
Jan Khalib who. JAH KHALIB: Biography of Rapper. Jah Khalib now

Bakhtiyar Mamedov was born in September 1993 in the city of Almaty. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Bakhtiyar - scales, which is reflected in his character: a man calm, refined, strives for harmony. Bakhtiyar grew up in a conventional average family, on the line of the father he has Azerbaijani roots. Mom since childhood instigated the son of the love of music, playing musical instruments, drove to different concerts.

Bakhtiyar was given to a music school in 6 years, despite the frequent absenteeism of lessons not interesting for him, he grateful to the school for the proper perception of music. Bakhtiyar graduated with honors from the faculty of music recognition and management in the conservatory. Kurmangaze with bachelor's degree.

In his free time, loves to read Boris Akunin's books and watch comedy cinema. Bakhtiyar leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and does not eat alcoholic beverages. People appreciate kindness and openness. He is not married, his personal life does not like to put a deposit, so the information about his girlfriend remains a mystery.

Creative activity of Bakhtiyar Mamedov

Now Bakhtiyar is known under the pseudonym Jah Khalib (Ja-God for Rastamanov, who personifies love and good). Bakhtira has an older brother who loved to listen to rap and shared with him "Eminen", "Dmx" with him. So, Bakhtiyar at 7 years old has a traction for RAP creativity, and in 8 years he wrote his first text in rap style. Due to the lack of money for the recording studio, he could not be imposed on music.
Over time, Bakhtiyar has become more listening to the domestic rappers, such groups as Nonamerz, Yu.G. and caste. Already at the age of 15 began to successfully develop himself as a sound engineer and singer in a professional studio. His songs were laid out on sites and YouTube, on downloading and viewing earned my first money.

In 2013, Bakhtiyar recorded a lyric rap "burning to the TL". The song made a furor and brought a huge popularity singer. In 2015, the singer gave his first, but not the last concert. At the moment, Bakhtiyar is busy creating a new musical album, which will be released next year.

"All we love - sex, drugs" ("SND")

He brought the first broad popularity laid out on the Internet song "All we love - sex, drugs, which became the main hit of 2013. As Bakhtiyar says, for this song he took the image of modern youth and her desires: "No matter how rudely it sounds, but they only need it: to hate, blow, drink ... and in bed! Nothing serious. These are realities, and that is why this song hooked everyone. Of course, I settled it all, but the truth is hiding between the lines. "

About this composition a lot of disputes. It is said that this song about the decomposition of values \u200b\u200band should it be done so that thousands of people emit her chorus? The singer replies that he understands the full responsibility. He parides that he wanted just to tell about a loving young couple, whom all do not care. "I did not laid the idea - now I will release such a song and I will sit on all the drugs, or I will do it all fucking" - says the singer.

Among the famous compositions of the musician, such songs like "Your sleepy eyes", "burning Dotla", "Let's fly away far."

According to the results of 2015, according to the "The Flow", the Album of Bakhtiyar Mamedov "Khalib̒ania Soul" entered the list of thirty-three best albums of the year (took the thirtieth place). At the same time, critics noted that the album did not get all the hits of the singer and are still ahead.

Who is his heroes and whose hero is he?

He writes everything about real life. This is not always about yourself, as a rule, this is a collective character from the stories told by someone. Therefore, as a result, the song is derived from Mamedov, as from a third party, but not just retold episode, but missed a piece of someone's lifetime.

It is about himself that he has the composition "You for me" - a non-military song about the sea of \u200b\u200bpassions and emotions of the first children's love, which is not so easy to go. Also very personal song "Mom", which the singer does not expose to the general public.

Jah Khalib does not apply to the category of musicians who have achieved some success in the first call leave their country and go to Russia. He is a patriot of Kazakhstan, he has a normal relationship with artists speaking under various labels. A new track will soon be released, recorded with Motor, wants to burn a duet with Cristina Si.

But he is the hero of his country. In an interview with Ainur Nurceite, Jah Khalib said: "I will never perform under the flag of another country. I will not perform under the flag "Gazgolder" or "Black Star". I do not need it. As for the labels, I am just one label is my Kazakhstan. "

What is she, music of Bakhtiyar Mamedov?

He composes music for ordinary people, to hear her, did not try to turn off the player immediately or leave the hall, and enjoyed. All sorts of rapper pieces of type Battl-rap, rhyming, technique, not many of the soul. Therefore, feeling the Kazakh public, he writes what in everyday life she likes. But, it does not too simple, but tastefully. In his sense, the music should have real power, driving emotion.

These are men's singing and melodic ballads, told by the right words, this is music with simple and understandable chills for the work of High-Hat and the 808th dram machines. Songs with musical thinking and great opportunities that are already sparing and quoted.

In one of his interviews, Bakhtiyar says: "Musicians who say they are especially achieving me:" I make music for myself. " I always say: "Dude, what are you lying? What "for himself"? You want to listen to her! So that she liked people! What is the point of being a musician if no one is listening to you? If you make music for yourself, then take a staff, go to the mountains, Pasi Baranov and sing for them. "

Music is primary between marketing and music for him. The singer believes who makes music for the sake of glory - therefore, it turns out commercial shit, and who for the sake of music - the music at the exit. And she already with marketing tools can be reported to the audience. Here it is nice to the work of scriptonite, whose music is for the sake of music, everything in life, rigidly and truthfully, and then promotion. It is with this approach of Mamedov prefers to live and compose his compositions.

Although the other approach has the right to exist, and with a commercial approach there are quite successful options. For example, he believes that Timati just works according to the marketing - music scheme. But from his proposal to work together Jah Khalib refused, because he is primarily a musician, and then a marketer.

The currently currently considers music in which there is a mixture of various genres from ethnic melodies, pop piano and to trap Niger vocals.

How Jah Khalib creates his hits and albums

When creating an album, such an approach as: "Made - recorded - ready" not for him. The main thing is high-quality music and text. Further - the synthesis and the choice of the best material from the already sounding, selection of non-released tracks. Then - the collection of the collection, multiple listening, changes and experiments, overwriting. So this is not a simple, long-term work of six months, and even a year.

Jah Khalib is very critical to his work. In one of the interviews to the question - what the most favorite song from his repertoire, answered: "None! I hate everything! " He says about herself that he is "Control Fric" - a person who is suspended in control. Such people believe that everything can be good only when they manage to all and personally control. In the team, Bakhtiyar can work and easily work with him, as much knows and knows how, but sometimes it simply does not endure. Without his control, no episode passes in the work of the director of the clip, nor at the sound operator, no other team members.

For him, a landmark and inspirer in work is Basta. Having become acquainted with him and watching earnings, Bakhtiyar always, especially during periods of doubt and creative stagnation, recalls him and it helps to overcome the crisis.

He loves live music, he loves a live artist, although it would seem, you can record any instrumental batch using the desired plug-in. But the live musician will bring his good mood with him and will not be just fulfilled by the Guitar Party, but filled with a mood, which will definitely go to the rest. Then such music will meet its requirements.

About relations with his audience

From the early period of creativity, he already had his listeners in Kazakhstan. Now they are much larger and not only in his homeland. He is not ashamed to look to his admirers in the eyes. Respectful attitude towards them is his credo. In one of his interviews, the musician said: "It is very important as I treat my listeners. I can't rush to them. I can't say: "Hey, you, Gondon! You scared whining! I make music. The album will come out when it comes out. " No, I will say: "Guys, sorry. Please forgive me. I do not have time". I respect the listeners. Because they are the same people. They are equal to me. Such a promise of our project. "

About the plans of Bakhtiyar Mamedov

He puts the goal to enter the Russian market, to prove that he and his team are not random people in this matter. Although planning and especially predicting what will happen - does not like. He believes that if you make it, it never comes true.

Moscow does not want, His Almaty is quite suitable, it is in Kazakhstan as Moscow. The first performances in Russia in Krasnodar and Novorossiysk on club parties dispelled the doubts of Bakhtira, which no one knows about him there. The people were five hundred people, and that they were surprisingly all sang, it means that they listen, know!

On October 29, 2016, on the Concert Platage "Ray Just Arena" in Moscow, Bakhtiyar Mamedov will perform with a big concert and presented his new album. The concert was held as part of a large autumn concert tour in support of a new album.

Choosing the name of the album "If Che, I Baha" has its own story. Jah Khalib says that he turned to him with a request to compose and sing at his wedding song about how he met his bride. And it was so. The future groom with his boyfriends saw a girl on a party, when she was "very nice" to her, some boys were drunk. He could not stand it and one just joined and said: "If what, I'm a single!" Hearing this phrase, Baha realized that was a song! Then he says:

"Minus, I answer you, I wrote immediately, for about eight minutes. They lit the idea. They wrote a song about how a normal kid rolling to a normal girl. At his wedding, we performed her with the chorus "if what, I was a single," and I changed it to "if what I, I Baha". Then the boys and offered: "Name so album!" And what, I think, cool! "

For 2015, the singer gave more than one hundred and fifty concerts, which came a hundred thousand of his admirers in more than eighty cities. If you remember that in a year 365 days, then almost every other day there was a performance. Serious strain! In the near future, Bakhtiyar Mamedov with his team decided to focus on the release of clips, to create a visual perception of his music. Wants to please something exclusively interesting. In this regard, the number of tour trips The singer is going to cut to reasonable limits to have enough strength and time for everything.

UPD: The album of one of the brightest phenomena of the Russian-speaking hip-hop of the last time Jah Khalib "If Che, I Baha, received a platinum status. Despite the fact that almost two months have passed since the release of Longple, the release still holds on the top lines of the ITunes and Apple Music charts. In Russia, a platinum album is a plate of increasing circulation of 10,000 copies. Most recently, it was able to boast with quite high sales and the album of Guf "More". True, unlike Jah Khalib, he has already been twice platinum.

About Personal Bakhtiyar Mamedova

Attitude of Bakhtiyar Mamedov for girls

The main thing for him so that the girl was not stupid so that she was fine with her head. She must have a charisma, be sexy. In the understanding of Bakhtiyar, sexuality is not an inflated and painted shell, and this is an interesting look at life, it is charm.

In the soul, he is a romantic, loves girls to give gifts, but such that they use, such as spirits. Picking them, tries to guess the smell that she should like. Modestly notes that in most cases he succeeds. What about flowers? Here, the Bakhtiyar is originally, he loves to give them, because they will not live in a short time and quickly tied.

In a relationship with women, he believes that it is always necessary to find the "golden middle" between the extremes. Living in real household, it is impossible to be either "specific cattle" or the "concrete rebelnik". Women are emotional creatures. A man should have the ability to manage these emotions. "This is a bilateral process: women enrich men's life with emotions, inspire us. Men teach them, send and give tenderness. Everything should be in the balance sheet "- reasoning Jah Khalib.

The main thing in life for him is the family and children whom he has not yet. About the prospects to get their "second half" says: "I am free as the wind. Probably because I myself do not want it. If I start with someone to meet, it will bring with you a lot of problems and hysterics. And I do not need it. I do not want to hurt anyone or spoil someone life. Let everyone be fine, let everyone smile. "

Nevertheless, Bakhtiyar unequivocally says that there are no chances of the girls, but joking that the path to his heart lies through the stomach. He likes to eat something original, unusual and in a good, quiet atmosphere.

Other interests

In humans, values \u200b\u200bhonesty and kindness. He likes to read Boris Akunin and watch the filmcomm. Some of the beloved - "Big Stan", "Soldiers of Failure." The smoking and alcohol refers to the right understanding, compromise.

Loves in good weather with friends just walk around the city, sit somewhere on the bench, discussing simple problems. He loves living chat, but it applies normally to the Internet, says that without social networks is now impossible.

Jah Khalib is a musician. His success can be called as you like: Costed of circumstances or fate. Without sponsors and producers, he collects people to their concerts. They come and they like it. This is the main thing for him, he says: "The main thing is that our music listened and felt good emotions under it. And the money, fame, material is all ... it is fleeting. It is worth it. "

Sergey Morozov. Especially for the site
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Among the celebrities of Kazakhstan there are singers of different genres, and hip-hop is no exception. Here, among our countrymen, the first place for Bakhtiir Mamedov, who is also known under the pseudonym Jaha Khalib. His life can be described not different as the phrase "through thorns to the stars." Want to know more? Read the biography of Jah Khalib.

JAH Khalib.: Biography singers

Baked Baha in Almaty on September 29, 1993. He has an average family and stars from the sky lacking. Parents called Bakhtiir's boy, which means - 'happy'. However, as you know, happiness in life is not just like this, and Jean Khalib understood it early.

It so happened that the family remained actually on the street without money and any prospects for the future. Until eighteen years, Bakhtiyar lived with his parents in the old hut His grandfather. There was no gas in the house, they accounted for firewood. First time slept on the floor, the old sofa was picked up from the street. Having a youth in poverty, the guy understood: you want to get out of people - work.

Jaha Halib: Education

Relatives from childhood pledged a boy to music for music. Mom played on the piano, and her two brothers - on clarinet and accordion. In addition to the musical environment, the development of the creative abilities of Bahi was influenced by frequent visits to jazz and symphony concerts.

Naturally, the guy was determined to a music school where he mastered the saxophone and piano. It was impossible to call him a diligent student. Baha missed the useless, in his opinion, items: musical literacy, literature, teaching singing without words.

Higher education Bakhtiyar Mamedov received at the Faculty of Artemage and Music Classes of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in Almaty.

Thirteen years, already having sufficient knowledge in music, worked in the studio, and from sixteen - combined several such works. Its main task was aligned vocal. He also independently wrote bits and sold them on the Internet. This allowed him to earn the first money and help the family in difficult time.

Passion for rap and first popularity

At six years, Baha got carried away by the speaking and music of guys from Ghetto. His older brother brought home collections of such artists as DMX, SWIZZ Beatz and Onyx. Their songs were fascinated by the boy, as it turned out, for life.

It all started like balobiness. The workers took the microphone from karaoke and began to read texts. Remembering your first track "Costs", Baha laughs: "Six-year-old Gangster is funny."

Later, Jah Khalib met the work of Russian performers - Caste groups and Multiple. After the school of an arranger and sound engineer, Bakhtiyar gradually made his own team. Performed compositions in the Hip-Hop and Rap genre, worked with Russian and Kazakh stars as a musical producer and bitmeter.

More or less broad fame to the Bakhtiyar came after leaving the SND song - "All we love - sex, drugs." The composition has done a lot of noise. Evil languages \u200b\u200bimmediately accused Bahu in the propaganda of a barbed lifestyle and moral decomposition. However, the true meaning of the song just hurts such things.

In the next plans of Bakhtiyar Mamedov to conquer the Russian audience. Despite the popularity of the first tracks, there are few people about him. In the clubs of Krasnodar and Novorossiysk, a maximum of 500 people came to his speeches.

You need to fix it. However, for this purpose, JAH is not going to move to Russia. Says: "My only label is Kazakhstan."

SongsJAH Khalib.

Jaha Khalib writes songs for ordinary people with simple words. In his texts reflect the life stories faced almost every guy. Mamedov misses the episodes of real life, issuing a cling rhyme on paper.

Remembering the difficulties that he had to overcome to become the one who he is, Baha wrote the composition "I am blind to light". This song is about overcoming the tests that harden the character of the artist.

Mamedov composed one of the most famous tracks "If Che, I Baha" on the occasion of a friend's wedding. He addressed him to describe his acquaintance with his wife in the text. In the first version, the main phrase sounded like "If Che, I Single," and the minus one Jah came up with just ten minutes.

Subsequently, this song blew up the Internet and held a long time on the first lines of charts of musical channels. Also, Bakhtiyar called his album 2016, which in a few months there was a circulation of 10 thousand copies and received a platinum status.

In the repertoire of Mamedov there are songs in which he talks about himself. In the composition "You for me", Bakhtiyar tells about the first love and emotions that do not leave his heart. The song "Mom" JAH performs extremely rare, as this is too personal text.

On the Bakhtiyar's account already four albums:

  • Khalibanija Dushi 2015 - 8 compositions.
  • "Jazz Grub 2016" - 9 tracks.
  • "All we love 2016" - 10 songs.
  • "If Che, I Baha 2016" - 18 singles.

In 2017, Bakhtiyar released two new compositions - "Mamasita" and "Today I found you."

Mamedov's album records are thoroughly suitable. The main thing for him is quality. After working in the studio, the collection is many times listened, the experiments are held. Only after that he hits the shelves of online stores. On average, one album leaves six to twelve months.

Bakhtiyar Mamedov - a decent representative of the Kazakh show business. He does not build a star from himself, money did not corrupt it. In the texts, Bahi felt proximity to the problems and experiences of ordinary people.

We hope, he will not be comprehended by the fate of those performers who put themselves above others. Good luck, Bakhtiyar, and show all the correct rap!

The celebrity from Kazakhstan Jaha Khalib has gained popularity as a performer Rap and Hip-Hop. Thanks to Bright Charism and undoubted talent, a young man attracts increased attention to himself, in particular to his private life. Many things are interested in knowing how the Jaha Khalib and his girl develop their relationship.

Summary of Rapere

Jaha Khalib (real name of Bakhtiyar Mamedov) is a native of Almaty. He was born on September 9 in an ordinary Kazakhstan family. It is curious that the singer thoroughly hides the year of his birth.

All relatives of Bakhtiyar were distinguished by a tendency to art, played various musical instruments. Together with my mother, the boy often visited concerts of classical and modern music, and from 6 years he became actively interested in rap.

Heavy life circumstances made it early to start labor activity. So, from 13 years old Mamedov, worked in the music studio, in 16 worked at the same time on several, created his own music and distributed it through the Internet.

In the following years, the young man graduated from the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangaza of the city of Almaty, was educated in the directions of music recognition and art management, became a professional saxophonist and pianist.

The singer was widely popular thanks to the following compositions:

  • "All we love - sex, drugs";
  • "The Constellation of Angel";
  • "Today I found you";
  • "Mum";
  • "Leila".

Jaha Khalib has a good taste. Among his favorite songs masterpieces Vladimir Vysotsky, Ray Charles, Edith Piaf, Louis Armstrong.

Personal life

Jah Khalib and his girl are interested in a considerable amount of fans. In one of the last interviews, the young man mentioned his past relations. The name of the girlfriend, which he devoted his songs, is left secret.

It is known for certain that at the moment the charismatic artist is not found with anyone. The reasons for this, he considers his permanent employment and unwillingness to cause someone pain. In one of the interviews in Kazakh TV, Jaha Khalib stated that he did not want to burden himself with love that could bring suffering. While the rapper tries to preserve his freedom, and instead of romantic dates prefers the pastime behind the satisfying table.

At the same time, the celebrity willingly share with journalists with its ideas about the future half. A young man prefers with non-nell, developed girls having a charisma and sophisticated sexuality. At the same time, he does not make a large accent on appearance, and excess makeup in women considers a sign of internal emptiness.

Rapper does not hide that the path to his heart passes through the stomach. At the same time, to please him, it will be necessary to prepare something unusually tasty and original.

It internally combines romantic and practitioner. Jaha Khalib loves to give girls memorable gifts that can benefit long time. The young man is categorically not a member of the colors. The latter he considers banality. To please your loved one, he, most likely, will give her an elegant perfume, to choose which will be independently.

The main life values \u200b\u200bfor the bright artist remained the family and children, whom he sooner or later plans to start. In addition, Jakh Khalib considers himself a faithful patriot of Kazakhstan. The singer does not intend to become a "chameleon", like other artists, and act under other people's flags.

The artist is often compared with Timati because of their similar beard, although he himself considers his image unique. Jaha Khalib in good relationships with the guys from Black Star and plans to record a duet in a short time with one of the participants of this project - Cristina Si.

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