
Urolithiasis in cats and cats. Urolithiasis in cats How to treat urolithiasis in cats

Urolithiasis - urolithiasis - is the most common and dangerous disease of cats. The high mortality of animals is proof of this. It is characterized by the presence of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system - kidneys, bladder.

According to statistics, cats most often suffer from urolithiasis at the age of 5 years.

The risk group includes:

  • males;
  • age category 2 - 6 years;
  • obese animals;
  • long-haired breeds;
  • males after sterilization;


The disease has genetic roots, proceeds chronically, with acute relapses.

The latent course can last up to 2 years, after which an exacerbation occurs and it is difficult to do without surgery.

Factors in the appearance of urolithiasis

This ultrasound shows urolithiasis in a cat. Although cats are much less likely to suffer from this disease than cats.

The fact of the appearance of sand and stones in the pelvic organs depends on several components. These components, in turn, are divided into external and internal.

External factors

Water quality plays a direct role in the development of urolithiasis in cats.

The list of external factors includes:

  • climatic conditions - from how hot it is in the house, urine becomes more concentrated and it becomes impossible to filter it through the kidneys;
  • fluid quality - the presence of salts in the water leads to the accumulation of salts in the urine and, as a result, the formation of stones;
  • nutrition- an excess or lack of proteins in food leads to an accelerated concentration of urine;
  • hypovitaminosis, - a lack of vitamins provokes a lack of nutrition of the epithelium, accelerating its destruction.

Internal factors

Predisposition to urolithiasis can be transmitted genetically.

Factors acting from within the body are called internal or endogenous. These include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • feature of anatomy;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity;
  • infections, viruses.

Causes of kidney stones in cats

The resulting stones are of two types: struvite and oxalate.

Struvite stones were removed after surgery to treat urolithiasis.

The most common cause of the development of urolithiasis is considered a metabolic disorder.

Minerals entering the cat's body react with toxins. Dying cells of the bladder become foci of the appearance of crystals. Passing through the urinary canals, the crystals injure their mucosa. An excessive amount of such crystals is the cause of blockage of the lumen, an obstacle to the release of urine. The kidneys continue to produce urine, but it accumulates in the lumen, which causes it, leading to severe intoxication.

The peak of the disease occurs in autumn and spring. A significant role in the appearance of pathology has the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. The result of these processes may be the formation of crystals. Individual predisposition is also a significant factor in the development of the disease.

Features of the anatomy - too narrow a lumen of the urethra, which makes it difficult to withdraw fluid, forming a "congestion".

Video about the five main causes of the disease

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of urolithiasis.

The presence of stones or sand is diagnosed in the laboratory, but at home, a preliminary diagnosis can be made according to some signs.

  1. The cat urinates frequently, sometimes uncontrollably, sometimes with difficulty and small portions.
  2. In time .
  3. Urine is dark, reddish, or contains blood.
  4. The animal tries to move less, refuses food, water.
  5. Due to the small waste of urine, the stomach becomes larger.
  6. Intoxication of the body occurs.
  7. The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. Aggravated by convulsions, trembling of the whole body.

Such symptoms indicate a long-term illness, at least 1-2 years. It is important not to allow a severe form, constantly undergo a veterinary examination, otherwise lethal outcome is 80%. With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is favorable. A complete clinical picture is compiled by a veterinarian based on a visual examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment and diet for a cat

Therapy of urolithiasis is carried out in a complex manner, using radical methods in the form of surgical removal of stones and cleaning of the urinary tract from sand.

Insertion of a catheter through the ducts into the bladder under general anesthesia.

The treatment period is complex and lengthy, requiring considerable effort on the part of the attending physician and the owner of the cat. The first emergency aid is the possibility of a free exit of urine. A catheter is inserted through the ducts into the bladder, under general anesthesia. Difficulty inserting a catheter is an indication for immediate surgery, during which the catheter is inserted and left for 1–2 weeks.

intensive treatment involves the use of symptomatic therapy: painkillers, antispasmodics. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, immunostimulants, diet. Along with the use of drugs of a narrow focus, drugs are shown that support the work of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract. Through .


PHYTOELITA® HEALTHY KIDNEYS (PHYTOAELITA® SANUS RENES). A doctor's consultation is required.

Drugs often used in the treatment of KSD with the possibility of urine patency: nitroxoline tablets, phytoelite "Healthy kidneys", phytolysin solution, neurovital tablets, baralgin injections.

In more complex cases, with surgical treatment, therapy is indicated: injections of amoxicin, baralgin. Inside - phytoelite "Healthy kidneys", phytolysin. Catheterization is carried out using an anesthetic duet in the form of xylazine and ketamine preparations.

To clean and prevent infection, a solution of metragil with saline is injected into the catheter. During the rehabilitation period, general strengthening therapy is required. Cotervin, nefroket, renal powder, suspension or tablets "", tablets "Urinari tract support" are used.

How to feed a cat with urolithiasis at home

The purpose of the diet for urolithiasis depends on the type of stones in the genitourinary system of the animal.

The presence of oxalates excludes the entry of oxalic acid into the body. It is found in the liver, kidneys, tea. Food containing calcium is subject to restriction: dairy, sour-milk products.

Veterinary clinics sell special food for cats that suffer from urolithiasis.

Recommended saturate the body with alkali , which is found in beets, legumes, cauliflower. Showing products, rich in magnesium : peas, boiled meat, fish, rice, other types of cereals. Exclude completely dry food, use canned meat and fish.

Struvite lesion

Struvite damage involves the exclusion of foods rich in calcium and its compounds. This group includes: dairy and sour-milk products, egg yolk.

Special food for cats and cats with urolithiasis.

It is allowed to dilute: oatmeal, liver, cabbage. Use canned meat and fish food. Dry food - only medicinal, with the presence of useful additives for the cat. The dietary diet should be agreed with the doctor and strictly adhere to the regimen and feeding norms.

Throughout the rehabilitation, periodically carry out laboratory analysis of urine , exercise strict control of the well-being of the animal. Combining prepared dry or canned food in the same container with homemade food is strictly prohibited.

Prevention of urolithiasis in cats

A set of preventive measures for urolithiasis in cats is available to everyone. It is necessary to control the quality of the pet's food, its quantity. Overeating is fraught with an increase in alkali in the urine. Insufficient intake of calcium in the body contributes to the formation of phosphate formations, so moderate consumption of foods rich in calcium compounds is important.

Control your cat's drinking. Water should be purchased, soft or boiled and settled. Do not use - only as complementary foods, if possible, its complete exclusion from the diet is required.

Complementary feeding with dry food should be provided with sufficient water. Feed the animal not only solid food. Add soups and liquid cereals to the diet. Keeping a pet in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, to prevent the occurrence of other infections.

In order to avoid the appearance of urolithiasis or its recurrence, a mandatory medical examination is indicated. Being in a safe environment, the animal has a minimum risk of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

First days after surgery

We have specially selected such a picture. Quarantine after the operation must be strictly observed!

For the first few weeks after surgery, strict quarantine of the animal is required. A balanced diet, a ban on leaving the house, contact with other animals. Do not allow "accidental" food, nutrition outside the regime. Do not skip the mandatory medication indicated for rehabilitation.

To prevent this “last moment” from coming, read our article and find out how to recognize KSD, treat it and prevent the development of this dangerous disease.

The story of one "stone"

I encountered urolithiasis in my cat unexpectedly. The pet was only 3 years old when the first symptoms appeared. At first, no one in our family attached importance to the fact that Fisha (that's the cat's name) sits in his tray for a long time, notifies everyone with a loud cry that he "succeeded" and sometimes looks for another, secluded place to relieve himself. The family sounded the alarm when urine with blood appeared in the tray of our pet. At first we thought it was worms. On the same day, Fish was examined by a veterinarian - the doctor was called to the house so as not to frighten the pet with a trip to the clinic. It turned out that Fishy had a full bladder, it was difficult for him to urinate, the cat was suffering. The veterinarian had to catheterize through the urethra to remove the accumulated urine. A terrible diagnosis was made to us in advance and additional tests were ordered already at the clinic. It became clear: Fishy had urolithiasis. Ultrasound showed that there are stones in the urethra.

After a long and expensive treatment, our cat is on the mend. What a pity that we did not know before that a disturbed metabolism (due to malnutrition), a castration operation, a sedentary home lifestyle can affect the health of a beloved Fishy in this way. Now the cat eats special food, is regularly observed by a veterinarian and takes prophylactic drugs. I hope that there will be no more seizures.

Hope, cat owner

What is urolithiasis in cats?

Unfortunately, there are millions of such stories told by our reader Nadezhda. Sometimes the owners are too careless and inattentive to the health of their four-legged. After all, to avoid a deadly disease for a cat, you just need to follow simple rules. And if the disease is just beginning, recognize the first symptoms and start treatment of urolithiasis in a cat in time.

Urolithiasis (UCD) is a disease accompanied by the formation in the renal tubules, renal pelvis and bladder or stuck in the lumen of the ureter, urethra of urinary stones - uroliths.

At what age do cats get urolithiasis

Both short-haired and long-haired cats are susceptible to urolithiasis at almost any age. Most often, the disease is recorded in animals from 1 to 6 years old. In cats older than 7 years, KSD rarely begins.

Urolithiasis is largely a hereditary disease. There are breeds of cats that are more prone to this terrible disease. For example, KSD is more common in Persian and British felines. There is a disease in Russian blue, Siamese, Cartesian cats, Maine Coons. However, an ordinary yard Barsik is not immune from the appearance of stones.

Urolithiasis: what are these stones?

Urolithiasis is manifested in the formation of uroliths in the bladder and urethra in cats. Urolith is a set of crystals of mineral origin bonded together. According to the chemical composition, the most common uroliths are divided into:

  • Struvite tripel phosphates (consist of magnesium, ammonium, phosphate). Most often, struvite stones appear in the body of cats aged 1 to 6 years. In cats older than 10 years, this type of disease is associated with a urinary tract infection.
  • Calcium oxalates are crystal forming agents (calcium and oxalic acid). Oxalate-type urolithiasis occurs in cats over 7 years of age. The appearance of this type of uroliths is associated with an increase in the level of calcium in the urine.

Uroliths accumulate in the lower urinary tract but may also occur in the bladder.

Causes of the development of urolithiasis in cats and cats

Predisposing factors for the development of urolithiasis are:

  • Wrong nutrition. A high amount of minerals, magnesium, phosphorus in the daily diet of a cat. At risk are cats that eat fish, fatty and fried foods, salty foods from the host's table (smoked fish, sausage), cheap food.

    It is a mistake for owners to mix factory-made food with natural food prepared by themselves. Such a diet causes metabolic disorders and becomes the cause of KSD.

  • Overweight and sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is led by most cats who do not walk on the street. Improper diet and lack of activity lead to obesity. Hence - a violation of metabolic processes in the cat's body and the risk of stones.
  • Intentional retention of urination by animals. Many cats refuse to go to a dirty litter box. The pet will endure and wait until the owner cleans up after him. Imagine: a cat can endure and not go to the toilet all day, for example, until the owner returns from work. Systematic urinary retention can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis or in the bladder.
  • Insufficient amount of water in the cat's body. Magnesium salts play an important role in the occurrence of urolithiasis. Insufficient water intake in the cat's body and an increased pH value of the urine contribute to the formation of uroliths.

    It has evolved so that cats have a weakened sense of thirst. Their body is capable of high concentrations of urine, which can cause struvite stones.

  • Using low-quality pet water (from the tap) containing a large amount of calcium.
  • Heredity. Cats of some breeds are predisposed to KSD, have congenital enzymopathy, in which the body lacks any important enzyme, or it is not active enough.

ICD in cats: symptoms of an unpleasant disease

Sudden changes in the pet's behavior, for example, puddles in the wrong places, are often attributed by the owners to cat whims and a dirty tray. However, before you start raising a pet, showing him the place where he should do his business, make sure he is healthy. If, in addition to toilet slips, you find the listed signs of urolithiasis in a cat, contact your veterinarian immediately:

  • Hematuria (blood in the urine). The urine of a sick animal turns pink.
  • Dysuria (painful urination). Pain during urination is explained by puddles in the wrong places. It is painful for the cat to go to his litter box, and she is looking for a place where she will not experience discomfort during urination. Experiencing pain during urination, the cat may meow plaintively.
  • Cats have urethral obstruction. The stones in the cat's urethra sometimes create a "plug" in it. The cat tries but cannot go to the toilet. The animal sits down in the tray, pushes, but to no avail.

    Obstruction of the urethra is a serious threat to the life of the animal. If the pet is not treated in time, he will die from acute renal failure within two to three days.

  • The behavior of the animal is restless, the pet is depressed. The breathing of a sick cat is rapid. There is a decrease in appetite, vomiting is possible.

    The veterinarian at the clinic will make a diagnosis based on x-ray examination, ultrasound, as well as laboratory examination of urine sediment and identification of the type of crystals.

How to help a pet? Treatment and prevention of urolithiasis in cats

Urethral obstruction, in which the urinary canal is clogged in cats, is a condition in which a pet needs emergency help. In this case, the bill goes to the clock, and the cost of delay will be the death of the pet. Only a veterinarian in the clinic can help the animal. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats at home is excluded.

The patency of the urinary tract is restored surgically. After the procedure, the animal is prescribed the necessary medications and diet. The most effective therapy with the use of sedative and antispasmodic drugs, physiotherapy, catheterization.

After visiting a doctor, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations in nutrition and not to treat your pet with prohibited foods.

Castrated cats are at risk for urolithiasis. Is it true?

Urolithiasis more often overtakes cats than cats. At the same time, neutered animals are indeed at risk. The reason for this is that after the removal of the gonads in cats, there is a high probability of metabolic disorders. Neutered cats are sedentary and more prone to obesity than their non-sterile counterparts. In addition, neutered cats urinate less frequently, which causes crystals to form in the urethra, which later leads to blockage.

Is there an alternative to castration?

Many owners who want to castrate their pet can be understood. The behavior of a tailed friend who has entered adulthood becomes unbearable. Cat during sexual hunting:

  • Leaves odorous marks throughout the apartment;
  • Shows aggression towards owners and pets;
  • Tries to break out into the street in any way: through an open door or window;
  • Screams loudly at night, calling for a cat.

The operation does not guarantee the owner getting rid of the bad habits of the cat. Neutering has been linked to pet stress and an increased risk of urolithiasis.
Cat breeders and owners choose a humane method of contraception to calm their pets - the use of a drug to regulate sexual activity Sex Barrier. The drug is chosen by owners who are not ready to risk the health of their pet and bear the considerable financial costs associated with the treatment and recovery of the animal after the KSD.

One of the most insidious and common ailments associated with metabolic disorders is urolithiasis or urolithiasis in cats (abbreviated ICD). The pathology is quite serious and, if not corrected in time, is dangerous for the life of a fluffy pet. Are there any prospects for a cure and methods for preventing its occurrence? Having learned everything about this disease, you have a chance to defeat it.


Urolithiasis in cats is a chronic pathology in which a furry pet develops salt deposits in the form of stones or sand in one or both kidneys, urinary ducts, or bladder.

For some time, formations from salts may not manifest themselves in any way, but over time they increase in size. There comes a moment and the stone moves away from the wall of the organ and begins to move with the flow of urine. A small pebble can cause mechanical damage when passing, causing pain to a four-legged friend. A large salt formation can clog the urinary tract, which leads to fluid stagnation, severe pain and intoxication of the animal. In this case, the lack of emergency assistance most often leads to death.


It is impossible to identify the main source of the appearance of pathology. Experts have identified many factors that result in urolithiasis in cats. The causes of this pathology are mainly associated with malnutrition, lifestyle, care, heredity.

Most often, the disease is caused by:


It is quite difficult to diagnose an ailment when a pet has just begun urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats and cats at the primary stage are hardly noticeable to the owner. The animal simply becomes lethargic, shows less activity, eats worse and feels discomfort when urinating - these signs cannot always be compared with KSD. During this period, only a urine test will help to recognize the disease.

The number and size of formations are increasing. They eventually begin to move, so they can partially or completely block the urinary duct. At this stage, the pet is already easily diagnosed with urolithiasis. Symptoms in cats or cats are obvious:

  • due to acute pain during urination (dysuria), the animal meows on the tray;
  • often runs to the toilet, as he feels constant urges (pollakiuria);
  • the filler in the tray has a reddish-pinkish tint instead of yellowish due to the presence of blood particles in the urine (hematuria);
  • a complete cessation of urination is possible - the animal strains to no avail, sometimes there are cases of rectal prolapse;
  • on palpation, you can feel that the stomach has become tight and painful;
  • uncharacteristic for a well-bred pet urination in the wrong place;
  • signs of urolithiasis in cats are also manifested in behavior: a furry friend behaves persistently and fussily, trying to attract the attention of the owner, or, conversely, hides in a corner and cannot jump to a height;
  • loss of appetite, rapid breathing.


The specialist compares the clinical signs with the responses of the pet owner and prescribes a number of research procedures. Urolithiasis in cats is diagnosed using X-ray, ultrasound, examination of urine sediment in the laboratory to determine the type of salt formation.

Knowing the composition of the crystal helps to determine the preventive and therapeutic procedures. Microscopic examination allows only an approximate determination of the mineral constituents, because many conditions affect their formation, growth and dissolution. A more accurate identification of the composition of a salt formation is possible using qualitative methods of analysis, which include polarized light microscopy, x-ray diffraction, or other modern techniques.

Types of treatment

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the specialist prescribes a course of procedures aimed at alleviating the acute condition that causes urolithiasis in cats. He selects treatment individually, taking into account the degree of damage, neglect of the disease, age, gender and general condition of the patient. Today there are a number of special complex measures that effectively relieve this disease and its consequences. There are two lines of problem solving: conservative and operational.

Depending on the course of the disease and the severity of the disease, the specialist may prescribe the removal of stones using a catheter (catheterization) or their surgical removal under general anesthesia. Catheterization is performed under anesthesia. First, sand or stone is removed from the urethra using a catheter, then the urethral lumen is treated with antiseptics.

Conservative treatment

Therapeutic procedures are prescribed to restore urinary outflow and relieve the inflammatory process that causes urolithiasis in cats. Treatment should not only eliminate pain, but also be aimed at prevention, excluding relapses and complications.

Obturation most often occurs due to muscle spasm, which is caused by irritation and mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the urinary ducts. The animal is prescribed a medication course that eliminates stagnation of urine and restores the patency of the ureters. For this, sedative medicines and antispasmodics (baralgin, spasmolitin, atropine and others), as well as antibiotics and homeopathy (magnesia, cantharis, apis and others) are used. This stops an attack of urolithiasis in a cat and the patient's condition is alleviated. In combination with drugs, lumbar novocaine blockade and heat are used.


Surgical removal of stones is the leading method of treatment. Violations of the outflow of urinary fluid and the functionality of the kidneys, leading to hydronephrotic transformation and attacks of pyelonephritis in the acute stage, hematuria and severe pain - such complications are caused by urolithiasis in cats. Surgery is essential in most of these cases.

Depending on the type of formations, the veterinarian chooses a urethrostomy or cystotomy. In the first case, an output channel is artificially created, reaching the obstruction area. Cystotomy is considered a more complex abdominal operation. It is used when the size of large urolith formations exceeds the diameter of the urethra.

After surgical measures, urine outflow is restored, but the animal needs an additional course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.


After stabilization of the pet's well-being, he needs lifelong preventive measures. KSD is not completely cured, cats are at risk of recurrence. It is better to take a little time to care for a furry friend than to treat the consequences of this serious problem. Prevention of urolithiasis in cats includes the following activities:

By following these simple rules, your furry pet will have the opportunity to live many more years of a fulfilling life.


In combination with treatment, the specialist prescribes a special diet for the animal. It is selected depending on the type of violation in salt metabolism, due to which urolithiasis occurs. The diet in cats helps to restore the correct metabolic process, and also maintains homeostasis. The choice of diet depends on the type of violation in salt metabolism:

  • oxalate - the diet is aimed at maintaining the pH in the urine from 6.8 to 7.2 and dissolving uroliths;
  • struvite - the selected food prevents the formation of struvite, restores the normal density, volume and pH level of urine, for this it reduces the consumption of minerals, in particular magnesium (no more than 20 mg per 100 kcal).

natural nutrition

An improperly selected diet is one of the common causes of the appearance or recurrence of KSD. The ideal option is to develop nutrition for cats with urolithiasis with a specialist in this field.

When eating natural dishes, vitamins A and B are additionally prescribed. With oxalate ICD, carrots, boiled eggs, white beets are recommended for pets, and with struvite - cheese, cottage cheese, boiled meat and rice. Food must be freshly prepared.

From the diet of a furry friend, you need to exclude the use of pork, chicken, fish, sausages, canned food and caviar. Dishes should be dietary, that is, non-acidic, low-fat, non-spicy and unsweetened. They should not contain excessive amounts of protein.


When using industrial products, it is better to feed your furry friend with special feeds. They have a special content of minerals, for example, phosphorus (not higher than 0.8%), magnesium (less than 0.1%). These minerals in large quantities provoke the appearance of tripelphosphate stones, which are most often found in KSD. Cheap economy class feed is prohibited. If the animal does not drink much, then it is better to soak dry snacks or abandon them in favor of special canned food for cats with urolithiasis.


There is a fairly common point of view - urolithiasis in neutered cats occurs more often than in their counterparts with all sexual functions. There are no reliable scientific facts on this topic today, the opinions of scientists on this matter are contradictory. But you can trace the connection between the ICD and the castrated animal.

By removing the testicles of his pet, the owner already puts him at risk. The fact is that after such an operation, the hormonal background of a furry friend changes. He becomes calm, lazy, does not scream, does not mark, is not interested in cats. As you know, inactivity is one of the causes of this pathology.

In addition, the animal replaces interest in individuals of the opposite sex with a passion for food. Increased appetite in combination with passivity is a direct path to obesity. According to various sources, about 50-85% of overweight pets develop KSD.

The only and main way out is not to overfeed your furry friend. You can reduce the portion or switch to low-calorie foods.

According to some scientists, castrated pets urinate less often, which causes problems in the organs of the urinary system. With early castration in some cats, the urethra remains narrow and stops developing. In any case, neutered animals are more prone to urinary problems.


Urolithiasis is a rather insidious and dangerous disease for a pet. It causes him to suffer from pain, causes damage to health and in some cases even has a fatal outcome. Any suspicion of signs of urolithiasis in cats is a reason for an immediate consultation with a veterinarian. Timely treatment, care, attention, proper nutrition and observance of preventive rules enable the furry friend to continue a healthy life.

Urolithiasis in cats or urolithiasis is the formation of sand and urinary stones in the kidneys or bladder, which can pass or linger in the ureters and urethra, accompanied by the release of blood into the urine.

Every fourth cat or cat is prone to urolithiasis or ICD for short. It is difficult to accept this fact, but it is necessary - your cat is at risk!

So, 14% of domestic cats are at risk of being diagnosed with urolithiasis or urological syndrome - each of them hides such a metabolic disorder in the body of cats, which leads to the formation of stones and their deposition in the genitourinary system.

Who suffers more often?

  • Cats, because in males the diameter of the lumen of the urethra is several times smaller than in females
  • Unneutered cats. Statistically, unneutered cats are twice as likely to develop urolithiasis as non-neutered cats.
  • Animal aged 2-6 years
  • Overweight cats or cats
  • Long-haired cats (, etc.)
  • Castrated cats

Doctors have noticed that urolithiasis in cats is especially aggravated with the beginning of autumn and in the period from January to May.

Causes of urolithiasis in a cat

The reasons why stones are formed and deposited in the urethra, bladder, renal tubules and in the renal pelvis are external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous).

The first, external ones are:

  • climate

If the apartment is too heated, then the cat's urine becomes more concentrated due to the fact that the quality of primary urine filtration decreases.

  • geochemistry

The composition of the soil, air and, especially, water also directly affects the health of the cat. See what a chain looms: water saturated with lime salts leads to a decrease in urine pH, and this, in turn, to the accumulation of excess calcium salts and here they are, kidney stones in a cat!

  • nutrition

- The more protein in your pet's bowl, the more concentrated the urea in his urine. But the lack of protein does lead to the same urolithiasis. In matters of nutrition, you need to adhere to the golden mean, and we will talk about this below.

- Vitamin deficiency. The lack of vitamins, in particular, vitamin A (vegetable oil, carrots, liver, yolk, greens) negatively affects the epithelial cells of the genitourinary system.

Internal factors leading to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system in cats:

  • hormonal disbalance

If the function of the parathyroid glands is impaired, then the level of calcium in the blood will be unstable and its concentration in the blood and urine will increase.

  • own cat anatomy

It often happens that a particular animal has a special anatomy of the structure of the urethral canal, which is why urine is inhibited in it.

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Failures in the processes of digestion lead to colitis and gastro problems. Because of these diseases, the pH of the body changes and calcium is not excreted from the intestines. The result - yes, urolithiasis.

  • hereditary predisposition
  • microorganisms and viruses

Infection external or from the intestines or genitals becomes the nucleus for the adherence of crystals and future structural changes.

As a result of endogenous and exogenous provocateur factors, two types of stones form in the cat's bladder:

  • struvites. Phosphate stones are found in 80% of cases of urolithiasis.
  • oxalates (salts of calcium and oxalic acid). Oxalates are more common in older animals.

Signs of kidney stones in cats

In order to understand that the disease begins to manifest itself, pay attention to the symptoms.

The first symptoms (light) of urolithiasis:

  • frequent licking under the tail;
  • frequent urination;
  • long urination;
  • a hint of blood in the urine;
  • cat complaints when going to the toilet;
  • urine flows in a thin stream;
  • the cat goes to the toilet;
  • cat's behavior changes.

Severe signs:

  • painful and frequent urge to urinate;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • blood in the urine;
  • depressed cat;
  • obvious weight loss.

Critical symptoms:

  • the cat does not go to the toilet for a little at all;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions.

IMPORTANT! Often the process of formation of sand and stones in the initial stage occurs without external symptoms at all, but since this process is long (sometimes about 2 years), the owners do not realize for a long time that the animal is in the same 14% who have urolithiasis, until ICD does not show signs of mild or not.


Sometimes the owners use the "grandmother's method" to confirm or refute their guesses about urolithiasis in a cat - they put a transparent jar of cat urine on the windowsill for an hour. This analysis on the ICD is not reliable! You can see the sediment, but it is due to normal, natural reactions and not as evidence of the cat's illness.

To diagnose urolithiasis, in any case, you need to contact a veterinarian.

What does the specialist do:

  • palpation (less common);
  • urine test;
  • conventional x-ray;
  • contrast x-ray;
  • surgical intervention.



The goal of any prevention is to prevent the disease and eliminate it.

If we have urolithiasis at gunpoint, then preventive measures include:

  • plentiful and purified drink (this increases daily diuresis);
  • maintaining the animal at the correct weight;
  • selection of a diet depending on the type of stones;
  • the establishment of a stable work of the gastrointestinal tract, the exclusion of constipation;
  • maintaining the optimum room temperature.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

If you notice the first symptoms of the development of urolithiasis in a cat, then even before going to the veterinarian you can provide first aid to the animal and relieve an acute attack.

To do this, put a warm heating pad on the stomach and perineum of the pet.

In no case do not massage the stomach, so as not to worsen the condition of the cat and not provoke complications.

Treatment at home is excluded. Please note that if you delay the trip to the doctor, the animal may die in two or three days.

Treatment of urolithiasis in a cat follows several rules:

  • relief of the acute phase;
  • restoration of urine outflow (removal of stone or sand with a catheter, sometimes this is an operation);
  • infusion therapy. Droppers are placed to relieve intoxication and in order to remove dehydration;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • anti-infective therapy.

Depending on the size and number of stones, surgical (surgery) or conservative treatment may be offered.

Surgery ICD in cats involves the introduction of an animal into general anesthesia and allows not only to remove stones as much as possible, but also to take them for analysis in order to determine the cause of the occurrence and exclude the possibility of re-formation. In the presence of sand, the doctor may suggest washing the bladder through the catheter with special antibacterial solutions - this procedure is also performed under general anesthesia.

conservative method treatment of urolithiasis in cats consists in relieving symptoms with painkillers, antispasmodics and an attempt to dissolve stones with a special diet, drugs. This method is more gentle than surgery, but there is a risk that the stones will not dissolve.

Which method to prefer can only be decided by a doctor based on the general condition of your cat, the type of stones that have formed, their number and other factors.

At home, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's regimen and recommendations in order to avoid deterioration and relapse. Most likely, you will be prescribed a course of antibiotics, told about a special diet, and will be assigned to repeat the delivery of urine and blood for analysis.

After the cat's urolithiasis has receded, the doctor should prescribe diet therapy and draw up a schedule for medical examination.

Drugs for the treatment of KSD in a cat

Of course, veterinarians use the main protocols for the treatment of KSD in cats, but they are sure that in each of the protocols there are such medicinal preparations:

Bio-suspension reduces crystallization due to its composition: lingonberry leaves, nettle, barberry, licorice root. By the way, this drug can also serve as painkillers.

  • Uro-ursi

A drug that is often prescribed concomitant with antibiotic therapy, because it contains benzoic acid, which enhances the effect of antibiotics.

  • Urotropin

The diuretic effect of "Urotropin" and its ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes accelerates the process of removing toxins.

  • Tsistokur forte

The feed additive reduces the acidity of the body and helps the cat recover faster after treatment.

  • Furinide

Gel-like drops form a protective film on the bladder mucosa.

  • Ipaquitine

The components of this drug bind the phosphates that the cat receives from food and reduce their availability.

The homeopathic remedy works both as an anti-inflammatory, and as an antispasmodic, and as a diuretic.

  • Kotervin

Aqueous extract of medicinal plants has salt-removing and stone-dissolving effects.

  • Nephrocat

Contains natural bee milk and biologically active substances.

  • Renal advance

The drug shows itself well in the later stages of the development of KSD in cats, while it improves the functioning of the digestive system.

  • HIMALAYA Cyston

The Indian remedy copes well with cystitis, it showed itself perfectly in a duet with antibiotics.

  • Dexamethasone

Often this drug is prescribed when persistent dysuria is observed.

  • Nitroxoline

This synthetic agent has an antimicrobial effect.

  • Actovegin

Injections of this strong drug activate cellular metabolism, which means that metabolic processes are enhanced.

Therapeutic nutrition for ICD

Veterinarians prescribe different diets for oxalate stones and phosphate stones.

What to feed a cat with oxalates

With oxalate stones, you need to monitor the intake of oxalic acid in the cat's body. This means that you need to give your pet less by-products (liver, kidneys), offer less calcium-containing food (cheese, cottage cheese, milk).

But beets, cauliflower, rice are useful products in this case.

Ready-made food for cats with oxalate-induced urolithiasis:

  • Hill's Prescription Diet Feline X/D
  • Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula
  • Royal Canin URINARY S/O LP34

Read about quality feed:

Diet for struvite

With phosphate stones, it is important to convert the alkaline reaction of urine to acidic. Therefore, egg yolk, cheese, cottage cheese, milk are prohibited. Recommended: egg white, oatmeal, rice, liver, beef, boiled veal.

Ready feed:

  • Hills Prescription Diet Feline S/D
  • Hill's Prescription Diet C/D
  • Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula

IMPORTANT! All ready-made feeds are equally unsuitable for everyone, so even ready-made food is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Probably, any cat owner has heard about such an ailment as urolithiasis (ICD) . What is it and when should you start to be afraid of it?

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease that is characterized by the formation of urinary stones or sand in the kidneys, bladder or their retention in the lumen of the ureters and urethra.

And you should be afraid of it from the moment you decide to have a kitten, because according to statistics, up to 13.5% of cats are susceptible to this disease, i.e. about every seventh or eighth. KSD, along with viral infections, diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors and traumatic lesions, is the main cause of death in cats and cats aged 1 to 6 years.

Fearfully? But after all, "he who is warned is armed"!

Where does the ICD come from?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question. Possible factors for its occurrence are:

genetic predisposition . Cats are descended from the African wild cat and have retained the ability to easily maintain fluid balance in the body and a reduced sense of thirst. This leads to a high concentration of urine, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of stones.

Animal diet – food with low fluid intake, water and food with a high mineral content

Sedentary lifestyle

Wrong metabolism – obesity

infections and inflammatory processes in the urinary system, for example,

What are the stones?

Probably every veterinarian, like a geologist, has his own collection of stones. Their chemical composition is very diverse: uric acid, urates, oxalates, carbonates, phosphates, cystine, xanthine, etc. The number of stones formed in the urinary organs ranges from one to a hundred or more. Their size also varies from a millet grain to a nut.

Most common in cats:

Struvites(triple phosphates) - solid or loose formations in the form of an elongated prism with diamond-shaped edges, which form and grow in alkaline urine. Struvite stones make up 80% of the stones found in cats from 1 to 6 years old. The main reason is an unbalanced diet, an excess of magnesium and phosphorus in the feed.

Oxalates(salts of oxalic acid) are less common. Calcium oxalate - the formation of a rounded shape in the form of an open rose. It occurs mainly in cats older than 7 years, most often in long-haired Burmese, Himalayan and Persian. The reason is an increase in the level of calcium in the urine (urine acidification) due to improper feeding.

Symptoms of KSD

Symptoms of urolithiasis depend on the shape, size and location of the stones.

If the stones do not clog the lumens of the urethral canal and do not have sharp edges that scratch the mucous membrane, then the disease may not appear outwardly. There were cases when stones more than two centimeters in diameter were found in animals. During the entire time of the formation of such a stone (which is about a year and a half), no signs of the disease were observed.

Urolithiasis in cats manifests itself only when urination is difficult: the animal often sits on a potty or in the wrong place, strains, but urine is excreted weakly, drop by drop, often with an admixture of blood and fine sand. If the urethra is plugged, the bladder expands, causing a constant urge to urinate. At the same time, the condition of the animal deteriorates noticeably: the blood vessels of the bladder burst, blood enters the urine, and vice versa, urine enters the bloodstream, poisoning the body. The cat refuses food and water, moves little, constantly tries to urinate. Over time, vomiting appears, convulsions as a sign of severe poisoning with urine components. Bladder rupture is also possible. This life-threatening condition requires immediate medical attention.

With urinary retention, time is a decisive factor, every hour of delay leads to a deterioration in the condition of the animal. Therefore, please do not delay, do not wait for “everything will resolve itself”, but take the pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible!

ICD diagnostics

Urolithiasis occurs in both cats and cats, but clinically it is seen more often in cats due to the anatomical structure - a narrower and curved urethra. In cats, KSD is diagnosed when a stone forms in the bladder or kidneys, accompanied by bleeding, and confirmed by x-ray or ultrasound.

A diagnosis can only be made taking into account clinical signs, a laboratory analysis of urine, the results of an X-ray or ultrasound examination, since similar symptoms are inherent in other diseases. So, difficulty urinating or its absence can also be in the presence of a tumor, inflammatory edema, and blood in the urine and pain can manifest itself in acute cystitis, etc.

Treatment of KSD

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats and cats is reduced to the following actions:

1. Restoration of the outflow of urine. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the blockage of the urethra with a catheter and rinse the lumen of the urethra with an antiseptic solution. This is usually done under general anesthesia. In advanced cases, an operation is performed (creating a urethral opening similar to females) or cystotomy - a cavity operation to remove large stones from the bladder.

2. Stabilization of the general condition. To restore the water-electrolyte balance and relieve intoxication, an intravenous dropper is placed (from 1 to 5 days - depending on the condition of the animal) and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is carried out (up to two weeks).

3. After stabilization of the state is assigned lifelong prevention: diet (medicated food), phytotherapy (diuretic preparations, etc.), as well as regular (every 3-6 months) diagnostics: urinalysis, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

The doctor can also give advice on how to first aid for relapse. You can alleviate the condition of the animal with the help of an antispasmodic (no-shpa, etc.), the preparation "Cat Erwin", as well as a special therapeutic diet, in the presence of an infection - a course of antibiotics (only with a doctor's prescription).

Treatment is always selected individually, taking into account the results of the diagnosis, the sex and age of the animal, the complexity of the disease, the presence of other diseases, etc.

As a rule, complete recovery does not occur, but it is possible to control the course of the disease and prevent exacerbations. And then the animal can live a long and fulfilling life.

With insufficient control and in severe cases, frequent blockage of the urethra with urinary retention occurs. Each relapse worsens the general condition and destroys the kidneys, which can eventually lead to kidney failure.

Prevention of ICD

The best approach to the problem of KSD is its prevention.

The most important factor in this is .

When feeding with natural food, the use of foods rich in salts (fish, milk, various seafood, mineral supplements, etc.), as well as hard drinking water, should be avoided. The diet must be enriched with vitamins.

It is widely believed that KSD occurs in cats as a consequence of feeding them dry food. This is not true. On the contrary, ready-made feed is a carefully balanced product, the combination of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins in which is calculated with the maximum benefit for the health of the animal. In addition, it contains components that prevent KSD. You just need to remember to give your pet fresh water and monitor its sufficient consumption (!). Of course, all of the above applies only to high-class feed(!). Economy class feeds (Kitekat, Darling, Whiskas, Katinka, Friskies, etc.) can really harm the animal's health.

To prevent the formation and dissolution of stones in the bladder, the doctor prescribes a special diet food . Its choice is carried out depending on the type of stones that caused the disease. Since struvites are formed in alkaline urine, and oxylates in acidic urine, the normalization of urine pH leads to a slowdown in the formation of crystals and their dissolution. The action of medicated feeds is based on the control of urine acidity (Royal Canin Urinary S/O, Hill's C/D, Hill's S/D, Purina UR).

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