
Lion Ponomarev Son Fedor. Ponomarev Lev Alexandrovich. Deputy State Duma

Human rights activist, executive director of the All-Russian Public Movement "For Human Rights", a member of the Solidarity Political Council. In the past - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first and second convocations, deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. One of the founders of the Political Movement "Democratic Russia", subsequently - one of the leaders of the Democratic Russia party. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

Lev Alexandrovich Ponomarev was born in 1941 in the city of Tomsk.

In 1965, Ponomarev graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, in 1968 - the graduate school of the MFTI. In 1969, Ponomarev began working at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics - was a researcher, a senior researcher and a leading researcher.

Back in Soviet times, Ponomarev joined the movement of human rights defenders. In 1990, at the congress of "Democratic Russia", Elena Bonner recalled that he went into reference to the first chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group Yuri Orlov and helped his family "Not at least Brezhnevsky, and in her terrible years, when the regime decided to end the dissidents" .

In 1988, Ponomarev made one of the founders of the Memorial Company - All-Russian Society to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repression. In 1989, he became an authorized person of Academician Andrei Sakharov in the elections of the USSR deputies.

In 1990, Ponomarev was one of the founders of the Political Movement "Democratic Russia" - Parties, Opposition CPSU. At the constituent congress held in October, he was elected co-chair of the Coordination Council. "Demoreos" advocated the introduction of the post of President of the Russian Federation and supported Boris Yeltsin. According to Ponomareva, until 1993, they regularly communicated with the first president of Russia and offered their own solutions to political and economic tasks. "He did a lot maybe, according to our tip," the human rights activist suggested.

In 1990, Ponomarev as a member of the Bureau of the Coordination Council of the Moscow Association of Voters (My CS) was elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In the fall of 1991, he headed the parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of the GCCP and to clarify the role of the KGB in an attempt purpose. Speaker Sun Ruslan Hasbulatov on the results of the investigation responded dismissively, and the "independent newspaper" pointed to the non-professionalism of the commission: according to the publication, as a result of their work "Public attention from the question of principle: Does the KGB pose a threat to the constitutional system of the Russian state and is it possible to further exist Organizations in a democratic society - was switched on any kind of special speculation ... ".

In 1993, during the confrontation between Parliament and President, Ponomarev became one of the participants of the meeting of Yeltsin with representatives of democratic parties, during which the head of state promised not to storm the White House and dissolve local councils. Ponomarev then believed that the conflict would not be resolved by applying force, and stated that "the President is psychologically not ready for the introduction of dictatorship and is all the time looking for options, how to mitigate the situation." However, after supporters of the Supreme Council attempted to capture television service "Ostankino", the faithful Yeltsin troops shot the parliament building.

In the elections to the State Duma in December 1993, Ponomarev was ranked at a single-member district and in the list of electoral association "Choice of Russia". However, he did not get into parliament, despite the fact that the "Choice of Russia" successfully acted as election. Ponomarev deputy was in 1994 - after the death of the deputy of Vasily Celyunin. In October of the same year, Ponomarev became the leader of the Federal Party "Democratic Russia" (the second leader of the party was the State Duma Deputy Galina Starovoitov).

In 1997, Ponomarev initiated the creation in Moscow a multidisciplinary human rights adopter " Hot line"And the All-Russian Movement" For Human Rights ", becoming the Executive Director and a member of the Council of Movement. In the same year, he organized the General Action Initiative Group, which united representatives of the Russian human rights community (founders of the Group were the Moscow Helsinki Group, the Public Center for Forming Criminal Justice Reform and the Committee of Assistance to Refugees and Forced Migrants).

A lot of attention Ponomarev paid the topic to the cessation of war in Chechnya. In January 2001, he became one of the organizers of the All-Russian Emergency Congress in the Protection of Human Rights, in March, made an initiative to create the Russian Nationwide Committee "for the termination of war and establishing peace in the Chechen Republic," and in 2002, he initiated the International Conference "for termination Wars and the establishment of peace in the Chechen Republic. "

Ponomarev performed as an organizer of a series of rallies and round tables in defense of democratic freedoms and peaceful settlement in Chechnya, as well as about political repression in the country and in terms of the situation around the case "Yukos" ,. Ponomarev repeatedly commented on the current situation in the Russian system of execution of sentences, noting the facts of massive violations of prisoners. In 2006, Ponomarev became one of the creators of the Foundation "in defense of the rights of prisoners."

In the spring of 2006, Ponomarev as one of the members of the Public Committee in defense of scientists created after the initiation of the FSB "Spyware" processes against representatives of Russian Science - Igor Sutyagin, Valentina Danilova, Anatoly Babkin and Askar Kaibyshev. The Committee advised the organization of public hearings on the topic of prosecution of representatives of science with the invitation of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and non-governmental organizations.

In September 2006, after Ponomarev was convicted of three days of administrative arrest for organizing an unauthorized picket in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan (2004), Amnesty International human rights organization recognized him with a prisoner of conscience.

Ponomarev was an active participant in All-Russian congresses in the protection of human rights (2001, 2006), organized with the aim of consolidating human rights movement in the country. In his speech at the second congress, held December 2006, Ponomarev said: "We were going at the beginning of the Putin's era, now we are going at her end, and reality exceeds our worst expectations." At the same time, he stressed that human rights defenders are not going to go underground. "If the life or health of people is standing on the horse, it is necessary to cooperate with the authorities, whatever unbearable," the human rights activist noted.

In January 2007, director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Yuri Kalinin filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity against Ponomarev, commented in November 2006 the possible resignation of the head of the FSIN, and the REGNUM news agency published this comment. The plaintiff considered that in an interview with the title "Leo Ponomarev: 40 torture zones appeared in Kalinin in Russia" dated November 10, 2006, the human rights activist wrongly accused him of exceeding official powers, calling the director of the FSIN "author of the system of amateur organizations of the prisoners (" Section of the Discipline and Order "), with the endowment of their members with additional benefits and rights of the administration of correctional colonies (up to the right to use physical violence), as well as in the creation of" torture zones ". On April 23, 2007, the Presnensky District Court of the city of Moscow satisfied Kalinin's claim, obliging Ponomareva to disprove the information spread by him, and REGNUM is to publish a refutation. On April 28, 2007, the motivative part of the court decision was announced. The judges decided that amateur organizations of the convicts were formed and operated in accordance with the order of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 79 of July 8, 2005, therefore Kalinin could not be the author of the current system. The decision of the Presnensky District Court on June 14, 2007 was approved by the Judicial Board of Civil Affairs of the Moscow City Court. On July 30, 2007, in accordance with the court decision, REGNUM published a refutation written by Ponomarev. Human rights activist admitted that his statement about the "authorship" of Kalinina turned out to be inaccurate, but stressed that the materials submitted to the court and the testimony of witnesses proved the prevalence of torture practices in the Russian execution system of punishments. In addition, Ponomarev led the literal excerpt from the definition of the judicial board on civil cases of the Moscow City Court: "Kalinin since 1992 is the permanent head of the body that oversees the service of execution of sentences in the Russian Federation, and, therefore, is directly responsible for the impaired rights and Freedoms of citizens. "

In February 2008, Radio "Echo of Moscow" reported that a criminal case was initiated against Ponomarev on charges of slander on the Director of the FSIN. It was noted that the reason for the prosecution was the decision of the court, which recognized the false statements of Ponomarev on the responsibility of General Kalinin for the establishment of a torture system in Russian colonies. The case was discontinued beyond the absence of a crime in January 2009.

On December 13-14, 2008, the constituent congress of the new opposition movement "Solidarity" took place in Khimki near Moscow, one of whose creators was called and Ponomarev. Human rights activist took part in the forum and was elected one of the members of the political council of movement. The media emphasized that the sole leader from "solidarity" will not be.

In April 2009, the Ponomarev was attacked - he was cruelly beaten by unknown near his home on a free Avenue in Novogireev. Investigation of this incident, which caused a large public resonance, took under personal control the head of the Central District Ministry of Moscow Vladimir Pronin. According to operatives, the attack on the human rights defender was random. Ponomarev himself and his colleagues tied out what happened with professional human rights activities.

In August 2010, after the participation of Ponomarev in one of the shares of "solidarity" - an attempt to unauthorized marchs with the state flag of Russia in the center of Moscow - Ponomarev was detained and sentenced to three days of administrative arrest for disobedience to police officers. Next month, Ponomarev was sentenced to four days of arrest for the same article in connection with his participation in the action "Day of Wrath" on August 12.

Ponomarev - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Ponomarev is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of regional human rights organizations "For Human Rights".

Ponomarev is married, he has four children. AT free time Human rights activist is fond of painting.

The famous human rights activist Lion Ponomarev is a member of the Political Council of Solidarity. In the past, he was Russia of the first convocation. Politician has a doctoral degree in physical and mathematics.

early years

Lion Ponomarev was born in Tomsk in 1941. Learn to the university, the young man went to the capital. In Moscow, he received a diploma of the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute and ended the graduate school. Before becoming a famous Ponomarev during the Soviet settlement, worked in the scientific sphere for a long time. In particular, he was an employee of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics.

In the Brezhnev era, Lion Ponomarev joined the Dssident movement. He worked with the Moscow Helsinki Group, helped its members and the first chairman of Yuri Orlov. In 1988, Lion Ponomarev became one of the founders of the Memorial Company. This movement was organized to perpetuate the memory of the victims of Soviet repressions (especially in the Stalinist period).

In the late 80s, fame came to Ponomarev. In 1989, he was a trustee of Andrei Sakharov at the first democratic elections of people's deputies Soviet Union. At this time, new movements and parties appeared throughout the country. I could not stay aside from this process and Lion Ponomarev. Human rights activist in 1990 became one of several founders of Democratic Russia. It was a political movement that united all opposition to the CPSU party in the country. The support of Boris Yeltsin was an important step of "Democratic Russia" at the time when he ran into presidents for the first time.

At the same time, in 1990, the next elections of the deputies of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR were held. Thanks to his reputation, I received the mandate and Ponomarev Lev Alexandrovich. Human rights activist was the initiator of the creation of the Deputy Commission, which was investigating the activities of the KGB and GCCP in the days of the August Pull.

During the confrontation of the president and the Parliament, the Politician organized the meetings of Yeltsin several times with democratic parties. Then the head of state assured that he would not force the deputies seen in the White House. The time has shown that events have developed differently.

Deputy State Duma

After hitting the State Duma of Russia in 1994, Ponomarev became the leader of the Democratic Russia party (the name is the same as the first movement policy, but these are different organizations). Galina Starovoitova became the main colleague and associate of human rights defenders in a new place. Initially, their block in the Duma supported the president, but after entering the federal troops to Chechnya, the deputies moved away from Yeltsin and his government.

Also Ponomarev was the initiator of the creation of several including "for human rights." It received complaints from the whole country. People who need help could reach the hotline that at that time was a novelty. Such projects supported and developed Lion Ponomarev. "For human rights" is an organization that has done a lot to illuminate events in Chechnya.

Human rights activities

From the very beginning of the war in the Caucasus, the deputy opposed the input of the federal troops. When the second campaign began, Ponomarev organized several international conferences on violations of the law in the combat zone. After in 1996, the deputy authority policy has expired, he began to pay more time to hold rallies and other public actions aimed at expressing disagreement with power policies.

In 2006, the foundation "In defense of prisoners" was created. One of his founders was Lion Aleksandrovich Ponomarev. The biography of this public figure is an example of a person by the shoulders of which is the organization of many projects and movements.

Conflicts with FSIN

Ponomarev's human rights activities against prisoners repeatedly led to conflicts from in 2007, director of the FSIN Yuri Kalinin sued politically (a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity). The official stated that public performance Ponomareva, relating to the state of prisons in Russia, Liza. In turn, the human rights activist argued that Kalinin exceeds his own official powers.

The Presnensky District Court of Moscow considered this case and obliged Ponomarev to publicly disprove his own words that the director of the FSIN - "The author of the system", which torments people. Human rights activist acknowledged that his wording was inaccurate. Nevertheless, his fund's activities continue. It continues to receive information about the violations of the rights of prisoners.


In 2006, Ponomarev was arrested for three days due to his single picket in memory of the victims then several international organizations recognized him with a prisoner of conscience. After another two years, he became the founder of "solidarity" - the opposition movement, whose members were engaged in holding rallies and other mass civilian shares. During several such events, Ponomarev was arrested for three days for disobedience to police officers.

In 2009, Ponomareva not far from his house attacked unknown people. In this fact, a criminal case was initiated. On the fact that this incident is associated with his professional activities, insisted the lion of Ponomarev himself. The real name of the attackers was never clarified.

Human rights activist is married, he has four children. In his free time, he is fond of painting. Currently continues to engage in human rights projects. In addition, Ponomarev remains one of the key figures of the Memorial society.

Ponomarev Lev Aleksandrovich - Russian political and public figure, executive director of the All-Russian Movement "For Human Rights", Deputy of the National Assembly Russian Federation, Member of the Federal Political Council of the United Democratic Movement "Solidarity", deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first convocation.

In 1965 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (IFTI), in 1968 - graduate school of MFTI. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He worked at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (ITEF), part-time taught in the IFty at the Department of General Physics.

In 1988 he made one of the initiators of the creation of the Memorial Society.

In 1989 he was a trustee of Academician Andrei Sakharov at the elections of the People's Deputies of the USSR. Participated in the Coordination Council of the Moscow Association of Voters, in the Initiative Group on the Creation of the Civil Action Committee.

In 1990 he was elected by the People's Deputy of the RSFSR. From 1990 to 1993, Lion Ponomarev - People's Deputy of Russia, member of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, Member of the Committee for Mass Media, Relations with Public Organizations, Mass Motion of Citizens and the Study of Public Opinion, Member of the Democratic Russia faction and the Deputy Group "Reform Army. "

In the fall of 1991, he headed the parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of the GCCP and to clarify the role of the KGB in creating this committee.

On December 12, 1991, being a member of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR voted for the ratification of the Belovezhsky Agreement on the termination of the existence of the USSR.

In 1993, unsuccessfully ran into the State Duma on a single-mandate district and in the list of electoral association "Choice of Russia". Ponomarev got into parliament only in connection with the death of the deputy of Vasily Celyunin. From 1994 to 1996 - a deputy of the State Duma, a member of the CIS Committee and Relations with Compatriots.

In 1997, he initiated the creation of the All-Russian Movement "For Human Rights", becoming the executive director and a member of the Council of Motion.

Member of the coalition "Other Russia" since its foundation in July 2006. Member of the Executive Committee of the Coalition.

Actively accomplished in defense of the former owner of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky and other convicts for crimes in the field of economic activity in the case of Yukos. In 2007, he demanded President Putin's liberation of Khodorkovsky. In 2009, together with other activists of "Solidarity" - Roman Dobrokhotov, Oleg Kozlovsky, Alexander Ryklinin, Sergey Davidis, Mikhail Schneider, Vladimir Milovy, Harry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov - Lev Ponomarev took part in a series of single pickets at the Meshchansky Court building, holding a poster "Freedom to Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev."

Member of the United Democratic Movement "Solidarity". On December 13, 2008, at the first congress of "solidarity" was elected to the federal political council of movement.

March 31, 2009, late in the evening, was beaten by his house; Lyudmila Alekseeva tied an attack with his human rights activities and political activity in the "Solidarity" movement. At the meeting held on April 1, 2009, Barack Obama, according to his assistants, who voiced the basic alarms of the United States regarding Russia, mentioned, including about the attack on Ponomarev.

Human rights activities began in 1997, Ponomarev was one of the initiators of the creation of a "hotline" and the movement "for human rights". It is also the initiator of the creation and one of the most active members of the General Action Group.

January 27, 2014 Human rights activist Lion Ponomarev, executive director of the Movement of Human Rights, sent to the US President and the President of the Russian Federation an open appeal to the Presidents of the United States and Russia with a call to become intermediaries in the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and prevent bloodshed.

Married, has four children.

March 22nd, 2012, 10:01 pm

The enchanting record of the meeting of the famous human rights activist and a member of the political council of ODD "Solidarity" Lion Ponomarev with a Japanese diplomat. Lev Alexandrovich spoke about financing, "rotting patriotism" and his need for new sources of grants:

Quotes from Ponomareva (as well as the start of the beginning of the meeting with the diplomat) under the cut:

"I once spoke in publicly that two: Shikotan and, like him, hubomai - I thought that we had to give. I believe that if Russia would have done this step, here it would be right with Habomai. "

"The Japanese should be interested in civil society there, on Far Eastbecause they will not be engaged on this rotten such patriotism ... Do you understand? That is, there are reasonable people. And now you ... Even the solution to the problem of the islands will be reasonable. Agiculate there, you can discuss. "

"Swedes give grants to support civil society in the North-West. We get such grants for human rights organizations in Murmansk, in Arkhangelsk ... If this Swedes do, why don't you do. I do not understand!"

"It is only necessary that the Grant gave the Private Foundation Japanese. We are generally given by the Americans, government funds. And then Putin swears, but tolerates it. I am directly given American state funds, and the power tolerates, and I exist. Despite the fact that we are just ... In fact, the funds created by the State Department are funded by me. "

"Want to tell the truth, I will tell the truth? Only money is needed. We need only money. Honestly say. We need resources. Here I have ... So I ... Only Western Funds help me. Do you need resources, understand? Only resources. In the regions there are a lot of people, and if you start paying small money, they will throw their professional work. "

"Now I am only American, yes, it is true that only the American funds money gives. It's true. Yes. So accused me - it's true. Only American funds. Well, if we touched this topic, I can immediately tell you, anyway, I would finish this note: I'm not afraid to turn to Western people. So we could find the opportunity to develop. And maybe it would not even have caused irritation in power if Japan supported a grant for the development of civilian organizations in the Far East. "

"Now we have in our movement people who have a state experience: there the same Germans - he worked in different positions, the same Kasyanov, the same redheads, relatively young Ryzhkov. He also had a good experience, though he was in parliament, but still a high level. We have people who are ready to manage the country. I think they will do it very effectively, professionally. But ... the problem of responsibility. They are afraid of responsibility. Here. And they will do everything to catch, and can go even to destabilization, blood. This is the main problem. "

Ponomarev himself, the fact of this meeting has already admitted:
- Lev Alexandrovich, here is a video about your meeting with a Japanese diplomat. This meeting was on your initiative or by them?
- They called. This is common practice. I already wrote to the Prosecutor General, so that I was answered on what basis the operational shooting was carried out and an invasion of my personal life was carried out ... There is a criminal case for me to introduce me then. If there is a court decision, then let me get acquainted with him. And they will answer who exactly led this shooting.

As a bonus. This fighter is for your and our freedom of rally against the "Lie TV channel NTV":

In general, I think.

Lev Ponomarev Career: Figure
Birth: Russia »Tomsk Region» Tomsk
Famous human rights activist, executive director of the All-Russian Public Movement "For Human Rights". In the past - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the first and second convocations, deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. One of the founders of the Political Movement "Democratic Russia", subsequently - one of the leaders of the Democratic Russia party. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

Lev Alexandrovich Ponomarev was born in 1941 in the city of Tomsk.

In 1965, Ponomarev graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1968 - graduate school MFTI. In 1969, Ponomarev began to rolling at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics - was a researcher, a senior researcher and a leading researcher.

Back in Soviet times, Ponomarev joined the movement of human rights defenders. In 1990, at the congress of "Democratic Russia", Elena Bonner recalled that he went into reference to the first chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group Yuri Orlov and helped his family "Not at least Brezhnevsky, but in her terrible years, when order decided to divide with dissidents" .

In 1988, Ponomarev made one of the founders of the Memorial Company - All-Russian Society to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repression. In 1989, he became an authorized person of Academician Andrei Sakharov in the elections of the USSR deputies.

In 1990, Ponomarev was one of the founders of the Political Movement "Democratic Russia" - Parties, Opposition CPSU. At the constituent congress held in October, he was elected co-chair of the Coordination Council. "Demoreos" advocated the introduction of the post of President of the Russian Federation and supported Boris Yeltsin. According to Ponomareva, until 1993, they constantly communicated with the first president of Russia and offered their solutions to political and economic tasks. "He did a lot maybe, according to our tip," the human rights activist suggested.

In 1990, Ponomarev as a member of the Bureau of the Coordination Council of the Moscow Association of Voters (My CS) was elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In the fall of 1991, he headed the parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of the GCCP and to clarify the role of the KGB in an attempt of the state coup. Speaker Sun Ruslan Hasbulatov on the results of the investigation responded negligently a "independent newspaper" pointed to the non-professionalism of the commission's work: according to the publication, as a result of their work "Public partitions from the question of principal: Does the KGB pose a threat to the constitutional system of the Russian state and whether the continued presence of anosis Organizations in a democratic society - was switched on all kinds of private speculation ... "

In 1993, in a segment of the confrontation between the Parliament and the President, Ponomarev became one of the participants of the meeting of Yeltsin with representatives of democratic parties, during which the head of the state walked not to storm the White House and dissolve local councils. Ponomarev then believed that the conflict would not be resolved by applying force, and stated that "the President is psychologically not ready for the introduction of dictatorship and is all the time looking for options, how to mitigate the situation." However, after the Supporters of the Supreme Council attempted to seize the television center "Ostankino", the farewell of parliament shot the faithful Yeltsin.

In the elections to the State Duma in December 1993, Ponomarev was ranked at a single-member district and in the list of electoral association "Choice of Russia". However, he did not get into parliament, despite the fact that the "Choice of Russia" successfully acted in elections. Ponomarev deputy was in 1994 - followed by the death of the People's Chief of Vasily Celyunin. In October of the same year, Ponomarev became the leader of the Federal Party "Democratic Russia" (the second leader of the party was the people's part of the State Duma Galina Starovoitov). The press reported that after the beginning of the beginning of the military operation in Chechnya, the party refused to help leadership and president.

In 1997, Ponomarev initiated the creation of a multidisciplinary human rights adopted "hotline" and all-Russian movement "For Human Rights" in Moscow, becoming the executive director and a member of the Council of Movement. In the same year, he organized the General Action Initiative Group, which united representatives of the Russian human rights community (the founders of the Group were the founding of the Moscow Helsinki Group, the public middle of the promotion of the reorganization of criminal justice and the Committee for Assistance to Refugees and Forced Migrants).

A lot of attention Ponomarev paid the topic to the cessation of war in Chechnya. In January 2001, he became one of the organizers of the All-Russian Emergency Congress in the Protection of Human Rights, in March, made an initiative to create the Russian Nationwide Committee "for the termination of war and establishing peace in the Chechen Republic," and in 2002, he initiated the International Conference "for termination Wars and the establishment of peace in the Chechen Republic. "

Ponomarev performed as an organizer of a series of rallies and round tables in defense of democratic freedoms and a peaceful settlement in Chechnya, and in addition, about political repression in the country and in a situation about the case of Yukos. Ponomarev repeatedly commented on the current situation in the Russian system of execution of sentences, noting the facts of massive violations of prisoners. In 2006, Ponomarev became one of the creators of the Foundation "in defense of the rights of prisoners."

In the spring of 2006, Ponomarev as the only one of the members of the Public Committee in defense of scientists created by the following initiation of the FSB "Spyware" processes against representatives of Russian Science - Igor Sutyagin, Valentina Danilova, Anatoly Babkin and Askar Kaibyshev. The Committee advised the organization of public hearings on the topic of prosecution of representatives of science with the invitation of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and non-governmental organizations.

In September 2006, then the Ponomarev was convicted of three days of administrative arrest for organizing an unauthorized picket in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan (2004), the human rights organization Amnesty International recognized him by the prisoner of conscience.

Ponomarev was an active participant in All-Russian congresses in the protection of human rights (2001, 2006), organized with the aim of consolidating human rights movement in the country. In his speech at the second congress, held December 2006, Ponomarev said: "We were going at the beginning of Putin's era, now we are going at her end, and reality exceeds our worst expectations." At the same time, he stressed that human rights defenders are not going to leave underground. "If there is a conceival or well-being of people on the horse, with the authorities, it is necessary to cooperate, whatever unbearable," the human rights activist noted.

In January 2007, the Chef of the Federal Service of Penalunits, Yuri Kalinin, filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity against Ponomarev, commented by the possible resignation of the head of the FSIN, and the REGNUM news agency, published the most comment. The plaintiff considered that in the conversation under the title "Lion Ponomarev: 40 torture zones appeared in Kalinin in Russia" from November 10, 2006, the human rights activist wrongly accused him of exceeding official powers, calling the director of the FSIN "author of the system of amateur organizations of the prisoners (" Section of the Discipline and order "), with the endowment of their members with additional benefits and rights of the administration of correctional colonies (up to the right to use physical violence), and also in the creation of" torture zones ".

On April 23, 2007, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow satisfied Kalinin's claim, obliging Ponomarev to refute the information spread by him, and IA REGNUM is to publish a refutation. On April 28, 2007, the motivational proportion of the court decision was announced. The judges decided that the amateur organizations of the convicts were formed and operated in accordance with the order of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation 79 of July 8, 2005, as a result of this Kalinin cannot be the author of the current system. The decision of the Presnensky District Court on June 14, 2007 was approved by the Judicial Board of Civil Affairs of the Moscow City Court. On July 30, 2007, in accordance with the court decision, REGNUM published a refutation written by Ponomarev. Human rights activist admitted that his statement about the "authorship" of Kalinina turned out to be inaccurate, but stressed that the materials submitted to the court and the testimony of witnesses proved the prevalence of torture practices in the Russian execution system of punishments. In addition, Ponomarev led to a literal excerpt from the definition of the judicial board on civil cases of the Moscow City Court: "Kalinin since 1992 is a permanent leader of the body that oversees the service of execution of sentences in the Russian Federation, and, in effect, is directly responsible for the impairment of rights and Freedoms of citizens. "

In February 2008, the radio "Echo of Moscow" reported that the Ponomarev was initiated a criminal lesson on charges of slander on the Director of the FSIN. It was noted that the reason for the prosecution was the conclusion of the court, which recognized the false statements of Ponomarev on the responsibility of General Kalinin for the creation of a torture system in Russian colonies.

Ponomarev - Medic of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor. Ponomarev is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of regional human rights organizations "For Human Rights".

Ponomarev is married, he has four children. In his spare time, the human rights activist is fond of painting.

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