
The most attractive Russian TV presenters. Anastasia Chernobrovina: personal life, husband leading 2 channels Good morning last name

October 19th, 2015

Nowadays, the central television speaker should be not only a professional in his area, but also the owner of outstanding external data. I present to your attention a dozen attractive TV host Russia, which looks spectacular in the frame.

Alla Mikheev

Despite the experience in the theater and frantic love for cinema, Alla Mikheev became famous as a permanent leading heading "Acute Report" in the show "Evening Urgant". In the frame, the girl adheres to the image of a naive laughing, which can afford to say any nonsense, laugh at themselves and over celebrities. Fans of the leading bets and argue how much the television image of Alla corresponds to reality. Many viewers are waiting for the next bright appearance leading on the set, because it not only raises the mood, but also pleases the eyes of seductive outfits.

Yulia Zimin

Becoming known thanks to the role of gypsy carmelites in the sensational series, the actress began to think about changing the role. In 2010, she received an offer to work on television. Julia welcomes the earliest spectators of the First Channel, while remaining the leading program "Good Morning" to this day. In his interview before the filming, Zimina admitted that the work related to television was inspired by Andrei Malakhov.

Tatyana Stolyarova

Now Tatyana Stolyarova is the leading multiple gears of the 24-hour information channel "Russia-24". The girl began his career with a model business. Becoming the finalist of the regional beauty contest, she continued the search for the work of his dreams. Tatiana starred in the musical "of the evening on the farm near the Dikanka", and then in the video of Andrei Gubin on the song "Dancing". Later, Stolyarov graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, which predetermined its future.

Anna Casterova

The Russian journalist and the leading Anna Customov received fame thanks to the Russia-2 TV channel. Already after the first information issue with its participation, the audience began to be interested in the personal life of the lead, making it a sex symbol of the TV channel. Anna is known not only to those who follow the news, but also to lovers of hockey, thanks to the novel with Evgeny Malkin.

Marina Kim.

Marina Kim was the leading program "Vesti" on the TV channel "Russia", but fame received after the transition to the first channel for working in the entertainment program "Good morning." Marina Kim took an active part in the life of Russian television: from the presence of the "Dancing Stars" at the show before developing his own analytical program "Week in the city", where the life of Moscow was covered.

Maria Morgun

Bright and charming Maria Morgun is known to many in their work on the TV channel "Russia-24". Now Maria is the chief editor of the TV channel "Live Planet". According to Morgun, the new channel will compete with the famous Animal Planet, thanks to its own production of interesting gears about the amazing edges of the world.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Lera Kudryavtseva is one of the most sought-after leading musical shows. The leader's career began with the "Party Zone" program, on the casting of which the girl came with African pigtails and piercing in the eyebrows. Now the viewer is unlikely to see Kudryavtsev in such a supper style. The famous blonde has repeatedly appeared on the covers of men's magazines in a frank form.

Irena Ponarushka

After choosing an interesting pseudonym, Irina Filippova claimed that he was the daughter of the bassist of the Polish group. The legend was implausible, but the new surname passed on, and it was with her that the girl began to conquer the expanses of Russian television. Irena was a TV host of several musical channels and the author of his own column in the men's magazine.

Anastasia Tregubov

Anastasia worked on MTV TV channels, "Russia-24", "My Planet," took part in the extreme projects of the First Channel. But most men are remembered by the program "Moscow Rulit", where the girl testing a variety of cars. Now Anastasia can be seen in the program "Good morning" on the first channel.

Elena Banya

The TV presenter of the Auditorro program without breaks and the weekend is watching cleanliness in restaurants and hotels throughout Russia, and fans are looking forward to new issues of transmission with impeccable Elena volatile. The elegant blonde has become a real thunderstorm for unfair owners of hotels and restaurants. Despite the sophisticated appearance, Elena courageously protects the rights of consumers and shows the viewers with their example, as it should be behaved in conflict situations.

Elena Lander - Russian actress and TV presenter. Since 2014, the leading morning program "Morning Russia" on the channel Russia 1. is known for the series "Ranetki" and "Detectives".

Actress Elena Vladimirovna Fedyushin, more familiar to the audience as Lander, is a radical Muscovite. Celebrity was born in September 1985 in an intelligent and creative family. Elena's parents are directly related to acting profession. Moreover, they themselves grow artists. Vladimir Grigorievich Baizher, Father Elena, works by the Dean of the Director of the Faculty of Gitis. Natalia Mikhailovna, mother of the TV presenter, I also teach acting skills.

Parents discovered the acting abilities in her daughter pretty early. Natalia and Vladimir took Elena to the Humanitarian Lyceum. After the end of the educational institution in 2001, Landera entered the International Slavic Institute named after G. Daughter. Just at that time, Helena's father, together with the artist, gained an acting actors in this university.

Under the sensitive leadership of the Father and Lyudmila Ivanova Elena graduated from the theater university, starting climbing the career ladder. The girl was accepted in the troupe of the Music Theater "Expromat", which was led by Ivanov.

Films and television

The cinematic biography of Elena Lander, as well as most colleagues, began with episodic roles. In 2006, the young actress appeared in the painting "officers", where he played the representative of "Golden Youth". In the same year, Lander trusted a key role in the TV series "Detectives", which was broadcast on the first channel.

Elena Lander in the series "Detectives"

An excellent debut opened an actress for Russian directors. The creators of the film were offered Elena Lander to participate in their own works.

The cinematic breakthrough happened in 2008, when Lander starred in the TV series "Gypsy" and "Ranetki". The last project brought considerable fame to Elena.

But the cinema did not push the actress theater from life. Elena, although it was occupied on the set, nevertheless did not refuse the scene, on which the connection with the audience is better.

In 2009, the actress passed to the Chekhov Studio Melikhovsky Theater, where for 2 years she worked as an artistic head of her father. Lander played in the productions "Duel", "Kashtanka" and "Senior Son".

In 2013, Elena decided to try himself as a TV presenter. At 29, Lander became leading on the Israeli TV channel. But six months later, the girl was suggested to play a role in the Russian TV project "Angel and Demon". After reading the script, Elena could not resist the temptation and went to shoot to Russia.

In November 2014, Elena Lander again adopted in the ranks of TV presenters. But this time the girl joined the Russian colleagues: Lander called the most popular project "Morning Russia".

Elena argues that interest in journalism woke up in student years. In the cinema and theater, the actress was more interested in historical roles and characters taken from real life. And Landera loves to travel, get acquainted with culture and kitchens from different countries.

Elena Lander in the transfer of "Morning Russia"

The actress itself and the TV presenter says that it is ready to discover new horizons. According to Elena, she loves to learn and communicate with interesting people.

"I continue to find, learn and open. I love to surprise and surprise, learn foreign languages, "said Elena Lander.

Personal life

The novels in the life of Elena happened, but there were not so many of them. The first began after admission to the theater university. There were feelings between the future actress and a student of the 3rd course Alexander Ivanov. The novel developed gradually. Young people began to meet. Nevertheless, 3 years later, Elena and Alexander realized that, besides friendly relations, they did not bind them. But the romantic memories and unforgettable emotions remained forever.

Elena Lander's personal life again lit up a wonderful feeling when the girl was 23 years old. At that time, the actress was filmed in "Ranetki", and Elena Vladimirovna's beloved was the director's assistant. Maxim Andreev is exactly the name of a young man who became interested in a charming girl. Soon the couple began to live together. But after a year, Roman is dried, and the Maxim appeared a new beloved.

Almost one and Elena remained not long. The Israeli entrepreneur Thomas Landera drew attention to the girl, who became a husband of Russian TV presenter. Their wedding took place in the prestigious restaurant of the capital in 2010. A year later, a pair of Estelle daughter was born in Jerusalem.

Elena Lander now

In 2016, the TV presenter went to relax in Israel. An actress in a swimsuit appeared in the instagram network. Together with the film crew, Elena Lander in Israel, shot the plot of the Dead Sea.

In May 2017, Elena Landnder and the co-"Morning of Russia" visited Rostov-on-Don, where the grandiose television share # Yarossy took place. Project # Yarosyia creates a large family-run photo album and combines the country's residents in one multinational family.

All those wishing to participate in a photo shoot organized in the shopping center "Golden Babylon". Some Rostovites received a chance to get to the screensaver of the inter-program design of the Russia channel 1, and on June 12, the inhabitants of the city could see their portraits on exposures in Gorky Park.

In an interview, Elena noted that the essence of the project # Yarossy is to present the culture and customs of the country.

"We are talking about the photo album with all the difference and multinational culture. There are people in the photos that can be distinguished by elements of national costumes, "Russian TV presenter said.


  • 2006 - "Officers"
  • 2006-2010 - "Detectives"
  • 2007 - "Women's Stories"
  • 2007 - Savva Morozov
  • 2008 - "Gypsy"
  • 2008--2010 - "Ranetki"
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"
  • 2013 - "Trail"

Many of us are well acquainted all these people whom we very often could see not the screens of TVs in the past, and some of them see still. Next, we propose to recall popular TV presenters from the 90s, and also to learn how their further fate has developed.

Arina Sharapova began as a leading program "Vesti" on the second channel, and from 1996 to 1998 it became the leading information program "Time" (ORT).

Then Sharapova moved to the "Good Morning" program, and after it became even rarely appearing on the air.

In 2014, Arina became the president of the "School of Arts and Media Technologies", in the same year appeared as the lead project "Island Crimea".

Boris Hook. From January 13, 1991 to 1999, Boris was a permanent lead and director of the TV game "Love at first sight."

Boris did not disappear from television, it just became not seen - from May 2001 he became the leading, director director, the author of the script and the general producer of the TV game "What? Where? When?"

Spectators are heard only his voice. At first, after the death of the creator and permanent lead program, Vladimir Voroshilov, the editors hid the name of the new lead from both the audience and from the experts: his voice was distorted using a computer.

Alla Volkov was the leading romantic television show "Love at first sight" with Boris Hook.

After the closure of this show, Alla married the third time, it works as the editor of all programs that produces the production center "Game TV" - "What? Where? When?", "Songs of the twentieth century" and "cultural revolution".

Alexander Lyubimov. Came on television - correspondent, and then the leading program "Look". Since 1995-1998, he became the author and the leading program "one on one".

Since 2007 - Employee VGTRK, led by the program "Senate" on the channel "Russia". Later was appointed first deputy general director of the TV channel "Russia".

In August 2011 he left VGTRK, becoming a member of the political party "Right case." In November of the same year, he left the party and headed RBC TV channel, at the end of 2014 the post left, but at the same time remained on the board of directors.

Svetlana Sorokina. From 1991 to 1997 was a political browser, the leading daily news program "News". Special fame received branded "skins" by the Sorokina, which she closed each release "Westa"

From May 2001, until January 2002, he worked on the TV-6 channel in the information program "Today on TV-6" and a speech show "Glas of the People".

Now Svetlana - a member of the Academy of Russian Television, a former member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), a teacher of the Higher School of Economics, the leading program "in the circle of light" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the "Sorokina" program on the TV channel "Rain "

In the 80s and in the early 90s Tatyana Vedeneev was hardly the most popular TV presenter. She led the "alarm clock", "Good night, kids!" And "Visiting a fairy tale" (Aunt Tanya), the program "Morning", "Song of the Year" and many other television shows.

Legereyeva left with television quite suddenly. Resting in London, the presenter came from him delight and decided to extend the journey for a week. I called to work, asked to give a quit for a few days.

In the "Ostankino" the joy of leading about England nobody divided; Tatiana in categorical form was offered to return on time or ... write a statement about care. Vedeneev threatened seriously did not perceive. And to her statement was quite serious.

Now Tatiana is engaged in business. Once the spouse brought to her from Tbilisi Sauce Tkemali. Ex-leading caught fire for the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing the release of Tkemali in Russia. Several years have gone to the study of recipes and organization of production. Now Tatyana is the owner of the Trest B corporation, and in each metropolitan supermarket you can buy sauces from Vedeneeva.

The peak of popularity of Igor Ugolnikov fell at the beginning of the nineties. First, the program "Both!" The program was released, then followed as a funny "corner show!" In 1996, Igor released the program "Dr. Corner".

After the programs "Good evening" and "It is not serious!". But they did not gain popularity.

The official version of Russian television about the closure of the "Good evening" - "Transfer sucks a lot of money," said Igor in one of the interviews. "And this is true: she was daily, a large number of people worked in it."

Some time Igor tried himself in another role: he held the position of vice-president of the Russian Foundation of Culture, was the director of the city's house. But television did not let go.

Now he will produce "Fitil" television journal. Do not forget the acting profession. He starred in several TV shows and films.

Ksenia Strizh led the transfer "At Ksyusha", "Streach and others", "Night Randevo" ... such mad popularity and recognition, as during work in the program "Ksyusha", she never had. In the early 90s, there was little music on TV, and the haircut called the most interesting artists in his show.

In 1997, Strezh returned from television to radio: there she feels abolish. It was leading on the television channel "La-Minor". After the scandal associated with the fact that she appeared on the air drunk and laughed at the teeth of his guest Alexander Solodukh, there was information about her dismissal, but now Ksenia works on the channel again.

The last program of Shenderovich, which was seen by the mass Russian viewer, was called "free cheese" and went on TVs. When the TVS closed, Shenderovich spat on great television.

He began writing to the "new newspaper" and the newspaper "Newspaper", acquired its own programs on the "Echo of Moscow" and radio "Freedom". True, it was not to start to tie with TV for Schanderovich.

On the "Russian Channel abroad" on Sundays in the final analytical program "Russian Panorama" he leads his heading - "A cup of coffee with Shenderovich", which tells former compatriots who have left to live in Israel and Germany, how things are in Russia.

Ivan Demidov was a permanent leading musical program "Muzoboz". But the mysterious image with unchanged dark glasses remained in the past.

Demidov's television career chose a deputy minister of culture, and now he heads the Development Foundation for Contemporary Art.

Olga Duet Rust and Anton Komolov - an amazing example of professional compatibility and many years of friendship.

After the closure of MTV Tandem, a time was revived on the "Star" channel in the show "Star evening with Anton Komolov and Olga Rustle", but former success did not repeat.

Currently, Olga is a permanent leading entertainment show "The Girl" and the Music Competition "Artist" on the channel Russia-1, the leading TV game "Understand Me" on the channel "Carousel", as well as the co-hosting program "Temporarily Available" with Dmitry Dibrov on TVC TV channel .

Anton worked on different TV channels, and from September 5, 2011, in a pair with Elena Abitayeva, RASH-Radioactive Show leads to Europe Plus Radio Station

Elena Hanga was remembered by the bold and frank transmission "about this", which came out on the NTV television from 1997 to 2000. And if today the topic of sex is the usual thing, then for the end of the 90s it was a real breakthrough.

Later, Hanga Vela's day and, of course, a much less loud talk show "Dominic principle", at different times, Elena Starostina, Elena Ischeev and Dana Borisov were co-supported.

Since the autumn of 2009, it works in low-cost projects: on the Russian English-speaking channel Russia Today, the weekly talk show "Cross Talk", leads transmission to the radio station "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Valery Commissioners. On the transfer of "My Family", the most burning topics of family life were distinguished: the diverse heroes willingly "endured littering from huts", discussing their problems in the live broadcast of the state channel "Russia".

Housewives watched the transfer at Binding (not least due to the impressive leading Valery Commissioner) from 1996 to 2003 until it was closed.

From November 16 to December 30, 2015 - the director and leading program "Our Man" on the channel Russia 1, as well as the creator and owner of the food brand "My Family".

In addition to Arina Sharapova on the ORT / First Channel there were several more memorable news. One of them Alexander Burataeva. In 1995, he went to work on the ORT television channel and from the same year began to maintain the program "Time" and "News" until 1999.

On December 19, 1999, he was elected by a deputy of the State Duma on a single-member Kalmytsky district and re-elected in 2003 on the list of United Russia.

From March to August 2013, Alexander worked as a PR-director of the Sergey Bezrukova Theater, and from September 2013 - President of the Production Company "Socio-Friendly".

Igor Vykhukhavyev is also the former leading news program "News" and "Time" on the first channel. In 2000-2004, sometimes replaced his colleagues in the Time Information Program.

Went to raise. Since 2005, the chief editor of the night and morning information broadcasting of the Directorate of the Information Program of the First Channel. In 2006, he moved to VGTRK. Since 2006, he has written an interview with political figures for the news channel "News 24".

Igor GMZA. In 1995, after the creation of the ORT channel, received an invitation to become the leading time program. Led the program in 1996-1998, alternating with Arina Sharapova.

As a leading "news", I worked until spring 2004: first led the day and evening editions, closer to the end of the work moved to the morning esters, after which he left the first channel.

Having passed the short experience of the political press secretary, went to the radio. Since January 2006 - Political Observer of Radio Russia, a leading daily interactive talk show "Special Opinion"

Sergey Dorenko. In the early 90s was a political observer VGTRK and the leading program "News". Then the leading "time" program on the first channel "Ostankino", and from January 1994 - the leading program "Details" on the RTR channel.

Then he was the main producer of the Directorate of Information Programs and Analytical Broadcasting ORT and the leading daily program "Time".

Despite the fact that he received his fame through a television, Dorenko has repeatedly argued that he did not watch TV. Currently leads the author's program on YouTube, and since 2014, the main editor of the radio station "says Moscow".

Which came out on the screens back in 1998. For its entire time of its existence, the concept, form, and its maintenance changed several times. At the moment, the transfer of "Morning Russia" is informational, educational and entertaining. She was already loved by the inhabitants of the country, and many of them simply do not imagine their morning without a well-known and popular transmission. Vladislav Zavyalov is a leading program that is always known to every resident of the Russian Federation.

Biography Vladislav Zavyalova

Zavyalov Vlad is a famous and popular TV presenter. He is an enviable fiance for many women of Russia thanks to his charm, success, career growth, mind, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to know who Vladislav Zavyalov needs. Biography and TV presenter is something that is most often interested in his fans. Many of them believe that Vlad is a real man who can be a great husband and a wonderful father.

A very talented man is Vladislav Zavyalov. The date of birth of a man, namely, the year 1964. Then the future TV host appeared. Vlad was born in Rostov-on-Don, and then no one even suspected that he would gain such popularity and appreciation to the vast public consisting of viewers. When his parents divorced, Little Vladislav Zavyalov lived with her mother in the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. Now he considers this city with his little homeland. It was here that he spent about 10 years of his life.

Higher education TV host

Since childhood, Vladislav was a very diligent and enhanced child, and it is these character traits that helped him with honors to end the Engineering and Construction Institute. However, the TV host did not stop at this and received a specialized education at the Institute of Television and Radio. Now he is famous and known not only in Russia, but also in many other countries.

Later, Vladislav Zavyalov began to engage in the courses of Igor Kirillov, after which he successfully received a specialty of the leading direct ether.

Opinion viewers about Vladislava Zavyalov

It must be said that Vladislav is a well-known and pretty, which does not leave an indifferent one inhabitant of Russia. The women's audience was divided into two camps: Some representatives of the weaker sex are crazy about the TV presenter, and others consider it not enough courageous. The first are confident that Vlad is the embodiment of a real man who has a huge amount of positive qualities. They believe that Zavyalov is enviable fiance, and every woman would like to have such a man into her husband as he. Other representatives of weak gender, on the contrary, consider Vlad too popular and alvealous. They assure that he is not too clever and manner for a real man.

Despite the two opposite opinions, it must be said that Vladislav Zavyalov is a bright person, which does not leave anyone indifferent. Someone speaks about it well, others are bad. But the main thing is that a man causes a storm of various emotions from the viewers.

Career TV host

The TV presenter career began in his hometown of Rostov-on-Don. On GTRK "DON-TR" Vladislav tried different professions. Zavyalov was the lead, and the author, and the chief editor. It is worth noting that he was leading on information and musical radio channel.

Already in 1999, Zavyalova was invited to the role of leading in the program "Vesti" in Moscow. Here he worked for 4 years and then he was already remembered to many television viewers as a stateless, smart, attractive and talented man.

After working in the Vesti program, Vladislav began to lead the program "Federation" and did not quit its main work. And already in 2002, a man was adopted on the post of TV host in the program "Morning Russia". Perhaps, it was after this transfer that Vlad became a popular and famous person, because the TV viewers wake up every day and met a new day with Zavyalov.

Program Vladislav Zavyalova

In 2009, an interesting program was launched on the "My Planet" channel, the organizer of which was the famous TV host. Vlad traveled in different countries of the world and shared with the audience with their impressions about them. Zavyalov visited many cities, including exotic countries, but it is worth noting that the TV presenter has not forgotten. Spectators saw a series of rest on the bank of the Don, as well as walks through the streets of various cities in Russia. Memory after each transfer remained photographs of the TV host, regardless of the places in which the shooting was taken.

Vladislav Zavyalov is a leader who fell in love with many residents of Russia. Throughout his career, he worked on different channels, led a lot and remembered to many television viewers as a smart, charming and interesting man. No one will argue with the fact that Vladislav is a talented person who copes perfectly with his duties and brings the audience a lot of positive emotions.

It is worth noting that in 2012, Zavyalov celebrated his anniversary of his stay live. Then he turned 25 from the time Vladislav works on the vocation and is in the center of attention.

Who does the cozy and quiet evenings spend Vladislav Zavyalov? Personal life of TV host

Many viewers are concerned about whether the enviable leader's leader and children have. It is worth saying that, despite the popularity and celebrity Vladislav, a little bit known about his personal life. Zavyalov never mentioned on television, who is his wife, so many of his fans remain only to guess.

A talented, discreet and smart TV host always dreamed of a family and wanted to start children. However, it is worth saying that his desires and feces did not become a reality. Surprisingly, a successful and attractive man still has no wife. All his love TV presenter gives his work. Perhaps he has no time for a personal life, although many women who dislike Zavyalov assure that he simply cannot get along with any woman. However, no one knows if it is, because Vlad himself prefers to be silent about his personal life and does not talk about her with anyone.

Roman with Irina Muromseva

For a long time, many believed that the wife of Vladislav Zavyalova - Colleague on the work of Irina Muromtsev. They often appeared together at various events, which gave fans of a TV presenter for reflection. However, later it turned out that these are just rumors. Enviable fiance and still remains Vladislav Zavyalov.

Family TV host

As already known, the smart and successful TV presenter Vladislav Zavyalova has no legitimate wife, and he has never been married. It is worth saying that he also does not have children. A man shared that he would really like to start them, and most of all he dreams that his daughter appeared. Vlad proudly says that he has three nephews, whom he loves very much.

It is worth saying that, apparently, the TV presenter has no girlfriend of life, because at all events he appears only with his colleagues at work. It remains only to wish Vladislav good luck in personal life and wait for him a full-fledged family.

Merits, hobbies and hobbies

It is worth saying that the TV host is a rather versatile person. Vladislav repeatedly said that he simply loves to skate. In addition, he knows several languages: native, Ukrainian and English. Zavyalov loves to be in different countries and quite often happens abroad.

It should be noted that Vladislav became the winner at the first All-Russian competition "News. Local time. " It was a competition of information programs. Televisses competed here, and Zavyalov became the best among them.

It is known that now Vladislav also has concert activities. This man loves his work and gets great pleasure from her. It turns out to combine the work of the lead on the canal and at the same time hold celebrations. Undoubtedly, the Zavyalov is a talented and hardworking person who will always achieve everything that wants.


The TV host always seeks to learn something new. In this regard, even during business trips, Vlad is trying not to miss the broadcasts in order to draw new knowledge and so on.

The network walks information about the fact that Zavyalova has a narrow circle of friends, and many consider it a little closed man. On television, he is always quite discreet, always speaks only in the case. It is these character traits that give rise to a lot of rumors about the lead.

About Vlad is the impression as a smart, talented, discreet and charming man. Many women consider Zavyal a real man and assure that in it there are all the qualities that each representative of the strong sex is needed. Fans are perplexed why such a state and famous leading leading still have no wife nor children. And, most likely, they do not recognize the answer to their question, because Zavyalov prefers not to discuss his personal life and not to put it at the bottom.

Vladislav Zavyalov is a professional leading, charming man and just a good man. Someone considers him enviable fiance, and others think that Vlad is too manners. However, it is worth saying that it does not matter, as they say about the TV host. The main thing is that his person does not leave anyone indifferent anyone. For some men, he is an example, and women suggest that Vlad would have been an ideal husband and a wonderful father. Zavyalov is a very talented person, he knows and admire them. Vlad is one of the most famous and popular persons in Russia, and that is why it can rightly be called a happy and successful person.

»On TV channel "Russia 1". Also known as an actress and fashion model.

Elena Nikolaeva. Biography

Elena Nikolaeva Born in Tashkent. Elena's mother and father were physicists. Grandmother worked as an engineer-designer: built planes at Tapoin factory. Grandfather was the boss in the same factory.FROM childhood Elena dreamed of being a journalist. At the age of 14, she moved to Moscow with his family. IN 2009 Elena graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin, where he studied in the specialty "Economics and Management at the oil and gas enterprise".

Elena Nikolaeva: "I dreamed of becoming a journalist, and it would have been a truly independent way for me. But Mom slapped the door of the room: "This is not a profession." Agreement was introduced: first I first get an education with which, what is called "not disappear".

In 2011, he entered the Russian Friendship University of Peoples, where he received additional education in the specialty "TV presenter."

Six months - from 2010 and until mid-2011 - Elena worked as a news correspondent on the TV channel "Expert-TV". He started with small plots, and then began to produce their own special specials. In 2012, Elena Nikolaev began to lead a small rubric, which grew to a full-fledged program " New business with Elena Nikolaev", Being the author leading and the chef editor of all issues.

In early 2013, Elena received an offer to transfer the television format to the printed and published published in the journal " Expert" For three years, there are already about 170 stories telling about young Russian businessmen in the heading "New Business". Elena also leads its column in the journal "Snob".

Also in early 2013, Elena received a proposal from the RBC TV channel. After the six months of the leading news releases from the autumn of 2013, Nikolaev began to maintain the program " Business morning».

From September 2014 - the leading linear ether on the Moscow 24 TV channel.

In the spring of 2015, Elena Nikolaev came to the program " RUssia morning"As a leading field interview with the" first persons ". In the summer of 2015, it became the main leading "morning of Russia".

Elena Nikolaeva: "I'm just happy. It is a great honor for me and responsibility - desire good in the morning of our vast country, all of our compatriots and abroad. "Morning" is generally responsible. The main thing is to start the day with the right emotion. Almost for the first time I feel in my place. I want to be better - for you. And let our morning with you become the basis of a good, successful day. And everything will work out. "

In March 2017, a children's show "Gold Nation" started on the channel "Russia 1, whose participants became gifted guys from 5 to 12 years. The leaders of the program were Alexander Pushnaya and Elena Nikolaev. Elena during the release of the show was in white waiting room, where parents participants watched what was happening in the studio and communicated with the lead.

In the summer of 2018, Elena Nikolaev opened a small seasonal restaurant in the central market in Moscow.

Elena Nikolaeva. Interesting Facts

Hobbies leading TV channel "Russia 1" - literature, theater, charity, painting, yachting, horse riding, fishing, skiing. Elena Nikolaev is an active participant in the Volunteers Club. In 2008, became the debutantch of the VI and VII of the Vienna Ball in Moscow.

In student years, there were 40 advertising clips of different companies, includingCoca-Cola, McDonald's, "Russian Potato", "Kalinka-Stockmann", "Rambler", "Panasonic" and others, as well as more than 10 movies and serials. In addition, Nikolaev took part in the shooting of the clip "We go to the East" group "Leg reduced".

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