
How affects the skin of the face. How smoking affects the skin of the face and how does it change after refusing the bad habit? What harms tobacco smoke

There are different points of view about the harm and use of coffee for our skin. Many this product seems harmful, and someone often uses it not only as a drink, but also for cosmetics purposes. Someone is true? Let's figure out how coffee affects the skin of the face in fact.

Does coffee affect the skin

Fans of coffee beverages and those who are categorically against their use, despite different opinions, right in one - coffee really affects the condition of the skin and face, and the body. Moreover, we are talking both about the use of beverage in food and about cosmetic masks and a variety of procedures.

About how coffee actually affects the skin of the face, scientists argue around the world, so the research on this issue does not stop. At the same time, many of them converge in the fact that coffee beans have a more favorable effect when used in cosmetology than use inside.

It is most useful to consider coffee thick, therefore soluble product, in any case, it is better to prefer grain coffee. Such a product is different from soluble and past processing in that it saves more useful elements.

Caffeine: harm and benefit for the body

Most people believe that the caffeine is the main components in the composition of coffee beverages. However, this statement is not truthfully, in view of the fact that this substance in coffee is contained as much as in cocoa or green tea.

If you eat caffeine in permissible doses, it has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Both with various procedures and when eating coffee beverages, caffeine is able to expand the vessels.

In addition, it is found in the composition of masks and cosmetic creams that are designed to care for the skin of the eyelids. Caffeine has a lymphatic drainage effect, so the skin becomes soft, does not swell, and the vessels do not protrude close to the upper layer. If you regularly make coffee masks, then the vessels in the form of hated "stars" will no longer disturb you.

Coffee as part of cosmetics

Opponents of coffee believe that the use of this product negatively affects the color of the face. But, as practice shows, it is quite useful due to the presence of lipids restoring the moisture content in the skin. Thanks to this, the complexion becomes natural and healthy.

In addition, there are scrubs, masks or even peelings, which will not yield to salon cosmetics in quality and effect. Such masks help to relieve fatigue and prevent the appearance of edema on the face. The use of ground natural coffee helps to reveal the pores and clean them, not traumating gentle skin.

This product can penetrate into the inner skin layers, warming them and putting a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, so the pores are not clogged and inflammation does not appear on the face. It is caffeine who is able to split a fat layer. If the skin has become a loose and flabby, irregularities appeared on it, make it again elastic and healthy helped the procedures based on coffee products.

Even more information about the coffee leather care of the face can be found by looking at the video:

Coffee Myths: Facial Color and Rejuvenating Effect

Often we hear that the excessive use of coffee beverages makes the face with gray and dim or even can change the color, make it darker and practically "tanned." However, this is not quite true. Use as masks does not give the effect of tanned skin from the dark saturated color of the product. In the coffee there are no coloring enzymes, and the complexion can sometimes change, but due to completely different reasons:

  1. Coffee for skin face is useful due to the fact that it helps the regeneration of cells and the restoration of skin layers, replenishing the water balance. Using a mask based on this product, you can give the skin softness, and still eliminate dryness and possible irregularities.
  2. If you get into the upper layers of skin, coffee restores blood circulation. This also contributes to the resumption of natural metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis. New cells begin to grow, and damaged recovery.
  3. Collagen reserves are replaced in the skin, which has a rejuvenating effect, which is noticeable due to changes in the color of the skin on a healthier, as well as its elasticity and elasticity. Thus, the effect of collagen is noticeable not only in pulling up the flabby skin, as everyone knows, but also in the power of the cells, which affects its shade.
  4. Also only if the skin is clean, it can look healthy and smooth. Coffee thickness as a component of cleansing scrubs or masks is incredibly useful. Even if you add some ground coffee to the cosmetic product, it will remain as thick and rough, so you can eliminate dead cells without pain and more efforts.

Coffee for different skin types

In cosmetology, this product (if a person has no allergic reaction) is used for all skin types. However, if you expect a specific effect, comply with the following recommendations:

  1. If you have a dry type, mix the coffee grip with any milk product of great fat. For example, take sour cream or fat cream. You can also add natural oils - olive, linen, almond, etc.
  2. If the skin is prone to inflammation and it is suitable for the definition of sensitive, add to ground grains Banana flesh, natural milk and honey.
  3. In the case when skin covers are more prone to fatty, it is necessary to dry them, and also be sure to clean. Therefore, the citrus juices can be added to the ground, some oatmeal and degreased yogurt or kefir.
  4. For owner of a normal and combined type, the choice of ingredients when creating masks is wider. Add juices of various fruits or vegetables, natural curd and oil.

Many products are able to cause allergies, so before applying masks on face, try how they affect the wrist. Only after that, a kind, "trial testing" it is worth applying the resulting agent on the face, if there was no redness on hand and rash did not appear.

If you are careful and do not use coffee excessively often in unacceptable quantities, homemade cosmetic products based on coffee beans will necessarily prove to be effective and you will feel the expected effect.


Today, there is probably not a single representative of a beautiful sex that would not know about laminating hair. This wonderful procedure is able to make her hair beautiful and well-groomed, but this is exactly what all women want. Beautiful healthy hair always attract attention and make admire their owners. To achieve this result, many women go to the salons and trust the hair to be proven professionals. But it is worth noting that the cost of such a procedure is high enough, and what to do if finance or time do not allow to visit the salons? The answer is simple - you can carry out the lamination procedure at home. At first glance, the impression may arise that such a procedure is complex and slightly vigorous. But, we can assure you that even a beginner can cope with it.

But before proceeding to the description of the means for hair lamination, let's clarify what is the procedure.

Lamination is the method of hair restoration method and the return of them of their strength and beauty, with the help of a special coating. The composition of this coating completely envelops each of your hairs and thereby protects and strengthens the hair as a whole.

It is worth noting that with the regular use of lamination, you protect your hair from negative impact Ultraviolet and temperature drop.

Positive aspects of lamination: do or not do?

Hair lamination, like any other procedure, has advantages and minuses. So, let's talk first about its advantages:

Each procedure on Earth has its own positive and negative points. To begin with, we will discuss the benefits of such a procedure.

  • If you have hair volume problems, then after the lamination procedure, your hair will become thick and volume.
  • Lamination remarkably restores sequencing tips, and, therefore, the general view of the hair is improved.
  • Hair acquire a healthy shine, they become smoother and soft.
  • After the procedure completely disappears the electrical capacity of the hair.
  • Perhaps one of the most important positive moments of lamination is that it can take advantage of a woman on any gestation period.
  • Hair straightened due to thickening their structure.
  • The lamination procedure at home is markedly saves your finances.

Undoubtedly, all of the above items inspire on a similar procedure at home here at least right now, but nevertheless you still follow

read and with negative moments. These include:

  • In case of an unsuccessful result (it is worth noting that such a result is extremely rare), you will have to blame only yourself.
  • It should be borne in mind that the hair in all people is different, and this procedure is not a panacea for all hair types. So, for example, hard hair, due to strengthening the composition, can still be tougher, and no effect on some hair at all.
  • Another negative indicator can be allergic to gelatin, so before applying the composition on the whole head, try to apply it to a piece of skin behind the ear, and wait 10-15 minutes. The skin has flushed or began to hide and burn? Then the use of such a method is contraindicated.

As we see the positive aspects of lamination at home much more than negative.

Lamination: Professional funds against folk

Of course, how to use for lamination hair at home to solve only you. We will highlight the methods of lamination by professional means that you can purchase in the store as well folk advice.

If you decide to take advantage of a professional, you can purchase it in a specialized store of your city. In each set for hair lamination, it includes a clear instruction for use, but if you have chosen a foreign manufacturer and suddenly did not turn out to be in the instructions, we are usually understood, as a rule, descriptive pictures are clear, and you can safely use them.

This set for lamination usually includes:

  • Hair Mask;
  • Cleansing;
  • The composition itself for lamination;

In case you decide to resort to folk remedies Lamination, we will tell about several recipes, and some of them can decide for themselves.

Recipe for lamination №1: Gelatin mask.

To prepare the first recipe you will need: gelatin, water, hair balm, hair cap or just film, towel and hairdryer.

So, here step-by-step cooking Hair masks and its application:

  • Fill 1 tbsp. Spoon gelatin 3 tbsp. Spoons of hot water. Cover well and leave for 20-25 minutes to completely swelling gelatin. It will be not bad to warm the whole composition in a water bath.

  • After the gelatin is dissolved, add 0.5 tbsp. Spoons of hair balm. If you see that the mixture is obtained by a liquid, you can safely add a little bit of balm, just not too much. Here the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Before applying the mask from the gelatin, wash your head and dried slightly.
  • Apply the mask only on the hair without affecting the scalp.
  • After lamination, put on your head with a hat for the head or wrap into the film. TOO WILL BE HAPPENED TOOT.
  • For a better effect, warm the hair through the towel hairdryer.
  • After warming up, leave the mask for another 30 minutes.
  • Wash out the mask without using shampoo.

Lamination Recipe # 2: Mustard and Egg Powder.

The lamination mask can be prepared without gelatin. For this you need the powder mustard and egg (the amount depends on the length of your hair).

There are no strict proportions.

  • Spice a raw egg.
  • Pour the dry mustard in small portions, stirring up to the depletion of sour cream.
  • Wrap the mixture into the hair, distributing it along the entire length of the hair.
  • Carefully spread your hair and wrap your head. Leave the mask for 1 hour.
  • Wash the hair with warm water.

To date, there are many recipes for lamination at home . We described the most popular and efficient.

As you can see, cute ladies, all ingredients for masks are available and not expensive, so you can safely take them on a note.

It is worth noting a couple of moments in a mask from gelatin:

  • The gelatin mask is worth using at least twice a week for a visible result.
  • The mask itself should not be applied to the skin of the head, otherwise it will become dry, and as a result will be peeling.
  • Watch that while heating gelatin in a water bath, gelatin did not boil.
  • Gelatin must completely dissolve, the mass should be without a lump, otherwise it will be very difficult to combine such lumps from the hair.
  • In case you do not observe any effect after three procedures, the reason for the weakening of your hair is rather not external, but internal. Therefore, we advise you to see a doctor for advice.

We wish you cute ladies, stay bright, beautiful and irresistible, but we, in turn, always help the advice!


"Do not drink tea and coffee, it does not affect skin color."

However, scientific data is not confirmed. Coffee oilcontaining a lot of linoleic acid prevents the aging of the skin, gives it elasticity, has antiberial properties, stimulates the lipid cell sharing and protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet

Black tea Remove headachereduces cholesterol levels. In tea, the mass of the beneficial substances, and including vitamin B2, eliminating dryness and peeling of the skin, preserving its beauty and elasticity, and vitamin B15, which prevents the development of dermatitis, as well as tanning substances, essential oils, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine , Copper - all that is necessary for skin health.

Green tea It is rich in flavonoids that reduce the risk of heart attack, it has antioxidant properties, restores skin cells, strengthens the walls of the vessels and the immune system, thus improving the complexion.

Moderate tea consumption and coffee is not more harmful to color color than consumption of any other products.

"Do not eat chocolate, you will have acne!"

This is perhaps one of the most persistent myths about chocolate.

Acne It appears mainly due to chronic stress and hormonal disorders. In very rare cases, the intolerance to the chocolate organism (and rather its components), leading to inflammation of the skin. In black chocolate, vitamins and trace elements are not less than in an apple, as well as it contains theobromine, stimulating the work of the heart and brain, and antioxidants that extend life.

Most researchers concluded: chocolate It has nothing to do with acne. Especially if you do not absorb it in huge quantities.

"To make the skin well satuned with water and looked healthy and elastic, you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluids per day.

Again a mistake! If there is enough moisture in your body (i.e. it is not dehydrated), you will not moisture dry skin if you just drink a lot of fluid. The skin especially suffers from dryness in winter, during the heating season. In this case, only regular baths will help, moisturizing cosmetics, air humidifiers.


The result of smoking on face

Nicotine affects not only voice ligaments, over time, turning a cute female voice - one of the main weapons of seduction of a man - in rough sick, the old lady. But it is not even the most important thing. Effects Smoking is much more dangerous and scale. Nicotine narrows the capillaries, which leads to the skin of the skin begins to come to the skin. One of the troubles, if not to say more - these are dark circles under the eyes, which can turn a 25-year-old girl in 28-pets. Skin due to resin is deprived nutrients And slows down the process of excretion of slags from the body.

How to avoid consequences

Some girls categorically disagree with the fact that smoking spoils the skin, because many stars look great and at 40 years old, while the floor of his life smoke, like steam rooms. Actually, effects Smoking, which also reduces dull color and wrinkles, emerging ahead of time, also on the stars on the face, only these changes are hidden under the layer of makeup or stars use expensive means to maintain their appearance on the level of the star. So, for example, Kate Moss, which, according to Anastasia Aheeleos, an expert of one of the major cosmetic brands, smokes at the work of a pack for a pack, uses special means from vitamin complexes and active elements.

Alcohol and coffee

The statement that alcohol is harmful is not news, but only positive legends go about coffee, it is even recommended to drink more coffee, which allegedly extends life. But in fact, coffee is harmful, especially in large quantities. It will not damage light coffee in the morning, for example, espresso, together with a piece of cheese, and better if this option replaces the satisfying and heavy breakfast. For those who drink only coffee, and tea is rarely consumed, effects may be, for example, in the form of dry skin of the face. It is for this reason that after each drinking cup of coffee, you need to use a special moisturizing spray for the face. Caffeine, as well as alcohol dehydrates the body.

Peeling - Another enemy of the skin

Opinion as to whether it is possible to make a peeling person, rather controversial. So, for example, some cosmetologists say that frequent peeling is not harmful, but useful, especially for modern ladies who live in an era when the environmental environment is worst. Others, on the contrary, believe that the skin does not have time to recover. Apparently, such differences are concluded in the type of peeling. Often, - I mean times 2 - 3 per week - you can make an easy SPA peeling, and a deep cleansing that implies a strong effect of rejuvenation, it is not recommended to do more often than once a month. Frequent peelings destroy lipid skin balance. In addition, the peels must be used only when dried skin.

The extrusion of pimples is a bad habit, however, not so harmful as smoking, but still such manipulations with the skin can not go unnoticed. With independent removal of acne, an infection can be subsected, which can lead to even greater complications, which will require a cosmetic surgery. The most harmless scum extrusion result is to redden the skin, a red mark that can be saved on the skin of a week. In the worst case will remain a scar. Also, the extrusion of acne can lead to the emergence of new ones. It is better to use professional driving agents.


Antioxidant coffee properties

In order for the skin to look healthy and remained longer than young, we need as much antioxidants as possible. For this purpose, anti-aging creams and serum are intended, which includes vitamins A, C, E, ß-carotene, and elements such as lycopene, flavine and flavonoids, tannins, anthocyans and some others.

Antioxidants activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, so the skin becomes more elastic. They protect the cells from the destructive effects of free radicals that violate the metabolism of tissues and provoked by the harmful effects of the Sun, dust, fried or other harmful food, smoking, alcohol.

Free radicals in the body are always present. But if their ratio increases, the aging process accelerates and diseases arise, including cancer.

Antioxidants are contained and conventional food products: fruits, vegetables, tea, nuts, cereals. It's the very the best sourceswhich, in addition to the necessary vitamins, supply us fiber and minerals.

To extend the youth especially valuable green tea, Date, Red Berries, Red Grapes, Mulberry, Grenades, Apples, Tomatoes, Green Vegetables and Natural Coffee Rich with Antioxidants


Coffee properties

Coffee is a favorite drink of most people. For many, its consumption is the necessary ritual of the beginning of the day. What entertaining properties has coffee? Consider more of its meaningful characteristics.

Toning and invigorating effect

Coffee helps in the morning wake up and get to work with fresh forces. Have you noticed that drinking a cup of hot fragrant drink, it becomes easy to start everyday affairs? Fresh head, thoughts are concentrated in the right direction, the questions are easily and calmly solved. Coffee adds power, charges energy, so significant for self-realization. It seems that the inner potential of a person is revealed: new opportunities reinforced with optimism and faith in success immediately appear. Labor activity occurs approximately 15-20 minutes after the first morning mug and significantly affects brain activity. There is a desire to act, implement ideas in life. Enthusiasm is preserved for two to three hours, and then gradually goes to the decline. That is why entrepreneurs and office employees drink coffee throughout the day. To fondan creative ideas, a certain stock of energy is needed.

Antioxidant action

Do not everyone know that the coffee slows down the process of aging. If every day consume high-quality drink, the skin condition will noticeably improve. At the same time, the mood will come to normal, a new, positive look at life and events that occur. Antioxidant action has only natural product. Soluble coffee or a cheap batch option will bring the body more harm than good. If you want to look good, be a successful person, choose a quality product.

In addition to the stunning taste and a breathtaking aroma of coffee has a number of other benefits. It is recommended to drink to fill the organism by all the necessary substances. The drink contains micro - and macroelements to preserve skin elasticity, as well as maintaining active human activity. The high concentration of vitamins has a general encouraging, rejuvenating, immunostimulating, antibacterial effect.

Load on the heart

Excessive coffee use increases the likelihood of the development of hypertension, as well as the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It is especially harmful to abuse the elderly drink. The fact is that this invigorating elixir of freshness causes the body for a long time to be in a state of continuous activity. Even when a person is physically resting, his nervous system It remains excited. It is worth remembering that only two mugs per day is the norm for an adult, and to refrain from him at all. Increasing coffee use leads to the development of insomnia. A person may have characteristic headaches, there are cases of decline in mood, a pronounced decline of forces.

If you take care of yourself, choose a really proven option. Do not chase for cheap analogues. Saving at the price, you can significantly undermine your health.


The habit of brewing coffee is formed very quickly. It is only worth starting to practice this action for several days, as a hand itself stretches to a life-giving tasty drink. About addictive shows an increase in the number of drank cups per day from one to two to three to five. Such an excessive consumption of caffeine cannot have a positive effect on health. Fragment of sleep disorders, nervous tension, oppressed state of mind. Often a person, watching all the above symptoms, continues to damage to its body. He just can not stop and look at the situation from the side.

Effect of coffee on skin condition

Most women want to preserve youth and attractive for a long time. But not everyone knows how coffee can affect the skin condition. Paradox: We are ready to spend a lot of time and money to visit the beauty salons, but do not find a few hours to change the bad habits. Even the minimum correction of their daily affairs can have a useful effect on the body. How does coffee act on the face of the face? Check if you need to change something.


Can there be acne because of the frequent use of this familiar invade drink? This question requires detailed consideration. Acne, acne and black dots do not appear by themselves. Rash is the result of the work of the sebaceous glands. When the skin is produced too much, it clogs the pores, does not allow them to breathe. As a result, acne and other imperfections may appear. Soluble coffee brings more harm than good. Its frequent use even increases the risk of furunculus formation and maturation. If you like to drink several circles during the day, then the habit is better to minimize or get rid of it.

The rashes will completely stop if drinking coffee is only once a day, better in the morning. Try changing your drinking mode. You will see that the need to constantly drink coffee is just over the years have learned the habit, and not the true need of the body. It is necessary to learn to distinguish the actual need from momentary whim. Only in this case guaranteed health.


A woman can not not worry what she looks like. Some ladies consider themselves too dark, others want to get rid of the so-called "aristocratic pallor". If in the youth elementary mode of the day does not affect the skin condition, then in the adulthood, it takes an increased care. One extra cup of tea, drunk at night, can cause the formation of edema and bags under the eyes. Coffee also affects the complexion. Those who often abuse this invigorating drink can notice visible changes in appearance. Some dullness appears in the view, the face acquires a slightly unhealthy tint. A person does not look sick, but tired. In order to preserve the freshness of the face for a long time, it is important to get enough sleep well and limit the use of coffee. It is especially harmful to drink him for the night and even large circles. A healthy dream should be a duration of at least eight hours, otherwise the body does not have time to fully recover. A healthy face color radiates invisible radiance, which attracts to himself, makes admire and amaze.

Cellulite appearance

If, with periodically appearing acne and acne on the face, you can still get better, then such an unpleasant thing as cellulite completely deprives a woman confidence in herself. Many beautiful sex representatives are afraid of him like fire, considering the harbinger of old age and fading. The appearance of cellulite is due to improper power. Does this disease affect this disease frequent coffee use?

They contribute to the formation of an unpleasant "orange peel", which women try to avoid all their might. Cellulite delivers a mass of the sufferings of the physical and aesthetic plan. It is much easier to change the habits than to correct unpleasant consequences. It was noted that the formation of cellulite brought the passion only to a cheap instant drink. Natural coffee contributes to incineration of excess fat deposits, skin restoration.

Edema under the eyes

They appear due to a significant water delay in the body. Those who for some reason are disturbed by water-salt exchange, can be used with caution. In case of kidney diseases, it is almost completely excluded from the diet of the patient until the excretory system is completely restored. Coffee contributes to partial dehydration of the body, which can negatively affect not only health, but also the aesthetic side. Bags under the eyes look ugly and do not paint a single woman. Coffee use in large quantities can cause damage to any organ, but in small doses it is extremely useful.

Coffee masks recipes

Pure skin holders have every reason to be proud of their appearance. How does coffee help cure acne? This drink can be an effective cosmetic agent against skin deficiencies. Useful recipes Led below.

Toning mask with nut

Do you like walnuts? What can be tastier than feeling this refined taste? They can be used not only in food. Take a small amount of your favorite sophisticated coffee and connect it with several pieces of walnut. For the convenience of the drug, you can crush into the powder until it acquires the view of the Cashitz. Please your face with a pleasant elixir of beauty and youth! Here you will see, acne will gradually begin to disappear. The effect will be noticeable at once: the skin will be cleaned, it will become velvety and pleasant to the touch. If there is a desire, then throughout the intake, only natural coffee can be used inside, no more than two times a day.

Yoghurt scrub for oily skin

The face constantly needs systematic cleansing. Regular care will help to make the skin smooth, without bold shine, acne and acne. Make a deep cleansing using only one gel for washing, it is impossible. It is best to apply a scrub based on coffee. Get a cup of yogurt, but do not eat it all entirely. Leave a small amount of yummy to nutrition. Mix it with coffee and calmly start to smear on the face. During the process itself, try not to hurry, do everything smoothly and thoughtfully. Scrub is better not to wash off at once, but give it to absorb. While waiting, relax as much as possible: Listen to pleasant music, look at your favorite TV series. It is desirable that milk product It was without additives, then the effect will be higher. Some time later you will be surprised: acne will not become.

Oatmeal mask

Tired of endlessly struggling with acne and acne? This recipe is especially useful for those who need to put the face of the face in a short time. If some serious and important event is planned (wedding, birthday, or just a visit to a visit), the cleansing mask will help look spectacularly. Even if you do not like oatmeal for breakfast, it is not a reason to abandon the benefit that she can give your skin. You need to take some oatmeal and twist them in freshly brewed coffee. Apply a mixture to face fragrant. You will feel how the skin will begin to breathe. Acne will not appear for a long time.

Citrus mask

Suitable for those who constantly suffer from acne and try to bring them out. Take in uniform proportions of coffee (better natural, but can be soluble), clay, several pieces of orange. If desired, the last ingredient can be replaced with lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. Your skin will like this divine combination of citrus and coffee. The mask is better to apply at least one - two times a week. Soon you will see that acne disappear, the complexion is aligned, acquires a shade of freshness. Experiment, please yourself with new delicious recipes!

It is known that skin problems are most often a sign of a violation of the digestive system. Surely more than once it happened that neither of you have suddenly appeared acne? It turns out that the whole thing is that you eat. Peopletalk decided to make a list of products from which your skin can seriously suffer. Be careful and try not to abuse them.


Many lover of coffee and do not suspect that wrinkles appear from him. When eating coffee in the body, cortisol is produced - stress hormone. Its constant in the body leads to premature aging of the skin and its thinning.


Many types of carbonated drinks also contain caffeine. An exception is the dietary cola.

Red meat

When eating it in food in the body, the so-called free radicals are formed, which negatively affect DNA. Scientists compare this process with a "rust" of the organism, which causes premature aging.


There is an opinion that the fats moisturize the skin, and there is a share of truth. But some species, on the contrary, dried it. Margarine is the main source of such "bad" fats.


Protein contained in wheat and all flour products can cause digestive problems: it blinds the intestinal walls and the digestibility of the useful components decreases, which also affects the condition of the skin.


Cruise and mollusks are rich in iodine, which leads to closure. It is better to eat fish that contains omega-3 fatty acids useful.


This is a double blow to the skin. It is made from red meat and contains a huge amount of harmful food additives.

Rice crackers

The favorite delicacy of supermodels actually leads to aging of the skin. Scientists have proven that during the decay of "fast" carbohydrates contained in rice crackers affect the balance of sugar in the blood, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.


A sharp, possibly improves metabolism, but on the skin it affects more than pernicious. Acute food expands capillaries and makes them more noticeable, so women often appear "mesh" in the nose and eyelids.


Recently, juices and smoothie wanted positions in natural fruits and vegetables. It is not right! In whole fruits and vegetables, a fiber is contained, which helps the production of collagen, and in recycled products it is significantly less.


They contain a large number of sulfates, and scientists have proven that it is they who cause the formation of bags under the eyes and acne.


Have you ever wondered that dark circles under the eyes can appear at all from the lack of sleep? It turns out that salt disrupts blood circulation, especially in the capillaries on the skin of the eyelids, the blood is stirred there, and bruises appear.


He not only causes caries, but also premature aging, since he strongly reduces immunity, thereby reducing the skin ability to regenerate and produce collagen.


Yes, unfortunately, if you want to achieve perfect skin, you will have to pamper yourself much less often. Fructose affects the production of collagen even worse than sugar.


At high temperatures, the oil is oxidized and highlights toxic substances that poison our body. So it is worth limiting the meal prepared on the oil.


When it comes to acne, everyone knows: it appears due to what happens to us in everyday life. Pot, dirty pillowcases, too hard styling products - everything can be the cause of sudden rashes. When the skin is covered with wrinkles, everyone understands that this is the inevitable effect of aging. But you should not think that only external factors affect the condition of the skin! In fact, the influence of products that make up your diet is no less significant. If you carefully take care of yourself, but your face is still not in the best condition, it is possible that you just don't eat. Get acquainted with the list of products that negatively affect your skin - eliminating them from the diet, you can improve your appearance!

Dairy products can score pores

If you do not imagine life without a glass of milk, and cheese is your favorite food, you are waiting for bad news: dairy products do not bring the body. Moreover, they can be the cause of rash. Dairy products contain certain hormonal components that can stimulate the production of sebum. The more the body produces it, the greater the likelihood that it blocks the pores, which can lead to the appearance of rashes. Surprisingly, the worst of the skin is affected by hoarse milk. If you can not completely abandon such products, use alternatives from soybeans or almonds - such milk is much more useful for the skin than cow.

Salt can cause swelling

Salt does not cause acne, but may be the cause of other unwanted skin problems. For example, it is an adhesive face. Salt forces the body to accumulate water and creates edema. Especially swelling is noticeable on plots with thin skin, for example, in the area around the eyes. If you can not completely abandon the salt, do not worry. Add products rich in the diet fatty acids Omega-3 - it will make the skin more moisturized and reduce inflammation. However, to control the volume of salt consumed anyway, it is worthwhile - saved products simply do not carry any benefit for the body.

Sugar makes you older

Everyone knows that sweets do not bring the benefits of the waist. It turns out that sugar negatively affects the skin. The products rich in sugar affect collagen in the skin, which is why it becomes strut and aging. If you are thinking not to eat extra cookies, remember the wrinkles and the loss of elasticity associated with these products. Do you want something sweet? It is better to eat fruits in which antioxidants are contained - they help fight signs of aging. You can get rid of thrust to sweet, and your skin will be very grateful to you!

Recycled carbohydrates are dangerous

The most delicious products are always the most dangerous. For example, carbohydrates. Makaroni, white bread, potatoes - all this negatively affects your health. There are "good" carbohydrates and "bad". If we are talking about bad, then they have a high glycemic index, which means that they should be avoided at the maximum. Products with a high glycemic index increase blood glucose levels, forcing the body to produce insulin to suck this additional glucose. Insulin is accompanied by inflammation, which may be the cause of acne. Try to eat less dangerous carbohydrates - it will help you to reset overweight and get rid of rashes. It is better to choose whole grain bread instead of white and pasta from solid wheat varieties.

Potato chips stale

Of course, potato chips are very tasty, but they are not at all for the skin. Most types of chips are full of salt, which is the main cause of inflammatory processes. In addition, chips are made of potatoes, so they fall into the category of recycled carbohydrates - the likely probability that they will cause rashes. Packaging chips is a real catastrophe for your skin. Wrinkles are waiting for you and a tired view. Do not cut off potato chipsIf you want to keep your skin attractiveness.

Creamy oil speeds up the appearance of wrinkles

There are different scientific data about how the butter affects health, but one clear exactly exactly: this is a dairy product, and such products affect the skin negatively due to the increased production of sebum. In addition, butter does not only cause acne, but also increases the risk of wrinkles. According to the study, people who use a lot of butter and other dairy products are more often faced with premature wrinkles than those who feed on vegetables and olive oil. When you decide to cook something in a frying pan or want to make yourself a sandwich, better try to find creamy oil Alternative - for example, it is possible to fry on olive.

Seafood can cause acne

At first glance, a rich in protein fish and seafood seem to be quite useful, with the exception of cooked in oil. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that in seafood contains a lot of iodine. A diet rich in iodine can cause acne. Iodine causes inflammation on the skin, clogs the pores and makes skin red and uneven color. This does not mean that it is worth abandoning the seafood completely. Just people prone to the appearance of acne should be either more often several times a month, and not several times a week. In this case, the number of iodine will not exceed the norm and your skin will not be threatened with inflammation.

Red meat is a controversial product.

Like seafood, red meat seems to be a meal that can bring the body benefit. It has a lot of protein, the necessary organism for survival, but at the same time the meat can cause acne and accelerate the aging process. Red meat contains carnitine, which can thicken the walls of blood vessels, which leads to premature aging. In addition, red meat is associated with an elevated testosterone level in the body, which can lead to the active growth of skin cells and the enhanced production of sebum. As a result, the pores become blocked and acne appears. Try to control the use of such food to save attractiveness.

Alcohol makes skin suffering

Of course, alcohol is not food. Nevertheless, its impact on the skin is so noticeable that it is worth mentioning in this list. Alcohol causes dehydration. If you at least once drank too much, you probably know this feeling of dry mouth in the morning. Thirst torments and skin. When your skin dries up, you become more prone to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and peelings. Toxins and free radicals entering the body due to alcohol use, lead to destruction in collagen cells. All this leads to wriggles and less expressive skin tone.

What should be in return?

So, you now know about all products that negatively affect your skin. You will probably think - and what is worth it? If you are looking for products that are well affected by the skin, you should know that fruits and vegetables are best suited. Such painting speaks of the large content of antioxidants. Red grapefruit is better pink, and red pepper is better than yellow. If you accompany the proper nutrition to good skin care, you can achieve excellent results. You do not need to completely refuse harmful products so that your face is smooth and clean.

For many Spring - a depressive period, which catches the longing and provokes us to fool another candy. What does this threaten your skin? The answer is already in the material.


When we eat candy or any other sweetness (sugar) in our body there is glycating. This is the interaction of proteins, fats and sugar. As a result of which the substance is formed by the destructive natural collagen, Elastane and violates the work of the vessels.

The slowdown in the production of collagen (protein) in the body occurs after 25 years. He is responsible for the youth of the skin and (update) cells. In addition, the decrease in this substance can lead to cellulite.

How sugar affects skin

Sugar affects the overall condition of the body and the skin. As we said earlier, he provokes collagen destruction. The skin loses elasticity, wrinkles and pigmentation appear. You will definitely need, because a large amount of sweets leads to acceleration of melanin production. By the way, the result of the use of sugar is also.

Another problem faced by sweet tooths is dry skin. The body is dehydrated, and the cells do not hold moisture inside. If you have which is inclined to rash or acne, then you should refuse sweet, because it will only exacerbate skin diseases and add new inflammation.

How to keep skin youth

In order to correct the situation, you need to abandon sweets and restore the water balance with the help of proper nutrition and special cosmetics. Pay attention to such components: hyaluronic acid, collagen and oil. Eat no more than two sugar spoons per day. It is better to buy brown raffin instead of white (the most harmful look).

Use sugar only for cooking homemade scrub!

Replace delicious chocolate on healthy fruits. Drink more water. Do not forget that there are products that contain the so-called "hidden sugar". Among them: seasonings, ketchups, additives, yogurts and other products.

You can check your body using an analysis to glycated hemoglobin. It will help preserve youth and health!

Photo by ON. / Photo by

Tell me what you eat, and we will tell you from your skin problems with 100% accuracy!

The doctor believes that the body agrees prematurely if a person fails. Nigma has allocated 4 major types of persons in which you can find out what products the person abuses. The doctor easily determines that they eat passersby on the streets, she is enough to look at the state of their face.

4 types of face, or what we abuse

Some products are very harmful to health and, respectively, appearance. For example, the abuse of alcohol, sugar, milk and rich gluten-rich food inevitably causes premature aging of the skin. Doctor warns that you can not make a list general rules Food, since each person is individual - someone can drink a lot of milk without any consequences, and someone even a small piece of oil will cause rashes. Everyone must follow their skin and learn to read the face, which products have an adverse effect on the body.

1. "Wine face."

Alcohol contributes to dehydration of the skin, destroys the protein collagen, prevents the work of inhibiting inflammatory processes Enzymes and provokes blood flow to the skin surface.

Most often on people who never miss the opportunity to drink a couple of wine glasses or any other alcohol, the following signs of aging are observed:
pronounced nasolabial folds;
leather flabby;
Increased pores;
tumor of the eyelids;
Redness of the site between eyebrows, nose and cheeks.
To correct the situation, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol at least 3 weeks. After the break is allowed to use wines according to the scheme: 80% of the time to refrain and only in 20% of cases drink. Preference is better to give wines with low sugar.

2. "Sugar face."

If you eat a lot of sweet foods, it will certainly affect appearance. Sugar provokes the loss of the elasticity of collagen fibers, the improper distribution of fat, the imbalance of bacteria in the intestine, an increase in the production of insulin and the stress hormone, respectively.

Abuse of sweet products causes the following problems:

  • skin defects;
  • multiple wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes;
  • inflammation (purulent including);
  • acne;
  • unhealthy complexion.

The solution to the problem is to refuse to eat sweet products, refined carbohydrates, recycled fruit juices. Even if halved to reduce the consumption of sugar, then the positive changes will not make himself wait.

3. "Milk Face".

Not all people have favorably tolerate lactose and the body can spend a lot of strength to digest milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. With age, the number of enzymes that contribute to digestion of lactose decreases. Abuse of dairy products can provoke an immune system to release inflammatory substances that will adversely affect not only skin cover, but also all organs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that milk can contain not only useful components, but also antibiotics or other drugs that were treated cows.

The fact that the body does not cope with the digestion of lactose, testify the following signs:

  • tumor of the eyelids;
  • dark spots under the eyes;
  • rashes, mainly on the chin.

If there is a suspicion that skin problems are associated with excessive milk use, it should be abandoned by a minimum for three weeks, it will help to recover.

4. "gluten face."

Gluten intolerance ( increased sensitivity Not many of the gluten contained in barley, wheat and rye) suffer from many, but still gluten can lead to undesirable consequences, such as:

  • pigmentation;
  • swelling;
  • rash on cheeks.

The solution to the problem is the exclusion from the ration of gluten. It is also worth using more water and products rich in fiber.

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women