
Staging and automation of sound l solid. Setting the sound "L" - articulatory gymnastics. Exercise "say the words"

Competent, clear, pure and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift, it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents, teachers and many other people, surrounded by whom the baby grows and develops.First of all, such speech is characterized by the correct pronunciation of sounds, which, in turn, is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulation gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. A set of exercises is offered to the attention of parents, with the help of which you can help your child pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

k[L]assnaya cog[L]asnaya

At an early age, the child's imitative abilities are extremely great, he easily and naturally learns a huge number of new words, learns to pronounce the words he likes with pleasure, and strives to use them more often in speech. However, his articulation capabilities are not yet perfect, phonemic hearing develops gradually, so the correct pronunciation of complex sounds will remain inaccessible to the child for a long time.

Some exercises a child can master in one or two lessons, others are given to him not immediately. Perhaps the development of a certain articulation pattern will require many repetitions. Sometimes failure causes a child to refuse further work. In this case, do not focus on what is not working. Encourage him, return to a simpler, already worked out material, reminding him that once this exercise also did not work.

Rules and nuances

To make it more interesting for the child, invite him to become a teacher, educator: take the child’s favorite toy (doll, bear) and let them perform articulation exercises, pronounce sounds and syllables, repeat words and tongue twisters.

It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become more durable.

Direct work on the development of articulatory motor skills should take at least 5 minutes, and the entire lesson should take 10-12 minutes. Do the exercises yourself in front of a mirror.

Doing articulation exercises is a difficult job for a child. Praise and encouragement will give the baby self-confidence and help to quickly master this or that movement, and therefore, quickly master the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Sound [l]

For the correct pronunciation of the sound, it is necessary to develop: lifting the tip of the tongue up, lifting the back of the back of the tongue up.

We call sound. Bare your teeth in a "smile" and bite your wide tongue without sticking it out too much or straining. Do not make the tongue narrow, otherwise the sound will soften. Biting the tongue, at the same time we pronounce the sound [a], getting - la-la-la, then we slow down and start just buzzing: “l-l-l” (without the vowel “a”). Make sure that the corners of the mouth are stretched in a “smile”: warm air comes out through them.

Sometimes, under tension, the child cannot turn on the vocal folds when pronouncing the open syllable “la-la-la”. In this case, you can start with the vowel "A" - "a-la-la", "a-la-la". A wide tongue constantly lies on the lower teeth without tension. If a child can hold out the sound [l] for a long time, then it means that he succeeds in it and it is possible to consolidate it.

Fixing the sound. To consolidate the sound [l], [l "] in speech, you can use the game "Wonderful bag" or a variant of the game "What is hiding under the tablecloth?" The child must by touch determine which object lies in the bag or under the tablecloth. such that the desired sound in the words-names was in a different position: at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

To consolidate the sounds, use the ability of four-year-old children to easily memorize verses. Read the poems of Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder and other children's authors to children, ask the child to finish the last word in the line, the last line in the poem, then the quatrain, then the whole poem.

The exercise

Find pictures in the names of which the sound [l] is at the beginning of the word: paw, lamp, shovel, loto, bow, moon; middle: saw, blanket, doll, clown; and at the end: table, floor, woodpecker. Then come up with sentences with these words, for example: Mila put the lamp on the table.

Sound [l "]

After automation [l] hard, soft sound is easy to imitate. In front of the mirror, say the syllables: "li-li-li", while the lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of sounds [l], [l "] are called lambdacisms. Lambdacisms include the absence of sound [l] and its distortion (interdental, nasal or bilabial sound, etc.).

Since the articulation of a hard sound [l] is more difficult than the articulation of a soft one, it is most often violated.

Replacing the sounds [l], [l "] with other sounds is called paralambdacism.

The reasons leading to the incorrect pronunciation of the sound [l]: a shortened hyoid ligament, which limits the upward movement of the tip of the tongue; weakness of the muscles of the tongue; phonemic hearing impairment.

Distortion of sounds [l], [l "]

The sound is pronounced interdentally. The tip of the tongue, instead of rising beyond the upper incisors, comes out between the teeth.

Nasal pronunciation of sound. The tongue touches the back of the soft palate, and not the tip of the upper incisors, as happens with the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. In this case, the air stream partially or completely passes through the nose. The child’s speech will sound like this: “Mouse of the spring jinga, down in the unggu spanga.”

Replacing the sound [th]. In this disorder, the tip of the tongue stays down instead of rising past the upper incisors, and the middle back arches up instead of down. The child says this: "The mouse is happier, down in the coal junction."

Sound replacement [y]. With this violation, the lips, not the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. With this substitution, the child’s speech sounds like this: “Mouse veseuo zhiua, down in fluff in uguu spaua.”

Sound replacement [s]. With this violation, the back of the back of the tongue is raised, and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing the sound, and adults often believe that the sound [l] is skipped. The child says: "The mouse is veseyo zhya, down in the ugu spaya."

Sound replacement [e]. With such a replacement, the tongue does not take part, the lower lip moves to the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a lack of speech, but only a slurred pronunciation. With this substitution, we hear: "The mouse is alive, in fluff in the ugvu spava."

Sound replacement [g]. In this case, the tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but descends and retracts from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. The child’s speech sounds like this: “The mouse of the weight is jig, down in the ugg spaga.”

Games to prepare for the pronunciation of the sound [l]


Purpose: to develop the ability to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.

Smile, open your mouth and put a wide tongue on your lower lip (do not pull your lip over your lower teeth). Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10.

delicious jam

Purpose: to work out the movement of the wide front of the tongue up.

We lick the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue, making tongue movements from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not help with the lower lip.

The steamer is humming

Purpose: to develop a rise in the back and root of the tongue, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

With your mouth open, pronounce the sound [s] for a long time. Make sure that the tip of the tongue is at the bottom, deep in the mouth.


Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue, to develop the flexibility and mobility of its front part.

With your mouth open, move the wide tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, try not to tear your tongue away from the lip, as if stroking it, gradually speed up the movements until you get the sound [blbl] (like a turkey mumbles).


Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, to develop the flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the tip of the tongue.

With your mouth open (lips in a smile), put the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5, then lift the wide tip of the tongue for the upper teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5. So alternately change the position tongue 6 times. Keep your mouth open.

Let's click!

Purpose: to strengthen the tip of the tongue, to develop a lift of the tongue.

With your mouth open, flick the tip of your tongue slowly at first, then faster. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, only the tongue works. Silently flick the tip of your tongue. Make sure that the tip of the tongue rests on the palate behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.

Pronunciation of syllables with movements

Words in motion


Lam - Rotational movement of the hands ("flashlight").

pa - We press the fists to the chest.


The light bulb has burnt out. We make flashlights.

She probably got sick. - Tilt your head to your shoulder and bring your folded palms to your cheek.


La-la-la, la-la-la!

The swallow made a nest.

Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo!

The swallow is warm in the nest.


Laika and lap dog barked loudly.

The Oriole sang for a long time over the Volga.

Silly baby

Silly baby

Sucked ice

Mom didn't want to listen

That's why she got sick.

Svetlana Ulyanovich-Volkova, Svetlana Murdza, speech therapists.

Preschool age is the period of the most active development of the child. Significant physiological changes occur in his body, the development of thought processes, the psyche, the emotional-volitional sphere and the personality as a whole is underway.

Studies have shown that all mental processes in a child develop with the direct participation of speech. And, obviously, the violation of this human function leads to difficulties in the harmonious development of the baby. In order to help the child master speech in a timely manner, parents should know the patterns of speech development of a preschool child.

Age deviations of speech development

Normally, by the age of three, the baby should master almost all the sounds of the language, with the exception of hissing (Sh, Shch, Ch, Zh) and the sound P, Pb. This age is characterized by an increase in speech activity, children begin to use speech in order to learn new facts for themselves. In another way, this is the age of "why".

Here are common mistakes that children make at this stage of speech development:

  • replacing the sound R with L, L (hand - hatch),
  • replacement of hissing Sh, Shch, Ch, Zh with soft X, Zb (scarf - syarf),
  • replacing L with sounds L, Y (bow - hatch, lamp - yampa).

A five-year-old kid should already correctly pronounce all the sounds of speech and use not only simple, but also complex sentences to express his thoughts.

If a child pronounces sounds incorrectly for a long time, then his motor articulation skills are fixed, and the perception of speech sounds is distorted. The kid pronounces the sound incorrectly, but he does not understand it. If the child is not helped in time, then he will have a persistent speech defect, which will be much more difficult to overcome.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds in a child

Often, if a child does not have chronic diseases, pathologies in the development of the organs of the speech apparatus (tongue, soft and hard palate, lips), disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, adults at home can help the baby master one or another sound. In this case, you only need to know the procedure required to produce the missing or distorted sound.

  • Firstly, the main thing that parents should start with is strengthening articulatory motor skills. This is achieved through various exercises, of which the literature provides many.
  • Secondly, this is the staging or refinement of the sound itself. Each sound has its own method.
  • The next step will be to fix the sound first in syllables, then in words.
  • After the child successfully pronounces the sound in words, he is offered tasks for differentiating (distinguishing) oppositional sounds (Zh-Sh, Ch-Sch, Z-S, T-D, etc.).
  • Next comes the stage of memorizing nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, poems with a set sound.
  • And finally, we fix the sound in speech: storytelling, storytelling.

How to teach a child to pronounce a solid sound "L" at home

In this article we want to dwell in more detail on the production of a solid sound "L".

Most often, when pronouncing the sound “L”, the following shortcomings occur: the sound is completely absent, replaced by others - L, V, U, I. (shop - “lyavka”, “yavka”). Due to the fact that the pronunciation of this sound requires the upper position of the tongue, you need to find out if the child can lift it up.

In order for the tongue to clearly hold the desired position, we offer the following exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the tongue:

  1. "Sting" - show a narrow tongue
  2. “Sting” - “Shovel” - show either a narrow or a wide tongue.
  3. "Swing" - the tongue touches alternately the lower, then the upper lip.
  4. "Pendulum" - the end of the tongue turns into the corners of the lips.
  5. “We will punish the naughty tongue” - stick out your tongue, pat your lips on it (five-five-five) so that it becomes wide.
  6. “The tongue is sleeping” - slightly bite the end of the protruding tongue, opening and closing the mouth, lips and tongue are relaxed and motionless.

After you notice that the child can easily cope with the proposed exercises, you can proceed directly to the production of the sound “L”.

The first way to call L: the flattened tongue lies motionless between the teeth (“The tongue is sleeping”), the mother offers to sing AAA and, without interruption, bite the tip of the tongue, continuing to sing the same sound, - it turned out ALL. I would like to warn that it is not necessary at this stage to ask the child what kind of sound he got. This can be done only after repeated repetition of the exercise, when he succeeds.

Second setting method: sing YYYY, while biting a wide tongue. The child is shown this exercise silently so that the sound L is not audible, otherwise he will pronounce it with the usual distortion.

The sound obtained with these techniques is first fixed in closed syllables (AL, IL, OL, UL); further - between vowels (ALA, ILA, ULO ...), then in open syllables (LA-LA, LO-LO, LU-LU, LA-LU, LO-LU, etc.).

  • where the sound L is at the end of the word: rear, donkey, chair, kalach, glass, etc.
  • where the sound L is at the beginning of the word: skis, bast, boat, puddle, horse, etc.
  • where the sound L is in the middle of a word: fang, class, glory, eyes, flea, etc.

Then you begin to memorize simple poems, nursery rhymes, riddles with your child, in which the sound L is often found. This will automate the resulting sound and introduce it into speech.


On the surface of the window glass

heavy glass drop.

A drop fell on a blue flower

and opened one petal.

Run away, run away

milk escaped.

I had a hard time catching it

Being a hostess is not easy!

Everything is white, white, white.

There has been a lot of snow.

Here are the fun days!

Everyone on skis and skates!

If you are not confident in your abilities or are afraid to harm the baby in some way, then there is always a way to contact specialized centers, of which there are now a large number. Having attended several speech therapy classes and having mastered the skill of pronouncing a “difficult” sound, your child will be able to continue working on developing speech with his parents.

We offer the child to do the exercises shown in the following video of speech therapist Natalia Gorina.

How to prevent speech impediments

Parents should remember that their behavior can also affect the development of the baby's speech. How should parents behave if they want their child's speech to form without unnecessary difficulties?

  • First of all, you need to talk to the baby slowly, calmly. This is due to the fact that due to insufficiently developed auditory perception, the child will not have time to hear and recognize the speech of an adult.
  • It is necessary to tell the child how to correctly pronounce the word that he finds it difficult to say. Usually kids are happy to repeat after adults. Just do not forget that excessive demands can offend the child, and he can completely withdraw.
  • It is not advisable to overload the child with early learning of letters and reading, especially if this is done without his desire, since the expected result may be the opposite.
  • It is a mistake to force a young child to recite poetry in front of guests. This is a big stress for the baby, whose speech has not yet been fully formed. Subsequently, such adult mistakes can lead to stuttering.
  • With the late development of speech, you should not panic, you just need to pay more attention to speech games with the child in order to replenish his passive vocabulary.
  • In addition, the prevention of deficiencies in speech development is facilitated by the normal functioning of other speech organs (hearing, voice, respiratory apparatus, vision, smell, touch), the well-coordinated work of which contributes to the formation of correct speech.

Remember, the work of developing speech does not end quickly. This is a long process. It is necessary to constantly expand the vocabulary of the baby, read books to him, compose stories from pictures, from the impressions that he had. In every possible way encourage the child to communicate, gently and unobtrusively correct his mistakes, while giving him a sample of correct speech.

We bring to your attention the following video, in which you can consider in detail the production of the sound "L" at home.

The production of the soft sound "L" is discussed in the next video.

The magical age from two to five quickly flies by, when parents are touched by any new word mastered by their home linguist. Baby talk seems richer and richer than classic adult speech. And the parents themselves are not averse to chatting with their child in his bizarre language, voluntarily or involuntarily creating situations for the incorrect formation of speech and pronunciation skills.

Writing and pronunciation of the letter and sound L

Caution: physiological dyslalia

But by the age of four, you need to be on the alert: the time comes for correct speech, and the baby simply does not know how to pronounce some sounds. And if you let it take its course, and do not teach him to speak correctly in time, you can make your child the subject of mockery and ridicule for life. Yes, and with spelling he will certainly have problems. Along with the difficult consonant "R", many children do not know how to pronounce the letter "L".

This speech defect is called physiological dyslalia in speech therapy and is quite common among children from four to six years old.

Types of pronunciation disorders

Many over time themselves can learn to speak correctly. Here's how a child can distort the letter "L".

  • The baby does not hear this sound and skips it at all: instead of “ruler”, it says “hoarfrost”.
  • "L" is replaced by the sound "U" or "V": "spoon" - "uzhka"; "Larisa" - "Varisa". At the same time, children try to pronounce "L" not with the tip of the tongue, but with their lips.
  • Instead of "L" is pronounced "Y": "hammer" - "moyotok"
  • The child confuses the hard and soft letter "L".

Before contacting a speech therapist, it is useful for parents to get acquainted with the rules for pronouncing the sound L and teach them to their child. Perhaps after homework, he will begin to say this sound correctly.

Correct articulation of sound L

Before you start classes, you need to practice pronouncing this sound in front of a mirror in accordance with all the rules. It is likely that the child received a speech impediment as a result of the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "L" by someone in the family.

Setting the pronunciation of a solid sound L

After fixing the solid “L” with a series of words, we continue to make sure that the child clearly pronounces all the sounds, correct and remind him how to pronounce this particular letter correctly.

Articulation gymnastics

Exercises that increase the mobility of the tongue and lips will help you quickly learn how to pronounce various sounds correctly, and this applies not only to the letter “L”.

Sound articulation profile L

Today, researchers have proven that fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to speech, so modeling, finger games, small toys for a baby are necessary to learn how to speak correctly.

The development of motor skills of the hands helps to develop speech

If, after many efforts, the child still cannot pronounce the letter “L” correctly, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist. Perhaps it's a malocclusion, a neurological disease, or stress. It is important to remember that the age from 4 to 6 years is the most favorable in order to learn the correct speech, later it will be necessary to eliminate the entrenched skill, and this is already more difficult to do.


LA - LA - LA LA - LO - LU

LO - LO - LO LO - LU - LA

LU - LU - LU LU - LA - LY

LY - LY - LY LY - LU - LA






La - la - la - paw Lu - lu - lu - bow

Lo - lo - lo - scrap Ly - ly - ly - skis

Words with stress on a syllable:

Paw, bench, lamp, eraser, swallow, varnish, laz, lily of the valley, spinning top, business, ash, led, lived, small, saw, fist, kalach, salad, dressing gown, tent, pin, rock.

Magnifying glass, bow, beam, Lusha, hole, ash, spinning top, saw, naughty, cleaver, beluga, bulb, elk, boat, elbow, spoon, crowbar, fishing, forehead, horse, swamp, galoshes, well, pilot, Volodya, stocking, cold, hungry, breakdown.

Lyko, skier, skis, tables, stakes, goals, oxen, wormwood, kid, smile, cobblestone

Words without stress on a syllable:

School, sang, Mila, ate, soap, barrel, ran, walked, drove, drove, wore, wrote, dressed, read, offended.

Moon, meadow, lawn, basket, lunatic, dove, acorn, deck, receive, white, bold, scarlet, bast, whole, pitchfork, ripe, bees, glasses, pencil cases, canals, stations, vacations, kids, blazes.


La - la - la - shovel and saw. Lou - lu - lu - bought a saw.

Lo - lo - lo - there is an oar in the boat. Ly - ly - ly - tables in the boat.

Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo

Warm outside. Near the windows on the floor.

Lou-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu La-la-la, la-la-la

The table is in the corner. Didn't see the glass.

Ly - ly - ly, ly - ly - ly Lu - lu - lu, lu - lu - lu

We scored goals. We didn't hit glass.

La-la-la, la-la-la

Only there is no glass in the window.

Noble, grateful, cloud, eyes, smooth, head, burned, evil, cereal, put, class, Klava, pantry, power.

Poster, scarf, swim, cry, layer, record, plastic, patch, glory, sweet, glorious, weak, send, bottle, flag, left, walked.

Block, globe, shred, clown, raft, bad, square, seal, elephant, word, paddle, complex, puff, vials, navy, clap, clap.

Blouse, heel, stupidity, ball, flower bed, club, strawberry, tuber, rogue, plow, rumor, listen, serve, chance, merit.

Lump, evil, fang, swim, hear, be known, boilers, willows, whip


Allah is small. Mila is small. Allah and Mila are small.

There is a puddle at the house. The kid fell into a puddle. The kid launched a boat.

Allah was sleeping. Vova woke up Alla. Allah got up.

Lusha is small. Lusha is tired. Lusha fell asleep.

Boat on the water. There are oars in the boat. Mila is in the boat.

Dad was sharpening a saw. Dad cut down the tree. Slava was carrying branches.

Klava washed the floors. Mila helped Klava. Mila carried water.

Mila has white teeth. The elephant has white fangs. The piano has white keys.

Alla has a flower bed. There are phloxes in the flower bed. Gladiolus in a flower bed.

Allah put the words together. Mila folded the cubes. Lusha folded the books.

Glasha bought lilies of the valley. The moon was shining in the sky. The mouse got into a mousetrap. Klava learned the proverb. Slava has white doves. The fleet set sail. The boat rocked on the waves. Allah put on a blouse. A white cloud floated across the sky. Cotton is called white gold.


Sweet ripe strawberries.

How many berries - look!

Even Alla's dress

From strawberries in scarlet juice.


Tin spoon - pewter.

Straw hut - straw.

Silk dress - silk.

Linen dress - linen.

Alley of Christmas trees - spruce.

Hall with columns - columned.

Lilies of the valley in the meadow - meadow.

They break with a crowbar, and prick with a cleaver.

They thresh with a thresher, and they pound with a pusher.

Cool down in the cold.

From the splinter it is light, and from the stove it is warm.

The broom is in the corner and the rug is on the floor.

The deeper the well, the colder the water.

The Christmas tree has spruce needles.

The main strongman has weakened so much that even cry.

The lap dog drank at the column, the light bulb was in the lamp, and it became light,

The column watered the lapdog. As if all the darkness was carried around the corners.




AL - YAL - OL IL - YL - EL OL - AL - YL

Hall, small, gave, fell, shaft, sting, channel, glass, pencil case, wrote, station, metal, knocked, jackdaw, stick, washcloth, skipping rope, violet, slept.

Table, floor, ox, injection, goal, dol, house, wolf, hill, withers, full, long, lightning, noon, cover, goldfinch, football, pickle, chair, blew, aul, guard, mule, bun, blew, fell asleep, pulled, yawned, whispered, shook, pinched.

Howled, washed, whined, washed, forgot, howled, bottle, ardent, crumpled, beamed, calmed down, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, raised, feared, laughed.

Walked, led, silk, Christmas tree, bangs, heifer, bee, donkey, goat, new settler, cauldron, click, panicle, chalk, sang, whole, knew how, sat, dressed, hung, wanted, hissed, squirrel, finely.

Mikhail, dear, beat, drank, scored, drove, drove, mowed, bought, wore, taught, dragged, visited, vein, fork, file, drinker, mower, stretcher.

Al - al - al - dark basement. Alka - alka - I have a stick.

Ol - ol - ol - washed the floor. Olka - olka - I have a needle.

St - st - st - a broken chair. Ilka - ilka - I have a fork.

Il - il - il - I washed the floors.


Alphabet, diamond, Altai, halva, marshal, sage, balcony, gave out, fell out, fell, poured, stomped, felt, kicked out.

He blew, knocked, threw, put, arched, muscle, volcano, stockings.

He sowed, melted, winnowed, winnower, seeder, knot, saw, went out, offended, hated, woodpecker, ashes, drank, knocked out, planted, learned, pulled out, let out, jumped out.

The chair fell to the floor. Pavel went to football. Dad bought a tree. The nightingale sang on a branch. An eagle perched on a rock. My brother left for the station. There is a fork on the table, there are plates and glasses. Lusha put a white scarf on her head. Volodya will be a pilot. Glory drinks milk. Mila saw a clown in the circus. The gardener is digging a flower bed with a shovel. Phloxes will grow in the flower bed. Mom bought Violet cologne. Mila and Volodya are sailing on a boat, Volodya is rowing. The carpenter made a chair. Apples ripened on the apple trees.

I slept, slept, the wave caught up with the wave,

Tired of sleeping, the wave went into the depths,

I took it and got up. A wave came out from the depths

He stood, he stood, You would not swim

Tired in the waves alone again!

And slept again.



The fox lay on the snow. She closed her eyes and didn't move. Crow saw her. She carefully flew up to the fox, came closer and pecked at its tail, and the fox lay as if dead. The crow jumped around the fox, went up to the head and wanted to peck the fox in the eye. The fox jumped up, grabbed the stupid crow and ran into the forest.


Lada put a mug of milk on the table and covered it with a towel. Kittens were playing around the table. One kitten grabbed a towel and dragged it to the floor. The mug also fell and the milk spilled. The kittens began to drink milk. They drank milk and fell asleep under the table.


Owl, owl, owl

Big head.

I sat on a bitch

turned his head,

She looked in all directions.



It was autumn. The sun shone brightly, but warmed weakly. On Saturday the boys went fishing. They sat under a bush, threw their fishing rods. How good it was around! The shores of the lake are overgrown with reeds. Alder branches descended into the water from the shore. Behind the lake was a young aspen forest. The sun was setting. Its rays illuminated the forest, the lake. The fish were biting well. The boys caught a lot of perch and roach.


Look, clouds are floating over the meadow on the pavement...

The puddle was churned out by water. “Oh, how beautiful!

Right from our yard They are like puddles of milk

The kids are running! They are whiter than cream

Ah yes, the puddle is deep, Like the foam of steamed milk, ”-

There is a sea and a river. The cow sighed, gasped,

But I didn't tell anyone

And she mumbled sweetly: "Moo."

The snow is white today, white,

It is light all around.

I put on gloves

I'm warm in my winter coat.


A liar is easier to catch than a lame one. Lies don't make a person happy. Lies walk on cockroach legs. once lied - forever became a liar. Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business. A small deed is better than a big idleness. The nightingale is small, but the voice is golden. I didn’t eat, but I sat at the table.


A cowardly hare A goat walked along the bridge

He ran across the field, And wagged his tail.

I ran into the garden, hooked on the railing,

I found cabbage, I landed right in the river.

Found a carrot, Who does not believe - it's him,

Is sitting. Get out of the circle!


The owner is coming!

Lena was looking for a pin, the bear sat on a log,

And the pin fell under the bench. I started looking at the sun.

It was too lazy to climb under the bench, Don't look at the light, bear!

Been looking for a pin all day. The eyes may hurt.


Lullaby Nosy Jackdaws

Bye-bye, bye-bye, Reading rhymes:

Doggy, don't bark. - I'm a jackdaw!

Belopapa, don't whine, - You're a jackdaw!

Don't wake my Tanya. - We are jackdaws!

Dark night - - You are jackdaws!

Can't sleep And only chicks

My Tanechka is afraid. And only whites

You, doggy, don't bark, In the forest in the clearing

Don't scare my Tanya. They play silent.

The wolves went hunting. Lion caught a mosquito

They roam in swamps. He broke his forehead with his paw.

Incidentally, they say

Wolves eat berries.

Tongue Twisters:

Klim threw a bow at Luka. The stick was pushed by Polkan.

Near the bell. The tree has needles.


Fall from a branch Who is cold in winter

Gold coins. Wandering angry, hungry?

(leaves) (wolf)

Ate, ate oak, oak, dived, dived

Broken tooth, tooth. And she lost her tail.

(saw) (needle and thread)

I dug the earth - Near the beds there are two shovels,

Not at all tired. Near the tub are three spatulas,

And who dug me, All the shoulder blades - count!

He was tired. How much will?

(shovel) Exactly ... (five)

Tongue Twisters:

Mom washed Mila with soap. Ivan the blockhead

Mila did not like soap. milk chatted,

Don't blurt out.


Little talker Petya was small and crushed mint.

Milk chatted, chatted, I saw my mother -

Don't blurt out. Did not order to crush.

A woodpecker sits on an oak tree Clala Klava bow on a shelf,

And it hollows in the oak. She called to herself Nikolka.

Our Polkan fell into a trap. Slava ate salted fat,

The falcon sat on a bare trunk. Yes, glory is not enough fat.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have needles.

There is no ring near the well.

Ipat went to buy shovels. Goat-miller,

Ipat bought five shovels. Who did you grind flour for?

Walked through the pond, caught on the rod. Who didn't pray?

L # 1 SOUND AUTOMATION L in syllables

AL - AL - AL AL ​​- OL - UL - IL




IL - IL - IL EL - AL - OL - IL

LA - LA - LA LA - LE - LE - LI

LE - LE - LE LE - LE - LI - LA

LE - LE - LE LE - LA - LI - LE


LI - LI - LI LI - LU - LA - LE




Aphids - Aphids - Aphids Yulyu - Yulyu - Yulyu

Aphid - Aphid - Aphid OR - OR - OR


Al, ol, ul, yl, yul, il, spruce

Steel, enamel, shawl, distance, medal, pedal, palm tree, detail, boy, further, festival, finger.

Salt, moth, roofing felt, pain, Olga, only, painful, beans, sack, pulse, gurgle, steering wheel.

Feather, crutch, bottle, bloodworm, dust, true story, soap, soldering iron, tulle, vestibule, scrap, wick, sprat, strong.

Spruce, stranded, purpose, slot, hop, blizzard, panel, overcoat, sorrel, herring.

Daring, coat, shooting, battalion, postman, medallion.

Bags, broth, bulldog, pollen, tulip, pavilion.

Report card, nickel, jacket, dolphin, schnitzel.

La, li, le, le, lu

Fields, Lyalya, webbing, glade, hodgepodge, goulash, stroller.

Linden, leaf, shower, Liza, viburnum, Polina, snail.

Tape, watering can, forest, left, climb, fishing line, swan, ladder, lion, ticket, knee, pity, cart, seal.

Lyosha, ice, flax, light, flight, distant, wheels, diaper, herring, green, coal, moth, plane.

I prick, command, saw, grind, salt, Lyuba, people, hatch, buttercup, prickly.



Olya, Valya, Yulia, Kolya, will, saw, bullet, week, grind, whiten, groom, salt.


A face, a fox, a leaf, a lemon, a street, they sat, stood, knocked, walked, drove, wrote, wore, ran over, stomped, clapped, giant.


Beehive, field, wheel, fly, forester, glacier, treat, winch, cake, ice drift, lie down.


Pole, jaws, aim, pet.

Pronounce words with a confluence of consonants:

La, whether

Blob, beach, badge, for, hat, strap, dance, gloss, slush, look, flask, walked, closer, clay, length, slab, climate, wedge, pancake.

Le, le, lu

Gleb, bread, plaid, trace, captivity, glue, barn, mold, shine, cell, pale, collective, hobby, maple, Kiev, takeoff, spank, film, beak, key, club, bun, love, mica, cranberry, observe.


Lilya drew a green lily. Yulia and Galya love ice skating. Lenya and Yulia bought candies. People entered the elevator. Flax turns blue near the forest. Polya and Galya are painting a palm tree. Valya didn't go out because there was a snowstorm. Kolya pours milk from a bottle into a saucer. Swans flew over the forest. Tolya's dad is a pilot, he is in flight today. Cannons from the pier are fired, the ship is ordered to land. Young sticky leaves have blossomed on the poplar. From the street came the sound of dripping. Lyova sculpts from plasticine. Lena has a green ribbon. Luda is watering tulips from a watering can.


The school declared a forest holiday. On Saturday, the children gathered at school. They brought shovels and watering cans. Cars arrived, they brought seedlings. Schoolchildren lined the village pond with trees, landscaped the sports ground. A spruce tree was planted near the school.

A blizzard is blowing in the forest,

Spreads white snow

And we put on boots -

We are not afraid of blizzards.



I was picking strawberries in the forest and lost my way. There was a young spruce forest all around. I lay down on a fragrant carpet of spruce needles, and placed a basket of wild strawberries at my feet. Bumblebees buzzed overhead. The wasps swept by quickly. Domestic bees flew from flower to flower, collecting sweet juice. Then the bees disappeared behind the spruce forest. I went after the bees and they showed me the way to the house.

And recently two gazelles in a bright hall

They called and sang: On the piano

  1. Did they really play Plyasovaya.

Have all the carousels burned down? Get ready round dance,

  1. Ah, are you wise, gazelles? Let's dance

Carousels did not burn down, New Year!

And the swing survived.

You would, gazelles, not clamor, Owls flew,

And next week, all the people looked,

They would jump and sit down Owls would sit down,

On a swing carousel. All the people were amazed.


The forest is big, but the forest is small. The leaf is big and the leaf is small. Rural people live in villages and towns. A forest of deciduous trees is deciduous. The alley of lindens is linden. The fluff from the poplar is poplar. Kissel from raspberry - raspberry. Kissel from lemon - lemon. Cranberry jelly - cranberry. Plush deer - plush.


April, April! Who built this light

Drops are ringing in the yards, This marble station?

Streams run through the fields, Who is imperceptibly under us

Puddles on the paths. Passed and crawled?

Soon the ants will come out Under the gardens, under the houses

After the winter cold. Workers went to the slaughter

The bear makes its way, fought with the quicksand,

Through the forest deadwood, With stone, clay and water.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

The linden has a linden flower, We are now throwers -

The linden has a linden leaf, We hit the enemy!

Healing linden flower, Wave your hand - throw!

And a sticky lime leaf. A snowball is flying straight at the target.


Petals cherish, Maple leaf on a maple,

The petals are sorry, the maple leaf is green,

Let them turn white, All summer the leaf is green

Let them cheer. Green on a green maple.

Lenya climbed the ladder, Uncle Kolya daughter Field

Lenya plucked peaches. Gave a collie puppy

With songs, But a collie puppy

With peaches Run away from Paulie in the field.

Lenya rolled down the stairs!

Lyalya has a Lelya doll. Kolya stabs pricks,

Lelya is made of flax - Fields field watered.

Lala likes her.

People cherish bread in the fields, We found burbot in the shallows.

They spare no effort for bread.


Sleeps on an ice floe all day Rain, rain pours everywhere.

Fat little seal. The chicks are happy in the nest:

At the lazy muddler - Mom will sit at home,

Paws turned into flippers. Won't fly anywhere!


The downpour is pouring! The downpour is pouring! - I'll ride the waves!

Dancing drops in a puddle, Through the channel - and to Moscow!

The raft is floating! The raft is floating! Only the downpour is getting stronger.

The raft is spinning in a puddle. Only the drops are getting bigger.

The frog climbed onto the raft of the Braggman without regret,

And shouts: “Hurrah! Forward!" They hit harder and harder! ..

The waves are splashing! The waves are crashing! Frog in a puddle -

Pour over your head! Plop!

  1. What are the waves to me! The most complete! And to the ground

The steering wheel does not give up. Under the burdock.

Learn tongue twisters:

Vale are great ballroom shoes. Valenki felt boots are small for the giant. Lada was given a medal. The Lilliputians drank the pill and murmured. White swans flew over the meadow. Olya gave Lena a long white ribbon. Yulia was bought in July. Lenya sculpted a deer.


Sound automation [L] in an open syllable

ly - le - la
lu - ly - la
le - ly - lo

Sound automation [L] in a closed syllable
al - ol - st
yl - el - al
ol - st - al
st - yl - al
st - ol - al
el - yl - ol

In syllables (ala, alo, alu, aly) and syllabic rows:

Ala-ala-ala ala-alo-alu-ala
alo-alo-alo alo-alu-alo-alo
alu-alu-alu alu-alo-alu
ali ali ali ali ali ali ali
ale-elu-ula aly-ylo-uly-alu

In syllables with confluences (la, cla, fla, dla, bla, gla) and syllable series:

Sla-slo-slu-sly cla-clo-clo-cla
fla-flo-flu-fla dla-dlo-dlu-dly
blah blah blah blah gla-glo-glu-gla

Automation of sound L in words

1. Say words with "L" at the beginning

Varnish, forehead, bow, crowbar, elk, spoon, boat, puddle, lu-na, horse, lo-cat, ski, bald, la-vochka, la-poochka, paw, bench, lamp, eraser, swallow, laz, lily of the valley, bast, magnifying glass, bow, beam, hole, bulb, elk, boat, elbow, fishing, bast, skier, moon, meadow, bow, lunatic, basket.

2. Speak words with "L" in the middle

Pi-la, we-la, would-la, sa-lo, we-lo, e-la, se-la, spa-la, took-la, passed-la, fell-la, managed-la,

bi-la, p-la, de-la, ve-la, sa-lat, ha-lat, pi-lot, ko-los, mo-lot, ko-lot

mo-loko, ho-lodets, good-lodets, mo-tray, co-pubis, gold-loto, hair, stripes, fiber, ko-lot, mo-lot.

whirlpool, ash, lived, small, saw, fist, kalach, tent, pin, rock, swamp, galoshes, well, pilot, Volodya, stocking, cold, hungry, breakdown, tables, stakes, goals, oxen, wormwood, kid, smile, cobblestone, school, Mila, ate, barrel, ran, walked, drove, drove, wore, dressed, read, offended, dove, acorn, deck, receive, white, bold, scarlet, whole, pitchfork, ripe, bees, glasses, pencil cases, canals, stations, vacations, kids, naughty.

3. Say words with "L" at the end
Pi-l, by-l, we-l, e-l, se-l, spa-l, removed-l, handed over, dropped-l,
success-l, b-l, p-l, yes-l, ve-l, buy-l, gone-l, left-l, me-l.

4. Pronounce "L" in words with a confluence of consonants
good raft evil blouse
eyes rogue villain tangle
class plow elephant flowerbed
scarf blockade the word lump
flag notepad shred hearing
sweetness fleet bug merit
slag phlox clown stupid
Bel-ka, bul-ka, needle-ka, pal-ka, balcony-con, fork-ka, bottle-ka, wolf-ki, hal-va, long-go, small-ko
Elephant, club, treasure, clown, clapping, bug, flower bed, Klava, chief, sweet, word

5. Speak words with two "L" sounds
Mo-lo-la, po-lo-la, ko-lo-la, pla-ka-la, pla-wa-la, de la-la, gla-di-la, slo-zhi-la, lop- uh-la, la-ka-la

Automation of sound L in phrases

cheerful baby, smooth forehead, deep puddle, stupid smile, blue waves, sour milk, a ray of sunshine, ski stick, broom under the table, milk noodles, nylon raincoat, pewter spoon, dress with flounces, floating boat, swim to the raft, full moon , broken fork, cold milk,

striped dress, ship deck, smooth skids, glass shard, bright head, rotten apple, sweet smile, warm bathrobe, white keys, blue dress, bad boat, heavy hammer, white towel, blue handkerchief, gold pendant, blue eyes, bright moon , a warm scarf, a deep well, blond hair, a blue blanket, a ripe apple

white dove, ripe blueberries, blue robe, brave baby, smooth floors, white robe, sweet jam, broken saw, ripe strawberries, white cloud, blue flags, warm blanket, deep pit, warm palm, deep hole, plastic doll, deep plate , a sharp needle, a cold basement, a thick stick, a yellow sunflower, a yellow blanket, a silk scarf, sunflower oil, white chalk, a stupid jackdaw, a full cauldron, a golden fork, a cheerful newcomer, a striped tie, a blue oriole

Automation of sound L in sentences

Mila ate a salad. Lusha took the shovel. The swallow made a nest. Mom made milk noodles. Mila washed her hands and combed her hair. There are burdocks and wormwood around the tents. Lusha weeded onions and beets. Mila saw an elephant. Glory goes to the pantry for oars. The water in the deep well is cold. There are ripe and sweet apples in the shop. Volodya is a brave swimmer. Klava put a white scarf over her head.

Allah drank milk.
In the pantry onions and lettuce.
Volodya fished for a roach from a raft.
The doctor put on a white coat.
Grandpa went to the station.
The woodpecker thumped with its beak and pecked at the bark.
Klava put the bottle on the shelf.
The ball fell off the bench.
Lara bought a doll.
The shovel was on the table.
Mom bought a blue dress.
A squirrel was sitting on the tree.
Gladiolus grows on the club.
There are many burdocks on the lawn.
Don't put too many onions in your salad.
Pavel sat down at the table.
Dad tied a silk tie.
Aunt Alla washed the floor.
Mila has smooth hair.
Mila ate a salad.
Mila put on a bathrobe.
The lamp has fallen.
Mila raised the lamp.
Laika barks at a kitten.
The kitten has one white paw.
The swallow caught the butterfly.
Lusha took the shovel.
Mila washed her hands.
Volodya had lotto.
Mila drank milk.
Nadia washed herself with soap.
Laika tracked down the moose.
A ripe apple fell from an apple tree.
There are ducks near the swamp.
Volodya will be a pilot.
Nadia rode a boat.
Tanya was riding a horse.
The room is light and warm.
There are burdocks and wormwood around the tents.

The moon is in the sky.
Volodya is smart and brave.
Volodya is skiing down the track.
The robe is floor to floor.
Mila washed the floors.
Cold. Uncle Luka in a sheepskin coat.
Vova and Mila are babies.
Lusha weeded onions and beets.
Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry for the oars.
The water in the deep well is cold.
There are ripe and sweet apples in the shop.
Volodya is a brave swimmer and is not afraid of the deep.
Klava put a white scarf over her head.
The moon emerged from a white cloud.
A ripe apple fell off the table.
Uncle Luka is digging a flower bed with a shovel.
Volodya and Slava are sailing on a boat.
Klava washed her palms with soap.
The dog took the doll to the closet.

Tanya put on a white dress.
There is a poster above the window.
Tanya has a scarf on her head.
Mila swims badly.
Clouds float across the sky.
Mila has a new notebook.
There is a flower bed near the house.
Klava planted phloxes.
Glasha has blue eyes.
Mila saw a funny clown.
Klava bought apples.
Alla bought a white dress.
Mila carried the blue flag.
Klava clapped her hands.
The elephant has white fangs.
Klava bought milk and beets.
Mila was sitting on the bench.
Lada bought lilies of the valley.
Lana drank milk.
Volodya carried cold water.

Skiers go on the ski track.
Mom cooked cabbage rolls.
The horse got stuck in the swamp.
Klava hurt her elbow.
Swallows are embroidered on the robe.
The husky has a white paw.
Volodya puts oars in the boat.
Slava is carrying a sleigh.
Allah sewed a dress.
Mila carried the flag.
Mila was stung by a bee.
Klava clapped her hands.
Klava bought milk, butter, onions and beets.
Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.
Pavel went to football.
Mikhail put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad bought a tree.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.

The woodpecker was chiseling the tree.
Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Pavel went to the station.
Pavel sat down at the table.
The dog was barking at the house.
The baby is down and crying.
A ball of thread fell to the floor.
Mila hung a blouse on Klavin's chair.
Peter washed the floor.
Mila pushed back her chair.
The pilot put on a cap.
On the jump rope knot.
Vova's pencil case fell.
There is a chair near the table.
A raft floated on the waves.
The kitten was drinking milk.
Pavel received a letter from Michael.
Pavel served in the Navy and sailed in a submarine.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
Petya broke and then repaired the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.
In the yard the dog barked and fell silent.
The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.
Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.
Pavel was catching a pigeon.
Klava went out onto the balcony.
The wolf saw the squirrel.
Michael washed his glass.
Pavel fixed the chair.
There are violets on the balcony.
Mikhail swept the floor with a whisk.
Neal poured water into the drinker.
Pavel put the halva on the table.
Cotton is folded in the corner.
Lusha swept the floor.
Glory went to school.
An elephant calf was standing next to the elephant.
The squirrel was sitting on the tree.
Dad bought a shovel, crowbar and saw.

Change sentences:
I broke the stick on the table. (I..., you..., he..., we..., you..., they...).
I put the shovel on the bench.
I caught a swallow on the lawn.

Mila ate onions. Lada was cutting the salad. Allah put on a robe. Nicholas sang a song. Michael was on a boat. Mila bathed the doll. Alla collected cherry plum.

Fixing the sound L at the end of words:

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse. Grandpa Nile caught a swarm of bees. Pavel caught a jackdaw. My brother went to football. Vova put the bottle on the floor. Dad bought a tree. The chair fell to the floor and I got scared. The woodpecker was chiseling the bark and looking for beetles. Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree. Mikhail played football and scored a goal. Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out. Father went to the station.

Automation of sound L in tongue twisters

La-la-la - shovel and saw.
La-la-la - shop and spinning top.
La-la-la - lily of the valley and a bee.
La-la-la - paw and resin.
La-la-la - lama and rock.
Lo-lo-lo - spoon and glass.
Lo-lo-lo - horse and saddle.
Lo-lo-lo - the room is warm.
Lo-lo-lo - here the squirrel has a hollow.
Lo-lo-lo - an oar in a boat.
Lu-lu-lu - the closet is in the corner.
Lu-lu-lu - doll on the floor.
Ly-ly-ly - pitchfork and goals.
Ly-ly-ly - sleepers and floors.
Ly-ly-ly - we have clean floors.

La-la-la - I have a spinning top.
La-la-la - a bee on a flower.
La-la-la - Mila helped mom.
La-la-la - Mila swam in a boat.
Lo-lo-lo - deftly washed the glass.
Lo-lo-lo - the sun is shining brightly.
Lu-lu-lu - Alla bought a saw.
Lu-lu-lu - we sharpened the saw.
Lu-lu-lu - Darling weeded onions.
Ly-ly-ly - we have new tables.
Ly-ly-ly - Alla has white floors.
Ly-ly-ly - Mila washed the floors.

La-la-la-la-la-la - our Darling is small
La-la-la-la-la-la- Mila drank milk
Lo-lo-lo-Lo-lo-lo - Alla washed the glass
Lo-lo-lo- lo-lo-lo- it became warm in the room
Lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu - lies a broom on the floor
Lu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lu- should he stand in the corner
Ly-ly-ly- Ly-ly-ly - we set the tables

Al-al-al - Pavel did not sleep during the day.
Al-al-al - in the corner there is a dark basement.
Ol-ol-ol - the pencil case fell to the floor.
Ol-ol-ol - we sit down at the table.
Ul-ul-ul - Petya pouted his lips.
Ul-ul-ul - the breeze blew.
Yl-yl-yl - the soup has long cooled down.
Yal-yal-yal - Petya took the book.
Il-il-il - I gave the kitten a drink.
Il-il-il - Lenya drank water.
Ate-el-ate - Vova ate porridge.
Ate-ate-ate - the woodpecker flew in.
Alka-alka-alka - Alla has a white stick.
Olka-olka-olka - I have a needle.

Al-al-al - the pencil case fell to the floor.
Ol-ol-ol - washed the floor.
Ol-ol-ol - Pavel saw football.
Ul-ul-ul - a broken chair.
Ul-ul-ul - the pencil case fell on a chair.
Ul-ul-ul - Pavel sat on a chair.
Yol-yol-yol - our goat ate cabbage.

Ol-ol-ol- Ol-ol-ol - Our Nikolai went to the forest.
Ol-ol-ol- Ol-ol-ol - Nikolai found mushrooms.
Al-al-al- Al-al-al- Nikolay picked mushrooms.
Al-al-al- Al-al-al- Nikolai sold the mushrooms.
Il-il-il- Il-il-il - I bought a lot of mushrooms.
Il-il-il- Il-il-il- I treated all my friends.
speech therapy room of the children's polyclinic in Dmitrov

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speech therapist Ilyukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna

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