
Famous journalist Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov. "Now Putin in a state of a full-fledged monarch": Speccore "Kommersant" and "Biographer" of the President Andrei Kolesnikov about censorship, Navalny and the secret of Putin's personal life journalist Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov Latest articles

On November 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin presented state awards to those who earned it. Deserve to write about this special correspondent "Kommersant", the editor-in-chief "RP" Andrei Kolesnikov draws attention to the fact that until now the President of Russia, handing awards, did not prevent the gathered, and in their face and the whole country that they all are waiting for us Much great difficulties than before.

Without a doubt, some people have paid attention to themselves before awarding anything more than it should be, but still more close than the rest. And above all, of course, Lev Leshchenko, who now stood in front of the camera of one of the federal channels and thought for her out loud:

And if I did so much in my life to get such a great award (he turned out to be worthy of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree. - A. K.)?! Yes, we rushed, worked!

Perhaps, on the face of the correspondent of the TV channel at this point, some kind of confusion was reflected, so Lev Leshchenko decided to clarify:

In the army!

Maybe I will even say so: they are chronicle, my songs! They are like milestones, they are like pages ...

He thought a little more and ended with a sense of accomplishment, finally convincing himself:

Yes, apparently, deserved!

A special story deserved, of course, his song about Victory Day:

I sing it since 1975! You can imagine?!

The problem here seems to be here:

And every time you need to do it sincerely!

Yes, in some sense, Lero Leshchenko could only arise.

Responding to my timid questions, Lev Leshchenko told that the first state reports received even at Leonid Ilyce Brezhnev. So, the Order of Friendship was awarded to him after the Olympiad-80 for the song about Misha ... Yes, this is when "the tribunes becomes quieter ..."

I came to Pakhmutova, she said that there is a song, but, leva, when and where it sounds - I don't know, and whether it sounds ... I wrote down one or two double ... So, I think, yes, applied song ... After me, Tatyana Aziferov and The ensemble "Gems" recorded. And the director of the fogs, a good man was, made a version so that my voice would prevail ... You know ...

I must say, now Lev Leshchenko, telling this story, seemed very humane. He did not invent anything and was not proud of anything, but just remembered with pleasure, as he lived and, by the way, really won. And as the Order did not give him Leonid Brezhnev, because the Secretary General, of course, received only astronauts, and now he has anyone? Right.

And since then, Lev Leshchenko has also received a lot of things, including the Order "For Services to Fatherland" and IV, and III, and the II degree (without them, they do not give), and here it reached the main one.

Now only the Order of Andrei First Called to get, - Honestly, I told him with a sympathy (including Andrei the First-Called).

Not only, - unexpectedly firmly straightened me Lion Leshchenko. - And the hero of the Socytrud?

I wanted to tell him that the social protrusion was not given for some time, but it would be too cruel. In the end, they give the hero just labor.

The main thing, "Lev Leshchenko unexpectedly said," not to live until that time when you still have already, what they give.

And my sympathy to Lero Leshchenko, who was in all signs so far not all the same, even more increased, and he already talked about Rasul Gamzatov, who received everything in Soviet times, it seems quite everything, but when he was asked that he was still left to take, honestly admitted:

Mail and telegraph.

And all the same Rasul Gamzatov is remembered by Lero Leshchenko his phrase facing ordinary people who met at least once on his life path (or just on the street): "Next time you see me, do not know what you do not know! "

I, too, as, apparently, Lev Leshchenko, felt in this statement all the power of self-irony, generosity and all-inclues of the great son of the Soviet people in relation to his children.

The announcer Igor Kirillov told me that he would receive the Order of Friendship today.

Friend! - He even cried out or, rather, he adjusted this word. It meant a lot for Igor Kirillov.

I honestly told him that he didn't deserve exactly.

Well, what does it mean? .. - Igor Kirillov immediately doubted. "Or maybe not deserved." Just worked for the country. And on that and this ...

Of course, I immediately alerted. What else did you spell about? Double citizenship? .. so I wouldn't have thought about him ... something else?

Yes, it turned out something else. I realized that the announcer probably meant the USSR and Russia. So it turned out.

And then what do you like better? - I risked asking him.

But the one, where you have the road everywhere, old people everywhere we have honor! I cried out Igor Kirillov, but even if he spoke in a low voice, these great halfolars would have been distributed under the villages of the Hall of the first building of the Kremlin as a Nabat of the Day of the Day, and the second halfolars - like his bell ringing. So the awarded someone was not indifferent to Vladimir Putin, and he managed to give him due, to take advantage.

The singer Valeria received the Order of the Friendship of Peoples and recalled about one great artist, who not so long ago, at his eightieth anniversary, drew attention to the fact that something was not handed to him, and upset. "And simply," she said to him, "you have, in my opinion, everything. I have nothing to present. " They sat down, everyone once again considered and finally convinced: and in fact, everything they could have already given, from and to. But the mood, he then spoke, did not rise from this.

In addition, Valeria, answering my question about the latest events in Ukraine, recalled that she somehow got into the "Peacemaker" lists and since then there was no Ukraine in Ukraine, but if he didn't get on, anyway did not go:

This, you know how Yuri Antonov asked why he did not go to Ukraine, although it was not about any lists, and he, without thinking, replied: "Well, I don't want to be prisoners of war." Valeria assured me that all the people of goodwill, and such a majority in the hall, now they think so too.

Alexander Zbruev admitted that he was working in the theater 57 years, "and it's nice that you were not forgotten."

So you made an impression on someone! - he suggested with a lot of probability. - But you know, not to seek it. Not at all to this.

I caught myself that today in the lobby and the truth is a lot of goodwill people. Still, only a good person could argue.

But why? - I asked and in fact interested.

How? - Alexander Zbruev asked. - You need to play. Both in the theater and in the cinema. It was once. Movie. And now I would not say that someone removes the movies. Whether they can not show themselves, whether they do not give them, whether they are looking for money all the time to express themselves. And where is the soul of human?! Where is the heart, I ask you! The artist saves in the shower and in the heart and if he does not give up - this is the trouble!

The monologue was successful for him without exaggeration.

In general, she graduated from Alexander Zbruev, "I try not to remove it." True, I am now removed from one director. " I won't call him a name. But I'm removing him. Because I did with him in the theater and "Boris Godunova", and "Prince", Rogozhina played ... So I can be held in the series.

Alexander Zbruyev told too much so that even I understand that I was talking about Constantine Bogomolov.

Well, yes, they both seem to them, lucky.

Vladimir Putin something did not make himself wait. There were a lot of laureates, and this time every me somehow sought to spoke. I noticed that this is actually a snowball. Enough, for example, be silent the first of the awards, then for some reason the second - and the rest prefer to get their award and return to your place. But if one started one - everything, and the rest, it seems, begin to think that they should now be definitely conveyed. However, some and the truth happens, justice for what to say.

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryzhikov, rising in his time in orbit, apparently, was too close to God, and now, if I'm not mistaken, all the time consists in touch with him, which, by the way, does not tired to emphasize:

God's grace, a simple boy from an ordinary family, was lucky to fulfill his children's dreams - serve in the air force, to fulfill a long flight as part of the expedition at the international space station ... And for myself I consider it an advance for further decent work for the benefit of the Fatherland and Glory God.

President of the Kurchatov Institute Mikhail Kovalchuk, with an inherent ease, revealed Gostaine:

The Kurchatov Institute originally arose to implement the atomic project, more precisely, the creation of nuclear weapons. And I must say that in the shortest possible time this task was solved!

Until now, it was still more vague about the purpose of creating the Kurchatov Institute. And according to Sergey Ryzhikov, God knows how long it continued if not Mikhail Kovalchuk.

Moreover, on this recognition, the President of the Kurchatov Institute did not even slow down:

I would like to say that today we have begun to implement a large-scale project, which, in fact, is superior to the atomic project! This is the transition to a new technological way, based on environmental technologies that are within the natural resource of nature!

But this has already previously followed: those present in the hall risked in a moment to become non-rigid. But Mikhail Kovalchuk stopped.

You know, "Lion Leshchenko addressed the president of the country," to speak unusually talking from the stands, but I really want to say. I am for the first time, by the way, I go out ...

But he was definitely not worth justifying anyone. Yes, he did not.

I personally will be very grateful to the public, - nodded Leshchenko present. - I would still have worked a little! And I will work, probably not going to leave! I hope if Providence, Lord God and you, Vladimir Vladimirovich (after all, the right sequence or, more precisely, the logical chain is now passed by singer. - A. K), give me this opportunity!

Although it is in this situation that, if you pursue applied goals, maybe it should be changed in places.

Finally, Lev Leshchenko turned out to be the first in the Ekaterininskaya hall who included political issues on the agenda:

Russia is a great country! We are not used to conquer! We want justice, peace and peace for our Fatherland. I hope that Vladimir Vladimirovich knows how to do it, and we will help him!

The President of Russia is nothing, however, did not make it clear that he knows it.

She prepared poems to this matinee. Anna Akhmatova devoted them to once "native land":

In the cherished lands, we do not wear a chest,

There are no verses about it, I do not compose

Our bitter sleep she does not be Beditit

It does not seem promised paradise.

Do not make it in your soul

Subject of purchase and sale,

Toraic, disadvantage, distinguishing on it,

I do not even remember about it.

Yes, for us it is dirt on the calicists,

Yes, for us it is a crunch on your teeth.

And we are chamme and messenger, and crumbling

He is not involved in the dust.

But put in it and become it,

That is why I call so freely - yours.

Ruspered, of course (I wanted to forget about the entire perspective at least at the time of the ceremony).

Alexander Zbruev became the first thing on this day a man who accepted the gift silently.

Irina Wiener Usmanova, who received the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree, admitted that he was happy to stand "again about the flag of Russia, usually he is always next to me, but only on top. And this is the greatest happiness when our generation of children is, because adults are obtained from children. "

I must say, Irina Wiener Usmanova, among other things, informed the encouraging news:

We, by the way, rhythmic gymnastics are engaged in more than football, according to statistics!

Especially after some have deprived of the opportunity to play football, as well as to beat passersby on the streets (on the balls including), statistics, I am sure, and in fact finally turned face to rhythmic gymnastics.

Businessman Alisher Usmanov said something to Vladimir Putin on the ear, and then honestly shared with the participants of the event:

I just asked for forgiveness from Vladimir Vladimirovich that one family takes a lot of time.

Yes, what is there, quite a few.

I am my appeal, "Mr. Usmanov continued," Vladimir Vladimirovich's dilapidated, I would like to devote you, and not myself, and say that I feel (that is, still, strictly speaking, two people. - A. K.) . Because what I feel in this room, I said five years ago. And this is a feeling of a miracle, which happens to me in the country that Vladimir Vladimirovich is headed, continues! Thanks to Allah, another five-year plan took!

No, after all, it was not about two even, but about three.

And I can tell my great gratitude to the president for such a high rating not only from myself, from the team, all athletes of the fencing federation, which I head, "Alisher Usmanov continued." On behalf of all workers of two huge holding, "Metalloinvest" and MegaFon. And, fortunately, I have the opportunity to say a lot thank you from my compatriots today, from all citizens of Uzbekistan, where I was born, from the President (Uzbekistan. - A. K.), a dilapidated Mr. Mirziereyev, to the ordinary citizen for your huge fraternal support! And for the fact that Russia continues to play the role that the Most High presented her is to preserve the human soul on the same sixth of the sushi!

For Alisher Usmanov, as it turned out, there are too many people. Low less, it seems that for Vladimir Putin himself (especially given the results of the latest social supports on the Russian president. - A. K). Although sushi, strictly speaking, still less than one sixth. However, we do not fully know that I meant Alisher Usmanov.

Queen of Feofania, receiving the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree, supported Sergey Ryzhikov primarily:

Thank you for the Lord that the Lord encouraged me to restore the monuments of the federal significance, which the Moscow Patriarchate entrusted to me! .. Save the Lord, for such confidence. I think that in Russia and Moscow monuments that are restored will bring good people and our generation.

To the entrance of the first corps, the needy fence was conceding, we will thank the Lord, the 500th "Mercedes", which, God will give, will bring good and herself. And if you learn to thank how she, then, maybe we too.

Director Karen Shahnazarov, who became the owner of the Order of Alexander Nevsky, told that he was proud of this award and that "in general, whatever they say (and say something." - A. K.), it is culture that creates a nation, it is in her Responsibility lies the formation of the nation! And I hope that in some extent my small share of participation in this is!

There are only a few words, and everything, and we have now Karen forming a nation of Shakhnazarov.

The captain of the Tanker-gas pipeline "Cristof de Margesori" Sergey Zybko intrigued from the first word:

I and my crew had an honor to participate in historical events on the way of mastering the Russian Arctic, which I was still reading a teenager in the book "Two Captain," and now be there.

The question was primarily in the one then we saw in front of them now, if Sergey Zybko was there, in the Russian Arctic. I will immediately say that a satisfactory answer, despite the fact that Sergei Szybko's performance was long, but what's there, he seemed to be in a drift ... no, a satisfactory answer did not come. But:

Well, in general, sailors - patriots, "he told." And we have all the patriots. And when there is not only an economic effect, and also the political effect, especially nice. The first cargo we brought to England, and from there, liquefied gas went to Boston, the United States of America. It was very nice to us!

And everything has become nice.

Yuri Borisochkin, Senior Coach of the Russian Women's Family in Sambo, to whom the president handed the Order of Honor, also read poems, and that particularly valuable, it was his own poems, besides, dedicated to Vladimir Putin personally: "Nobody compares or in What is it not to surpass you, and it is unlikely that someone may doubt your overhead path. "

However, in the word "hardly", all the same, the share of doubt was laid herself.

President of the City Clinical Hospital Number 31 Georgy Holukhov, having received his order of honor, turned out to be hospitably all:

Just in case, Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to say that our hospital works 24 hours a day, is located on Lobachevsky Street, 42, next to two government tracks: It is convenient from the Vnukovo and on Leninsky Prospect too!

The proposal was if I don't confuse anything, meets with understanding.

But the singer Leonid Agutin, who received the Order of Friendship, was silent. Here you do not know what is easier: silent or speak.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin said more than a few words on a farewell, and something they turned out to be good:

The colleague said that he considers the difficulties faced by temporary. I want to instill with you. The further we go, the higher we climb, the more difficulties will be.

We heard that if I'm not mistaken, for the first time. Vladimir Putin seems to be a hostage of his own desire to push off, as usual, from the above someone, and the dubious beauty of this dubious thought fascinated him. And he is already - and all the rest. There, above, where even more difficulties. No, well, at least not at this festive day ...

Probably, the President is preparing to tell us something about a ram in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

But the key to the fact that we will always overcome them and make it brilliantly, are people like you, your teachers and your disciples! - The ending was predictable.

While the participants of the ceremony were filled with the president of glasses with champagne, I noticed that the Tyumen painter Ekaterina Khodakovskaya, which became the well-deserved builder of Russia, carefully twisted a glass in his hands and gently put it on the table next to the counter with the microphone.

Do not drink champagne at all? - I asked her.

Ekaterina Khodakovskaya categorically shook her head:

I do not drink at all!

Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov - a journalist, whose biography causes many issues from the public, with all his publicity he is quite a closed person. He believes that his private life should not interest anyone, but people want to know the details of his professional and personal path.

early years

Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov appeared on August 8, 1966 near Rostov, in the village of Semibratovo, on the bank of the mouth of the river. A journalist does not like to talk about his childhood, noting that there was nothing special and remarkable in it. Already at school, Andrei's inclinations appeared to written creativity, he brilliantly wrote essays and notes in the school newspaper. Soon he "Doros" to publications in the local press. His first material in the newspaper "The Path of Communism" saw the light when Andrei was only 13 years old. Later, Kolesnikov became the winner of the contest "Towards the 60th anniversary of the USSR". Thus, since the school bench Kolesnikov elected his future profession.


At school, Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov studied well and then differed in large ambitions. Therefore, no one has caused surprise that at the end of the school he went to conquer the capital. The presence of publications and certificate with good estimates allowed him to enroll in the prestigious Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University. The years of study flew quickly, and at the end of the university yesterday's provincial, it was necessary to start his way from the lowest steps of the career ladder, there were no special connections and dating from Kolesnikov, had to count exclusively on himself.

The first steps

After the University, Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov began working in a conventional multi-quality, in the newspaper called the "Accelerator", which was published at the Scientific Institute of High Energy Physics. But it was enough to go to a more famous and solid edition, to the Moscow News. Here he passed the first real professional school, learned to work with the material, with people, to abide by the deadlines, he traded connections and acquaintances in his environment. Gradually, the materials of Kolesnikov became more noticeable and brighter. These years in the "Moscow news" have become an excellent start for the next take-off.

Conquest profession

There were changes in the country, and new media begin to emerge, the information environment and the agenda change. By this time, the kolers are an experienced and interesting journalist with its own style. That is why he receives a tempting offer in 1996. His name is in the newly opened "Kommersant", where he works as a special correspondent. His colleagues became a wonderful team of professionals and real fans of their case. Together with Natalia Gevorkyan, Gleb drunk, Valery Durannikov, Valery Panyushkin, they released a new newspaper for the country of the type, with a special style and a look. Andrei was not lost against the background of his bright and famous colleagues. In 1998, after the crisis, the team ceased to exist. Journalists went to other projects, and in "Kommersant" one Andrei remained. He became a real locomotive for publication. Then new people came to the team, the newspaper will receive a new impetus for development. But the chariots are not lost in it, he is its important part. After 10 years, Valery Durannikov will say that Andrei is 20% of the capitalization of publication, an important asset of the newspaper. He also works in the "merchant" and does it with pleasure, although there are many other projects in his life.

"Journalist Putin"

The coverage of the activities of the president and the government is a special part of journalism, it is allowed only to the elected, and among them for many years Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov. The journalist, biography, whose photo is always in the top of search queries on the Internet, the only one of the colleagues who could repeatedly lead a detailed conversation with V. Putin. It often allows himself sharp remarks and uncomfortable questions, but the head of state forgives it for him, and Kolesnikov always remains in the Kremlin Pool for more than 10 years.

Journalist and Writing Activities

In 2008, Kolesnikov headed the unusual edition of the Russian Pioneer, where he can realize his huge professional potential. He also constantly writes books. Today, he has almost two dozen successful and bright publications, among them the works "I saw Putin" and almost a dozen books about the president and Russian politics, "cars, girls, traffic police", "merry and sad stories about Masha and Vanya".

For his career, Kolesnikov received all domestic awards in the field of journalism. On his account several "golden feathers", the Sakharov Prize, state awards.

Personal life

Employees of the information sphere usually skillfully and carefully protect their personal space. Not an exception and Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov. Journalist, whose personal life interests many, never either applies to their family and children. It is known that Andrei was married to the writer of Masha Traub and a couple had two children. Today the chariots are happily married, he had two more children. Alain's wife, psychologist, spends more time with children. But Kolesnikov - a good, enthusiastic father and pays for children every free minute. He even wrote a book "Takes", where with humor talks about the charms of the parent.

Man who opened the country of Vladimir Putin

The person who is closer to all of Vladimir Putin's identity, a man, with whose name years and years is associated with the main business newspaper Kommersant, a person who raised the level of the "Kremlin essay" on an inaccessible height, who is not afraid of ironically and provocatively To speak and write about the strengths of this world - Andrei Kolesnikov.

Andrei Ivanovich Kolesnikov was born in 1966 in the village of Semibratovo Yaroslavl region. It came to journalism very early, still studying in the sixth grade began to write for the regional newspaper "The Path of Communism" and even became the winner of the contest "Towards the 60th anniversary of the USSR". After the Faculty of Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University worked in a multi-time newspaper "Accelerator" of the Institute of High Energy Physics, then switched to Moscow News.

In 1996, he moved to Kommersant and became a special correspondent for publication in power structures. With the advent of the new energetic and young president Vladimir Putin, Kolesnikov managed to get into the so-called "Kremlin Pool" - a group of journalists, on a permanent basis covering the activities of the head of state. He did not hesitate to focus on his and readers on the trifles, sensations, diluting the dry texture with emotions. That is why his articles created a special, convex picture of life on the other side of the Kremlin wall.

Andrey never wondered: "Why is it tolerated in the" Kremlin pool "?, And says that this question is not to him. It does not apply to the number of" comfortable "people who can impose the conditions of the game." I know that I know that I know that I am not a favorite journalist Putin. At least just because he doesn't like a lot in my materials. He generally, in my opinion, does not love journalists. He may relate to respect for the journalist, including the one who criticizes it. And it is to the one who criticizes him, he often refers to respect. Here is my case more like that.<...> It is impossible for me - this is what I forbid myself. I will never write about Putin's personal life. I will not write because I personally do not know anything about this side of his life, and just because it is his personal life. I myself felt on myself what is when journalists write about your personal life. I remember somehow the shooting group of the NTV television company came home to me when I was not there. Called to the intercom, tried to talk to my wife, asked her any idiotic questions, "says Kolesnikov in one of the interviews.

During the time spent next to the ex-president, the chariots were closest to the very essence of the figure of Vladimir Putin, to the logic of his actions and meaning in the history of Russia. He wrote a whole cycle of books about the head of the states who became bestsellers. The reason for such popularity is that even years later, Putin remains a mystery person. In fact, Kolesnikov, together with Natalia Gevorkyan and Natalia Timakova, in 2000, first introduced Putin's country in the first-person book interview.

His Peru owns such books as "I saw Putin!" (2004), "I saw me Putin!" (2005), "See Putin and die. Documentary stories" (2005), "Split GDP. How Putin Medvedev chose" (2008), "Fars-Major" (2009), "Fars-Major 2" (2010) and many Others.

The merits of Andrei Kolesnikova are highly valued as a professional journalistic community and state and public organizations - he owner all journalistic awards.

Currently, in addition to work in Kommersant, Andrei Kolesnikov is the co-host Tina Kandelaki in the Unreal Policy program on Ren's TV channel, where in the unusual and bright manner characteristic of the celebrities, business, art about the most pressing issues. Another interesting project of Kolesnikova is a literary illustrated magazine "Russian Pioneer", on the pages of which the most famous journalists and figures are published. Andrei Ivanovich is an inspirer of the project and the chief editor of this publication.

A very long time, about six years of Kolesnikov conducted a children's column in the Weekend application, where she recorded the growing up of his children and gave advice to parents. Based on these notes, two books came out: "Titter" and "fun and sad stories about Masha and Vanya."

"Pioneer readings" - meetings, regularly suitable magazine "Russian Pioneer"

Andrei Kolesnikov with Olympic torch

Shop: Andrei, yesterday was the inauguration on which you were also, about which today I wrote a note in Kommersant. And your first note, as far as I remember, about Putin, is just his first inauguration 18 years ago, too, seventh of May. Here is 4: 0, Putin 4: 0, or 5: 0, to whom it is more convenient, you can say 5: 0, as it has changed, as you think, watching him for a long time and watching him yesterday, and watching until yesterday .

Kolesnikov:I do not know how you, I believe that after five or seven people, a person is not able to change, generally speaking. There may be some kind of cosmetic changes in it, which he himself can arrange, roughly speaking.

Zhelan: cosmetic, what are these? Dangerous reservation.

Kolesnikov:Such cosmetic. This is not a reservation at all. And serious, radical, deep change in man, especially at that age, in which already, so to speak, we found it when I got acquainted when I wrote a book "From the first person", together with Natalia Gevorkyan and Natalia Timakova, already Of course, in a person, according to my ideas, can not. During this time, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, perhaps, according to my ideas, began, maybe somehow calmly, and more precisely will say more indifferently to journalistic creativity. It may be possible to call it generously became, but in fact, it's just not enough to him. This is from such, more or less personal observations.

Otherwise, all that he told us then, at the beginning of 2000, during the election campaign, which was then the rapidly, and what was included in the book "From the first person," here it all had previously embodied and continues to translate into a life. And he made a reservation there, by the way, that he really like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe monarchy, because the monarch should not have anything to anyone and may not think about the election campaign all the time. And in this sense, the situation yesterday was a bit changed, compared to those, of course, what was before, because now Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is really in a state of such a full-fledged monarch, in fact, is because he does not face the next election campaign, He really may not think about it and devote all the work for the benefit of his people, theoretically. This is the change of his fate, maybe yes, consists.

Znane: He is psychologically, how do you think, the monarch for all these eighteen years began to feel? That's exactly how he builds his chat ...

Kolesnikov:I do not know, it's hard for me to judge it. It seems to me that there is no, if short.

Kolesnikov:Well, remember why his presidential story began at all? She began with Chechnya, from Dagestan, then he, perhaps, was much authoritarian in some things than now, of course. You remember these glass eyes when the word "Chechnya", pronounced when it is pronounced ... I remember that as soon as I got, for some misunderstanding, like all those present here, in the Kremlin Pool for the first time, after the book, after it was it would seem that some kind of communication, in moderate in some confidence in some places, I got to the Kremlin Pool, where everything is very far from Vladimir Putin, but sometimes there were meetings, which are not now, what is called off the record called, for understanding, they are now, in my opinion, not enough ...

Zhelnov: They were completely canceled.

E. Zvyvyintseva: This is the program "Bland Blandinki". We begin. Olga Danilevich.

O. Danilevich: Katerina Zvyagintseva.

E. Zvyvyintseva: We are visiting ...

O. Danilevich: Oh! Oh! You are ready? We were told in the morning that you should be ready for this. Our guest journalist Kremlin Pula, editor-in-chief of the Russian Pioneer magazine, executive director of Kommersant Holding, Andrei Kolesnikov. Hello, Andrei.

A. Kestovnikov: Hello.

O. Danilevich: everything is right?

A. Kestovnikov: No. Well, how can it be all right? I am not the executive director already. Just everything is changing very quickly. If I'm not mistaken, now it is called the deputy general director.

O. Danilevich: Deputy General Director.

A.tsovenikov: Is it important?

O. Danilevich: Of course. Depreciates, straight writing to yourself.

A.tsovenikov: I did not expect from you.

O. Danilevich: Director.

A. Kestovnikov: It even doesn't matter to me.

O. Danilevich: And what of this is most important?

A. Kestovnikov: The most important thing, of course, I will not be afraid of this word, the specialcore newspaper "Kommersant".

O. Danilevich: "Kommersant" after all, not even "Russian pioneer." You know why it seemed to me that the Russian "Pioneer" would be? Because you are writing in social networks "Chief Editor of the Russian Pioneer magazine.

A. Kestovnikov: I do not write that.

O. Danilevich: You have in Twitter. That is, there is no binding to the "merchant", no to the binding pool.

A. Kestnikov: Because it is Twitter, created by the Russian Pioneer, and not the "merchant".

O. Danilevich: That is, this twitter is not your personal?

A. Kestovnikov: No. Here, for example, sitting next to PR director of the Russian Pioneer Dasha Donskova.

O. Danilevich: Which rubs hands satisfied.

A. Kestovnikov: Yes. Because they already say, everyone already speaks two minutes about the Russian Pioneer. Russian Pioneer creates a twitter of the chief editor. This is my Twitter, but creates his "Russian pioneer".

E. Zvegintseva: Ten times they uttered the "Russian Pioneer". Okay.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, you forced me. And I started with the "merchant".

O. Danilevich: Beautifully, everything was.

A.tsovenikov: We agreed, but no. Of course, the most important thing is the newspaper "Kommersant", no matter how difficult it is to hear it if it even listened to someone from this Saturday from the staff of the Russian Pioneer. Everything else is also very important, but not so much. Even the fact that I work, as you said, the first item you generally called the "Kremlin Pula journalist."

O. Danilevich: I put priorities as I think necessary.

A. Kestov: Well, this is not so too. This is another mistake your, in one sentence they are already two of the three facts.

O. Danilevich: It seems to have to write a statement after this ether.

A. Kestov: Because I'm not a journalist Kremlin Pula, I am a journalist of the Kommersant newspaper. It is also very important. As in one film, there was some time ago, he was called "Putin's Man", I am not "Putin's man," I am a person "Kommersant". It is very important for me. The main thing is that it is, it is actually so.

E. Zvyvyintseva: But you enter the Kremlin pool.

A. Kestovnikov: I enter the Kremlin pool. But if we say, who I think myself, I consider myself a specialty newspaper "Kommersant" in the first place. And as part of working in the Kommersant newspaper, I work in the Kremlin pool. When there are no work in the Kremlin pool, roughly speaking, and sometimes there is, but I think some other work is more important, I do it. For example, twice a year, as a rule, many recent years ...

E. Zvyvyintseva: We will ask you about the Olympics yet.

A. Kestnikov: ... I worked as a sports journalist and work.

O. Danilevich: Returning to our question, what do you mean more important than you. In general, my presentation was only in the depths of the deputy projector wrong. Because it is not incorrect to say the "journalist of the Kremlin Pula."

A. Kestovnikov: agreed.

E. Zvegintseva: I contact contacts. + 7-925-88-88-948 is an SMS message, Govoritmskbot is a Telegram. We traditionally do not accept calls. Twitter Govoritmsk, our Instagram - Bla_Blandinki.

O. Danilevich: I climbed and want to ask you. You say that when you consider another job, in Kommersant, more important than, for example, something in the pool, then, actually, do what you think. And how do any refuses perceive? Putin flies somewhere. You can refuse, do not go? And how does this happen at all?

A. Kestovnikov: I can't refuse Putin.

O. Danilevich: I understand, but in general, how does it happen and how is it perceived?

A. Kestovnikov: Well, of course. Thank God, around normal, I would say decent people. Once again I can repeat, it is only part of my work. She is an overwhelming part, it's true, but everyone understands everything. For example, at the World Cup, I also worked as a sports journalist, and part of the secular chronicle. I believe that a certain new genre was created, here on the border of the secular chronicle, sports report and something else that I can not even formulate. In short, during the World Cup wrote about all the games of the Russian national team, not only the Russian team, well, and, probably, I had any opportunities for which the same sports journalists and secular chronicles. Therefore, everything turned out.

E. Zvyvyintseva: The World Championship expressed you? Because we rested here, but the people who were, let's say, in the fields, in the stadiums, it seems to me, they really got very much for the month.

A. Kestovnikov: No, it's not quite so. Well, of course, they roared. But you ask them later, whether it was the best time in their lives.

O. Danilevich: And they will say: yes.

A. Kestovnikov: And if they are sincere with you, they will surely say it.

E. Zvegintseva: And for you, this is the best time?

A. Kestov: It was a very good time. I do not know, probably, you need to work in such a, almost daily mode, to speak with confidence. And you need not hate football yet, you need to love.

O. Danilevich: Listen, even those who have not watched it, such as I, in this month they watched everything. It seemed to me that in Uruguay, in principle, there are no football, and Won, which turns out.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Okay, Uruguay. Croatia.

O. Danilevich: Everyone suddenly fell in love with football. But still, I am not to football, but for this everything ...

E. Zvyvyintseva: The holiday ended, sad times began.

O. Danilevich: Yes. Approximately a year ago, probably you said that you do not exclude for myself in relations between Russia and the United States as much as a nuclear war, and they spoke quite seriously that this is not an information war, but a real third world. I then remind you if you want where it was.

A. Kestovnikov: There was a more complex context.

O. Danilevich: Returning to the current events, the current sanctions new and everything else. You are more likely to think that in this way we are just approaching this war or this is all the evidence, rather that no serious fighting may be, it will be only the information war if it or maybe there is already.

A. Kestov: The situation is easier not becoming. For the year, at least about which you say, she, of course, became more difficult. It will be more complicated. I think, as you, it is very difficult to imagine that the case can reach the nuclear war. But listen, nothing can be excluded at all, it's true. And this year even less can be excluded. If the other day is literally the Prime Minister, even before his sports injury, about which now everyone speaks with such hobbies, he says that he has ever, if anything will answer. If the list of sanctions, which was supposed and did not take place in the volume in which it was assumed ...

O. Danilevich: They say that it will be not one wave simple.

A. Kestovnikov: ... will be approved, Russia will respond to these by economic methods, political methods and other methods. This whole day was broadcast all the TV channels. And no one, by the way, did not ask what other methods. Although it seems to me, it is obvious that in this case it is such a cry of despair. This is generally, in my opinion, as an ultimatum, the first time was pronounced after, I do not know, after Khrushchev, after the Caribbean crisis.

O. Danilevich: And maybe these "other methods" something else.

A. Kestovnikov: And she uttered calmly, confidently, with dignity, with the knowledge that Russia and the truth can do it. Of course, nothing can be deleted.

O. Danilevich: Putin says political ...

A. Kestovnikov: Medvedev.

O. Danilevich: Pardon. Political, economic, other methods. In other methods, it can be some information. Why do the military necessarily?

A. Kestovnikov: Because all other methods have already been used. When it is pronounced with such a pressure, it is understood that it is meant. Other arguments, Russia, apparently, did not remain in such a situation.

O. Danilevich: Do you have any hopes that all this is lying somehow settled?

E. Zvegintseva: The second package will not be sanctions and so on.

A. Kestovnikov: I was present, so to speak, at a meeting ...

E. Zvyvyintseva: in Helsinki.

A. Kestovnikov: "At the meeting of Putin and Trump", this is strongly said, rather, attended at a press conference.

E. Zvyvygintseva: The meeting was closed.

A. Kestnikov: Well, there was the beginning of the meeting, on which we also attended, there were many interesting moments. But it's not that. I was present, let's say at this press conference. After Mr. Trump came back, realized that we would not be able to agree to agree now, would not succeed. Because a person cannot change the testimony as long as Trump. That is, he first at a press conference, "Well, yes, I believe both my intelligence, and I believe and Putin." Then he suddenly claims, "Yes, did I really say that? I just made a reservation about what I believe in Putin. " This means such a pressure that he immediately began to experience absolutely from all sides that he was forced to pronounce this, realizing that he would seem completely pitiful in this situation. And he still uttered it. This means that he cannot affect the situation, even if he wants. We saw this kind and fair Trump at this press conference, loving Putin Trump. And we see what hysteria since then continues. Yesterday, the United States Senate Commission demanded the same investigation and full access to all formats of negotiations.

O. Danilevich: Could it be that Trump came out after a conversation with Putin, actually, and then began to change the testimony that he would not take the Senate over him and generally not states, but, actually, Vladimir Vladimirovich. While talked with him, pleased.

A. Kestovnikov: Life, I repeat, shows that it does not take. Consult can, so to speak, during a press conference only. What is it? The effect of personal presence?

E. Zvegintseva: I read a few experts, they say that the impeachment of the Trump threatens soon.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, he threatens from the very beginning, since the inauguration.

E. Zvyvyintseva: It's very bad here, these covers see everything, then "sinking" by Trump.

A. Kestovnikov: impeachment, it seems to me, a difficult story. I do not know. It seems to me that most of the United States is actually very passionate about the Trump. Of this dawn, the internal economic boom, the boom of the sentiments of investors, which now in the United States has not been many years, maybe even many dozen years. I think that most, including the elite, now I would not like the Trump impeachment. We do not talk about a simple people who have not disappointed, not at all disappointed in the trampa.

O. Danilevich: Tell me, whether the meeting is possible, including, including at the BRICS Summit (more precisely, after), Vladimir Putin, that he is ready to fly to Washington, he is ready to take Trump in Moscow. Do you need this meeting at all? Or is it useless now?

A. Kestovnikov: I think it will not be in the near future. Although they, if I am not mistaken, must cross at the ASEAN Summit in Singapore, and this is very soon.

O. Danilevich: Must.

A. Kestovnikov: So, there will be such a meeting. But we see that these meetings do not make any decisive influence on world politics, although, on the other hand, of course, it would be naive to think that after one such meeting the world would never be the same, as they say. These meetings have a distant result. There are agreements and their more than the rest, which are nonpubs that have a distant result. We can only guess what they actually agreed. I think that both the Senate Commission in the States, and all other commissions feel bad arousal on this reason precisely because they do not understand what they could actually agree. And it is possible that all the same, the Trump will try to implement these agreements when the story may be somewhat subsided. But again it is stupid to take the courage and argue that we can imagine at all that this is for an agreement. I would not even comment on it.

O. Danilevich: Andrei Kolesnikov, we are visiting, I remind you.

A lot was a lot more a year ago, two years ago, Trump, personal very, personal, personal, I would even say about Putin. He spoke that he likes some human qualities of Putin. How does Putin relate to the tramp, if we take humanly?

E. Zvegintseva: Your observations?

O. Danilevich: Or is he at all any human attitude towards the tramp?

A. Kestovnikov: If you want to know my personal opinion, although, as you understand, it would be better to clarify the president himself.

O. Danilevich: better. Not yet come.

A. Kestovnikov: Maybe it will come.

E. Zvyvygintseva: You will silence the word.

A. Kestovnikov: For me, who would shovel, as they say. So about Putin's relationship towards the tramp, as it seems to me. And it seems to me that he does not have any illusions about Donald Trump. He all understands too well, including about this situation, in which Trump was immediately after this meeting. All this is very easily considered. I think that the Russian president can consider something.

E. Zvyvyintseva: then with whom should you negotiate?

A. Kestovnikov: So he does not share. But you need to negotiate these news. But manic perseverance in this matter, it will certainly be met, the hell, the world will change, if they meet, this is not in risen. Even on one of the last summits, the meeting was just thickened. They spoke about it. It was like an absolute agreement, and suddenly it turned out that the Americans insist that we arrive at them, and not they to us. Although this happened not in Russia and not in the States. But from the point of view of protocol diplomacy, this is the most important question. If we came to them before that, the next time they must come to us, and not again we have to go to them. They were said, "Let's come to us." They said, "We really want to meet, but we have a very hard schedule, we have everything painted." But then it also painted everything, and no one went to anyone in the end. And at the next summit, this meeting took place and everything was, yes.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Okoshechko found.

O. Danilevich: About any personal relationship. It is difficult to call a person who is friendly Vladimir Vladimirovich, except, perhaps, Shoigu, who is often called. From world leaders, the most, let's say warm relations from Putin? The head of the Foreign Ministry of Austria is not necessary.

A. Kestovnikov: with Schroeder.

E. Zvyvyntseva: From the current ones. Of the existing.

A. Kestovnikov: And Schröder is not a global leader?

E. Zvyzhintseva: Yes.

A. Kestovnikov: I do not know. It seems to me that he has a very close relationship now, it happened for a long time, but it seems to me now with the Chinese Chairman.

O. Danilevich: Si Jinping.

A. Kestovnikov: Of course. We were in the last trip in China, I saw how time they were spent together. It can be seen even from afar. They drove in the train for a long time rather and then went to hockey, it can be seen that people close to each other are going. It is even externally visible on gestures, along the views. There is no need to say anything. This, of course, is not yet love, but it is very good knowledge of each other and the lack of disappointment as a result of this knowledge, and maybe even more affection. So they, such an impression, did not let each other, so they became much closer now than they were.

O. Danilevich: And who else?

E. Zvegintseva: And Erdogan? See, again he calls to a fish restaurant.

A. Kestovnikov: I wouldn't call anymand anymore.

E. Zvyvygintseva: Erdogan - no.

A. Kestovnikov: What do you say?

E. Zvyvyintseva: Yesterday, through the head of the Foreway, again called to the Fisheries restaurant Vladimir Vladimirovich. The president himself said that relations with us became deeper, warm.

A. Kestovnikov: No.

O. Danilevich: We do not believe Erdogan by the whole country.

E. Zvyvyintseva: And Lukashenko?

A. Kestovnikov: No, this is not forgotten at all. This is not forgotten.

O. Danilevich: Lukashenko, by the way, yes.

A. Kestovnikov: And such is no longer forgotten. What are you, god to her? Not. With Lukashenko, just the situation is that they also know each other too well and therefore special ... Yes, in general, I think there is no sympathy. It is for the reason why Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is friends with the Chinese leader, he is not friendly with Belarusian.

O. Danilevich: What do you think Putin is alone? Does he feel lonely?

A. Kestovnikov: I do not know, this is already quite some kind of lyrical questions in which I do not understand anything. I can tell you every person alone. I'm lonely. You, if you figure it out, also alone, although you are all the time on the air.

O. Danielevich: You know, loneliness is when you can not find a decent interlocutor to yourself, according to your personal criteria. For Putin there is a worthy interlocutor?

A. Kestovnikov: No, it's not that. Loneliness is a completely different story. A decent interlocutor to himself, more or less, can always be found.

O. Danilevich: Putin can find a worthy interlocutor?

A. Kestovnikov: I think he finds a worthy interlocutor when he needs it hard. Why do you think he has no worthy interlocutors?

O. Danilevich: I do not know. I just ask you, you know better, you are more often intersecting.

A.tsovenikov: he has full of worthy interlocutors.

E. Zvyvyintseva: And for me, loneliness is when you do not feel support from someone, so you're standing in the field and not to rely on.

A. Kestovnikov: in the field?

E. Zvyvyintseva: Well, relatively speaking, metaphors.

A. Kestovnikov: I heard my native something.

E. Zvyvyintseva: in the pool, in the field. For me, this is loneliness.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, you're closer to truth, yes.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Probably, there is something somewhere.

A. Kestovnikov: Yes, Lord, it is known that a person not only dies alone, but also lives. For me it is obvious, everyone is doomed to loneliness. But I understand, you are not at all about it. You want to understand if Putin has, probably, native soul.

O. Danilevich: Yes, a friend is just like that.

A. Kestovnikov: I think there is, of course. Of course have.

O. Danilevich: But we are already talking about friends, about loneliness and about the subtleties of the soul, and talk about everything else with you after the news.

O. Danielevich: Our guest who saw Putin and whom Putin saw Andrei Kolesnikov. I am afraid now that I will not say anything again.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, you have already said again. You have already told again.

E. Zvegintseva: Say simply, the correspondent of "Kommersant".

A. Kestovnikov: Warned the former chief editor of Kommersant Andrei Vasilyev, when my first book about Putin came out ...

E. Zvyvyintseva: That it's all to go to you.

A. Kestovnikov: He says: "Well, all. Do you understand that you are doomed? Years will be held, you will be represented by: the man who saw Putin. "

E.Zvyvyintseva: Do you not like it?

A. Kestovnikov: But you, yes, this is the next phrase, right, you said, "Whose Putin saw." This is already pleased.

O. Danilevich: Thank you. Okay. In fact, we will be with you and about other books to speak, and about children's too, so we do not need us so immediately ...

A. Kestovnikov: We will no longer have time.

O. Danilevich: I hope we have time to at least something, because, however, something we all slowly.

E. Zvyvyntseva: I will quickly say over the ether, Andrei does not know what happened to the Prime Minister, what kind of sports injury. Promised us to tell on Tuesday.

O. Danilevich: Let's hope.

A. Kestovnikov: You, yes.

E. Zvyzhintseva: + 7-925-88-88-948. We see that you send your messages. Telegram Govoritmskbot, Twitter - Govoritmsk.

O. Danilevich: "The pressure is on Trump, since the Congress has great weight in the USA. Our parliament had similar power in 1991-1993, until he was shot from Yeltsin Tanks in the 93rd, - 222th. In general, not even a question, but rather such a remark.

E. Zvyvygintseva: Remarochka.

O. Danielevich: In the 90s you want. About the 90s. You, speaking about this time, said that you consider yourself a defender of free Russia. At the same time they said that, in general, in Russia you do not feel free. It was more than 10 years ago, maybe even 15. Felt in the early 2000s, and then stopped. Now you feel free in Russia?

A.tsovenikov: I think it was due to the fact that ... with a history with Khodorkovsky, it seems to me. I then worried about this. This happened a long time ago. Yes, I think I won't feel free anywhere.

O. Danilevich: Then it turns out, you do not work well as a defender?

A. Kestovnikov: And in Russia now I do not feel free. I am connected by such a number of non-versus, so the number of conventions, so much in the world, which would be just stupid to speak.

O. Danilevich: Is there free journalism in Russia?

A. Kestovnikov: Yes.

O. Danilevich: In general, in general?

E. Zvegintseva: Where is she?

A. Kestovnikov: At the same time, I am engaged in free journalism, definitely. I am practicing freely, sincere journalism. Because when a person writes everything he thinks, and what he thinks, what he wants to say, and when he has, as I imagine, at my disposal arsenal methods in order to form it all, that is Enough abilities, then this is called freedom. Sometimes a person "Mom" cannot say.

O. Danilevich: About self-censorization some generally a separate story.

E. Zvyvyintseva: And your texts, who rules?

A. Kestovnikov: Who?

E. Zvyvyintseva: There is general a person who rules the texts of Andrei Kolesnikov?

A. Kestovnikov: Texts read everything to. Still, this is a newspaper, it is a mass production. I can listen to some comments, we can discuss it. Until now, damn, try to edit correctors. Here are proofreaders trying to rule. But at the same time still act most reasonably. As a rule, they are not trusted and leave the author's punctuation.

E. Zvegintseva: At least once it was that the Kremlin press service before the publication asked you to send some article?

A. Kestovnikov: Well, this is nonsense. And before, and after that was not.

E. Zvyvyintseva: never in life in life, for 20 years now?

A. Kestovnikov: No. You just need to not imagine at all as if the structure of relationships to, forgive me, ask such a question. I know, it seems that? Sometimes I think I yourself seek the answer to the question why so everything is good in this sense.

O. Danilevich: Why can you write so, and many can not.

A. Kestovnikov: I do not know about many.

O. Danilevich: Just about it, I want to ask.

A. Kestovnikov: I do not want to know in some sense, for me this is an extra information. I repeat once again, I am engaged in free and sincere journalism. Different thoughts may come about this. For example, I have now thought, I recently had an idea that maybe people think about what they ... I am more likely than others, I will write some memoirs. Maybe they do not want to get into the memoirs and here somehow look far away, as the negative more or less of the characters, even with some kind of history. Because there was not a single story in general this kind.

O.Danlevich: What prevents you from then feeling free in Russia, if you can write as a journalist you can freely? What then is inconspicuous?

A. Kestovnikov: how to tell you ...

O. Danilevich: How to eat, say.

A. Kestovnikov: I have no feeling that the press is free. I believe that the press is nevertheless experiencing excessive pressure from the state. And not only on state media. And he is trying to regulate the relationship with him, the press. I don't like it, I see the bust in it.

O. Danilevich: How is it possible to "Kommersant"?

A. Kestovnikov: Kommersant has its own story. Kommersant works with a shareholder. Works, I think it is strongly said. That is, I meant that the "Kommersant" has a shareholder, this shareholder is not a state.

A. Kestovnikov: I also see an attempt to intervene the state in the Internet zone. As far as I understand, the authorities have long wanted to strengthen its influence there. It is obvious to me and it also seems to me, to put it mildly, unnecessary. I think that now, when those who began to do this will discuss in this new sphere for themselves, they will understand how much everything is not easy here. And it's not that it is better to leave everything, as it is, that is, an absolutely uncontrolled this zone, but it is much more careful to behave in it. It can be seen how nervously the Internet responds to any attempt of such intervention. But this, by the way, complies with the rules of the game: if the state attacks, the opposite side is protected.

O. Danilevich: Here Katya asked you in the framework of this issue, in fact, the question is concrete. Do you personally somehow limit yourself when you write?

E. Zvyvyintseva: Thinking about whether it will be like, repost.

A. Kestesnikov: I do not speak out on the topic of politics, as a rule, on Facebook, because it is enough for me in real life. The only thing I do there, the public at the request of some, even many workers' notes.

O. Danilevich: And Laikat?

E. Zvyvyintseva: Studies posts.

O. Danilevich: Studies Laikat's posts?

A. Kestovnikov: Well, some of course.

O. Danilevich: They can also be political. We have for the husky and for the reposts now too.

A. Kestovnikov: To be honest, I have not thought about it at all.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Be careful.

A. Kestov: I'm far from that. Thank you for warned as they say.

O. Danilevich: Just many people think: I'm not public anything, so I have nothing to take with me. And then it turns out that one thing after the other is just for the reposit, and not for publishing specifically, you are something.

A. Kestovnikov: I will know.

E. Zvyvyintseva: There is such a term "Kolesnikovshchyna". Is it a tag or praise for you?

A. Kestovnikov: Rather, praise, of course. The term invented one of my friend. I would not say that he uttered it with special approval, because it was tied to one particular situation. But in general, such a term has the right to exist, because this designation seems to be a new genre. New genre in which I work. And create a new genre in journalism ...

E. Zvegintseva: You are proud, right?

A. Kestovnikov: ... This is a big story. Well, go, create.

O. Danilevich: Listen, and you started with this, with a new genre, sports, secular, that's all this. You talked about a new genre. Is it just it? This is "Kolesnikovschina" too.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, yes, it's already on the junction.

O. Danilevich: Is this another genre?

A. Kestovnikov: This is part of the "Kolesnikovna".

O. Danilevich: See what it is diverse.

A. Kestovnikov: In fact, no "Kolesnikovna" does not exist special, I just write as I can, and that's all. This is understandable, I do not know how. Even if I wanted, I could not. And when I start writing, I, for example, I can not stop already. If I see that it turns out very well, I, of course, I will not restrain myself in any situation. In the sense that for the sake of a red sense, anything.

E. Zvegintseva: Another term is "Speak", long business trips. For you, the longest business trip was what "Speak"?

A. Kestovnikov: I do not like all these terms, "Speak" some.

E. Zvyvyintseva: This, by the way, you said. These are your words.

A. Kestovnikov: I spoke with disapproval about it. Just business trips. Now in the term "Speak", which, remind, means several cities in a row without check-in to Moscow, the complex flights are infinite, - It all seems to me the manifestation of some kind of journalistic coquetry: we work so much, we are so tired, these are such "Speaks " we have.

E. Zvyvyginseva: Wagons unload.

A. Kestovnikov: Yes, everyone is not so hopelessly much bored, believe me, especially now, from those who work in the Kremlin pool: someone else, someone less. Probably more and more me, I do not know. But I understand that, for example, in the first two times of Putin, and in the premier, especially this was yes, it was a real load. This, if you want, such a life "Speak".

O. Danilevich: Why not now?

A. Kestovnikov: I do not know why.

O. Danilevich: We have fewer international contacts, so there is less than lathe?

A. Kestovnikov: No, international trips, by the way, have enough. Even now will be. Both China and Singapore.

O. Danilevich: Then what? Why was it saturated, and now not?

A. Kestovnikov: They still have become ... trips still get less. Even, maybe you know what? Maybe even trips do not become less, but there was less internal meetings, it's exactly completely. Some skips appeared, some pauses.

O. Danilevich: Putin is tired?

A. Kestovnikov: Probably, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin just began to think more about himself, to work more, so to speak, it is notexed. I do not know. For example, in summer, just ... a month in essence. He did not particularly go to football, while there were no public meetings either.

O. Danilevich: He became calmer.

A. Kestovnikov: Maybe somehow, yes, I didn't know about the soul, I don't know more. Maybe it's time already, yes ...

O. Danilevich: Do not know whether it is time.

E. Zvyvyintseva: I watch the officials and ministers by many when a tet-a-tete meeting passes or a general meeting, it is clear that many officials are afraid of only one Putin's gaze. It was in your experience that he looked at you, you ... right something changed so?

A. Kestovnikov: No. I think, from the point of view of the official, the problem is not that he looked wrong, but that he did not look. That's the main problem - if he stopped noticing you at all. Well, what could be worse? But I do not work at the state service, I do not like officials, dependent on the will of the president. Here is my work for such a long time this, of course, only confirms. Probably different were periods and I wrote in every way.

O. Danilevich: Did you ever scary?

A. Kestovnikov: And I continue to write. Well, they are working relationships, they are saved.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Have you ever had any mental conversation with Putin for these 20 years? Soulful.

A. Kestovnikov: how to tell you?

O. Danilevich: How is the family?

A. Kestovnikov: You see what the question is, the answer is. What do you want from me?

E. Zvyvyintseva: We want stories. Andrei, want stories.

A. Kestovnikov: Was, for example, a conversation, well, so sincere, after history with Beslan. I told about it. I insisted, it seemed to me, he should apologize to mothers. He really was a very soulful conversation, public, naturally. For me, for example, the most important. I do not know how much for him. I think to honestly say that he does not even remember now even about it. Or, on the contrary, remembers. It is hard to say. But as a result, for me, for example, it is of fundamental importance that he as a result apologized to them and very quickly. Well, yes, there were soul in this sense, taking conversations for the soul, yes.

O. Danilevich: In this sense, there is a feeling, sometimes it makes up, at least, the feeling that you are a little all-in-room: "apologized to mothers." 2000, when you wrote a book ...

A. Kestovnikov: Why is the all-industrialist?

O. Danilevich: If I am now a contract, you will understand why.

A. Kestovnikov: Let's.

O. Danilevich: Because the journalist you called to let go in 2000 when they wrote a book from the first person, I found it all, Andrei Babitsky. And because of this there is a feeling that you can do something, conversations with your own.

A. Kestovnikov: Each story exists separately. It is so funny to talk about some kind of all all. In general, in 2000 we wrote this book. Everyone then wanted to have about the future of the president at least something knew. It became known a lot as a result of this book. And about Babitsky, yes, all the conversations were constantly started, because he disappeared because he was told not only in a daily, but in some hourly mode. Find Babitsky, we told him, let go of Babitsky. But it didn't even say, Natalia Gevorkyan said rather more.

O. Danilevich: Let me remind you to the listeners that this book was written by Natalia Gevorkyan and Natalia Timakova. But you said that you also asked about it. So, I'm all to this. Maybe if you, conditionally, about some Kirill Serebrennikov, you will periodically talk to Vladimir Vladimirovich, maybe something will change with Serebrennikov.

A.tsovenikov: And I told you that I don't have to talk about any intercession. And even in the case of Babitsky, nothing was it.

O. Danilevich: The book was wrote a month.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, we wrote a month and every day they talked about it. During this month, he was never released, well, and then let go.

O. Danilevich: At the end. The book went out, and let him release it, so it was.

A. Kestovnikov: Well, somewhere yes. But we stopped meeting already by this time and stopped talking about it.

E. Zvyvyintseva: This is a deferred effect.

A. Kestovnikov: why let him let go ...

O. Danilevich: No one knows.

A. Kestovnikov: Yes. They let go or found it, generally speaking. Putin did not recognize it, naturally, that he keeps him. We say: let go of Babitsky. And he says: And who tells you that I hold or we hold it? That was built all the conversations that began every time. They ended up. He never refused to talk about it, but on the contrary, supported, even one can say, with pleasure I supported this conversation. As a result, I repeat, these conversations ended in the same way where they started.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Kirill Serebrennikov does not need anything like that, yes, do?

O. Danilevich: meaningless.

E. Zvyvyintseva: meaningless, yes?

O. Danilevich: Talk, for example, at any meeting with Putin.

A. Kestovnikov: It seems to me that everyone has already talked with the president about Kirill Serebrennikov. There is a consequence that will be brought to the end.

O. Danilevich: And what will happen, what do you think?

A. Kestovnikov: If you want to know my opinion, it seems to me that, unfortunately, he will receive a term. I hope that the term will be conditional. It works (it is strange that you do not understand this) a huge state car, including the car of the investigation. I think that I didn't find anything in this episode, but they found some other episodes. Because they are constantly working.

O. Danilevich: Something find.

A. Kestovnikov: Can not be different. This work cannot end with nothing, considering that no one says, including Kirill Serebrennikov himself, that there is nothing there. Sometimes justify people in the absence of the composition of the crime really, but this is not the case. No one even thinks that there is nothing at all. But I hope that at least the term will be conditional. It seems to me that he, and so, how to tell you, has already served enough, although this is a home arrest.

E. Zvyvyintseva: And the rest of the defendants of the case, also conditionally?

A. Kestov: It's hard for me to judge it. I am not very deeply immersed. I do not even know, I will not even say to you, even who are the rest of the defendants, do not call the last name. But now I start remembering. But I will not charge.

O. Danilevich: Chief Accountant, Director.

A. Kestovnikov: by last name, yes. Can you call them?

E. Zvyvyintseva: Nina Maslyaeva, Chief Accountant.

O. Danilevich: We can call them, but we, unfortunately, it remains a little more than two minutes to the end.

A. Kestovnikov: I warned you.

O. Danilevich: We have a heading. And the first of the questions. We did not talk about your children's literature and even a pile of what. This is: What have you been hidden sometime from mom? The first question from the rubric. If possible, very quickly respond.

A. Kestovnikov: What did I hide sometime from my mother? I hid a lot from my dad, so it turned out. But I think I did not hide anything from my mother, except for relationship with one girl in the classroom.

O. Danilevich: from one after all hid.

E. Zvyvygintseva: What a tenderness. Second question. We ask all the same questions. What blonde would you have changed your wife?

O. Danilevich: Blonde is.

A. Kestovnikov: Uh ... This is a difficult question for me, without comment.

O. Danilevich: The biggest mistake in life?

A. Kestovnikov: There were a lot of errors. But I did not accomplish the biggest mistake.

E. Zvyvyintseva: Who would you ask for forgiveness?

A. Kestovnikov: Mom and Pope, of course. And even more at mom.

O. Danilevich: Who is your best friend? Last question.

A. Kesovnikov: ... no comment.

E. Zvyvyginseva: At the very beginning of the program, you spoke about the best time. For you, what is the best time?

A. Kestovnikov: The best time is right now. True, I'm not kidding.

E. Zvegintseva: I expected to hear about some 90s.

A. Kestovnikov: not-not. And even what will be ahead.

O. Danilevich: Andrei Kolesnikov was visiting us, Deputy General Director of Kommersant, Chief Editor of the Russian Pioneer magazine and a journalist of the Kremlin Pula. Like this. Right? All perfectly. Agreed. Thank you very much that came. Katerina Zvyagintseva.

E. Zvegintseva: Olga Danilevich. After a week he heard. Until.

O. Danilevich: So far.

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