
Psychological Center "Panakia ψ". Practical psychological assistance. Test: Your emotional sustainability Psychological tests for emotional stability

Different people react differently into stressful situations. Naturally, the ability to easily endure stress and do not flutter yourself and the people around the little things are very valuable. Otherwise, any trifle can turn your life into hell. But, of course, it is not worth the stick, like a stone statue, real estate among storms. It is better to stay a living person, but not to be a "candle in the wind." But what about you? Try to evaluate your own emotional stability.

  1. Suddenly, the very interesting place of the TV show breaks. What do you do?
    • i will launch something in it, it will not be worse anyway - 3;
    • i'll look for the phone number of the workshop - 1;
    • i will try to eliminate breakdown - 2.
  2. Can you call three books that intend to read in the near future?
    • yes - 2;
    • no - 3;
    • i do not know exactly - 1.
  3. Do you have any hobbies?
    • yes 1;
    • i just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere entertained - 2;
    • i do not have time for any nonsense - 3.
  4. Do you like to rods in nature?
    • no, I prefer to contemplate nature in the pictures - 3;
    • i use any opportunity to get into some pleasant place, at least in the nearest park - 1;
    • yes, but only if it is not associated with excessive difficulties. "Smart Mountain will not go, the smart mountain will be held" - 2.
  5. You got free minute. What is your reaction?
    • i enjoy a delicious thing - 2;
    • i go there, where I had long dreamed of getting out, but things were prevented - 1;
    • i do not find myself places, I feel some strange discomfort because suddenly it became nothing to do - 3.
  6. Output. You can go somewhere. You promised to call, but the call is delayed for twenty minutes. What are you doing?
    • i am waiting and at the same time I do something so that time does not disappear in vain (for example, I clean the apartment) - 1;
    • i'm angry with your inorganized friends - 3;
    • i sit in front of the TV and, without waiting for the call, I can spend the front for a few hours - 2.
  7. Your favorite game?
    • checkers, chess, backgammon and similar board games - 2;
    • cards, slot machines, tote, lottery - 3;
    • nothing from the above strings in the soul does not hide - 1.
  8. Is the problem for you - than to fill free time?
    • i have so many different interests that it is difficult to choose what to do now - 1;
    • i hate idle. It is better to still work - 2;
    • it does not concern anyone. What I want, then I do - 3.
  9. An unfamiliar person (in line, in public transport, etc.) you nahamil. Your reaction?
    • i will answer him (her) in the same style - 3;
    • smult, but inside I will "boil" - 2;
    • immediately, we will choose this incident from the head - 1.
  10. At the checkout you were checked for a small amount. What will you do?
    • "Ringed into battle", defending his interests - 2;
    • politely demanded the bosses - 3;
    • mahanu hand and leave. In the end, the cashier is also a person - 1.

From 10 to 14 points:
Your nerves are in order. You can successfully monitor your emotions, random stresses do not bring you out of equilibrium. Just in case, check yourself through a week.

From 15 to 25 points:
Your opposition to stressing take place variable success. You are trying not to give yourself to suffer from life because of the everyday collisions, but still, from time to time, some unhappy accident causes you to worry and conflict. More often find a reason to relax and change the activity.

From 26 to 30 points:
Life for you is a battlefield, and the battles are serious. But still and front-line people sometimes rest. You may have a strong organism, but hardly "iron" is hardly. It would be good for you to learn to remove from life drama, do not take them close to heart, keeping sober attitude to reality.

Aizenka Test (character, emotional stability, personality type)

Questionnaire published here as a sample psychological test, Composed by English psychologists G. Aizenkom and S. Eizenk in 1964. This is today the most common test to assess the basic properties of the personality. Of the 57 issues 24 are aimed at identifying the degree of introversion or extroversion of a person. Both of these concepts were introduced by the Swiss psychologist K. G. Yung. The terms are formed from the Latin roots of "Extra" - "outside", "Intra" - "inward" and "faith" - "turning". Extraverts are personalities, due to the organization of their nervous processes converted outwards, requiring constant stimulation by the external environment. They are peculiar to the new impressions, such people need a company; They are characterized by the discrepancy of behavior, they are sociable, carefree, talkative and at the same time impulsive, sometimes even aggressive. Their feelings and emotions are not always controlled.

The introverts are turned inside. They do not need significant external stimulation, and this property forms the specifics of the behavior of such a person. He is inexplicitable, his friends have a little, but he is devoted to them for a long time. Introvert avoids noisy companies, slowly, seriously, plans its actions and actions, it is well controlled by emotions.

The "clean" extroverts and introverts almost does not happen, but we all occupy a position in this range closer to one or another pole.

24 more questions detect emotional instability or, on the contrary, stability, equilibrium. Finally, the test includes 9 questions that allow you to appreciate how sincere you were answered.

Answering questions, it is better for convenience to put "yes" in the case of a positive response and "no" in the case of negative.

1. Do you often feel craving for new impressions, to "shake up", experience excitement?
2. Do you often need friends who understand you can encourage or console?
3. Are you a careless person?
4. Do you find that you are very difficult to answer "no"?
5. Do you think before doing something?
6. If you promise to do something, do you always hold back your promises (regardless of whether it is convenient for you or not)?
7. Do you often have a decline and mood lifts?
8. Usually you do and speak quickly, without thinking?
9. Do you often feel like an unhappy person without sufficient reasons?
10. Would you have almost anything for a dispute?
11. Do you have a feeling of timidity and embarrassment when you want to start a conversation with a pretty face of the opposite sex?
12. Do you sometimes get out of yourself, are angry?
13. Do you often act under the influence of a minute mood?
14. Do you often worry because you did or said something like that, what should not be done or talking?
15. Do you usually prefer books with people?
16. Is it easy to offend you?
17. Do you often like to be in companies?
18. Do you have the thoughts that you would like to hide from others?
19. Is it true that sometimes you are full of energy, so that everything burns in their hands, and sometimes quite sluggish?
20. Do you prefer to have smaller friends, but especially close to you?
21. Do you often dream?
22. When you scream, do you answer the same?
23. Do you often bother your feeling of guilt?
24. Are your habits are good and desirable?
25. Are you able to give will to your feelings and have fun to have fun in the company?
26. Do you consider yourself a person excited and sensitive?
27. Do you consider you alive and cheerful?
28. Do you often having any important thing, feel feeling that they could make it better?
29. Are you more silent when you are in the society of other people?
30. Do you sometimes gossip?
31. Does it happen to you not sleep because different thoughts climb?
32. If you want to know about something, then you prefer to read about it in the book, rather than ask?
33. Do you have a strong heartbeat?
34. Do you like the work that requires you constant attention?
35. Do you have attacks trembling?
36. Would you always pay for luggage on transport if you were not afraid of checks?
37. You are unpleasant to be in society, where do you get rid of each other?
38. Are you irritable?
39. Do you like the work that requires speed?
40. Do you worry about any unpleasant events that could have happened?
41. Do you go slowly and leisurely?
42. Have you ever been late for a date or to work?
43. Do you often dream nightmares?
44. Is it true that you like to talk so much that you never miss the challenge with an unfamiliar person?
45. Do you worry any pain?
46. \u200b\u200bWould you feel very unhappy if a long time was deprived of a wide communication with people?
47. Can you call yourself a nervous person?
48. Are there any people among your friends who we obviously do not like?
49. Can you say that you are very confident man?
50. Do you easily be offended when people point to your mistakes in your work or on your personal misses?
51. Do you think it is difficult to get real pleasure from the party?
52. Do you worry your feeling that you are something worse than others?
53. Do you easily make a revival in a rather boring company?
54. It happens that you are talking about things in which you do not understand?
55. Do you worry about your health?
56. Do you like to make fun on others?
57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

To judge the results of the test about your character, you need to verify your results with the key here. Put against your reply cross, if your answer matches the key list response.

1) 1.3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44.46, 49, 53, 56 - yes;
5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34.41, 51 no.

This scale of questions is aimed at identifying the degree of extroversion-introversion. If here you have earned over 12 crosses, we can assume that you are a pronounced extrovert, if less - introvert.

2) 2,4,7,9, 11, 14, 16, 19,21,23,26,28,31,33,35,38,40,43, 45,47, 50, 52, 55, 57- Yes.

This number of issues are aimed at identifying the degree of emotional stability or instability. Negative responses are not taken into account here. If here you scored less than 12 crosses, then you are emotionally stable.

3) 6, 24, 36th;
12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54-no.

This is the so-called correctional scale, it allows you to check how sincere you answered questions. If here you have scored over 4 crosses, it means that you were not entirely honest before yourself, answering the test questions.

1. Suddenly, television breaks in the most interesting place. What do you do?

i will launch something in it, it will not be worse anyway - 3;

i'll look for the phone number of the workshop - 1;

i will try to eliminate breakdown - 2.

2. Can you name three books that intend to read soon?

i do not know exactly - 1.

3. Do you have a hobby?

i just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere entertained - 2;

i do not have time for any nonsense - 3.

4. Do you like to ribs on nature?

no, I prefer to contemplate nature in the pictures - 3;

i use any opportunity to get into some pleasant place, at least in the nearest park - 1;

yes, but only if it is not associated with excessive difficulties. "Smart Mountain will not go, the smart mountain will be held" - 2.

5. You got a free minute. What is your reaction?

i enjoy a delicious thing - 2;

i go there, where I had long dreamed of getting out, but things were prevented - 1;

i do not find myself places, I feel some strange discomfort because suddenly it became nothing to do - 3.

6. Output. You can go somewhere. You promised to call, but the call is delayed for twenty minutes. What are you doing?

i am waiting and at the same time I do something so that time does not disappear in vain (for example, I clean the apartment) - 1;

i'm angry with your inorganized friends - 3;

i sit in front of the TV and, without waiting for the call, I can spend a few hours before him - 2.

7. Your favorite game?

checkers, chess, backgammon and similar board games - 2;

cards, slot machines, tote, lottery - 3;

nothing from the above strings in the soul does not hide - 1.

8. Is the problem for you - how to fill out your free time?

i have so many different interests that it is difficult to choose what to do now - 1;

i hate idle. It is better to still work - 2;

it does not concern anyone. What I want, then I do - 3.

9. An unfamiliar person (in line, in public transport, etc.) you Nahamil. Your reaction?

i will answer him (her) in the same style - 3;

smult, but inside I will "boil" - 2;

immediately, we will choose this incident from the head - 1.

10. At the checkout you were checked for a small amount. What will you do?

"Ringed into battle", defending his interests - 2;

politely demanded the bosses - 3;

mahanu hand and leave. In the end, the cashier is also a person - 1.


From 10 to 14 points:

Your nerves are in order. You can successfully monitor your emotions, random stresses do not bring you out of equilibrium. Just in case, check yourself through a week.

From 15 to 25 points:

Your opposition to stress occurs with varying success. You are trying not to give yourself to suffer from life because of the everyday collisions, but still, from time to time, some unhappy accident causes you to worry and conflict. More often find a reason to relax and change the activity.

From 26 to 30 points:

Life for you is a battlefield, and the battles are serious. But still and front-line people sometimes rest. You may have a strong organism, but hardly "iron" is hardly. It would be good for you to learn to remove from life drama, do not take them close to heart, keeping sober attitude to reality.

Task 3. Answer the test questions, process the results obtained and conclude a tendency to reproduce nonreamed experiences.

Test "Next to reproduction of irrevised experiences"

Instructions: Answer "Yes" or "No" to the following situations, taking into account how you usually behave, most often.

1. Find your hardest fate in the content of films, plays, books, songs, and therefore worried.

2. Careful in choosing friends, girlfriends, because you have not been lucky in friendship.

3. Life experience taught you first to notice the gloomy parties of being.

4. It is difficult to carry blood type (it causes you an unpleasant feeling or memories).

5. Have a habit of retelling to friends, close to the seaside events of your life.

6. Some unpleasant episodes of your biography to some extent darken your current life.

7. Among your friends or loved ones there are people who often annoy you.

8. Memories of childhood you mostly neglected.

9. Sunday new goals and plans, show great care, because remember your mistakes and failures in the past.

10. Life left a noticeable unpleasant precipitate in the shower.

11. Life little things constantly upset you.

12. It would seem random things often cause unpleasant memories.

Processing results.

How many affirmative answers did you give?

If 10-12 points - pronounced reproducibility of nonreactive experiences;

5-9 points - you are subject to imprinted nonreatent experiences;

4 points and less - this form of disorganization is not peculiar to you.

Task 4.Two the results of all the dough in the table and make a conclusion about the need to master the techniques of self-regulation for each learning.

Task 5.Determine what method of self-regulation includes the following methods.

Method 1.

Sitting or standing try to relax the muscles of the body as possible and focus on breathing.

1. At the expense of 1-2-3-4, make a slow deep breath (while the stomach is protruding forward, and the chest is fixed).

2. For the next four accounts, hold your breath.

3. Then make a smooth exhalation on account 1-2-3-4-5-6.

4. To hold the breath again before the next breath on account 1-2-3-4.

After 3-5 minutes of this breathing, you will notice that your condition has become noticeably calm and balanced.

Method 2.

Sit comfortably, if you have the opportunity, close your eyes.

1. Breathe deep and slowly.

2. Come on the inner eyes all over your body, ranging from the top to the tips of the toes (either in the reverse sequence) and find the places of the greatest voltage (often it is your mouth, lips, jaws, neck, head, shoulders, stomach).

3. Try to strain the locations of the clamps even more stronger (to muscle shakes), do it on the breath.

4. Focus this tension.

5. Sharply reset the voltage - do it on exhalation.

6. Make so several times.

In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of heat and pleasant severity.

If the clip cannot be removed, especially on the face, try to smooth it with the help of light self-massage with the circular movements of your fingers (you can do grimaces of surprise, joy, etc.).

Method 3.

In the case of even minor success, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally speaking: "Well done!", "Umnets!", "It turned out great!".

Method 4.

Speak yourself: "Talking calmly!", "Silent, silent!", "Do not succumb to provocation!" - It helps to restrain emotions, behave adequately, comply with the requirements of ethics and communication rules.

Method 5.

1. Remember the situation when you coped with similar difficulties.

2. Use affirmations. To enhance the effect, you can use the words "exactly today", for example:

· "It is today that I will succeed";

· "It is today that I will be the most (s) calm (s) and aged (s)";

· "It is today today I will be resourceful (s) and confident";

· "I am enjoyed to talk a calm and confident voice, show a sample of excerpts and self-control."

3. Mentally repeat the text several times.

Formula-mood can be pronounced out loud in front of the mirror or to themselves, on the road.

Task 5.Give examples of self-regulation methods that can be used at home

Form of reporting:written work in the notebook

Form control form practical work:

Performed work seems to be a teacher in the working notebook on discipline .

1. Stolyarenko L. D. Psychology of business communication and management: Tutorial / L. D. Stolyarenko. - ed. 6th. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 414, p.; Il. - (secondary vocational education).

2. Chernova G. R., Slylytina T. V. Psychology of communication: Tutorial. - SPb.: Peter, 2012. - 240 s.: Il.

3. Big Encyclopedia Psychological Tests. - M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2006. - 416 p.

Scale:neuropsychiatric resistance

Purpose of dough

The technique is designed in the LwMA. S.M. Kirova and is intended for the initial allocation of persons with signs of neuropsychiatric instability. It allows you to identify individual preselected signs of personal violations, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activity.

It is necessary to answer 84 "yes" or "no" for 30 minutes. Analysis of the responses can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral features and mental conditions in various situations.

Instructions for test

You are offered a test out of 84 questions, each of which you need to answer "yes" or "no". The proposed questions relate to your well-being, behavior or character. "Right" or "wrong" answers is not here, so do not try to think about them for a long time - answer, based on what more matches your state or ideas about yourself. If your answer is positive, then skip the rectangle with the answer "yes" over the number of the corresponding question; If the answer is negative, then turn the rectangle with the answer "no". If you are difficult with the answer, then fasten both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer "I do not know."

30 minutes is assigned to the task.


1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come to mind that better about. They do not tell anyone.
2. Publishers are rare (or not at all).
3. At times, I have bouts of laughter or crying with which I can't cope with anything.
4. There are cases that I do not hold back my promises.
5. I often have a headache.
6. Sometimes I tell a lie.
7. Once a week or more often, I feel without any visible reason, I feel the heat in the whole body.
8. It happened that I was talking about things in which I do not understand.
9. It happens that I am angry.
10. Now it's hard for me to hope that I achieve something in life.
11. It happens that I postpone tomorrow what needs to be done today.
12. I willingly take part in meetings and other public events.
13. The most difficult struggle for me is to fight with yourself.
14. Muscular cramps and twitching, I have rarely (or not at all).
15. Sometimes, when I feel myself, I am irritable.
16. I am quite indifferent to what will happen to me.
17. Visiting I hold on the table better than at home.
18. If I do not face the penalty and there are no cars nearby, I can go the street where I want, and not where it is.
19. I believe that my family life is the same good. Like most of my acquaintances.
20. I often say that I'm quick-tempered.
21. In childhood, I had such a company where everyone tried always and stand up to each other.
22. In the game I prefer to win.
23. The last few years most of the time I feel good.
24. Now my weight is constant (I do not fully and do not lose weight).
25. I am pleased to have among your familiar significant friends, it seems to give me weight in your own eyes.
26. I would be quite calm if someone from my family had trouble.
27. Something is wrong with my reason.
28. I am worried about sexual (sex) questions.
29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands tremble.
30. Hands I have the same clever and prompt, as before.
31. Among my acquaintances there are people who do not like me.
32. I think that I am a doomed person.
33. I get sick with my family members very rarely.
34. It happens that I have a little time with someone.
35. Often I see the dreams, which is better not to tell anyone.
36. It happens that when discussing some questions I do not think I do not think, I agree with the opinion of others.
37. At school, I absorbed the material more slowly than others.
38. My appearance suits me in general.
39. I am quite sure of myself.
40. Once a week or more often I am very excited or agitated.
41. Someone manages my thoughts.
42. I drank a lot of water every day.
43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke causes me laughter.
44. Mute I am when I am alone.
45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
46. \u200b\u200bI love Tales Andersen.
47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.
48. I'm angry when I hurry.
49. It is easy for confusion.
50. I easily lose patience with people.
51. I often want to die.
52. It happened that I threw the started thing, because I was afraid that I could not cope with him.
53. Almost every day there is something that scares me.
54. I treat issues of religion indifferently, she does not take me.
55. Bad mood attacks are rarely.
56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
57. I had very unusual mystical experiences.
58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
59. I have periods when, because of the excitement, I lose sleep.
60. I am a nervous man and easy-made.
61. It seems to me that the smell of me is the same as others (no worse).
62. All I get bad, not as it should.
63. I almost always feel dry mouth.
64. Most of the time I feel tired.
65. Sometimes I feel that close to the nervous breakdown.
66. I am very annoying that I forget where I put things.
67. I am very careful about how I dress.
68. Adventure stories I like more than the stories about love.
69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new working conditions, work, the transition to any new living conditions, work, study seems unbearably difficult.
70. It seems to me that in relation to me especially often do unfairly.
71. I often feel unfair offended.
72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinion of others.
73. I often feel a sense of fatigue from life, and I do not want to live.
74. Pay attention to me more often than others.
75. I have headaches and dizziness due to experiences.
76. Often, I have periods when I don't want to see anyone.
77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed hour.
78. If someone is to blame in my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.
79. As a child, I was a capricious and irritable.
80. I know cases when my relatives were treated with neuropathologists, psychiatrists.
81. Sometimes I accept Valerian, Elenium and other soothing means.
82. Among my close relatives, there are persons who have attracted criminal liability.
83. I had drives to the police.
84. At school I studied badly, there were cases when I wanted to leave (left) for the second year.

Processing and interpretation of test results

The key to the test

Scale of sincere Scale of neuropsychiatric stability

Not (-) Yes (+)
Not (-)
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43
3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68

The NPU scale is obtained by simply summarizing positive and negative responses that match the "key".

Interpretation of test results

Characteristics of NPU levels according to the questionnaire "Forecast"

29 or more - High probability of neuropsychiatric disruptions. Additional medical examination of the psychiatrist, neuropathologist.

14-28 - Neriva-mental disroys are likely, especially in extreme conditions. It is necessary to take into account this fact when making a conclusion about suitability.

13 or less- Neriva-mental breakdowns are unlikely. If there are other positive data, it can be recommended on specialty requiring increased NPU.

NPU determination technique

Rating on a 10-point scale Amount of answers on the NPU scale Group NPU forecast
10 5 and less high NPU favorable
9 6
8 7-8 good NPU
7 9-10
6 11-13
5 14-17 satisfy. NPU
4 18-22
3 23-28
2 29-32 dissatisfaction. NPU unfavorable
1 33 or more

The technique is designed in the LwMA. S.M. Kirova and is intended for the initial allocation of persons with signs neuropsychiatric instability. It allows you to identify individual preselected signs of personal violations, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activity.

It is necessary to answer 84 "yes" or "no" for 30 minutes. Analysis of the responses can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral features and mental conditions in various situations.

Instructions for test

You are offered a test out of 84 questions, each of which you need to answer "yes" or "no". The proposed questions relate to your well-being, behavior or character. "Right" or "wrong" answers is not here, so do not try to think about them for a long time - answer, based on what more matches your state or ideas about yourself. If your answer is positive, then skip the rectangle with the answer "yes" over the number of the corresponding question; If the answer is negative, then turn the rectangle with the answer "no". If you are difficult with the answer, then fasten both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer "I do not know."

30 minutes is assigned to the task.

Test Material
  1. Sometimes, such bad thoughts come to mind that better about. They do not tell anyone.
  2. Publishers are rare (or not at all).
  3. At times, I have bouts of laughter or crying with whom I can't cope.
  4. There are cases that I do not hold back my promises.
  5. I get headaches often.
  6. Sometimes I tell a lie.
  7. Once a week or more often I am without any visible reason, I feel the heat in the whole body.
  8. It happened that I talked about things in which I do not understand.
  9. It happens that I am angry.
  10. Now it's hard for me to hope that I will achieve something in life.
  11. It happens that I postpone the fact that you need to do today.
  12. I willingly take part in meetings and other public events.
  13. The hardest struggle for me is to fight with yourself.
  14. Muscular cramps and twitching are rarely (or not at all).
  15. Sometimes, when I do not care, I am irritable.
  16. I am quite indifferent to what will happen to me.
  17. On a visit, I hold on the table better than at home.
  18. If I do not face the fine and there are no cars nearby, I can go around the street where I want, and not where it should be.
  19. I believe that my family life is the same good. Like most of my acquaintances.
  20. I often say that I'm quick-tempered.
  21. As a child, I had such a company where everyone tried always and stand up for each other.
  22. In the game I prefer to win.
  23. For the past few years most of the time I feel good.
  24. Now my weight is constant (I do not fully and not lose weight).
  25. I am pleased to have among my familiar significant friends, it seems to give me weight in your own eyes.
  26. I would be quite calm if someone had trouble from my family.
  27. With my mind, something is happening something wrong.
  28. I am worried about sexual (sex) questions.
  29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands tremble.
  30. I have the same clever and agile, as before.
  31. Among my acquaintances there are people who do not like me.
  32. I think that I am a doomed person.
  33. I get sick with my family members very rarely.
  34. It happens that I am with someone a little grateful.
  35. Often I see a dream, which is better not to tell anyone.
  36. It happens that when discussing some questions, I do not think especially, I agree with the opinion of others.
  37. At school, I absorbed the material slower than others.
  38. My appearance suits me in general.
  39. I am quite confident.
  40. Once a week or more often I am very excited or excited.
  41. Someone manages my thoughts.
  42. I drank a lot of water every day.
  43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke causes me laughter.
  44. I am happier I am when I am alone.
  45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
  46. I love Andersen's fairy tales.
  47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.
  48. I'm angry when I hurry me.
  49. I can easily be confused.
  50. I easily lose patience with people.
  51. I often want to die.
  52. It happened that I threw the started thing, because I was afraid that I could not cope with him.
  53. Almost every day there happens something that scares me.
  54. I am indifferent to religion questions, she does not take me.
  55. Poor mood attacks are rarely.
  56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
  57. I had very unusual mystical experiences.
  58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
  59. I have periods when, because of the excitement, I lose sleep.
  60. It is necessary to register

    To see the material entirely, you need to register or log in to the site.

    1. No one will see In the test results, your name or photo. Instead, only gender and age will be indicated. For example, " Woman 23." or " Male, 31.“.
    2. The name and photos will be visible only in the comments or other records on the site.
    3. Rights in VK: " Access to the list of friends"And" Access at any time"Wanted that you can see the tests that have passed your friends and see how many answers in percentage you have coincided. Wherein friends will not see Answers to questions and results of your tests, and you will not see the results of them (see paragraph 1).
    4. Making authorization on the site, you give to handling personal data.

    The key to the test
    Scale sincerenessScale of neuropsychic stability
    Not (-) Yes (+) Not (-)
    1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68

    The NPU scale is obtained by simply summarizing positive and negative responses that match the "key".

    Interpretation of test results

    Characteristics of NPU levels according to the questionnaire "Forecast"

    29 or more - High probability of neuropsychiatric disruptions. Additional medical examination of the psychiatrist, neuropathologist.

    14-28 - Neriva-mental disroys are likely, especially in extreme conditions. It is necessary to take into account this fact when making a conclusion about suitability.

    13 or less - Neriva-mental breakdowns are unlikely. If there are other positive data, it can be recommended on specialty requiring increased NPU.

    NPU determination technique

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