
Pulled the elbow what to do. Treatment of rupture of ligaments of the elbow joint. Use of folk medicine

Tendons and ligaments are durable tissue connecting bones and muscles. They provide the ability to make movements. Their damage occurs when excessive tension, impact, gap of muscle tissue and bone fracture.

Bound injuries can be closed and open. They have a different severity, on which the nature of subsequent treatment depends. With severe damage, restoration is possible only with the help of surgical intervention.

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    The reasons

    Damage to the tendons and ligaments of the elbow joints is provoked by a sharp reduction in muscles. Stretching of ligaments, partial or full of their gap may occur for various reasons:

    • the muscles were not previously prepared for work;
    • with a strong impact, deep cut, excessive load on the hand in the elongated state there was an overloading of ligaments, which caused their discrepancy with each other;
    • man received a fracture, dislocation, injury caused by excessive exercise.

    In rare cases, the problem may arise due to the presence of serious diseases (diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis, obesity).

    The rupture of elbow joints implies the breaking of internal, external or ring ligaments. Their role is to strengthen the position of the rolling joint and preventing its displacement inside. The annular bunch holds the bone of the forearm, connecting them with the elbow, and regulates their side offset. Inhibitors of this group of ligaments occurs due to falling from the height of the right hand, during which:

    • there is a strong blow;
    • connecting tissues are broken;
    • the joint is shifted under an unnatural angle.

    The result is an open hand fracture.


    Symptoms of damage to ligaments and tendons appear:

    • soreness in the elbow;
    • swelling;
    • the formation of a bruise;
    • the impossibility of flexing or extension of the joint.

    Often there is an acute pain, crackling the tricks of the tendons at the place of their plexus with the muscles.

    Damage to nerves can lead to chronic pain syndrome, vessel spasm, blood circulation disorders in soft tissues and their subsequent degradation.

    Severity of damage

    Distinguish three severity injury:

    1. 1. Easy degree. Connecting fibers are partially damaged, the extreme layers of the fabric occurs. The injury is manifested by insignificant pain, which practically do not limit the joint motor abilities. Plowness expressed weakly. It is recommended for several days not to load the injured hand.
    2. 2. Average degree. There is a partial breakdown break, traumatization of tendons, damage to the articular capsule. There is a strong pain, at the point of injury is formed by hematoma. After a while hemorrhea appears under the skin. The joint movements are limited. Help is the imposition of a fixing bandage, admission of painkillers.
    3. 3. Heavy degree. The injury is characterized by a complete breakdown of tendons. There is a pronounced hyperemia of a damaged area. The joint comes out of the articular fossa (due to the violation of the integrity of the ligaments holding it). This leads to the formation of microculations in the damaged area. They start straightened about neighboring fabrics, provoking development inflammatory process In the joint, accompanied by magnifying pain. In case of late treatment, the process becomes chronic.


    Treatment of pathology is operational and conservative. The last method is applied if the injury is easy. To accurately determine the severity of damage, it is necessary to consult a doctor, to make an x-ray shot of the injured joint. Timely and correct diagnosis decreases the time required for treatment and recovery.


    Operational intervention is to crosslink damaged fibers. The need for a procedure determines the attending physician on the result of radiographs and after the inspection together with the orthopedic surgeon.

    In the event of a complete bundle breaks effective treatment The method of surgical reconstruction. This method implies the restoration of damaged tendons and ligaments due to the use of similar tissues. For reconstruction, tissues from the shoulder joint are borrowed. They have the necessary mechanical characteristics, feel good, do not cause subsequent complications.


    The therapeutic course includes:

    • pharmacological treatment;
    • physiotherapy;
    • medical gymnastics and massage.

    The first stage of treatment is to remove pain syndrome and swelling. For this purpose, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds with a good analgesic effect. During therapy, painful fabrics die, they are replaced by new ones. The course lasts one week.

    The addition of anti-inflammatory therapy is the reception of drugs containing chondroitin sulfate. The active substance contributes to the acceleration of the process of increasing the connecting and cartilage tissue, increases its elasticity and density. The duration of the reception of chondroitin preparations is six months.

    With therapy, tendons and ligaments in the elderly, drugs made on the basis of calcium are used. The cause of their purpose is that devoid of reliable fastening of the joints can be damaged again after removing the immobilizing bandage.

    Calcium intake must be combined with the use of vitamins (especially vitamin D). They should be made strictly to the appointment of the attending physician to avoid hypervitaminos.

    After removing the gypsum bandage, painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments are used. The use of outdoor tools helps speed up the process of restoring tissues, eliminate pain syndrome during and after motor activity.

    The normalization of blood circulation in the damaged joint, the strengthening of the muscles and the development of the ligament apparatus after the inaction period is facilitated by physiotherapeutic procedures. After removing the gypsum, the daily non-lifework sessions of electrophoresis are prescribed, relieve pain and swelling. It is allowed to apply the method of ultraviolet irradiation of a damaged area. Its duration is 8-10 sessions. At the same time, the imposition of mud applications and paraffin therapy is performed.

The elbow joint is a relatively rare injury that can happen at any age. Usually this diagnosis is made by athletes.

Few people know that the ligaments of the human body are almost completely inelastic. And with any sharp or unexpected movement, their gap, a blast or stretching can occur. Treatment here will depend on the available symptoms, as well as degree of severity.

Distinctive features

Many confuse two such concepts as stretching and breaking ligaments. Although the mechanism of development in these injuries is the same, as a result, a different type of tissue integrity disorders is obtained.

When tensile, a partial gap of a separate fiber occurs, while the total integrity is preserved.

When breaking, a complete disorder of the integrity of the tissue and the bunch is literally broken into two parts.

Therefore, sometimes they say that stretching is the first degree of gap. The second option can occur both in the center and in the attachment point to the bone. In this case, a separation and bone fragment may occur, which will lead to a separation of the bone.

The reasons

The rupture of ligaments in the elbow area is most often a sports injury. Golfists, tennis players, baseball players suffer mainly. The risk of getting this damage increases with age.

As for the elderly patients, they can be considered to be dystrophic changes that can occur in the musculoskeletal system. All this negatively affects the state of all tissues, which makes them not so durable.

Another reason is the automotive accidents and drops from the height of even their own growth.

As manifest

Such damage will have symptoms, depending on the severity. At the moment of the incident, the patient may feel strong pain. After a while it enhances, an edema appears. The remaining manifestations will depend on the degree of damage.

At the first degree, the pain is insignificant, the joint, although with difficulty, but can bend and blend.

With a second degree, the pain is particularly strong at the very beginning, an edema appears, which quickly increases, all movements are painful.

The third degree is the greatest. There is not only severe pain, but also the pathological mobility of the elbow, which should not be normal. This is due to the lack of fixation of the bones of the joint with bundles, which are no longer kept in place.

The degree of gravity will depend on the answer to the question how much he hees such a break of the ligaments.


An important aspect of diagnostics is the degree of gap severity, as it depends on the choice of the treatment method. The first thing is a survey and inspection of the victim. It turns out the mechanism for obtaining injury, its reason.

After X-ray is carried out. And although this research method does not show damage to the ligaments, it can be revealed to identify a possible accompanying fracture or dislocation.

The best diagnostic method in this case will be MRI. This study will definitely show the whole picture, severity, as well as probable complications.

First aid

First aid is in place. It is very important to immediately fix the joint in this position so that it does not move. This can be done with the help of a girlfriend or using sweater materials.

After immobilization, the injury is useful to impose a cold compress or attach ice. Any frozen product from the refrigerator will come up as cooling. This will help to remove the edema, and will not give a big hematoma to develop.

How to get rid of

Treatment is most often operational method. And only the stretching is treated with the conservative method.

The doctor after diagnosis is most often advised to fix the elbow with the help of a gypsum bandage. At the same time, the elbow is recommended to lift a little to remove the edema. Be sure to continue to apply cold in place injury.

For pain relief, inflammation and other symptoms, it is recommended to use drugs from. Most often it is Nooofen, Diclofenac, Nay, long and others.

A few days after the occurrence of the skin should be lubricated by the finalgon, apizatchron or capsicle. If necessary, the doctor may appoint chondroprotectors.


Restoration of movements is carried out using certain rehabilitation actions. After removing the gypsum bandage, you need to start doing specially selected exercises.

The massage, therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy - ultrasound, electrophoresis, acupuncture possess a good effect. With the right approach to the recovery period, one can achieve that the hand will function as before.

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The stretching of ligaments of the elbow joint happens quite rarely, since the connecting fibers that ensure the stability of the joint is an elastic tissue that is stretched, if necessary. This trauma differs from dislocation or fracture by the fact that the mobility of the elbow articulation remains at a good level. How to recognize the stretching of the elbow joint, and what needs to be taken to eliminate it?

The reasons

Why does the elbow joint take place at all? In the overwhelming majority of cases, it leads incorrect fall, especially in childhood. Falling, the child unnaturally turns the upper limbs and stretches the ligaments of the elbow over the measure. The structure of the elbow is such that the ligament apparatus is elastic and is able to stretch, but only to certain limits. When the amplitude of the movement is exceeded, the injury happens - stretching.

But this injury happens to those who know all the subtleties of the skeleton - at the athletes. That is why some types of injury to tendons, muscles and ligaments in the elbow have sports names:

  • Elbow golfer. Bundles are damaged in the field of internal supermarket. Sore elbow from the inside.
  • Elbow baseball player. Painful sensations on the inner side of the elbow are manifested during shifting movements.
  • Elbow tennis player. Stretching bundles of external screws. The intensity of pain increases with a brush compression into a fist.

Degree of damage

Depending on exactly which damage to the ligament apparatus in the elbow articulation depends on the treatment and forecast for the patient. Distinguish the next degrees of elbow stretching. Partial gap, violation of the integrity of ligaments and tendons. Painful sensations are quite weak, the mobility of the elbow articulation is normal, there is only a small swelling.

Muscle tissue integrity disorder, collagen tissue rupture. Paints are very strong. There is an edema and hematoma of the damaged area in the gap. Bundle break at the point of joining bone tissue. In addition to the instability of the joint, there is a swelling of large sizes, as well as a strong pain of a damaged area.

Also, this type of injury is divided into light, medium and severe degree of injury to elbow articulation. With strong damage, especially if the state has led to a drop or blow, it is better to check other joints, for example, a shoulder zone.


TO general symptoms The stretching of ligaments of the elbow belongs:

  • the appearance of leaks and hematomas (due to the rupture of blood vessels);
  • injury pain that irradiates to other zones of the upper limb at night, and also enhanced at any movement;
  • formation of swelling in the damaged zone;
  • restriction of the movement of the damaged hand.

Silver pain leads damage and pinching the nerves that pass here. The violation of the integrity of small blood vessels leads to swelling, and when the hematoma (hemorrhage) may form. Local hyperthermia can occur (increase body temperature). In some cases, a person may not feel painful syndrome and in general any injury.

Usually it happens in a state of affect, but this feeling is deceptive. The movements of the elbow that a person now does, only worsens the anatomy of the joint and contributes to an additional tissue rupture. If it is not possible to ensure proper care in a timely manner, the symptoms will begin to strengthen and cope with the painful symptom will be much more complicated. In addition, the fabrics in the elbow can be inflamed that in the worst case threatens the loss of functionality of the hand.


To make a diagnosis, first of all, the history is collected. The specialist is interested in when (as long ago) and in what situation the first symptoms appeared. If there was a drop or blow, then they need to tell about them in detail. Next, visual inspection and palpation of the patient site is carried out.

Professionals can diagnose only on these actions, but the hardware study makes it possible to trace the condition internal organs and fabrics. In particular it is required when damaged nervous system and bone fracture.

Help identify the rupture of elbow links The following diagnostic methods:

  • Radiography. First of all, it is necessary to assess the anatomy of the skeleton of this joint, namely, the correct location of the bones.
  • MRI or CT. These methods usually give an exhaustive answer to all questions. Snapshots on which the articulation is shown in the context, make it possible to accurately assess the degree of damage.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination is the most informative for soft tissues, and therefore it will be useful when injuring a ligament.
  • EMG. Electromyography is unique in its own way, because it allows you to assess the conductivity of nerve impulses, which will help to predict the rehabilitation time after the start of therapy.

First aid

It is desirable in the first hours not to drown out the symptoms of stretching the lones of the elbow joint, because it will prevent the doctor in the diagnostic inspection. Analgesics before the arrival of the doctor can only be taken with very strong pain. Now you need to carefully remove the tightening this section of clothing.

Ice is the best tool for rapid removal of swelling and pain under different types of injuries. It must be periodically imposed on a sore plot, but in no case cannot wait for the frozen and reduce the sensitivity of the skin

To reduce the likelihood of movement with hand, you need to put a bus made from undergraduates, such as sticks and scarf. After that, it is necessary to cool the damaged area, but at the same time do not bring it to complete frostbite. On the one hand, it will reduce the swelling, on the other, it will take pain. Finally, it is desirable to keep the elbow slightly above the level of the body so that the fluid is not stood in articulation.


First of all, it is necessary to anesthetize this area, and the easiest way to do this with ice is the easiest. The ice must be wrapped in a canvas tissue and in such a state to put on a sore plot. Cold products are suitable as ice. The most important thing is to the patient it is necessary to limit the movement of the patient with the limb. Usually limited to a sick leave and outpatient treatment without blending a gypsum bandage.

Acute tension signs disappear in the first two weeks after the start of therapy. The patient is prescribed by the course of anti-inflammatory funds. They are prescribed even if there was no inflammation during the inspection, but without medicinal products, the pathological process can begin at any time. Their reception, including helping to reduce the level of prostaglandins, and therefore, the swelling of this zone will also be significantly reduced.

Also, the therapy is not without local means. Often, patients prescribe cream with a complex positive effect on the articulation. For example, warming ointments help improve regenerative processes and increase local immunity.

If there is an anti-inflammatory component in ointments, and it also takes the means of this group also inward, then it is necessary to take into account the general dosage of the medication so as not to cause overdose and subsequent by-effect in the form of problems with gastrointestinal tract, rashes, etc.

After about a couple of weeks, auxiliary activities can be connected to therapy:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • LFK (Medical Physical Culture).

Very well helps the effect of heat. Warming can be done at home. The heater on the articial area for half an hour - and the restoration processes will flow faster, and the unpleasant manifestations of injury will gradually fall.

To quickly remove the swelling without drugs, you can use a cabbage compress. For this, the cabbage sheet is slightly cut into several places, apply to the elbow and fix the cloth, and then they are covered with a warm scarf. Treat injured fabrics with such a compress for about 2 hours.

Cabbage compress is one of the best tools that has excellent absorbent action and in its effect sometimes even exceeds the pharmacy tools for local applications.

In extremely rare cases, operational intervention is required to fully restore the elbow articulation. It is basically concerned with patients who have pronounced scarmers of tendons in the elbow, damage to nerve endings or there are problems in metabolic processes that negatively affect the recovery.

Arthroscopy can also be used if necessary, remove blood clots caused by blood vessel ruptures. Right during the operation, the doctor may introduce medicinal substances directly to any articulation section, as well as further explore this zone in order to identify other pathologies (fractures, etc.).


To avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations of the doctor. So that the joint remains durable and strong, it is necessary to strengthen it, but do not load over measures. Negatively affect the condition of the elbow and rapid extension movements. And of course, if the articulation is initially in poor condition, a person has primary signs of articular diseases (arthritis, arthritis).

Let's sum up

The stretching of the elbow ligaments is an injury accompanied by pain and impaired hand mobility. With timely treatment, doctors give excellent forecasts for recovery.

And overvoltage of the capsary-ligament apparatus of the elbow joint "). This is an extremely uncomfortable state, which is due to the anatomical features of the region: among all the articular elements, the elbow is characterized by a special complexity of the device. The joint is represented by three bone joints: the shoulder bones, elbow and radiation. Nature provides a shared joint bag . Here are large branches nervous, vascular systems. Due to these elements, the forearm and shoulder are associated with VNS, CNS, receive blood, and therefore food.

Should be aware

The overall joint bag is not the only problem area of \u200b\u200bthis area. There is a subtle, weakly stretched articular capsule, whose overtakers lead to the formation of abundant folds. On the sides are provided with durable ligaments, but there are no back and in front. This feature of the structure determines the susceptibility to the area of \u200b\u200binjury. Medical statistics show: and subluxances, as well as bundles, are observed more than often.

It is worth only to hit the elbow, as the whole body pierces acute, painful pain. A similar feeling is familiar to any person. Only painful syndrome is not a symptom of stretching elbow ligaments: the sensation indicates the nervous infringement. Anatomically elbow nerve is near the skin, is not protected by a muscular skeleton. Determine, pinching this or requires treatment of injury, does not represent much difficulty: in the first case, the pain is strong, but passes in a minute-other. Often at the same time the hand ends.

Relevance of the issue

Bundles for such a short period of time without specific medication will not disappear. As can be seen from statistical studies, it is the gap, stretching - the most common household, sports injuries in the elbow joint area.

It is worth remembering that the stretching is a term that is not perceived literally. If the diagnosis of "stretching of ligaments of the elbow joint" is raised (code in the ICD - S530), this does not mean that the tissue is like rubber and can freely reach out. The term applies to the situation of partial break. At the same time, the harm is applied to the individual forming fibers. But the complete gap is much harder, since the bundle loses the integrity completely or breaks away from support system At the point of attachment.

Where did the trouble come from?

The reasons why it may occur with the S53 code in the ICD-10 stretching of the elbow joints, modern medicine knows quite a lot. The classic option is an inaccient, careless, unnecessarily sharp movement. Above the likelihood of injury if the amplitude was unnatural. Lock injury can be obtained if there was an injury, a man fell, hit or tried to raise a heavy item. In some, the root cause becomes a prolonged aggressive physical impact. So, people are susceptible to stretching, every day performs hard work, creating a significant load on the hands. A rather rare cause is a muscular spasm that emerged unpredictably, distinguished by a particularly large force.

Not only on the background of injury, the treatment of symptoms of stretching of elbow joints can be needed. Damage to the integrity of the forming elbow elements may be observed due to the degeneration of organic tissues, muscle and articular elements. This is often due to age-related changes, but others are associated with pathological processes occurring in the body. The root cause of the state becomes deterioration in the quality of blood supply to the joint, due to the tissue suffer from hypoxia and the lack of nutritional elements. Osteophytes are formed. Risk group - Persons over fifty years old. Quite often, different forms of stretching, gaps are diagnosed with diabetics and patients with tuberculosis patients.

How to notice?

Indicating the need to treat the tension of the ligaments of the elbow joint symptoms from the case of the case vary. Much depends on the scale of injury and causes provoked damage. As a rule, manifestations are gradually enhanced: after some time, symptoms are brighter than in the first minutes after injury. The most attractive attention of a person phenomenon is a strong soreness that does not weaken if you leave the affected area at rest.

Classic ligaments of the elbow joint - swelling of the region. If you press the affected area, the elbow will respond pronounced pain. The mobility of the element is lost, some pain is so strong that it is impossible to move the elbow in principle.

When everything goes worse

As indicated above, the gap is a closure to stretching a state differing in the scale of damage, and therefore the manifestations of pathology as a whole are close to those described earlier. The main difference is the power of pain, the magnitude of the edema. Muscular cuts allow to the touch to localize a minor foss. Doctors call it area of \u200b\u200bware. The plot is adjacent to the fastening point of the bundle. The study of the elbow shows the instability of the articular region, visually and by instrumental studies can be fixed by hematomas explained by intra-articular hemorrhages.

On the gap (heavy form of stretching of lines of the elbow joint) indicates the change in the outlines of the affected area. This is especially pronounced if the cause of the phenomenon is a fracture, dislocate. To notice a sign, you need to compare the affected elbow with healthy.

A man who gained injury marks numbness in a sore hand, appearing simultaneously with a feeling of tingling. This is due to impaired blood flow. Local heat is possible.

Self understand whether there is a stretch or gap, it is almost impossible. To make a diagnosis, the doctor will send a patient to instrumental research.

What to do?

Treatment of stretching of elbow ligaments begins with the first aid to the victim. Implementation of the affected area should be ensured, impose a cooling compress. A rather simple method helps to prevent the edema of the fabrics, facilitates pain. Warming, like warm compresses, the benefit will not give, moreover, the patient's condition will worsen, will increase pain and slow down healing. Such an impact should be avoided immediately after injury and in the next few days.

In the classical embodiment of the elbow joint bundles, the bandage often turns out to be the only necessary treatment measure. Sophisticated approaches are not required. Fixation is necessary to accelerate the healing of the sick zone. But in the case of a complex stretching and rupture, the doctor will observe the patient for a while. You will have to go through the treatment program with special medicines, you should not refuse clinical procedures. The most unpleasant options for the flow of pathology are cases of accumulation in the articular field of synovial fluid, blood discharge.

Requires surgeon

If the doctor has established a simple, uncomplicated stretching of lines of the elbow joint, most likely, the conservative method of treatment will be recommended. If the case is complex, the patient can be directed to the operation. Surgical measures are intended to restore the integrity of the ligament element. For this, the forearm take the tendon, by means of which binds of breaks. After such an event, recovery is possible only under the condition of high-quality fixation of the Langet region. The duration of wearing reaches a pair of weeks, after which the patient will have to undergo a course of physiotherapy and medical gymnasticsotherwise it will not be possible to return the elbow former mobility.

Preparations: What will help?

Even if the injury is very small, it will substantially alleviate the condition when tensile ligaments of the elbow joint ointment with an anesthetic effect. It is not worth it for yourself to choose a pharmacy product yourself, it is better to contact the doctor. The doctor will determine which agent will be the most useful and efficient in a particular case. With serious damage to the elbow, without analheses of local and systemic effects, it will not be possible to do. The therapeutic program of the doctor is in such a way as to stop pain, eliminate the tissue swelling and eliminate the activity of the focus of inflammation.

For the benefit of persons who need the treatment of stretching of lines of the elbow joint will go non-immune anti-inflammatory drugs. They are produced in tablet form, facilities for local use (gels, ointment), as well as in the form of powders for the preparation of solutions - they must be administered injectable directly into the affected body. In the complex with non-flame medicines, cooling preparations are often prescribed. Mazi "Troxerutin", "Indusovin" use popularity. These drug formulations remove the swelling, normalize blood circulation, stabilize the work of even the smallest capillaries. In the presence of hematoma, drugs stimulates its rapid resorption.

What will still help?

Choosing, than to treat the stretching of lines of the elbow joint, it is worth seeking to pharmaceutical products rich in vitamin compounds from category V. Such funds normalize nervous activity, stabilize conductivity, have a positive effect on the state of the affected area in general.

For the benefit of patients who wish to recover faster, the means activating regenerative processes, inhibit inflammatory foci. There are special preparations for sale that have such an effect on forming tissue ligaments. Especially in demand are the products "Objective T", "Tumel C".

And if I do not want to a pharmacy?

For those who cannot afford pharmaceutical products or do not want to trust their health "Konoval", there are numerous folk remedies. Treatment of elbow tensions of elbow joints in such a way as doctors note, requires more time, and the results may not be as positive as when applying the development of official medicine, but the choice is always individual.

A reasonable option is a combination of zakar's recipes and medicinal products prescribed by the doctor. Choosing as an additional measure of the impact on the affected areas folk Medicine, You can reduce the rehabilitation period. As a rule, it is resorted to the recovery period after removing the dressing. If the injury is simple, there is no complications, the treatment of elbow tension of the elbow joint folk remedies It will help to quickly cope with swelling and relieve pain. Some "homemade" drugs activate regenerative processes.

Recipes of alternative medicine

You can practice through self-made potato ointments Treatment of tension of ligaments in the elbow joint. For this, one untreated root root is cleaned, crushed through a meat grinder or grater, stirred with a finely chopped onion and honey. All components are used in equal amounts. The composition is applied to sick elbow areas, covered with a cellophane package, top with warm shawl. The compress is withstanding about two hours, but not longer.

You can use for the treatment of blue clay. The product is bred by clean water and interfere with several droplets of eucalyptus or fir essential oil. Clay is applied to a pure natural rag by a two-chamber layer (or thicker), then superimposed on the affected areas. The duration of the procedure is as long as the product does not dry.

The characteristics assure that it is possible to apply to the treatment of aloe elbow. A freshly cut leaf of the plant is passed through a meat grinder, the resulting cleaner is evenly distributed through the affected part of the body and fixed with a cellophane package. From above, the compress is covered with warm shawl.

Verification of state

It is impossible to say exactly how long the stretching of the elbow joints is heal - it depends on the severity of injury and the characteristics of the case, the body's tone, the lifestyle of the person and the availability of problems with the metabolism. Much is determined by the chosen treatment program. In general, the stretching is considered to be a serious injury, which means that the victim should, if possible, turn to professionals faster, only in this case the treatment will be delayed on a relatively short time interval.

In hospital conditions for primary diagnostics, and subsequently - to monitor the success of the chosen program, the patient's correction program is sent to research procedures. X-ray photograph, MRI. The ultrasonic survey of the elbow joint is shown. Only holding all the events helps to clarify the severity of injury, and as they recover the success of the process.

Doctor: Helps comprehensively

A distinctive feature of the treatment of stretching of lines of the elbow joint is the need to compile a complex program. The doctor will select suitable anesthetics, relaxing muscle fibers preparations, means from edema and chondroprotectors. It will not work independently to choose such a complex, the risk of the ineffectiveness of the course, the appearance of severe side effects.

Do not do without physiotherapy. It is included in the course of treatment of elbow tensions of the elbow joint to improve the effectiveness of the main drug therapy. Specific procedures activate tissue regeneration, reduce the recovery period. Most often resort to electrophoresis, use magnetic and electric currents to affect the affected parts of the body. The classic element of the physiotherapeutic course is a wave or laser treatment. Many patients show healing dirt, paraffin applications. The specific set of procedures will depend on the specifics of the injury and condition of the patient's body. The doctor is individually for the program.

Surgery: Subtleties

There are no cases when treatment of elbow tensions without surgery is impossible. The urgent surgery is necessary in severe injury and a strong gap of organic tissues. Surgeon eats damaged internal parts of the body. As the operation is completed, regenerative processes start, according to which the colloid scar appears. The task of the patient (under the control of the doctor) is a full-fledged rehabilitation course that helps to return the patient with normal mobility and the ability to adequately function.

As far as in a particular case, it is reasonable to operate the patient, should solve a qualified doctor. Indicative gaps, combined with the lesions of the nervous system become indications of operation. Many, however, complain: if, after surgery, due to a strong stretching of the lones of the elbow, they left Langet, a person is deprived of mobility for a long time. It is worth understanding: if the doctor advised such a treatment option, it is likely that a classic conservative approach is not applicable or its practice is conjugate with an increased risk of complications. If the state is relatively easy, the doctor will advise a non-invasive option, a regular visit to the clinic for physiotherapy procedures. Currently conservative treatment It is considered optimal, therefore, without the urgent need for a patient's operation will not be directed.

How difficult is everything?

Both treatment and forecasts are largely dependent on the severity of human injury. Depending on the symptoms, the stretching of ligaments of the elbow joint refers to one of three categories of gravity. The easiest and most trouble-free option is a light stretching, in which the harm is applied only to a minor site. The patient is worried about the unlock pain, and there are practically no mobility restrictions. The task of the patient is to minimize the load on the damaged area. At the first degree of stretching, it is likely that there will be no edema of the affected area.

Symptoms of stretching of ligaments of the elbow joint of the second degree indicate partial breaks. A person is worried about severe pain, a pronounced swelling is observed. Hematomas in the subcutaneous layer are also counted.

The most severe is considered the third degree of damage, that is, the state when the bundle ripped almost completely. The patient feels severe pain, feeling sharp, elbow swells. The swelling and soreness covers not only the injury zone, but also the fabrics above and below the site. The bruises are very noticeable, large, and the ability to move the joint is completely absent due to pain. Injury is associated not only with discomfort in everyday life, but also negative consequences in the distant future, if a person neglects the Councils of Doctor regarding the restoration of the joint performance. Perhaps the region will be inclined to frequent damage, is unstable, and its component elements will be weak. Against the background of stretching the third degree of high danger in the future often faced with repeated impaired integrity of the joint when exposed to the most seemingly minor aggressive factors.

What do the doctor's say?

According to official recommendations, the patient's tensile has immediate first aid, an immediate provision of first aid is equally important and a responsible approach to the fulfillment of all items developed by the doctor of the therapeutic program. Doctors call on to evaluate the injury to adequately, do not relate to their health carefully, otherwise the danger of lowering the quality of life for many years and decades is high. Irresponsible treatment can cause chronic injury, reduce human ability.

Progress of status

The first stage after receiving an injury that caused the stretching is called sharp. Its duration varies from week to two. Immobilization of the limb comes to the forefront of all recreational activities. In some cases, the best solution becomes the overlapping of a rigid dressing, but with certain stretching options, the doctor will advise the prosthesis. In medicine, it is called an orthopedic tutor. So that discomfort was weaker, the patient prescribed analgesics.

In the first stage it is important to get rid of the swelling. Phonophoresis is considered the optimal procedure. Apply tools for fighting edema, as well as the oppressive activity of the inflammatory focus of the composition. By eliminating the swelling and inflammation, it is possible to begin the program of regeneration by thermal procedures with paraffin. Useful ozokerite. Some patients show pearl baths or procedures with radon. Such events activate metabolic processes, which means that the affected site receives more nutrition and can restore it faster.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of physical education, gymnastics. Classes are starting to practice before removing the dressing. The earlier the course of the restoration of mobility begins, the better the results it will bring. Bound injury is conjugate with the advent of a pathological pain in muscular fibers nearby zone. It provokes a muscular response as a reflex, initiating spasm, which is an attempt to protect against malicious external influence. To exclude an unpleasant condition, it is necessary to come to the clinic for therapeutic massage and every day perform a complex of therapeutic exercises, relaxing muscles and increasing the tone of the region.


This step of progress is associated with the most important importance of muscle relaxation. The task of measures aimed at achieving the minelaxation is to exclude incorrect stereotypical movements caused by injury. Muscle relaxation is achieved by heat, electrical exposure and manual therapy. Successful muscle relaxation is replaced by muscle correction, that is, the procedures whose task is to form the correct stereotype of mobility. The final step is the toning of muscle fibers aimed at fixing the templates developed.

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