
Exercises for dyslexia in schoolchildren. Correction of dyslexia in younger students: exercises. Types of dyslexia and methods of correction. How is dyslexia treated?

When a child is at an age where he cannot read and write yet, it is difficult to imagine that in the future he may suffer from such a disorder as dyslexia. However, after the child has become a schoolboy, primary school teachers often tell parents that their child does not learn written and oral information well. And the point here is not at all in banal illiteracy. Therefore, you need to know how dyslexia manifests itself in younger students in order to correct the pathology in time.

Causes of the disease in primary school children

Dyslexia is understood as a violation of mastering reading skills, that is, the inability to read and perceive information correctly. Children with dyslexia cannot fully read any word or sentence, they confuse syllables, letters, breaking the structure of words.

Most doctors are sure that the disorder is a hereditary disease. However, the following factors can affect the development of dyslexia:

  • heart disease in a pregnant woman;
  • poisoning the expectant mother with alcoholic beverages (see);
  • anemia;
  • heavy and long birth process;
  • asphyxia of the newborn;
  • diseases of an infectious nature that arose during the bearing of a baby (rubella, smallpox, measles, influenza);
  • , various operations in a child;
  • infectious diseases of the newborn;
  • lack of communication (parents devote little time to raising a child; these are unfavorable families where scandals constantly occur).

Dyslexia occurs in 5% of junior schoolchildren, and most of the children are boys; in girls, the disease is diagnosed extremely rarely.

It is useful to learn about varieties: cerebellar, bulbar, cortical.

Parents take note! Main and differences from ZPR.

Types of dyslexia

Doctors are aware of several types of violations:

  1. Agrammatical. The child incorrectly pronounces suffixes, endings in words, prefixes, confuses case endings.
  2. Mnestic. The student replaces some letters with completely unsuitable consonance.
  3. Optical. An elementary school student gets confused in letters that look similar in appearance, as a result of which words are pronounced and spelled incorrectly.
  4. phonemic. The child replaces letters that are similar in pronunciation.
  5. Semantic. Complete inability to comprehend the information read. In this case, the student reads and pronounces the words according to all the rules, but is not able to retell the text.

Important! While the student is reading aloud, parents should pay attention to some symptoms. If, when studying oral information, the student quickly gets tired, covers one eye, brings the book close to his face or rubs and squints his eyes, these are very alarming signs. It is also important to pay attention to how the child writes words on paper: crooked and illegible handwriting or writing words from right to left is evidence that the student is developing dyslexia.

How is dyslexia treated?

Correction of dyslexia must begin before the student has reached the age of ten, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the violation. Dyslexia is treated by a speech therapist or a more specialized specialist.

The phonemic form of dyslexia is amenable to correction by the method of multisensory integral learning. Children learn to distinguish the left and right sides in books, develop memory and attention. It is also necessary to work with the fine motor skills of the baby's fingers, to teach him the rules of the Russian language.

In case of optical dyslexia, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary, since the violation can be triggered by visual impairment (for example, if a student spends most of his time at a computer monitor or plays video games). Here there is a restriction of games at the computer, a decrease in the time of watching TV, wearing special glasses for reading.

For other forms of the disorder, phonetic therapies are used, consisting of specially designed exercises for a specific form of dyslexia.

Semantic dyslexia is considered the most severe form. It is this type of disease that is the most difficult to correct. The most effective method of treatment is the Davis method, a researcher who himself suffered from dyslexia in childhood. His method gained popularity and trust of physicians. The method of treatment is often advised to the parents of a sick baby.

Davis method

Thanks to the Davis technique, the child gradually develops thinking, attentiveness and memory. Recommended:

  1. Create the necessary comfort zone for the student.
  2. Development of coordination. You will need a pair of rubber balls, with which the child will learn to correctly determine the left and right sides.
  3. Sculpting symbols. With the help of plasticine for modeling, the student creates letters, syllables and numbers that he can touch or smell. During modeling, the baby better remembers the information being studied.
  4. Reading in three stages. First, the child learns to recognize groups of letters, looking from left to right, the second stage is to consolidate what has been learned, then the child must learn to understand the meaning of the sentence read and the entire text.

Worth paying attention! After working on this method, children become more attentive, remember letters, syllables, endings well and quickly, write and read correctly. Most parents whose children have gone through the Davis method note that the student gets less tired while studying, becomes more sociable with peers.

Many parents are interested in the question: is it possible to cure dyslexia in children at home? It is better to correct the disease under the guidance of a specialist who will select the most effective methods for a certain form of dyslexia. In addition, an experienced speech therapist will advise parents on simple exercises necessary to consolidate the acquired skills during the correction of dyslexia. Such activities should be repeated regularly at home with children.

It is recommended to read about: causes, diagnosis and treatment.

Parents take note! : disorders and methods of correction.

All about: signs, causes, treatment, alternative therapies for a child.


Dyslexia is a serious disorder that further affects the mental development of children. If you do not timely choose the methods of correction and exercises for the treatment of dyslexia in younger students, the baby will begin to feel different from everyone else, become withdrawn or aggressive.

Natalia Goncharova
Dyslexia. Types of dyslexia. Prevention and correction of dyslexia


Types of dyslexia.

Prevention and correction of dyslexia.

Title page

Definition dyslexia

Causes dyslexia

Classification dyslexia

Basic methods and techniques for overcoming dyslexia at the lessons of literary reading


Dyslexia- partial specific violation of the reading process, due to the lack of formation (violation) higher mental functions and manifested in repeated errors of a persistent nature. Reading errors naturally occur in all children at the initial stages of learning to read. In ordinary children, reading errors, even of a specific nature, disappear rather quickly. In children suffering dyslexia. These errors persist for a long time, months and even years. By severity allocate:

ALEXIA (complete impossibility of mastering reading or its complete loss).


Dyslexia may be congenital and acquired, may be an independent disorder or manifest in the THP syndrome (severe speech disorders)- alalia, aphasia, etc. Dyslexia can be observed in children with both normal intelligence and intellectual deficiency. At the core dyslexia may lie various etiological causes:

- biological causes: underdevelopment or damage to the brain at different periods of the child's development (prenatal, natal, postnatal, pregnancy pathologies, fetal trauma, asphyxia, meningoencephalitis, severe somatic diseases and infections that deplete the child's nervous system.

As a result, the parts of the brain that provide the psychological functions involved in the reading process suffer. In the presence of organic brain damage, dyslexia in most cases, it is preceded by dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, or it occurs against the background of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, mental retardation, psychomotor developmental delay.

Socio-psychological causes:

such reasons include insufficiency of speech contacts, pedagogical neglect, hospitalism syndrome, etc. According to A. Egorov, there are four steps

reading skills:

1. Mastering the sound-letter designations. It is characterized by the formation of visual recognition of the letters of the word and the reading of the syllable after the merger of the letters.

2. Syllabic reading. The syllable is easy to read, but there are difficulties in merging syllables into words.

3. Formation of integral methods of perception. The familiar words are simple in structure, read holistically. Difficult in syllables. The child synthesizes words into sentences and a semantic guess appears within the sentence.

4. Synthetic reading. Holistic reading of words and groups of words.

The main task is to comprehend what has been read. The classification of R. I. Lalayeva is based on the account of disturbed operations of the reading process.

Taking into account the unformed HMF and the operations of the reading process, the following are distinguished: types of dyslexia:






Tactile; Phonemic dyslexia- is caused by a violation of the formation of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis. There are two forms of phonemic dyslexia.

The first form of phonemic dyslexia associated with the underdevelopment of phonemic perception (distinguishing phonemes, which manifests itself in the difficulties of learning letters. This, in turn, is associated with the fuzziness of auditory representations, with a mixture of acoustically-articulatory close sounds.

The second form of phonemic dyslexia

associated with the underdevelopment of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

V. K. Orfinskaya identified the following types of analysis:

Availability detection (absences) sound;

Definition of the first (last) sound;

Determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end);

Determining the number of sounds

determining the sequence of sounds;

Determining the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds (adjacent sounds); With phonemic dyslexia mistakes

Optical dyslexia dyslexia

With organic damage to the brain, mirror reading can be observed. With phonemic dyslexia there is a letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of words, frequent mistakes: omissions of consonants during confluence, permutations of sounds, omissions and permutations of syllables.

Optical dyslexia(Greek optikos - related to vision) - dyslexia, which manifests itself in the difficulties of assimilation and in the mixtures of graphically similar letters, as well as in their mutual substitutions.

With organic damage to the brain, mirror reading can be observed. Various violations:

visual gnosis;

Optical-spatial gnosis and praxis;

Unformed spatial representations.

Agrammatical dyslexia- manifested in agromatisms when reading. In the process of reading, the child does not correctly pronounce endings, prefixes, suffixes, changing the grammatical forms of words. In the process of reading in children with agrammatical dyslexia the following mistakes: changing the case endings of nouns,

number of nouns, incorrect agreement in gender, number, case; adjectives and nouns, changing the number, generic endings of pronouns, changing the endings of verbs of the 3rd person of the past tense, changing the form, tense and aspect of verbs. mnestic dyslexia(Greek mnesis - semantic) - dyslexia, manifested in the difficulties of mastering all the letters, in their undifferentiated substitutions.

mnestic dyslexia. It is caused by impaired speech memory, as a result of which it is difficult for the child to form a connection between the sound and the visual image of the letter.

The child does not remember the letters, mixes them up, replaces them when reading (doesn't remember letter names). Semantic dyslexia(Greek semantikos - semantic) - dyslexia, which manifests itself in violations of the understanding of the words, sentences, text read with technically correct reading.

Tactile dyslexia(lat. tactilis - tactile) - dyslexia, which is observed in blind children and manifests itself in the difficulties of differentiating tactilely perceived letters of the Braille alphabet.

The main disturbance in tactile dyslexia- Violation of symbolic recognition of Braille letters. Blind children mix letters when reading, lose words, often there is a guessing nature of reading. (without reading the last letters). The nature of finger movement disorders in blind children with dyslexia corresponds to the nature of eye movement disorders in sighted children (frequent regressions, chaotic movements). R. I. Lalaeva identifies the following groups of reading errors when dyslexia:

Replacement and mixing of letters denoting phonetically close sounds, replacement of graphically similar letters;

Violations of the merging of letters in a syllable;

Distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of words (omissions, permutations, additions of letters and syllables);

Violation of reading comprehension at the level of a word, sentence, text in the absence of a disorder in the technical side of reading;

Agrammatisms when reading, sometimes mirror reading; Non-verbal symptoms dyslexia

1. There are difficulties in orientation in all spatial directions, difficulties in determining the left and right sides, top and bottom.

2. There is an inaccuracy in determining the shape, size. The lack of formation of optical-spatial representations manifests itself in drawing, when composing a whole from parts during design, in the inability to reproduce a given form.

3. There is a delay in the differentiation of the right and left parts of the body, late literalization or its violation (left-handed or mixed dominant). Basic methods and techniques when working to overcome dyslexia in literary reading lessonsBasic techniques and methods of working with children dyslexics:

1. Pull your ears forward. Then back. Slowly counting to 10. Start the exercise with your eyes open, then with your eyes closed. Repeat 7 times.

2. With two fingers of the right hand, massage the forehead in a circular motion, and with two fingers of the left hand - the chin. Count up to 30.

3. Clench fingers into a fist with the thumb bent inward. Exhaling calmly, slowly, clench your fist with effort. Then, loosening the grip of the fist, take a breath. Repeat 5 times. Performing with your eyes closed doubles the effect. Exercises for the development of hand-eye coordination in elementary school students classes:

1. Invite the child to “catch the sound” in the word. To do this, give him three cards, where the flower indicates the position sound: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word.

2. Determine how the houses shown in the figure differ from each other. Then ask him to select two identical geometric shapes, several copies of which can be pre-cut out of paper (figures and houses can be made from colored cardboard) If a child finds it difficult to visually distinguish not only letters, but also geometric shapes, then corrective work with it must begin not with letters, but with the implementation of simpler tasks. It is proposed to name what is shown in the picture, circle the objects with a finger.

3. Find in the rectangles the letter that is different from the rest:

4. Add the missing part to make it letter:

5. The letters played in confusion and got mixed up. What letters do you see?

6. “Eyes” Find out the letter crossed by outsiders lines:

7. The child is invited to name the letters written next to them that are similar in outline. (printed and handwritten):

Modified visual dictations

Fedorenko - Palchenko.

Dictation #1

1. The snow is melting. (8 letters)

2. It's raining. (9)

3. The sky is gloomy. (10)

Dictation #22

1. A border guard carefully walks along an overgrown forest path. (45)

2. The boss went to the window and saw a house under construction behind it. (46)

3. A beautiful full-flowing river Yenisei flows in our region. (46) Mirror drawing

The goal is the development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum, arbitrariness and self-control.

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table. Take a pencil or felt-tip pen in both hands, draw mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters with both hands at the same time.

This exercise relaxes the eyes and hands. When the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized, the efficiency of the entire brain will increase markedly. - draw vertical, horizontal, inclined lines of the same length, gradually increase or decrease the amplitude of movement;

Draw the same with both hands together;

Draw diverging and converging lines simultaneously with both hands;

Also draw in circular, sinusoidal movements;

Draw any symmetrical image about the vertical axis;

Drawing uncomplicated ornaments: Improve from fragmented motion to smooth motion. Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities through certain motor exercises. These exercises allow you to create new neural networks and improve interhemispheric interaction, which is the basis for the development of intelligence.

You can offer children the following exercises:

1. Fist - palm. Both hands are on the table or on your knees, palms down, one is clenched into a fist. At the same time open the fist, and clench the other palm into a fist, change hands. Movements can be accelerated as they are mastered, but make sure that compressions and decompressions are performed alternately, without slipping into simultaneous ones.

Here's a palm, here's a fist.

Do it faster.

2. "Pancakes". The right hand rests on the knee with the palm down, the left hand rests on the other knee with the palm up. Simultaneous change: now the right one is palm up, and the left one is palm down. In process of assimilation - to accelerate movements.

We played patty-

Fried pancakes.

So let's fry, turn around

And we'll start playing again.

3. "Looking for a bird." Alternate connection of all fingers with the thumb (flipping fingers). For each stressed syllable, the fingers of one hand are connected to the thumb in the next okay: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-2. Then a change of hands.

Looking for a bird in the grass

And on the branches, and in the foliage,

Change of hands.

And among the big meadows

Flies, worms, horseflies, beetles!

4. "Frog" (fist - rib - palm). Three positions of the hand on the table or on the knee successively replace each other. friend: fist (palm down, palm edge, palm down:

Frog (fist) wants (edge) into the pond (palm,

frog (fist) boring (edge) here (Palm).

5. "Lezginka". The left palm is turned towards itself, the fingers are in a fist, and the big one is to the side. The right hand, palm down, touches the little finger of the left. Then - a simultaneous change in the position of the hands.

Turnips, turntails

They don't want to wear rags

They would like holiday sparkles

Yes, high hair! Intellectual - developing verbal games:


(Greek) is a permutation of letters in a word, leading to a new word, For example: meadow - hum, carp - park, address - environment, height - variety - torso - cable, clown - cleaver - pendant - bias. Often anagrams are called the words themselves, made up of the same letters. Anagrams provide rich material for word puzzles, which are also called anagrams.

Match anagrams to the following words:

fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, washing, cleaning.

(Answers: jealousy, supply, break, breath, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.) A special kind of anagrams are words from the letters of which you can compose not one, but several words. This type of anagram can be called dictionary arithmetic.

Examples: carousel = sack + sulfur, fortress = proc + net, skill = hole + wax, side = dream + company,

Chains of words.

It is possible to turn one word into another in several steps, replacing one letter in the word at each step, for example, a mouse easily turns into cat: mouse - midge - cat. For such transformations, it is more interesting to select words that have some kind of semantic connection, for instance:

Turn an hour into a century, an hour into a year, a bark into a leaf, a seat into a desk, a tooth into a mouth, a soul into a body, a daughter into a mother.

(Possible options answers: hour - bass - demon - weight - century;

hour - bass - ball - shaft - ox - goal - year (hour - chan - san - dream - gon Word- changelings:

milk - okmool

toy - Grisha

doll - lucca

mom - umm

porridge - aaksh

stroller - yakloask

Drove the village

Past the man

And from under the dog

Layut gate: Matryoshka words

The goal of this game is to find as many words nested inside each other as possible, For example:




The player with the most matryoshka words or the longest strings wins.

A child of 6-8 years old needs specialist advice if he:

1) poorly distinguishes and reproduces sounds;

2) learns poetry with difficulty;

3) gets confused in the order of the seasons and days of the week;

4) cannot correctly repeat four digits in forward order, and three in reverse order;

5) cannot correctly repeat a series of strikes on the table (in pencil) with long and short intervals;

6) is poorly oriented in terms of “right - left”;

7) will not learn how to fasten buttons and tie shoelaces;

8) finds it difficult to compose a story based on a series of pictures.

In this way, adjust difficulties in reading are necessary, ensuring the coordinated work of all parts of the brain, actively connecting the body or the so-called. sensorimotor level.


Speech therapy - Ed. L. S. Volkova, S. N. Shakhovskaya

Kostromina S. N., Nagaeva L. G. How to overcome difficulties in teaching reading.

Exercises that contribute to the prevention and correction of dyslexia.

1. Reading pairs of words that differ by one letter:

goats - braids

grass - herbs

wind - evening

ran - ran

2. "Find an extra word"

(Quick reading and writing words that differ by one letter)

hat hat hats hat

table pillar table table

house house house com

Jackdaw stick stick stick

Paw paw paw linden

Hit lost hit hit

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Teddy Bear


3. Reading chains of words that are close to the graphic appearance:

aloud - deaf - hearing

vyut - vyun - blizzard

4. Reading chains of related words:

water - water - underwater

forest - forest - forester - undergrowth

5. Reading words in which phonemes paired in hardness - softness perform a semantic function:

eat - eat

pebble - pebble

corner - coal

6. Reading by syllables and clarifying the meaning of difficult words before reading the entire text.

Once - whether - wa - elk spilled

Pu-te-six-to-to travel

For - seams - ry - whether they threw

7. Reading words in which the minimum reading units were printed in a different font:


took off




Perhaps you noticed while reading that many of the words that you read, you do not read to the end, guessing what kind of word it is in content. Such a technique used to further comprehend the text is called anticipation, or anticipation, in other words, a semantic guess.

This is a mental process of orientation to the foreseeable future. It is based on the knowledge of the logic of the development of events and significantly speeds up reading. Most of the readers with experience use this technique.

At the same time, if the child has not developed the ability to guess by meaning, he will need to read each word to the end each time in order to comprehend the phrase, to understand the content of what he read.

Exercises aimed at developing the skill of anticipation

1. Reading with missing endings.

Kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor next to the chest of drawers and flies. And on the como ... on the very edge, lying ... a hat. And here is the cat Vasya ... see ... that one mu ... sat on a hat .... He jumped up and grabbed his hat with his claws…. I’ll slip off my hat ... with a como ..., Vaska fell off and how he will fly to the floor! And the hat ... - boom! - and covered it from above.

And Volodya and Vadik were sitting in the room. They are coloring... pictures and don't see... how the cat Vasya... got under the hat.... They just heard ... as something plopped down behind - fell to the floor.

2. Finish the line.

Lo - lo - lo - like on the street ... (light)

St - st - st - I broke ... (chair)

Mama washed Milu with soap,

Mila soap is not ... (loved).

3. Entertaining models.

E- (chalk, village, forest)

e - - (food, ate, ate)

e - - - (raccoon, riding, ruffs)

E - - (forests, village, sang)

4. Invisible words

I am fat and big. WITH - - -

I am where the pain is. I - oh, I - oh! WITH - - -

Grasshoppers are ringing at me. WITH - - -

And I am the end result. AND - - -

(elephant, groan, stack, total)

5. "Reverse reading" according to the words.

What is written is recited in such a way that the last word comes first, and so on.

6. "Search for semantic absurdities."

Children are offered a specially prepared text, in which, along with the usual, correct sentences, there are those that contain semantic errors that make the description ridiculous.

For example: "The children didn't get wet in the downpour because they hid under the telegraph pole."

7. "Reading the text through the word."

8. Reading with the help of "Lattice".

Text reading training begins with a grid. It is superimposed horizontally on the readable part of the page and gradually shifts down. Overlaying a grid over text overlaps some portions of the text.

The trainees, perceiving the elements of the texts visible in the windows, must mentally fill in the parts of the line covered by the membranes, restoring the meaning.

Grid reading training lasts no more than 5 minutes and is replaced by reading without a grid for 2-3 minutes.

1. Articulation of vowels, consonants, combinations of vowels and consonants.

These exercises develop the mobility of the speech apparatus.


(Change the sequence of vowels yourself, follow the clarity of pronunciation).

s-s-zh, sh-zh-s, s-h-sh...

S-F-Z-Sh, B-D-P-T, M-F-K-Sh...

Ba - bya bo - bye boo - bye bae - be by - bi

Za - za zo - ze zu - zu ze - ze zy - zi

Fa - fya fo - fe fu - fu fu - fi fe - fe

La - la lo - le lu - lu ly - li le - le

2. Reading tongue twisters.

The secret of a tongue twister is that it contains words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning. Words repeat sounds and syllables rhythmically.

Sitting on a hill in the morning,

Magpies learn tongue twisters.

Karrrr! Potato, cardboard box, carriage, cap.

Karrrr! Cornice, caramel, peanut.

Sanya drove a sleigh up the hill.

I rode Sanya from the hill, and on Sanya a sleigh.

Yegor walked through the yard

Build a fence with an axe.

3. To develop correct pronunciation, improve reading skills, we use work with structural syllable tables.

4. Sometimes reading fluency cannot be formed due to jerky reading.

In this case, you need to work on the fluency of reading. To work on smooth reading, tables of the following form are used:

Wrong breathing

To develop the skill of mastering breathing and voice, we offer the following exercises

"Blow out the candle"

Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle.

Imagine that there are three candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths. Blow out each candle.

Imagine that you have a birthday cake in front of you. It has a lot of small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as you can with as many short breaths as you can.

"Spray the laundry with water"(one step, three, five)

Deep breath and imitation of splashing water on linen.

"Breath Control"

Children put strips of paper at the level of their lips, take in more air and begin to exhale slowly so that the strip of paper does not move.

"In the flower shop"

Imagine that you have come to a flower shop and smelled the delicious aroma of flowering plants. Take a noisy breath in through your nose and out through your mouth (2-3 times).

"Exhale with a count"

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, count loudly until you run out of air.

Use of tongue twister (in chorus):

Like on a hill, on a hill

There are 33 Egorki (deep breath)

One Egorka, two Egorkas... (and so on until you exhale completely).

It should be noted that after a few sessions there is enough air for more Egoroks.


Imagine that you are little bear cubs and ask the mother bear to eat. Words must be pronounced drawlingly, in bass, clearly pronouncing [m].

Mom, honey for us,

Mom, we would like some milk.

"In the elevator"

Imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa. We go first from the first to the ninth, and then down.

small field of view

The field of view is a section of the text that is clearly perceived by the eyes at one fixation.

A small field of view is a big drawback for many readers. Since children have a small field of view, their eyes make many fixations. It is necessary to expand the field of view so that the gaze fixes not 1-3 letters, but a whole word or several words.

Exercises to help expand your field of vision

1. The exercise "Pyramid" is aimed at solving this problem.

Looking at the dot in the center and not moving your eyes horizontally, you should try to see two syllables of one word at the same time. Move down to the next line, and so on. Find the limit line that the child sees without moving his eyes. Again, start from the first line, each time dropping one line lower. If it is difficult for a child, you can read the word syllable by syllable, and then, looking at the point, see this word at the same time.

Psychologists have convincingly proved that the size of the operational field from which information is collected depends on training. Schulte's digital tables, widely known among psychologists, significantly expand the field of view. But when working with them, the reader's eyes move spasmodically. And to expand the field of view, fixing the eyes in one center is necessary.

By placing a green dot or a question mark in the center, tables can be successfully applied in practice. Working with these tables requires willpower. The gaze must be fixed on the green dot in the center of the table. The task is to see the entire table in its entirety. The adult calls the letter, the child must find it without taking his eyes off the center.

Reading the first and last syllables on a line.

Badger nose (excerpt)

K. Paustovsky

Che cut half an hour the beast stuck out of the grass wet blacknose , on resembling a pig's snout, the nose sniffed the air andsting from greedyti

"Word Pyramid"

We build a pyramid from the words of the work we are reading.

We read the words at a different pace:

Reading "THROW-SERA"

Children put their hands on their knees and begin to read the text aloud at the “Throw” command. When the “Serif” command is given, the children take their heads off the book, close their eyes and rest for a few seconds, hands on their knees. On the “Throw” command, the children should find with their eyes the place where they stopped and continue reading aloud.

Level of organization of attention

“Attention is precisely the door through which everything passes,

that only enters the human soul from the outside world.

K. D. Ushinsky

The role of attention in reading is as great as in other types of human activity. Very often the attention of a younger student is scattered, he cannot concentrate, focus his attention.

Attention Properties

Exercise: Find the words among the letters and underline them.

Oa sun pillars



Exercise: Read the sentence in which all the words are written together. Divide the sentence into words.





Exercise: Compare two tables. Write out the letters from the right table in accordance with the sequence of numbers in the left. Explain the meaning of the proverb that you get with the correct answer.

Fear has big eyes.

Exercise "Checkered table"

Stage I Consider the table and find all black numbers from 1 to 12

attention span

This exercise is carried out collectively so that the child has someone to compete with.

At the signal "Attention" show the card (see sample), but no more than 2 seconds. The child must read the presented material and write it down.

As you train, increase the amount of material.

Nonsense words containing 3 to 9 consonants, such as:








Sentences containing 5 to 16 letters, for example:

I'm runing.

Give me.

The smoke is coming.

The yard is clean.

What to do?

Learning is light.

I am floating.

The bird sings

Concentration of attention

Exercise: Try to rewrite the following lines without errors:

Ammadama reberge assamasa

Gesclalla essanessas

Enalsstade enadslat etaltarrs

Usogkata Limmodorra Clatimor

Corrective tests allow to determine and develop the volume and concentration of attention

Development of RAM

The development of reading technique is hampered due to underdeveloped RAM.

What does it mean?

Often you can see such a picture. The child reads a sentence consisting of 6-8 words. Having read up to the third - fourth word - I forgot the first word. Therefore, he cannot link all the words together. In this case, you need to work on the RAM.

This is done with the help of visual dictations.

Each of the 18 dictations has six sentences. Their peculiarity is as follows: if the first sentence contains only two words - “The snow is melting” and 8 letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of 46 letters. The increase in the length of the sentence occurs gradually, one or two letters at a time. The working time with all sets is approximately 2 months.

What is the best way to conduct visual dictations?

Six sentences of one of the sets are written out and closed with a sheet of paper. After one of the sentences is highlighted, i.e. a sheet of paper is moved down, the child reads this sentence silently for a certain time (the time is indicated for each sentence) and tries to remember. After the time has elapsed, the proposal is erased and it is proposed to write it down in a notebook.

This is followed by exposition, reading and memorization of the second sentence. After it is erased, it should again be written in student notebooks.

Six sentences usually take 5 to 8 minutes.

So, on average, one set takes three days. Eighteen sets - 54 days, about two months. In two months it is possible to develop operative memory, but on the condition that visual dictations must be written daily, if you write intermittently, this does not give anything.

Examples of sentence sets (Fedorenko's dictations)

1. Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions are grown in the fields.

2. Thousands of people move into new apartments every day

3. Sports help people stay healthy.

4. A group of tourists is walking along an overgrown forest path.

5. The boy went to the window and saw a house under construction behind the grove.

6. Russia lives in peace and friendship with other nations.

Development of RAM

A variation of visual dictations is the following exercise:

Suggestion on the board: Natasha gave Sveta one waffle.

Read and memorize the sentence.

Insert the first letters of all words in order into the table.

The use of this system of exercises in practice contributes to the improvement of reading technique:

increasevaetsyathe volume of visual and auditory perceptions, as well as the angle of view;

producedanticipation skill;

formedattention span;

there is no regression;


developvaetsyaarticulation apparatus.

The formation of reading technique affects:

general development of speech - students in their speech use more common sentences, epithets, comparisons;

improving the quality of academic performance;

maintaining high-quality academic performance during the transition to the second stage.

The presented exercises will help eliminate the causes of difficulties and improve the technical component of the reading process, and therefore will help your schoolchild in learning in general. Get acquainted with the sections gradually, study regularly and with interest, and read with enthusiasm, with the whole family.

Dyslexia is a speech disorder characterized by a persistent selective inability to master reading with intact intelligence and hearing.

The main problem is the inability to master the letters, the ability to read syllables, words, sentences and texts. Often the misreading of words leads to a misunderstanding of the meaning.

These problems create serious obstacles for the school education of the child, since the ability to read correctly and quickly is necessary to solve problems and complete test tasks. Reading disorders arise due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in this process.

Reading disorders are eliminated by a specific specialist - a speech therapist. Consider what dyslexia is in children, what types and signs of this speech disorder can be identified independently.

Symptoms of dyslexia

The symptomatology of the violation consists of manifestations that are directly related to the violation of reading. It also includes a complex of disorders of sensorimotor and cognitive functions, which are the basis of the psychological aspects of difficulties in the reading process.

The characteristic manifestations of dyslexia are the following:

  1. Failure to assimilate letters, inaccurate correlation of sounds with their graphic images, manifested in substitutions or mixtures (several substitutions) of phonemes when reading (n-t, c-s, t, a-o, i, e, i).
  2. Letter-by-letter reading is an incorrect combination of letters into syllables, into words. The letters are simply listed sequentially.
  3. Errors in the reproduction of the sound-syllabic structure of the word.
  4. Incorrect reading comprehension at the level of a single word, sentence, text.
  5. Agrammatisms. The most popular errors are the agreement of a noun with an adjective, a verb (for example, a beautiful book, the sun rose, the children walked), violation of case endings (on trees) and others.

To check the child for the presence of this speech disorder, it is enough to undergo a speech therapy examination, which is very similar to testing. Any good speech pathologist can do it.

Often, along with dyslexia, dysgraphia (persistent and specific spelling errors in writing) is diagnosed, although these problems can also occur in some cases in isolation from each other.

It is believed that dyslexia is a mental illness. It is fundamentally wrong, like the term treatment of dyslexia. From the point of view of psychology, in dyslexia, the mental functions necessary for the implementation of the reading process are impaired or partially underdeveloped.

In the process of reading, children quickly get tired, they hardly perceive what they read by ear. The psycho-emotional state of a dyslexic is in a depressed state due to the awareness of his defect.

Violation of fine and gross motor skills can be diagnosed, the child is poorly oriented in space and on a sheet of paper. If dyslexia is not associated with mental fatigue, it can be diagnosed against the background of a sufficient or high level of intellectual development of babies.

Causes of dyslexia

The causes of dyslexia are varied - they are organic, functional, biological, social. The anamnesis of children with this speech disorder includes many factors that affect during different periods of the child's development.

Dyslexic disorders are often caused by organic damage to the speech centers of the cerebral cortex involved in the organization of reading, delays in the maturation of these parts of the brain, and their incorrect work. Difficulties in reading are often provoked by prolonged somatic illnesses in young children.

A separate place in the appearance of the disorder is occupied by social factors that create an unfavorable background that provokes the appearance of problems. This includes incorrect speech of relatives, bilingualism (bilingualism), insufficient attention of parents to the speech development of children, limited, poor communication with the child, and an unfavorable situation in the family.

If a child has pathologies of oral speech (FFN, ONR), it will be more likely to say that he will suffer from dyslexia and dysgraphia.

In complex cases, dyslexia may appear as part of a severe complex disorder. For example, with mental retardation, mental retardation, minimal brain dysfunction, in persons with visual or auditory defects, cerebral palsy.

In fact, there are two global causes of dyslexia: congenital and acquired. According to research by experts, heredity plays a big role in its appearance - yes, dyslexia is inherited.

Common etiology of dyslexia:

  • Minimal brain dysfunction;
  • Fetal hypoxia and asphyxia during childbirth;
  • Premature placental abruption;
  • Jaundice in newborns;
  • Hemolytic disease of the fetus;
  • Toxic effects on the fetus of alcohol, nicotine and drugs;
  • Infectious diseases transferred by a child or mother during pregnancy (flu, measles, rubella, chicken pox, herpes, poliomyelitis), neuroinfections;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • Organic damage to the speech areas of the brain.

Also, the development of dyslexia can be affected by bilingualism in the family, the pedagogical neglect of the child, a lack of communication, thoughtless adherence by parents to early development methods, too early literacy training, or an incorrectly chosen method of forming reading.

Expert opinion

Buynova Nadezhda Valerievna

Pediatric speech therapist with over 20 years of experience

There is no dyslexia in preschoolers! To make this diagnosis, you must first try to teach the child to read, and they do this from the age of 7. It doesn't count before. If you were diagnosed with such a diagnosis in preschool age, you should contact another specialist. Normally, it is appropriate for the end of the 2nd grade of elementary school.

The acquired form is more common in adults as a consequence of a stroke. People have to learn to read and write again. We will talk about it a little lower.

Types of dyslexia

Speech impairment can be classified into several types. Classification by leading manifestations:

  1. Verbal form - there are difficulties with reading words.
  2. Literal form - there are problems with the assimilation of letters (literals).

A classification is also made according to defective mechanisms of the reading process and symptoms. So there are six forms of dyslexia:


The processes of synthesis and analysis, perception of phonemes are disturbed. The violation is characterized by letter-by-letter reading, the child replaces or mixes deaf and voiced, hissing and whistling sounds, adds, skips and rearranges sounds and syllables (instead of writing - squeaks, instead of a butterfly - daddy, shovel - lotapa, duck - fat). He can skip consonants at their confluence (mark - mara), insert extra vowels where they are not provided (lay down - legal).

When correcting phonemic dyslexia, a speech therapist develops all aspects of speech in a child, as well as memory, attention, and speech thinking. A dyslexic learns to conduct sound-letter and sound-syllabic analysis of words.


Semantic dyslexia is manifested in an unformed syllabic synthesis: the child has a poor vocabulary, cannot learn syntactic connections in a sentence. Reading is "mechanical" in nature, the reader may have a good reading technique, but does not understand the meaning of what is read. He does not establish any connection between the words, perceiving them as a set of separate words.

The same thing happens with the addition of syllables into a word - the child cannot recognize the word, perceives it as a set of syllables or sounds. It occurs in children with mental retardation, mental retardation (MPD), minimal brain dysfunction (MMD).

With the semantic form of speech disorders, they fill the vocabulary of a younger student, help him master the grammar of his native language, syllabic synthesis.


The grammatical structure of speech is underdeveloped, the child, when reading, makes mistakes in agreeing words by gender, cases and numbers, keeping them in writing and in ordinary speech, incorrectly reads parts of the word (suffixes, prefixes, endings), incorrectly agrees words in sentences (at stores, five woodpeckers, forest glade, foliage fell out).

Correction of agrammatical dyslexia includes the formation of the correct norms of the language, the ability to form and change words. With mnestic dyslexia, visual gnosis and auditory memory are formed.


With mnestic dyslexia, speech memory is impaired, the child has difficulty correlating the letter and sound with each other, does not remember them. As a result, he shifts and replaces letters when reading, reduces the number of letters in a word, and cannot reproduce 3–5 successively pronounced sounds or syllables.


The reader replaces or mixes similar letters (p-d, b-d, s-v), while reading, slips from line to line. It can be manifested by "mirror reading" of letters from right to left.


Tactile dyslexia occurs in visually impaired and blind people who skip letters and syllables when reading Braille, slip from line to line, and distort the meaning of what they read when retelling. If a child suffers from a tactile type, he develops orientation in space, tactile perception of objects and patterns.

The oral speech of children with dyslexia is often far from ideal, has many grammatical errors, defects in sound pronunciation, unrelated statements, and misused words.

The prognosis of dyslexia in organic brain damage requires diligent corrective work to form the missing stages of the reading process.

If dyslexia in younger students is caused by pedagogical neglect, bilingualism, early learning to read, a lack of verbal communication, you can count on a complete correction of the defect when the child's parents work together with a speech therapist or psychologist.

Diagnosis of dyslexia

Often it is too late to recognize this speech disorder: in the 3rd-4th grade of elementary school. Unfortunately, if a child confuses syllables in a word, not all teachers and parents wonder why this happens. All symptoms of a speech disorder are attributed to laziness and inattention of the child, his lack of diligence - it is not possible to identify the problem immediately.

If the symptoms of dyslexia described above are detected, the child should be examined by a speech therapist, psychologist, psychoneurologist, and pediatric neuropathologist. It is worth starting with a speech therapist, each specialist in this chain knows how to treat (correct) their direction of the problem.

Diagnosis of dyslexia includes several parameters analyzed by specialists:

  • anamnesis (the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, previous diseases);
  • academic performance in the Russian language;
  • the state of the organs of articulation;
  • the degree of development of fine motor skills;
  • the formation of vocabulary, grammar, phonemics, sound pronunciation, coherent speech;
  • the state of written speech (copying from a sample, writing from dictation, independent writing);
  • the level of reading mastery (rate, correctness, way of reading, comprehension of the text, the presence of typical errors);
  • state of speech analysis and synthesis;
  • the level of formation of visual recognition of letters;
  • state of orientation in space.

The diagnostic examination may include a consultation with an ophthalmologist with a vision test and a neuropathologist with an electroencephalogram.

Dyslexia in adults

Usually, dyslexia in an adult is a consequence of the lack of speech therapy assistance in childhood. Often, it appears in adulthood when a person develops an intellectual disorder, or when the disorder affects the auditory perception of information. This provokes the emergence of difficulties, since the signals entering the brain are distorted, processed inaccurately.

Also, problems with reading may appear due to trauma or psychological shock experienced. Dyslexia that occurs in an adult leads to maladaptation. Therefore, it is important to contact a speech therapist in a timely manner and get effective help in overcoming this disorder.

Signs of dyslexia in adults:

  • Incorrect, distorted pronunciation of complex, long or unfamiliar words.
  • Mistakes in reading graphically similar words.
  • Illiterate writing, multiple grammatical errors, poor vocabulary, difficulty in writing letters, statements and other independent statements.
  • Slow reading speed and difficulty remembering what has been read.
  • Difficulties in simple arithmetic calculations. They may be signs of dyscalculia.

People with dyslexia need constant supervision by specialists. After a full examination, the speech therapist develops a plan for corrective work, based on the individual characteristics of the person and the severity of the violation.

Dyslexia Correction

In addition to the negative impact on student performance, dyslexia negatively affects the formation of his personality. Difficulties in mastering reading can provoke the appearance of such personality traits as self-doubt, shyness, anxiety, suspiciousness, isolation, or aggression, irritability, negativism. Therefore, a special role belongs to the early detection and correction of this disorder.

If you turn to a speech therapist when you find the first signs of dyslexia, you can minimize its manifestations. The later corrective work is carried out, the more time it will take to eliminate this violation.

To eliminate reading disorders, a unified system of corrective action is needed, since very often dysgraphia, dyslexia, dysorphography do not exist in isolation, but most often accompany each other.

The main directions of corrective work:

  1. The development and improvement of phonemic perception (the ability to distinguish given sounds, to distinguish sounds similar in sound, for example: s-ts, ch-sh, r-l), not only in oral speech, but also in writing. This work is carried out with the participation of a speech-motor analyzer, therefore, simultaneously with the development of phonemic hearing, work is carried out on sound pronunciation;
  2. Work on sound pronunciation - eliminate shortcomings, work out articulation, form correct breathing, automate sounds in coherent statements, teach to distinguish sounds that are similar in sound;
  3. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills. The main types of this work are: selection from the text of sentences, from the sentence - words, from words - syllables and sounds, such an analysis is accompanied by the compilation of various schemes that simplify the understanding of the basic terms of the Russian language;
  4. In correctional work, great importance is attached to the development of mental processes: perception, attention, thinking, memory. For this, various tasks and didactic games are recommended. For example: “What has changed?”, “Recognize by voice”, “Garden garden”, “Fill in the shapes with letters”, “Collect the animal”, “Pick up by shape”, etc.
  5. Clarification of the meanings of words available to children and further enrichment of the vocabulary by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech; familiarity with various ways of word formation and inflection. Development and further improvement of the grammatical design of speech based on the mastery of sentences of various syntactic structures: simple and complex.
  6. Improving coherent speech, working on a sentence as the main speech unit. We pay attention to punctuation marks, which activates the student for the correct intonation when reading. You can read the same sentence with different intonations. Read the text in different ways, for example: slowly - like a turtle, cowardly - like a bunny, melodiously - like a bird, loudly - like a bear and other types of work.

There are several methods for correcting dyslexia in schoolchildren. The most popular are the Ronald Davis method and the A.N. Kornev.

Ronald Davis Method

Ronald D. Davies developed a treatment for dyslexia and opened the first reading clinic.

The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that it helps the dyslexic learn to control manifestations of disorientation or lack of attention, teaches them to perceive the most difficult and complexly written symbols and words, and then translate them into images in the imagination, due to which gaps in perception are filled.

The method is based on visual rather than verbal thinking. It contains three main steps:

  1. Learning to "control" the alphabet and linguistic signs, for example: by sculpting them from plasticine. When a child sculpts letters on his own, he feels them, imagines their image, which improves his handwriting.
  2. Learning to "control" abstract words, the image of which the dyslexic lacks.
  3. Formation of the skill of consistency and understanding in the process of reading.

The Davis method does not just teach writing, it forms self-organization skills: it develops a sense of time, order and duration, and teaches you to concentrate.

A.N. Korneva

It is called "Correction of persistent inability to master reading and writing" and is used to correct dyslexia in younger students.

The methodology is aimed at early detection of insufficient formation of the processes necessary for the development of the school curriculum, the speech development of children. But these tests are often used by teachers when organizing work with dyslexics.

Dyslexia Correction Exercises

Learning to write is the most difficult period of schooling. The number of schoolchildren who make multiple specific mistakes is constantly increasing. Often these mistakes are associated by adults with absent-mindedness.

Special work to overcome dyslexia is based on the implementation of special exercises aimed at the formation of all speech sides. In addition, exercises affect the development of fine motor skills, mental processes, and also normalize the emotional-volitional sphere. They form the rudiments for the correct formation of written speech, increase the level of general development, enrich the vocabulary, and improve the linguistic flair.

Exercises for the development of phonemic processes

Exercises train phonemic hearing, perception, memory. They form the ability to isolate a given phoneme from a word, determine their number in words, the skill of selecting words with a given number of phonemes.

Differentiate oppositional voiced and deaf, soft and hard consonants. Discrimination is carried out according to the following algorithm: listen, pronounce, distinguish, write down. At the stage of pronouncing syllables, you need to connect a kinesthetic analyzer, for example: raise your hand to voiced phonemes, and lower it to deaf ones.

Determine the loudness of sounds. After mastering the difference in the articulation of voiced and deaf phonemes, plates with their symbol are prepared. On one you need to draw a triangle, on the other draw a circle. the child is invited to listen to the words, determine what sound they begin with, and raise a suitable card. After oral practice, the words are written either in two columns, or only with voiceless consonants, or only with voiced consonants.

Name a word that is different from others. Distinguishing by ear phonemes close in acoustic parameters, the exact repetition of all words with them.

Ball games. They are aimed at the formation of phonemic processes, general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, regulation of purposeful movements, improvement of accuracy, dexterity. Thanks to them, attention is activated, the behavioral sphere is normalized:

  1. "I know a lot of words." The child needs to say a few words on a specific topic or starting with a specific sound, when pronouncing each word, you can use the ball, knock it on the floor when pronouncing.
  2. "Know-it-all". The adult asks the question by passing the ball to the child. The child catches the ball and answers the question with a detailed phrase. All words in the answer begin with one specific sound.
  3. "Accountant". An adult says a word, throws a ball. The child needs to catch the ball, count the number of sounds in the word and say the word containing the same number of phonemes by throwing the ball back.

Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus and voice

Exercises that develop articulatory clarity, breathing, voice affect the success of mastering school material. They are built on the pronunciation of tongue twisters, rhythmic texts, poems, imply an exact repetition of what they heard, allow you to feel the speech rhythm and tempo.

Insufficient activity of the articulatory organs, the accuracy of performing the given patterns, impaired breathing lead to learning difficulties. Work on the development of the speech apparatus contains exercises of articulation and breathing exercises. The development of a correct exhalation optimizes the work of the circulatory system, favorably affects the work of the whole organism.

Smooth breathing allows you to relax and concentrate. The respiratory rhythm is the only rhythm of the body that a person is able to consciously control and actively regulate. Breathing exercises can be performed at any stage of the lesson. These include playing wind musical instruments, blowing soap bubbles, imitating natural processes: sucking, yawning, coughing.

A separate place in the development of articulatory organs belongs to work on tongue twisters. It solves many problems: improving phonemic processes, clarifying the articulation pattern of phonemes, practicing articulation clarity, long, correct exhalation, developing memory, eliminating the fear of pronouncing complex words, and ensuring a positive psychological attitude. It allows you to catch the speech rhythm, pace, helps to increase the speed of both oral and written speech.

Exercises for the formation of fine motor skills

Exercises that develop motor skills of the hands can improve the emotional state, develop memory, speech. For the formation of fine motor skills, you can use massage, finger gymnastics, games, shading, modeling, drawing. Origami is also suitable:

Exercises to improve visual perception

Corrective tests are well suited for developing work on visual processes. They are necessary for correcting visual attention, perception, creating a visual image of the letter.

  • "Fly". A fly is depicted in the center of a square divided into cells. The adult dictates the ways of its movement, for example, 2 cells to the right, 3 cells down, etc. First, the child moves his finger along the cells, then mentally imagines her movement. At the final stage, the child with his eyes closed must imagine the path and say in which cell to stop.
  • "Upside down". The sheet of printed text is rotated a few degrees. The child must read the text without turning his head.
  • "Learn from a semi-letter." The upper or lower half of the line is covered with a white sheet of paper or part of the line is sealed, the child must read the sentence. This test forms a visual image of letters, the ability to quickly read one or several words at the same time.
  • "Lame Text". The child is invited to read sentences that are printed in two fonts. Explain their meaning. Note the specifics of writing. Read what is in print and what is in italics. Write down the words printed in the same font. Read the resulting proposal.

Prevention methods

Prevention of dyslexia should be addressed long before the start of schooling. Prevention is much better than cure.

What to do? The leading technique is games for the development of thinking, memory, attention. We have described some of them above. It is important to provide the child with as many different images as possible - images of objects, diagrams, letters in the form of colorful pictures. Exercises for prevention and correction can be done at home.

Letters can be sculpted from plasticine, laid out with woolen thread on velvet paper, counting sticks on the table. All these images are deposited in the children's subconscious, and the idea of ​​the letter is formed, the vocabulary is filled.

It is very useful to read aloud to the child more often, even if he himself began to read. Lexicon, the use of vivid epithets, the correct construction of phrases, the coordination of words in sentences - children learn all this by listening to the best works of fiction.

So that children do not suffer academic performance, they do not experience psychological discomfort, it is necessary to start prevention and correction of dyslexia as early as possible. This is the best way to help your child avoid this unpleasant diagnosis.

Thus, dyslexia is a violation of written language, namely, the process of reading. Most often, it is contained in the composition of complex neuropsychic and speech disorders. But persistent disorders of the reading process are also found in individuals with intact intelligence, normally developed oral speech, undisturbed visual and auditory analyzers, and those with underdevelopment of individual mental processes.

Dyslexia is more common in schoolchildren, but sometimes it occurs in adults. Timely detection of violations, properly organized work of specialists in its correction allow achieving the complete elimination of this violation.

L.B. Ulyantseva - teacher-speech therapist GMPMPK, specialist of the highest qualification category;

E.B. Pletneva - teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, methodologist of the highest qualification category


The educational (correctional and developmental) program was developed in order to provide speech therapy assistance to primary school students who have mild dyslexia and experience difficulties in developing reading skills. The program is based on an understanding of the complex psycho-physiological structure of the reading process in the norm and the peculiarities of mastering this skill by children and is compiled in accordance with the state standard for reading in elementary school and in accordance with the definition of dyslexia in modern correctional pedagogy. The program reflects scientific data on the theory and methodology of correctional work, as well as achievements in the field of psychology, psycholinguistics, speech therapy.

The theoretical basis of the program is the provisions on the relationship between correction and development, developed by L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin.

The program also reflects the ideas of a number of scientists (R.I. Lalayeva, L.G. Paramonova, L.N. Efimenkova) on the problems of formation and overcoming of violations of the reading process in children.

When compiling the curriculum, the following were used:

Systems of correctional work at the phonetic, lexical and syntactic levels, proposed in the works of I. N. Sadovnikova, V. I. Gorodilova, M. 3. Kudryavtseva, L. N. Efimenkova, G. Misirenko;

The system for working with syllabic tables proposed by A. N. Kornev;

The system of psychological exercises and tasks proposed by S. N. Kostromina and L. G. Nagaeva;

The system of tasks aimed at improving diction and expressiveness of reading, proposed by T. I. Kondranina and L. M. Kozyreva.

When compiling the program, the experience of the work of speech therapists of the GMPMPK with younger students on the problems of developing reading skills was also used.

The programs involve determining the topics of the content of correctional and developmental classes in order to obtain positive dynamics in the correction of the reading process; selection and systematization of material for the development of correctional and developmental classes; determination of the range of issues of competence of a speech therapist teacher when conducting consulting and methodological work with parents and specialists of educational institutions.

The program is designed to work with children of primary school age studying in general education

basic program and having the following features of the reading process:

Temporary delay in the stages of the formation of reading skills and the difficulty of moving to a higher level;

The presence of reading errors characteristic of various types of dyslexia;

Slow reading pace.

As a rule, reading disorders in children are accompanied by non-speech disorders: impaired visual attention, spatial representations, disorders of eye movements during reading, etc.

The curriculum includes four blocks: diagnostics; the formation of non-verbal mental functions involved in the process of reading; correction of imperfect reading skills; improving reading skills.

In the process of planning training sessions according to the program, it is necessary to take into account individual personality characteristics and the level of speech development of each child, to consider individual lesson planning more deeply.

The time for mastering the content of each section of the program is individual. In this regard, selective use of sections of the program is allowed. Each section can be used independently, varying the number of lessons for its assimilation.

The total duration of the program may

be from 42 to 60 hours, depending on the complexity of the violation.

Admission to classes is carried out according to the results of a speech therapy examination conducted at the GMPMPK. The principles laid down in the program:

Unity of diagnostics, correction and development;

ontogenetic approach;

The activity nature of the classes;

Co-education with parents;


Differentiated individual approach. Program objectives:

Improvement of non-verbal mental functions involved in the process of reading;

Correction of imperfect reading skills;

Improving reading skills.

A feature of the program is the implementation of an individually-oriented approach in the application of psychological and pedagogical technologies, the widespread use of entertaining, game material, visual and practical methods. The implementation of the program is fully possible only if there is close interaction and cooperation with the family and educational institutions. In accordance with this, the program provides for joint classes of parents with children and classes of a speech therapist with parents.

The effectiveness of the work is determined based on the results of a comparative analysis of the data from the initial speech therapy examination and the state of reading skill at the final test.

Any positive change in the state of the child's reading skill, noticed by parents or a teacher, is recorded as success in learning.

Ability to independently organize their activities;

The ability to exercise control over one's own reading;

Ability to apply acquired skills in new environments.


Types of work


Number of hours




Reflected speech;

speech cards

the state of oral speech

sound pronunciation; phonemic perception;

Answers to questions;

material; subject and

sound and syllabic analysis, synthesis, representations;

Separation of sounds from syllables

plot pictures;


Story series

development of coherent speech

Dividing words into


Text retelling

Study of the state of writing

Identification of the presence of specific errors in written works; study of the state of reading skill (method, correctness, expressiveness, understanding, the presence of specific errors)

Working with letters of the split alphabet; writing letters from dictation; dictation; writing off letters and text (with printed

Split alphabet; texts for write-offs; texts of dictations; texts for reading; texts with skip

foot and handwritten);

whelping endings;

Reading text

Two short

the text is the same

Reading short texts to yourself

the highest level of difficulty

Study of the state of non-verbal mental functions

Study of the state: visual functions (volume and concentration of attention, memory, visual field);

Correction test "Catch up and catch the letter";

Correction test tables;


Types of work


Number of hours


auditory functions (attention,

Ifa "Remember

Plate with 10

states are unspeakable

output mental

hand-eye coordination

"Numerical feast


numerical feast

Graphomotor skills;

doro drawing

States of the natural pace of action

zhek, labyrinths,

paper, pencil


arrows, schemes;

The study of personality traits

Condition Analysis

Sample letters

writing skills;

exchange works

teppikg-test; on

observation of re

Formation of non-verbal mental functions necessary to improve reading skills

Improving Perception

Development of selectivity of perception; text comprehension training

Color marking of letters, syllables, words;

Cards with words and sentences

taking into account individual elements against the background of the whole;

Crossing out given letters

highlighted in black and red

Expanding the field of view;

from text;


Development of visual-spatial orientation and hand-eye coordination

Division into syllables; game "What's around?"; numeric and beech

syllables; texts; tables; "Pi" cards

venous pyramids, tables; folding patterns; drawing

ramida" to her neither


Cubes of Koos, Nikitin

drawings, hatching, labyrinths, paths

Didactic games (table-but-printed)

Improving attention

Development of visual and auditory attention;

Journey through the labyrinths;

Labyrinths; demon cards

concentration and stability;



Expanding the scope of attention;


Cards with

memorization and


drawing by


subject memory

Speech mother


mi details;

Texts to arithme


tic wild

words, suggest

in a given

speech cards

tempo, volume

vym material

ti, with different


Tables with numbers


memorization and

4X4,X5 different

memory entry


you are meaningless

Cards with

words, knowing


what words and

Numerical tables


tsy 4X4, 5X5 with

Finding on


square tabs

faces of different

Lettering tech

complexity of numbers

in ascending order

Numerical tables

Reading suggestion

White and black

zheny with one

temporary services



Types of work


Number of hours


Distribution development, re

Calculation from

Lettering tech


attention keys

number tabs

no persons

Numerical tables


Being in

rows of letters

bad words;

Chi arrangement

sat down in ascending

in order;

Searching in

tables black

nyh and white chi

sat in order


Visual memory training;

Compilation fi



RAM training

stick gur; memorization

Arbitrary images;


Suggested texts





Reading and writing

passing before

positions of different



Ability training created


Words and phrases


create a mental image;


Settling ability training

various images

Rows of pictures;

make logical connections between

call and states;

Analysis and mouth

logical innovation

nyh and illogical



text viewer



Creating a positive self

emo drawing

Grading scales;


improvement assessments


Result Screen

but-volitional sphere

reading skill;

The child's self-assessment

Self-assessment by

noah reading speed;

Assessing your own attitude

in class;

Evaluation of achievements


Correction is imperfect

O reading skills

Language development

Development of structure analysis


Texts without dots;

analysis and


borders offered

Subject and

sentences in the text

story cars

without dots;


Cards from

proposals for

picture, with

Suggested schemes

given word;


Suggested texts

proposals for

key words;

Cards from

Working with defor-

syllables, words


mi, letters;



Types of work


Number of hours

Language development

Development of syllabic analysis and

Drawing up a gra

Chips, schemes;

analysis and

physical circuits

Cards and diagrams

Development of complex phoneme forms

proposals and

we are different words

analytical analysis and synthesis

proposals for

noah syllabic and

sound structure

Me definition

one hundred given

words in a sentence

Isolation of the voice

nyh from a syllable,

Analysis and synthesis

syllables with help

chip chips;

Composing a layer

gov and words from times

carved alphabet;

Definition of ko

personalities, after


sounds in words

with and without support

supports on the auxiliary



Morpho development

Differentiation grammatically

Exercises on

Cards with times


sky meaning;


personal kind

language systems

Improving Slo Skills

division of parts

mi exercises;

noun changes,


adjectives, verbs;

Game "Round the World"

Unit differentiation and many others. numbers;

new journey

Punched cards with

Fixing unsolicited cons

action "(fixing




Fixing prepositional case-


creature names

ny structures;


telny, adj

Adjective agreement with

laziness is


nouns in units. and many others.


Cards with od

number in different cases;



Verb agreement with entities

exercises for

nouns in number and gender; differentiation of perfective and imperfective verbs;

determining the gender, number, case of being

Images; isographs;

Improving the skills of word formation diminutive

telative, adjective;

Cards with warped

affectionate forms of names

time, type

in my words

nouns, adjectives from

nouns, verbs with



games on agreement


parts of speech;

Rod selection

meaningful words;

The game "Name


Working with defor-


Working with isogra

Game "Compose


Types of work


Number of hours


Skill Improvement


Cards with

syntactic structure of speech

make two-part extended sentences; complex sentences

two-part sentences for key words, pictures;

key words; images; scheme

Exercises on



Exercises on


complex sentences for

assistance to Sochi

thread and



Working with a diagram

Improving the lexical

Work on expanding, clarifying and systematizing the dictionary

Word selection exercises

Pictures on various lek

sides of speech

lexical topics, antonyms, synonyms,

sic topics; texts without titles;

heads and attachment


nouns to nouns (and vice versa), on

titles to the text

(and vice versa)


Working on reading comprehension

Answers to vop

Subject and


nyh: words, sentences, texts

dew on the other

plot knr-

sides of speech

tan text;

Selection of pictures

Texts (neokon

Working with defor

chennye, defor



texts; pen

Cards from

words, before



beginning and end

Improving reading skills

Technique training

Step by step learning technique

Reading syllables

Syllabaries and slo

reading (method,

niya (by syllable, whole words

(direct, reverse

spring tables,

clear diction

mi, syntactic);

nyh, from the confluence


correct, you

Reading syllables, words and sentences

I eat consonants);

Offers and


ny using various

Reading words times

methodological techniques for increasing

personal letters

pyramids and

reading speed readings;

noah fills-

"ladders" of words;

Work on diction, articulation

Dialogue texts

her and spelling rules

Reading suggestion


zhenii, tests;

Developing the Right Ras Skill

Exercises for

setting logical stress;

reading "on a circle

Developing the correct intonation

gu", "lightning",

tions, compliance with logical


pauses; use of various

Choral reading;

reading techniques to:

Reading "ladder"

fight against regression

and "pyramids";

fight against wrong anti



rock, soon

improving the rules

rock, words alone

noah anticipation

kovy and different

noah structure;


Types of work


Number of hours

Technique training


reading (method,

accents in slo

pace, clear

correct diction

Reading individual

ness, expressive

dual and

Reading with an "eye"

neck "(le

vym, right),


Reading nesura

polyester.ru - Magazine for girls and women