
Yunna Moritz's big secret. The Big Secret of Yunna Moritz The Subject of Yunna Moritz's Poems

The poetess composed her first poem at the age of 4:

The donkey stood on a stool,

Donkey ate his pill.

Finally a throat

He got it.

Probably since then, inspiration and the ability to see the world through the eyes of a child have remained with Moritz forever. It's time to open the book of the poetess, for example, "The roof went home" with wonderful illustrations by E. Antonenkov, which will give a starting point for the manifestation of your baby's fantasy and imagination.

The amazing, fabulous world of Yunna Moritz, somewhere even difficult for a child to perceive: with bouquets of cats, a pie composer, a hairstyle carriage, a fog in sour cream - will not leave indifferent either children or adults.

Yunna Moritz was born on June 2, 1937 in Kiev. My father had a double higher education: engineering and law, he worked as an engineer on transport lines. Mother graduated from the gymnasium before the revolution, gave French lessons, mathematics, worked in art crafts, as a nurse in a hospital and whoever she had, even as a lumberjack.

In the year of Yunna's birth, their father was arrested on a slanderous denunciation, after a few months they found him innocent, he returned, but quickly began to go blind. The blindness of her father, according to the poetess, had an extraordinary impact on the development of her inner vision.

In 1941-45, mother, father, elder sister and Yunna lived in Chelyabinsk, father worked at a military factory.

In 1954 she graduated from high school in Kiev and entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Philology.

In 1955 she entered the full-time department of poetry at the Literary Institute in Moscow and graduated in 1961.

In the summer - autumn of 1956, on the icebreaker "Sedov", Yunna Moritz sailed across the Arctic and was on many winterings, including at Cape Zhelaniya, on Novaya Zemlya, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the "non-peaceful atom" was tested.

In 1961, her first book, Cape Desire, was published in Moscow.

The second book by Yunna Moritz "Vine" was published in Moscow only 9 years later, in 1970.

In 1963, a poem for children was published in the magazine "Youth", where on this occasion a heading "For younger brothers and sisters" appeared.

In the poetry of Yunna Moritz, the animal world is widely represented, which is so necessary for babies at an early age. Goats, cows, goats, dolphins and, above all, the adorable cats of the poetess: a fat cat, a crimson cat, and even a croaking cat. They are all kind, gentle and sweet. The poetess could not do without charming dogs and puppies who “sniff the flowers and sing serenades”, work as a postman and for whom “forget-me-nots bloom in the soul, the clarinet plays in the stomach”.

The poetry of Yunna Moritz is unusually figurative. The images of animate food are amazing and loved: “There were two fried eggs ...”, the food is magical, it can turn into clothes:

"The hat came from a tomato,

The tie came from a cucumber ... "

("Wonderful Things")

Clothing is a separate character in the work of Moritz: shoes "... drink water on the beach." As in the work of any poet, Yunna Moritz has images that run through all her poetry. For example, the image of smoke ("House with a chimney"), which warms the sky in winter. This is also a cheerful tasty steam that puffs in the kettle, "... and sometimes it sticks out of the nose like a question mark." Abstract concepts materialize in the most bizarre way, for example, in the poem “So that we all fly and grow”, we learn that thoughts in a child’s head can grow, and if “to be bored in green melancholy ...”, to be lazy, then

“... thoughts turn sour,

And the wings will droop

Like rags

In the abyss of the sea."

It is interesting that all the heroes of Yunna Petrovna Moritz's poems, animate and inanimate, behave like children. The heroes exactly copy their behavior: they tumble, throw their socks under the closet, feel sad, fantasize, fool around, act up. In each poem, we feel the boundless love of the poetess for her heroes, and for children in general. That is why the characters are cute and good-natured, mischievous and funny, unusual and even fantastic. In her poetry, the laws of the game, a funny dream, a cheerful confusion operate, when you can invent anything you like, fantasize, compose unprecedented words, go on fun trips with the characters. An indefatigable thirst to make every day, every second a holiday, to extract all the colors, voices, smells, makes Yunna Moritz create more and more new characters.

In Yunna Moritz you will not find edification, teachings. The child has every right to be sad, create, fantasize, fool around, be capricious. According to Yunna Petrovna, children need to be brought up with love, sometimes pampered, "they need to be freed from all prohibitions that do not cause physical harm to them and others," and the child must also know that he falls into the world of evil. With her work, the poetess, perhaps, is trying to protect children from this world as much as possible. Moritz's language is always natural, devoid of any false pathos. Moritz's rhythmic and sometimes obviously absurd poems have no age restrictions. The pleasure of reading them and a sea of ​​laughter, even laughter is guaranteed to everyone.

From 1970 to 1990, Yunna Moritz published books of lyrics: "Vine", "Severe thread", "In the light of life", "Third eye", "Favorites", "Blue fire", "On this shore high", "In the lair vote". After that, it was not published for 10 years.

"Face" (2000), "In this way" (2000, 2001), "By law - hello to the postman" (2005, 2006) came out with the inclusion of graphics and paintings in the content, which, according to the poetess, are not illustrations, these are - such verses, in such language.

Moritz Yunna Petrovna. [Russia Moscow]
(born 06/02/1937)

Yunna Moritz was born on June 2, 1937 in Kiev (Ukraine) in a family of employees. My father had two higher educations - an engineer and a lawyer, worked as an engineer on transport lines. Mother before the revolution graduated from high school, gave lessons in French, mathematics, worked in art crafts, as a nurse in a hospital.

In 1954, Moritz graduated from high school in Kiev and entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of Kiev University.

In 1955, she entered the full-time department of poetry at the Literary Institute in Moscow, graduating in 1961.

In 1961, the first book of the poetess was published in Moscow, "Cape of Desire" (after the name of the cape on Novaya Zemlya), based on the impressions of a trip to the Arctic, which she undertook in the fall of 1956 on the icebreaker "Sedov".

For the poems "Fist Fight" and "In Memory of Titian Tabidze" (1962), Yunna Moritz was blacklisted for publishers and censorship, so her next book of poems "Vine" was released only nine years later - in 1970. In 1963, in the magazine "Youth" under the heading "For younger brothers and sisters" she managed to print a series of poems for children.

From 1970 to 1990, Moritz published lyric books "A Harsh Thread", "In the Light of Life", "Third Eye", "Favorites", "Blue Fire", "On This Shore High", "In the Lair of the Voice".

From 1990 to 2000, her poems were not published. In the 2000s, poetry collections "Face" (2000), "Thus" (2000, 2001), " By law - hello to the postman"(2005, 2006). The books included graphics and paintings of the poetess, which Moritz herself considers not illustrations, but poems in the language of painting.

Since 1985, Moritz has been holding author's evenings at international poetry festivals in London, Cambridge, Rotterdam, Torronto, Philadelphia. Her poems have been translated into all European languages, as well as into Japanese, Turkish and Chinese.

In addition to poetry, Moritz writes stories and translates. Her cycle of short prose "Stories about the miraculous", published in the magazine "October", "Literaturnaya gazeta" and abroad, was published in 2008 as a separate book.

In the 1990s, Yunna Moritz took part in the political life of Russia, was a member of radical democratic movements, and spoke with political comments on Radio Liberty.

Yunna Moritz is a laureate of various awards. In 2004, "for the civil courage of the writer" she was awarded the A.D. Sakharov.

In 2011, the poetess was awarded the Prize of the Government of Russia in the field of culture.

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for creativity for children and youth (2011)

Under the sad moo
Under a cheerful growl,
Under friendly neighing
Is born into the world
Big secret
For the little one
For such a small company,
For such a modest company
Huge such
- Oh, if only with someone ...
Ah, if only with someone ...
Ah, it would only be with someone

The boy walked, the owl flew,
The roof was going home
This roof did not want
Sleep outside in winter.

Washing saucers two camels
And the firewood meowed
I was waiting for them to return
Roof, boy and owl.

The sofa sleeps with me in an embrace,
Dancing snow overhead
Suddenly I hear - I beckoned to the button
A boy with a roof and an owl!

I'm off that beam bom
Became a song for words
I sing when everyone is at home -
Roof, boy and owl.

The boy walked, the owl flew,
The roof was going home -
That's what it was
Wednesday night in winter!

It is very interesting -
From whom does the river run?
It is very interesting -
What is rattling in the tram?
Why does the starling sing?
Why is the bear roaring?
Why is one in the den
Does the other live in the nest?
It is very interesting -
Who planted the trees?
Who invented the crocodile
Is that the name Crocodile?
Who named an elephant an elephant?
It is very interesting -
Who to Sazan and Pheasant
Gave such names?

It is very interesting -
Look at the ant
It is very interesting -
How is his family doing?
Life is not easy for her
'Cause there's less of a cat
Less fly, less midge,
He is the smallest of all, ant!

It is very interesting -
Where does the dragonfly sleep?
It is very interesting -
Why is the goat silent?
It is very interesting -
Does the storm beat on the drum?

It's, it's wonderful
That everyone, all children
And everyone, all people
The eyes are on the face!

A funny devil jumped up to us,
He tumbled and danced
He ate ice cream, cake,
He scratched his horns with hooves!

He beat the drum with his tail,
Then he made a knight's move,
Then he ran across the couch,
Until I fell asleep on it.

We took off the devil's clothes,
Removed hooves, tail and horns
And they saw that the devil -
Our adorable child!

Yesterday at the Queen's
It was a holiday for elephants
who danced
No skirts or pants.
Without skirts and pants?!
Yes, yes, the elephants danced
Without skirts and pants
Without shoes and boots
Without jackets and blouses
Without wigs and hats
No bows or beads!

But all the other guests
At the festival of elephants
They danced without taking off
No skirts, no pants
No shoes, no boots
No jackets, no blouses
No wigs, no hats
No bows, no beads.

I also danced there.
Titmouse on an elephant
And there were only feathers
And wings on me.
And there were only feathers?!
And wings on me?!
Yes, there were only feathers
And wings on me!
And whistled songs
I'm twirling my tail.
And twirled her tail
I, whistling songs!

And in the morning the elephant is happy
He took me home
Walking along Sretenka
In the Christmas frost -
Without a coat and boots
No hat and pants
Covering my ears
For the sweetest dreams!

Under these ears
I slept so sweetly
that I danced in my sleep
Titmouse on an elephant.
Who?.. I?.. Danced in a dream?..
Titmouse on an elephant?..
Yes, I danced in my sleep
Titmouse on an elephant!
And whistled songs
I'm twirling my tail.
And twirled her tail
I, whistling songs!

Merry Frog
Lived in the same river
Upside down her hut
Stood, bre-ke-ke!

The hut did not stand
And floated upside down
But it didn't change
Frog business!

The hut tumbled
The frog was having fun
In a green dress
Danced, couple-pam!

She has two hands
Played the accordion
She has two legs
Banging on the drum!

sad frogs
They languished and suffered
In green pillows
Kwa-kva, they sobbed.

And happiness is not seen
Sad frogs!
From them they got
Sad old ladies.

They mutter sadly
And moan in the distance:
- Kwa-kva, it ached for the rain
In the back, in the leg, in the arm...

A cheerful old woman
funny frog,
When he remembers what happened to her, -
Laughs, bre-ke-ke!

She has two hands
Played the accordion
She has two legs
Banging on the drum!

The hut tumbled
The frog was having fun
In a green dress
Danced, couple-pam!

News, reviews and testimonials:

Blog "Monkey Books and Toys" about Yunna Moritz's book "The roof was going home"

Irina Alpatova, ihappymama.ru: To be honest, these are very wonderful books! Incredible Poems

She lives in Moscow, but Chelyabinsk is not a stranger to her. VDuring the war, Yunna Moritz lived as a child in Chelyabinsk with her family. Impressions of Chelyabinsk of those years were reflected in many of her poetry collections,"On this shore high" and "By law - hello to the postman", and especially in the collection of prose "Stories about the miraculous." Poems and stories about this period of the poetess's life are interesting to us not only because they are connected with the childhood of Yunna Petrovna, they are vivid pictures from the life of Chelyabinsk residents during the war. At first, the family huddled in someone else's kitchen, and then throughout the war they lived in the basement of a house on the street. Elkin (not far from today's Lenin Avenue). He didn't survive. In Chelyabinsk, at the age of four, Yunna wrote her first poem about a donkey, later she studied in primary school at school No. 1. A large correspondence and friendship connected Yunna Petrovna and the Rubinsky family, well-known in Chelyabinsk. When the famous poet, composer, playwright, teacher Konstantin Rubinsky was small, he really liked Yunna Moritz's poems. He was sure that all the poets had already died, and wept, pitying her. Kostya began to write poetry at the age of five. Kostya's mom contacted Yunna Petrovna. Correspondence began, Kostya wrote poems and fairy tales to Yunna Petrovna in clumsy letters. When one day he fell ill, Yunna Petrovna sent him a rare medicine. Yunna Petrovna's poem "Notebook for fairy tales" is dedicated to Kostya Rubinsky.

My constellation is Gemini
My element is air.
Mercury, carnelian, Wednesday
They bring me luck.
And, as the wise men say,
Such an alignment on the stars -
What's Wednesday or Never
I mean something.

Mercury swims in the darkness
And the carnelian is in Tauris,
And on earth is my environment
Brings me luck.
And on Wednesday - I'm tipsy
I'm Wednesday at my best
Ah, Wednesday or never
I mean something!

And if anyone rejected
In the publishing house my collection,
When I was young
And she led a dog's life, -
So it was Thursday
Thursday or Tuesday,
'Cause Wednesday or never
I mean something.

When one of the other days
I will become light
Where in the horn of the Milky Way
The alcohol of the constellations burns, -
Then I will write more clearly
About this, about this, -
Open up, third eye, read
My good news!

The painter has a brush and paints,
The violinist has a bow and a violin,
But the poet has nothing.
For the artist - a play and tips,
Intrigue, tears and a smile.
But the poet has nothing.

The footballer has a goal
He throws something at them.
But the poet has nothing.
The astronaut has a rocket
Portrait of an exciting poet.
But the poet has nothing.

No one will say: "This critic -
An inveterate pessimist and a whiner,
And his eyes are dark
Calculation and cold brilliance,
Neither the soil, nor the fate of the people ... "
The critic has the soul of a poet.
But the poet has nothing.

Ah, nothing like that!
The soul of a poet is for anyone,
And what? What? So what?
Many have three souls of a poet,
And five, and seven! And the poet
Poems...and nothing else!


When a vague image is suggested to me,
I draw it with a pencil
And I listen to the flexible line ...
Until the recognition light flashes
And with him - a torn portrait from the darkness
Live sound with a merciful smile.
Then, opening the blouse at the throat,
I take thin, like a glass blower,
And I breathe a living sound into this film -
And all my life goes into it
In a transparent form, like an air jet ...
And the sound of a beloved face
So iridescent and, Lord, so loudly!

Yunna Moritz

Yunna Petrovna (Pinkhusovna Moritz was born into a Jewish family. According to Moritz, “in the year of my birth, my father was arrested on a slanderous denunciation, after several months of torture they found him innocent, he returned, but began to quickly go blind. My father’s blindness had an extraordinary impact on the development of my inner vision"

In 1954 she graduated from high school in Kiev, entered the Faculty of Philology of Kiev University. By this time, the first publications appeared in periodicals.

In 1955 she entered the full-time poetry department of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky in Moscow and graduated in 1961, despite the fact that in 1957 she was expelled from there along with Gennady Aigi for "unhealthy moods in creativity."

In 1961, the first book of the poetess "Cape of Desire" (after the name of the cape on Novaya Zemlya) was published in Moscow, based on the impressions of traveling in the Arctic on the icebreaker "Sedov" in the summer of 1956. She later recalled that trip:

“I never forget the people of that Arctic, where I saw a completely different way of life, not a mainland one, without any shops, streets, cinemas, where life depended on radio operators, on radiation, navigation, aviation, ice reconnaissance, where space is inside a person. In the mirror of the Arctic, you can see who you are and what is the price of your personality, your actions, your mind and talent to be a person. The feeling of the Arctic is a gift of fate, especially at the age of 19, it is divine wealth and frost resistance to "public opinions""

Her books were not published (for the poems "Fist Fight" and "In Memory of Titian Tabidze") from 1961 to 1970. Despite the ban, "Fist Fight" was published by the head of the poetry department of the magazine "Young Guard" Vladimir Tsybin, after which he was fired. It was also out of print from 1990 to 2000)

In the book "By Law - Hello to the Postman", Yunna Moritz declared "pure lyrics of resistance" as the theme of her poetry. The highest values ​​- human life and human dignity - are dedicated to the poem "The Star of Serbity" (about the bombing of Belgrade), which was published in the book "Face", as well as the cycle of short prose "Stories about the miraculous" (published in "October", in the "Literaturnaya Gazeta ”, and abroad, and now they have come out as a separate book - “Stories about the miraculous”).

Yunna Moritz says about her literary teachers and passions: “Pushkin was constantly my contemporary, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam, Zabolotsky were my closest companions, and Andrey Platonov and Thomas Mann were my teachers.” In an interview with RG in 2012, she also mentions Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Shakespeare and Ovid. She includes “Blok, Khlebnikov, Homer, Dante, Tsar Solomon - the alleged author of the Song of Songs - and poets of Greek antiquity” (from an interview with the Gazeta newspaper, May 31, 2004) to her poetic environment.

Moritz's language is always natural, devoid of any false pathos. The richness of colors, the use of precise rhymes mixed with assonances - this is what distinguishes Moritz's poetry. Repetitions often sound like incantations, metaphors open up new possibilities for interpreting her poems, in which she tries to penetrate the essence of being (Wolfgang Kazak)

"An artist may be better than time, like Chekhov, or maybe worse, like Yunna Moritz, but both types are necessary for our self-knowledge," Dmitry Bykov wrote about Moritz.

Yunna Moritz is the author of poetry books, including "In the Lair of the Voice" (1990), "The Face" (2000), "Thus" (2000), "By Law - Hello to the Postman!" (2005), as well as books of poems for children (Big Secret for a Small Company (1987), Bouquet of Cats (1997)). Many songs have been written to Yunna Moritz's poems.
Her poems have been translated into European languages, as well as Japanese and Chinese.

She didn't forgive him anything.
I dedicated a poem to him
to fade the glimmer of hope.
But when the silver heron
my sadness is like the last straw,
will overflow on autumn Thursday,
flying over the beetroot field...
I'm somehow triangular
driving a saving wedge
in a silver memory
so that the hearts last knowledge
do not vulgarize the happy ending.
The day is short
and my way is so long...

I called a flower - and the flower turned red,
The whisk flared up and the pollen splattered.
I called the bird - the voice of the bird sang,
The chick fluttered out of the egg into the light.

She named the day and the hour - and, as was customary here,
That day has come, that hour.
I named the child and it was born
And will live after us.

I will also mention some of the
What is still nameless, dark.
Easier than a steamed turnip is my magic,
But it will remain a mystery.


Here is the shore that I dream of.
And moon rocks on it.
And I see moonstones
And I know that they are.
And I see moon rocks.
And a blue bird on them.
And I see a blue bird
And I know it's her.
And I see a blue bird
Heavenly roses above her.
I see heavenly roses
And I know that they are.
I see heavenly roses
Wreaths of Madonna smiles
Gazelle smile of the universe,
And I know that they are.

Everything here is iridescent, unsteady,
Wavy and hazy, like life,
Like the shore that I dream of
When the spirit awakens
And I see moonstones
And a blue bird on them
And I see a blue bird -
Heavenly roses above her
I see heavenly roses
Wreaths of Madonna smiles
Gazelle smile of the universe -
And I know it's with me.

And evergreen stars
And waves, and air, and blood
Stream, double, triple,
Weave secretly with me.
And my raincoat won't dry out
In the mists swirling here:
Our universe is foggy
Foggy songs sings! ..
And I would be in place of the universe
Shrouded the mystery in mist
And sang hazy songs
About the secret in its fog!
Foggy songs would sing
Whenever there was a universe! ..
Such hazy songs
So that the wind could not dispel
Nebula where the moon rocks
And a blue bird on them
Nebula where the blue bird -
Heavenly roses above her
Heavenly roses - nebula!-
Wreaths of Madonna smiles
Gazelle smile of the universe,
The nebula of the beginning, the end,
Vine Nebula,
Flowing misty life
Nebula of breathing and singing,
Nebula, nebula alone!...


There were almond blossoms. Through the sea
Between roofs, ledges, railings.
And lives floated in space,
And someone whispered
About it. Smelled softly in summer
Heavenly moisture, cucumber.
The soul, constrained by the skeleton,
She did this with her face.
That the face became the face
Fate. Sticking out of the thread
Features in a semi-wild break:
Brazier - eye, cheekbone - Kalmyk,
And dry cracked lips. over almonds
Bakhchisarai, where the Scythians fried trout,
Time was worn, devouring
aquamarine april,
Me with you, and everyone with everyone,
From all sides, from the inside, from the outside.
All-devouring time
undying time
The spit was spit on fire.

But I still shone youth -
Sweeter than glory is this joy,
Bigger than immortality twice.
Let anything happen -
I was happy, free
Loved, happy, free
With everyone and alone!
Went in what is so unfashionable,
But sacrificial and noble
Time spared the spirit in me.


Something from the past
From his crystal, silver
In the cypress, which yesterday
Trembled like the soul of a man.
Oranges, jasmine, camphor
They became a scent. And lighting
It gave meaning to everything.
It was July and it was hot
And unearthly life of life glow
Bordered lemon, and persimmon,
Yard, fence, Greek gardener,
Eaters and dinner at home,
And the golden stream of the stream
On a hill in the magnificent Crimea.
And the illumination that descended in us
It gave meaning to everything.
These were the talents of nature,
Those who lead by hand
that generates winds and waters,
Rewarding our nations,
To the light of love and freedom
Settle radiant peace.
Yes! I saw being like this.
I lived this day and loved
Eating apples straight from the branches
And, putting a notebook on the railing,
She said something in a whisper,
And my soul hovered over me
And reigned in my notebook.
I lived this day and loved!

Junna Moritz was born on June 2, 1937.
* * *
You are young and fierce, but know that you will
More tender than sadness, and more affectionate than rye.
And everything that you now mercilessly judge -
You will spare, have mercy, save!

And in this light the world will appear whole,
And you will see him alone
What he was, is and will be black and white,
Shimmering in every depth.

And in this black and white bubbling,
Where everything is - as the creative spirit wanted,
You will hear swimming and flying
Helpless, animated bodies.

Then in tears you cling to the earthly homeland
And prefer for the rest of the days
The helplessness of animated life
The soulless immortality of stones.


Come on, soul, come on -
Let's go over the fence
There's a pink tram
Running through the snow

At the coffee shop around the corner
Roast the grains
And the stairs break
Smell of black drink.

Return, return, return
Star, my luminary
Those few days
Which weren't enough!

Under the rustle of a mandolin
playing on the tree,
Let's peel the tangerine
And take the book off the shelf

In mysterious speech
Penetrating until dawn
Let's throw the jacket off our shoulders
On the parquet lake

And, having cut off the face
From reading for a moment
We'll find it eventually
Peace and enlightenment.

* * *
I didn't drink vodka with geniuses
And she didn't let them get close.
I was not a young poet
She did not cherish her hearing and did not caress her eyes.

On tiptoe without standing in front of anyone,
I did not glow, did not breathe haze
And did not breathe freshness at all
On those who trade in praise.

And more than that! sullen look
To many fascinating things
Pushed me out of all the galaxy,
Out of the row - out, not to say worse.

And no lace in the world
Unable to let in the fog
And envelop my millstones with mist
And the plans of a seething volcano.

So God helped me not to get into the retinue
To none of the patriarchs of the Muses,
Do not trump him with love to your heart's content,
Do not enter into laudatory alliances,

Do not become prey to darkness and emptiness
In a crowded hall...
Live on what only you say
Not what they said about you!


I am a strange person, I love my country,
I especially love in a tragic time,
When from all sides they blaspheme her alone
And they poison with slander - in the harem of the epoch.

Throwing wood into the fire, but I won't hand it over -

I'm a strange man, at all times
I love my country and it's intravenous
And no matter... when my country
He doesn't love me frankly for not lying!

The era is such that vile lies
Has every right to mock us,
But miraculously I'm alive, and I won't give it up -
The country of my love!.. And I won't let her give up!

I am a strange person, I am hundreds of thousands of years old,
Where is the Eternal Now and eternal repetitions.
I love my country, and its darkness, and light.
I especially love - under the barking of the fascist pack!

Only the light of love
This gift of God
I'll take with me
I'll call it fate
Only the light of love
He only gave birth
The essence is the winged path
Through any nightmare!

Only the light of love
God's grace
I'll take with me
I'll call it fate
Only this light
Will read us
Where there is no death
Where we are with you.

Only the light of love
This God's light
I'll call fate
Once and for all!
Was life hard?
I will answer - no!
Does the pain help?
I will answer yes!

This light of love
Dossier on me
Just don't break
And don't lose...
And for God there are no dead -
Everyone is alive!
Only the light of love
The path from hell to heaven.

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