
Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and combine them correctly. Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and correctly combine their original ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At a stall labeled Best Food. A couple of meters from us, two thin-necked sergeants were really peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My soul was restless. I turned my head and saw 2 policemen. Standing a little further away from. Who Alice is remained a mystery, but I was not going to solve it.

We saw a staircase made of steel bars. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opens in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She put her hands on the wall, pushed it aside, climbed into which one. That little room and said Vanya. There was a puffing sound, later Ivan's voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but I answered optimistically. At the same second, the closet lit up with light, I closed my eyes. I stood in the middle of the toilet. Two toilet bowls without toilet seats and cisterns amused the ear. Peacefully rustling water. It smelled strongly of bleach, the doorway was covered with a mesh, and behind. Belka, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns were standing. I stared at the guys with the gun and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind the mirror, but here a passer-by pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I surveyed the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that had fallen out of the box and grunted. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and said. So I spank into the store, holding in my fist the pennies given by Raisa for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky was in Moscow for those years. To get it, as soon as the shops received lit boxes, a horde of men stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I laid out the essence of the matter to her, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewer grid ... The woman forcibly shoved a banknote into my fist. The door to Zalygina's apartment was open and propped up by a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, a woman was sitting in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noted that her voice had changed and I repeated it. Nika bit her lower lip, later resolutely shook her hair and again rushed into battle. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this place.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment, filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but here the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I was offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I walked silently to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And, before that Almira managed to get up from the sofa, jerked by the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes was in the six.

My phone rang in my pocket, I hastily left Krestova to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the screen of the tube and quickly said. A male voice came from the cell. The tenacity hired by Max. The actor was delighted. Someone would have long realized that he had played his part badly, they had figured out him. It's time to stop grimacing. But no, the fool continues to talk about the chest and the chicken. Well, at the moment he will get it from me ... There was a silence on the phone. A lady's voice cut through, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then she became quiet, was silent and looked at.

Decorating an apartment for the New Year is not only exciting, but also healthy. Fiddling with toys, snowflakes, tinsel and garlands improves your emotional state, drives away depression and helps you maintain a positive and joyful mood for many days. Most of all, of course, children are happy: it is absolutely necessary to involve them in “decorating the home”.

In the year, the Fiery Red Rooster comes to us, so it would be good to decorate the apartment (or house) as brightly as possible, using red, orange and gold shades. But a single style should be preserved: an apartment is not a jewelry store, and you should not try to use everything that has accumulated over the past years, although much will undoubtedly come in handy.

Party - to every room

We usually decorate the hallway, living room, nursery, but we should not forget about the kitchen, bedroom and even the bathroom: the Rooster will like this attitude. Of course, there are rules here.

It is not necessary to hang the whole kitchen with garlands and balls - a few bright balls with bows on the curtains are enough, but bundles of bright pepper or golden onions will come in handy. So you can "get closer" to the rustic style to which the Rooster is accustomed: after all, these birds would hardly feel "at ease" in a city apartment, and in general in a modern city.

You can also place utensils made of natural materials on tables, shelves and window sills: cups, jugs, bowls and vases made of clay and wood, filled with nuts and seeds, grains of cereals and legumes, ears of corn, bright fresh fruits - red apples are perfect. Bright orange pumpkins, including decorative ones, will also be a popular interior decoration this year - they can even be hung on a Christmas tree.

Without a tree is not a New Year

Photo: how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017

In general, a Christmas tree in the year of the Rooster can be decorated not with ordinary toys, but with original garlands made of dried berries, fruits, cones, and intertwined with ribbons "in the colors of the Master." For example, the red and gold scale is associated with wealth and luxury: use this opportunity - get a financial prosperity setting for the whole of 2017.

Gold and red tinsel will also come in handy, but in moderation, like balls of the same colors: they can be hung on the tree, alternating with natural decorations, not too crowded or chaotic - the Rooster is known for its love of order and harmony.

Designers consider 4-5 different types and colors of Christmas tree decorations to be the optimal combination; you can create a single motive by tying bows of the same color to toys, fruits and cones.

If it was not possible to buy a natural tree, do not rush to put an artificial one, no matter how similar it looks to a real forest tree. Use spruce (fir, pine) branches - they are easier to find and they are inexpensive - lay the tree on the wall, and decorate "modestly but tastefully".

Even a small table Christmas tree made of natural materials - for example, fir or pine cones, decorated with shiny tinsel and bright balls, will appeal to the Rooster more than an aesthetic and refined synthetic beauty. A special chic is a Christmas tree made of feathers: now you can buy not only chicken, goose or turkey feathers, but also peacocks, and even ostrich feathers - you will definitely get an exclusive.

Under the Christmas tree, large or small, you need to put a cup with grain (cereals), a few wheat spikelets in a vase or jug: this will also help bring prosperity and well-being to the house. Any wall decorations made by hand or correctly chosen "in the style of a Rooster" work in the same direction. Rain and tinsel are great, but bright paper serpentine and homemade garlands of colored paper will look no less festive, and they will bring more joy: after all, children like to glue colored "chains" very much. You can depict a round dance of snowflakes and snowmen with a garland - a New Year's theme; you can cut stylized cockerels with chickens - to luck, peace and harmony in the family.

Figures of the Rooster, and also preferably with chickens, should be placed in different places of the apartment. According to the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, dedicated to the search and use of natural energy sources for the benefit of people, a Rooster figurine must be in the southern part of the dwelling. The materials from which the figurines are made also matter: crystal and porcelain cockerels convert negative energy into favorable, wooden ones provide peace and tranquility in the family, metal ones attract wealth and protect against adultery.

Photo: how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017

In general, any figurine is suitable, even a knitted or soft toy, and you can also decorate the wall with New Year's images from cardboard: if you wish, draw it yourself, but now such pictures, bright and colorful, are easy to buy in any store with festive paraphernalia. Figures of chickens and a cozy nest with several eggs will not be superfluous: all this is associated with well-being, abundance and prosperity.

Festive wreath: make or buy?

Christmas wreaths are new to us, thanks to American "home comedies," but the market quickly adjusted to consumer tastes. Today there are so many attractively decorated wreaths that it is difficult even to choose. You can buy, of course, but do not forget that the Rooster loves - naturalness and natural materials.

So self-production is welcomed - the owner will definitely appreciate it; not only thin flexible branches of trees (not necessarily conifers) are suitable, but also cardboard and metal wire. You can immediately attach live coniferous branches to a frame made of real branches, and cardboard and metal must be wrapped in paper or cloth; twigs are attached so that the wrapper is not visible. And already to the branches, attach whatever you like: bright bows, ribbons, tinsel, shiny beads, nuts, cones, dried berries and leaves, small christmas decorations (good in the form of fruits and vegetables), figures from colored cardboard, candy, etc.

Photo: how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017

Windows and candlesticks

The custom to rock in New Year candles are certainly not foreign. Even before the 18th century in Russia, the celebration of the "new summer" was not complete without lights and candles, and Peter I generally commanded that there should be as much fire as possible, including colorful fireworks. True, it is believed that these customs originate in Ancient Rome: if a candle was presented to a Roman on New Year's, this meant a wish for well-being and prosperity.

However, let's say about candlesticks here - after all, New Year's candles should be installed reliably and beautifully. If there are beautiful wooden candlesticks, great; others “will do too”, but natural materials, like your “creative streak”, can be used here as well. Oranges are an excellent material for candlesticks. It will turn out original and natural, comfortable and in the tone of the Rooster.

A large thick-skinned orange is washed, dried, cut with a very sharp knife horizontally, into two halves, as even as possible. The pulp is carefully trimmed at the edges, all the pulp is taken out with a pointed teaspoon - only the shell is needed for the candlestick - and both obtained "cups" are carefully cleaned. With a ballpoint pen, on the peel of one of the halves, they draw several simple patterns, such as circles or stars, and cut through them with a sharp knife: a candlestick with a burning candle will glow beautifully. In the same half-lid, a round, small hole is made so that air can pass freely, and the bottom of the other half is carefully cut without cutting through the "cup" - for greater stability. A small tea candle is placed in a cup in a metal candlestick (these candles are sold everywhere), light it, and a half-lid is placed on top. In complete darkness, candles in this design look especially beautiful, and under artificial lighting, candlesticks seem to be filled with liquid gold.

Photo: how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017

A little about window decoration. Draw on them what you like - especially rural landscapes in the snow, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Rooster with chickens, but there is a simple and original way - snowflakes from toothpaste. It is not necessary to paint them with a brush. Now another way is in vogue: a concentrated toothpaste of any color is made water solution, a snowflake cut out of thick paper is applied to the glass, and the solution is sprayed with a toothbrush so that it falls on the glass, through the slots and around the snowflake. After a couple of minutes, the snowflake is carefully removed, and an intricate frosty pattern remains on the glass.

How to decorate a house for the New Year of the Rooster, which decoration to choose?

When preparing for the New Year celebration, it is very important to properly decorate your home. In the coming year, the Rooster comes into its own. This animal has bright plumage and a cool temper. To please him, the interior of the house / apartment must be cheerful, life-affirming and shimmer with bright colors.

New Year's decor in the Year of the Rooster and its stylistic direction. So that your house does not resemble a warehouse of New Year's decorations, which are randomly scattered everywhere, the interior should be decorated in a single stylistic direction. Be a little designer, in the decorated interior the taste should be traced and the artistic intent should be guessed.

Once you generate the basic concept of the New Year's decor, it will be easier for you to imagine the big picture, you will know exactly how and what to decorate the living space.

What can be used as decoration?

1. Figures of the Rooster.
2. Wreaths.

3. Candles in beautiful candlesticks.
4. Ribbons, rain, bows.
5. Balls (glass and air).

6. Garlands, bells.
7. Bouquets of flowers.

8. Colored feathers (artificial).

9. Spikelets of wheat.
10. Bulbs in vases.

11. Bundles made from onions or paprika.
12. Tinsel, serpentine.
13. Confetti, beads.
14. Spruce cones and twigs.

15. Colored pebbles or multi-colored sweets.
16. Sunflowers.
17. New Year's paper ikebana.
18. Multi-colored fruits.
19. Wooden and earthenware dishes.

Colors for New Year's decoration in the Year of the Rooster

This year the element of fire will also reign, so it is worth choosing decorations that have a color close to this element:

red and all its shades;

Roosters love to nibble on grass. Thanks to this, the color of juicy greenery will also be appropriate when choosing New Year's decorations. And if you consider that the Rooster lives in the village, jewelry can be made from natural materials, for example, wood, stone, paper, natural fabrics. Accordingly, brown colors are acceptable.
Fashionable trend that came to us from european countries, consists in choosing two or a maximum of three primary colors for Christmas decorations. An interior decorated in this way really looks beautiful, elegant and stylish.

Tips for decorating a home for the New Year of the Rooster

1. The entrance hall is the place from which the guests' acquaintance with your home begins. This room should also be decorated according to the theme.

2. It is believed that those who are in new year's eve will bring home a live rooster, the whole will be incredibly lucky. It is desirable that the animal has "fiery" plumage, but black and white colors are also suitable.

3. For the New Year, decorate not only the hallway and living room where the main celebration will take place, dress up other rooms as well - the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and balcony. Of course, the main emphasis should be placed on decorating the living room, but you should not forget about these rooms. The rooster will definitely appreciate such a scrupulous attitude towards him.

4. Interior decor for the New Year of the Rooster can be made not only from paper, plasticine and other materials, but also from food. Yes, yes, don't be surprised! For example, you can make beautiful bundles of nuts (any kind will do) or just put nuts in beautiful vases and place them on shelves, cabinets, and whatnot. Together with nuts, you can use sunflower and pumpkin seeds, wheat, oats, millet, corn grains, buckwheat, peas, rice. Beautiful red apples will also be a great decoration.

5. Try to make your jewelry varied and variegated, as the Rooster loves everything bright and does not accept monochromatic. But do not overdo it, otherwise the interior will seem gaudy. The color scheme and style of jewelry must necessarily overlap with both the main interior design and each other.

6. The rooster is a fighting bird that protects its chicken coop from intruders. Moreover, he, like the Sultan, loves to be surrounded by many "chicks". And he will not tolerate rivalry on his territory! Anyone who pokes himself into his domain will be driven out in disgrace. So why not give the Rooster the opportunity to be in his usual role on New Year's Eve? Purchase or make beautiful figurines of chickens from available tools, which you can use to decorate your home. If there is no time to make several figures, you can make one beautiful chicken - a bride for the Rooster.

7. Rustic decor. How many roosters have you seen living in urban environments? Probably not a single one seen! Unless they encountered a similar phenomenon only when visiting a zoological park. And all because it is a country animal. If you have the time and a great desire to please the patron saint of the ode, create the most familiar conditions for the Rooster in your home.
Even if your home is designed in an ultra-modern style, with some effort and ingenuity, you can achieve amazing results. It is recommended to cover sofas, beds, chairs, tables and window sills with bedspreads made of linen or cotton fabric. Burlap or fabric imitating it is also suitable. Arrange wooden and / or earthenware cutlery - spoons, bowls, bowls, jugs on tables, including the New Year's table, side tables and shelves. Instead of the usual curtains, curtains and curtains, you can use the appropriate fabric, which will serve as curtains on the windows.

8. Try to install figures of the Rooster and chickens in the most prominent places in the house. Let the owner of the year with his "chicks" look at everything that happens with their keen eyes!

9. The rooster does not get along well with predatory animals. Therefore, figurines of such animals are not suitable as decorations. The Rooster will not be able to peacefully coexist with them. The owner of the year will be very upset and may be seriously offended by you.

10. In addition to figurines of cockerels and chickens, make figurines of cute yellow chickens, which are easy to make from yellow dyed cardboard boxes for raw eggs. There should be as many of them as possible. Chickens can be installed under the tree, on furniture and next to their parents - a rooster and a chicken.

Do not hesitate to experiment, let your imagination run wild, use your natural ingenuity. And then you can decorate your home for the New Year of the Rooster in an original and tasteful way. And the result will delight not only you and guests, but the patron of the year, who will be satisfied and will only bring good luck!

Photo ideas for New Year's decoration of the premises in the Year of the Rooster











A beautifully laid table should take center stage in the festive decoration of the New Year holiday!






Chinese Year of the Rooster

  • Year of the Rooster for the Rat
  • Year of the Rooster for the Ox
  • Year of the Rooster for the Tiger
  • Year of the Rooster for the Rabbit
  • Year of the Rooster for the Dragon
  • Year of the Rooster for the Snake
  • Year of the Rooster for the Horse
  • Year of the Rooster for the Goat
  • Monkey Year of the Rooster
  • Year of the Rooster for the Rooster
  • Year of the Rooster for the Dog
  • Year of the Rooster for the Pig
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972,
1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
1937, 1949, 1961, 1973,
1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974,
1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,
1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Decorating an apartment for the New Year is sacred. After all, I want to see a holiday and happy faces everywhere.

And now, the most exciting time comes when all people are preparing for the holidays. On this occasion, you can see a selection of the most beautiful and elegant ideas for decorating your home. Since December is a busy month for preparing not only your apartment, but all things at work, it will be easier to read ideas on the Internet, so as not to rack your brains. You can decorate your apartment in any thematic idea, hang tinsel and balls, wrap gifts and put up a Christmas tree. And all this is real.

Thematic color scheme

You can change your living room and the whole house beyond recognition. The most important thing is to choose the right colors. Depending on the shades that you already have, you build on them and see what is missing. There are so many different combinations. The main thing is not to do everything clumsy. Colors such as red, white, blue, gold, gold, green and orange will look great.

Do not forget that the owner of 2017 is the fiery Rooster. And he just loves everything bright. If you like original variations, then look for purple, pink or crimson colors. When you have already decided on a decorative color palette, then try to stick to it even in the smallest detail. Toys, textiles, candles and other festive paraphernalia should be in a single color scheme.

Natural decor

The traditional New Year tinsel is not always harmoniously written into the interior. Therefore, instead of balls and garlands, you can use natural cones, needles, dry branches and fruits. Such things will perfectly fit into the decor of the room. In addition, there is no need to be afraid that they will break or break. And if it suddenly seemed to you that these items did not greatly transform your apartment, then you can always dilute the decor with golden and silver ribbons and other paints.

Original tree

Of course, the tree has always been the main attribute of the New Year. Gone are the days when, by tradition, we bought pine or artificial spruce, put them on the table and decorated them with balls and lights. We now live in the 21st century. And even if not everything has been invented yet, but with the Christmas trees everything turned out as beautiful as ever. Designers began to invent new alternatives to boring trees that are crumbling.

Now you don't have to worry that your tree will be the same as everyone else's. Firstly, Christmas trees of different colors are now on sale, on which cones, sparkles and other decor are already glued. And secondly, if you have little space, then the tree can be made from available tools. For example, take sticks and stick them on the wall. Moreover, the sticks should be of different lengths.

The lowest is long, and the highest is short. Then they will create a Christmas tree in shape. Further, using tape or nails, we hang toys, bows, cones and other objects on sticks. You can also create a Christmas tree from a garland or rain. Just make a shape and voila! To create a fluffy beauty, any means at hand can be useful: sweets, paintings, photos, bells, bows, and more.

Ribbons and Christmas pillows

Ribbons have always looked elegant. So you can use them to tie curtains, hang Christmas decorations, and so on. In the fireplace portal under the tree there is an opportunity to put several decorative gifts, which will also be tied with ribbons. But when choosing ribbons, do not forget about the color scheme of the New Year. But the tapes are not all. Now it's time to tackle the pillows.

We are sure that every apartment has them. Pillows can be decorated with an elegant shiny fabric that skillfully emphasizes the festive theme. You can buy these pillowcases at the store, or you can make yourself. The effort and money spent will never be wasted. After all, pillowcases are allowed to be used on other holidays. They will always fit into your interior and create beauty and originality.


New Year's decor cannot exist without lights. Everyone loves lights - big and small, one-color and different shades. And it should be understood that garlands can be used not only to decorate the tree itself. The decorative potential of lights is much wider than you might imagine. They can be used to decorate walls, cornices, a fireplace, create an inscription or another shape. It will also be pleasant, returning home, to watch your window light up. Many people use lights to complement their decorative compositions.

Every New Year's Eve, many creative people make. Photos of their harmonious implementations in the interior will help you to realize a lot interesting ideas no worse than famous designers. This year, the decorators decided to let the fantasy go free, leaving only the dotted lines general rules compatibility, turning their basis into a bright carnival.

DIY decorations for the new year, common tasks

As you know, 2017 is the year of the fiery rooster, which means that everything should not just sparkle, but literally burn the usual perception of the world with fire of bright colors.

What the "fiery rooster" greets:

  • Triumph and celebration again! You need to emphasize this moment with an abundance of objects with a shining texture, it can be mirror fragments, gloss, overflows, intricate patterns, and so on.
    • Rooms should not be monotonous and boring; each room needs to come up with its own surroundings. But so that you do not get lost in the whirlwind of the carnival, experienced decorators in an insinuating whisper remind you of the very dotted lines of the unspoken rules. Even in attempts to combine the "incongruous" many elements can be "reconciled" with each other in a single moment.

Tip: almost all stylistic mixes can be easily combined into a coherent composition using one or two colors. So even in the heat of the fireworks of emotions and the anticipation of happy days, you can guaranteed to avoid bad taste.

  • No balls of the same type, differing only in size.
  • A huge number of lights, everything should shine where there is an opportunity to place accessories with lights.
  • We take out forgotten candles, the rooster 2017 loves live fire. If there is, he will have to pay special attention.
  • Decorating a room for the new year with your own hands should include the basic tones of images of a fairy rooster from folk tales - red,,,, but with all this stormy splendor, the base color should remain exactly.
  • The rooster is proud and loves symbolism, small figurines depicting this domestic, but very beautiful and proud bird will have to be placed in every room and even on the festive table itself.

  • In order for the symbol of 2017 to endow you with blessings, it must be positioned using nuts, cones, grains and fruits as decorative elements.

The house can be decorated not only inside, but also outside, and therefore let's start with.

Facade and garden

Outdoor decoration should not just please the eye, but catch attention and lure inside, you can achieve this effect with the help of a lot of simple devices. As the saying goes, if there is fantasy, garlands and "hands are not for boredom", this will be enough.


We've all watched many films about Christmas, where the "gingerbread" houses of refined residents of wealthy areas aroused in us a slight envy or admiration for their small figurines and sparkling lights. So why don't we bring moments from our favorite films to life?

In order for the house to play in a new light and turn into a wonderful abode of fairies and elves, it is enough to buy several and use improvised means to fix them along the contours of the building.

This is the simplest, but very effective classic New Year's technique. Also, we do not ignore all the trees near the entrance, ledges, maybe even steps.

Advice: garlands that will decorate the house outside and inside are better to take, they are brighter, plus, they save energy. This is important because during the new year they are used almost continuously and in large quantities.

Those who like to experiment are free to create any composition out of the lights, bending and fixing flexible lights to give them the intended shape. It can be inscriptions, silhouettes of animals or Santa Claus, whatever, the main thing is to calculate the footage, purchase the right amount garlands and properly arrange the connection.

Tip: when going to bring out the New Year's garlands, a smart owner must take care of safety! All sockets must be carefully covered from snow and moisture, or you can buy ready-made street options, they are sold in specialized stores that sell electrical goods.


Plastic, fabric, wire, polystyrene and sparkling lights of garlands - with skillful use, these materials can create a New Year's ball of your favorite monsters or a space station from an ordinary teenager's room.

Advice: the first and most important moment in the New Year is safety, so there should not be easily breakable glass and sharp pins, hooks, etc. could reach.

With very young children, you can start making a paper town - these are simple garlands of glued rings, lanterns, joint cutting and attaching of snowflakes. Also, children are very fond of having separate personal trees in their room in addition to a common Christmas tree, you can organize an artificial version for them, buy or assemble it yourself from colorful rain and wire, letting them participate in the process.

DIY decorations for the new year (photo) 2017 - but what about the Christmas tree?

This year, a "battle" has been announced for boringly stylized monotonous balls of the same color, falling in a monolithic cascade from small to large sizes from top to bottom.

Rooster 2017 wants fireworks and hand-made. Spruce or pine should ideally be real and strewn with all the old toys available from the "grandmother's chest". At the same time, if you have no clothespins left, you can take regular linen and attach / glue to them everything that can hold on to them ... Plastic figures of animals or thread balls, strewn with sparkles. The rest can be hung by the crown in the classical way. When decorating the 2017 Christmas tree, two rules will work - everything that is ready should shine to the maximum, the rest should be done with your own hands.

Several master classes on crafts

  • Large balls of thread. We take the balloons and inflate them to the desired size, separately impregnate a skein of large woolen threads with PVA glue. We wind them tightly around balls in a chaotic manner and hang the entangled ball by the tail to dry the structure. When everything hardens, we carefully pierce the ball, pull it out of the thread "house", which itself now has the shape of a sphere. We thread a thread of the required length so that it can be hung somewhere.

  • Decorative gifts from matchboxes or small boxes. Matchboxes or any other small boxes need to be smeared with glue and covered with gift paper, and rhinestones, bows, etc. should be glued on top. Not only a shiny wrapper looks very beautiful, but also velvet, you can use fabric, but you will have to spend a little more time here.
  • Ice cream from balls. We roll up a dense shiny cardboard into a horn and glue it on the fold, we get a cone, glue a piece of cotton wool to fill the volume, and to the edge of the structure, in turn, glue light New Year's plastic balls. Advice! For decorative horns, you should not use glass balls, they are heavy, quickly peel off and break.

All these decorations can be used as separate units, or strung on one string and build garlands from them or something like "carousels" (attach separate strings to several things, and then connect the tails with a common knot).

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