
Tablets for conception twins. How to conceive twins by natural way: possible ways and folk remedies. Factors affecting the conception of twins

A person who has a brother and / or sister will never be alone. But, if a relative readily comes to help in a difficult situation, then the twin just always stays next to you, even if the territorial you are far from each other. Such proximity, which has become a parable in languages, is due to genetically and practically does not depend on the will of the twins themselves. But at all times, she caused an increased interest and curiosity around. And women who gave birth at once in two (or more!) Infants in different epochs and in different cultures used a reputation of the saints, then sorcerers, but never left unnoticed.

Today, the appearance of twins entails more pleasant amazement and elevated to the square of cotton during the entire time of their growth and adults. Growing, twins retain the invisible and incomprehensible "single" communication with each other. Therefore, if you want your children to always have a faithful friend and support in his face, think about the birth of twins. True, 100% guaranteeing you a multiple pregnancy will not be able to a loving husband, nor an experienced gynecologist, but no one will try to get pregnant with twins or twins.

Gemini and twins: the same or different?
According to statistics, only one of 80 pregnancies turns out to be multiply. According to other estimates, among the entire population of our planet, only 1.5 percent of people are twins. In any case, this indicates one thing: more than one child is very born very rarely. And it happens when one of about 200 menstrual cycles The egg cell does not just ripen and comes out of the ovary, but at the same time it is also divided into two absolutely identical cells, each of which continues to live their lives. If fertilization occurred before this, then two identical fetus develop, and twins are born, called one-way one. They have the same set of genes and are similar to each other as two drops of water. But, since too many coincidences are needed for their appearance, such kids are needed very rarely, and even among multiple pregnancies take only a quarter of the total.

In other cases, babies born together developed in the womb from different eggs. This happened because in the parent organism at a certain point was ripe not alone, but at once two viable eggs. During conception, each of them was able to take the sperm and the same way together they moved to the uterus. The kids born in 9 months will have a different genetic code and can even be of different sexes. Even the external similarity between them may not be greater than the usual, born at different times, brothers and sisters. And yet there is a stronger connection between twins that they feel and notice the surrounding.

Medical data suggests that over the past 20 years, the number of multiple pregnancies has increased. This means that your chances of the birth of twins or twins also grew, but as far as it depends on many factors, both internal and external. Moreover, the reasons are only one half of the circumstances associated with multiple pregnancy. The second consists of consequences for the health of a pregnant woman, and such consequences a lot. The body inside which two babies are developing, functions with high load on the heart, blood system and other organs. In women, pregnant women double, more often, the toxicosis and varicose veins are more successful, they will become stronger than other future mothers. It is quite natural that they need more vitamins and minerals, as well as more attentive observation of doctors. But if the state of your health allows you to safely endure and give birth to twins, then you need to perceive this opportunity as a gift of nature and take it with gratitude.

Tips for those who want to give birth to twins
Multiple pregnancy may occur for various reasons. Some of them do not depend on our desire and therefore it is not amenable to adjustment, but some may well serve as a hint for couples who want to give birth and raise two heirs at once. Therefore, read and remember that the number of embryos developing in the womb affect:

  1. Genetic predisposition. As well as all the properties of the body, the ability to conceive twins is encoded in the genome. Therefore, if in your family there were already cases of birth and more children, it means that there is a multiple pregnancy gene in your blood and the chances of it increase. This quality is passed "by inheritance" and for men, and on the female line, therefore, planning the conception, as you follow the entire family pedigree. Well, if you yourself have already been on the light twin, then the second time the probability of the appearance of two kids at once will be even higher.
  2. Hormonal therapy. Often, drugs from infertility do not just help, but exceed all the expectations from their use, provoking the conception of twins. Similar side effects are sometimes manifested by oral contraceptives. As long as the woman takes them, they suppress the production of certain hormones. And immediately after stopping the reception, its body seeks to restore the hormonal status as soon as possible, which increases the chances of multiple pregnancy several times.
  3. Artificial insemination. This is the most likely way to give birth to two and more kids. Such an opportunity is due to the procedure of extracorporeal fertilization. During her, several fertilized eggs are placed in the uterus to increase the chances of survival at least one of them. But in practice, in most cases, not one, but several embryos, and future parents have the opportunity to leave at least one, even each of them.
  4. Mother's age. Although it is not a direct reason, but indirectly affects the amount of embryos. This is due to the hormonal features of the body in the so-called late reproductive age, coming after 35 years. The older the woman, the more in her blood hormone FSH, or gonadotropin, the concentration of which is directly proportional to the activity of the egg. That is why ripe fencers often born twins.
  5. Power and lifestyle. Important conditions for the development of twins, known since ancient times, when official medicine has not yet had sufficient information, and therefore most of the recommendations were transmitted folk traditions and signs. So, in particular, the doubles of natural meat, birds and fish will be pregnant more often. Subsequently, it was proved that this is due to the influence of proteins: protein catalyzes the production of hormones. But sausage, sausages and smoked, are not so rich in a full protein, they do not advise them to use their future mothers. All whole milk and dairy products, cheeses of any varieties contribute to multiple pregnancy. Moreover, it is best to combine them with fruit: peaches, pears, apricots and grapes. As well as any exotic fruits with the exception of draining. Sweet potatoes contain phytohormones, also stimulating the female organism to multiple conception. Like seafood, among which crabs, mussels and shrimp.
  6. Climate and season. Oddly enough, affect the number of embryos is stronger than it could be assumed. Interestingly, the natives of the Middle East and the African continent give birth to twins more often than residents of representatives of other nationalities and races. The Ukrainian village of Copan, located at the foot of the Carpathians, became known all over the world, too, due to abnormally frequent multiple pregnancies of his residents. The fact that in just 50 years has been born 54 pairs of twins, the local population explains the influence of water from the miraculous mining source. But everyone who is far to go to the Carpathians behind the healing fluid, you can advise you to schedule the conception of children on the summer months. It was in the summer that the reproductive function is increasing, and the hormones are produced in more than in other times of the year, quantities, female and male organism get enough vitamins. Therefore, most often twins and twins celebrate the birthday in the spring.
  7. Physiological anomaly. The so-called "counya uterus", from nature separated by a partition into two parts, is 5% of all women. Such a structure of the body seems to be specifically designed for conception and tooling twins. Women whose menstrual cycle is shorter than usual and is only 21 or 22 days, more often than others give birth to twins. And finally, if during the feeding of a child, you get pregnant with breasts again, then do not be surprised if this time does not give one, but two kids. Lactation increases the chances of multiple pregnancy - again, due to the special hormonal status of the body.
If you believe the tabloids, then multiple pregnancy has recently become much more common, especially among the stars of Hollywood and the world pop. Charming Gemini was born at Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Meraya Carey and Sarah Jessica Parker. It can be assumed that husbands love them twice as much as spouses in other families. But it is better to remember that all these celebrities have long come out of young age. Plus, many of them took advantage of modern medicine.

Although official science, and folk observations converge in the opinion that the couples that differ in high sexual activity are more often in the light of the twins. Therefore, even though none of these ways provide a multiple pregnancy for sure, it makes sense to create the necessary psychological attitude and a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Love each other and grow healthy, beautiful and happy children.

Not every mom is given the joy of twins or twins, nature in this matter is extremely sampled. Or maybe a future mother somehow influence their conception to be born not one kid, and at once two? It turns out that you can help a little nature with your choice. To do this, you can apply artificial or natural methods, or listen to people's Councils.

Birth of two kids at once - the phenomenon is hereditary, but despite this, following the advice or use a certain method Will be able to lead to the fact that parents will finally wait for their long-awaited twins.

Statistics says that the chance of a twins appearance is about 1 out of 80. In this article you will learn how to multiply this chance.

Who are such twins

Before achieving such a joyful event in your life, first, you need to understand what a twin is. Monosic twins are formed from a single egg, with which only one spermatozoa participates. And unlike them, the twins "turns out" from two cells from each parent.

Thus, twins are a variety of children. Fertilization of two eggs with two different spermatozoa is just a pregnancy twins that are formed every in their placenta.

After the appearance of the light, children are often similar to external data, but they can be very different inside. Differences are possible even by gender. The birth of a boy and girl is quite acceptable, although it happens quite rarely.

So, to obtain twins, you need to find the correct way, in which the woman's body will release several eggs at once. But spermatozoa is always a sufficient amount, therefore they should not care about their appearance.

There is a natural and artificial way of conception. Each of them needs to adhere to a specific strategy. Consider them closer.

With this method, you need to collect maximum information about your kind. In addition, it will be necessary to find the stories of your diseases and your spouse. After you have collected all the information, you need to go to genetics. He will be able to tell what it will be necessary to do.

But if you do not want to contact the specialists, you can begin to act by ourselves, using general people and research based on scientific research.

  • Before conceiving a child, future parents must take care of their healthy state, refusing smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Refuse to receive preparations contraceptive actionThis will increase your chances of conception.

You can try to conceive a child immediately after you have stopped using hormonal or contraceptive drugs. Scientists have proven that the ovaries then begin to produce more egg cells, this is due to the settlement of the hormonal background of a woman. During the first pair of cycles after the refusal of the reception of these drugs, you can try to conceive twins, this is the most successful time for this!

  • Begining twin is more likely in the spring, it is due to the well-being of a woman and probably with a natural update. In addition, hormonal background is improved.
  • It is worth listening to folk tips. Use walnuts, chicken eggs And all milk products, it will increase the chances of two times.
  • Receive the root of Manica (Yams) and sweet potatoes. When using the root of the African plant, the manica significantly increases the chance of conception of twins or twins. And nutritionists agree with this hypothesis. Even the place of distribution of this plant is called "Land of Gemini". Eating sweet potatoes also contributes to this.
  • A large excess weight can influence your desire to conceive two kids, but a small, on the contrary, will be extremely helpful. Well, if you re-expect a child, because weight after delivery slightly increases.
  • The reception of folic acid is obligatory for a minimum three months before conception.
  • An important role is assigned to the age of the future mother. The optimal age for this is from 30 to 40 years, since the hormone splash occurs during this period. For example, the chances of this woman at the age of 30 are 6%, and up to 30 - only 3%.
  • It is believed that when re-pregnancy immediately after the appearance of a baby to the light or a short period of time, you can become a mom twins.
  • Those women who feed the baby breasts and do not use the means of contraception, have double chances on the way to such a goal.
  • Behind the twins have a very large chance of those who made artificial fertilization or hormonal drugs that stimulate ovulation for the treatment of infertility.
  • The most important factor, of course, genetic heredity. If there were twins along the mother's line, that is, much more chances to give birth to two kids right away. Change genetics, it is naturally impossible if you did not have such cases in the family. But with a very big desire to have twins, you can find a partner with heredity you need.

Often, to achieve something, you just need it very much to desire. Perhaps this is the easiest and most unspecified advice for conception twins. Everyone knows that the impact force is very powerful and almost always leads to a conceived result. If a woman continuously want to give birth to two long-awaited twins, then it may happen!

Extracorporeal fertilization (ECO)

The development of medicine provides an opportunity to conceive twins with an artificial way. Contribute to the emergence of two kids at once, the method of artificial extracorporeal fertilization is helped. Usually this method is carried out in cases where the pair cannot conceive and give birth to a child. For the appearance of twins, specialists carrying out this procedure use more eggs than necessary, so to speak with a margin. The reason is that not all of them will be able to become fertilized. Artificial conception makes it possible to fertilize them in the necessary quantity, and then, depending on the choice of both parents, leave one egg or a pair.

Ovulation stimulation

There is not a single way, to great regret, which gives a guarantee of the birth of twins. However, with the help of stimulation of ovulation it is quite possible to increase the likelihood of two children at once. To do this, you need to undergo a special examination and visit the consultation with the doctor. If the doctor tells you that you have the ability to conceive and, most importantly, you have a twins you have, then it will be able to appoint you a course of reception of some drugs that are able to influence the natural cycle of ovulation. These drugs are categorically forbidden to use without appointing a doctor, as they can cause many side Effectsthat make tremendous harm to the body.

An inhibular disease in which the offensive of pregnancy does not occur under any natural conditions, it is also treated with special preparations. They contain frequency immuling hormones (FSH), which activate the female organism. Treatment with their help allows you to ripen at once with two eggs, which, of course, increases the chances to get pregnant twins.

Calendar method

This method is permissible, but it is not necessary to hope for it. Many women think that there are such successful days with the absolute probability of conception twins, however, it is just a myth. There are only favorable periods for this. Gynecologists assure that the birth of two children at once much more chances in women whose cycle of menstruation is not long and is about 21 days.

If you are interested in the appearance of twins, then you should stick to a clear attempt plan for their conception. Surely you heard that the least chance of becoming pregnant during the week before monthly and during them. For this reason, this time will not make sense. Watch for your menstrual cycle for a couple of months, with its regularity, the calculation of an ovulation day will not be difficult - it comes in the middle of the cycle. The conception of twins on table data does not have differences from the conception of one child. It is important to consider only the only nuance. It consists in the fact that it is recommended to try hard to try to fulfill it in an ovulation day, because then the eggs are sent from the ovaries to the royal pipes.

It is necessary to listen to the folk signs that also give their advice on this issue. An increase in chances occurs in those days when the moon passes through the constellation of the twins and the constellation of fish. Spouses who seek to conceive twins from two same-sex babies, should take a sex contact before the appearance of a new moon. And if in front of the full moon, then the kids will cause different sexes. At least, any people's zone believes in it. Maybe it really is so?

Geographical factor

The studies have shown that the possibility of twins to more depends on the place of conception, for example, it is best to succeed in African and Middle Eastern residents. But in Russia there are places that can be proud of the advent of a large number of twins. Denisovka village near Rostov can be proud of 19 couples of twins of all half an hour. They believe that it helps such happiness fruitfulness of the Earth. Locals are joking that you can get such a gift from nature, just coming to visit.

But the Ukrainian village of Kopany is famous for 54 couples of twins in just 50 years. According to local residents, this is due to the healing source, which is located on its territory. Everyone who wants to be the parents of twins come to the source, and the most of them really smiles good luck.

Conceive two girls

It turns out to conceive a child with the desired sex possible, the main thing is to choose the right posture for this. If you wish to be parents of girls, then you need to choose a posture at which the penetration will be shallow. The best way - Mission posture, allowing sperm to stay in the vagina, increasing the chances of conception.

In addition, you need to stick to a specific diet, including in your diet honey, sugar, grass and spices, and avoiding caffery-containing products and salty food.

There is still the theory at which you can define a child in advance. She suggests that younger blood will dominate (a female update - every 3 years, and men's - every 4 years).

Conception of two boys

Here, the cut is already about deep penetration. It turns out that the male y-chromosome lives less time than the women's X chromosome, thanks to this birth of girls happens more often. And after the orgasm, the woman's sperm with Y-chromosomes live longer, thanks to the substances allocated by the feminine organism. To conceive two boys, the sexual contact is better to spend before the start of ovulation and then there are more chances that such spermatozoa will reach the egg before the rest.

There is no way to do without a diet. Try to consume less in food and sea products, bakery products, beans, sweets and raw vegetables. If you want to conceive two boys, it will not be difficult for you. It is worthwhile, on the contrary, turn on the cereals, legumes, minerals, mushrooms, fruits and dark chocolate in its diet. It is not necessary to refuse salt here, and it is better to salt your food more.

Of course, this does not give any guarantees, but to increase your chances still, maybe.

Try to adhere to these tips, but if you didn't manage to conceive two kids right away, still do not be upset, because it is a very large load on the female organism. Yes, and maternal happiness lies not in the amount of born babies, but in the ability to correctly raise them.

What I did to get pregnant twins (video)

Twins or twins - the dream of many young women. But how to get pregnant with twins or twins, if there is no genetic predisposition, it is difficult to achieve auxiliary methods, but there is an opportunity to increase the productivity of ovaries.

The desire to have two children immediately justified by the fact that one pregnancy and childbirth, and children are immediately two. But future mothers do not think about the fact that it is a double load on the uterus, the bloodstream and some other organs. Multiple pregnancy is a rare phenomenon that occurs in one of their 80-200 lies, depending on the complex, race and region. There are several ways to influence this process, which is useful to know every woman.

Are there pills to get pregnant twins?

Vera in "magic" pills are one of the mental problems of our civilization, this is a universal remedy for the lazy. Women are accustomed that this way can be treated with pain syndrome, and marketers began to offer tablets and "100% effective means"Slimming. I did not want to upset, but such a panacea does not exist - only diet, massage and sport. Similarly, in relation to the question "How to get pregnant with twins or twins?" All tips work only in the complex.
It is interesting: a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition Increase the chances of birth in the uterus at once two lives. But according to the experiences of countries with the highest standard of living, it will not be a massive phenomenon. The childbearing boom occurs periodically in the regions where the economic lift is observed after many years of financial decline and poor nutrition of the population. The appearance of unlike twins is less likely from representatives of the Mongoloid race, more often - in African peoples.

There is no universal way to conceive twins, but a reasonable combination of medical and folk methods increases the chances of the birth of twins. If there is such a desire (or the fortune teller predicted), it is necessary to work on creating optimal conditions for increasing the fruitlessness of the ovaries. Such a property has the drug "Klostybit", stimulating ovulation, but before buying tablets, be sure to consult with a gynecologist.

Take contraceptive pills to get pregnant twins, you can also. In this case, the "double" conception occurs on the basis of the pause of the ovaries after oral contraceptives, when the eggs are matured in symmetric organs.

Against the background of hormonal burst, both eggs are ready in fertilization, if the male seed is active enough. In this case, unlike children can be born, even the boy plus a girl, which rarely happens from the externally similar single twins (from the total egg). But it is impossible to expect that this will definitely happen after hormonal tablets, it only increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins or chances of birth twins.

Sometimes, depending on the problem, the doctor prescribes hormonal or complex drugs For the treatment of side diseases. Indirectly they can stimulate ovulation and double conception. These drugs can not "assign themselves to themselves in order not to harm the childbearing function.

Tablets with hormone hCG favorably affect the volume of the follicle and the meeting of the spermatozoa and the egg. Under the influence of such a hormone as progesterone, the inner cavity of the uterus is preparing for receiving the fetal egg and tooling the fetus in the first months. Sometimes its level has to be monitored using tablets.

Reception of vitamins has a beneficial effect on a childbearing function and definitely will not harm. Ask in pharmacies:

  • life-soluble vitamins "A", "D" and "E".
  • folic acid;
  • preparation "Aevit".

How and at what time it is easier to get pregnant with twins?

The most favorable time to conceive twins is the end of spring and summer, when there are many vitamins in food. Even in animal husbandry, the owners of incubators are trying to receive a vitality of geese, ducks and chickens after the birds begin to peck fresh greens. This everyday wisdom is valid for female pregnancy. But chemical vitaminsUnfortunately, have minimal efficiency.

The vitamin-protein diet will also increase the chances of ripening 2 eggs in one gap between the monthly. Safety fermented dairy products, solid cheeses, fillets of fish and meat are very helpful. It is not necessary to abuse crustaceans and other seafood feeding to the palpal - the body poison can accumulate in their tissues.

The meat is better to buy a market when the animal was fed on natural feed. But it is definitely well prepared by exposing long heat treatment to eliminate the encapsulation of eggs and the larvae of worms. The same in relation to river fish - Only freshly prepared, well roasted, ventured and boiled.

The food should be enough nuts, vegetables and fruits with a large content of folic acid and rare amino acids. It has been proven that the Yams is positively reflected on the ovarian stimulation. Sweet root root increases the chances of multiple pregnancy.

Discussing the question "How to get pregnant twins", do not forget about the healthy lifestyle and failure to have fallen habits. You can only a little dry wine, from other alcohol and cigarettes will have to abandon.

ATTENTION: Statistics confirms that the first time to give birth to twins manage only to those who have a hereditary predisposition.

The people say that there must be a "spacious womb." Scientific explanation is a normal hormonal background for the conception of twins are installed after prosperous delivery. Women of the average set of about 30 years, previously born firstborn, are more inclined to fully endure and give birth to two children than thin young girls. In prosperous families with a benevolent atmosphere, twins are more often born than women living in a stressful atmosphere. Dejections also argue that God wins only good parents.

Artificial way to get pregnant twins

If no fertilization occurs in a natural way, doctors often have to recommend "Proberoral" conception. Eco (extracorporeal fertilization) is another way of multiple pregnancy. Several embryos are introduced into the uterus, in the hope that at least one takes place.

It happens that 2-3 survive fruit eggs, after which children are safely born. But they can not be twins, if from different eggs. What to get pregnant with twins, consider further.

Why are twins and twins are born?

Twins call children who are similar as 2 drops of water. Doctors call them "single-line" embryos. They are born from the "wrong" division of the egg, which, sharing two, continues to form 2 full-fledged kids.

It happens that several kids are born with eco, part of twins, and 2 twins of the same sex. Multiple pregnancy is a very rare phenomenon that happens without interference with physicians. It all depends on the amount of eggs involved in pregnancy. They are difficult to enter out, born, most often, with the help of surgeons (cesarean section), but the appearance is great joy.

Not much more similarly similar twins are born - two spermatozoids simultaneously penetrated into the egg, after which it was divided into 2 fetal eggs, as in the picture.

Worst of all, when those who have grown or "Siamese twins" appear. This is a pathological generation of the 1st egg, not fully divided into early stage.

There are chances to give birth to twins with a short menstrual cycle - 21-23 days.

Genetic predisposition can be transmitted on the female and male line, but it is not always guaranteed. For those who are interested, what is the likelihood of getting pregnant twins, it is important to take into account all factors, including probability tables.

Days must coincide with ovulation, but some were useful these numbers:

How to get pregnant twins naturally

The way it is impossible to check, but the people will be believed that if in orthodox church Put a candle of the Virgin and ask for twins at Christmas, will come true. At the same time, it is important to take the cleansing by the post and sacrifice the considerable mousse of money earned by honestly, but no one should know about this ritual.

Also, superstitions prescribe to anyone not to talk about pregnancy in the first months, that is, until it is noticeable. Do not take answering each of the ways, but we wish the successful conception of the twins!

Nowadays, twins appear much more often than about 10-20 years ago. The reason for the modern "doubling" kids is in the lifestyle of today's moms.

Already in youth, many of them begin to take contraceptive pills or treat infertility with powerful means that stimulate the work of the ovaries.

Of course, one desire to give birth to twins is not enough, but what to do when the couple wants to become parents at once two kids? How to raise a chance to give birth to twins and what factors contribute to this? Finally, what floor is the easiest way to be "doubling": boys or girls?

Who are such twins?

Twins are born when two different spermatozoa reaches two actively working eggs at once, but the formation of fruits occurs in separate placenta. That is why twins can be very similar to each other, and they can be born absolutely different.

Birth twins: Normal or deviation?

The body of the future mother is designed to carry only one child - a boy or a girl, because the pregnancy is multiply, no matter how strange it sounds, refers to the discharge of anomalies.

After all, the conception is ideally actively involved only one egg cell and, accordingly, one spermatozoa, and everything else is "oddities" and malfunctions in the body.

The mechanism of "photocopying", in which the fertilized egg is divided in half and copies its genetic code for each kid, not really studied. However, it is definitely known that the appearance of twins does not depend on the very fact of conception, since the egg begins the division process much later.

What is the probability of bobbin pregnancy?

How to conceive twins? In fact, it is much easier than to give birth to twins (somewhere three times), especially if the future mother is already an adult experienced woman. At the time, at 20 years, the conception of two kids at once, there are only 3% of the probabilities, in 30-40 years old the chance of becoming a mom of twins is doubled (this is all 6%).

Each new pregnancy also increases the chance to give birth to twins: extra kilograms who pick up a woman after childbirth, help her get pregnant twins.

Most often, the twins are born in African and natives of the Middle East, especially if it passed them in the genetic code. Finally, women who got pregnant during breastfeeding, also have every chance to give birth to twins.

What affects the conception of twins?

Changes on a hormonal background contribute active education Multiple eggs.

The reason for this becomes:

  • active reception of hormonal contraceptives, which then stops sharply;
  • stimulation of ovulation by a medication method;
  • hereditary factor;
  • doubling the uterus, coming by the formation of the embryo;
  • climatic features of the region of residence;
  • mom's age.

Rebound effect

When a woman takes hormones for a long time (even 3 months of reception), her ovaries "rest". After a long break, both appendat "are launched" at the same time, which contributes to the formation of two eggs.

Ovulation stimulation

The stimulation of ovulation with medicines leads to the fact that in the body of the future mother matures several follicles. Thanks to this, two appears on the light, and sometimes three eggs, of which are fertilized or all or one.


It is much easier to conceive two kids at once to those women whose grandparents have already gave birth to twins. However, if they are at least once interrupted pregnancy, the initial genetic installation of their body will be destroyed.

Anomaly of the uterus

Anomaly - doubling or partition in the uterus, which leads to the fact that the "production" of eggs is significantly enhanced.


Sometimes the probability of conception of twins affects what region the future mother lives, what is there light day, humidity and even radioactive background.


33-35 years - this is the period when the woman's body occurs a noticeable jump in the formation of folillicularity hormones and their synthesis, which also contributes to the formation of several eggs. Unfortunately, not each of them ultimately becomes an embryo.

We increase the chances of conception twins naturally

In order to increase the chances of conceiving twins naturally, you can use the following tips.

Reception in genetics

For the birth of twins, it is worth consulting with a geneticist, which will ask for a future mother's data about the childhood and history of the disease (her and spouse). The recommendations of the doctor are likely to be such:

  • receiving folic acid (daily);
  • fighting harmful habits (successful);
  • the use of products responsible for stimulating the ovarian function: grains, eggs and even walnuts (a few months before conception).

Selection Pose in Sex

Try to conceive twins can be tried and on your own. To do this, you need to have sex in a missionary position and necessarily with deep penetration.

The fact is that it allows semen in large numbers to settle on the walls of the vagina, and then the case is already the case, as they say.

Double conception on the table

The chance to get two eggs, ready for fertilization, falls 1 time by as much as 200 menstrual cycles. Future mothers who have actively engaged in sex during this period will be dissected by the birth of twins.

To determine the ideal time for conception, you need to count on the start of menstruation 200 months (this is about 16 years).

Exactly the same cyclicity accounts for the share of eggs, which decided to share, and in theory it is quite realistic to trace when it starts to ripen. To help you here, this table, based on the female and male moon phases, which will tell about the probability of conception of twins in 2015 (hurry!).

Folk methods conception twins

Experts in this area say that having sex for the birth of twins is best when the moon passes through the constellation of twins and fish.

Best to the case best before the new moon - then the kids of the same sex appear on the light, or after the full moon - this is how the chance increases the chance to conceive peaceful kids (boy and girl).

The use of herbs and diet is another way to make it folk methods. A decoction of Sage, rich in phytoestrogens, helps in this, and because of the replenishment of hormone deficiency.

Give preference to protein products: milk, low-fat meat and beef liver, and increase the reception of "hormonal food": seafood, bean and carrots.

Features of the conception of twins girls

To conceive the girls twins, you need to have sex in a missionary pose without deep penetration. Sit on a special diet that includes sugar, honey and fragrant herbs, and refuse products containing caffeine and salt.

You can try to conceive two girls right away, based on blood rejuvenation. According to this theory, the blood of women is updated once every three years, and men are once every four. It wins that floor whose blood according to the results of calculations is more young.

Differences of the conception of twins boys

To conceive twins boys, it is worth experimenting with the poses for sex: let them be "deep", certainly delivering future mom orgasm. The fact is that the penetration of the necessary y-spermatozoa occurs much more efficiently after the woman enjoyed.

To increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to include tea, coffee and juice in your daily diet, as well as fish, meat and other high-protein products. Add salt into the food, go to all sorts of canned food, black chocolate and fruit.

"Double" conception: Eco to help

Eco is a good chance to try to conceive two children and thereby "shoot" two at once. The success of the method today is from 25 to 50% of one-lodge and 25-35% (percentage of the total probability) of biscuit pregnancy.

During conception, two eggs are transferred to the vitro in the vitro to the uterus. There may be three of them if the lady was already the third attempt to Eco, but none of them was crowned with success. It is impossible not to say that the process of transferring embryos does not mean pregnancy (neither a simple, nor "double") is just an attempt of fertilization.

Is there a way to get pregnant twins with 100% probability?

Unfortunately, even taking all the estimated funds, you will not be able to conceive twins with a probability of 100%. It is not worth a despair: go straight to the goal without regard to doubt.

Yes, perhaps, after that you will have no twins, but one baby, but also strong and healthy. After all, happiness to be a real parent is not how many kids appeared for one "Sent", but how much you could cope with such a responsible role.

It will not be a secret for anyone that every woman wants to become a mother. Someone wants the first to endure the girl, someone - the boy. However, there are women who want to get such a jack-sweat - to become pregnant twins. About how to conceive a naturally twin: what should I do for this and should go for such a step - you want to talk about all this in this article.

Definition of concept

At the very beginning, you need to make a little clarity than exactly twins differs from twins. Single twins are obtained in the event that one egg fertilizer is fertilized and then divided into two parts. The twins are obtained in the event that for a certain reason the body of the woman developed two ready-to-fertilization of the egg, which "handle" two different spermatozoa.

Medicine to help

First of all, it is worth saying that there are different ways to plan pregnancy, including multiple. Start better with medical options. So how can you conceive twins? The probability of this fact increases if the woman is done by all because, for insuring, doctors grow several eggs (about the supply). Also, the ability to conceive twins increases when a woman is treated from infertility and takes certain stimulating drugs that are designed to grow an egg cell, a follicle rupture, etc. With this intervention, the body naturally gets a shake and can create several eggs, which can also be fertilized without any problems. There is also the opinion that when taking certain hormonal drugs, it is also an increase in the probability to conceive twins. However, I would like to say that it is possible to independently take similar drugs only to give birth to twins, at least unwise and harmful to your own health. And if the lady still decides to choose this method, it must consult about this with a doctor.

What do you need?

However, women often interest questions about how to conceive a naturally twin, and what should be done for this. So, there are several items that predetermine the nature itself and provoke which is simply impossible:

  1. Hereditary factor. It is especially important in this case the female line of the genus, because the genetic predisposition to the conception of twins is most often transmitted from the mother to the daughter.
  2. Second and each subsequent pregnancy. According to physicians, if the woman has already gave birth to a child, each subsequent pregnancy increases its chances of conceiving just twins. Explains everything extremely simple: after childbirth, the mother's weight increases, and this is also considered a predisposing factor in multiple pregnancy.
  3. Age indicators. In this case, statistical data comes into operation, which claim the following: aged from 20 to 30 years, the probability of becoming a twin is only 3%, after 40 - 6%. Therefore, the Council, how to conceive a naturally twin - not to be afraid of "late" to give birth.
  4. Geography. Experts also argue that African has most chances to conceive twins. Then followed the women of the Middle East, then - American and more European.

What can be done?

How else to conceive a naturally twin? So exist pretty simple advice, follow which will not be difficult for every woman:

  1. According to popular beliefs, it is easier to conceive twins by the ladies who are still breastfeeding the first child and are not protected from subsequent pregnancy.
  2. The people also makes it possible that there are more chances to conceive twins for those women who have been protected for a long time hormonal drugs And stopped doing it. So, it is believed that the body can for greater probabilities produce more eggs, which are fertilized.
  3. Another advice, how to get pregnant twins naturally: you need to try to conceive the kids in the spring. Everything is simple: women in it time runs The restructuring of the hormonal background, and the production of "spare" eggs is significantly increasing the organism.

About nutrition

Are there still tips, how to conceive twins? Folk Methods Recommended to try to resolve this process of nutrition. So, it is believed that meat should be taken in food (perfectly stimulates the work of the ovaries), boiled or stealied chicken breasts, dairy products, wholegrain cereals and walnuts. This advice can also give our grandmothers: they will recommend to eat as much potatoes as possible, especially sweet. This is confirmed by an example of African tribes, which in large quantities consume a batt (analog of our potatoes): they are often born twins. As for drug drugs, gynecologists are recommended to increase before the occurrence of pregnancy, during planning, start taking folic acid (this is vitamin, it is completely harmless and will only benefit every woman). Well, of course, you need to abandon all harmful habits And stop taking food dangerous food: chips (as well as crackers, crispi, etc.), carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, Fast Food.


Well, the easiest, however, is not the most useless advice, how to conceive twins: you just need it very much. After all, it will not be secret for anyone that self-sucking has great strength and often leads to the desired, although not always expected results. If a woman will constantly think about that she will have twins, most likely, so will be!

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