
Birthday of Fatima, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Hunger and heavenly meal. In free time…

In order to touch your hearts and give you a reason to feel love for the family of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, we have translated this touching and sad hadith about the last moments of the life of the Lady of the Women of the Worlds - Fatima Zahra, may peace be with her, transmitted from the words her trusted servant Asma. After reading this story, don't forget to say salavat!

The lady of the women of the worlds Fatima, peace be with her, lay down on the bed in the center of the room and turned her face towards the Kaaba. Fatima sent her daughters Zeinab and Umma Kulthum to one of the women of the Hashim clan, so that they would not see her death. The ruler of the believers Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein, may peace be with them, were not present at this time at home.

Fatima, peace be with her, said: “Before the death of the Messenger of Allah, Jabrail brought camphor from Paradise. The Messenger of Allah divided camphor into three parts: one part for himself, one part for Ali and one part for me. " Then Fatima said: “O Asma! In such and such a place my father left the remainder of the camphor for me. Bring it and put it under my pillow. " I did what she told me to do. Then Fatima took a bath (to the university) and said to me: “Bring me the incense that I use for prayer. And bring me the clothes that I wear during prayer. " Then she covered herself with a blanket and said to me: “Wait a bit and call me. If I answer, then nothing happened. But if I don't answer, then know that I went to my father. And then call Ali without delay. " When death approached, Fatima, peace be upon her, said: “Peace to Jabrail! Peace be to the Messenger of Allah! O Allah, take me to Your Messenger! O Allah, take me to the world of tranquility ... ". Then she said:

“Here is a caravan of people of heaven: here is Jabrail, and here is the Messenger of Allah! He says to me: “Daughter! Come! What awaits you is better for you ... “”.

Fatima opened her eyes and said: “Peace to you too, O taking souls! Hurry and don't hurt me! " Then she said: "May my coming to You, O Lord, and not to the fire!" Then Fatima closed her eyes, her hands fell, her legs straightened. I called her, but there was no answer. I lifted the veil from her face and saw that she had joined her father. I hugged her and began to kiss her, and then said: “O Fatima! When you see the Messenger of Allah, convey to him greetings from Asma bint Umeys. "

Hasan and Hussein, peace be with them, entered the house and saw that Fatima was covered. They said: “O Asma! Why is our mother sleeping at this time? " I answered: “O sons of the Messenger of Allah! Your mother is not sleeping - she has gone to another world. " Hassan and Hussein, crying, hugged their mother. Hasan exclaimed:

“Oh mom! Talk to me before my spirit leaves my body! "

Hussein, kissing his mother's feet, said:

“I am your son - Hussein! Talk to me before my heart breaks! "

I said to Hasan and Hussein, may peace be with them: “O sons of the Messenger of Allah! Tell your father that your mother is dead. " Hasan and Hussein reached the mosque, but could not restrain themselves, burst into tears with loud crying. Then, hearing their cry, people left the mosque and asked about its cause. They answered: "Our mother Fatima is dead!" At this time, the Lord of the Believers was in prayer and, upon hearing these words, he fell unconscious. Waking up, he said:

"Who will comfort me, O daughter of Muhammad?"

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 186

The story that after the death of the Messenger of Allah, his daughter Fatima took offense at the Caliph Abu Bakr, is mentioned in reliable vaults. The mother of the faithful 'Aisha said that Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet, sent a man to Abu Bakr, asking him to transfer to her the lands inherited from the Messenger of Allah and related to the fairy (war booty received without a fight - K.E.) lands in Medina and Fadak. as well as what remains of the khums in Khaybar. Abu Bakr replied that the Messenger of Allah said: "We do not leave an inheritance, and what remains after us is considered a donation, but Muhammad's family eats from this property." He said: “Truly, by Allah, I will not subtract anything from the donation of the Messenger of Allah. It will be the same as it was during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, and I will dispose of it as he did. " Abu Bakr refused to give it to Fatima, and she took offense at him because of this. She stopped talking to him and did not do it until her death, and she lived after the death of the Prophet for six months. This was reported by al-Bukhari in the sections "Fard al-Khums" and "Magazi" and Muslim in the section "al-Jihad wa-s-siyar".
Fatima was unhappy with Abu Bakr's decision, as she believed that the words of the Messenger, to which the Caliph referred, did not apply to land holdings and other real estate. Abu Bakr, on the other hand, relying on the general meaning of the hadith, decided to transfer these lands to the ownership of the state and to appoint a maintenance for the Prophet's family from the income received from these lands. This explanation was given by Ibn Hajar al-‘Askalani.

The fact that Abu Bakr's decision was fair is also indicated by the fact that other companions, including ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib himself, did not object to him, and the subsequent caliphs also left him in force. Al-Qurtubi reported that none of the Imams belonging to the Prophet's family, beginning with ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, also claimed these lands. He wrote: “‘ Ali, during his reign, did the same as Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and‘ Uthman. He did not try to make these lands his own and did not take a part of them for himself. He distributed the income received from them in the same way as it was done before him. Then these lands passed to the disposal of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali, then al-Husayn ibn' Ali, then 'Ali ibn al-Husayn, then al-Husayn ibn al-Hasan, then Zayd ibn al-Husayn, then - 'Abdallah ibn al-Husayn. Then they were disposed of by the descendants of al-'Abbas, as reported by Abu Bakr al-Barkani in his Saheeh. '

Thus, Abu Bakr's refusal to violate the will of the Prophet was not an infringement of the rights of his daughter. Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, was guided by her own judgment, and although it was wrong, this in no way diminishes her merits.

Any person, including the righteous companions and members of the Prophet's family, is prone to make mistakes, and we have heard stories that the Prophet Muhammad repeatedly refused Fatima during his lifetime. Al-Bukhari in the section "Fada'il al-Sahaba" and Muslim in the section "al-Zikr wa-d-d'uraniyah" gave a hadith that Fatima asked her father to give them a servant, but he refused her. Instead, he told her and ‘Ali to praise Allah.

You should know that, according to some reports, before her death, Fatima was reconciled with Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them. Al-Baykhaki in as-Sunan al-kubra (6/301) narrated from the words of al-Sha'rabi: “When Fatima fell ill, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq came to her and asked permission to enter. 'Ali asked, "Fatima, Abu Bakr has come and asks permission to enter." She asked: "Do you want me to let him?" He said, "Yes." She gave permission, and he entered her. Wanting to please her, he said: "By Allah, I left my home and my property, my family and my relatives only to earn the pleasure of Allah, the pleasure of His Messenger and your pleasure, people of the house of the Prophet." He continued to say pleasant things to her until she was satisfied. "

This is a sent (mursal) message, but Ibn Kathir in al-Bidaya wa-n-nihaya (5/253) called it a strong isnad, for it is obvious that 'Amir ash-Sha'bi (one of the most authoritative transmitters) heard about it either directly from 'Ali, or from someone who heard it from him. Ibn Hajar called it an isnad authentic prior to al-Sharabi. The words of the mother of the faithful ‘Aisha do not exclude the truth of the words of al-Sha'ambi, since she only told what she knew.

On the whole, it is not proper for Muslims to discuss the disagreements that arose between the companions of the Prophet, since loving them is the duty of every believer. Al-Nasai narrated from the words of Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet said: "Love for the Ansars is a sign of faith, and hatred for them is a sign of a hypocrite." Al-Albani called the hadith authentic.

Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah reported from the words of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah said: “Do not scold my companions, for if any of you use up gold the size of Worse, it does not compare with a handful of what one of them used up, or even with its half. "

How can a person who believes in Allah and the last day seek out shortcomings from his companions and belittle their dignity, if Allah Almighty promised them the Gardens of Eden ?! The Quran says: “Allah is pleased with the first of the Muhajirs and Ansars, who were ahead of the rest, and those who followed them strictly. They are also pleased with Allah. He prepared for them the Gardens of Eden, in which rivers flow. They will be there forever. This is a great success ”(at-Tauba, 100). There are other verses testifying to the superiority of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

However, those whose hearts are stricken with unbelief and hypocrisy question the authority of the Companions in order to thereby sever the connection between Muslims and their Prophet. They have lost hope that the faithful will deny the Scriptures of Allah or doubt the veracity of His Messenger. But they still believe that they will be able to defame the Companions as transmitters of the Sunnah of the Messenger.

Among these troublemakers there are those who raise a slander against the best of Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him. They claim that the disagreements between Abu Bakr and Fatima brought the wrath of Allah Almighty to the righteous caliph. At the same time, they refer to the hadith of al-Miswar ibn Mahram, transmitted by al-Bukhari in the section “Manakib” and Muslim in the section “Fadail al-Sahaba”. It says that the Prophet said: "Fatima is a part of me, and whoever makes her angry will also cause my anger." The Muslim's version says: "Fatima is a part of myself, and what causes suffering to her causes me suffering."

However, it is clear that this refers only to those cases when the anger of the Prophet's daughter was just and justified. We have already shown that in this case Abu Bakr's decision was just, and therefore his behavior could not incur the wrath of Allah and His Messenger on him. On the other hand, the words “Fatima is a part of me” were spoken by the Prophet when his daughter was angry with her husband ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib. One version of al-Bukhari says: “Once‘ Ali wooed Abu Jahl’s daughter. Hearing about this, Fatima came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “Your people will say that you are not angry for your daughters! "Ali is going to marry Abu Jahl's daughter!" When Allah's Apostle stood up, I heard him speak the words of the testimony and said: “And then ... I gave my daughter in marriage to Abu al-‘ Asa ibn ar-Rabi ’, who was truthful in what he told me. Truly, Fatima is a part of me, and I do not want to be grieved! By Allah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah and the daughter of the enemy of Allah cannot be married to one person! " “Ali then gave up his matchmaking.”

However, this story does not in the least detract from the virtues of ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, and no scholar has ever classified this glorious companion among those who angered Allah and His Messenger. And this description is all the more unfair in relation to the truthful Abu Bakr, who did not deserve the wrath of the Messenger's daughter. They disagreed on a legal issue of not the first importance, and the arguments of the righteous caliph became clear to Fatima. He, in turn, tried in every possible way to emphasize the superiority of the daughter of the Prophet and win her favor, and we have reason to believe that before her death she did not harbor anger towards him and was not angry with him. And Allah knows best about it.

All prophets in Islam were exclusively male. Many righteous people are also representatives of the stronger sex. Based on this, it seems that in the Muslim doctrine, the highest degree of fear of God can be inherent only in men. In fact, there were women in world history who were in no way inferior to them in terms of righteousness.

Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) said: "Many men in history were righteous, but among women, only four were awarded the highest degree of fear of God: Maryam, the mother of Isa (peace be upon him), Assiya, the wife of Firaun (Pharaoh), and Fatima" (hadith quoted by Imam Ahmad).

Earlier, we wrote about another significant person for Muslims - the "mother of the faithful" (RA).

Asia bandage Muzahim

The first woman whose biography allows her to be included as one of the most God-fearing in the history of mankind is Asia. This is confirmed by the verse of the Holy Quran:

"Allah cited the wife of Pharaoh as an example of believers" (66:11)

Asia bint Muzahim was the queen of Egypt, one of the most powerful states of that time. Her husband is a tyrant ruler known for his cruelty. She possessed an indescribable beauty and was respected among her subjects. With immense riches and unlimited power, Assiya gave up all this for the pleasure of Allah. Thanks to this, she forever went down in history as one of the righteous.

The queen came from a noble Egyptian family. Her great-great-grandfather was a pharaoh at the time of the prophet Yusuf (a.s.). Even before marriage, many noble men wooed her. However, she was destined to become the wife of the ruler of Egypt.

Firaun, having heard about the beauty of the girl, decided to take her as his wife. Asia's parents were forced to agree. She has been married to a tyrant for over 20 years and all these years has remained a sincerely religious and righteous woman.

The rescueproroka Musa (a.s.)

Once on the banks of the Nile, Asia's maids saw a box floating on the water. They decided to get it, thinking that something of value was hidden in it. The women took the find and took it to their mistress. Asia, opening the drawer, found a beautiful child with a special light. Seeing him, she immediately fell in love with the child as her own. This child was the prophet Musa (peace be upon him), who was destined to save the believers and destroy the tyranny of Firaun.

The Queen of Egypt decided to show the baby to her husband. Pharaoh, having learned about the find of his wife, wanted to kill the boy. The fact is that shortly before this, the priests told their ruler a prophecy that his power would be destroyed by one of the sons of Israel (the descendants of the Prophet Yakub (a.s.), called Israel in Judaism, that is, the Jews - approx. website ) , which will be born soon. The frightened pharaoh ordered to destroy all boys born in Jewish families on the territory of his kingdom.

The same fate awaited the little boy who Asia discovered. But she turned to her husband with the words that Allah recalls in his Book:

“This is a delight to the eyes for me and you. Don't kill him! Perhaps he will benefit us "(28: 9)

The Egyptian ruler, who loved his wife very much, made a concession to her, and the baby was saved. Asia was engaged in the upbringing of Musa (A.S.) until the moment when he became an adult youth. After the beginning of his prophetic mission, Asia was one of the first to believe that Musa (as) is the messenger of the Most High.

The last days of the queen

After some time, Pharaoh learned from the servants about the piety of his wife. Firaun ordered his guards to torture Asia until she renounces worship of the Creator and recognizes Pharaoh as a real god. However, the power of her faith was inexorable - until her last breath, the great queen repeated the words recorded in the sacred verse:

“Lord! Save me from Pharaoh and his deeds! Build a house for me in Paradise near You and save me from unjust people! " (66:11)

Maryam bint Imran

The greatest woman in world history, highly revered by both Muslims and Christians, is considered the mother of the Prophet Isa (as) Maryam bint Imran (according to the evangelical tradition - Mary the Most Holy Theotokos or Virgin Mary). This is evidenced by at least the fact that Maryam is the only woman in whose honor the Noble Quran is named. All her life she led a righteous life, with dignity endured all the trials assigned to her by the Almighty and was awarded the Great award.

Maryam was born into the family of Imran and Hannah. She had a noble lineage, since her family's lineage went back to the prophet Suleiman (in the biblical tradition - to King Solomon, peace be upon him).

Maryam's mother, Hannah, was a very God-fearing woman. She had strong faith in the Creator, for which He gave her a righteous spouse - Imran, who was also a sincerely believing person. But the fact is that at the time of marriage, both of them were already aged and could not have children. But the spouses did not lose hope and asked Allah to give them a baby, and the Almighty answered them. A few days later, Hannah felt the first signs of pregnancy and immediately told her husband about it. However, not having time to be born, Maryam became an orphan. Her father Imran passed away shortly before the birth of his daughter.

Some time after the birth, Maryam Khanna decides to give the girl to the Baitul-Makdis temple. Thus, she became the first female temple minister. Maryam's guardian becomes her own uncle - the prophet Zakaria (as). Under his supervision, Maryam began to study the basics of religion. She begins to retire and spends whole days in worship of the Creator, offering Him prayers. Maryam's sincere piety was noticed by many clergymen who knew her and even cited as an example to others.

God's Final Revelation says:

“Oh, Maryam! Indeed, Allah chose you, purified you and exalted you above the women of the worlds ”(3:42)

The phenomenon of Jabrail (A.S.)

Once Maryam, leaving her personal cell in the temple, went towards the east. A man with a beautiful appearance came to meet her. It turned out to be the angel Jabrail (a.s.). The Creator's Book says the following about this:

“We sent our Spirit (Jibril) to her, and he appeared before her in the guise of a beautifully built man” (19:17)

Jibril's mission was to convey the message of the gift of a righteous boy to Mary. After which she became pregnant, becoming the only woman who gave birth to a child, being a virgin.

When the signs of pregnancy began to appear outwardly, rumors spread throughout the city, discrediting the honor of Maryam. Local residents accused her of adultery and debauchery. As a result, she was forced to leave and hide from the public. When the time came, Maryam began to have labor pains, and after a difficult birth, the prophet Isa (a.s.) was born.


Having cleansed herself after giving birth, Maryam returned to her native village with a child in her arms. Seeing this, the locals began to slander her, but she did not answer and only pointed to the baby. Then the people asked:

"How can we talk to a baby in a cradle?" (19:29)

But the newborn, surprisingly everyone, said:

“Truly, I am a slave of Allah. He gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet ... ”(19:30)

People were shocked by what had happened and realized that they had witnessed a miracle. During this period, a very important mission was entrusted to Maryam - namely, the upbringing of the prophet Isa (as).

However, despite the miracle they saw with their own eyes, many did not believe in the prophetic mission of Isa (a.s.) and began to express their displeasure with Maryam and her child. In this situation, she decides to move to Egypt in order to protect her son.

Maryam was always by his side, served as his support and endured all the hardships of the prophetic mission, including bullying from the local residents.


According to some sources, Maryam lived for several more years after the prophet Isa (as) was ascended into heaven. Her final test was the separation from her beloved son. But this did not break Maryam, who until the end of her days led a righteous life and constantly prayed and asked for salvation from the Almighty.

Fatima al-Zahra bint Muhammad

Another woman who was awarded a high position in the Muslim ummah was Fatima bint Muhammad. She was born into the family of the best of the creations of Allah - the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) and the best woman of the Muslim community - Khadiji bint Huwaylid (r.a.). It was Fatima who became the successor to the family of the Final Envoy (s.g.v.). It is she who is the mother of the two most famous grandchildren of the Prophet (s.g.v.) - Hasan and Hussein, which is why she was also called Ummul-Hasan.

Fatima was part of her great parent and looked like him. The hadith preserved the saying of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.): "I have never seen anyone so similar to the Prophet in appearance and way of life, except for his daughter Fatima" (hadith quoted by Tirmidhi).

The girl was born approximately in 605 Miladi, in 5 years before the prophetic mission of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) began. At the time of her birth, he already had three daughters - Zainab, Rukia and Umm Kulthum (R.A.). Fatima became his youngest daughter.

In the house of the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.) she received a good upbringing and education. With the beginning of her father's prophetic mission, she began to become interested in the religion of Allah. As a child, she studied religious canons and showed special zeal, diligence in this.

Fatima from the most early years imbued with sincere love for her father. The first years of the prophetic mission were very difficult. Many Meccans refused to believe in Allah and began to plot against Muhammad (s.g.v.). In such difficult moments, it was in her that he found consolation. The daughter perfectly understood how hard it was for her father in calling to worship the One God.

At the age of about fifteen, the girl experienced a severe shock - her mother Khadija dies, which was a strong blow for both the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) and Fatima. The youngest daughter becomes the main consolation of the Prophet (s.g.v.), next to whom he found harmony and peace. Al-Zahra helped her father in calling to Islam, despite all the hardships.

Remembering all her merits, the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (sgv) said: “Fatima is a part of me. It hurts me when she is also in pain ”(Bukhari).


With the onset of adulthood, many young people from Muslim families began to woo Fatima. Some of them hoped thereby to become related to the Messenger of the Most High (s.g.v.). But he refused all of them until Ali ibn Abu Talib came. It was to him that the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) gave his daughter in the second year of Hijra.

Having married Ali, Fatima did not cease to maintain close relations with her father and visited him every day, provided all the necessary assistance.

After the fulfillment of Ali and Fatima, they constantly asked Allah to give them righteous children. They both spent their nights worshiping the Creator, and He heard them. The Lord gave them 4 children: two sons - Hassan and Hussein, and two daughters. Thus, it was Fatima al-Zahra who continued the lineage of the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.), and all his descendants ascend along the genealogical branch to her.

Love of the Prophet (s.g.v.) for the children of Fatima

The Messenger of the Most High (s.g.v.) experienced the most tender feelings for his grandchildren. He called Hussein and Hassan “the flowers of the earthly world” (according to the hadith from Tirmidhi). All the sons of the Prophet (s.g.v.) Allah took to Him in infancy. The grandchildren replaced Muhammad (s.g.v.) for his sons.

In Shiism, Hasan and Hussein are considered the second and third righteous imams and are revered among others greatest people in the history of Islam.

The virtues of Fatima al-Zahra

The following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (sgv) is known: "Fatima is the lady of women in Paradise, with the exception of Maryam bint Imran" (Ahmad, Hakim). This hadith indicates that Fatima is the second among righteous women after the mother of the Prophet Isa (as).

Fatima and her husband, Ali ibn Abu Talib (R.A.), were very generous people, despite their poverty. In any situation, when those in need turned to them for help, they always donated from their reserves and kept practically nothing for themselves.

One day Ali (RA), returning from work, brought home some barley. Fatima divided it into three parts, and ground one part, intending to make dinner out of it. But one poor man came and asked them for food, and they fed him. Then Fatima took the second third and decided to cook the food again, but an orphan came and they fed the young man. Then az-Zahra took the remaining third and decided to cook dinner, but a captive polytheist came and they fed him, leaving nothing for themselves.

After this incident, the Lord of the Worlds sent down the verses about Fatima and Ali (r.a.):

"They give food to the poor, orphans and captives, despite their love for her ... Allah will protect them from the evil of that day and will give them prosperity and joy" (76: 8,11)

Father's death

IN the last days of the prophetic mission, Fatima was constantly with her venerable parent. Before his death, he turned to his daughter, and she burst into tears, but then smiled. Aisha decided to ask Fatima about what the Prophet had said (sgv). To which the answer followed: “At first the Pope said that the angel Gabriel repeated the Holy Quran with him every year, but this year he did it twice. “This is a sign that the end of my prophetic mission is coming,” said the father. - Believe in Allah and be patient! You will be the first from the whole family to join me. " That's when I burst into tears. Noticing the sadness on my face, he said, "Don't you want to be the lady of the women of the Muslim Ummah?" And then I smiled ”(hadith quoted by Bukhari and Muslim).

Fatima survived her father by only six months. During these months she regularly prayed and asked the Almighty to, as her father said, quickly join him. And so it happened. In 632, according to Miladi, Fatima bint Muhammad passed into another world. It was given to the ground at the al-Baki cemetery in Medina. The funeral prayer for her was read by Sahab al-Abbas.

Fatima al-Zahra in Shiism

Fatima is especially revered among Shiite Muslims. According to the Shiite doctrine, only his closest descendants, who are called righteous imams, can be the successors of the work of the Prophet of Islam (s.g.v.). Their number varies depending on the direction of Shiism. Fatima became the only continuer of the Prophet's clan (s.g.v.), which means she is the progenitor of all righteous imams, with the exception of her husband, Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.).

It is for this reason that Fatima bint Muhammad (s.g.v.) is considered by Shia Muslims the best woman in history.

From his first wife Khadija.

She was born in Mecca. In 624 in Medina she married cousin the prophet - Ali. Many wooed her famous people (including Umar and Usman), but she refused them. Later, when Ali approached her, she silently agreed to marry him.

The most beloved daughter of the prophet, the prophet himself called her affectionately "umma abiha", that is, the mother of his father.

After the death of her father, she insisted on the will of the prophet that Ali should become the caliph, which is why she had a conflict with Abu Bakr and Umar. The insult to them was so great that in her will she forbade them to come to her funeral. During her illness, Abu Bakr came to ask for forgiveness several times, but Fatima never forgave him. Ali buried her secretly, as Fatima wanted: the place of burial is still unknown.

Those who were with the Prophet during Mubahil

All hadith scholars, historians and commentators of the Holy Qur'an indicate that Fatima - Zahra (DBM) is one of five people who participated in Mubahilah with the Christians of Najran. Participation in Mubahil, in addition to the great dignity and high achievement of its participants, is a strong argument that the family of the Prophet (DBAR) are Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein (DBM). And none of the relatives and wives of the Prophet are reckoned among the blameless.

A brief history of Mubahil

A group of Christians from Najran came to the Prophet and talked about Jesus. The Prophet recited the following verse to them: "Indeed, Isa before Allah is like Adam: He created him from dust, then said to him:" Be! "And he became." The Christians did not accept this and began to object. And then Allah sent down the verse "Mubahila", in which the order was given: "Who will argue with you about this after the sign has come, then say:" Come, we will call our sons and your sons, our women and your women , and ourselves and yourself, and then we will call and direct the curse of Allah on the liars. "

Mubahilah is when two opposing parties, having disagreements on any issue, send the curse of Allah to each other and ask God to send down punishment on those who are a liar.

The Christians of Najran at first agreed to a mutual damnation and agreed that the next day at the appointed place they would perform Mubahil. When they left the Prophet, got together and began to talk about the upcoming business, the head priest said: “If tomorrow Muhammad comes to the appointed place with his family (Ahl al Bayt), do not agree to mutual damnation. If he comes with companions, then it's okay. So he is not a real Prophet. "

The next day, the Messenger of Allah, along with Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein, came to the designated place for Mubahil. The Prophet told his family the following: "When I turn to Allah with a request, you say 'Amen'." The Christians, seeing the Prophet accompanying him, were very frightened and confirmed that he was acting like the method of other prophets. They began to ask the Prophet not to commit mutual damnation and to make peace with them.

Crying over father's hunger

Abdullah ibn Hasan says: “Once the Messenger of Allah came to Fatima. Her Grace Fatima brought a piece of dry barley bread. The Messenger of Allah broke his fast and said: “My daughter! This is the first piece of bread your father eats in the last three days of hunger. " Hearing this, Fatima wept bitterly. The Prophet began to comfort his daughter, wiping away her tears ... "

The Prophet's Respect for Her Grace Fatima

The following is quoted from Aisha: "Whenever Fatima visited the Prophet, he, as a sign of respect, got up from his place, kissed his beloved daughter and sat her down next to him."


After the Messenger of Allah left this mortal world, various difficulties and problems caused Fatima a lot of grief, made her life bitter and unbearable. The death of her dear father, whom she loved very much, on the one hand, conspiracies and insidious intrigues of enemies, which seized the leadership of the country, belonging to his lordship Ali (DBM), on the other, caused her pain and torment, spiritual and physical suffering.

One of the indisputable historical facts, with which all Muslim historians unanimously agree, regardless of their teachings, is that the beloved daughter of the Prophet, Fatima al-Zahra, "died three months after her father, as a result of great suffering and pain. At her funeral, Imam "Ali addressed the Prophet (peace be upon him) over his grave and said:

O Prophet of Allah! Peace be with you from me and from your daughter, who left for you, and who hastened to meet you. O Prophet of Allah! My patience for the suffering of your beloved daughter is exhausted and my stamina has weakened. I have endured great hardships and a heart-breaking tragedy that separated you and me. I laid you in the grave after your last breath had passed. Verily, we are all from Allah, and verily, to Him we will return. Now, trust has been returned, and what was given has been taken away. As for my grief, it knows no bounds, and that until my nights, they will remain sleepless until Allah chooses for me the house in which you now live. No doubt your daughter will tell you about people coming together to resist her. You ask her for details, and you will find out all about it. And all this happened at once, when the memory of you did not disappear. May my greeting be with you, and this greeting is the greeting of a grief-stricken person, for if I am destined to leave this world, it’s not because I’m tired of fighting for our Faith with you, and if I stay, it’s not because of lack of faith in what Allah has promised those who are suffering.

Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her) died just three months after her father, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), having spent all this time in grief and torment. She has never been seen smiling at least once since her father's death. She was also denied by the I Caliph Abu Bakr in her inheritance from the Holy Prophet - mainly from the land outside Medina, called Fadak - Abu Bakr gave reason that the prophets do not leave an inheritance. Imam Bukhari said that when Fatima asked for her share of the inheritance of the Holy Prophet, she received an answer that the Holy Prophet said: “We, the group of prophets, do not leave an inheritance. And we leave everything with us for the bidnyh.” Then she was denied the entire inheritance. her father. When she died, her husband Imam "Ali (a.s.) buried her at night, and only a few like-minded people participated in her funeral; he fulfilled the prayers, doing everything himself. These incidents occurred even though the Messenger of Allah said:" Fatima - a part of me. Whoever grieves her will grieve me. "Ibn Qataibah wrote that Fatima al-Zahra" said to some people: "Allah and the angels are His witnesses that you hurt me and grieved me, and if I meet the Prophet, then I will raise my grievances against you. "

Fatima's husband

Children of Fatima

  • Zeinab
  • Umm Kulthum

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