
What is a CT abdominal cavity. CT of retroperitoneal space: Preparation, which shows. Features of the CT abdominal cavity with bolus contrast

With the help of CT, a specialist receives detailed pictures of the retroperitoneal space for which many diseases diagnose internal organs, Localled and determine the size of malignant tumors, see the effects of injuries.

Computer tomography of retroperitoneal space

CT is used to diagnose various pathologies of the urinary system, kidneys, adrenal glands, blood vessels and other organs and tissues. High informativeness CT makes it possible to detect diseases of the organs in the retroperitoneal space, predict their current and choose the most effective methods Treatment.

Indications for research

There are a number of testimony to conduct a CT of traffickingy space. Scanning may require:

  • for the localization of abscess or phlegmon;
  • to study the post-traumatic state of the authorities;
  • in suspected oncological disease;
  • to clarify the diagnostic data before the operation;
  • in the formation of stones in a ureter and kidneys, a cyst in the internal organs;
  • to confirm the diagnosis, when other surveys were not informative.

Which shows CT of retroperitoneal space

CT gives a layer-by-layer image of the retroperitoneal space of the permits and increase for the diagnostic purposes. Survey data will be comprehensive. CT of retroperitoneal space is characterized by the fact that it shows organs, vessels and fabrics. The survey gives a quick and informative result, which makes it possible to identify the disease and promptly begin treatment.

Preparation for research

CT of the PCRs of the retroperitoneal space must be passed with the maximum empty intestine. Therefore, if the procedure is carried out in the morning, it is better to abandon breakfast, and dinner is easy and liquid. If you need to prepare to the CT of the retroperitoneal space scheduled for lunch, it is necessary to limit breakfast. When conducting the procedure in the evening, it is better to refuse dinner.

An increase in gas formation may affect the informativeness of the results of CT of retroperitoneal space. Therefore, on the eve of the survey, it is not recommended to use gas production and there is heavy food.


With CT of retroperitoneal space, the patient is placed on a special table, around which tomograph is moving. So that the images are clear, during the study, the patient should not move. CT of retroperitoneal space lasts 15 minutes, with contrasting the examination can take before half an hour.

Contrast reinforcement

CT of retroperitoneal space with contrast is appointed when the doctor suspects oncology or in a number of other cases. The method of introducing the drug chooses a specialist. It depends on whether the CT of which part of the retroperitoneal space with a contrast must be carried out, and that the survey should show (which diagnosis to confirm or refute).

Survey results

Results Kt. abdominal cavity issued together with decoding in a short time. Their accuracy depends on a number of factors. For example, whether the patient was immobile during CT of the retroperitoneal space, and on which equipment was examined.

Decoding the data obtained

Deciphering the data obtained with CT performs a specialist. Also, the results of the survey are recorded on the disk and are transmitted to the patient or its attending physician.

Contraindications for CT of retroperitoneal space

CT of retroperitoneal space is a non-invasive procedure, which is considered safe for most patients. Contraindications include pregnancy or breastfeeding, patient's inability to lie quietly - hyperkines.

For CT of retroperitoneal space with contrast, relative contraindications will be diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidney and urinary tract, diseases affecting the state of the vessels. CT of retroperitoneal space with contrast is not done in case of allergies to the drug.

Modern medicine today offers various methods of diagnosing diseases. However, not all of them are understandable to the patient. In this article, I want to talk about what computer tomography of the abdominal cavity, under what circumstances it is applied, and as possible to this procedure to prepare.

Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity: what it is

Initially, it is necessary to understand what it will be that it will be about. So, it is worth noting that the patients often face the CT abbreviation. This is what is the most computed tomography. In this case, various parts of the body and the patient organs can be investigated.

So, what is the computed tomography of the abdominal cavity? This procedure layerly conducts the diagnosis of the patient's body. The basis of the method is the same X-rays. Modern devices are multispiral. This makes it possible to receive high-quality pictures as soon as possible with a maximum high spatial resolution.

The time of the procedure is small. The patient is only a few minutes. However, it should be noted that if the study is carried out using the so-called contrast agent, it can be repeated several times.

A bit of history

This method of study is extremely young. CT scan It was invented in 1972, and in 1979 the Nobel Prize was obtained for it. The merit of this apparatus is very large. After all, it was from it that the development of other multi-layered diagnostic methods (MRI, etc.) began. It should be noted that the first devices were intended exclusively for the study of the patient's brain. However, soon (in 1976) they were used to diagnose the diseases of the whole human body.

When you need to use this procedure

In which cases can make computer tomography of the abdominal organs? So, it is worth noting that this is one of the most accurate methods of visualization and research of various internal organs. The pictures are quite clearly able to see the placement of spleen, liver and pancreas, as well as hollow structures: intestines, gallbladder and all biliary ducts.

What can show this diagnostic method?

  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Cysts.
  • Traumatic changes.
  • CT is able to "consider" the neoplasm as well and malignant. In this case, the boundaries of tumors are visible, the presence of metastasis, their germination, as well as other essential indicators for diagnosis and treatment.

Indications for the use of the method

When is the most commonly appointed computer tomography of the abdominal cavity? So, the list of readings is quite extensive:

  1. If you need to determine damage to the internal organs with closed trauma of the abdomen.
  2. When determining diffuse diseases liver, i.e. To identify cirrhosis, hepatitis and other diseases.
  3. In abscess in the abdominal organs.
  4. With vascular disorders that lead to secondary violations of various internal organs.
  5. With suspicion of cysts, cysts in the abdominal organs.
  6. To determine the depth of lesion of lymph nodes with metastasis.
  7. To determine various tumors in the abdominal cavity.

However, computer tomography of the abdominal cavity can be carried out in the following cases:

  • To clarify the effectiveness of anti-cancer treatment.
  • When preparing for surgical intervention.
  • If you need to clarify the results of other studies or confirm the preliminary diagnosis.
  • CT is carried out if a different procedure is contraindicated in a patient - magnetic resonance tomography (MRI).

About security

Many patients are interested in how safe computed tomography of the abdominal cavity. After all, it is based on the use of X-rays that are harmful to the human body. However, you should not worry. In modern devices, the dose of irradiation is negligible (even in comparison with the usual x-ray). That is why it is not worth afraid of appointing this procedure. It will not bring harm to the patient even if it is used repeatedly (which happens when studying with the introduction of a contrast substance).

Preparation for CT

If the patient is appointed computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, preparation for the study is a very important stage. After all, only by fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctors, you can get the right results.

  1. The first and most importantly rule: a few days before this study, it is necessary to sit on a certain diet. All those foods that provoke elevated gas formation are used to exclude from the diet, cause constipation or provoke other problems or diseases in the body. For example, allergies should be excluded all allergenic food, and those who have lactose intolerance, - milk and all its derivatives.
  2. On the day before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to clean the intestines to clean well. To do this, you will have to do the enema. At the same time, experts advise the procedure twice. Alternatively, you can drink a certain dose of the laxative preparation (for example, three packages of such a medicine as "Fortrans").
  3. Keep in mind that this study of the abdominal organs is carried out strictly on an empty stomach. Therefore, on the day of the procedure and after the moment of cleansing the intestine, it is impossible to eat.


Recently, in addition to the CT abbreviation, it is often possible to see the designation of the MSCT. This is a multispiral computed tomography of the abdominal organs. Her difference from the CT consists only that this is a newer study, so to speak the improved version of the usual computed tomography. This became possible only with the development of technological capabilities and the desire to improve the operation of this diagnostic apparatus. Consider what the multispiral computed tomography of the abdominal cavity organs differs from the usual CT:

  1. Image quality is quite better.
  2. Scan speed is increased. This significantly reduces the patient's scan time.
  3. Contrast resolution in this case is significantly better.
  4. The radiation burden on the patient's body is significantly lower.

Preparation for MSCT

Spiral computed tomography of the abdominal cavity requires the same preparation methods as the usual CT. Those. Some time is best to observe the diet, and 8 hours before the study it is impossible to eat anything. After all, this method of diagnosis will give the correct results only if on an empty stomach.

Documents and necessary things

To make a computer tomography of the abdominal cavity without any problems, you need to take with you:

  1. Direction of a doctor. For the procedure, the direction is required to study the attending doctor.
  2. Also need an extract from the outpatient card of the patient or his history of the disease.
  3. You need to take pictures of other studies (or other CTs).
  4. Well, you need to have documents that are related to the problem under study.

Stages of CT

Many patients are interested in the question of how the procedure itself passes. So, the steps of it will be the following:

  1. Stage of preparation. Here you need to remove all metal items from the body: brackets, piercing, etc. If the patient has an implant, it is obligatory to prevent the laboratory assistant or the doctor himself.
  2. During the procedure, the patient is in a horizontal position. He falls on a special retractable table on his back.
  3. Even before the start of the study, the doctor leaves the room where the tomograph is located. With the patient, it can communicate through a microphone and speakers.
  4. Next, the table with the patient carries to the so-called tunnel of the device. Tomograph itself, with the help of rotational movements, makes a series of certain pictures.
  5. If the doctor suits the quality of the pictures obtained, the patient can leave the room with a tomograph. Otherwise, you will need another procedure.

CT with contrast

Sometimes the patient is assigned to CT with contrast. Why is it necessary and for which this substance can be used? So, it is simply necessary for improved visualization of some structures. If we are talking about the studies of the abdominal organs, the main substance of the contrast fluid is the usual iodine or barium.

Thus, this tool is most often entered into the Vienna to the patient (when studying the liver, as well as blood supply systems) or simply drinks (if you need to explore the stomach). Iodine or barry paint all organs in a certain color, which helps to improve their contrast and visualization.

The volume of the drug depends on the weight of the patient. It is completely excreted from the body for one and a half days. In this case, the drug does not have any harmful effect on the body.

If a computer tomography of the abdominal cavity with a contrast agent is performed, its duration can occupy up to 30 minutes (while the usual CT occupies 5 minutes).

Contraindications to KT.

It is also worth noting that there are a number of contraindications to the use of computed tomography.

  1. Pregnancy. Even despite the fact that the body is extremely low ray load, this procedure still turns out to be unsafe for the fetus.
  2. Hyperkines. Those. The procedure cannot be conducted if involuntary movements occur in the patient. After all, to obtain high-quality pictures you need to safely lie throughout a certain time.
  3. It is impossible to conduct a procedure with pronounced pain syndrome.

Also may in some cases (depending on the equipment) be weight limitations. Most often, the maximum indicators for the studied - weight of 120 kg.

Contraindications to CT with contrast

There is also a number of situations when it should not be used by CT with contrast:

  1. Lactation. After all, the substances of the contrast liquid can penetrate the milk. If this procedure is simply necessary, from breastfeeding We'll have to abandon two days (the substance does not completely leave the body).
  2. Renal failure. After all, when removing the drug with urine, complications may arise (organism poisoning).
  3. This procedure is also contraindicated to those people who have allergies to iodine.

Special categories of population

We look at the topic "Computer tomography of the abdominal cavity." Photos of these devices can be seen in our article. From the above information it becomes clear that the procedure itself is absolutely not terrible and not dangerous. However, even despite this, there are certain restrictions on the use of this method of research to children. So, due to a small radial load, it is possible to apply CT from the 14th target. This procedure is also contraindicated for pregnant women. Other restrictions, except those described above, no.


That this procedure is completely safe, evidence of multiple reviews. Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity is a study that is pretty quickly carried out and practically does not harm the body. Snapshots and results can be obtained in an extremely short time. We will have to wait no more than 1 hour. If the CT was three-dimensional, research results can be recorded on a disk or other information carrier. With all documents, as well as the received images and extracts, then you should go to the attending physician.


An important computer diagnosis is the CT abdominal cavity with contrasting of the internal organs necessary to show the alleged foci of pathology. In this way, it is possible to estimate the condition of the peritoneum and the retroperitoneal space together with vessels and abdominal lymph nodes. Computer tomography of the abdominal cavity with a contrasting agent is carried out in the hospital, facilitates the formulation of the final diagnosis.

What is CT peritny

This informative diagnostic method is necessary for visualization of bodies where the polls of pathology are presumably. Such a clinical examination is appropriate for diseases of the kidneys, stomach, adrenal glands and other structures of the abdominal, retroperitoneal space. In addition, the CT of the abdominal organs is necessary to assess the real state of the vessels approximate to the foci of the pathology of the lymph nodes. Any changes in the structure of the internal organs are visible on the screen, but it occurs mainly after the introduction of contrast.


CT of retroperitoneal space and peritoneum can be conducted strictly under medical reasons after preliminary preparation of the patient. The computer procedure is performed with contrasting - for a kind of "highlighting" of internal organs, alleged foci of pathology. The need to fulfill layer-by-layer pictures on diagnostics occurs in the following clinical paintings:

  • lesion of lymphatic nodes;
  • blood diseases;
  • abscesses, phlegmon;
  • benign I. malignant tumors, cysts;
  • atherosclerosis and other extensive vascular lesions;
  • stones B. bile bubble and kidneys;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the intestine;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis, other liver damage;
  • echinococcosis;
  • injuries and hemorrhage.

In addition, CT internal organs doctors prescribe a patient when preparing for surgery, after the operation for strict control of treatment and rehabilitation period. This is a good opportunity to avoid exacerbation. inflammatory processesother potential complications in the course of incorrectly selected intensive therapy.

What bodies are checked with CT

Computed tomography examines the internal organs of the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space, studies the lymphatic system and general state vessels, their permeability. For example, such a progressive method can be explored by the pancreas, to timely determine the causes of progressive endocrine disorders. This diagnosis is appropriate to study the structure of the organs of other internal systems of the human body. Among those:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • spleen;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • gallbladder;
  • adrenal glands;
  • small pelvis organs;
  • blood vessels;
  • urinary paths;
  • lymphoid fabrics.


CT abnormal organs can be carried out not to all patients, there are limitations. In itself, the study is safe, since radiation incoming to the body, with the maximum long-term diagnostics, does not exceed the average dose of the RENTGEN GTC. Absolute contraindications is the weight of the patient from 120 kg, increased emotionality of the patient, the period of pregnancy. Relative restrictions on CT peritoneum are presented below:

  • children's age up to 14 years;
  • inflammatory kidney processes;
  • lactation period (for the contrast procedure);
  • acute allergic reaction against contrast preparations;
  • diabetes mellitus (for CT with contrasting);
  • blood diseases;
  • complicated liver pathology and cardiovascular system.

Types of CT

CT abdominal aorta is performed using special medical equipment, which is structurally a bulk ring with a progressive table, where the patient is placed for the survey. In practice, there are the following types of computed tomography:

  1. Spiral CT. The X-ray tube performs translational movements around the patient, simultaneously rotates the table on which the patient lies. The procedure is most secure as possible.
  2. Multilayer CT. Sensors taking permissible radiation dose are placed in several rows, remain fixed. At the output, the doctor gets informative three-dimensional images.
  3. Multispiral CT. During the scanning process, speed and resolution are significantly increased, and for this purpose two main radiation sources are used.

Preparations for CT abdominal cavity

Special preparations for computed tomography of the abdominal organs, which includes a complete refusal to eat for 8 hours before computer research. This procedure is conducted on an empty stomach, otherwise with the completed gastrointestinal tract The high informativeness of the CT method is not to speak at all. You can pre-clean the completed intestine using the enema in a hospital or home environment.

Reception of urograph in front of KT

The specified medical drug is required for contrast, because in its chemical composition The increased concentration of iodine prevails. This active component of the urography absorbs most of the X-ray, thereby enhancing the contrast and improving the quality of the image during CT. Characterized medication is derived natural way A few days without side effects and potential complications.

How do ct abdominal cavity

The virtual colonoscopy is carried out with the participation of a contrast substance and without that, the information content of the computer method depends on this. Native CT is carried out without contrasting, shows the overall condition of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. The sequence of actions during clinical study is as follows:

  1. The patient needs to remove all metal objects, decorations.
  2. The patient must lie on the retractable table on the back.
  3. The table is moving into the tunnel of the device, and communication with the patient proceeds with the help of microphone and speakers.
  4. When the table is rotated, tomograph performs several informative pictures.
  5. If the image quality is decent, the table leaves from the tomograph ring.

CT abdominal cavity with contrast

In case of intravenous administration of a contrast agent, the internal organs are additionally highlighted, which is especially appropriate when suspected of metastases, malignant tumors, cysts. The resulting image shows the exact shape and the size of the progressive neoplasm, the location of the focus of pathology. Feedback from experts who regularly use bolus contrast to form a final diagnosis have a positive content and report that such a diagnostic method is more informative for the upcoming treatment.


The study method is safe, eliminates the injury of the abdomen, internal organs, the impact of an increased dose of radiation. If there is no pathology in the body, the doctor sees it on the tomograph screen. But in the presence of a pathological process, the following deviations take place, requiring conservative or surgical treatment:

  • abdominal tumors;
  • inflammatory intestinal processes;
  • stones kidneys, foreign bodies;
  • obstruction of the intestines or bile ducts;
  • increase lymph nodes.

How often can CT

Performing CT contrasting is recommended not so often, since an increased dose of iodine in the body can provoke side effects that increase the symptoms of intoxication. By itself, the dose of radiation with CT is not hazardous, the patient's health is not significant. Repeatability is carried out in emergency cases to clarify the final diagnosis. CT without contrasting has not such a categorical time frame, fewer side effects.


The cost of the procedure depends on the city of the patient's residence, the rating of the diagnostic center and the reputation of a particular dialect. You can try to examine the abdominal cavity for free in the district polyclinic, however, not all medical facilities are equipped with professional tomographs, have graduate specialists in a given direction. The approximate prices for CT in Moscow and the region are presented in the following table.

Name of the clinic in Moscow

Price of procedures, rubles

Scandinavian health center

4 500 – 10 000

Cm clinic

Network Clinic "Capital"

CT of retroperitoneal space, allows you to carry out a detailed examination of the adrenal glands, ureters, renal artery, kidneys and other brancheshaft bodies.

Computed tomography produces a detailed and clear image, due to which it is easy to reveal abscesses, concrections, injuries, malignant education, blood supply disorders and other pathologies.

Under what indications should CT do?

Basically, CT is appointed by a doctor when strong pain in a stomach. 3 types of pain are separated: visceral - has a grapple-shaped character, patients complain of internal burning; Parietal - exacerbates when driving or cough; Reflex - pain occurs in a remote part from the source of the disease.

Also, CT of retroperitoneal space is carried out with suspected diseases:

  • tumors of adrenal and kidneys;
  • cyst and kidney polycystic;
  • kidney stones;
  • carbuncoon, jade and kidney abscesses;
  • injury of the lumbar region or closed abdomen, in which there are suspicions of damage to the internal organs;
  • anomalies of the development of the brancheshaft bodies;
  • presence of concrections;
  • pathology of lymph nodes.

Contraindications to KT of retroperitoneal space

During pregnancy, it is categorically contraindicated, especially at small terms. In the study, X-rays have an impact directly on the state of the fetus and the uterus. Additional restrictions has kidney CT: renal failure or an allergic effect on the contrast. It can also be prescribed when bronchial asthma.

In computed tomography, there may be several contraindications, but, in most cases, they are relative and can be ignored. However, we need consultation with the attending physician, who will decide whether CT is possible in your case or not.

How is the CT of the peritonear space

The examination occurs when the patient is lying on the back. During the study, the patient is inside the annular part of the tomograph for 1-15 min. The duration of the procedure is frightened against contrast. During the survey, the patient should not move.

As a rule, this study is not suitable for learning soft tissues. However, with the use of contrast, the structure is clearly visible to the structure and, on which it is easy to conduct a study of these organs. There are no formations that the tomograph could not see.

Advantages of CT

Computed tomography of retroperitoneal space has such advantages:

  1. Minimum dose of ionizing radiation;
  2. Obtaining layered pictures;
  3. Making an image in any plane, even in 3D;
  4. Any scale of pictures.

All the above benefits allow you to get high-quality results and absolutely not harm the patient's health.

However, there is a more perfect survey option - multispiral CT. This preparation has more radial tubes and advanced software. These factors allow you to get more accurate results And significantly reduce the survey process. Also, this computed tomography further reduces the radiation load on the patient.

CT kidney and adrenal glands can be replaced by MRI, since this method is also able to accurately determine frequent diseases, such as tumors. However, it can not always be used. Computed tomography is effective when detecting dense tumors (for example, kidney stones). MRI in this case will be useless.

Why do KT retroperitoneal space with contrast?

CT soft tissues is almost always carried out with contrast, as it enhances the effectiveness of their visualization. With it, you can consider small inflammations (for example, kidney abscess), vascular pathology and oncological diseases. Contrasting is completely harmless. After 1-2 days, the contrast is completely excreted from the body.

Dense neoplasms are clearly visible and without amplification, so if you need to know the amount, position and size of the kidneys, it is not necessary to use the contrast. And if there are suspicions of the concrections, the use of amplification is necessary, since using the usual image it is not visible.

Also contrasts are not used in injury to kidneys and adrenal glands, when the hematoma size needs to be installed in the surrounding space.

Your attending physician can give recommendations regarding the use of CT, but the final decision is to conduct a study with or without contrast, accepts a radiation diagnostic specialist, which will have to decipher the pictures.

What complications may arise after the study

In rare cases, complications may occur with CT of the pro organs of the retroperitoneal space. They manifest themselves in minor complications such as urticaria, nausea, skin redness, etc. Loins may be reduced arterial pressure, accelerated heartbeat, shortness of breath and bronchospasm.

Complications may occur in people who have factors:

  • diabetes;
  • hypotension;
  • plasmocytar gastritis;
  • elderly age;
  • heart failure;
  • dehydration;
  • cardiogenic shock.

Such complications arise despite the precautions. But under the control of good specialists, these complications will quickly pass.

Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity - diagnostic method, describing the condition of the internal organs together with lymph nodes and vessels, and retroperitoneal space. Scanning is carried out in layers, with a small step. The goal is to analyze the state and finding pathology.

The method allows you to explore the structure:

  • Liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas and surrounding tissues, ducts and vessels;
  • Stomach and intestines;
  • Bone tissues;
  • Vascular I. nervous system abdominal department;
  • Lymph nodes in this area.

What shows the diagnosis:

Appoints the examination of the doctor if there is a good reason for this, since X-ray radiation is harmful.

When preparing for CT, it is necessary:

  • Prevent the doctor about the preparations taken;
  • Since the procedure can be carried out with contrasting, it is necessary to exclude allergies to a contrast agent, for this make a special test;
  • The intestine should not be crowded and break, so a few days before the study need to adjust the power.

The doctor may assign blood test.

How is the process?

The patient must remove metal decorations and electronic devices to not disturb the operation of the device.

Clothes must be free and not to shy movement.

It is important to inform the doctor about the presence of metal dental crowns and a pacemaker.

The patient falls on the retractable table, its patient is fixed with belts and rollers.

The table is moved to tomograph and scanning begins.

During the process of tomograph, noise is heard, a scanning device is moving. Communication with a specialist is carried out by special communication.

Scanning with contrast

The contrast agent is introduced if clinical picture ambiguous. CT with a contrast agent:

  • Reveals tumors;
  • Allows distinguishing malignant and benign processes; Shows the features of the work of the peritoneum organs.

In addition, the borders of the organs are indistinguishable without the use of amplification in the form of a contrast agent, which provides a visible difference in the density of the object object.

The amount of contrast substance is selected individually in each case. After a day, harmless fluid comes out of the body.


Typically, the decoding of information takes about an hour. As a result, the patient gives the received pictures and the conclusion of a doctor with a signature and printing.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • High degree of obesity.
  • Renal failure.
  • The intolerance to the contrast agent.
  • Deviations in mental condition.
  • The presence in the body of metal objects.

What are they writing about

Patients who have passed this procedure note:

  • The study is carried out for final confirmation of the diagnosis;
  • Informativeness is high;
  • The method helps to raise the correct diagnosis and decide on treatment;
  • For the abdominal cavity, this method is more suitable than MRI and ultrasound.

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