of ancient monuments, as well as geoglyphs, petroglyphs and other drawings of the ancient world, which supposedly depict alien ships and people in space suits. Mates Agres, one of the founders of the theory of paleovisits, even argued that the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not by God's wrath, but by a nuclear explosion.


The famous postulate - man descended from a monkey, is usually attributed to Charles Darwin, although the scientist himself, remembering the fate of his predecessor Georges Louis Buffon, who was ridiculed at the end of the 18th century for such ideas, cautiously expressed that humans and monkeys should have some common ancestor, monkey-like creature.

According to Darwin himself, the genus Homo originated some 3.5 million years ago in Africa. It was not yet our tribesman Homo Sapiens, whose age is dated today at about 200 thousand years, but the first representative of the genus Homo - the great ape, hominid. In the course of evolution, he began to walk on two legs, use his hands as a tool, he began to progressively transform the brain, articulate speech and sociality. Well, the cause of evolution, like all other species, was natural selection, not God's plan.

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God created man in His own image and likeness!

This quote from the Bible is not true, because we have already said that God is Love! Therefore, you and I need to lay in our consciousness a fair understanding of the creation of Man. Then let's "dance" on how something is created in our world? To do something, you need to give birth to a THOUGHT! For the thought original! So where did it come from if God doesn't "want to think"? Many years ago, he lived in the USSR, a man, Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov. He broke through to Stalin, then to Khrushchev and Brezhnev. He wanted to explain to the leaders of the country that it is possible to live without getting sick. But he was detained, placed in psychiatric hospitals and "treated". When they let him go, he explained to the people around him that COLD WATER IS HEALING EVERYTHING THAT HAS A MEMORY! Have you caught where the idea comes from? Our Nobel laureates, only 65 years later, began to shout that water has a memory, and such that, as soon as they figure out how to replace the memory of crystals in a computer with the memory of water, this will be the most powerful computer of all previously created.

Well, well, they “crowed” about the abilities of water, then think further? Why they do not want to think further, I will tell you later, but now let's talk about how memory comes into the water?

Do you know why the church calls Down the Man of God? Because although his cells are not built from all the atoms of the periodic table, he does not know how to be offended. How they do not tease him, how they do not mock him, and from his consciousness pours towards the teasing idiot, Love. That's all the atoms of all the Planets, on all the "shirts" of Matryoshka, Downa. They are adapted by God to one thing, to radiate Love from their consciousness. Although we are "idiots", we sometimes do it too. It happens when you go out into Nature on a quiet morning, the birds sing, the Sun caresses and you, without thinking about anything, radiate this love.

But look what happens to the atoms of Water when, under the rays of the Sun, it turns from ice into water? The ray of the Sun, it is divine when there is no obstacle in its path. The umbrella opened and hid from the beam. What does a drop of water represent? Remember! Remember! That's right, a lens! But there are trillions of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in a drop. Once in the lens, the ray of the Sun from "Down" turns these atoms into a robber. It skins the atoms, and they turn into keloid atoms. These atoms suddenly also from Downs, Divine atoms, turn into those whose love from a direct beam, which knows no barriers, like radioactive rays, turn into closed rays. They suddenly begin to notice their neighbor and endow him with love for what they see, together they make up one. Since the first rays of the sun “ripped off the skin” from the water atoms, making them keloid, the main memory is concentrated in it. She starts experimenting with the rest of the atoms. He will capture an atom, the “skin” flies off him, under the influence of a sunbeam, and he is at least more stupid in thinking, but he also understands something. And the water starts to play. She captures more and more atoms, "undresses" them, and then makes a "cocktail"?

To better imagine this, climb into space, onto any satellite through Google and go to Antarctica. From the satellite you will see the atoms of Downa, in the form of ice and snow, then, starting to move to the equator, you will see how the vegetation changes depending on how many atoms are concentrated in it. Those. the mixture in all cases is made by water. Water noticed that the more it introduces into the community of atoms, the better the knowledge and abilities of this "community". Everything created by water is done with the help of sunlight from mineral substances located on this territory of the Earth. (Remember this!)

The beginning of its design work, water laid on single-celled creatures. I will give you an example of such a single-celled creature, which can subsequently eat both like plants and like animals. This was the intermediate link between plant and animal. Look at our ancestor EUGLEN!

His body consists of one cell, but has an organ of movement - a flagellum. The flagellum is necessary to move in the water. In the body of Euglena, there is chlorophyll - a green substance, here it is similar to plants. With the help of chlorophyll, the cell retains the sun's rays and with their help, by adding carbon dioxide and water, it prepares organic food for itself. (Remember, so that later your consciousness does not reject, due to what do the solar people of the Earth live?)

But Euglena can also live in the dark, only then chlorophyll is not formed in the cell and it requires ready-made organic food for its nutrition, they begin to eat like animals.

What does it say? That flora and fauna Water on Earth immediately built a unicellular. It was already after many centuries that they diverged in their further development, and, indeed, only by the fact that chlorophyll is green and hemoglobin is red. What chlorophyll is for the plant world, what hemoglobin is for the animal world, though different, is very important for life. Yes, and science confirms that both of these complex, chemical substances, in their composition, are related to each other and have a common ancient origin.

We know that the animal world cannot develop, exist without the plant world. And since it “knows”, then the “knowing world” must “pay for” the services, therefore, if the plant world gives organic food and oxygen to the animal world, then the animal world, having processed organic matter, returns waste, food for plants. In addition, animals exhale carbon dioxide, which is a mineral food for plants.

There is also a third World, these are bacteria and microbes, which are gravediggers of both the animal and plant worlds. In the body of plants and animals there are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral associations, which bacteria, microbes decompose into simple compounds, keloid atoms, available for plant nutrition. Go to a new circuit.

So, in living nature there are three worlds - the world of plants, the world of animals and the world of microbes. These three worlds are in constant active exchange of matter with each other and are closely interconnected in their existence and development.
Why am I talking about this in such detail in this chapter, so that you put it into your consciousness that the atoms of Downa are eternal and constant, and the keloids revolve in the wheel of time. Where are they located on Earth? This is the "fertile" layer of the Earth. It is clear that the most significant one is the one that constantly bathes in the sun and, deviating from the topic, “shouts”: “Do you want to get excellent harvests? Do not turn over the fertile layer of the earth.

At present, the water on Earth is creating millions of new plant individuals. Many of them are of the same age and "nerds" manage to open a few. As many of them disappear as Mammoths in history. So let's talk about the person.

Having created the plant and animal world, Water saw that both in the environment of plants and in the environment of animals there appeared those who aspired to live at the expense of their neighbor. This was done by those whose cells consisted of a greater number of mineral elements. Their consciousness was better developed. So they embarked on a trick, explaining their rudeness by the fact that it was God who created him so that the rest would please him. This is how divisions on the scale of boors began to occur, both in the environment of the plant world and in the environment of animals. These plants wrapped around the stem or trunk of a neighbor and began to drink his juices. The animal, which we put in the boorish column, having understood that the neighbor's meat has 60 elements, and only 20 in the vegetation, killed and ate the weak one.

Everything that was created on Earth with such love by water began to collapse. So She decided to create a Human, whose cells will be built from the entire table, which means that he will be like God and only Love will radiate in the image of God.

The created Man, and it was a woman, had the ability to see the thoughts of the plant world and the animal world. She lived without food and water, which means that her complexion was what? Green? No, normal color, like all of us, look at Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova, who has not been drinking or eating since April 2000. The consciousness of the first man was Divine. She could do everything, but she did, and only radiated Love. And soon the flora and fauna calmed down and turned the Earth into Paradise.

Hams, of course, could not deceive under Man, the fact is that the plant world, the animal world and Man, were created by water in such a way that everyone had more than 80% of water in their bodies.

Each herb has a different amount of minerals in its skeleton, but in strict accordance with the prescription - who? God? Not! Water! The water of the one that is concentrated in the DNA. She keeps in her memory what the object should be like and what is needed for its construction. It's DNA like a blueprint for building a building. Homogeneous herbs, have homogeneous minerals. They can differ in their wretchedness, coloring, exactly, as we are now, people, and the cause of "inequality" is all the same atoms that are in the district. (Remember! This is the main idea that I want to put into your consciousness in this chapter).

Each of us can trace this in our own area. They planted something, but it grew, "not a candle to God, not a poker to hell." The next year, they fertilized the earth, with those minerals that are part of the DNA of the plant, the harvest of fruits, "as in the picture."

So! All plants have strictly defined minerals. If, due to the absence of some, others were partially used, science reports that a previously unknown plant has been found. Such "unknowns", mutants, will be constantly until the "jokers" in the environment of atoms are transferred. Now the joker number 1 on Earth is a man. We pollute Nature so quickly, thus inflicting wounds, that the Earth does not have time to “lick” these wounds.

Like plants, there is the birth of new species of insects, animals, birds, which are reborn due to the rebirth of vegetation. But if plants have a total of 20 heterogeneous atoms, then animals have three times more. Therefore, herbivores need as many varieties of herbs as possible in their diet.

Yes, but the first man didn't need herbs or animals. He received all the necessary food from the Sun, fed on solar corpuscles and air. We consisted of atoms, according to their variety, which are all in the table of D.I. Mendeleev. Remember! What was the first man like? It makes no sense to list all the deeds of the first people. But you must know that they could do everything, but they only did one thing? LOVED!!! It was a clot of Divine atoms, which purely, I repeat, included the entire Periodic Table.

Probably, the question will follow, about the expediency in this knowledge? By understanding this, it will be easier for us to understand the causes of our modern misfortunes. More precisely, you will know the instructions for your longevity and health. For the instruction is the consciousness for the production of actions, according to which the body will be in the state in which it was conceived by the Creator. For how can one live without getting sick if the Creator Himself is presented to us incorrectly?
So! The first people were solar people. They fed on solar corpuscles, did not drink, and hardly breathed. For reference, there are more than 30,000 such people on Earth now! They were creatures that had everything identical. It was not possible to distinguish them either by the pattern on the fingers or by the iris of the eyes.

They had divine abilities. These were people in the understanding of those living today - "Downs"! They moved around the Earth among the fragrant nature like a ghost. Communication with each other, with animals, birds, fish was visual. They saw everyone's thoughts; animals, insects, plants…, any grain of sand, as we now see pictures of color TV. These pictures are highlighted by a halo above the object towards which the Man turned his gaze. Due to what? Atomic vibration, together with thought, encircles this united molecular creation. Because thought is the initial stage of the created body.

Horvath, Nikola Tesla, made almost all his discoveries on the prompts of people from parallel worlds. In principle, these “tips” are all in our brain, but we cannot get to them because our brain can give out everything - everything that it is capable of. And now he is only able to tell about 5% of everything that is stored on his shelves of knowledge.

Everyone who was close to the first Man experienced an indescribable surge of energy, allowing him to recover from any disease. Next to the Man, the beast lost its aggression and all the herbivores rushed to its surroundings. Therefore, paradise territories have always been created around Man. Peacefulness was created in these territories. And when there is no fear in the soul, this space is filled with love.

If we now feel at the ashes of a saint how the body is filled with healthy energy, and a “saint”, unlike a mere mortal, differs in that there are 2-4 more atoms in his body, which allowed him to do things that are inexplicable to others. Then imagine how the animals felt, in which there were half as many atoms?

But, and the plants in general were fragrant, hurrying to endow the Man with the smell of their flowers, the brightness of the fruits. People gave love to Nature, and nature, in turn, gave love to Man.

Many will doubt, they say, what did non-herbivorous animals eat? They were all orderlies, eating carrion.

The first humans were all Evas! Being a derivative of the Earth, they, according to its “desire”, received fertilization in a certain period, called in the Bible the immaculate conception. Everything happened at the same time. Children also appeared always at the same time. Naturally, this was done in a certain historical period of time.

All this is easier to understand for a country dweller who knows that one weed grows on Earth this year, and a completely different one prevails next year.
Similarly, Nature regulates the number of individuals of animals. A lot of food grows, instead of one cub, several animals get life. This means that more are born, more die, more nurses are born.

Why Eve and not Adam? Does the Bible say that the son of Adam gave birth? Because a woman has a connection not only with the Cosmos, but she also has a connection with the Earth. This was colorfully described by Yu. Andreev in his book “Three whales of health”. This connection is permanent. Waves from the "coccyx" rush to the Earth. That is why synthetics are so harmful to women. Synthetic materials block the connection of a woman with the Earth. Perhaps now our outfits, male - female, will become clearer to you?

It was through this connection that Eve received permission from the Earth for the immaculate conception.

Mom also conducted training up to a certain age, concluding - do as I do. Soon the child went to an independent life, which consisted of only one thing - merging with Nature.

Human life lasted for millennia! Could have gone on forever, but...

Why was there no Adam? If he were, it would not be Gods people, but animals. At present, there is no need to explain the differences between men and women. If the first people had differences, comparisons would immediately arise. Comparisons breed envy. If not envy, then desire, as some do now, some genital organs are sewn on, while others are cut off.

The next taboo follows from the fact that modern conception occurs by fertilization. Hundreds of millions of sperm rush to the uterus, and only one reaches the goal. The losing spermatozoon is offended, pours out negativity on the “lucky one”. That's the reason why sex drive has been called a "sin"! Therefore, the first steps of a modern baby begin with such a negative, which is incompatible with the beginning of the Divine path. Hundreds of millions of spermatozoa, which instead of the uterus enter the sewer, naturally have a negative attitude towards the "lucky one".

But two words about RAE itself. Paradise, think about it, this is not a place, but a state of mind. This state was formed around Eve. The earth is huge in relation to Eve. The Earth also, in the body, has the entire Periodic Table, all the atoms, but they are scattered, while Eve had them collected. Like letters of the alphabet, from which you can compose any text, perform any action, and there was only one “action” - LOVE! Animals and vegetation were infected with Love from it. Life was spent in love.

What happened that Eve was "expelled" from Paradise? You will learn about this in the next chapter:-

Now is the time when with one click of the "mouse", the Internet is ready to jump out of your pants so that you go to its page and find out the "truth". So let's go, I'll tell you, but "Thomas is not a believer", you can immediately check on the Internet.

Let's start our proofs by returning to the chapter, "What is God?", where I tried to tell you that every atom is the likeness of God, and therefore it is eternal. The planets of all galaxies are filled with these atoms. Since the atoms are eternal, it means that they profess only Love.

The opposite of God is the Devil. According to the Bible, this is an angel whose angelic roof has gone. So he decided that it is boring for trillions - trillions of years to lie without any relationship with each other.

What did he come up with? Since he is a Divine creation, then naturally there is nothing that he does not know, or cannot create. So he began to create on all planets located at a distance from the stars such that it allows creating an atmosphere around these planets, under the roof of which an atomic association of H2O in liquid form can exist. Remember your childhood? They bought you a constructor, in which there are many homogeneous parts, but from these parts, you collect non-uniform figures. So the Devil began to play. To better watch his games, go online to the mainland of Antarctica and move towards the equator.

It is best to start this trip in January, when it is the height of summer in Antarctica. What can we see on this journey? And we will be able to see that where the ice, atoms continue to be in the power of God, lies, radiating Love, the rest is not a matter.

Now, where the ice shell ended, and the blackness of the earth allows the snowflake to turn into a drop, we can find fungal spores, a little further mosses, lichens .... What it is? Yes, this is our Devil learning to assemble toys from the details of the designer. He realized that in order to snatch an atom from a love dope, it is necessary to substitute his sides under the gentle rays of the warm sun, after which the veil flies off him, and he begins to dream. Joins two atoms from different minerals, one union is obtained. Changes atoms - others receive commonwealths. Moving to the North, we see that the vegetation, the closer to the equator, the growing season, from waking up to the formation of DNA, which contributes to “new waking up”, increases due to the fact that in these places the sun constantly “walks along the horizon”. As the number of warm days increases, the vegetation cover changes, turning into grasses, shrubs, and trees.

All life on Earth begins precisely with vegetation, for only plants are our Angel (I dare not call it the Devil), endowed with the ability to bring atoms out of a state of love to thought.

How does this happen? Each plant is connected by its root system to the Earth. In his DNA, the need for minerals is written, which, having dissolved in water, as in an elevator, rise along the capillaries along the stem, or trunk. During the movement, under the gentle rays of the Sun, the shell is erased from the atom, and it, inorganic, (in love), turns organic, (thinking). His consciousness allows you to remember your union ... but only for this season. Colds come and those atoms that did not enter the DNA, but were in the stalk, leaf, decay in the ground, decomposing, the whole next year, into atoms, and only after another year, will again strive to make a round of life with friends.

Thus, gradually, divine love was reborn into devilish love.

"Inorganic atom", it is not noticeable. From him, Love, as from the Sun, a ray goes into the World space. The same atom that drank the devil's love, it undergoes a replacement, i.e. the rectilinear ray of Love turns into a circle. His love begins to be subdivided, for example, to those atoms with which he spent a year in the stem or leaf of a plant, one, because there is something to remember with them and he became completely indifferent to the atom with which he had not “befriended” before.

Having completed the construction of the plant world, our angel began to create insects, animals, birds, which contributed to the reproduction of the plant world, because some DNA was transferred, while others contributed to pollination.

If plants were limited to 20 atomic compounds, then the animal world could absorb up to 60 different atoms. Creating nature and fauna, the Angel probably had no desire to get something like this. That's when he realized that turning Divine Love into a narcotic one and gave rise to a saying that they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Why did it happen? Did the angel want this? And it happened because some of the subspecies of animals soon felt that eating a leaf is one pleasure and satiety, but after eating the DNA of vegetation, where all the minerals are concentrated, there is already a divine taste and fast saturation. This caused resentment in the plant world, and behind the resentment, anger, so they began to manage to hide the DNA seed, either in a hard shell, or wrapped in thorns.

Animals who had previously received only Love from the environment began to receive negative from the plant world. This negativity turned some individuals into "beasts".

Paradise, created by the angel, began to collapse. And here Eve was created to save Paradise. Eve was supposed to be God on Earth, so the Earth created her to save Paradise.

The Earth, the body of Eve, made by "kneading" it on all the atoms included in the Periodic Table. Her abilities were therefore unlimited. She could do anything, but like God, she only loved. Love emanated from her just like the rays emanating from the Sun. Do you understand now why Dawn calls the church God's Man?

Yes, but the first man didn't need herbs or animals. He received all the necessary food from the Sun, fed on solar corpuscles and air. We consisted of atoms, according to their variety, which are all in the table of D.I. Mendeleev. Remember! What was the first man like? Introducing him to us will not be a huge task ....

Let's collect in this image everyone who is now being said to be an average static value. To this value we add those people living next to us, but scientists cannot explain anything intelligibly to us about their abilities, and the church canonizes them as saints, or, spreading their hands, they say that the deeds of the child are known to God alone.

Further, in this image we supplement those people who lived recently and also with mysterious abilities for science and religion. Therefore, I describe this portrait, and you can finish painting. But I will talk about those abilities that will more clearly reveal the picture of the first person, thanks to whom we now live. Just remember that these abilities are not given by the God about whom our ears buzzed, but by superfluous atoms, received by a person during the period of birth, or who survived a terrible disease by our standards, or got into earthly adventures. For instance; a lightning strike hit, high voltage electric current, or a coma. We can count thousands of such "miracle workers", but I would like to mention only those whom the church uses to fool us.

For instance! We read in the press how a girl ignites all combustible materials with a glance. Whatever you look at, it ignites. There are not many such people, but they do exist. These are the ones the church has been picking up and for centuries they have put on an Easter show. States send planes and the fire "scatters" across the countries, which are waiting for millions of fooled people.

Further! The Communists declared that religion was the opiate of the people. It is now that our church is raking power into its own hands, but at the beginning of the 1990s, they did not have such power, so in Russia they began to show the miracle worker, Alan Chumak, on central television. A man on TV blessed water to those who wished. For some reason, at Epiphany, well, they don’t want to remember Alan at all? And the fact that the water becomes holy is attributed to the acts of God.

Why this deception? So cheating, it's a trick. Lord, only in Russia, how many billionaires and all the billions earned on deceit? And could they become them if we knew about the deception? This is already a criminal topic ....

It makes no sense to list all the deeds of the first people. But you must know that they could do everything, but they only did one thing? LOVED!!! It was a bunch of Divine atoms, which purely, I repeat, included the entire periodic table.

Probably, the question will follow, about the expediency in this knowledge? Once we understand this, it will be easier for us to understand the causes of our present-day misfortunes. More precisely, you will know the instructions for your longevity and health. For the instruction is the consciousness for the production of actions, according to which the body will be in the state in which it was conceived by the Creator. For how can one live without getting sick if the Creator Himself is presented to us incorrectly? And knowing that - "Man was created by God in His image and likeness!" - we do not understand our “likeness” correctly.

So! The first people were solar people. They fed on solar corpuscles, did not drink, and hardly breathed. For reference, there are more than 30,000 such people on earth now! They were creatures that had everything identical. It was not possible to distinguish them either by the pattern on the fingers or by the iris of the eyes.

They had divine abilities. These were people in the understanding of those living today - "Downs"! They moved around the Earth among the fragrant nature like a ghost. Communication with each other, with animals, birds, fish was visual. They saw everyone's thoughts; animals, insects, plants…, any grain of sand, as we now see pictures of color TV. These pictures are highlighted by a halo above the object towards which the Man turned his gaze. Due to what? Atomic vibration, together with thought, encircles this united molecular creation. Because thought is the initial stage of the created body.

Like the first people, Wolf Grigorievich Messing could “read”, see the thoughts of people. With less success, this is done by psychics who make up pictures of what is happening "from the words" of the atoms that were previously present at the scene.

Horvath, Nikola Tesla, made almost all his discoveries on the prompts of people from parallel worlds. In principle, these “tips” are all in our brain, but we cannot get to them because our brain can give out everything - everything that it is capable of. And now he is only able to tell about 5% of everything that is stored on his shelves of knowledge.

Everyone who was close to the first Man experienced an indescribable surge of energy, allowing him to recover from any disease. Next to the Man, the beast lost its aggression and all the herbivores rushed to its surroundings. Therefore, paradise territories have always been created around Man. Peacefulness was created in these territories. And when there is no fear in the soul, this space is filled with love.

If we now feel at the ashes of a saint how the body is filled with healthy energy, and a “saint”, unlike a mere mortal, differs in that there are 2-4 more atoms in his body, which allowed him to do things that are inexplicable to others. Then imagine how the animals felt, in which there were half as many atoms?

But, and the plants in general were fragrant, hurrying to endow the Man with the smell of their flowers, the brightness of the fruits. People gave love to Nature, and nature, in turn, gave love to Man.

Many will doubt, they say, what did non-herbivorous animals eat? They were all orderlies, eating carrion.

The first humans were all Evas! Being a derivative of the Earth, they, according to its “desire”, received fertilization in a certain period, called in the Bible the immaculate conception. Everything happened at the same time. Children also appeared always at the same time. Naturally, this was done in a certain historical period of time.

All this is easier to understand for a country dweller who knows that one weed grows on Earth this year, and a completely different one prevails next year.

Similarly, Nature regulates the number of individuals of animals. A lot of food grows, instead of one cub, several animals get life. This means that more are born, more die, more nurses are born.

Why Eve and not Adam? Does the Bible say that the son of Adam gave birth? Because a woman has a connection not only with the Cosmos, but she also has a connection with the Earth. This was colorfully described by Yu. Andreev in his book “Three whales of health”. This connection is permanent. Waves from the "coccyx" rush to the Earth. That is why synthetics are so harmful to women. Synthetic materials block the connection of a woman with the Earth. Perhaps now our outfits, male - female, will become clearer to you?

It was through this connection that Eve received permission from the Earth for the immaculate conception.

Mom also conducted training up to a certain age, concluding - do as I do. Soon the child went to an independent life, which consisted of only one thing - merging with Nature.

Human life lasted for millennia! Could have gone on forever, but...

Why was there no Adam? If he were, it would not be Gods people, but animals. At present, there is no need to explain the differences between men and women. If the first people had differences, comparisons would immediately arise. Comparisons breed envy. If not envy, then desire, as some do now, some genital organs are sewn on, while others are cut off.

The next taboo follows from the fact that modern conception occurs by fertilization. Hundreds of millions of sperm rush to the uterus, and only one reaches the goal. The losing spermatozoon is offended, pours out negativity on the “lucky one”. That's the reason why sex drive has been called a "sin"! Therefore, the first steps of a modern baby begin with such a negative that is incompatible with the beginning of the Divine path, because hundreds of millions of spermatozoa are erupted.

But two words about RAE itself. Paradise, think about it, this is not a place, but a state of mind. This state was formed around Eve. The earth is huge in relation to Eve. The Earth also, in the body, has the entire Periodic Table, all the atoms, but they are scattered, while Eve had them collected. Like letters of the alphabet, from which you can compose any text, perform any action, and there was only one “action” - LOVE! Animals and vegetation were infected with Love from it. Life was spent in love.

What happened that Eve was expelled from paradise? You will learn about this in the next chapter:-


There are several theories of the appearance of man on Earth. The main version is the arguments of Darwin, which is supported by most scientists. There are other options for creating a person, the church preaches its divine theory (God created two people, Adam and Eve).

Let us consider in more detail the stages of human development.

The process of forming a person

The first people appeared on the African continent, over time they gradually settled on the territory of Eurasia, and later America and Australia. If you follow the version of science, humanity originated about 200,000 years ago.

The first birth of a child occurred 160,000 years ago, and the settlement began 100,000 years ago. The number of the first people barely reached 10,000 people. About a hundred individuals moved outside the mainland. After 40,000 years, they only reached the East, where the creation of human culture began.

According to the theory of Charles Darwin, a person must improve in the process of labor. This is based on the notion of humanity itself. This is a community of all people who have a mind and the ability to be creative.

It can be beneficial or harmful to society. After examining the bone tissue of the found remains of ancient individuals, scientists came to the conclusion that modern man lived 40,000 years ago.

The very origin of mankind began more than 65 million years ago. When a huge meteorite fell on the planet and due to climate change, the extinction of dinosaurs began. At this time, after the death of most of the Earth, man began to evolve. In ancient history, this time was called the Cenozoic era.

Over time, a person's brain increased, this is due to the fact that he began to use colloquial speech. He also began to use a fire and engage in hunting; grouping of people takes place. All these signs are inherent in a "working" person who lived about 1.8 million years ago.

After him appeared a man "upright", who learned how to make stone tools. A human being with a mind first appeared about 350,000 years ago. Less than 10,000 years ago, people began to apply their mind and creativity. They found application: in agriculture, creating families, making tools, building settlements. Speech gradually replaced gestures and facial expressions from circulation.

In the future, cities began to be built, each tribe had its own languages ​​​​in which they communicate. Over time, people have refuted the divine theory of the origin of man and adhere to Darwinian conclusions.

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