
Tablets for the normalization of digestion and stool. Preparations for the normalization of the intestinal work during constipation. General rules for elimination of constipation

This question is most often disturbing people who are accustomed to eat irregularly or those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

But these are not the only possible reasons Violations in the work of the GCT.Why among some people the intestine works like a clock, and others are forced to resort to stimulating means?

The point here is only in or there are still the reasons about which we are accustomed to not think about? How to get rid of constipation and establish the work of the intestine at home? Here are the questions, the answers to which we are looking for in this article.

Why are constipation arise?

Despite the fact that each person special and biorhythms are unique, there are general rules, testifying that the frequency of the chair should remain in the range from several times a day to once every 2-3 days.

If you have no defecation for more than a day, but you feel good, and nothing worries you, it is better not to take any active actions and just wait.

If the evacuation function does not manifest more than 3 days- This is constipation, it is impossible to leave without attention.

The emergence of problems in the intestinal work is impossible to miss sight. The gastrointestinal tract immediately signals the failures of the appearance of pain, meteorism, spasms or bloating.

To effectively solve the problem and understandas with constipation at home , You should "appeal to the original sources", that is, to understand what is the cause of its occurrence.

After receipt of food into the intestine, the nerve endings in its walls are activated and stimulated muscle movements- Peristaltics.

The more food, the more active the peristalistic will be. But sometimes the system fails.

Failures in the intestines are familiar to every person

Why is this happening:

  1. If the number of digestible food is too small, the remnants can accumulate in the rectum, stretching it and provokeing constipation.
  2. In the same time, the cause of constipation can be dysbacteriosis or improper nutrition: insufficient amount of water, fiber, abuse of sweet, caffean-containing drinks, fast food.
  3. In addition, the emergence of mechanical obstacles in the intestine- Polyps, tumors, cyst.
  4. Doctors also distinguish the psychological reasons for constipation: stress, overwork, sharp change of regime.
  5. Sometimes pain under defecation can cause chronic constipation. Once, having experienced pain, a person subconsciously blocks the urge to prevent the repetition of unpleasant sensations.
  6. Often, constipation happens in pregnant women. On the early timing The reason can be dehydration due to toxicosis and vomiting. In the future, natural fetal protection mechanisms come into business. In organism future mom Hormones are produced, relaxing the uterus and adjacent muscles, which also contributes to the appearance of constipation.

What can and what can not be with constipation?

It has been proven that not only the number of food affects the host of the intestine, but also:

  1. In vegetable nutrition, the defecation usually occurs several times a day (2-4 times)
  2. With a mixed diet (meat-vegetable diet) the intestinal emptying is often happening once a day
  3. When nutritional is mostly animal food, the towing intestine function is activated once every 2-3 days
  4. When starvation, the chair may be absent up to 5-6 days without the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

To activate the peristaltics must necessarily drink a sufficient amount and there are fiber-rich foods.

Rich in fiber products:

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Bran
  • Pears, apples in the peel
  • Grapefruit
  • Raspberries
  • Prunes
  • Zucchini.
  • Avocado
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Kale
  • Oats.
  • Black beans
  • Lentil
  • Soya beans

Sweets (including honey), Fast Food, carbonated drinks, alcohol should be excluded.

How to make an adult to establish the work of the intestine by folk remedies?

We have chosen for you the most:

Physical exercises

For example, for oil enema It is necessary to take 50-150 ml of any liquid oil, heat up to the body temperature and enter the sprints in the rectum.

To lie 10-20 minutes so that the oil will have time to host the intestinal and lubricate the stagnant caliac masses.

Ideally, the oil belief is best done for the night. Then in the morning you can easily go to the toilet.

The good effect is different andsalt Clamps . For it, you will need to make a 10% solution of cook salt.

The resulting solution is heated to a comfortable temperature and injected through anus With a pear.

Linseed oil will come to the aid of constipation

Already after 15-20 minutes, the water will soften the cavalous masses in the intestine and the defecation will become possible.

Before making enemas, make sure that you have no cracks anal passage, hemorrhoids, bleeding in the gastrointestinal organs, inflammation of the rectum, erosion of the intestinal walls- All these states are direct contraindications for enema.

Reception of laxatives

Reception of laxatives at night- Also a popular way to eliminate constipation.

It is best to use preparations on a vegetable basis, that is, those in which Senna or other laxative plants are included.

Start with the smallest dose, and if within 2-3 daystaking constipation will not pass- Refer to the doctor.

During constipation apply a decoction of cornflowers

Home Remedies for Children

Articles on how to establish the work of the intestine during the constipation of the child at home , it is often forgotten to warn your readers that you need to start with the most soft and gentle funds.

In addition, if the child feels good, does not complain about nausea or pain in the tummy, does not capricious and eats good, no action is worth it.

Massage abdomen

If the need to treat constipation after all, it originated, first try to make a babylight belly : Circular movements massaging the stomach with the whole palm clockwise.

Relaxing bath

Second harmless way to get rid of constipation- Warm relaxing bath.

Many parents notice that kids are often defecated during swimming- This is due to the relaxing effect of warm water.

Rosehip and blueberry

Let's drink a childmany liquid , It will be useful will be a walled decoction of rosehip or cornflowers.

But this is true only in relation to the dry blueberry. Fresh (frozen) berries contribute to good digestion and normalize stools during constipation.

Credit with a problem will help a relaxing bath


If nothing helps at all and you see that the baby feels bad, you can give a child to drink some liquid oil- Castor, Olive, Vaseline, Sunflower, Linen.

Potassium products

Getting rid of the constipation help products rich in potassium: prunes, figs, raisins, kuraga. They can eat raw or cook compote from them (decoction).


Microclizms or laxative candles also often appear as means of treating constipation, but they only need to use them in the most extreme cases.

Most often, the child is enough to drink a glass overnight and eat a couple of sparkled raisins or prunes, so that by the morning the constipation problem has disappeared itself.

As you can see, adjust the work of the intestine during constipation at home is quite real.

To do this, it is only necessary to deal with the causes of the problem and eliminate the "triggering hooks", which reduce the intestinal peristalsis and prevent the normal implementation of the assets of the gastrointestinal tract.

And for this it is necessary to observe the correct system of nutrition, it is possible to read more about which.

Failure in functioning gastrointestinal tract They may arise as an adult, so the child. Especially often people turn to the doctor with complaints about constipation. Incorrect, unbalanced nutrition, abuse of semi-finished products, fast food, fried, sharp, salty disasters, use of insufficient liquid, eating dryness, availability harmful habits - All this may cause a stomach, intestines.

Constipation is an unpleasant ailment, which is accompanied by an unpleasant symptomatics - painful sensations in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating, ailment, deterioration of the general condition, well-being. Pathological condition significantly reduces the quality of life. Many people in the problems of the intestine immediately take medicines, without consulting the specialist.

Preparations will help in minimizing soreness, discomfort, but they do not affect the main reason. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to refer to the doctor who knows how to normalize the chair, pass the survey, and then treatment. It is not necessary to deal with self-medication, it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Constipation: what it is

Disorder functioning the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a lack of defecation within three or more days, is called constipation. The diet, the presence of bad habits are reflected on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the frequency of defecation.

The constipation is a delicate problem, which no one will discuss with friends, relatives. But visit the doctor who will tell you how to normalize the chair in an adult from constipation must be necessary. Most people do not attach great importance to such a fear. Having taken a relaxing drug, many believe that eliminated the cause. Well, if the disease is caused by simple overeating. More often is more serious and cause is a serious illness.

Features of intestinal microflora

In order for all the necessary substances from food products, the food should be digested well, digested. In this process, not only gastric juice takes part, but more different enzymes. Most of the necessary substances are made with the participation of useful microflora - natural dwellers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lacto-, bifidobacteria is responsible for many processes: they help in the purification of the intestine from toxic substances, the production of useful vitamins, increasing the protective properties of the body, as well as in preventing the reproduction of the pathogenic microflora. Useful microorganisms produce special substances, due to which harmful bacteria kill, and toxic substances are neutralized.

To ensure that the gastrointestinal tract function correctly, the methods of restoring microflora, the normalization of the chair should be known. To do this, it is necessary twice a year to clean the digestive tract from the accumulated toxins, slags, feces.

The functioning of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver, and a strong immune system, a normal chair depends on the microflora state.

The reasons

Combination or constipation can develop for a variety of reasons.

Often, pathology is provoked:

  • transferred operational interventions;
  • strong or frequent stressful situations;
  • frequent moves, travel;
  • incorrect, unbalanced nutrition;
  • a low-effective way of life;
  • inappropriate reception, abuse, long-term use of medicines;
  • the presence of problems in the work of the thyroid, in particular hypothyroidism;
  • the presence of neurological pathologies;
  • insufficient fluid consumption;
  • an unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of detrimental habits - smoking, abuse of alcohol;
  • the presence of intestinal cancer;
  • entering the fetus.

Also, the appearance of a disease can be provoked: a decrease in the muscular tone of the intestines, the syndrome of irritable intestines, the use of poor-quality, stubborn food, reproduction of pathogenic microflora, wig-in invasions.

Every person is useful to know how to normalize the chair. So you can improve in a short time general state, well-being, even improve the quality of life.

As manifest

Recognize pathological condition is quite easy. Disorder of digestion is accompanied by such signs:

  • lack of defecation, urges for intestinal emptying within a few days;
  • long stay in the toilet;
  • the appearance of uncomfortable, painful sensations during the intestinal emptying;
  • gravity in the stomach;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • meteorism;
  • too dry, dense fertility consistency;
  • blood discharge.

The appearance of such symptoms can signal the occurrence of serious diseases.

You should not hide with the appeal to the doctor, if hiking to the toilet has become rare, unsuccessful. The doctor after examination will prescribe medications that will help in improving the intestinal work.

How to normalize adult chair with various methods of treatment and prevention

To improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract today there are many drugs - medicines, funds folk Medicine. A big role plays proper nutrition, drinking mode. If after the survey, the person did not have any problems, diseases, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment. If the cause of constipation is a disease, comprehensive treatment is selected.

It is not necessary without the knowledge of the doctor to take medication drugs. So you can only exacerbate the situation, and therapy in this case will be longer, time consuming. How to normalize the chair in an adult knows the doctor. He will prompt the method of therapy, prescribed medication when necessary.

Pharmacy drugs

The modern pharmaceutical industry has a considerable amount of drugs that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract. Often the doctors prescribe application:

  • Hilaka Forte. It is appointed with disorders of intestinal microflora, other gastrointestinal problems. Helps in restoring the biological, physiological functions of the intestinal mucosa, eliminating diarmen, constipation.
  • . A biologically active additive that is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment. It helps to normalize the chair in adults, as well as maintaining all intestinal functions.
  • Enteroleptin. The drug is endowed with extracts of such plants: thousands of millennia, chamomile, Badan, and also propolis. Annotation is known about painful, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Effective in the fight against dysbacteriosis, constipation.
  • Isabagola.. Contributes to improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Ensure the work of the intestine, normalizes the chair.
  • Lactuvita. It has antibacterial reducing effect. Promotes the acceleration of lactulose, strengthening the production of lactic acid.
  • Gudlaka.. Effective in the fight against dysbacteriosis, constipation.
  • Bofiform. Effective in the fight against constipation, disruption of intestinal microflora, diarrhea.

Food (diet)

There will be few drugs alone only. A huge role in therapy is a diet. If a person is still eating harmful productsIt will not comply with drinking regime, it will not be possible to improve the work of the intestine. Proper, balanced nutrition is the key to the coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract.

To clarify how to normalize the chair in an adult with the help of the correction of the diet can be at the therapist, a nutritionist.

First you should avoid overeating, eating dryness, on running. On the day you need to eat four or five times. Also do not forget about drinking mode - use of at least two and a half liters of water per day.

People, often suffering constipation, should be abandoned by use: vegetable, fruit juices, cocoa, coffee with milk, soda, honey, jam, candies, chocolate, grapes, citrus, apricot, peaches, bananas, plums, figs, pears, rye, Bran bread, pasta, pizza, vegetable, dairy, cereal soups, boors, mushroom broths.

Need to reduce consumption sausage products, sausages, fatty fish, vegetable oil, raw vegetables.

  • kissels, a rich blade, green, herbal tea;
  • crackers, dry biscuits;
  • baked apples;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • secondary faded broth;
  • non-fat beef;
  • boiled or cooked for a couple of carrots, broccoli, zucchini;
  • non-fat curd;
  • steam omelet;
  • chicken meat, turkey.

Proper nutrition - Pledge of normal intestinal work, stomach. In many cases, one only diet correction helps to get rid of constipation.

Treatment with folk

In the piggy bank of alternative medicine there are many recipes effective tools To eliminate problems in the operation of the digestive tract. Take them preferably after prior consultation by the doctor. Here are some effective recipes:

  • It is useful if you have no grandfather to eat salad with apples, beets, carrots. All vegetables are crushed with a grater, and then mixed in the same quantities. Salad refueling linen Oil. It is necessary to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach or evening.
  • Improving the intestinal work promotes the drink of their carrots tops. It is necessary to twist the greens of vegetable in the boiled water - half of the liter. Taru with composition assist in a warm place for an hour. It is recommended to use 100 ml of the filtered beverage three times a day.
  • It will help in the fight against the illness of such infusion. You need to mix in equal proportions of dandelion flowers with yarrow. 30 g of the mixture is beaten in 300 ml of boiling water. After an hour, the composition is filtered. You need to drink a quarter cup of drink three times a day.


In order to prevent the emergence of such problems, doctors advise:

  • monitor meals, refuse to eat harmful products;
  • refuse smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • play sports, lead an active lifestyle;
  • enrich the diesel fiber, porridge (buckwheat, rice), dairy products, nuts;
  • avoid stress;
  • observe drinking mode.

It is not true to get rid of the constipation, especially if such a condition is not a symptom of a serious illness. To do this, it is enough to correct the diet. But still, it is easier to prevent the appearance of a disease, than then he is treated. If problems appear with digestion, you should not hide a visit to the gastroenterologist.

As the constipation is manifested, everyone who encountered a long lack of chair. Pain and colic in the stomach, strong outline, general bad state of health, Reliefing - all these symptoms accompany the absence of defecation.

In order to stabilize the work of the intestine, first of all, it should be understood which reasons to give an impetus to the deterioration of the motor function of the digestive organs. The most common provoking constipation factors include:

  • Eternal nutrition. The problems with the chair are more likely from those people who are used to eat dryness, does not consume enough fresh plant products, prefers to see bold and fried food on the table;
  • Insufficient water consumption;
  • Hypodynamine. Physical activity contributes to the improvement of the entire process of digestion;
  • Effect of stress;
  • Diseases of digestive organs. Intestinal disorders, manifested by a discharge chair or constipation, are in pancreatitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, liver diseases and gallbladder.

It is possible to cope with the alimentary causes of constipation. But if the connection between the power supply, water consumption, stress and the long absence of the chair is not found, then it is necessary to see the doctor when the constipation appears.

Constipation may be the first sign of serious diseases requiring conservative or surgical treatment. And the earlier the therapy will be appointed, the greater the chances that the disease will pass without complications.

It is impossible to resort to the use of laxatives without special readings. The body quickly gets used to the "external" help and therefore further reacts to safer ways to normalize the chair.

General rules for elimination of constipation

Adjust the intestinal emptying process during chronic confusion is impossible in a few days. It is necessary to understand that our food habits, lifestyle, work affect the work of digestive organs. nervous system.

Therefore, you will have to completely change the usual mode of life. So that the defecation does not arouse the difficulties gastroenterologists recommend:

  • Do not restrain the urge to empty the intestines;
  • Earn your own intestinal emptying regimen. The body needs to be accustomed to visiting the toilet "on the large" at the same time;
  • Not to be distracted during defecation for foreign affairs;
  • If necessary for the exit of the carts, footsteen should be resumed to the floor;
  • To learn not to respond sharply on psycho-emotional stress. The ability to relax and not perceive to heart negative information has a positive effect not only on digestion, but also at the work of the heart.

Be sure to work out your power mode, in which the intestinal emptying process will not cause difficulties.

Proper nutrition in constipation

To establish a chair is impossible if certain diet therapy will not be observed. To those people who constantly observe constipation need:

  • Feed at least 5 times per day. Portions should be small and not too calorieted, since excess weight is also considered another provoking confusion by a factor;
  • There are as many vegetable fresh fruits. Normalize the intestinal work helps salads from cucumbers, tomato, beets and carrots. Natural laxative is the pumpkin, it is recommended to add it to the first and second and second dishes, bake or eat in raw form with honey. Plums, peaches, apples, kiwi have laxative properties. Fresh fruits should not be eaten immediately in too much quantity, gradually introducing them into the diet will allow the body to adapt to a new food regime faster;
  • Constantly use fermented dairy products. One of the reasons for constipation is dysbacteriosis, in order to normalize the microflora, you need to drink fresh kefir daily, natural yogurt, ryazhenka, there is cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • Every day there are vegetable soups, rasters, soup cooked on a boulevard;
  • There are cereals. With constipation, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, corn porridge, can add fresh fruits in them;
  • Minimize the use of too fat, stirred and salty food. Intestinal peristalsis also worsen marinated and smoked foods, semi-finished products, fast food, sweets, white rice dishes, chocolate.

The body of each person is individual and therefore choose the most suitable diet from constipation only by experiments. The above recommendations will help to navigate in the choice. useful products With weak effect.

We drink right

The opening of the intestine is defined by normalizing the drinking mode. Without sufficient admission to the body of water, it will not be possible to cope with permanent constipation.

So that the whole body functioned, a person needs to use water at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. For an adult man with a conventional body weight, this is about two liters.

Drinking during constipation water is needed correctly. Normalization promotes a glass of water drunk with small sips immediately after awakening. You can add a little lemon juice or a spoon of honey.

The most common occurrence in drinking mode is the use of a large number of drinks during meals. You need to drink between the main meals of food about an hour after the meal or half an hour before it.

Water partially can be replaced green tea, decoction of rosehip, fresh juice. The compote from the prunes, cherries, kuragi, tea with the addition of dried apples has a laxative property. Compotes must be without sugar.

Physical exercise

Strengthening motor activity is an important aspect of improving the intestinal work. In chronic constipation, you need to make a physical workout for the rule every morning.

Simple physical exercises, such as slopes, squats, running in place, the study of the press, contribute to improved blood circulation in the lower intestinal deposits and thus stabilize the entire process of digestion.

Useful for confirctions Long-term walking, cycling, skiing, Scandinavian walking, swimming. Strengthen physical activity must also be necessary for those who spend a lot of time in connection with the work in the same position. People of such professions follow every hour to allocate time for easy workout.

Folk ways to eliminate constipation

Strengthening physical activity, the normalization of nutrition and drinking mode helps to normalize the intestinal function not immediately. Therefore, to get rid of the conciliation in the first days and weeks of treatment you need to use folk waysHelping quickly empty the intestines. The most popular grandmother's ways:

  • Grass Senna. Brew grass at the rate of a spoon on a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and drink equal portions during the day. Senna can cause uncomfortable and pain, so it is not used in the elimination of constipation in children and pregnant women;
  • Sweet medicine. It is necessary to rinse and cut into 200 grams of prunes, figs, kuragi, dark raisins and dates. This mixture is stirred with five tablespoons of honey. It is recommended for three spoons during the day. The medicine is useful to everyone, it helps to normalize the work of the intestine to small children, older people and women in position;
  • Weight mix. 250 grams of chopped prunes and kuragi takes, dried fruits are mixed with 50 grams of SENNA, with a spoon of vegetable oil and with the same amount of honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, store it better in the refrigerator. To eliminate the constipation, you should eat 2-4 spoons of drug in the evening before bedtime;
  • Eating vegetable oil. A spoon of oil, sunflower, linen, drunk on an empty stomach helps to establish a defecation. Vegetable oil can be treated and constipation in chest babies, but they should be given only a few drops of the product. Oils necessarily need to fill vegetable salads, porridge;
  • Elimination of constipation with wheat or rye bran. Bran must be pre-fermented with steep boiling water, then they can be used so or added to salads, porridge. Equal milk drinks. The daily dose of bran for an adult is 30 g, but it is necessary to approach it gradually, starting with one spoon.

In the acute flowing constipation, the glycerol candles, microclism of microlax or the belonging of conventional water should be used. Such methods of facilitate defecation do not apply often.

Medicia treatment Constipation is carried out only if changing the mode of life and power to restore the physiological function of the intestine is not possible. Laxative preparations and means that improve digestion must select a doctor based on surveys.

Violation of the chair in constipation leads to undesirable consequences, which are not so easy to get rid. To avoid complications, it is necessary to start restoring the intestinal work immediately after the first signs of the pathological change in its work are recorded.

The intestine is an organ of the digestive system in which the splitting occurs, as well as the assimilation of the incoming food. It is also responsible for the elimination of recycled food and livelihood products. Under the influence of various factors and diseases, the work of the intestine is broken and it has to be established. This can manifest itself with constipation, disorders and other, less explicit deviations.

How to improve the work of the intestine and the stomach can be found by contacting the doctor, but not everyone loves to walk through the hospitals. We will tell about drugs and folk remedies that improve the work of the digestive system, eliminating constipation and diarrhea, as well as other disorders.

Because of what the intestinal failures arise

Without sobering, which affects the work of the intestine, it is impossible to understand how to normalize its functions. Because of what the peristalistic is broken and failures in the body occur? There are quite a few reasons:

  • passive lifestyle;
  • lack of sports in human life;
  • abuse of calorie products that are long digested;
  • agends (the elderly, the intestinal work is slowed down);
  • genetic predisposition affecting the intestinal function;
  • neoplasms in the digestive tract;
  • the consequences of surgical operations.

There are other reasons associated with different diseases and violations in the human body. In most cases, the same means of which are further described in more detail.

Products that improve intestinal work

There are products that improve the work of the intestine, therefore it is recommended to revise the diet to normalize its functions. On the day you need to secure 3-4 meals, and eat it recommended small portions.

The best products for the peristalsis are fresh fruits and vegetables, but from sweets, bakery, smoked and fried products should be abandoned. It should be refrained from alcohol, coffee and teas. For half an hour before the main meals, you can drink fruit or vegetable juice, and after eating it is not hurry to drink water, and wait at least 30-40 minutes.

To improve digestion, adult and elderly useful products with fiber, which creates a cleansing effect, output slags. Most of all it is in croups, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Penetrating the intestines, plant fibers are absorbed by harmful substances like a sponge, and with them are derived.

Such food, like meat, mushrooms and canned, is long digested, because of which the intestinal functions deteriorate. Try to refrain from their use, especially when constipation. In general, depending on the situation, a certain diet with its rules is required to improve the operation of the digestive tract. The list of products for improving the intestinal functions include:

  • cold drinks;
  • fresh milk products;
  • cabbage, turnip, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • melons, watermelons, apples, plums, persimmon, grapes;
  • kuraga, figs, raisins, prunes;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • seafood;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • greens.

Many people are interested, can ice cream improve the work of the intestine? Oddly enough, even this product has a positive effect on the peristaltics, but it is not necessary to abuse.

Drinking mode

How to improve the intestinal work at home without using special Tools? Everything is very simple - absolute drink is required. Water without gas, herbal infusions, compotes and juices - all this helps adjust the digestion. Strong tea, cocoa and coffee for a while should be excluded.

On a day, it is recommended to drink two liters of water, which contributes to the flow of digestive processes and the formation of carts. Also, the fluid normalizes the exchange processes and is responsible for the elimination of toxins with slags.

Each person is recommended on an empty stomach drinking a glass of water. To activate the gastrointestinal tract, you can add lemon slices. The main thing after that is normal to have breakfast, so that the gastric juice does not irritate the mucous membrane.

What kind of natural drugs will improve the work of the intestine

Modern pharmacies offer numerous preparations that improve the work of the intestine in adults and children. Prebiotics and probiotics are most effective and popular. They are relatively inexpensive, and one of the proven funds is the Duhalak of the production of Germany.

Among domestic analogs, drugs are distinguished as:

  • Colibacterin;
  • Enterol;
  • Bacchistatin;
  • Lactobacterin.

Enterol occupies a leading position, so his doctors prescribe patients with digestion problems most often. It helps to improve the Diarrhea GTS functions, after taking antibacterial drugs, with different failures and in many other situations.

Perfectly perfect lines assigned to patients of different ages. It works by increasing the acidity of the medium in the intestine, thereby selling its activities.

Bifidumbacterin with lactobacteries in the composition is a generation I preparation. Sold in the form of powder in bags, capsules or pills. Bifiform is a similar drug, but refers to the III generation. It contains lactulose and bacteria strains. Among the popular imported drugs are allocated by Hilak Forte.

Isabgol is another well-known drug to normalize the work of the digestive tract, including the elderly. It contains only natural substances created by processing the plantain.


Other Medicines Improving Intestinal Work

In addition to natural preparations that improve the work of the intestine and the stomach, other drugs are sold in pharmacies. Doctors should be appointed according to the results of surveys, otherwise their effect may not be as expected. Popular medicines for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract are:

  • Export and lactiol. They create a laxative effect, so they are usually prescribed during constipation. Their effect is similar to lactulose, but more stable.
  • Duhalak and Norma. This medicine Regulates intestinal motorcy and normalizes microflora.
  • Mukofalc. Creates a soft effect when adjusting the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • LinakloTide. Regarding a safe remedy, with small dosages without contraindications and side effects.
  • Domperidon and Motike. Adjusts the functions of the stomach and other gastrointestinal departments. One of the common prokinetics appointed by doctors.

How to improve the work of the intestine by folk remedies

Domestic means can also be improved by the intestinal work, but how to do it? To increase the peristaltic and restoration of damaged microflora, the following means are suitable:

  • Acid rosehip berries. Of them are boarants, infusions and teas.
  • Nuts and seeds. They can be mixed and crumpled by blender, and then pour 2 spoons of a mixture of half a glass of warm water. Such a means are prepared and drink twice a day during the week.
  • Plantain with aire you need to mix in the same quantities and pour a spoon with a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, infusion is filtered and then drink 50 ml 30 minutes to the main meals for the week.
  • Seeds of the plantain need to grind a coffee grinder and eat on a spoon on an empty stomach. Seeds, falling into the intestines, absorb toxins and extend in the composition of the carte masses.
  • Wheat bran can be used on an empty stomach on a teaspoon in a dry form by drinking water.

If the intestinal work is violated so that constipation began, the following healing agents will help you:

  • Grind Aloe leaves and mix 1 to 2 with honey. Leave for a day, and then warm and strain. Take a spoon every morning.
  • Fresh Juice on Luka. Take a spoon to four times a day.

When improving the intestinal work is needed when diarrhea, use the means such as:

  • You need to pour some partitions of walnuts of half liters of boiling water, to cook for another 20 minutes, cool and strain. The resulting liquid drink 100-150 ml after awakening in the morning.
  • From the tablespoon you can prepare a decoction in 300 ml of water. Cooking agent 10-15 minutes, and then cool and filtered. Use on a spoon 3-4 times a day.

Clamps to regulate the gastrointestinal

You can debug the work of the intestines and with the help of enema. This can be removed toxins and slags, but the right approach is important. It is necessary to enter water comfortable temperature. The main thing is not to abuse the procedures, otherwise you can provoke dysbacteriosis. The fact is that the enemas wash not only harmful bacteria, but also a useful microflora.

In addition to the usual boiled water, eucalyptus champs, sage, chamomile, calendula can be used. All of them are brewed at the rate of 3 spoons per liter of water, and then be sure to be filled.

Gymnastics to improve intestinal functions

Oddly enough, special gymnastic exercises help improve the work of the intestine. All of them are very simple, so they can be performed at home. The exercise complex looks like this:

  1. Lying on the back, make a "bike" - moving your legs, imitating the torn of the Pedal of the real bike.
  2. Going to your back, bend your legs in the knees and pull up to the stomach, and then lower back and straighten. Perform both legs immediately or alternately.
  3. Looks at the back, touch the left knee to the floor to the right of the body, and then right knee on the left. The main thing about not to tear the shoulders and the blades.
  4. Being knees and resting on the palm of his hand, squatted on the buttocks - first on the left, and then on the right side.
  5. Sitting smoothly on a chair, draw and protrude the stomach.

Each of these exercises must be completed 15-20 times. This set of gymnastics will not take more than 10 minutes, so it can be done even 2-3 times a day.

Massage for the intestine

How else to improve the work of a thin and large intestine, and also normalize overall well-being? You help the massage. With a competent approach, it will eliminate meteorism, heartburn and constipation. Negative effect procedure does not give, therefore, even pregnant women and children are allowed. It is better to see one or twice as such a massage make professionals. In general, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • all massage movements are performed smoothly and without excessive pressure;
  • massage is recommended no earlier than 2-3 hours after meals;
  • the pressure is checked before the session - it must be normal;
  • the bladder should be empty;
  • massage movements are spent clockwise. But not the opposite.

Massage is performed, lying on the back and bent slightly legs. Movements are performed from the navel, smoothly expanding coverage. Palms are conducted circular movements - nothing complicated, so you can cope without help.

Immediately - about important. It may be a symptom of serious illness, including cancer, so do not allow long-term small attempts to establish a chair without a survey at the doctor. When performing recommendations from the article and the absence of a proper effect - to receive a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Healthy and pathological defecation

Healthy defecation - This is a chair for at least 1 time per day, not solid, decorated, in diameter of at least 2 fingers, brown without inclusion of visible undigested food, blood or mucus.

  1. Atonic constipation: The first portion is dense, comes out painfully, then the process is easier with volumetric content.
  2. Spastic constipation: Decorated carte masses, lack of or weak resistant, the presence of drilling and colic around the defecation process.
  3. Chronic constipation Combines both species described above, and a stable change in the type of feces - it becomes hard and dry, as the merging lumps. This occurs due to excessive suction of the liquid from the food lump during the long stay in the intestine.

Causes of stool delay

Here basic possible causes of confusion (Beautiful synonym for the concept of "constipation"):

  • Little water daily. People drink little, or consider coffee, tea and sweet soda - water. However, the necessary water is pure drinking, preferably without gas, from 1.5 liters per day.
  • Little fiber (coarse nutritional fibers). There is nothing to swell and intensify the peristaltics, without which the useful microflora is completely promptly multiply, but there is from what to grow convention and pathogenic microbes.
  • Little movement. With the active work of the trained press muscle, the evacuation of waste is easier, and the peristalistic is more stable.
  • Errors in doses and reasons for antibiotics.
  • Abuse of laxative drugs.
  • Too reduced diets for - Little food as such and often the sharp lack of fiber.
  • And first after childbirth: The body reduces the peristaltics so as not to provoke the tone of the uterus; The child grows - and the uterus presses on the intestinal loop; Rales in childbirth or seams from caesarean section provoke a spastic in the lower intestinal deposits.
  • Tumors of intestines, mechanical injury, chronic and disease internal organs, in particular, the glands of internal secretion, for example, thyroid.
  • In children - errors in teaching a pot, incorrect diet With listed flamns, Rahit, the pathology of the thyroid gland, the transition to the mixture after breastfeeding.

As we see, constipation is often the "mode of regime" - one of the most advantageous ailments, when most of the treatment depends on changes in lifestyle.

How to establish the work of the intestine - step by step

Rational the choice of laxatives includes three steps:

  1. At home, exclude or adjust all lifestyle errors. The basis of changes - increase the amount of fiber in nutrition and enhance drinking mode. Many people forever spread up with constipation, once bait food and brief gymnastics in the morning.
  2. The next stage in the absence of due effect - connecting laxativeswhich prevent the suction of the fluid from the intestinal lumen.
  3. If the effect is not received, attach labiting, which chemical means cause an irritation of an intestinal wall. Usually at this point most people get to the doctor and often become known in the disease of the internal organs that cause constipation.

Main error at home treatment

Many people believe that everything is solved by taking a laxative. This erroneous judgment is associated with fragmentary knowledge of physiology. The body is very logical:

  • The stronger and longer we stimulate the function, the higher the doses that are needed for the same effect.
  • Or the reaction to this stimulator is at all falling to a minimum.

There is something "addictive to the laxative", about which experienced wrestlers with the problem of conciliation know.

To avoid unjustified and uncontrolled medication, it suffices to adopt the logic of the algorithm described above for treating constipation at home and follow it at least 2 months in a row.

How to change a daily diet and movement

If a person is relatively healthy (in particular, he has no stones in the bustling bubble) recommendations below activate the correct intestinal peristaltics:

  1. We start the day from food holikineetics (i.e. something that will strengthen the production of bile and stimulates its active outflow). It can be: a glass of water of a contrast temperature, immediately after waking up. Water can be acidified or add honey (in the absence).
  2. Then light charging - with an emphasis on the press:"Breathing with fire" from yoga, stomach rinsing from popular body flex technician and even the simplest walking in place with high knees and tilting forward and sideways. At least 15 minutes of load.

For weakened and older people, the simplest thing, performed directly in bed, can give a good result - the abdominal massage clockwise with the final melting on the diagonal: from the hepatic angle - to the pubic, from the splenic angle to the pubic. After that, you can perform a "roller": lying on, legs pull up to the stomach, wrapped with hands, the chin is pressed to the knees, and in this position a person slightly swinging back and forth.

The amplitude and jurisdiction can be adjusted according to individual physical form and never continue massage or physical culture when significant painful sensations occur.

We use candles for the start of defecation. For example, glycerin candles in the age dosage. By the way, it is possible to put them even children up to a year - occasionally, for urgent help. On average, the candles are beneficial after drinking water - before, during or immediately after brief charging. Your task is to visit the toilet at the first call for defecation.

Continuing the day in which we decide the important question, how to establish the work of the intestine in the constipation at home, we must in a certain way have breakfast. One of the options is a salad with a cabbage, an apple, carrot and worked out of the evening with a prune + glass of acidic juice. Gastroenterologists have this recommendation to be the sonorous name "Fruit Block" and performs several functions at once: abundant and correct bile, inflammation of fiber, fluid flow to swelling this tissue.

Another option "fruit block": 7-10 dried fruits or prunes rinse in running water and dunk from the evening, in the morning eat everything and drink fruit juice.

Unexpected recommendation for coffee machines: Drink up an empty stomach of contrasting temperature (hot or cold) - 15 minutes before meals. Next to have breakfast with a sufficient amount of fiber + liquid. This advice can be introduced almost healthy people who love coffee very much, and have no problems with bubble, stomach and. And during the day, coffee is preferably no longer drinking.

Another, already trivial, the idea of \u200b\u200b"from the people": Eat on an empty stomach in front of apples - 2 pieces of medium size, chewing well.

During the day, feed on diet number 3where the right accents are placed to treat constipation:

  • Fractional food - for stable bile outflow;
  • Exception too heavy for digestion dishes;
  • Removal from the empty calorie menu like a drift;
  • Increased admission of fiber;
  • High water consumption (25-30 ml per 1 kg of weight);
  • Exception or restriction of fixing products.

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