
We don't need this thing. Why shouldn't these things be expected from others? Special cleaning products

Of course, there are things you can't do without, like groceries or basic wardrobe items. However, we buy a huge number of things simply "because we want to."

Aggressive ads, marketing gimmicks, even supermarket layout principles and online store page designs are all designed to get you to buy. Even if you don't really need this thing.

We have collected the top things you can refuse so as not to waste your money.

1. Subscription to the gym

In most cases, people who buy an annual membership to a fitness club go there so rarely that the purchase becomes unprofitable. To keep fit, you can study at home with online lessons, run in the park, and have active rest. It will turn out to be more varied and much cheaper.

2. Special sportswear

All these fancy jackets and t-shirts with super properties look cute, but they are expensive and almost useless. Buy good running shoes, a cotton tank top, and comfy shorts. That's it, you're ready to train.

3. Diet and "organic" food

This category includes strings of products with beautiful labels, which adorn the words like “organic”, “bio”, “non-GMO”, “ dietary product"And similar tricks of marketers. You don't need any dietary muesli either. If you don't believe me, look at how much sugar they have. Better choose the maximum simple products in which you understand all the ingredients. For example, buckwheat should contain nothing but buckwheat.

4. Semi-finished products

Even putting aside the question that all these frozen nuggets are not very useful, such a purchase is still unprofitable. Just because a box of the same nuggets weighing 300 grams costs the same as a whole chicken carcass weighing a kilogram or even one and a half. Plus, add the costs of restoring health here. Maybe it's better to buy good food right away?

5. Cellulite cream and diet pills

There are no creams and pills that will melt the accumulated fat. To get rid of fat, you have to eat right and move actively. No options.

6. Special cleaning products

Have you seen how much pipe cleaner or descaler costs? Hint: unreasonably expensive. Meanwhile, there are plenty of three-kopecks folk recipes to help remove limescale and clogged sinks.

7. Camera

Unless you're a professional photographer who makes a living doing it, you don't need a cool DSLR. And even more so, there is no need for a "soap dish" with a bunch of megapixels. Most modern smartphones already have decent cameras built in. Plus, it doesn't hurt to use the settings and process photos in special applications.

8. Bottled water

Waste of money and a lot of plastic. It is enough to boil water in a kettle and pour it into a jug. Heaped up filters for water purification and water delivery services in large bottles also belong here.

9. USB flash drive

Flash drives are no longer needed, but they continue to be sold. Files, even large ones, can be transferred online. Plus nothing gets lost.

10. Kitchen accessories

It can be difficult to resist a beautiful submarine-style infuser, a cool pizza knife, multi-tiered cake stands and that cool garlic press. Most of these things you use once or twice and then give up. Do not get carried away with kitchen gadgets: we are talking about waffle makers, sandwich makers, deep fryers and other things that perform only one function.

11. Packages of cable channels

Is anyone else watching cable TV? If your parents are watching, show them online cinemas and services, or better buy them a subscription for a month so that they appreciate the benefits. Otherwise, it turns out that we are complaining that there is nothing to watch on TV, and we continue to pay for it.

12. Books and magazines

Books and magazines are not cheap, plus you read them once, or at most twice. Then they will just take up space. It is much more profitable to buy a subscription in one of the book applications and get access to a huge library. A month of subscription costs as much as one book, immediately for a year - cheaper. Individual copies that you really like and that you want to re-read, then you can buy. If it is important for you to read paper books, go to the library, it is full of new books.

13. Wedding accessories

A wedding is, in principle, a very expensive event. But think about it: Wedding Dress you will wear it only once, and beautiful invitations will go to the trash almost immediately after reading.

14. Souvenirs

Calendars, porcelain cats and dogs, figurines in the form of a symbol of the year, piggy banks, lucky charms, money trees, brownies, photo frames ... You yourself will not notice how this junk will take over your apartment. Throw away all those useless trinkets and promise never to buy them again.

15. Vitamin complexes

This is just an illusion of taking care of your own health. In most cases, you don't need them. If you want to seriously take care of your health, establish a sleep routine, eat right and get tested by a doctor so that you know exactly what to treat, and not swallow multi-colored pills.

16. Products for animals

By and large, an animal needs food, water, and your love. Don't get carried away with special cat houses, expensive toys, funny costumes, treats and strange vitamins.

17. Extra furniture

A kitchen corner with a bulky sofa, a giant wall in the hall, a TV stand, a set of several armchairs in which no one sits later - these are all relics of the past. Throw away unnecessary pieces of furniture and don't make the same mistake again.

18. Baby products

Parents always want the best for their kids, and marketers take advantage of this. Why do you need a baby monitor if the child sleeps in the next room? Can't you hear him? You also don't need wet wipe warmers, walkers, tons of toys, or special baby food makers.

19. Cosmetics

Shower gels, scrubs, leave-in hair sprays, aftershaves, a whole arsenal of makeup products, a special brush for washing brushes, multi-phase makeup removers ... Some of these products only harm the skin and hair, others we do not have time to use before how the expiration date will end. You should not completely abandon beauty products, but the quantity can be reduced.

20. Household tools

Don't buy fancy tools, even if you are in the middle of a renovation. Limit yourself to a basic set: hammer, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, tape measure, respirator. Specialized and expensive tools can be borrowed from friends or rented.

In short, it is written in one piece, if the word carries statement, and is written separately if it carries negation.

Are these the right things?

No, not needed. (Necessity is denied).

In the last example, it can also be written together, if the need is not denied, but the uselessness is affirmed.

If written together, then the sentence will be equivalent to the following:

No, useless.

Detailed description

Adjectives are written together With " not", If they acquire the opposite meaning with this particle. In such cases, as a rule, they can be replaced by an affirmative synonym without " not". For instance: " useless», « nonsensical», « extra».

Note. It is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative connotation of the word speaks of a continuous spelling.

Leave everything unnecessary and follow me.

2. Written apart if there is or implied opposition.

These tools are not necessary, but useless for me.

3. Written apart, if there are explanatory words of negative pronouns and adverbs (starting with “ nor") Or combinations" far from», « not at all», « not at all».

These tools are by no means necessary.

Note 2. If there is an adverb “ at all»Both continuous and separate spellings are possible, which is associated with two meanings in which the specified adverb is used:
1) "perfect, very";
2) "not at all", "in no way";


These tools are completely unnecessary. (Completely useless.)

These tools are not needed at all. (Not at all necessary).

The adverb “ at all»:
one) " by no means»;
2) " completely, completely"- in a colloquial style of speech;


Contrary to popular belief, the tools were not needed at all. (Not at all necessary).

He always invented devices of little use, and now they are completely unnecessary, in my opinion. (Completely useless).

4. Written together, if there are adverbs of measure and degree: " very», « very», « extremely», « nearly», « utterly", Adverbial expression" supremely" etc.

These are completely unnecessary tools.

6. Written apart in an interrogative sentence, if negation is emphasized:

Did he bring the tools he needed?

Note. But it is written together if negation is not underlined:

These are unnecessary tools, aren't they? = These are useless tools, aren't they?

The famous French philosopher Denis Diderot lived almost his entire life in poverty, but the turning point came in 1765.

By that time, Diderot was 52 years old and his daughter was going to get married, but her father did not have the funds for a dowry. Despite his lack of wealth, Diderot's name was widely known as he co-founded and authored a monumental work called the Encyclopedie, one of the most comprehensive encyclopedias of the time.

When Catherine the Great, Empress Russian Empire, learned about Diderot's financial difficulties, she offered him to sell her a registered library for 1000 pounds sterling, which today equals approximately 50,000 US dollars.

This successful deal saved Diderot from shame in many ways. He could afford a lot and soon acquired a new purple robe (formal outerwear or mantle of monarchs or kings of purple or scarlet color). From that moment on, the problems began.

Diderot effect

Diderot's outfit was incredibly beautiful. So beautiful that everything else in his clothes and decoration of his home looked ridiculous and sloppy, and this disheartened Diderot. He saw the only way out of this situation only in buying new things.

First, he replaced his old carpet with a new one from Damascus. He decorated his home with sculptures and a beautiful kitchen table, bought a new mirror and a leather chair.

Nowadays, the craving for such spontaneous purchases is called the Diderot effect. This effect describes a situation when the purchase of a new thing creates a so-called spiral of consumption, that is, it leads to the purchase of other new things. As a result, we keep buying things that we don't really need.

Portrait of Denis Diderot. Artist - Louis-Michel (Louis-Michel), 1767. In the painting, Diderot is depicted in attire very similar to the one whose purchase once provoked the Diderot effect.

Why do we have cravings for things we don't need?

The Diderot effect should not be underestimated: unfortunately, we are all prone to making unreasonable and ill-considered purchases. you can buy new car and in addition to it, buy a bunch of different lotions and equipment: a tire pressure gauge, a car charger for a mobile phone, an additional umbrella in a car, a first aid kit, a pocket knife, a pocket flashlight, life blankets and even some kind of cutting knife seat belts.

You can find a similar pattern of behavior in other areas of life:

  1. You buy a new dress and be sure to buy new shoes and earrings for it.
  2. You buy a gym membership and consider it imperative to buy a new sports uniform.
  3. You buy a new sofa and think: maybe it is worth updating other elements of your interior as well?

This is the nature of man: we do not simplify something, we do not reduce it to a minimum, but on the contrary - we enrich, increase, develop.

How to control the Diderot effect?

The Diderot Effect teaches us to focus on what matters most. There are too many things around us, and our resources are limited, so it is useful to be able to separate the main from the secondary. How to do it? You can try this:

1. Avoid triggers. Almost every habit is activated by some kind of trigger. One of quick ways reduce the power of the Diderot effect - avoid triggers that contribute to its appearance. Unsubscribe from e-commerce newsletters. Call the retail stores that send you product catalogs and unsubscribe. Meet your friends in the park, not in mall... Block your access to your favorite online stores.

2. Choose products that go well with existing items. If you adhere to this principle, then when buying a new dress or sofa, you will not be tempted to buy something for them. Buying electronics? Make sure you already have all the adapters and adapters available for connecting your equipment.

3. Set limits. Limit your shopping. Designate a specific amount that you will not spend more, and keep your word.

4. Bought one, gave one. Every time you buy something new, give your old item back. Have you bought a new TV? Present an old one to someone. Do not move it to another room, just give it to someone for free. The idea is to avoid the accumulation of things in your home. Leave with you only that which brings you joy and happiness.

5. Spend a month without shopping. Don't allow yourself even the smallest purchase next month. Instead of buying a new lawnmower, borrow one from your neighbor. The more we limit ourselves, the more conscious our behavior becomes.

6. Don't be led by your desires. Of course, no one will ever reach this level of awareness. We always want something. We always strive to acquire something that will be better than the previous one. But such a line of behavior will only lead you to permanent frustration: you bought a new car, but after a while you wanted another, more expensive one, and so on. Not having received satisfaction from one, you are already drawn to another. Know how to enjoy what you already have.

    I, perhaps, agree with the statement of Socrates. Indeed, there are many different things in the world: necessary, optional and unnecessary. As Socrates said: "Easy pastime and pleasures received immediately, without labor, neither the body can give strength, nor the soul does not deliver any valuable knowledge; on the contrary, studies combined with hard work lead to the achievement of moral perfection." opinion, by pleasure he meant things that are not needed and without which you can do without losing anything.These things are easily accessible, but they also take away the main thing - time.

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  1. Hello. I think here you can agree with these two philosophers. I agree with Lao Tzu because for any old unnecessary thing you can think of new life... So it is with emotional feelings, with material, etc. Time is running and unnecessary thoughts, feelings go to the old plan and new emotions will always come to a new life, while the old ones will remain in the same memories. And we give new life to these memories, set new goals, using life experience that no one needs.
    But Socrates also speaks correctly. You need to give up unnecessary things. Probably they were created in order to be unnecessary in a timely manner, and they always get rid of old rubbish in order to acquire a new one. This is the essence of life. We gain something, but we need to get rid of something!

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  2. Good evening! I agree with Socrates because, I believe, not every thing in the world can be useful to a person in one or another branch. A person has exactly as much as he needs for life. Sometimes, for whatever reason, a person cannot acquire this or that thing, but it so happens that this thing is simply not needed by a person. Thus, each person has his own value, his own essence of the thing that he needs. After all, there is no such thing as a lot or a little, there is exactly as much as a person desires. When we want this or that thing, we acquire it, but after a few days it turns out that we do not need it at all, and we do this the second and the other time. Before you buy something you need to think, but do I need it? And for what? And will there be any benefit to me from this thing? It is better to follow the fact that many things in the world and in truth are unnecessary for us. And if you have already acquired some thing, then be kind and appreciate it, next time you will be wiser. I totally agree with Socrates!

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  3. Hello! On reflection, I agree with the quote of Socrates, and at the same time I support Lao Tzu's statement. There are, indeed, many things in the world that we do not need. But we need these things, and someone needs these things. For example, I have a lot of new all kinds of clothes that I did not wear for some reason. But there are the poor, homeless, deprived of everything, who would be in dire need of clothing. Everyone has their own unnecessary things. But if you do not need them, this does not mean that others do not need them either.

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  4. After reading these statements of two philosophers, I can say that I adhere to the point of view of the philosopher Socrates. Since, a person does not always need a thing in life. For example, if a car is not important to me in my life, it has no value for me, then I will not buy it either.
    But, on the other hand, Socrates means most likely the moral values ​​of a person. For example, someone values ​​their honor, while another does not need it at all, and therefore such a "thing" a person will no longer need.
    Therefore, here it is worth thinking not only about material things, but also about spiritual ones. After all, for whom this or that thing will be more expensive than gold, and for whom it has no value at all, or does not need it at all.

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  5. I cannot choose a certain side, since both philosophers are right to one degree or another, the quotes colorfully and succinctly reflect the essence of the human mood and the desire for perfection. But, however, Socrates's quote does not at all contradict Lao Tzu's quote, because Socrates does not make statements about the use of things, especially for any specific purposes. On the contrary, he confirms that in our life there are many things that we do not use, and that we do not encounter many things at all. Accordingly, we do not need them! And if a person lacks a grasp of something, then an inquisitive mind connects, and we begin to look for a thing that could replace what is missing. We use things that are already unusable in one area or another, slightly modifying them and start using them again. Then Lao Tzu's statement will be appropriate!
    For example, a teacher has his own piggy bank, where there are many unnecessary things, but he does not throw them away because he knows that they can sooner or later serve for some purpose.
    That is why, in my opinion, both philosophers are right. Yes, there are many things in the world that I do not need, and yes, if a thing that is not suitable for one purpose, therefore, it can be used for another.

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  6. Good afternoon, Svetlana Leonidovna. Great and wise philosophers offer us a little speculation. I personally am of the opinion of SOCRATES. Why do we need things? Apply in practice! But we never use many of them. Even the ones that just bought. Why? Yes, only because the impulse to buy a beautiful thing obscures a simple and important thought, why you need it, you need it. Many things, in essence, remain in the chest "for later", they will suddenly come in handy. And these chests with things, already dusty and "decayed", we finally take to the landfill, thereby freeing up space for new "unnecessary" things. Lao Tzu is also right when he says that things can be used for other purposes. Yes! But if there are not many of these things, and you know what these things are and where they are. But, if you have a lot of these things, most likely you will buy or make a new thing, for a specific purpose, than you will look for it in your "chests" in order to apply it not for its intended purpose. How many practices do educators have, various games, manuals, etc. They are accumulated every year, because new games, manuals, and developments are being made. It's a pity to throw them away, and they lie dead weight in boxes, boxes, and closets ... Only sometimes, there is a general cleaning, everything is revised, very old developments ... are thrown away, something is taken out and used, and the rest is folded back into " long box ". And again the games are being prepared ... etc.
    Free up your space. Breathe freely. There are so many things that I, and you, do not need.

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  7. Hello, I believe that both philosophers are right to some extent. After all, there are things that really become unnecessary for us, but for some we find a new use, give them a new life. That is why Socrates and Lao Tzu are right, we do not need everything, but we do not throw everything away. Also, from a spiritual point of view, we forget about something and it becomes unnecessary for us, but we take care of something and find a use for it. for any purpose.

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  8. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna!
    I agree with the quote by Socrates and Lao Tzu. Indeed, there are things that do not constitute any value in life. We acquire them, and then get rid of them without hesitation, or use it for some other need. And of course, again, depending on what things are we talking about? You need to look at things with an open eye and understand why you need them.

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  9. Hello! Svetlana Leonidovna. According to legend, Socrates said these words when he entered a rich house and examined its decoration.
    I heard this a few years ago, I agreed intellectually. But I really felt them deeply, I realized them now.
    What did Socrates say? Yes, that the more you can create, the less your desire to acquire, consume, absorb. I realized that the more stable your self-esteem, the less you need to reinforce it with elegant fashionable exquisite clothes, furniture, accessories, chains, a luxury car, a director's chair.
    I began to appreciate and love in a new way those things of mine that I classify as "tools". I choose them carefully, because they are my assistants who come to the rescue in a tense moment. Sparing no expense for their purchase, because these are a computer, a camera, a car. I am attentive to the state of my house, because it protects me from bad weather and heat, accepts me and my family and helps to rest and gain strength for new steps forward.
    And everything else ...
    Souvenir shops, endless rows of counters with clothes, furniture, jewelry, something generally incomprehensible to me - they are always full of customers. Psychologically, they are vital.

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  10. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna.
    Each philosopher born in his era thought in his own way.
    Socrates and Lao Tzu believe both are right in their statements.
    Each person has a different concept of the value of things. Someone will first acquire a thing without thinking about whether he needs it. And some, before purchasing, will very well weigh the pros and cons. But there are people who will still have this thing or not. I think every sane person should have his own concept and reasoning about the meaning of things, both materially and spiritually.

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  11. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna.
    I agree with the Socrates quote.
    You don't have to have a yacht, a car, or a lot of money to be happy. It is much more important not to be burdened by the past, to enjoy the present (here and now), not to need anything and not to be afraid of the future.

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  12. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna.
    I believe that Socrates is right, indeed, there are so many things in the world that I do not need. But Lao Tzu is also right. If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another. For example, I was presented with some thing that, from my point of view, I do not need. She lies idle, but now I have an idea to make a craft out of this thing and take it to work, in Kindergarten where it comes in handy!
    I would combine these two sayings into one: "There are so many things that I do not need, but if a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another."
    Udovina Galina

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  13. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna!
    “There are so many things in the world that I don’t need” (Socrates)
    Many things we really do not need in life, but our human way of life in everyday life, says the opposite. We are accustomed to stock up on "just in case", "and suddenly come in handy", but from my point of view, this is not right. We ourselves litter our lives with unnecessary things. It is necessary to take as a rule: clarity, necessity and necessity.

    “There is a thing that is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another” (Lao Tzu).
    Maybe you are right. But in life, the priority of the goal should prevail. If I set a goal, then I should go to it, and not exchange opinions.
    And in conclusion:
    How many people, so many opinions. There is no one in life. Some will adhere to the opinion of Socrates, others Lao Tzu. Therefore, you need to set a purposeful goal and strive for it. Develop and try to live by the rules.

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  14. It's hard to say which phrase is closer to me. There is some truth in both one and the other. I agree with the Socratic phrase, because it is probably difficult to imagine a person who can use all things, objects, since a person is limited by life time, interests, profession, social circle, etc. and, on the other hand, Lao Tzu's phrase appeals to me, since all people are again different. And it's great when a person can come up with a non-standard purpose of a thing. This trait creative personality or, conversely, pragmatic. At the expense of such people, society is changing, progress is taking place.

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  15. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna!
    Janusz Korczak "How to love a child"
    "to lie - not to lie, to steal - not to steal ..."
    My principle: "Let the child sin" is not beautifully written, paradoxically not beautiful and not clever ... The child begins to learn the surrounding phenomena and life in all its manifestations, offered by the parents while still in the crib ... Loving the child does not mean that it is necessary, smiling, to pick up a nipple for him, which he throws on the floor or carelessly and already rudely pushes the glass of milk and pours it ... Mom in the eyes ... Already catches on the word and on the actions of the parents!
    Growing up a child acquires life experience For parents, for many he remains a child for many and even very many years. Parents' love for a child globally depends on themselves. What are they different. Let's list this series: drunkards and rowdy, brawlers, nervous patients, drug addicts , with a criminal past. Well, very positive parents: judges, lawyers, teachers, diplomats, presidents ... Now we will directly answer the question: Y. Korczak. "How to love a child." What should be the dose of "bad for vaccination? growing up, acquires a colossal experience: bad and good. A clever parent, with his love, guides the child on the right path: punishes (as he does), forgives, knowing that the child has thoroughly realized what he has done and "wound", as they say, "on a mustache." Loving a child means putting him on his feet. Trying to make him an honest, fair, naturally intelligent person, well, educated. This is how you need to love a child ...

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  16. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna!
    "There are so many things in the world that I don't need" (Socrates
    ancient Greek thinker and philosopher).
    Things that surround a person, starting from birth, childhood, adolescence and adulthood, are needed as needed. First, we note: in order to survive, that is. for an elementary existence in the world around him. Things - to eat, develop mentally and physically, have a relatively normal rest, sleep ... The presence of things that are needed and surround a person completely from the "type" of this person, so to speak, from his attitude , character, his hobbies. Basic, ie global aspirations to achieve something more in life, as well as a "hobby", ie. small hobbies.Each person has their own individual ...
    Socrates, a thinker and philosopher who lived in ancient historical times, had his own living environment and those things that he encountered in everyday life. He used those things that interested him, that he needed, that were in his area of ​​attention. ..
    From here we will say that there was a mass of things that he did not need and naturally he did not use them. In our present time of the 20th century, with an even greater mass of things, aspirations and hobbies, similarly for any person (individual), many things are not needed ...
    "If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another" (Lao Tzu-Chinese philosopher and thinker).
    In those very old and ancient times, such a huge country like China with a huge population even then did not live and develop so comfortably ...
    The large population lacked exactly those things that Lao Tzu mentions.
    If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it was partially altered, modified and used for another purpose, or even this thing (a device, all kinds of tools, mechanisms were used for other purposes. They worked, performing other functions, operations, obtaining a certain positive result.
    As a result, our little philosophy based on these two statements of the great thinkers and philosophers Socrates and Lao Tzu is as follows ... The great thinkers and philosophers Socrates and Lao Tzu, in my opinion, of course, are both right.

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  17. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna!
    "There are so many things in the world that I don't need" Socrates
    "If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another."
    Lao Tzu
    These statements sound different, but I agree with both Socrates and Lao Tzu. One quote complements the other. Each person interprets them depending on their visions, experiences, fantasies.
    If you look at the generation of our grandmothers, then each thing was necessary, because it was obtained by a hard way, and was kept in the house for many years and was always used.
    But now we live in a civilized world in which everything is. When buying a new thing, we try to throw it away or give the old one to someone.
    Everyone decides for himself what he needs and what does not. However, indeed we sometimes surround ourselves with things that are not at all necessary. As they say, just in case.
    If a person from the civilized world is swapped with a person from a tribe who lives in harmony only with nature and with himself, he will not be able to survive there without "supposedly unnecessary" and necessary things to which he is accustomed.

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  18. I believe Lau Tzu is right. A thing that is not suitable in one, may be useful in another. A person must be differently developed. If a thing does not suit him in one, he can accept it in another.

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  19. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna! I agree with the statement of Socrates. According to legend, Socrates said these words when he entered a rich house and examined its decoration. Indeed, we surround ourselves with things that, in fact, we do not need, but there are times when unnecessary things become my helpers who come to the rescue in a tense moment. For example, a wrench may be needed once and lie for years, or it may be needed the next day. But I also agree with Lao Tzu's statement. There are a lot of things that one thinks they are unnecessary, while others need these same things to create beautiful, and sometimes irreplaceable items. For example, traffic jams from plastic bottles, from which you can make a beautiful garland or a flower bed from an unnecessary car tire. From there my conclusion: that unnecessary things become necessary. If you have a developed imagination and if you can create, then an unnecessary thing for you will turn into an object for creating something beautiful, necessary, and useful.

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  20. Hello Svetlana Leonidovna. I am more inclined to the statement of Lao Tzu "If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another." Let me give you an example, 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. A thing that has served a person can find a second life. For example, any packing boxes can serve as bird feeders, substitute toys for children, and pass waste paper to save the forest. Those things that are not needed according to Socrates (everyday things) can be useful in various charity events.

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  21. Hello Svetlana Leonidovna.
    One can agree with the statement of Socrates, indeed there are many things in our life that one can do without. For example, you can live without fashionable gadgets, internet, TV, car, etc. And you don't have to be fashionable! To follow fashion means to live by someone else's opinion, and not to be the master of yourself and your life!
    It is more difficult to agree with Lao Tzu's statement, since each created thing always has its own functional, direct purpose and there is simply no need to look for any additional functions.

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  22. The statements of both philosophers are equally close to me.
    Let's turn to history ...
    Socrates lived in constant need. "The less a man needs, the closer he is to the gods."
    He did not care about supporting the family. "You have to eat to live, not live to eat."
    Socrates always walked around the city barefoot, in one cape. Often, looking at the many things put up for sale, he said to himself: "There are so many things in the world that I can do without." And this was relevant for him, since he was used to being content with little.
    In our time, Socrates would be called a minimalist.
    A minimalist is a person who values ​​his time and spends it on his family, and does not flip through a ton of unnecessary information in search of something incomprehensible, a person who appreciates simple things and simple relationships with them, a person who understands that comfort in the house is created with with the help of their own special gizmos, valuable for their history, and not bought in a fit of shopaholism at a random sale
    A person who adheres to the principles of minimalism rather deliberately refuses unnecessary purchases - because he understands that you should not overload your home and life with things, that it is quite possible to do without a new acquisition - he does not suffer if he refuses to spend.
    I think minimalism is fortunately a universal worldview. And everyone can apply it to their life situation to the extent that they are ready, and based on their own needs.
    And now regarding Lao Tzu's statement “If a thing is not suitable for one purpose, it can be used for another”, I would like to recall one parable. Diogenes (who was sleeping in a barrel) once saw a child drinking water from a stream, scooping it up in handfuls. “Old goof! - shouted the sage, immediately grabbed an earthen jug from the knapsack and smashed it to smithereens. - And I have been dragging this weight with me for so many years. And that's it…
    We are educators, we teach children to create at first glance from unnecessary things.
    And things that have outlived their time acquire a new life. And that's great!

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  23. Hello Svetlana Leonidovna! Both statements are suitable in our time and everyone will understand it in their own way. I stick more to Socrates. Life is one and you do not need to live in the past, you need to go forward!

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  24. Answer Delete
  25. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna. I believe that both philosophers are right as they live and Socrates says that there are many things that he does not need, but he does not think and does not want to think about what he does not have, but Lao Tzu says that how much you don’t need every unnecessary thing and absolutely every one can be used for other purposes, but if there are a lot of things and they are really not needed, then you need to revise your chests and say to cleanse your thoughts and your house from unnecessary things. You always need to think before you commit acts, because today you can say that you do not need “this”, and tomorrow you will not be able to live without “this” and everyone has their own idea of ​​what he needs and what does not. It is worth respecting your choice and the choice of your loved ones, many people think that they do not need this or that thing, but they do not think about their relatives, because if you don’t need this thing, it’s not a fact that you cannot but need it. to a loved one... You need to take care of things and not think about where to put it or where to put it, you need to think about the fact that this or that thing can be used somewhere else, adapted to another place, in any case, I think that things need to be protected.

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  26. Hello, Svetlana Leonidovna. I think both great philosophers are right. Indeed, there are things that some people do not need, but other people need. It all depends on the person himself, on his hobbies and type of activity. Each thing has its own purpose, and if it is already there and named, then someone really needs it. Socrates said very wisely and gave food for thought. There are things that are in people's homes and they do not use them at all, then it's worth thinking. why do you need to store it at all? You can offer to give it to someone and then this thing will be in demand for more than one year. Lao Tzu says that one thing can be used for other purposes. I began to think about what things can be used for another purpose. And I found many bright and wonderful ideas. I came to the conclusion that the statements of Socrates and
    Lao Tzu can be combined into one statement. Things that are not needed can be used for other purposes and enjoy things with a new history.

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  27. Elena Yarunina
    I will probably support the statements of both philosophers, since Socrates’s statement contains the truth that in fact the things that we have sometimes turn out to be completely unnecessary for us. But we do not always get rid of them. And here the truth points to the statements of the philosopher Lao-tzu, since it really happens often - a thing that seemed completely unnecessary to us suddenly acquires a second life if we find it in a completely different application. And even if we do not give them a second life, we can give it to others, giving these things we do not need, to those whom they can still serve….

Look around - you are surrounded by things, a significant part of which you could easily do without. But all this money is your wasted money. We will tell you what you can and should save on.

1. Subscription to the gym

If out of 12 visits you have mastered only three, and the subscription period is approaching the end, the conclusion suggests itself. This is not only your problem - many of those who buy subscriptions or club cards no longer appear in the gym. Don't waste your money, there are many exercises you can do at home. Absolutely free and at any time. Alone.

2. Camera

Anyone with a smartphone can easily do without a separate device for taking photos. The latest models have great cameras, plenty of storage space, and a whole list of advanced shooting features. You can take really cool pictures with them. So why do you need a separate camera?

3. Multivitamins

Regular intake of vitamins is the easiest way to feel like a person who cares about your health. Alas, this is often just a waste of money. Before buying another pack of such drugs, visit your doctor and make sure what exactly is lacking in your body.

4. Chic wedding dress

How is it that, ideally, a wedding happens only once? That's right, that's why spending crazy money on an outfit that you will never wear again is not very practical. If you are going to marry again, the old dress is unlikely to be useful to you. Add to its cost the cost of a garter, veil and other tinsel - then any budget will crack at the seams. To avoid overspending, rent a dress or choose a versatile piece that you can use as your party wear.

5. Bottled water

Putting tap water into bottles and selling is a brilliant idea. Manufacturers are making big money on this. You can continue to support their well-being, or simply buy a special bottle and fill it with filtered water before leaving the house.

6. Landline telephone

Not everyone will agree with this, but in order to fit into the budget, it is worth giving up everything superfluous - including the landline phone. If every member of your family has a mobile, then a landline phone is simply not needed. It will only come in handy for people living in areas where there are interruptions to mobile communications.

7. Workout clothes

Special suits for yoga, crossfit and gym workouts are very useful when you have nothing to fill the space on the top shelves in the closet. For the most part, this is just a scam for the money of lovers of fancy. Work out in regular T-shirts and shorts, you do not go out on the podium in them.

8. Semi-finished products

Their nutritional value and shelf life are often lower, and the cost and amount of unnecessary packaging is higher. Semi-finished and ready-to-eat foods should be excluded from the shopping list first. Buy vegetables, fruits, and other foods with minimal pre-processing.

9. Toys

Children are used to receiving toys as a gift for birthdays and any holidays in general, but you should not buy them in large quantities at once. Very soon (the account goes for weeks, if not days) the child will get bored with it, and he will want something new. Try renting toys from specialized service providers or swapping them out with other families for a while.

10.USB stick

What is a USB flash drive for? To store or transfer data. Is it possible to do it in another way and not waste money? Of course. Send files by e-mail, store them in the cloud - there are plenty of options, and using a USB flash drive in 2016 is even somehow embarrassing.

11. Everything for detox

Let me tell you a secret: the body does not need help getting rid of unnecessary things. He himself copes with this perfectly, because the liver and kidneys are given to us for a reason. Advertisements for juices and herbal detox blends, bowel cleansers, and the like are a brazen attempt to sell people what they don't need. The very idea of ​​detox is just a marketing invention that does not have the slightest intelligible explanation from medical point vision.

12. Bread maker

Everybody loves fresh bread, especially homemade, so purchasing a bread maker seems like a very worthy idea. But don’t let yourself get bogged down - excellent bread can be baked in a regular oven. Moreover, many people prefer exactly bread from the oven - they say it is softer and softer.

13. Fabric softener

Another thing that you can do without. The conditioner will replace regular baking soda. It is much cheaper, and softens the laundry just as well.

14. GPS navigator

Unless you're roaming the wastelands outside of cellular coverage, a separate navigation device is clearly not a daily necessity. Any smartphone with a GPS module will cope with location determination just as well.

15. Books

We buy an interesting book, read it once, and that's it. Then she gathers dust in the closet, goes to the shelf for bookcrossing, or even ends her life in the trash heap. It is wiser to use the services of libraries or purchase books in electronic format.

16. Ceremonial clothes

You hardly need a tuxedo or evening dress every day. For almost the whole year, these things will hang in the closet, reminding of the amount that had to be paid for them. If you can rent ceremonial clothes, take them.

17. Magazines

The counters with them are not just located right next to the cash registers - impulse purchases do their job. Just imagine how much money you spend on what you read a couple of times at best. If you do purchase some kind of magazine on a permanent basis, it is better to subscribe to it for an annual subscription. In terms of one room, the cost will be less.

18. Lottery tickets

Everyone understands perfectly well that the lottery is most often a waste of money, but the thought "What if!" haunts. The truth is that no "suddenly" exists. Statistically, you are much more likely to face an angry shark, die at a candy bar machine, or become president than hit the jackpot. The second name of lotteries is "tax on stupidity", and this is clearly not without reason.

19.CD and DVD

Yes, they are still being bought. Why is not entirely clear. There are many places on the web where you can find both movies and music in good quality... Subscribe to the appropriate service and save a lot of money.

20. Children's shoes

Babies don't need shoes. Anyway, until they started walking. Earlier attempts to shoe them end in failure in the truest sense of the word. All these tiny shoes and boots look very cute, but they are no use.

21. Sandwich Maker

Let's call it all by their proper names: A kitchen appliance that does only one highly specialized task is useless bullshit. Don't waste your money on unnecessary junk that will take up space in your kitchen.

22. Insurance of funds on bank cards

The possibility of cybercriminals stealing money from your account looks quite frightening, so the desire to additionally protect yourself is quite understandable. Still, think before you give a decent amount for insurance. Banks are already vigilant about security. You can get all the information about the movement of funds at any time, and if necessary, quickly block the card so that fraudsters are left with nothing.

23. Pizza accessories

Pizza requires ingredients, an oven, a baking sheet, and a knife. Everything. Instead of a regular knife, you can buy a roller knife, but you should not spend money on baking dishes, special scissors with a spatula, a pizza oven, and other items of dubious necessity.

24. Cute things for the bath

When we want to cheer ourselves up or make a gift that will definitely come in handy for the addressee, the hand itself reaches for shower gel, cream or body spray. So-so idea, because these things tend to accumulate at an insane pace and litter all the free space in the bathroom. As a result, the expiration date of such funds often expires before we have time to use them.

25. Specialized kitchen tools

They can cause different reactions, from "Wow, what a useful thing" to "Ummm, really?" All in all, you don't really need all those onion shredders and garlic peels and banana, peach and avocado slicers. The good old knife and fork can handle vegetables and fruits.

26. In-app purchases

When you download a seemingly free application, and then it turns out that you still need to pay to get access to some functions, it infuriates. In the case of games, the obvious uselessness of such purchases is also annoying - when the game gets tired, what will you do with the purchased weapons and clothes for the character? Don't be fooled by developers - most paid apps and games have free counterparts.

27. Disposable drinking straws

It seems like a cheap thing, but if you use these plastic tubes regularly, it can cost a pretty penny. In addition, it is worth being more humane to the environment and not unnecessarily multiplying the amount of waste. It is better to buy each family member a reusable stainless steel straw, in the end it will be much more profitable.

28. Warmer for wet wipes

Manufacturers simply love to profit from young parents, slipping them seemingly necessary things, without which, in practice, you can safely do. The napkin warmer is a prime example of this kind of junk. The napkins can be kept warm in your hands without spending a dime.

29. Extended warranty

In most cases, this service remains unclaimed. Warranty obligations imply free repair or replacement of goods in the event of a breakdown, but things break even after the extended warranty expires. In addition, repairs are often cheaper than purchasing such services.

30. Toasters with superpowers

Today, toasters know how to toast bread, make scrambled eggs, hot dogs and even leave prints on a piece of bread in the form of animals, soccer balls, butterflies and Darth Vader's helmet. The joke, as you know, seems funny only the first time. Such toasters are unlikely to please you for a long time.

31. Cable TV

It's time to cut the wires. If you have the internet, television is clearly not a necessity. In order not to miss your favorite TV series, subscribe to one of the many video services.

32. Designer breeds of cats and dogs

Do you want to have a pet of an unusual breed - Labradoodle or Toyger? Prepare to throw your money down the drain. The irresponsible approach to animal breeding, which many breeders sin, leads to the fact that dogs and cats with serious health problems are born. Some breeds are declared safe for allergy sufferers, but no one can give a 100% guarantee, so it makes no sense to overpay for this. Millions of animals are waiting for their owners in the shelters. Maybe you should shelter one of them, and not unfasten a lump sum for the pedigree?

33. Musical instruments

Children and some adults quickly get excited about the idea of ​​learning to play on some musical instrument, but then they quickly forget about this venture. The desire to master the guitar, violin or other expensive instrument melts away as you realize the need for regular practice and boring practice. Rent a tool and save your wallet from unnecessary expenses.

34. Fortified drinks

Water enriched with vitamins, minerals, flavors and sweeteners is not the best choice if you really care about your health. The benefits of such drinks are questionable, because synthetic vitamins are not always able to replace those that we get with food. Plus, these liquids are high in sugar. Make delicious water better yourself, it will turn out just as well.

35. Invitation cards

When it comes to a large-scale event (for example, a wedding), sending invitations to guests is quite an expensive undertaking. Although the guardians of etiquette insist on the need to comply with this formality, many will disagree with them. Send invitations by email or create an upcoming event group on the social network your guests use. So that everyone can correct their plans, it is worth doing this in advance - about 6-8 weeks before the celebration.

36. High-octane gasoline

If your car engine is not designed for this fuel, then why overpay? Use the gasoline recommended by the manufacturer, so the machine will definitely be fine.

37. Homemade popcorn machine

If you do not produce popcorn on an industrial scale, then you do not need a special device. Heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a saucepan, add grains there, cover with a lid and wait. It will be noisy, but delicious. The GIF below demonstrates another interesting way to make popcorn.

38. Trinkets

Various souvenirs, memorabilia - these are all useless dust collectors. Proponents of minimalism believe that in the process of getting rid of unnecessary details from the interior, such things are the first candidates for departure. So you shouldn't buy them either for yourself or as a gift.

39. Stacker for diapers

It seems to be topping the list of the most unnecessary baby things. The drive is not the cheapest thing, but there is no point in purchasing it. Putting a used diaper in a bag and throwing it away is a task that does not require much mental and physical effort.

40. Fryer

A fashionable device with which you still torment. The deep fryer is difficult to clean, it smells of burnt oil - in a word, you don't need to spend either money or space in the kitchen on this thing. For frying and deep-fat cooking, a cast-iron pan and refined oil are enough.

41. Newspapers

Subscribing to them can be quite expensive, and in the digital age it is a waste of money at all. To stay up to date with the news, you have the internet and television. In extreme cases, you can subscribe to the electronic version of the publication, so it will definitely be cheaper.

42. Device for preparing baby food

Are you sure you need a separate unit (quite expensive, by the way) to sterilize the bottles and turn the fruit into puree? Our parents somehow managed without such a technique, and so can we. If you have a blender, potato pusher, or even a fork, the process of turning vegetables and fruits into puree does not require any other special tools. The bottles can be sterilized with steam.

43. Cookbooks

Recipe books are a thing of the past. The web is full of cooking resources. Here are recipes with step by step photos, and practical advice, and reviews from those who have already tried it. There are many cooking channels on YouTube that you can use to learn how to cook from scratch.

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