
Why alcoholics do not have cancer. The relationship of cancer and alcohol. Is there any interrelation of alcohol and oncology of prostate

A recent study in the field of oncological diseases has shown that the abuse of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of development and becomes the main reason for the appearance of malignant formations in more than 4% of cases. Alcohol with prostate cancer further aggravates the situation, reducing the effectiveness of drug and surgical treatment.

Is there any interconnection of alcohol and oncology of prostate?

The effect of alcohol on the prostate cancer is well studied. Doctors were able to understand the mechanism of the action of alcohol. Regardless of the strength of the alcoholic beverage, the effect on the patient's body is approximately the same and lies in the following:
  • Ethanol during the organism metabolism is processed into acetaldehyde - toxic carcinogen. The element leads to damage to DNA, mutations at the cellular level. The use of alcohol with prostate cancer provokes an accelerated process of an oncological tumor, supplying elements necessary for its growth.
  • Alcohol reduces tissue metabolism - the ability of the internal organs to absorb vitamins of groups A, C, D, E and carotenoids. The lack of elements necessary for the health leads to the appearance of stagnant phenomena, the inability of the body independently restore.
  • Estrogen levels increases. The influence of certain varieties of alcohol on the development of prostate cancer is associated with a high content of plant and synthetic forms of female hormone. Studies have shown that excess estrogen increases the likelihood of cancer development by 15-20%.
Supporters of drinking alcoholic beverages lead several arguments to protect their habit:
  • Strong drinks slow down the development of a cancer tumor. In fact, there are no elements in alcohol any species that are capable of becoming a deterrent factor of distribution. The alcohol enters the blood and directly in the prostate is already in the form of recycled elements. It settles in cells in the form of acetaldehyde, causing a crushing blow to already damaged tissues.
  • Alcohol is a good painkiller. Any alcoholic beverages reduce stress, pain threshold. Surgeons before the beginning of the twentieth century used whiskey and brandy for anesthesia when carrying out consuming operations.
    Studies have shown that in alcohol contains substances, foaming consciousness. Melting when taking alcohol is connected with this action. But in fact, in fact, the foaming effect only hides the problem, but does not treat the disease.
Leading oncologists agree that it is impossible to use alcohol with prostate cancer. Of course, no one can prohibit a person to do what he really wants to him except him.

Recommended if not a complete refusal of alcohol in general, then at least the reduction of consumption to a minimum. The attending staff and relatives can help the patient to realize that this habit harms him and negates the benefit of the medical and hormonal methods of therapy.

Alcoholic beverages - pros and cons

The use of alcohol in moderate amounts is allowed during the prostate adenoma - a benign tumor at an early stage of the disease. After converting into cancer, even small doses of beverages are significantly aggravated by the patient's health.

If the patient cannot completely abandon the wine, beer, vodka, brandy, whiskey, then at least it should be reduced by their use to a safe daily rate: two portions with an alcohol content of 13-14 grams.

The effect of alcoholic beverages rendered on the cancer of the prostate gland, incompatibility with some drugs, including the majority of painkillers, depression of immunity - all this convincing reason to reduce their use.

Prostate wine and cancer

In defense of alcohol use, another argument is expressed. Red dry wine enters the diet of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, which, according to statistics, are practically no prostate cancer. A certain proportion of truth in this statement is really present.

Red wine with prostate cancer contributes to a blood tide to a damaged area, which leads to a decrease in stagnant phenomena. Moderate drinking beverage leads to strengthening the vessels and normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, white wines have a direct opposite result. A positive effect is observed exclusively when taking a red grape product with a slight alcohol content of a drink.

Use red dry wine can not more than 1 cup - 50-60 ml, per day. No drinks are suitable with the addition of herbs, aromatic fillers made of drain, berries, etc. It is better to refuse from cheap wine varieties with a large number of fusion oils.

Red wine can have a negative impact on prostate cancer, if you use it uniformly. Not recycled ethanol, not able to get out of the body in the process of metabolism, it becomes the cause of the destruction of healthy cells.

Strong alcoholic beverages in the oncology of prostate (vodka, brandy, whiskey)

Drinking strong alcohol is prohibited. If in the case of moderate use of red wine, there are at least some excuses and positive moments, then regular reception: vodka, skate, brandy is similar to direct prostate poisoning.

Of course, if you drink once a few months and do it in the limit of alcohol norm (1-2 portions), the state will not become critical, but the regular intake of strong drinks will invariably lead to trouble, for several reasons:

  • Carcinogens remaining from alcohol are removed from the body slowly and have the property to accumulate.
  • Drugs in combination with strong drinks become toxic and cause allergic reactions, up to an anaphylactic shock.

Statistics show the direct relationship between the effectiveness of treatment and alcohol use. The chances of recovery in patients who completely refused alcoholic beverages increase by 15-20%.

Beer with prostate cancer

Another type of alcohol, contraindicated with prostate cancer - is beer. Despite the seeming harmlessness, taking even a small amount of drink leads to serious consequences caused by following:
  • In the composition of even non-alcoholic beers there are elements, in their chemical composition, similar estrogen. Long-term intake of beer leads to the appearance of female sexual signs in a man: an increase in the breasts, the appearance of fat deposits on the hips and stomach, sexual dysfunction. The imbalance of hormones with prostate cancer is extremely dangerous.
  • Development. In the EU countries, they have been suffering from beer alcoholism. It turns out to be addicted to this drink even easier than from vodka. Abandon the "Balker" drink even before the threat of death, it becomes a real problem for a person.
  • Beer causes inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

Limited dose of alcohol - red wine or strong drinks "On Holidays" in the period not exacerbation is permissible. But alcohol abuse is dangerous.

There are closely related concepts - alcohol and cancer, because people suffering from alcoholism, more often sick oncological diseases of certain organs. It is important to note that not everyone who abuses the alcohol with cancer. Also, on the contrary, the full rejection of alcohol does not guarantee on the development of oncology.

With regular abuse of alcohol and improper nutrition, the risk of cancer development by 40-80% increases.

Perennial studies revealed several mechanisms:

  1. Alcohol, falling into the body, disintegrates in the participation of alcoholic dehydrogenation enzyme to acetaldehyde. This substance has toxic and carcinogenic properties. This organic compound damages DNA cells, primarily in those organs where oxidation occurs, and leads to mutation of protein in cells. They begin to grow faster, their structure changes and the function is disturbed.
  2. When using alcohol, the normal flow of vitamins of group A, B, C, important microelements ceases. Since the cells do not get nutrients, they quickly cease to work well and change under the action of other factors.
  3. The process of alcohol oxidation is damaged by DNA cells, as well as protein, fats and carbohydrate molecules.
  4. The use of beer increases the amount of estrogen sex hormone in the body. Its excess can lead to the development of breast cancer.
  5. In drinkers there is a low level of folic acid in the body, due to this cell can not create a new DNA with the correct chromosome set.

Of all the above-described mechanisms, you can sum up: cancer, and alcohol have a direct connection. The use of alcoholic beverages harms the organism at the cellular level, namely, changes in cancer begin in cells. Mutoving, they randomly share and grow up to huge tumors.

Target organs for the development of oncology when taking alcohol

According to statistical data, certain types of malignant tumors develop more often in people abusing alcohol.

These include:

  1. Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), as a rule, this form moves from cirrhosis. According to WHO statistics from liver cancer, more than 700,000 people die per year.
  2. Malignant swelling oral cavity, throat, larynx. More often this species appears in women.
  3. Cancer esophagus and stomach. According to statistics, more than 600,000 people die over the world. These form are subject to people who have little alcohology dehydrogenase (enzyme splitting alcohol).
Cancer in the mouth
  1. Oncology of fine and colon. Mortality is 7-8% of all forms of cancer.
  2. Tumors of the pancreas. It dies about 200,000 people a year around the world.
  3. Mammary cancer. In development, this species is not so scary vodka, like beer. Regular foaming consumption increases the risk to get 2 times.

The amount of alcohol without risk is sick

You can drink alcohol without harm to the body, but its number should not exceed the established norm. During the studies, scientists installed: women can drink one low-calorie drink per day, and men are two weak or one strong. In one portion, no more than 12 grams of alcohol should be contained.

As they understand under these concepts:

  • one glass of vodka;
  • beer - 0,33l;
  • glass of red wine.

It is important to understand that these doses are relative. Any person has its own reaction to the taking alcohol and harm can be different. With a detected malignant tumor, it is impossible to take it categorically, in any form. Alcohol and cancer are not compatible.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during cancer?

The answer to this question is unambiguous - categorically no. Especially dangerous alcohol for patients with oncology during the treatment of chemotherapy and other drugs. Of course, you should not seek the answer to such a question on the Internet, the most reasonable decision is to ask the doctor.

However, according to numerous studies, alcohol use increases the risk of fatal outcome at least 3 times. The result is about 20 thousand deaths annually. It is especially dangerous to drink alcohol patients with throat cancer, larynx, pharynx, esophagus and upper respiratory tract.

Myths about the treatment of cancer alcohol

In the modern high-tech world, when each person has access to the Internet, many decide to cure cancer independently without the help of qualified doctors. Information about this issue is a great set.

Myth 1 - Shevchenko method

The essence: the suspension of sunflower oil and vodka is divorced. Sick cancer should drink this cocktail and completely abandon treatment in the oncological dispensary. According to the author of the technique, the patient only loses time at this time.

Myth 2 - daily drink a glass of red wine and cancer will never develop

Proven fact. Studies have been conducted: people drinking wine are also sick with cancer, as not consuming.

Cured oncology of folk medicine is uniquely impossible. By self-medication, patients are losing precious time, and doctors are in consequences are helpless.

Drinking alcohol or not - this is the choice of every sensible person. The use of alcoholic beverages in moderate quantities can even be useful. But dependence on them threatens not only physical and moral degradation, but also by the development of various diseases, including oncological.

With a severe environmental situation in the world, smoking and alcoholism every day, more and more people are sick of cancer. Alcohol and cancer are closely related concepts. For someone it is a combination of words, and for others it is a sentence.

Is it possible to use alcohol with oncology? Almost everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to health. It is undesirable to use alcoholic drinks to people who have diseases of digestive, cardiovascular, urogen-and-other organism systems. Those who have good health, it is recommended to drink rarely and in highly limited quantities. Alcohol is a toxin that damages all internal organs. His abuse causes addiction. Alcoholism in oncology is the cause of the severe condition of the patient.

The unhealthy habit contributes to the formation and development of malignant tumors throughout the body.

If a person already has cancer and he continues to drink, the likelihood that he will be able to defeat the disease, equal to zero.

Such a patient has more chances to die. Oncology is different types. You can cure cancer at different stages, but at the same time the patient needs to abandon bad habits, first of all, from alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol causes severe intoxication. As a result, a person has a huge number of unpleasant symptoms. It complains of severe headache, nausea (it can snatch), discomfort in the abdomen, etc. A person suffering from alcohol intoxication, poorly perceives new information, is not attentive and useless in any work.

Cancer internal organs and addiction

Stable use of alcoholic beverages in any quantity to cause education and development of liver cancer, esophagus, intestines, throat, stomach, oral cavity, mammary glands. These are the seven basic types of oncology, provoked by the toxic effect of alcohol.

The digestive system under the influence of toxins comes out of the Lada. From this, the patient arises the following symptoms:

  • Reduced appetite. The person practically does not want anything. He is constantly sick and torments heartburn. Due to the reception of a small amount of food, useful substances cease to enter the body. The shortage of vitamins reduces immunity. The function of the blood building is also disturbed. As a result, hemoglobin is reduced to critical indicators. A person becomes sensitive to infections and viruses.
  • Strong pain in the stomach, caustication. Alcohol in the human body contributes to the development of gastritis, which further can grow into a peptic illness and cause formation on the internal organs of malignant tumors.
  • Vomiting, stool impairment and urination functions. According to statistics, more than 65% of people who have serious problems with the work of the digestive system are alcoholics. Those who continue to drink with already developing illness of the gastrointestinal tract, cease to control the processes of urination. In other words, they can be fisted at any moment. Ethanol is strongly dehydicing the body that becomes the cause of frequent constipation.

You can immediately not notice which effect is given alcoholic beverages during long-term use. Cirrhosis of the liver, which grows into cancer, is developing over a long period. The disease makes itself felt already at the last stage, when it is very difficult to deal with the ailment.

Oncology of the mammary glands during alcoholism

The body of the woman is more subjected to the negative impact of the harmful habit than in men. Fine sex representatives risk acquiring breach of the mammary glands:

You can also put yourself to the development of oncology, having a bad habit and suffering mastopathy, taking a long time hormonal drugs, often exposed to the body by X-ray irradiation, poorly eating, making abortions, having overweight.

Hormonal failure caused by alcohol abuse is manifested in the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort in the field of mammary glands. You can face seals in the chest, see the discharge from the nipple. It feels pain.
  • Selection of nipple. They can be different colors and consistency.
  • Ulcerative formations. Typically, these symptoms appear when cancer reached the last level of development, and the woman continues to drink alcohol.

If with breast cancer in a patient reduced hemoglobin, it is at high risk. A woman can die at any stage of the development of the disease, when she has anemia with alcohol addiction.

Almost all patients with oncology of the respiratory system there is a sword. This symptom is noted not only during physical exertion in the patient, but also at rest.

What to do to raise hemoglobin

As already noted, the harmful habit prevents the normal development of erythrocytes in the blood. Reduced hemoglobin talks about Iron anemia. Malokroviya cause bad work of the immune system. This contributes to the rapid development of cancer and premature death of the patient. Hemoglobin in the body does not rise quickly. In order for it to reach a normal level, a minimum of 2-3 months is required. To increase hemoglobin follows:

  • organize your day of the day. Hemoglobin does not rose in a person who does not sleep, does not rest enough and works more than he can. Each is recommended to carry out daily walks in the fresh air for from 1 hour to 2. Also do not forget about sports. Training should be done three times a week at least with minimal physical exertion.

Restore the process of developing erythrocytes at the proper level can also be used by taking special purpose medicines. If a person has not thrown to drink, take any medicines to him forbidden. Hence the conclusion - while the patient does not give up the harmful habit, hemoglobin in its body will continue to fall that, in the end, will lead to a fatal outcome.

How to make yourself throw a bad habit

Not always a person notes the fact that he has a dependence on anything. He refuses to believe it. In cases where a person uses alcohol often and for a long time (from 6 months to several years), chances to make it throw drink, are zero. It does not scare low hemoglobin, pain in the right side, sword, bad sleep and other unpleasant feelings. Often he thinks that he feels bad because of hard work, and not because he has a bad habit. Such a person can overcome the addiction if he wants to do this truly. That is, 50% of recovery from alcoholism is a desire to forget about alcohol forever.

Treatment of addiction to the following:

Cancer is a severe disease, to fight with a lot of strength. If a person continues to drink, he does not have enough energy for recovery. He will die ahead of time. To be healthy, it is necessary to abandon alcohol, tobacocuria, drugs and start moving the right lifestyle. Only in this case the immune system will be strong, and hemoglobin at the desired level. Any dependency can be overcome for a rather short period if it wanted. It is impossible to force a person to quit a bad habit when he does not want it. He will definitely return to her after a while.

All materials of our site are designed for those who take care of their health. But we do not recommend engaging in self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor, certain means and methods cannot be applied. Be healthy!

What is the relationship between the use of alcoholic beverages and the occurrence of oncological diseases? This is how employees in the United States speak about this issue.

Alcohol is a common term for ethanol or ethyl alcohol, a chemical contained in beer, wine, vodka, as well as in some medicines, means for rinsering the mouth, tinctures and essential oils (fragrant liquids derived from plants). Alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugars and starch yeast.

The main types of alcoholic beverages and the content of them alcohol:

Beer and Siders: Alcohol 3-7 percent;
Wines, including Sake: Alcohol 9-15 percent;
Wines are fastened, such as port: alcohol 16-20 percent;
Liquor, gin, rum, vodka, whiskey, which are produced by distillation of alcohol from fermented grains, fruits or vegetables: usually 35-40 percent of alcohol, but may be higher.

According to the National Institute for Alcohol and Alcoholism, the standard alcoholic beverage in the United States contains 14.0 grams (0.6 oz) of pure alcohol. As a rule, this amount of pure alcohol is in:

12 oz beer;
8 ounces of malt liqueur;
5 ounces of wine;
1.5 ounces of Liker or Gina.

The dietary recommendations of the federal government for Americans in 2010 determine the moderate use of alcohol to one such drink (i.e. 0.6 oz of pure alcohol) per day for women and up two beverages per day for men. Heavy alcohol consumption is defined as the presence of more than three beverages on any day or more seven beverages per week for women and more than four beverages on any day or more than 14 beverages per week for men.

What is the evidence that the use of alcohol is the cause of cancer?

Based on extensive reviews of scientific research, there is a sustainable scientific opinion regarding the relationship between alcohol consumption and several types of cancer. In his report on carcinogens, the National Program of Toxicology of the Ministry of Health and Social Services of the United States shows that the use of alcoholic beverages is a carcinogenic factor for a person.

The results of the study show that the more alcohol consumes a person, especially if this happens regularly, the higher the risk of cancer. Based on data for 2009, 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths) were associated with alcohol.

There were clear patterns between the consumption of alcohol and the development of the following types of cancer:

Head and Neck Cancer

Alcohol consumption is the main risk factor for some types of cancer of the head and neck, especially the cancers of the oral cavity (with the exception of the lips), pharynx (throat) and larynx. People who use 50 or more grams of alcohol per day (approximately 3.5 or more drinks per day) have at least two or three times the risk of developing these types of cancer than non-consistent alcohol. In addition, the risk of these types of cancer is significantly higher among persons who use tobacco in addition to alcohol.

Esophageal carcinoma

Alcohol use is the main risk factor for a specific type of esophagus cancer called flat-stitching carcinoma. It was found that people who inherited a lack of enzyme, metabolizing alcohol significantly increased the risk of alcohol of the esophagus of the flower cell.

Liver cancer

Alcohol consumption is an independent risk factor and the main cause of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus is the other main causes of liver cancer.

Mammary cancer

More than 100 epidemiological studies reviewed the relationship between the consumption of alcohol and the risk of breast cancer in women. These studies have consistently discovered an increased risk of breast cancer associated with an increase in alcohol consumption. Metaanalysis 53 of these studies (which included a total of 58,000 women with breast cancer) showed that women who drink more than 45 grams of alcohol per day (approximately three drinks) were 1.5 times higher than the risk of developing breast cancer .

The risk of breast cancer was higher at all levels of alcohol consumption: for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day (a little less than one drink) researchers observed a small (7 percent) increase in the risk of breast cancer.

The "Million Women" study in the United Kingdom (which included more than 28,000 women with breast cancer) gave a slightly higher risk assessment of the occurrence of breast cancer at low and moderate alcohol consumption levels: every 10 grams of alcohol consumed a day were associated with 12 - Assimate increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Colorectal cancer

Alcohol consumption is associated with a moderately increased risk of colon cancer and rectum. Metaanalysis 57 studies that studied the connection between the consumption of alcohol and the risk of colorectal cancer showed that people who regularly drank 50 or more grams of alcohol per day (about 3.5 drinks) were 1.5 times higher than the risk of developing colorectal cancer. For every 10 grams of alcohol consumed per day, there was a small (7 percent) increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.

How does alcohol increase the risk of cancer?

The researchers revealed several ways to alcohol can increase the risk of cancer development, including:

Metabolization (splitting) of ethanol in alcoholic beverages to acetaldehyde, which is a toxic chemical and probable carcinogen for humans.

Acetaldehyde may damage both DNA (genetic material, component of genes) and proteins through a process called oxidation.

Violation of the body's ability to absorb various nutrients and vitamins that can be associated with cancer risk, including vitamin A; Nutrients in a complex with vitamin B, such as folate; vitamin C; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Carotenoids.

Increasing the level of estrogen in the blood - sex hormone associated with the risk of breast cancer.

Alcoholic beverages may also contain various carcinogenic pollutants, which are entered during fermentation and production, such as nitrosamines, asbestos fibers, phenols and hydrocarbons.

How does the combination of alcohol and tobacco affect the risk of cancer?

Epidemiological studies show that people who use alcohol and tobacco have a much greater risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx (throat), larynx and esophagus than people who either only eat alcohol either smoke. In fact, the risks of the appearance of cancer associated with the use of alcohol and tobacco are multiplicative: that is, they are more than one could expect from the combination of individual risks associated with alcohol and smoking.

Can man genes affect the risk of cancer associated with alcohol?

The risk of a person associated with alcohol affects its genes, in particular genes that encode enzymes involved in the metabolism (destruction) of alcohol.

For example, one of the methods of alcohol metabolism in the body is the activity of the enzyme called alcoholic dehydrogenase or ADH. Many people having Chinese, Korean and especially Japanese origin, carry the version of the ADH gene, which encodes the "superactive" form of the enzyme.

This superactive ADH enzyme accelerates the conversion of alcohol (ethanol) to toxic acetaldehyde. As a result, when people who have a superactive enzyme drink alcohol, acetaldehyde accumulates. Among Japanese origin, who has this superactive ADH, the risk of pancreatic cancer is higher than in patients with a more common form of ADH.

Another enzyme called aldehydehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) turns toxic acetaldehyde into non-toxic substances. Some people, especially from East Asia, carry the option of the gene for Aldh2, which encodes the defective form of the enzyme. People with a defective enzyme acetaldehyde accumulates when they drink alcohol.

The accumulation of acetaldehyde has such unpleasant consequences (including redness of the face and rapid heartbeat) that most people who inherited an aldh2 version cannot consume a large amount of alcohol. Thus, most people with a defective form ALDH2 have a low risk of developing cancer-related alcohol.

However, some people with a defective form ALDH2 can be tolerant to the unpleasant effects of acetaldehyde and consume a large amount of alcohol. Epidemiological studies have shown that such people have a higher risk of developing an esophageal cancer associated with alcohol, as well as head and neck cancer than those with a fully active enzyme that drink a comparable amount of alcohol. These increased risks are observed only among people who carry the version of Aldh2 and drink alcohol, they are not observed in people who carry this option, but do not drink alcohol.

Can drink red wine to prevent cancer?

Researchers, conducting research using purified proteins, human cells and laboratory animals, found that some substances in red wine, such as resveratrol, have anti-cancer properties. Grapes, raspberries, peanuts and some other plants also contain resveratrol. However, clinical trials in humans did not provide convincing evidence that resveratrol is effective for preventing or treating cancer.

What happens to the risk of cancer after a person stops drinking alcohol?

Most studies that studied the question of reducing the risk of cancer after a person stopped the use of alcohol, concerned the cancer of the head, neck and esophagus. In general, these studies have shown that the cessation of alcohol consumption is not associated with an immediate reduction in the risk of cancer development; You may need years for cancer risk decreased and become the same as those who do not use alcohol.

For example, a combined analysis of 13 studies of cancer cancer and the pharynx showed that the risk of cancer did not begin to decline at least up to 10 years after the cessation of alcohol consumption. Even 16 years after the studied stopped drinking alcohol, the risk of cancer was higher from them than those who never used alcohol.

In several studies, it was also found that the risk of esophageal cancer slowly decreases with an increase in time from the moment of stopping alcohol and is not approaching such as non-drinking, at least 15 years after the cessation of alcohol consumption.

Is it safe to drink alcohol during cancer chemotherapy?

As in most cases related to the treatment of each particular person, it is best for the patient to discuss this issue with its team of medical care. Doctors and nurses that will be treated will be able to respond about whether alcohol is dangerous when using specific drugs for chemotherapy or other drugs appointed with chemotherapy.

Cancer - a tumor arising from the change in the structure of cells under the influence of a variety of factors: not proper nutrition, ecology, radiation background, stress, harmful habits, heredity. Malignant neoplasms can penetrate other organs and tissues, preventing them of correct operation (metastasis process).

Unlike healthy, cancer cells, instead of death, continue to grow, sharing, which is accompanied by the formation of new pathological. This process is no longer controlled by the body, oncology progresses. The disease is a long multistage process. Most tumors are laid in young and adulthood (from 25 to 40 years).

In order to avoid progression of pathology, it is necessary to increase the barrier functions of the body, to make prevention, eat properly.

Is it possible to drink alcohol if diagnosed with cancer? Is there an influence of alcohol on cancer diseases: slows down or spats the course of the tumor? Consider more.

Oncology: myths and reality

Cancer is one of the leading causes of high mortality in the world. Every year, oncological diseases are losing their lives of more than 8.5 million people, of which 55% of cases fall on men and 45% for women.

The largest number of deaths recorded in developed countries: Hungary, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, Japan, where up to 315 people die from malignant neoplasms for every 100,000 inhabitants.

The leading positions occupy lung cancer, carrying out life more than 1,59 million people per year, liver - 750,000, stomach - 725,000, a large intestine - 694,000, breast - 521,000. It is expected that in the next 30 years the number of cases will increase in the next 30 years 65%. The main causes of such non-rainbow forecasts are the lack of physical activity, a high body mass index, abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, a shortage of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Cancer may affect any part of the body, spread to neighboring organs. Metastases - the main cause of death from oncology.

Popular questions

Any benign tumor is able to be reborn in malignant education?

Partly truth. It happens, but very rare. In most cases, benign formations cannot be reborn in malignant. At the same time, the fibroadenomes of the breast, the birthplace spots, papillomas of large sizes, polyps of the stomach and intestines, deserve special attention.

If during surgery oxygen gets access to the tumor, the latter begins to metastasize?

Surgical intervention does not cause cancer. However, in the process of operation, the doctor can clearly appreciate the degree of dissemination of the disease. According to clinical studies, it has been established that the removal of the tumor contributes to the temporary growth of metastasis.

Does the bust size affect the susceptibility of breast cancer?

Not. There is no connection between the breast size and the probability of the development of oncology. The only difficulty of which mammologists are faced with a large bust in women - the complexity of inspection and receipt of reliable MRI, mammograms.

Do chemotherapy helps to cope with a tumor?

Currently, there is no definite answer to this question, it all depends on the stage of cancer, the health and physiological characteristics of the human body. In any case, chemotherapy prolongs the life of the patient and can even help defeat malignant neoplasms.

Does the abortion be able to cause breast cancer?

Yes. With an artificial interruption of pregnancy, a hormonal background of a woman is disturbed, and since there is a connection between him and oncology, it should be extremely vigilant.

In the event of a reduction in alcohol intake whether the risk of cancer is reduced?

Yes. In addition, alcoholic beverages provoke the development of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, stroke, hypertension. Alcohol with cancer can be a killer, he acts as an enemy of immunity, reduces the effectiveness of treatment, promotes the progression of the disease. According to clinical conclusions, it was established that people abusing with ethanol-containing cocktails, more often than others suffer from cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, esophageal tumors, larynx cancer, throat, mouth, rear passage, prostate.

Remember, the alcohol acts on malignant mutated cells like doping, speeding up the process of their uncontrollable division, so reducing alcohol consumption protective functions of the body rises.

What are the first "calls" of cancer?

The cunning of oncological diseases is that they are for a long time they make aware of themselves. In most cases, a person discovers that sick already at the last stages when nerve endings are involved in the process. With this situation, a person feels discomfort in a specific organ, accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations. Other alarming signals of possible tumor growth are rapid weight loss for several months, increasing weakness, darkening or yellowing of the skin, hair loss.

To get rid of the alarming thoughts and sleep well, it is necessary to refer to the therapist for the further collection of anamnesis. To confirm or refutate the alleged diagnosis, a person is proposed to hand over a biochemical blood test, pass through computer tomography, mammography or magnetic resonance therapy, depending on the body under study.

Preparation "Alcobarrier"

Alcohol and cancer

Alcohol provokes the emergence of seven types of oncology: oral cavity, throat, intestines, breast, esophagus, liver, prostate. All types of alcohol increase the risk of developing malignant tumors, even non-alcoholic beer. At the same time, women are encouraged to reduce the consumption of ethanol to a minimum. The fact is that due to the magnificent forms in the body, the ladies concentrates more fat sediments, less water than in men. This suggests that the concentration of alcohol is much higher in the body.

Due to the physiological features of the body structure, the liver of representatives of weak sex produces a smaller amount of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which splits alcohol. Thus, it is longer delayed in the body, thereby poisoning it. Oncology in women develops 2-3 times faster than men.

After the penetration of the next dose of alcohol inside the body, the work of the endocrine glands is activated, which causes an increased production of estrogen, progestins. Women's hormones in excessive amounts stimulate the active division of cancer cells in lactic glands with subsequent progression of the disease.

What is worse: to use regular alcohol in small quantities or drink "rarely, but apt"?

It doesn't matter how alcoholic beverages enter the body - daily and gradually or every 3 months, but in large doses. In any case, ethanol is a provoking factor in the formation and progression of oncological diseases. Thus, it can be safely argued that alcohol and cancer are incompatible concepts.

Why does alcohol kill the liver?

The principle of damage to DNA cells by ethanol is associated with the toxic effect of acetaldehyde, into which alcohol in the human body is transformed. It prevents their regeneration. In addition, acetaldehyde accelerates the growth of liver cells, which in turn carry changes in the genetic apparatus, stimulating cancer progression.

The organism of smoking people abusing alcohol is prone to double load. With tobacco smoke, carcinogenic components fall into the oral cavity, the action of which is repeatedly enhanced with ethanol, which leads to the oncology of the throat.

The main argument in favor of alcoholic beverages, subject to moderate consumption, is its high efficiency in the prevention of heart disease and vessels. For example, a glass of red wine per day. At the same time, alcohol abuse has an opposite result, increases the likelihood of stroke, arterial hypertension.

Alcohol immunomodulation

Remember, an important role in the tumor growth, metastasis and survival of patients is played by the immune system. It helps to resist the progression of cancer, is needed to improve the efficiency of the use of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs. An innate immune response provides a quick response to recognition, the destruction of mutated malignant cells. In lymphocytes are able to identify tumor antigens, launching antibodies.

The body's immune response is an inflammatory response with the participation of chemokines and cytokines, various mediators produced by dendritic and NK cells, macrophages, neutrophils. The latter, in turn, can exhibit antitumor activity. Dendritic cells define antiagents, and NK cells contribute to the destruction of the tumor during contact. These processes emphasize the important role of immunity in cancer progression. At the same time, alcoholic beverages are able to modulate the protective response of the body, which can affect the oncological disease.

Prevention of cancer

Currently, all the causes of the formation and development of the tumor were not studied. However, it is known that more than 1/3 cases of cancer can be prevented. What is needed for this?

Preventive cancer methods:

  1. Failure tobacco. In 2004, 1.6 million people died from cancer of the oral cavity, throat, stomach, respiratory, esophagus, larynx arisen on the background of smoking. It is proved that smokeless tobacco (chewing, snuff, oral) leads to the oncology of the pancreas. A secondary tobacco smoke with passive smoking causes lung cancer.
  2. Balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, weight correction. The diet is saturated with vegetables and fruits, minimize the consumption of red meat.

Proper nutrition, along with a healthy body weight, significantly reduces the risk of formation of malignant neoplasms.

  1. Exclude alcohol. The greater the quantity and more often the frequency of consumption of alcoholic beverages, the higher the chance of uncontrolled cell division.
  2. Timely treatment of infections. So, the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium increases the risk of developing a stomach cancer, human papilloma virus - cervix, hepatitis B and C - liver, schistosomoz - bladder.
  3. Avoid ionizing radiation, since it has a carcinogenic effect on the human body, which contributes to the formation of dense tumors, the development of leukemia.

In the prevention of cancer, the timely identification and elimination of prematubological diseases is important. Malignant education, as a rule, arise against the background of long chronic pathologies. For example, atrophic gastritis or ulcers in 15% of cases lead to a stomach cancer, fibrotomoma in 30% to the oncology of the breast, and non-healing erosion in 42% - to malignant tumors of the cervix. Keloid scars are dangerous by the development of skin cancer, polyps and cracks - rectum.

Remember, oncology, like a disease, is not transmitted from the mother or father to the child. Heredity only defines the body's predisposition to the formation of a malignant or benign tumor.

Alcohol with prostate cancer

Regardless of the strength of ethanol-containing beverages, they approximately equally affect the body: reduce tissue metabolism, increase estrogen levels, worsen the ability of internal organs to absorb carotenoids, vitamins, mineral connections. The shortage of nutrients leads to the appearance of stagnant phenomena. In addition, the body loses the ability to independently restore.

In the process of metabolism, alcohol is processed into toxic carcinogen - acetaldehyde, which leads to cell mutation, damage to DNA.

Remember, alcoholic beverages stimulate the production of the female estrogen hormone, accelerate the progression of the prostate tumor by 20%. The exception is natural red wine, which, with moderate consumption (1 glass per day), strengthens blood vessels, reduces stagnant phenomena, normalizes the work of the heart. White grape product has a direct opposite result.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarier". This is a natural remedy that blocks the thrust to alcohol, causing a resistant disgust for alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches restorative processes in the organs that began to destroy alcohol. The tool does not have contraindications, the efficacy and safety of the drug is proved by clinical studies in the Narcology Research Institute.

In case of exceeding a safe dose, even red wine that has a useful effect on the body may cause the destruction of healthy cells. Vodka, cognac, whiskey drink is prohibited. In strong alcoholic beverages contain carcinogens, which have the property to accumulate, are slowly removed from the body. And in combination with drugs become toxic, allergic reactions can cause allergic reactions.

Men suffering from prostate cancer is forbidden to use beer, even non-alcoholic, because in its chemical composition there are elements similar to estrogen. They contribute to the increase in breasts, the appearance of sexual dysfunction, fat deposits in the field of hips and abdomen. In addition, these compounds lead to hormone imbalances, which in the oncology of the prostate gland is extremely dangerous. Also, beer activates inflammatory processes in the men's genital organs.


Cancer - a disease arising against the background of the transformation of normal cells into tumor as a result of interaction between genetic and external (physical, chemical, biological carcinogens) factors. Malignant neoplasms may occur in any organs in a variety of forms, flow options.

Oncology is not a death sentence, it is a reason to pay close attention to health. In the body of each person, under the influence of certain factors, cancer cells are regularly developing, which in a healthy person are absorbed under the influence of the system of antitumor immunity. However, if the protective functions did not work, the process of their uncontrollable division and growth begins, cancer develops. Tumors are a benign and malignant nature, the first, as a rule, do not provide a danger to a person's life, and the second carry a fatal threat.

To decelerate the course of the disease, the destruction of mutated cells to the patient is assigned chemotherapy courses. To get a positive feedback, it is important to comply with the prescriptions of the doctor, abandon the bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages), lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress. Only an integrated approach can increase the chances of the patient for recovery.

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