
That truth or a lie works at the bottom. What is better "sweet lies" or "bitter" true? (on the play of Gorky "at the bottom"). Works on themes

In his play "On the bottom", the writer writes that a person should choose that it is more important for him in life, which is sometimes a murderous and lies, which is so nice to listen, like a song. In the work two main characters onions and satin, which represent the two of these truths. There are three varieties of lies, a lie to salvation, a lie to achieve their goals and just a lie, as not truth.

The position of Luke in compassion to people and to their misfortune, he is trying to help people survive the brutal truth of life. Luke is trying to give all hope and comfort, so Anna he talks about the afterlife as a rest, believes Nastya that she truly was in love and tells the actor that his drunkenness can be cured for free. He puts the Golden dream of dreams to give them support in this life, which they lacked them so much. Talking with ashes, he suggests that the truth does not always act positively on a person, sometimes it is better not to know her, because she can kill.

With the appearance of Luke at the night he has a conflict with satin, who is used to talking to all the truth and promotes it everywhere and everywhere. Only in truth satin finds the truth and not to teach himself with useless illusions. Talking with Luka, of course, in a conversation with himself, it argues that this is a matter of every person, what to believe and should believe in what Luka says. Luka makes believing people in a happy, good and carefree life, but satin eventually turned out to be right when he said that even if it was hard to accept the words of the truth, then it is better to take it than to teach himself incomprehensible hopes, and in the end to be disappointed. Luka did not do better, Anna with the actor still died, the ash was arrested, and Natasha disappeared, even the tick was disappointed and reconciled with his poverty. Luke deceived them not in everything, is really treated from alcohol, just the actor did not want to part with his destructive habit.

Gorky at the beginning of his play writes that people believe and hope for a good life, and by the end of the play everyone collided with the harsh truth life, which killed the last faith in man. His play Gorky wanted to convey to the reader, that you should not be deceived, because when it reveals the truth, it will be much more painful to accept it. Maxim Gorky calls to build his relationship between people in truth and not to enter anyone in confusion, each person has the right to know the truth, whatever it is.

Writing argument about the truth and lies in the play of Gorky at the bottom

Maxim Gorky's play "On the bottom", created by the writer in the twentieth century, reflects the heavy life of people of that time and addresses many of the primary issues that every person will be set on their lives. However, the main question raised in the work, I would like to allocate separately - the argument about the truth and lies, in which three hero of the work was involved - satin, tambourines and onions.

Satin, in a distant past, an active, cheerful and erudite person who could really be called and well-read, and interesting, he cries his days at the night after serving the sentence for a few years ago a crime - killing his own wife. The hero is negative about the so-called "lies for the benefit" or to the "lies to salvation", sincerely believing that a lie is nothing more than ordinary and primitive lies, and the arrogant and unfair to the person who initially deserves to know the truth . Satin believes that a person is able to cope with very many difficulties and life tests, so it's just unfair to use a lie in order to theoretically help him - this is not help, it is humiliation of human dignity.

In turn, Bubnov, the second participant of the dispute about the truth and lies in "at the bottom," is a man, deeply disappointed in life, and in humans in general. The character is cruel, cynical and uncompromising, and he does not consider human life, believing that we are born only to die, without leaving any spiritual heritage after yourself. Bubnov does not see the meaning of lies, as it believes that it simply does not mean the slightest meaning - why deceive if you can say the truth? After all, in the end, no truth nor a false carry no essential significance in the global sense.

Luke, the third member of the dispute, sincerely convinced that a lie is an integral part of the life of every person. He tells people just what they want to hear, believing that in this way he will facilitate their life, initially complete suffering and problems. Luke feels a feeling of pity for each particular person and to humanity in general, so it simply does not consider it necessary to be sincere in communication with people.

I suppose it is incredibly difficult to answer unequivocally, who is right in this dispute, and who is mistaken. Each of the participants in the discussion has its own truth, based on difficult life experience, about the tests passed and experienced suffering. Someone is saved by cynicism, someone is separated from the world of reality in a curtain of a pleasant hearing a lies, and someone just turns out to be ready to take life as it is - not easy, ambiguous, but at the same time in many ways full of good events.

In my opinion, that in the drama "At the bottom" Maxim Gorky sought to reveal three absolutely different points of view as fully as possible on the same question to show how relative truth. For someone, Luka is a truly virtuous person, and for someone - an ordinary liar. And that is why those questions that are bitter in front of readers are such deep and philosophical - they simply do not have a single faithful answer.

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What is true and what is a lie? By this issue, humanity is asked for many hundreds of years. True, lies, good and evil always stand next to, one without another simply does not exist. The clash of these concepts is the basis of many world-famous literary works. Among

they are the socio-philosophical play M. Gorky "at the bottom." The main thing in its plot is a clash of life positions and people's views. In the play "At the bottom", the author raises the question of two types of humanism characteristic of Russian literature. Luke's humanism calls for pity and compassion, reconciles with the difficulties of life. Humanism Satina calls not to be afraid of truth, do not reconcile with injustice, but to deal with their rights.

Who is Rights or Satin? What is true for each of them and what is a lie? To respond to these questions, refer to the text of the work. "The basement similar to the cave." Shallow and silent air. Stone wigbeds, naras, dirt, and people living in an atmosphere of non-digestion, robbery, swearing and debauchery. That's what we see from the first pages of the play. Larger "bottom" and imagine difficult.

After some time, Luke appears at the night, which brings with him the "affectionate" word for each of its inhabitants. It is a good relation to my relationship so they lacked. These unfortunate people, a looted society, I needed a person who regretted them. Outdoor accommodation, accustomed to live in their basement on cave laws, have long been looked off from normal human relations. Onions they told them the words that they were very necessary: \u200b\u200b"Christ regretted everyone and told us so."

Pity and compassion is undoubtedly necessary in the harsh world of reality. Sympathy helps a person understand that he is not one that he understands and support others. Perhaps he will again acquire confidence in himself and in his abilities. And then it will be easier for him to cope with his problems. But everything is good in moderation. As every medicine, pity should be a certain amount. The main thing is not to go through a thin line between benefit and obvious harm.

Luka believed that the truth could hardly be cured by the human soul that it was possible. Pain soften comforting lies. He, with Said, since he began to chose a false course. The new inhabitant of the night did not try to make people change anything in their lives, he

only consoled and regretted them. Luke immediately began to relate to the nightlighters as unoperably lost people. Is that a person who sincerely wants to help! Yes, the deadly sick Anna needed just such assistance. It was necessary to brighten up her last minutes of life, calm.

But his "comforting" philosophy of Luca tried to healthy people. He settled heroes to the world of delusions and illusions with her "sweet pills." An elderly wanderer who called on patience and reconciliation, lull the weakness and inability to fight in the nightnings. Poor people and before his arrival were inactive due to the habit, did not resist circumstances. Luka also hurt her false humanism, "tied" finally hands and legs. "You are nady! You - Believe! " He inspired him.

A person cannot constantly live illusions, and sooner or later you have to hear the bitter truth, which "always rises above the lies like oil over the water." So it's not better to open your eyes as soon as possible on life contradictions and problems and go to decisive action? After all, "who lives only hope, risks to die hungry death."

Obviously, the author himself adheres to such an opinion. He builds the storyline of the play so that readers can understand his position on this issue and make sure that Luke Humanism is false humanism. The philosophy of the wandering preacher is checked on the heroes of the play and eventually suffers defeat. The artistic debate is accompanied by a breakdown of the surge: hanged after the actor, the ashes got into Siberia to the catguard, the fate of Natasha was ruined ...

The author sympathizes the theories of satin more. According to him, nothing pleases the eye as truthful; Nothing is ugly and irreconcilable with mind as a lie. True, even the same bitter, should always win. There is no humane lies, and sooner or later it will harm someone who believes in this delusion. And the lies are the purest manifestation of disrespect for a person. Respect the same person should always be; Who would

he was, he is primarily a person. In this, of course, you can agree with Konstantin Satin. But, unfortunately, one of the theory of former telegraphist also turned out to be not enough. He could not change anything either in his life, nor in the lives of other inhabitants of the "bottom". And, perhaps, the problem here is not in the correctness of theories, but in the people themselves who with Luka or without him, with satin or without him, and they would not rise with the "bottom". Most of what a person is achieved in life depends on him himself.

The problem of true and false humanism is not solved once and for all. Time does not stand still, the circumstances change, people change. Each subsequent generation decides for itself this problem in accordance with the moral ideals of time. Therefore, Piez M. Gorky is relevant at all times, and now we can talk about the timeliness of the dispute about the humanism.

Mikhail Sverdlov

True and lies in the plays of Maxim Gorky "On the bottom"

In the play of Gorky "On the bottom", the action takes place at the night. The surgeon is described by the observations of Gorky himself, even a specific institution in Nizhny Novgorod, from which he wrote off his "paintings". But at the same time, in the course of the play, the surroundinghouse increasingly grows into the global symbol: it's a "deadlock", "bottom of being," and therefore every word that has been said by the inhabitant of the surrounding at night, one way or another prophesies about the fate of European civilization.

The most important, painful problem for the inhabitants of the night is the problem of truth and lies. What is the "truth" surgery? In the fact that people are taken away by the future, hope, meaning. Almost all the nights can be saved from this "truth," the surrogates of the future, hope, meaning is inventing themselves. So, living in the bedroom, the girl Nastya dreams "fatal love." The quasper clearing is proud of its imaginary female freedom, Vaska ash - even more imaginary freedom of thieves, and Aleshka's shoemaker - quite already desperate freedom of bortal. The actor hopes for his talent and that his difficulties caused by alcoholism are temporary. The tick is clinging for its class self-consciousness, proud of its work class affiliation and rushes with all the forces from the night. Tatar is trying to hold onto the Quran, and the dying Anna hopefully waiting for rejection in the afterlife. Even the most destended from the nightnails on something else rest, for something keeps out: the baron lives with its past, and Natasha still has the last hope for saving love. Only two characters from the inhabitants of the "bottom" are deprived of illusions - this is a tambourine and satin.

Amazing business: The more the nightnings want to hide from themselves the real state of affairs, those with great pleasure they are clinging others in lies. They gives a special pleasure to torment their comrades in misfortune, trying to take away their last that there are those - illusion. Before us, as if not just "bottom", and hell of human civilization, in which victims of this civilization besides deprivation should still experience hell, "and now they themselves arrange these torments to each other.

Pay attention: "bottom" mirrorly repeats the structure of human civilization. Almost all classes are presented here, all the main professions and the types of personality are presented. Here every "wary in a pair", but only with the derogatory epithet "former" ("former"). Baron is a former nobleman, Bubnov - a former beacon, a small bourgeois, an actor - a former man of art, satin is a former intellectual. Even those who at the beginning of the play have not yet become "former," will certainly become: tick and tatar - former workers, Medvedev - former police officers. The inhabitants of the "bottom" are doomed. At the entrance to the night you could write: "Leave the hope of everyone here is incoming."

But not only former people suffer at the night, there are fragments of major ideas, beliefs, ideals - around them are constantly disputing among the inhabitants of the "bottom". It is not by chance that Satin simply utters smart words, the meanings of which he already forgot: "Organon," macrobiotics "and" transcendental ", and the actor quotes Shakespeare and Beranta. We hear the extension of the culture at night, which became meaningless, only a weak memory. Is it really the words "the former", "past", "hopeless" and is there all the truth of the night? As if the next to fight this "truth", a bow appears at the night. Luka - Wanderer, Sage and Comforter. He comforts everyone in accordance with his secret dream: Anna - by accident, the actor - the possibility of cure, ash and Natasha - the hope of honest life in Siberia, Nastya, the fact that he sympathically listens to her stories about fatal love. In this "false" consolation seems to be hidden by a hid: "Darkness of low truths we are more expensive to us a towering deception."

Luke Luke is directed against the "truth" of the bottom; Moreover, the wanderer exposes this "truth" with its consolation, shows that a large lie is hiding in it. Luka inspires: "If you believe, - there; You do not believe, - No ... What do you believe, then there is ... "He himself believes that nature is not limited to the abomination of the bottom, that in almost every one there is the best that the power of which he does not know in man is hidden. Here is a real truth, hidden in terrible weekdays. Luke does not just comfort, he appeals to life the best forces of the human soul and thereby returns people to their own forgotten, crushed truth.

Upper the night - this is not the whole world, it insists onions. We must look for the best, strive for the light. In the nature of man, this is a desire, and it does not strangle it: "But - I feel one thing: you need to live ... otherwise! Better need to live! We must live like that ... so that I can respect myself ... "

What do we see? It turns out there is no one truth. And there are at least two - the truth "bottom" and the truth of the best in man. What truth is defeated in the play of Gorky? At first glance, the truth is "bottom". No one from the night entrances there is no exit from this "impasse of being". No one from the characters of the play does not get better - only worse. Anna dies, the tick finally "lowers" and leaves hope to break out of the night, Tatarar loses his hand, which means it also becomes unemployed, Natasha dies morally, and maybe physically, Vaska ash enters the prison, even the addition of Medvedev becomes one of the bedrooms . The surrounding house takes everyone and does not produce anyone, except for one person - a wanderer Luke, who has naught the unfortunate fairy tales and disappeared. The culmination of universal disappointment is the death of the actor to which it was Luka who inspired the vain hope for recovery and normal life.

But is the victory "bottom" full? No. Lies Luke clarified the most important, main truth: the old world is doomed to death and humanity will definitely come to the new world. From the night there is no salvation because there is no salvation in the conditions of the old world - the world of rich and poor, full and hungry, owners and slaves. But the eternal instinct, who prompts a person to strive for the better, will certainly change the old order, will certainly arrange everything in a new way. To proclaim this truth, the author trusts his beloved hero - drunkard and Satina Schuler. It seems to be a paradox: the words about the greatness of a person says a man descended, a rogue, a drunkard. But this is the "program" of Gorky. Satin is not just lazy to work, and the point is not that he is not able to work, - he refuses to work for satiety, refuses to play according to the rules of the old world. Satin is the initiator of a small "sabotage", which will certainly be wrapped in great: according to Gorky, people should refuse to work for the owners and put up with their slave position. Only breaking the inertia of lies, a person will be able to remember that his name sounds proud that he lives for the best.

Luka is one of the last "saints" of the comforters of the old world. His role is to wake the thought of satin and those like him. Satin proclaims the truth of the struggle: to realize himself, a person must part with the old world and rush to the new one. So the scene of the night acquires a symbolic character: this is the bottom of civilization, from where the warning comes from that soon the entire civilization of slaves and the owners will go to the bottom. And at the same time, the voice of a free man sounds from this "bottom", prophesy about the best, that the "righteous land" does not have to dream, and you need to build it with your own hands.

What is better "sweet lies" or "bitter truth"? I think everyone will have their own answer to this question. In the play "" Maxim Gorky raises the same problem with the "sweet lies" and "bitter truth", but it does not answer the question.

It seems to me that for the heroes of the play "At the bottom", the "sweet lies" turned out to be better than "bitter truth", because she presented them with hope for the best life.

All of them: satin, tick, actor, tambourines, Nasya themselves wanted to be at the bottom of life, they themselves chose their family. Gorky shows them as people deprived of dreams, goals in life. They simply burn their lives in a stuffy night.

But everything changes with the arrival of Old Luke. He became a certain catalyst, pushed everyone to action. Showing compassion and comforting them, Luke gave many hope for the best life. It becomes amazing, as in a very short time, thanks to warm words, he got a huge influence on the heroes of the play. For example, he was able to calm down the dying Anna, told her about best Life in the afterlime world. The girl dies with a certain hope, with faith in the fact that on the world she will have a peaceful life, deprived of suffering and deprivation.

Luke did not go without attention and a former employee actor. The old man showed him that he was not all lost that could be returned. He also gave him hope for new life. Unfortunately, this was not destined to happen. Hope can lose as quickly as you quickly purchased it.

It seems to me that the actor finished the life of suicide without the fault of Luke. It happened due to the weakness of the spirit and the lack of faith in itself. Luka wanted his compassion at least to brighten the hard fate of the heroes of the work. He did not again show them the real order of things, thereby pushing them even further, he would have changed anything. Thanks to his "sweet lies", he wanted to show them that the way to the top exists, it is worth only to believe in yourself.

In the play, Gorky shows us their negative attitude towards a lie, he does not advise living with dreams and illusions. But, despite this, the words of Old Luke had such an impact because they were "sown" into the soil of the illusions of the main characters.

True and lies - two opposite words. If you ask any person that he prefers to hear: the truth or a lie, the first one will definitely prefer.

However, the problem of truthfulness and deceit cannot be called one-dimensional, it includes a lot of nuances that can be traced when reading the drama Maxim Gorky "at the bottom".

At the bottom of life, completely different people were at various reasons. Andrei Mitrich's tick on the "bottom" of life led the illness of Anna's wife, he tries to earn money for her treatment, but he understands that she will die anyway. In his head, thoughts often arise about returning to normal life, he builds a path to rehabilitation in his consciousness. Vaska ash the hereditary thief, twice sat in prison.

He wants to become honest person And get out of the "bottom" of life along with his beloved Natasha. The actor was in the Nizakh of the Company because of his drunkenness, Baron due to the fact that he lost his estate.

We understand that the rescue of this and other heroes of this work is not expelled from anyone, of course, they are doomed to death. But they are still trying to hope for something. And then a new active face-bow appears, an elderly wanderer who adheres to the position that the person in a critical situation is not necessary for the truth, he resorts to a lie, which critics call "Lit in salvation."

Anne Luka talks about the afterlife, about how good and calmly in paradise, there will be no torment for her. In the actor, he inspires the hope that he will find a free hospital for drunks and returns to normal life. But in Russia, at that time, there were only three such hospitals and it was very difficult to get there, especially since no one knew from the environment of the actor, where they are, so it was a lie that he could recover. Vasilia ash is the wanderer talks about the beautiful golden Siberia, about how he can speak well with Natasha and become an honest person, advises to leave there. Nastya says Luka, which believes that the fact that was real love, although she was deducted in the book "Rock Love".

Another position adheres to satin. He is firmly confident that a person should know the truth, whatever she is bitter. "Man is true! ... There are many people who lie out of pity to the neighbor ... Lies-religion of slaves and owners. True-God of a free man! " And "man! It's great! It sounds proud! Human! We must respect a person! Do not regret ... not to humiliate his pity ... I need to respect! "- so Satin says. He opens his eyes to the actor that he will not be able to find a hospital, after which he hangs from such truth. Baron Hero says: "... And forget about the hold of the grandfather ... In the carriage of the past, you will not go anywhere ..." Satin is a good speaker, so many listening to him.

Who is right? In my opinion, none of them. After all, every person is individual. Someone a lie will help how Anne she helped to die calmly, and someone really hurts, as an actor who finished the life of suicide after Satina's words. By instilling hope in a person or vice versa, destroying it, we thus take responsibility for the fate of this person. But we do not have the right to do this.

In conclusion, it can be said that the problem of the truth and lies of the philosophical plan, which should be attributed to the eternal themes of Russian literature.

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