
Timur Solovyov is married or not. Where Timur Solovyov lives. Timur Solovyov and his spouse - joint photos

TV presenter Timur Solovyov - personal life now

Personal life of Timur Solovyovchanged after he was invited to the Program "Good Morning" of the First Channel. The experience of his lead he has already been - Timur led to the transfer on some musical TV channels, but he wanted to enter a new level of career, and he managed. Accidentally learning about the casting on the first, he passed it, not really hoping for success, and flew into the States where he planned to receive a specialty director, but the call from television changed all his plans, and this Timur considers his best luck.

The work on the main channel of the country forced Timur Solovyov to change the image - he began to dress more restrained, and the style of referenceing the program was different from the style of musical programs. Thanks to the help of other leaders, the warmth of him who accepted it in their team, he quickly coped with the task. Timur Solovyov does not like to spread about his personal life, but it is known that a romantic relationship with TV presenter Anna Customer is associated. He says that for the first time he saw Any on the television screens, and it was love at first sight. He raised all his friends to the feet so that they helped get her phone number, but the Anna's location was not so simple, nevertheless, the efforts of Timur did not pass in vain, and the girl's heart was conquered. In one of the interview, he admitted that in a short time, a change in the personal life of Timur Solovyov, and he plans to become a family man.

Before getting to Television, Timur Solovyov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov, and during his studies took an active part in KVN, he worked as an editor, a club promoter and even a model, and in 2008 he became the face of MegaFon. Thimur's shoulders are also a school producers Timur Bekmambetov.

Timur Solovyov photo watch

On television, he came in 2000 - first led the program on Odessa TV channels, and after moving to Moscow in 2005, he became leading on the MTV TV channel, then he moved to MUT-TV, and since 2009, along with Catherine Gordon, his own author's show "Bearing morning." There was a period when Timur Solovyov had no time for his personal life - he simultaneously led to eight programs, but then decided from many of the abandon, because I realized that it was impossible to work so much! Now his life is more measured, and he is full of plans for the future.

Watch free photo, biography and personal life of the TV presenterTimur Solovyova D. rude morning (television)online like thousands of others at http://film-brigada.narod.ru/ for free and available on mobile phones (devices) Android, iPhone, iPad, Nokia (Symbian ^ 3).
Source of biography and personal lifeTimur Solovyova:

TV presenter Timur Solovyov - personal life now

Timur Solovyov - TV presenter, Showman, author and organizer of corporate events, model and director. Solovyov loved the viewer as a leading gear on MTV channels and music-TV, as well as entertainment shows "Good morning" and "Good afternoon!" On the first channel.

Timur Solovyov was born on February 11, 1982 in the Latvian city of Eurowan. The parents of Showman divorced when he was still a boy. Since 12, Timur lived with his father, in the past professional motorcycle row. The parent paid not much attention to the upbringing of the Son, so he grew up "street" child.

TV presenter Timur Solovyov photo watch Yandex pictures

"I moved to my father, and he, like all the dad, did not care about me - in the sense that I gave me a lot of freedom. When the boy is not busy anything, he goes to the street. I went, "says OK in an interview. TV presenter itself.

Thanks to this upbringing, Timur since childhood was used to prove himself and others that he is worth a lot. This explains his coming success. In 1999, the future showman entered the Odessa National University at the Faculty of Philology in the specialty "Modern journalism and literature." There he did the first steps on stage, speaking in the KVN team "Gentiles".

Model Timur Solovyov photo watch

In the same year, his model career began. The correct features of the face and the growth (180 cm) help the Timur perfectly enter the photo. Soon Solovyov became a sought-after mannequin and fashion model: he participated in the fashion shows of Moscow and St. Petersburg, starred for fashion magazines.

Timur Solovyov on television

In 2004, Timur graduated from a university with a red diploma. Immediately after the Odessa TV channel "Glas" invited a young journalist to the post of lead news. After 3 months, the "voice" trusts Timur Solovyov to resign a new show - "Male Council". After another month, the program "Face Control" comes out, the author of which is also Timur. Created by Solovyov Translations easily find their fans, and he himself becomes a Ukrainian star.

Timur Solovyov at the Odessa TV channel "Glas"

In addition to the University of Timur, he graduated from the Success School of Acting Skill in Odessa and the New York City Academy in the specialty "director of full-length films." In 2005, the leader was invited to the MTV-Russia TV channel to Moscow. Solovyov worked there until 2008, and then went to the competing Channel Muz-TV. During the work on MTV Timur led 8 gears, among which it was directed independently - the TV project "City File".

After the transition to MUZ-TV Timur Solovyov becomes a star. He led the most rated broadcasts of the TV channel - "Sofa bed", "Urbania", "Festival Diaries New Wave in Jurmala", "Pro-Fashion", "Pro-News". In 2008, Timur Solovyov starred in the advertisement of MegaFon. Since 2009, Timur has become not only a television, but also by the radio. Together with Catherine Gordon, he created his own show "Bearing Morning" on the Megapolis FM radio channel.

Timur Solovyov, Katya Gordon, Sergey Rozanov photo watch

In 2011, Timur Solovyov first tried himself as an actor. Showman performed Kameo in the comedy directed by Sarik Andreasyan "Pregnant". The film ratings were low, and reviews are negative. Timur himself subsequently said that she did not feel the acting talent.

Timur Solovyov - the youngest leading program "Good morning" on the "First Channel"

The victory in the competition for the role of the leading "Good Morning" on the first channel in 2011 is a new jerk in the career of Timur Solovyov. He learned about the casting by chance and did not even hope for a victory. Without waiting for the results, Timur flew into Los Angeles to learn the director's skill. But the call from the first forced to return to Russia. Since 2012, Timur also leads the entertainment program "Good afternoon!" on the first.

Personal life

Timur Solovyov prefers not to advertise his personal life. It is only known that he has met for a long time with the leading Anna Caster. He first saw Anna on the TV screen and immediately fell in love. He tried and untrue tried to find her phone number, and when he found, long and stubbornly achieved the location of the girl.

The engagement took place, and Timur in all strangled about Anna as his future wife. But the wedding did not take place. The star explained the reason for their parting:

"My ex-girlfriend and my former girl were engaged. But at some point both realized that they would not be able to be together, and were separated. Because after all the family, marriage is not just a passion, it is a comfortable existence together. In addition to bright emotions there will be everyday life - and here are important friendship, combination, comfort. "

For the TV presenter there is no specific type of girls, beauty and parameters are not important. But Timur confuses when the girl smokes. And he does not accept treasure.

"If your favorite woman changes you - this is a big reason to think. It happens that a person is simply not "yours", and it happens that the person stumbled. I would not want to come across this situation, because it is difficult, but purely theoretically, I think I could forgive. The question is how the relationship will be collapsed further: forgiveness is one thing, and throw bad thoughts from the head much more difficult, "said Timur Solovyov in an interview.

In 2015, the TV presenter became ancient father. Sitter - son of a close friend of Timur Solovyov Alexander. TV presenter chose the gratuitous father of no sport. It was he who introduced the parents of the boy with each other. Timur himself considers it a great honor to confidence that he had. In an interview with Timur Solovyov, he stated that it was going to be an exemplary shaft for Sasha: to love, give gifts and pamper the kid in every way.

Timur Solovyov now

Now Timur is free. He is among the 24 welcome grooms of 2017 according to the Internet magazine Marie Claire. It produces and directed, conducts events, appears in the television show as a guest star. Leads the show "Good afternoon!" And the "good morning" with a partner and a colleague Olga Ushakova on the first.

Among the constant hobbies - boxing and basketball, Timur even founded the project Legend Production - Fight tournaments that combine kickboxing and battles on mixed rules. As of 2016-2017, 33.6 thousand subscribers are followed by Timur Solovyov's life in Instagram.

Watch free photo, biography and personal life of TV master Timur Solovyova Good morning (TV shows) online like thousands of others on http: // Website / free and available on mobile phones (devices) Android, iPhone, iPad, Nokia (Symbian ^ 3).
Source of biography and personal life Timur Solovyov https://24smi.org

Personal life of Timur Solovyov Changed after he was invited to the Program "Good Morning" of the First Channel. The experience of his lead he has already been - Timur led to the transfer on some musical TV channels, but he wanted to enter a new level of career, and he managed. Accidentally learning about the casting on the first, he passed it, not really hoping for success, and flew into the States where he planned to receive a specialty director, but the call from television changed all his plans, and this Timur considers his best luck.

In the photo - Timur and Anna Casterova

The work on the main channel of the country forced Timur Solovyov to change the image - he began to dress more restrained, and the style of referenceing the program was different from the style of musical programs. Thanks to the help of other leaders, the warmth of him who accepted it in their team, he quickly coped with the task. Timur Solovyov does not like to spread about his personal life, but it is known that a romantic relationship with TV presenter Anna Customer is associated. He says that for the first time he saw Any on the television screens, and it was love at first sight. He raised all his friends to the feet so that they helped get her phone number, but the Anna's location was not so simple, nevertheless, the efforts of Timur did not pass in vain, and the girl's heart was conquered. In one of the interview, he admitted that in a short time, a change in the personal life of Timur Solovyov, and he plans to become a family man.

Before getting to Television, Timur Solovyov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov, and during his studies took an active part in KVN, he worked as an editor, a club promoter and even a model, and in 2008 he became the face of MegaFon. Thimur's shoulders are also a school producers Timur Bekmambetov.

On television, he came in 2000 - first led the program on Odessa TV channels, and after moving to Moscow in 2005, he became leading on the MTV TV channel, then he moved to MUT-TV, and since 2009, along with Catherine Gordon, his own author's show "Bearing morning." There was a period when Timur Solovyov had no time for his personal life - he simultaneously led to eight programs, but then decided from many of the abandon, because I realized that it was impossible to work so much! Now his life is more measured, and he is full of plans for the future.

For almost 18 years of television experience, Timur Solovyov managed to change several TV channels. But loyal fans are closely followed by their favorite since ancient years. They are interested in the personal life of the idol. Whether Timur is married, with whom it is found, whether it is going to combine marriage as soon as possible - consider further.

It is difficult to imagine that such a handsome one remains lonely. Despite the many fans, novels, his only Solovyov has not yet met. Although a couple of times it was not married.

Biography, personal life

The man was born in February 1982 in Latvia. Subsequently, the family moved to Odessa. From 12 years old Timur lived with his father - the ex-motorcase. Dad was not too engaged in his son, giving him complete freedom of action. Despite the lack of parental care, Timur studied well, and at the end of the school entered the university at the Faculty of Philology.

In the university, the guy not only studied the foundations of journalism and linguistics, but participated in the KVN team. Model agents quickly noticing young man with bright appearance. He began to defile on the podium, to be filmed for glossy publications.

Despite the high load, Solovyov graduated from a university with a red diploma in 2004. Further followed by the Odessa School of Dramatic Mastery "Success", the New York Cinema Academy (Director's Department).

At the end of study, Timur got a leading to the local channel. Having worked for 3 months, the guy began to directed projects. Creative faces Face Control and "Male Council" enjoyed success.

Since 2008, Solovyov worked on MTV, then - on Muztv. The TV host quickly gained popularity. His most rating programs:

  • Urbania;
  • Pro-news;
  • Sofa bed;
  • Bearing morning (together with Katya Gordon) and others.

In 2011, Solovyov passed the casting on the first channel, becoming the TV presenter of the "Good Morning" program. For this work, the guy even threw the acting courses in Los Angeles. A year later, he was also offered to become a leading "Good day" program.

Since 2018, Solovia has been transferring the "star under hypnosis" on the first channel.

How old is the leading Timur Solovyov

TV presenter Timur Solovyov - Gay

Due to the fact that the man is still not married, they talk about his non-traditional sexual orientation. Meanwhile, Timur survived several novels. Therefore, there is no reason to consider it gay.

Wife and kids

At the moment, the status of a man is free. In one of the last interviews, he stated that any girl had a chance to conquer his heart. But it does not deny that every year it is more difficult for him to find half: "The older becomes, the less the illusions remain, you begin to look soberly on things."

Summer Timur Solovyov

In 2015, the lead became the godfather for the son of a close friend of Alexander.

The star of the screen has not been chosen. It was Timur who at one time introduced the parents of the boy.

The TV presenter is proud that he had such confidence. Promises to be for Sasha with a good godfather, take care of the boy, help with advice and pamper gifts.

Timur Solovyov and Anna Casterova

TV presenter is hidden in everything related to his personal life. Therefore, information about his novels is a bit. He met for some time with Anna Caster, also leading.

Timur saw a girl on the TV screen and fell in love without memory. I learned through the general acquaintances her phone number, I called for a long time and sought the location.

They began to live together and even took place. Timur responded everywhere about Anna, as about his future wife. But something went wrong. Weddings did not happen, the guys broke up.

Solovyov commented on the disintegration of the relationship: "We are engaged to Anna. But once both understood that we were not on the way, and were separated. Still, marriage and family are not built on one passion. It is important to coexist together. Behind the bright emotions will follow everyday life. Not to do without friendship and mutual understanding here. "

Marina Kim and Solovyov: Roman

The girl is considered one of the sexiest leading Russian television. Since 2014, she together with Solovyov led the program "Good morning." Many attributed a novel. However, there is no reason to believe that they are a pair.

Oils in the fire of rumors poured the fact that both TV presenters are in a hurry to share with the public details of personal life. Marina Kim is not married. In 2014, she gave birth to Brian's daughter from the American film director and producer Brett Rattner. In 2016, a woman had the second daughter of Darin.

Svetlana Zeynalova and Solovyov are found

Another leading program "Good Morning" with an artist is associated with strong friendships. Svetlana Zeynalova leads to transfer from 2011

Until 2012, she was married to a former program director of the radio maximum Alexei Pesomov. From this marriage the couple has a daughter Alexander. The girl is sick autism, which was the cause of the divorce.

In 2018, Svetlana gave birth to a second daughter from Dmitry's civil husband. He is younger than a woman for several years and gets well with his daughter from the first marriage.

Solovyov and Jeva Andreevy broke up

For more than a year, the TV presenter met with the leading role in the series "Mermaid". This is Jea Andreey. Last year, a couple of couple traveled together in Lithuania, from where he set up his romantic photos to the network.

Timur admitted that even made the girl a sentence, and she took it. Everything went to the wedding. The marriage date was chosen no later than the fall of 2018.

But recently, the network has information that the couple broke up. In one of the last interviews, Jieva admitted that the rupture is final. But it is not frustrated, and philosophically perceives the situation.

Timur Solovyov and his spouse - joint photos

The TV host claims that he has long been ready for family life and serious relationships. He dreams of a child and confident that it will be a good and attentive father.

Last experience is able to help in the following relations of Timur. It remains to hope that in a short time he will finally meet a woman with whom will create a strong family.

When looking at Timur Solovyova(33) - without any exaggeration - the heart freezes! Immediately there is a desire to wake up at dawn to enable the program "Good morning" On the first channel and see it. For the sake of such a man, I want to get better every day: read books, sign up in the gym and do everything possible to be next to you. In short, we fell in love! Famous TV presenter Timur Solovyov in an exclusive interview told Peopletalk. About how fate itself led him to a television studio, for which he needs boxing and what is, in his opinion, love. We are sure that you will like it too! As a child, I dreamed of becoming a truck driver.

Many times revised the American film "Convoy" and represented how I would drive a big truck. Then, naturally, the interests have changed. I never wanted to be popular, did not even think about it. My life somehow all the time pushed myself: I participated in some kind of amateur, danced in the group, they were constantly sent to the competitions of readers, but I never thought that I wanted to be famous, the more TV presenter. Then it was not yet trendy and fashionable, our country was called the Soviet Union, and the professions were simpler. Already at the Institute, I accidentally sold the profession of the TV presenter and went on this path. I have always had a tendency to humanitarian science., never loved mathematics. Therefore, chose the Faculty of Philology. After graduating from the Institute, I worked in Odessaon television, everything has reached, became producer of fashionable programs, shows, all presentations. But I always wanted to in a big city, where more opportunities.Apparently, it was a call of blood, because the roots of my family in Moscow. My grandfather is a native Moskvich, but at the age of 16 he moved to Odessa, entered the highest seating school and became captain.

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I myself bought a ticket and arrived at casting "Become a mTV widget"which took place in all cities Russia. IN Moscow I did not have anyone. I was invited to the semifinals and asked to come in six months. I said: "If you do not take me now, I will go to the MUZ-TV channel to work, because I'm waiting for me there." Naturally, I flee, because no one was waiting for me anywhere. They were surprised by my audacity and hired. After the first advance, I removed the apartment in North Butovo. Moscow experienced me for strength.When I was driving here, it seemed to me that my life would just fall in front of me now: magazines, secular parties, and it turned out everything completely the opposite. I can say that the period of adaptation has lasted seven years, until friends appeared, their company, confidence in the future and in their profession. Then it was: today I could have money, and tomorrow I could not be enough on the subway or some cheapest food. It was very difficult. But now I am grateful for everything, because it hardered my character, I took place as a man as a person. After Odessa, such a warm, hometown, where everyone knows you, it was a very serious test. The desire to quit everything and return home every day. The only thing that stopped me is that I could not afford to return to Odessa, since for me it would be an unequivocal loss: I went to conquer Moscow. I had no options to take a step back.

T-shirt and pants, all - asos Father always gave me some freedom.

He never interfered with me. From 12 years I grew up with him, not with my mother. Mom also always supported, although at a distance. My parents are divorced: Mom lives in Riga, dad - in Odessa. They always supported me and now, of course, be proud to me. Perhaps these are too loud words, but i achieved everything myself, Without any Bolt. And it's great. Popularity has advantages. People trust you faster for some things, because they seem to be familiar with you. I was lucky with friends. I have them a bit, but they are very good, reliable, in some sense, reflecting me in some aspects. By the way, they are not Muscovites. I analyze and come to the conclusion that the visit is best understood. I do not think that it is easy to be friends with me, because I have impulsive in nature: i often go about emotions. I can be quick-tempered, but at the same time very disposable. People who are good and I can give everything to both material and mental heat.

Woman and man can not be friendsThese are different creatures, they have different interests, a natural function. I can communicate with a girl, but as a rule, this is a woman with whom I had something or maybe. Man is a social animal, and I am no exception, so, of course, to a certain extent, public opinion is important to meBut I am not a hostage. I do not like when they criticize me. But I turn on all your strength, internal resources to hear. It is still important who criticizes you, I listen only to authoritative people for me and close friends. In boxing usually come people who have some kind of inner pain or a desire to fight, fight for something. I was engaged in boxing in childhood when I was about 14 years old. And more or less seriously I began to do when I moved to Moscow. Because in the capital I was difficult and boxing became the only intense: I came to the gym and forgot about everything.
Vest Philipp Plein. Boxing is my religion, the endless way of self-development, self-improvement

And for me it is probably not even physical, but spiritual practice. I clean up, I have fears, everything returns to our places, the pride and temptation leave. Since I have been doing this for a long time, I have a desire to create your tournament "Legend". And now we have a contract with the Chechen promotion "Ahmat Faith Show". And the most iconic events make our team for him. Therefore, I spend a lot of time in Grozny. All videos that we shoot at tournaments, I will apply. This is my selling, my team. In the future, I really want to rent a movie.

I do not have any special phobias. I am not a supporter to run away from fears if I'm afraid of something, on the contrary, I go to meet this, I want to live it, experience. I am not angry and able to forgive even betrayal.This does not mean that I will continue to communicate with a person after that, but I will not keep evil, I will get rid of negative emotions. If you sit with me, talk, I can listen and understand. At all Men are much more vulnerable than womenSo we are arranged by nature: much harder to worry the gap. I am sentimental. Small children and romantic stories can take me. I would probably have not changed anything in my life. At some moments it was hard, but I know that thanks to this experience it became better. I do not like to feel a feeling of disappointmentWhen you draw a certain picture, and this person then manifests himself in some unexpected way and it turns out not to those who thought it.
I like being in love, Testing these romantic sensations when you are interested in a person, I want to see him, write messages. For each madness, this is something. For some, it is with a parachute to land on the balcony, and for someone just recognition in your feelings. When I was a notion, I made crazy actions: I could sit on a plane, a bus, a train, just to see a person. Someone from the classics said that appearance is not only a pretty face, it is a guarantee recommendation.. I am convinced that even if I had another appearance, my inner core and my character would remain the same, I would have the same success among girls, because it is somewhere inside: self-confidence, that you are that you - You can, something cost. I realized that I like me to girls, even at school.I remember when I was a second-grader, high school students caught me in the corridor and kept. I think it put the imprint on the formation of my personality. ( Laugh.) Sure, there were girls who I didn't like, I happened to survive unhappy love, betrayal, as well as all normal people. I threw, I threw me - all this life. People come to each other or are not suitable, and it does not depend on appearance. Sometimes appearance can, on the contrary, confuse: for example, the girl seems to be in love with you, because, let's say, you are pretty and working on television, but it goes for a while, and she understands that these are not those feelings.
If you change your favorite woman - this is a big reason to think.It happens that a person is simply not "yours", and it happens that the person stumbled. I would not want to come across this situation, because it is difficult, but purely theoretically, I think I could forgive. The question is how the relationship will be collapsed further: forgiveness is one thing, and throw out bad thoughts from my head much more difficult. I pay attention to appearance. It should not be some canonical beauty: high growth, dark hair and blue eyes or blond hair and brown eyes. By the way, it always turned out that many of my beloved were diametrically opposed to externally. The main thing is some kind of inner charm. I don't have some taboo, I am ready to put up with many if in love.But I, for example, do not like when the girl smokes, it is immediately alarming me. But in general, I pay attention to some deeper things: kindness, the ability to be friends, femininity so that you feel warm, support, and habits are all nag.
Sexuality - she is in the inner sensation by man himself: in the look, smile, in power engineering, in some fluids that come in smell. Not always the offer ends with a wedding, not always the wedding ends with a long joint life.It all depends on the situation. My ex-girlfriend (Anna Casterova, Sport TV presenter. - Approx. Red.) were engaged. But at some point both realized that they would not be able to be together, and were separated. Because after all the family, marriage is not just a passion, it is a comfortable existence together. In addition to bright emotions there will be everyday life - and here friendship, compatibility, comfort are important. Love is a desire to make a man happy.When you think less about yourself and more about the man who is next to you was good. And the same thing thinks in front of you. With age, it is harder to find a "your" person, because you lose the ability to fascinate. Some things you see immediately. And, let's say, in 20 years you can fall in love, start meeting and only six months or a year to understand that this person is not "yours."
The girl should be a pretty, charming and sexyI really touches when a person sincerely tries to do something for you. For example, he invites you to dinner - even at such a level. Here is this inner intention, the desire to be good, comfortable, for me it is very important. I have never had any problems in order to get acquainted with the girl. If you, for example, went to a restaurant or shop and you have a good mood, why not make a girl a compliment? A very good phrase once said my father: "I read one of your interviews, where you say that you love to seek women. You believe when adult people who are suitable for each other are found, they do not achieve, they converge. " I believe that people should converge. And you need to succeed at work.

I do not like to go shopping, I have it takes a lot of strength. If I go to the store, I know exactly what I need to buy. I follow my form, permanently engaged in sports, still strister - more, probably, in no way I do not affect my appearance. I love to risk. I am an adventurer. I do not know the words "no". And if I want something, always go to the end, not bending any difficulty. I have long like children and is quite ready for the family. Happiness is to be healthy and to be healthy your loved onesAnd to the rest of the rest you can come with your work: a physical, creative, professional and spiritual.

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