
The cat does not eat after. The cat does not eat after sterilization: the main reasons for starvation. Inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach

One of the most typical and simple surgical operations in veterinary medicine is considered. If everything was done at least relatively correctly, the animal quickly recovers after the intervention, the likelihood of consequences is low. But "low" does not mean "absent". If the cat does not eat anything after sterilization, things can be bad.

First, there is no need to panic right away. This can say a lot, but still you should not assume that the lack of appetite in an animal that was lying on the operating table a couple of hours ago is a bad sign.

This is absolutely normal. On the other hand, things are not always so simple. Having seen the signs of something wrong in time, it is quite possible to save the life of a cat.

When can a pet eat?

Many do not know when it is possible to eat the operated cat. Everything is pretty simple here:

  • After - already 8-12 hours after the operation. But still, veterinarians believe that in this case, it is advisable for the animal to limit itself to broths for the first day.
  • After abdominal - it is desirable to start feeding closer to the end of the first day after the operation. The first three days - only broths. By the first week, regular food is gradually included in the diet.

The pet began to eat poorly: physiological reasons

There are not too many of them, but in practice these factors are constantly encountered:

  • Postoperative weakness. Considering that during abdominal surgery it is necessary to make an incision, as well as excise unnecessary organs, the body of the pet will inevitably lose blood. The last in the body of a cat contains no more than 200-250 ml, so the loss of even 15-20 ml will have a serious impact on the well-being of the animal.
  • The effect of drugs used in. Many cats from their action can spend a day in a “semi-comatose” state, and they are not physically able to eat at this time. In addition, you should not eat such an animal, as it can choke with very sad consequences.
  • Metabolites medicines used for anesthesia. If during the operation some outdated drugs were used, characterized by an impressive list side effects(including the formation of "heavy" decay products), then after the cat comes out of anesthesia it will be bad.
  • Due to anesthesia, intestinal peristalsis is significantly slowed down., sometimes even the work of the glands of the digestive tract is slightly inhibited. Accordingly, the appetite of the animal will be increased.

Thus, if the cat began to eat poorly, then first you need to check all the “natural” causes that disappear by themselves.

The cat began to eat poorly: possible pathologies

Refusal to feed may be due to more unpleasant factors. These include:

  • Severe bleeding. In fact, even with a loss of 15-20 ml, the cat will experience severe weakness. Accordingly, if the volume of leaked blood is greater, then the animal physically does not have the strength to eat.
  • Atony of the intestine. When the peristalsis of the digestive tract is severely inhibited due to the action of certain drugs used in the administration of anesthesia. The problem is that in some animals, intestinal contractility does not recover on its own, which is why the pet does not have much appetite. In such cases, the cat eats little, but due to the fact that the food masses “clog” the intestinal lumen due to the inability of the latter to push the semi-digested food further, severe intoxication develops. Usually the pet at the same time drinks greedily, but refuses to eat at all.
  • Inflammation."Classics of the genre". In most cases, it is a consequence of the “rash” actions of the cat itself, which constantly licks and scratches the seam line, introducing an infection there. Sometimes inflammatory reactions are the result of gross violations of the basic rules of operating asepsis and antisepsis. Especially dangerous (deadly dangerous) is peritonitis. This is an inflammation of the peritoneum, often leading to death. The cat's general body temperature rises sharply, she feels very unwell, in the most terrible cases, the suture begins to smell of pus. It is quite natural that a dying animal does not and cannot have any appetite.
  • Sepsis(blood poisoning).

The first week after sterilization: norm and pathology

If the cat is doing well, running and playing for a couple of weeks after surgery, then even in cases where she suddenly stopped eating, this is unlikely to be due to the consequences of surgery. The owner must remember that all severe complications of a poor-quality operation will definitely appear within the first three days. In milder cases (inflammation of the suture, for example), this period increases to a week, but no more.

First day

Most important period. But, given the topic of our article, the simplest. The fact is that approximately 70% of cats undergoing abdominal surgery do not have an appetite on the first day. They have not yet recovered from the effects of anesthesia, they do not want to eat. Accordingly, there is nothing to worry about.

On the first day after the operation, the cat must do two things: drink and pee. If the cat wants to eat, you can give her 10-20 ml of low-fat chicken broth (preferably from a syringe, watching for swallowing movements). For the first time, this is enough.

Second day

Unlike the first day, day 2 is often the “moment of truth”. If the operation was performed poorly, then the consequences of surgery are already beginning to appear in all their glory. Not all cats eat greedily by this time. It happens that on the second day the pet refuses to eat.

But in this case, the animal must:

  • Be active enough and not lay flat.
  • Good to drink.
  • Have no problems with urination.
  • The suture line cannot have signs of severe inflammation, only dried ichor streaks are acceptable.

If the cat matches the description, then everything is probably all right with it.

The third day

But in cases where even the 3rd day is accompanied by the continuation of the “fast”, then something is clearly wrong with the cat. Even relatively old animals that have undergone cavity sterilization by this time (if everything is fine, of course) should already show at least some interest in food. If everything is more or less normal, then a reduced appetite is allowed (provided that it was not there at all in the previous two days).

Fourth day

In practice, there are practically no situations when it has been 4 days after the operation, and the cat has never eaten and, moreover, showed no interest in food at all. There are simply no physiological, natural reasons for such a "fast", and in these cases the animal is already either dead or dying from severe sepsis.

Much more often it happens that by the fourth day after sterilization, the cat has stopped eating, although up to this point there were no problems with appetite. This may indicate "belated" intestinal atony, problems with the liver or kidneys.(a consequence of improperly selected drugs for anesthesia and other negative factors). Often, in the absence of appetite in such conditions, the “leaky seam” is to blame: because of it, severe inflammation develops. Thus, it is urgent to take the cat to the veterinarian.

The fifth day

On day 5, the animal should start eating a long time ago, otherwise it will simply die of hunger. The situation is the same as in the previous case.

Week after surgery

So, if a week has already passed, and the cat's appetite is weak (we are not talking about situations where it does not exist at all - this is simply impossible), the owner will have to contact the veterinary clinic anyway. However, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

What to do if the cat is not eating well

So what to do at home? The choice is not too wide:

  • Try to "lure" the cat's appetite, using the most delicious and pleasant-smelling food.
  • If the cat has poor appetite rare and irregular defecation, you can use 0.5 ml per kilogram of body weight. The course of treatment is once a day for three days.

In other cases, especially if the animal does not feel particularly well, we recommend contacting a veterinarian. It is very likely that we are talking about some postoperative complications. And you don't have to wait a week!

Being a curious creature by nature, fluffy beauties often become victims of poisonous and toxic substances, chemicals, spoiled products. After first aid and qualified treatment in specialized clinic The animal needs a long rehabilitation period. Any cat after poisoning requires competent care, a detox diet and drinking regimen.

Read in this article

Medications after poisoning

The consequences of pet intoxication are, as a rule, dehydration, disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system, malfunctions of the heart and kidneys, nervous system. The affected pet experiences weakness, apathy for a long time. Lack or poor appetite is a natural result of poisoning.

Medical rehabilitation of the consequences of intoxication is primarily aimed at eliminating dehydration. The owner is able to independently treat the cat after poisoning. At home, the pet needs to do subcutaneous injections of the Ringer-Locke solution, heated to 38 C. You can use the Ringer solution with 40% glucose in a ratio of 8:1.

Drugs against dehydration are injected subcutaneously into the withers at a dose of 40-50 ml 2-3 times a day. The maximum amount of subcutaneous solution should not exceed 150-180 ml per day. Such solutions are especially effective for poisonous insect bites, food poisoning, and rat poison ingestion.

Subcutaneous injection of Ringer-Locke solution

Many toxic substances lead to the development of bleeding and hemorrhage. To eliminate this phenomenon, the animal is injected intramuscularly with dicynone at a dose of 12.5 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. Injections are repeated every 6 hours for 4 to 5 days. The drug helps to reduce hemorrhages and stop bleeding caused by the action of toxic substances.

Be sure to use dicynone when poisoning a cat with rat poison. In satisfactory condition intramuscular injections can be replaced with vikasol tablets at a dose of 4 mg per animal per day.

Often, a pet becomes a victim of cruel people who deliberately poison cats with isoniazid. In case of such poisoning, in addition to Ringer's subcutaneous solutions, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) should be administered to the pet for 7 to 10 days.

Paste for oral administration "Enterosgel"

To restore the digestive system, cleanse the intestines of toxins, it is useful for a sick animal to give enterosgel inside at a dose of 5 ml 2-3 times a day.

Poisonous substances, as a rule, have a general effect, damaging many body systems: kidneys, liver, heart. To normalize the urinary system, a veterinarian often recommends diuretics against the background of subcutaneous injections of saline solutions.

Hepatoprotectors, for example, Hepatovet, Heptral, will help support the liver in case of poisoning with poisons. You can also apply Karsil, Essentiale. The rehabilitation period should include the use of cardiac drugs: caffeine, camphor, cordiamine, etc. Medications for kidney, liver and cardiac function should only be administered to an animal after consultation with a veterinarian.

Vitamins will help shorten the recovery period. In case of poisoning, I often prescribe ascorbic acid in the form of injections, vitamins of group B, which have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the nervous system of the animal.

Proper nutrition

The speedy recovery of the pet after intoxication is impossible without observing a competent diet. What to feed a cat after poisoning worries every responsible owner. As a rule, after an illness, the animal loses its appetite for a long time. However, nutrition should be given special attention.

Veterinarians after poisoning an animal recommend a 24-hour starvation diet. Therapeutic hunger strike will help the body cleanse itself of toxic substances, restore digestive function.

Due to the fact that many toxic substances dissolve well in fats, at first you should not give the animal food containing them. Only small amounts of vegetable fats are allowed. This issue is especially relevant when phosphorus-containing substances (as a rule, these are pesticides) and rat poison enter the body. For the same reason, you should not give the animal milk to drink. In addition, fatty foods will slow down the recovery of the liver, which suffers from any poisoning of the body.

Therapeutic nutrition of a cat after poisoning should be gentle for the digestive system. Experienced breeders recommend feeding a pet during the recovery period 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 months after poisoning.

Rice congee

If intoxication occurs due to eating poor-quality food, then after a daily starvation diet, the animal should be given rice water. They cook it on the water.

After 2 - 3 days, the pet can be offered viscous cereals based on hercules, mashed buckwheat. You should not feed a sick cat with barley, semolina, corn porridge.

Gradually, boiled vegetables (carrots, broccoli, pumpkin) can be added to the diet. After 5 - 7 days, if the pet is in a satisfactory condition, lean meat of poultry, rabbit can be introduced into the diet. Meat should be given boiled, in small pieces or chopped in a blender to a puree state. Fatty varieties of fish, food from the table, canned food are categorically contraindicated.

The animal can be given low-fat cottage cheese. From milk, cheese, sour cream in the first 2 - 3 days should refrain. It is useful to give low-fat kefir if there is no indigestion.

If the animal was on a pre-consumer diet before poisoning, during the recovery period it is recommended to give super-premium medicated food, for example, Hills I / D for food poisoning, Hills L / D for liver problems due to toxic substances or K / D, if poisoning affected the kidneys.

The Royal Canin range can be combined with Gastro Intestinal for maximum digestive safety and Hepatic for liver regeneration. A veterinarian will help you choose one or another therapeutic food, taking into account the type and form of poisoning.

Cat food recommended for use after poisoning

Often, owners note that after poisoning, the cat does not eat. After severe intoxication, this phenomenon is often observed. If there is no appetite for 2 - 3 days - do not force feed the animal, this can provoke vomiting. With a weakened general condition a sick pet should be regularly transported to a veterinary clinic for the introduction of intravenous nutrient solutions. For this purpose, infusions of a 40% glucose solution, saline are used.

Drinking regime

Drinking regimen plays an important role in the recovery period of a cat after poisoning. Drinking plenty of water not only reduces the symptoms of dehydration in the body, but also promotes the rapid elimination of toxins, cleansing and recovery.

First of all, it is necessary that clean water be freely available to the animal. In the first 2 - 3 days, you can arrange dishes with clean water around the apartment so that a cat weakened by an illness can quench its thirst at any time.

The owner needs to monitor the amount of water drunk, as too much drinking can provoke a gag reflex.

You can drink the animal not only with clean water. It will be useful to drink decoctions of herbs to a sick cat. Plants such as chamomile, horsetail, nettle, linden are suitable for this purpose.

To make up for the loss of electrolytes, the animal can drink saline solutions, for example, rehydron, hydrovit. These preparations should be alternated with ordinary water in order to avoid an increase in the concentration of salts in the body.

After removal acute symptoms poisoning, the owner faces an equally important task - to restore the functions of the body, weakened by the action of poisons. The rehabilitation period should include the use of drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. The success of the recovery of the animal depends on proper feeding and compliance with the drinking regimen.

Useful video

For information on how to help a cat with various types of poisoning, see this video:

If your cat suddenly refuses to eat, the reasons for this may be different, but do not think that this is normal. Animals are not people who do a lot of things on a whim! Refusal of food in animals means one thing: the normal life cycle is disrupted and urgent intervention is needed. The cat refuses to eat - so you need to visit the veterinarian ASAP!

There are only two reasons why cats refuse to eat: gastrointestinal upset and infection. It's just that a cat's reluctance to eat their favorite meat, fish or food can last for an hour after eating, a maximum of two. Then she is always ready to eat more!
Any of the two named reasons is extremely serious and without quick and proper treatment deadly! You can not put off even a minute if you want your pet to continue to please you further.
So, your cat refused to eat for a day and didn’t eat anything else, what should I do?
What to do if a cat (cat) refuses to eat

Take your cat's temperature. For this, a regular thermometer placed in the anus is suitable. The operation is unpleasant, but you will have to be patient: both your pet and you, keeping him from fleeing. Normal cat temperature is 38 degrees. Increased indicates the presence of some kind of infection, lowered - about the loss vitality from lack of water and food. A normal temperature does not mean that the cat is healthy, just that the likelihood of infection is drastically reduced.
- in case of suspected infection, an urgent need to do a blood test and inject the necessary antibiotics in the right dose. With this, definitely in the clinic and the more serious the clinic, the better.
If a gastrointestinal disorder is suspected, then:
Feel the cat's belly. Attentively and deeply, fingering everything internal organs. If the cat starts screaming and fighting sharply, then you have stumbled upon a sore spot and at least you know where the cat has a problem. If he doesn’t scream at all or screams constantly, it’s also not good: it may be a volvulus of the intestines or a solid impassable body that has entered the intestines, clogging all the ways.
- try to force feed a cat, pour water, milk or anything else into the mouth, as well as give a laxative, chemical or natural, DO NOT! This can lead to intestinal rupture and the animal will die from internal hemorrhages.
- an attempt to induce vomiting by mechanical or chemical action is relevant only in the first hours of the disease, and since it is almost impossible to detect it quickly, it often does not make sense
- massaging your cat's belly can help or only hurt, so do it carefully and stop as soon as the cat starts to show signs of displeasure
- consult a doctor, a large veterinary clinic - the sooner the better! Let them conduct an examination, take an x-ray, take tests. Insist on the early determination of the causes of the disease and their active treatment, you have little time!
- if the x-ray does not show anything and you are offered to take a second x-ray with a radiopaque substance, do not hesitate a second! Give the animal barium chloride (the clinic should have it) immediately, because after taking the marker, at least 8 hours must pass for a high-quality x-ray.
- if, according to the results of the second x-ray, a clear intestinal obstruction is revealed (it can be created by swallowed objects, threads and even the animal's own hair), then most likely you will be offered an operation. The operation is the last method that must be avoided by all means: the percentage of survivors after such operations is less than 50%, but if it comes to this, then you can’t hesitate - without an operation, the cat has even less chance of surviving.
- if there is no clear obstruction, but the animal still does not eat anything, its lot for the next day is intravenous droppers and a lot of intramuscular injections. This will allow you to support the body artificially until the digestive functions are normalized or until the operation becomes a vital necessity. - if on the third day of refusing food with the help of doctors, injections, massages and other things, the cat goes to the toilet, gets rid of foreign bodies in a natural way and after that her appetite and stool normalize, you can thank God, Allah, Buddha, Cthulhu and everyone else for her happy fate. If this does not happen, then prepare for the worst: you have less than a day left. The later the operation is done, the less likely the animal will survive. The cat may not be able to tolerate anesthesia or simply not live to see the start of the operation, its condition and appearance will worsen every hour and the drugs will no longer work. It hurts.

In any case, if a cat refuses to eat, one should not hope that these are the little things of life and everything will pass tomorrow! React to this event like she's bleeding! Essentially, for cats, it's about the same thing!

A caring owner is always happy to watch his pet gobble up his favorite treats. But after anesthesia with appetite, problems often arise. When should you start worrying if your cat is not eating after surgery?

In case of severe health problems or to avoid them, the cat may need surgery. Any operation, whether it is removal of a tumor or conventional sterilization, is performed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia for a cat is not an easy condition, and pets can get out of it in different ways. Quite often the cat does not eat after the operation. and this greatly frightens his masters.

But there is no need to worry ahead of time. If the cat does not eat after the operation, this is completely normal. Narcosis completely leaves the body during the day. The first few hours after the operation, the cat is likely to oversleep. When the cat wakes up, she needs to pee and drink. But you can drink it only after the stiffness of movements disappears, and this will happen. not earlier than 8 hours after the operation. If you try to water a cat that has not come out of anesthesia, it may choke.

Despite the fact that before the operation the cat was hungry for 12 hours, do not rush to feed it. The cat does not eat after the operation because it does not feel hungry. Her organs are in a sluggish, numb state. And until they have returned to normal, the food will not be digested. Feeding a cat ahead of time can cause constipation, and it is highly undesirable. If the cat strains a lot in the litter box, her seams may come apart.

As a rule, on the second day the cat fully recovers from anesthesia and behaves as usual. She drinks on her own and may ask for food. Be sure to follow the recommended diet. Food should be liquid, easily digestible. But if on the third day the cat does not eat anything, you should consult with the veterinarian who performed the operation. You may need to start force-feeding your cat or give it an IV.

After the operation, the cat may not even eat their favorite treats. But in order for the forces to return, the cat needs food. For force-feeding, baby meat puree is well suited. With a syringe without a needle, you can easily inject food into the cheek of a cat, and she will be forced to swallow it. Feed little by little, 3 teaspoons every 3 hours.

In some cats, the appetite is restored for a whole week. It's heavy side effect anesthesia or surgery on the digestive organs. In this situation, the cat needs the help of a specialist, medicines, droppers, vitamins and force-feeding at the rate of 33 calories per kilogram of animal weight per day. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor during the recovery period, the health of the animal will be out of danger and will soon return to normal.

Most animals remain almost unchanged after sterilization, only the appearance of some lethargy is possible. But sometimes the cat after the operation behaves in an unusual way. The pet becomes anxious, refuses to eat and drink. In this case, the owners of the animal need to find out the reason why the cat does not eat or drink after sterilization. This will help to take the right steps to restore her good mood and appetite.

Sterilization - what is it?

Many owners are afraid of sterilization. In fact, there is nothing to fear, this surgical intervention will help protect the animal's body from birth and postpartum weakening. Sterilization is a small surgical operation aimed at removing the organs responsible for reproduction. The intervention does not last long, about 15 minutes. The operation is carried out by incision abdominal cavity must be under anesthesia.

Caring for an animal after sterilization is the responsibility of the owners. In the postoperative period, cat owners must follow all the rules for caring for them. The animal must be provided with:

  • the presence of blankets;
  • proper nutrition;
  • comfort and peace.

During postoperative recovery, the pet must be regularly transported or carried to veterinary examinations.

Consequences of sterilization

Not every cat is able to recover quickly after surgery. There are situations when the condition of the animal causes anxiety in the owners. Complications after the removal of reproductive organs are individual, but sometimes a problem arises: the animal completely refuses to eat and drink.

Cats in the postoperative period are weak, often they simply do not have enough strength to eat. A lethargic state, a change in sleep patterns and the emergence of new gastronomic preferences should not cause concern to the owners. The body needs time to restore vitality.

What to do if the cat does not eat or drink?

Experts believe that there is no cause for concern if the animal refuses to eat and drink during the first two days after the operation. This is considered normal. The pet has enough previously accumulated food calories, especially since in the first days after surgery, the animal spends a lot of time in a state of sleep.

In the first two postoperative days, the cat receives intravenous injections, thanks to which the water balance in her body stabilizes. A lot of fluid during this period, the pet's body does not consume.

How and what to feed a cat after surgery?

If the complete absence of thirst and hunger in a cat in the first two days after the operation is the norm, then the situation when the pet refuses to eat on the third day should be alarming for the owners.

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