
Umaturman group composition. Group Umaturman - Composition, photo, clips, listen songs. The same demo album

Popular Russian group, famous thanks to the songs " Praskovaya"And" Uma Thurman" Founders " Uma2Rmah.» – Sergey and Vladimir Crysto.

The brothers have been engaged in music for a long time: Sergey played a bass guitar in Broadway groups, Country Salun and Sherwood, and Vladimir Pell in his own punk group "Top view".

History of Uma2Rmah Group

By the summer of 2003, Vladimir had a lot of their own songs, with whom it was necessary to do something. Then the Cross brothers decided to create a new group and recorded a demo album in their native Nizhny Novgorod, which included 15 tracks. All songs were written and sent by Vladimir, arranged by Sergey and were fulfilled together. The disk was sent to Moscow to various gramzapi firms.

At first, the group was called "not our world", but, according to the Krestovsky themselves, it was not too suited to their music. By this time, the song "Mind of Turman" was already written, so it was decided to use the name of the beloved actress Vladimir and Sergey. At first, the name was written as "Umaturman", now - "uma2rmah".

Very fast musicians were invited to the capital, and at the end of 2003 the first public speech of the new group was held. It took place on December 19, on the birthday of Volodya, in the club "16 tons" during the concert Zemfira. As a gift, friends invited Vladimir to the performance of Zemfira, and the singer had already heard the song "Praskovya" at that time. She really liked the composition, and she easily agreed to go to the scene along with the brothers of the cross.

Vladimir Krestovsky: "At the concert at Zemfira, it was terribly scary. But now I am glad that we did not refuse then. It was very cool that she sang with us. She is one of the most talented artists in the world. It was insanely nice that she generally drew attention to our music. "

In March 2004, a clip was shot on the song " Praskovaya"I have already become a hit. Very quickly, the group had fans in the field of cinema: the musicians were honored to perform at the opening ceremony of the Moscow Film Festival, and before that, the famous director of Timur Bekmambetov became the work of the Cross. He offered Uma2Rmah.write a title song for your new movie "Night Watch", which promised to become the most striking event of Russian filmasonal.

The song "Night Watch" was written very quickly, and the demo record was made at home. It is noteworthy that the director preferred this "working" version of several other, recorded in the professional studio.

In the same 2004, a debut album was released called " In the city of N."Which included especially popular tracks" Uma Thurman», « Blessed"And" The night Watch" They also removed video clips. The name of the disk was chosen in no coincidence: after all, all the songs except " Night watch"Were written in Nizhny Novgorod. Later, they were overwritten in the studio of the CD Land, and the final mix was held in the studio of the famous arranger Evgenia Kuritsyn.

In October 2004, the Uma2RMAh group received the RUSSIA Music Awards Award in the "Best Debut" nomination.

Second disk called " Maybe it's a dream"Released in 2005 The presentation of the album was held at the largest Moscow stage - in the Olympic Sport Complex, where about 15 thousand spectators gathered.

In 2007, the musicians record the title song to the very popular TV series " father's daughters"And in March 2008, they produce a new album" where dreams lead ". It includes songs " Do not call"(With the participation of Patricia KAAS)," in the city of summer "and" seems. " Fourth album " 1825. The Best."Released in 2009.

Composition of Uma2RMAh Group

Group members are professional musicians, friends and colleagues of the brothers cross from Nizhny Novgorod.

Discography Uma2RMAH

"In the city n" (2004)
"Maybe this is a dream? ..." (2005)
"Where dreams lead" (2008)
"1825" (2008)

In the summer of 2003 in Nizhny Novgorod, Sergei and Vladimir Kristovsky brothers formed a group "Umaturman". At that time, both brothers had considerable experience separately in local musical teams. After the songs were, so to speak "tested" in the local public, it was decided to record the first demo album. 15 songs that composed Volodya, and the arrangement created Sergey, was recorded performed by both brothers at the Nizhny Novgorod Studio. After that, he was sent to Moscow sound recording firms. From this, the rapid rise "Uma2RMAN" on the domestic stage began.

Both brothers are involved in the project and implement what they know best. Vladimir (younger brother) - author of music and texts, vocalist and guitarist. Sergey (Senior Brother) - author of arrangements, back-vocalist playing guitar and bass guitar. The first time the Moscow public noted the group "Umaturman" in the club "16 tons" - they performed at the "Zemfira" concert. It was in December 2003. Speech successfully coincided with the birthday of the younger brothers, Vladimir. The invitation to the semi-propelled concert of the singer was a gift from friends. Already at the concert, Kristovsky brothers said that they could enter the stage and fulfill their composition "Praskovya" together with Zemfira. And the case, in fact, was that on his housewarming (with the ownership of the same friends), the singer heard this song and she liked her more than liked. Zemfira then repeatedly scrolled the song to the newly incoming friends, sorry her deserved fame and glory. The concert on which Zemfira agreed to a joint speech with "Umaturma" appeared to a fairly adventurous event, since this performance was impromptu - there was no possibility to meet and propheted together. But everything went very successfully.

The first clip of the group was removed by Natalia Pogonuchevaya also on the Praskovaya composition. It was at the end of March in Yalta and Gurzuf.

At the beginning, the name of the group was different, but because of the intricateness, everyone looked up, confused and not remembered at all. I had to come up with another name for the group, easier to remember. The fact that Turman is a favorite actress of brothers - musicians and the fact that one of the most bright and famous songs of the album is dedicated to her, and led them to the idea that the group needs to be called her name. At some point the name was the reason for an unexpected situation - the Moscow journalist who came to the real mind told American actress that there is a group of her Tösk in Russia. We must pay due - she did not become scandaling about their copyright, and on the contrary, she wanted to come to Russia - to listen to the songs of the group and just get acquainted with the performers, so the originally used her name and surname.

Directed by the movie "Night Watch" Timur Bekmambetov just looking for a title song for his film. It should have been shocking and not similar, fundamentally different from what is considered to be a Soutde Track film. Then he was seriously interested in the work of the group "Umaturman", who managed to realize the dreams of director in a real song. Written by surprisingly the song The musicians recorded as a demo at home. And the strangest thing is that the director of the "watch" approached exactly the one, the home version, and not several others, which were written in the studio and had professional quality. According to the director, it is in the low-quality demo version that the mood, which should be in the main song "Night Watch".

The song "Mind of Turman" became famous thanks to the Moscow Film Festival, and the same Timur Bekmambetov offered to make a clip in America on her. Moreover, he even helped to negotiate with an unfair American clipmaker, shooting clips for the Mairlin Manson .. But the idea, unfortunately, was not given to be realized. Wine all the life principles of the younger brother of Kristovsky, Vladimir - he never lies. No way. And for this rule there are no exceptions. And in order to get a US visa, a small and innocent, but still a lie. In September 2004, the first album of the "Uma2RMAN" group, which is called "in the city N" sees the light.

On October 16, the brothers become winners in the "best debut" nomination of the famous MTV Russia Music Awards ceremony.

The edition of the album for Russia is absolutely unthinkable - about a million copies! And its popularity is so high that, after a year after the release, it is reprinted again, but at the same time it contains additional songs and bonus videos in which all six group clips entered. "Umaturman" with an amazing speed became one of the most famous, popular and demanded groups in our country, the Group's speeches pass throughout Russia and the near abroad - the concert program of the brothers more than saturated - about 20 concerts per month! In February 2005, a large solo concert was held in Luzhniki, which gathered more than eight thousand spectators.

To associate his creativity with cinema, the group had twice, thanks to their song "Mind Tourman". When they performed this song at the Moscow Film Festival, the confusion was barely happened - the fact that Quentin Tarantino himself was present in the jury. The brothers managed to avoid him. In the line ".. Ignorated and began to pester me, drunk scaling" "scolding words they changed to the phrase" Hefty Children ". It is good that Quentin had a healthy sense of humor, and misunderstandings managed to avoid.

Also, the song "Mind of Turman" became some kind of official companion of the film company "Be Crucious", in which the actress just executes the main role. At the initiative of the roller company, a special bilingual version of the song was recorded by the group, which eventually took its decent place in the sound track of this movie.

November 2005 became significant for the group the fact that then a large-scale presentation of the freshly created album was held "And maybe it's a dream?" At the largest Moscow stage - in the sports complex "Olympic". A huge number of spectators - about 15 thousand spectators, as the crystoke brothers confessed later, made them pretty wander before this performance. According to Vladimir, such a hype was created around that concert, which was not worried about not real. In addition, as Sergey says, the guys were preparing for a very long time, and when they are preparing for a long time, put a lot of strength - of course, I want everything to be fine. Everything worked out. The Uma2RMan group successfully played a three-hour concert, during which 32 songs sounded, plus there were joint numbers with guests of the concert. There were such famous people like Sergey Mazaev and Vladimir Presnyakov, Teiffe and Bravo Groups, Jeanne Aguzarova and others.

Only two weeks of sales required by the album "Or maybe it's a dream?" In order to disperse a huge circulation - about five hundred thousand copies.

Two brothers lived in Nizhny Novgorod - Vladimir and Sergei Kryutskiy. In July 2003, Crysto-Jr. (Volodya) realized that he had accumulated a lot of songs with whom it was necessary to do something, and the brothers decided to create a new group. By this time, both have already had a pretty work experience separately in local musical teams. First, the songs run around at the local public. The matter went, and it was decided to record a demo album. At the Nizhny Novgorod Studio, 15 songs, composed and spat volodes arranged by Sergey and jointly executed were recorded. He was sent to Moscow for gramzapsy firms. The capital of the group's work was very interested, and from that moment the history of the Umaturman group began. Before..

:: Vladimir Kristovsky:: (Junior from the brothers, the author of texts and music, vocals, guitar).

"I always loved to sing, and in my childhood I had a very good voice. Then the voice began to break and I did not sing for a while, but I wanted. Therefore, I deliberately began to train my voice, "Peak" him. Then I am E.

it did not compose songs. This also happened to me through conscious efforts - Seven years ago. Sergey already wrote songs and performed them in public. And I decided that I should also try. For the first song, I wrote only music, the words came up with Serega. I just sat down and composed. Those of their first

i have never remember without laughter now without laughter. And then the moment came when I felt that I began to get started. And I granted.

I brought my first demo record to Moscow back in 1998. I then collected a team called "top view." Then my songs sounded quite differently -

something punk. So, I conveyed a cassette with these records for gramzapsy firms. I remember, "Gala Records", they even began to listen to her with me. And they said: "The guy, it is full of sucks." Then there was another cassette with three songs. And with her we became the winners of the competition of the newspaper "Live Sound". There even

an article was published about me with a photo. It was planned that the winner would be able to record the album in the metropolitan studio and publish it, but at that time a default happened. I had to forget about music for a while - make money this craft then it became completely impossible.

Places of work V. Kristovsky

Graduated from PTU as the electric number of some equipment there

Pupil of gasoelectricsvaster

Self employed

He studied at the hairdresser (but in the process of studying this profession was hated)

Worked in the morgue Night Sanitar (a terrible place where unidentified corpses are brought)

Operator on Avtose

aircraft station

The year learned to the nobody, parallel working as a janitor in kindergarten (I paid a little, but it was possible to devour well)

Worked as a driver in the Ministry of Finance and just kneaded on his car

Chocolate and Lemonade

Seller organizing


director's Tel in Designer Firm

"Then I have already started to understand that the matter of my life is music - it stands still. I went to Moscow and began to try to sell songs. He offered them to many, even a little-known group "Tattoo" in the record on the cassette under the guitar of terrible quality. I do not have anything

it turned out, and I went to the bottom. There I decided that I would no longer earn anything other than music.

My friend and I got to the Billiard Club "Carambol". I was an official singer under the guitar, and he is a full-time consuming. I wrote a hymn for this restaurant, and I paid for this huge

By those standards, money is 300 dollars. We also wrote a scenario in verses to the opening of the restaurant, very funny. But we were fired from there, and I began to play in different cafes, restaurants, even in the dining room.

In the summer of last year, I realized that I really want to sing exactly my songs. The group could not collect, and

i decided to sing myself under the guitar. Then my brother Serge first suggested playing two guitars. There were 2 concerts, and we realized that the group's sound needed. We made a program under the keys. So the project "Not our Mira" appeared. The name appeared from the table with an aliens score on it and the inscription "Not H

athens Mira, "is unknown from where the appeared in our house. Then, playing the clubs and realizing that they like people, we recorded a demo album in one night at the Nizhny Novgorod Studio. I copied to the cover of that very alien one with a plank and sent to Moscow.

I have long believed that I will become famous, but IOO

gda this belief left me and I thought I was an idiot. I was a terrible maximalist and waited for the world glory to come to me.

When I had to gather a group, I came to the nobility. They had a lack of thrombonists and they were offered to do. At refueling, where I worked at the time, I did in tenor

after days, trained. As a result, I entered and learned the year. In the specialty I had 5. At one point I wanted to even become the best thrombonist. I wanted all my life and in a huge amount. My Blue Dream is to buy a house and a good car to your parents. They almost always had bold

for the frustral - we were three children. "

:: Sergey Krystovsky:: (Senior of brothers, guitar, bass guitar, backing vocals, arrangements.).

"In his youth, our father played in the Dynamo-Gorky hockey team along with the future captain of the USSR national team Valery Vasilyev. Dad - sports guy, candidate in m

aster Sports Sports and Master of Sports on Volleyball and Hockey. Then he went to the institute and eventually became a very steep specialist in nuclear power. Our mother is an engineer. All his life, she also wrote poems. Our parents are very good people. In the house we have always had the most democratic setting

- Numerous vowes and my companies were constantly going. As a child, I was also very fond of sports. Hockey began playing from 6 years. And he picked up the club for a year and a half. I played the whole school in hockey, swimming, played football. In 19 years old on the game in Chkalovsk I broke the clavicle, and sitting at home, I first

over the guitar. After school, I worked as a turner, a postman, a loader at the factory of champagne wines, nanny in kindergarten, built something. And then I began to work DJ. Then I began to engage in music. I always sang well. We took the branded minus, I did Russian text on them and sang in the local club

ah and restaurants. Then I began to write my first songs. Asked the Broadway team and rushed ... We recorded my album and my friend's song, went on tour. Then the group broke up. At that time, the rock festival was held in Lower, for the victory in which the right to go to the festival in Germ

ayia. And one country group offered to make my songs and perform at our festival. For 2 days I have at home we prepared the program, took the first place and went Germany. There, in 10 days we gave 5 concerts that were great success. I stayed in this group as a bass guitarist. Played k

antship and my songs. And then I decided to create my own team. So in 1995 a group "Sherwood" appeared, which became very popular in Nizhny Novgorod. In the kabaks, we sang only our songs, and not a case, which was very unusual for our city. We traveled the whole country under the wing of the Russian Union

and youth. Then we created the center of youth initiatives at the Department of Education. We circled the entire Nizhny Novgorod region. In parallel worked in the kabas. For life earned only music. We had our own disco, bar, even a confidence phone. And then Cobrick came with his songs, and in disputes we

they recorded the same 15 songs. In Lower, it went great demand, but we did not have time to play there - we were very quickly invited to Moscow. " The same demo album .. As already mentioned by the participants themselves, 12 out of 15 songs who conquered Moscow were recorded in one night. Guys say it was easy

since the program was already running at concerts. The only problem was the fact that on the same day before the guys had to speak at several concerts, and Volodya had a sitting voice. Nevertheless, the attitude was such that the record was stronger in energy and mood.

episided in the capital studios. The newest story .. The first public speech in Moscow took place at the club "16 tons" at the concert of Zemfira. It happened on the birthday of Volodya in December 2003. As a gift, friends invited him to the semi-propelled concert of Zemfira. There they reported to crysto

the fact that they will be able to go on stage and together with the ground to fulfill their song Praskovya. The fact is that Zemfira with filing the same friends heard this song on his housewarming, and she really liked her. Zemfira repeatedly scrolled the song to all newly coming guests and read her a happy court

bBB Therefore, she easily agreed to a joint speech, although the story was rather adventurous, as the guys have never met with Zemfira before and did not have the opportunity to paint together. Volodya: "At the concert at Zemfira, it was terribly scary. But now I am glad that we are not

refused. It was very cool that she sang with us. She is one of the most talented artists in the world. It was insanely nice that she generally drew attention to our music. "

The first clip of the group on the song "Praskovya" was shot on March 23-24 in Yalta and Gurzuf. Director - Natalia Pogonuchev. Name

e "Umaturman" appeared not immediately. Previously, the group was called differently. A semi-mounted story was connected with the name, but it was not too suitable for the music played by Crysto. In addition, the name it turned out to be so intricate that it was confused all the time, releasing or not

remembered at all. The companions brothers sat down and came up with a new name group. First, because Tourman's mind is a favorite actress of musicians, and secondly, because one of the most vivid songs of the album of this actress and is dedicated. History had a rather unexpected continuation. Somehow to America

a journalist came from Moscow a journalist to interview and spoke about the existence of her group-forzki in Russia. The mind was not to scandal about the violation of their rights, but on the contrary, wanted to listen to their songs and generally meet the guys.

With the mind of the Crysto Turman, they have not yet met, but

lee sing the same song personally Quentin Tarantino. It happened at the opening of the Moscow Film Festival. In the final of Nikita Mikhalkov, Nikita Mikhalkov presented a group to his friend Tarantino, after which the guys performed the creation of the same name. Their performance accompanied a very funny clip, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom frames

movies with the participation of the minds of Turman and Patriotic Kininelate. The famous film director mentioned in the song was quite satisfied with the presented surprise. He laughed very much, looking at the screen and listening to the synchronous translation of the song. Taking advantage of the case, the musicians "Umaturman" transferred a parcel tarantino for its

she is "theses" in which the group entries and the translation of the song about it and the video clip on Praskovoy. Maestro promised to change the parcel.

Volodya believes that everything about what he dreams, sooner or later is executed. Therefore, he is confident that the acquaintance with the actress will definitely take place. "Uma Thurman"

The only group in the history of the Moscow Film Festival, who was honored to speak at the opening ceremony. They became a business card of the event, and gave concerts as part of his events repeatedly. During this time, the Umaturman group had a lot of fans in the movie Tuso

nEC. So, on the air radio station "Lighthouse", Vladimir Mashkov passed the group on the group. Communication of the group "Umaturman" with the cinema is not exhausted by their participation in the film festival. Even before that, the director of the film "Night Watch" Timur Bekmambetov, who threatens to become a sensation in the work of the guys

and the brightest event of the coming filmasonal. Timur wanted the pilot song of the film to be shocking and fundamentally different from what is considered to be a soundtrack. We will not disclose all the secrets of the film to its premiere, but the group "Umaturman" managed to make a song that dreamed director

The song was written very quickly and recorded as a demo guys at home. It is surprising that the director accepted this version, and not a few other recorded already on the professional studio. Bekmambetov said that the mood is present on an imperfect demo version,

which he sought from the main song of the film.

On the song "Mind Tourman", which became famous thanks to the Moscow Film Festival, it is planned to remove the video clip, and not somewhere, but in America. This idea came to the mind of Timur Bekmambetov, he also helped to negotiate with the famous American clipme

kerom, the author of the clips of Mairlin Mensson. The only problem that arose on the path of this idea was the vital principles of Volodya Crysto. The fact is that Volodya never lies. And the rule does not exceed. And to obtain an American visa, a small innocent lie was just necessary

Now the issuing company is trying to solve this yet that will not solve the task. About the album itself ...

The official date of release, up to this point, was considered on October 5th. But because of the rampant piracy (demo-version of the album, as well as various collections, can already be found on the shelves of various kiosks), and,

The name of the album "in the city n" was not chosen by chance. Almost all the songs, except for the "night watch", were written by Vina Crysto in Nizhny Novgorod.

Vova Crystovsky: "The initial versions were recorded in Nizhny Novgorod,

and then overwriters in the studio of the company "CD Land" in Chubykina, and the final Mix and mastering, the so-called final strokes, as well as overwriting several tracks, occur in the studio of the famous arranger Evgenia Kuritsyn. The hardest in the album record was that when we are in the lower for

they painted the demo record of our songs, they were in poor quality, but they had a mood ... When overwriting and rebirth, the quality of the songs improved, and most importantly lost. I had to change a lot, overwrite and even in the root change the arrangements of the songs .... But in the end, I am very pleased with the

that happened .... "

It is quite difficult to describe the style and direction of the group and the album itself. 15 songs included in the debut album of the group are quite diverse, there are also a certain life irony in them, and deep lyrics.

Initially, in the tender for the right to distribute

long-awaited album, 6 companies participated. Negotiations with all participants were conducted within a month and eventually remained the three largest Moscow distributors: the company "CD Land", "Monolith" and "Mistererian Sound". The release was so requested that the most unexpected, group producers had

it was gone to unite into a single alliance, the company, before that are rigid competitors.

To date, the album is released in the original version, as well as the so-called "Limited Addition" or collector's edition of the album.

Original version:

As we said, in the original version of the Albo

ma entered 15 tracks, including all those who loved the hits of this summer (Praskovya, "Night Watch", "to say goodbye"), as well as songs, before that, not once performed at concerts.

Track list:

1. Praskovya

2. Night Watch

3. wounded in the temple

4. Mind Tarman (Tarantino Version)

6. You are gone

7. Hello, dear

8. Explain to me

12. Nor a cola nor diving

13. Blank

14. Praskovya (Radio Mix)

15. Mind Tourman (Original Version) *

* This version was specifically recorded for Quentin Tarantino, for considerations polit. correctness.

The composition of the group "Umaturman"


Kristovsky Vladimir - vocals, guitar

Crysto Sergey - bass guitar; vocals

Solodkin Sergey - Impact

Alexey - Solo Guitar

Kaplun Alexey - Keyboard

Katynovy Alexander - Sound Moderator

All members of the group are professional musicians, old friends and BR colleagues

yez Kristossky from Nizhny Novgorod, and at concerts guys amaze the perception of the viewer with its coherence and drivingness. At the concerts "Live" you can hear not only songs from the album, but also new, not yet published composition compositions.

Ahead of the group will have a tour of the cities of Russia in support of you

Without creativity of the group "Umaturman" (Uma2Rman), it is already difficult to submit a Russian-speaking stage. Unfinished rhythms and texts came along with Melomanians, and since 2003 and the founders and leaders of the team - they do not get tired to compose new and new tracks, instantly conquering peaks of hit parades. The first glory of the team "Umaturman" brought the same song to the same name, but over the years of work, the musicians proved that their talent is not exhausted by this composition.

The history of creation and composition

Brothers Crysto, founders of the team "Umaturman", originally from Nizhny Novgorod. Since childhood, Sergey and Vladimir were fond of music. Becoming older, both young people tried to realize in his favorite business: Sergei Krysto mastered the bass guitar and played in Sherwood, Broadway and Country Salun groups. Vladimir collected his own team "Top view" and performed compositions in the style of punk rock. After some time, the brothers decided to combine efforts and write down a joint album.

In total, 15 songs entered the record. Vladimir became a soloist, Sergey took responsibility for the arrangement and musical design of the album. The question arose about the name of the newly connected group. At first, Crystovsky decided to appear as a team of "not our world," but soon changed the name on "Umaturman" - in honor of, beloved actress Sergei and Vladimir. True, after some time, performers had to change the writing at Uma2Rmah to avoid problems with legislation.

The brothers sent a ready-made plate into Moscow musical studios. For some time, there was no reaction for a album "Umaturman", but soon luck smiled at Krystsky brothers: the song "Praskovya" heard Rock singer. Representatives of the artist invited musicians to come to the capital and speak together with the star. So in 2003, the Fans of Zemfira Ramazanova, and then the whole country, first learned about the Umaturman group.


After the first speech, Praskovya became a hit in a matter of days. In the spring of the same year, Vladimir and Sergey removed the clip on this composition. The video was entertaining: the shooting took place in the resorts of Yalta and Gurzuf, 18 beauties models took part in them. Soon the remaining compositions of the Crysto brothers won popularity from Melomanians. And in 2004, the group released the first studio album called "in the city N".

Song "Praskovya" of the group "Umaturman"

In addition to many "Praskovyi" and "Tourman's minds", the audience was remembered to the listeners and the soundtrack to the sensational film "Night Watch", filmed on the basis of the work. The painting itself gathered a truly star composition: the main roles got, and other eminent actors. And the composition about Anton Gorodetsky (the main character of the Night Watch), filled with crystoke brothers, has twisted for many more radio stations for a long time.

The popularity of the record, as the musicians in an interview later admitted, surpassed even the most bold expectations. The album soon received the status of a platinum (according to some radio stations and the media), and also brought the Crysto Brothers Honorary Statuette of the MTV Russian Music Awards award in the Nomination "Opening of the Year".

Song "Night Watch" Group "Umaturman"

Dreams of glory were achieved, but the musicians had another cherished desire: to perform the song "Mind of Turman" before the actress itself and, whose name is also mentioned in this composition. Unfortunately, in front of the star Sergey and Vladimir failed. But it was possible to sing for the director who came to Moscow to open the film festival. He treated the composition with humor and accepted a disc "Umaturman" as a gift.

In 2005, the collective discography was replenished with a second record. The album was called "Or maybe it's a dream? .." Participants in the group, following the established tradition, one of the songs devoted to the favorite actress. True, this composition is a "letter of mind" - could not repeat the success of the first initiation of Hollywood beauty. Musicians criticized and even accused of "copied" and began to repeat. But the rest of the tracks of the album came to the listeners.

Song "Strike" groups "Umaturman"

After the release of the record, the musicians went on tour: First, the group "Umaturman" rushed Russian cities, and then even gave several concerts abroad. Returning from the tour, the crystoke brothers began work on a new album. Preceded the release of the next plate of the song, recorded for the popular series "". The hero is a large father Sergey Vasnetsov - turned out to be close and clear to musicians: both brothers are five children.

Work on the third plate ended in 2008. This album was different from previous mixing of genres and brave experiments with sound. His highlight was songs performed jointly with the French diva - "Paris" and "will not call." Following the release of the album, a traditional touring tour followed, after which the musicians again signed a contract with a TV project. This time, Sergey and Vladimir took the soundtracks to the cartoon "Squirrel and Arrow. Star dogs. " Total three songs were recorded.

Song "Besting" of the group "Umaturman"

The fans did not have time to rejoice at the new record, as rumors appeared on the network of group decay. Indeed, Sergei Krystovsky with enthusiasm began for a solo project, only woven the wave woven. True, after some time, the musicians reassured fans, stating that the team "Umaturman" continues to record songs and prepares for the release of the next album.

Song "On the other side of the winter" of the group "Umaturman" and Varvara Visbor

The promised plate was published in 2016. This album, called "Sing, Spring", even beat the sales records for some time and headed all sorts of hit parades and charts. Another hit of 2016 was the composition "On the other of the winter of the winter", performed by the crystoke brothers together with the performer.

"Umaturman" now

In 2018, photos of musicians appeared again on the pages of news publications. The premiere of the next plate, which replenished the musical biography of the collective was the reason. The new album is "not our world" - was recorded in collaboration with the sound engineer Paul Shevchuk. Also, the fans of the Creativity of the group "Umaturman" have already seen a new clip of the Kristovsky brothers to the composition "Do not part with your loved ones."

Song "Everything is on football. All on the match »Group" Umaturman "

In 2018, "Umaturman" entered the history of the main sports event of the year - the World Cup. The musicians recorded the composition "All on football. Everything for the match ", which has become an informal anthem of this event. Also in the performance of the song, artists also took part, and other Russian pop stars.

Crysto brothers in 2018

Now the musicians continue to give concerts and already, by rumors, are preparing for work on the next album. The composition of the group was noticeably expanded since its foundation: along with the crystoke brothers, Solo-guitarist Yuri Terletsky, Saxophonist Alexander Abramov, Krasika Alexei Kaplun, Drumor Sergey Lodkin, and Sergey Serov, who played on Trombone, and Sergey Sergei.

Group "Umaturman" now

For news about the work and personal life of the musicians "Umaturman" can be followed in "Instagram" and other social networks, where the fans are divided by photos of idols and impressions about the concerts of the favorite group.


  • 2004 - "In the city N"
  • 2005 - "Maybe this is a dream? .."
  • 2008 - "Where Dreams lead"
  • 2008 - "1825"
  • 2011 - "In this city, all crazy"
  • 2016 - "Sing, Spring!"
  • 2018 - "not our world"


  • 2004 - "Praskovya"
  • 2004 - "To say goodbye"
  • 2004 - "Mind of Turman"
  • 2006 - "Paris"
  • 2008 - "California"
  • 2009 - "Romance"
  • 2011 - "Olya from the network"
  • 2013 - "Dance, Muse"
  • 2014 - "Pour me"
  • 2015 - "Toxins"
  • 2016 - "Besting"
  • 2017 - "One way"
  • 2018 - "All on football. All on the match »

The songs of the group "Umaturman" conquered the hearts of many listeners. But not everyone knows the history of its creation and the date of foundation. This will be discussed in this article. You will also learn who is part of the group, what awards and albums are available and what is the secret of its popularity.

History of the creation of the group "Umaturman"

The year 2011 was marked by the release of another record with an intriguing name "all crazy" in this city.

Awards and group composition

Group "Umaturman" is a three-time laureate of the popular "MUZ-TV" award. Also, the team participated in such festivals as "Maxidr", Meghadraiv, Megahaus, "invasion".

Composition of the group:

  • Vladimir Kristovsky (vocalist, guitarist).
  • Sergey Kristovsky (vocalist, back-vocalist, bass guitarist).
  • Alexander Abramov (saxophonist).
  • Alexey Kaplun (pianist).
  • Sergey Lododkin (drummer).
  • Yuri Terletsky (Guitarist Solo).

The secret of success and popularity of the Kryutsky brothers

Vladimir and Sergey Crystovsky are very talented. In their songs, attractive melodies and ironic texts skillfully synthesized. It incredibly clings and activates the attention of the audience, raises them mood. Their songs are inherent in the unique and individual style, imbued with special lyricity.

Vladimir (Jr.) is an unsurpassed author of exquisite texts and charming music. Sergey manages to create unique arrangements. He is also responsible for and the whole difficult record process.

Group "Umaturman". Songs. List

  • Album "Night Watch" (2004): "Bai-Bayushki-Bai", "Give me a chance", "why", "and the heart turn", "someone in the city", "Night Watch", "Moved", Praskovya "," say goodbye "," hey, fat "," I waited for you so "and others.
  • Album "in the city n" (2005): "hell", "Hello, dear", "give", "nor a cole, nor dachas," explain to me "," say goodbye "," wounded in temple "," you are far "," You are gone "," Mind Tourman "and others.
  • Album "Or maybe this is a dream" (2006): "Everything, as usual," "everything will be fine", "in my head", "Why", "Lullaby", "Someone in the city", he Comes, "" letter of mind "," Bird of happiness "," Say "," Tennis "," You are far away "and others.

What did Sergey Kristovsky told about in his interview?

On April 28, 2009, Artem Shishkin (the Mir Music Manager) talked with the musician Sergey Kristoi (group "Umaturman"). He spoke about himself and his life a lot of interesting details. The multi-instrumentalist did not immediately devoted himself to music. For a long time he was fond of hockey and swimming. And on Hockey, Sergey has time and now. In a music school, he was a gifted child, the teachers admired his abilities. He worked DJ, played in various musical groups. This revelation was the recognition of Sergey in a ten-year alcohol dependence. From a bad and destructive habit, the family appeared to get rid of the emergence. After 2-3 years, he creates a joint group with his brother with a joint group with an unusual name "Umaturman".

So, "Umaturman" - a group (photos are attached), the founders of which are the crystoke brothers - in a short period of time it became known and in demand. Their songs have repeatedly occupied the first lines of the charts. Many songs have become favorite compositions in a large number of public. Their concerts up to today they collect a huge number of people.

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