
Making drip irrigation with your own hands. Drip watering with your own hands for giving without costs: do it easily and simple. Drip watering from plastic bottles: Features of irrigation option

In order for the plants perfectly felt in a garden or in a greenhouse, they need to provide good lighting and the right uniform watering. Therefore, every gardener is trying to create the most comfortable conditions for all representatives of the flora that grows the site. And if everything is more or less clear, then how to deal with watering? Probably, you have repeatedly heard that it is easy to pour water from the hose - harmful to plants. That is why many are thinking about a more sparing type of hydraulic cultures. The system of drip irrigation with his own hands is pretty simple, but the advantages from its use are a huge amount.

What is a drip watering, how to turn it into the "system" and what can be the advantages? Before you give answers to these questions, let's understand why abundant watering with water from the hose is so harmful to plants. Most even get ready to water the planting by manually from jars, just not to use the hose.

And all because:

  • the head of the jet from the hose is blurring the ground around the stem and roots of plants, which cultures are not very loved;
  • the soil around the plants receive too much water, which negatively affects the process of natural aeration - the air, which is needed and roots, is simply energged with water from the soil;
  • if we water the garden from the hose, the water flow is very large; This indicator is extremely important for those garden sites, where water is brought by water carriers, and the water supply system and well for some reason are absent;
  • from an excess of moisture in the ground, the plants begin to grow badly, to hurt, they get roots, as a result, planting dying.

These are the main reasons why many gardeners are increasingly thinking about the installation of the drip irrigation system on their summer cottage. Drip watering is really a win-win version for both greenhouses and an open soil. It is a water hose system that is attached one end to the water tank, and the many other ends of the branches of the discharge into the ground right near the root system of each plant individually. That is, a plurality of thin hoses are necessarily discharged from the main, main, and everyone goes to a separate plant.

On a note! Such a system can be equipped with absolutely for any cultures. But most often dackets provide drip irrigation, peppers and other, more capricious plants.

As a rule, such a system cannot be universal for each garden. Typically, for each site, a separate plan for drip irrigation is compiled. It will indicate all the places that need to be sparing with water, and in accordance with this plan, all hoses will be laid. It is probably the main disadvantage of the drip irrigation system - it is impossible to just come to the store and buy the first dial to install this device. By the way, therefore many do it all with their own hands.

The advantages of drip iris

On a note! It is with the help of a drip irrigation system once managed to turn the dried Israel in a blooming oasis, in which gardening is now widely developed. So drip watering is tested by time.

Most likely, after reading the beginning of the article, you were inspired and already thinking to go to the store for drip irrigation system. But do not hurry: first, first, you need to make an irrigation plan and calculate how many hose meters will need. And secondly, the drip watering is faster and easier to make it yourself.

What can make drip watering

Knowing the basic principle of the drip irrigation system, for the emerge on the fiction of the gardener will not be difficult to come up with what this device can be made. Usually the system is a large water tank installed on the elevation. A long trunk hose is connected to it at the bottom with the help of the cranes, which in accordance with the watering scheme are joined through the fittings of the hoses with a smaller cross section. And the ends of small water lines are swapped right under the root to each plant or fixed so that the moisture of them dripped right along the stem on the ground.

On a note! Well, if you take care of the presence of a filter in the watering system. The fact is that in the water (if the reservoir is open) can get a different garbage, which will quickly lead the hoses, closing them. We'll have to redo everything so that the system worked again.

Approximately it looks like a drip irrigation system. It can be complicated and equipped with a controller or, on the contrary, simplified.

Table. Ideas for self-made drip irrigation system.


The most familiar and understandable way. It will take thick watering hose and thin waterwater with a diameter of approximately as an air supplied hose from a conventional pump for wheels and balls. The entire system is connected, as in the case of industrial installation, using fittings.

Here there may be two options for the development of events - bottles can be suspended near plants or discharges in the ground. At the same time, in the first case, they are supplied with droppers, in the second they are made of holes, and the upper part is cut off. The system is inconvenient in that the bottles have to pour water.

From this material make drip watering is very simple. Thumbers - the material is available, they can be purchased at the pharmacy or ask for a familiar medical worker.

The device is as follows: Near each individual plant in the greenhouse there is a plastic bottle, in which the holes of the small diameter are performed. The bottle is filled with water, which, leaking through small holes, and nourishes the roots of plants.

There is also a lot of modifications of listed ideas that can be improved or, on the contrary, to simplify. Consider the creation of a drip irrigation system from ordinary medical droppers.

Materials for watering system from droppers

How does the installation of the watering system begins? And he begins with the development of the scheme of watering and acquiring the necessary materials. The plan should reflect the full scheme of your site, and not just demonstrate the location of the house and the greenhouse, but also to show all garden plantings. But this is if the drip irrigation system you decide to equip the whole garden. To equip the system of watering a small area - for example, three beds of strawberries - it will be enough to make a detailed scheme of these breakers. Also, the scheme indicates the place where the water tank is installed.

On a note! Try to move to the drawing the most accurate dimensions - it will simplify the counting of the required materials. Measure all tape measure.

Materials that will be needed for the manufacture of drip irrigation systems:

  • water tank - As a rule, it is a large plastic tank; Metal is better not to use, as it will start rust over time, and rust particles will score thin hoses, which will result in the number of the system; At the same time, the tank must be opaque, otherwise the water will begin to bloom quickly;
  • main trumpet - It is best to use plastic, as it will serve longer; The tube will be connected to water tank, you can also use the hose;
  • medical droppers in an amount equal to the number of bushes in need of watering;
  • ball craneopening the flow of water;
  • filterproviding cleanliness of water entering the dropper;
  • fitting for branching hoses;
  • plug For the main hose.

On a note! The water tank must be located at a certain height, so it is necessary to immediately take care of the presence of a stand for it. The optimal height of the reservoir raising is 2-2.5 meters.

Installation of dripping watering system

So, the materials are purchased, the plans are made up - it's time to start making a drip irrigation system from droppers.

Step 1. It is necessary to make a hole to exit water in the tank. To do this, in several centimeters from the bottom of the tank, the hole for the ball crane is cutting over and install the latter using seals and couplings so that the water does not feel.

On a note! If you provide the installation of the filter on your system, it is best to mount it at the outlet of the water from the tank so that all the garbage that carved into the water does not climb the faucet and hoses. Instead of the filter, you can use a piece of foam rubber, but it will be necessary to change it regularly.

Step 2. In the hoses that they will be located between the bushes, we make holes of this diameter so that the ends of the droppers kept inside. The number of holes will be equal to the amount of plants poured.

Step 3. To the crane we attach the main main hose to which according to the scheme we attach and those that will be located between the rows of bushes. The compound is performed using fifts-splitters.

Step 4. The hose system is extending and placed between rows.

Step 5. The ends of the trunk hoses are closed by plugs so that the water is not poured.

Step 6. Medical droppers remove the needle, leaving rubber tips on the spot.

Step 7. We insert rubber tips into the holes on the main hoses.

Step 8. The ends of droppers with plastic large needles stick into the ground at the roots of plants.

Step 9. We open the crane and give water to enter the system.

Step 10. With the help of a regulator with a wheel on droppers, control the flow of water, adjusting the intensity.

On a note! Be sure to cover the tank with water with something from the sun's rays so that the water does not bloom. Otherwise, microalgae will be headed in the tank, which will quickly pollute the filter.

Video - installation of drip watering from droppers

You made sure that the drip irrigation system is independently easy. As far as cheaper than buying ready, the question remains open. It will be easy to do those who have health workers in the family or people who can buy droppers on a preferential or wholesale price. Otherwise, the system may turn out quite expensive.

Now you fully imagine what a drip watering is why it is needed, how to collect it from ordinary drippers. The system is not complicated, but very functional. That is why do not regret your time now, so as not to run with buckets later.

Video - how drip watering droplets

The garden and garden need timely watering, especially in the hot summer months. The drip irrigation system is a real salvation for dacities who do not want to spend the lion's share of the weekend to drag and drop the watering hose in its own area. Drip watering is the most rational way of supplying plants with moisture, it does not allow the root system to rehash and experience the lack of nutrients, and also does not allow the formation of solid peel on the surface of the soil or the erosion of the fertile layer.

Drip irrigation system

The principle of drip irrigation is in drip water supply directly to the root system of plants. Depending on the equipment used, the moisture can be supplied both to the surface of the soil - with the help of a drip ribbon or hose and in the depth of the fertile layer - using droppers.

By type of water supply, the system can be gravitational or forced. In the first case, water enters the influence of gravity from a pre-filled tank of the required capacity, in the second - from the water supply or from the pump connected to the well. Drip irrigation systems are designed for pressure no more than 2 atm., Therefore, the pressure regulator must be installed in the forced system - gearbox. To create the necessary pressure in the gravitational system, the tank is raised to a height of at least 1.5-2 meters.

Water from the tank or water supply system is supplied to the place of watering on trunk pipes having branches. As branches, standard fittings are usually used for drip irrigation, they are described below. The main pipes are placed along the fence, the walls of the greenhouse or simply in the furrow, fix with the help of holders.

Drip lines are connected to the branches, passing along the rows of plants for the entire length of the bed. A flexible drip tape with holes or a conventional plastic tube can be used as drip lines or a conventional plastic pipe to which droppers are connected through splitters. The ends of drip lines are closed with plugs or flushing cranes.

In order to avoid clogging the system at the outlet of the tank or at the place of connection, it is installed to the water supply filter, as well as a valve crane or gearbox, with which water supply is adjusted.

Designing a drip irrigation system

For high-quality watering, dropper should be located 30 cm from each other, while the moisturizing of the fertile layer occurs in 1-2 hours. Further irrigation is undesirable, as it leads to the mooring and reinforcement of the root system, as well as to overpowering water. During this time, about 15-30 liters of water per square meter is consumed.

To achieve such a regime of watering, you need to correctly calculate the total length of the system or its individual sectors, as well as the tank of the accumulative tank in the gravitational system. In the forced system, do not do without manual or automatic irrigation control. Manual control is suitable for gardeners living in the country: enough to open a faucet and while you rest or collect a crop, the system will moisturize the soil on the desired depth. If you are rarely in the country, it is necessary to purchase a controller that can be programmed for any period.

Example of calculating the volume of tank

The greenhouse has dimensions of 10x3.5 meters. The greenhouse area is: 10 · 3.2 \u003d 32 m 2. Multiply the resulting value by 30 liters required for watering: 32 · 30 \u003d 960 liters. Thus, the greenhouse requires a capacity of 1 cubic meter.

The tank must be installed at such an altitude so that a sustainable pressure is provided in the system. When climbing the tank at a height of 2 meters, the pressure in the system will be 0.2 atm., Which is enough for watering about 50 m 2. If the area is larger, with a gravitational water supply method, it is advisable to divide the watering system to the section and feed the water in them alternately, or to install a separate tank to each section. Solve the problem will also help the pump that boosts pressure - in this case it is necessary to maintain about 2 atmospheres.

To ensure sustainable pressure in the system, such factors as the diameter of the main pipes and drip lines are important. The pipe with a 16 mm diffuses 600 liters of water per hour, it is enough for watering 30 m 2 of the plot. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe site is greater, it is better to choose a pipe of a larger diameter: a pipe 25 mm will allow you to skip 1800 liters per hour and pour a section of about 100 square meters, a pipe of 32 mm has a bandwidth of about 3 cubic meters, which is enough for a portion of 5 acres, and a pipe 40 mm - 4.2 cubic meters, or 7 acres.

The length of each drip line should not exceed 100 meters with any cargo of the main pipe. Typically, drip lines are connected in parallel at a distance equal to the distance between the rows of landings. In the event of watering fruit trees or bushes, drip lines have around them at a distance of 0.5-1 meters from the barrel.

Equipment and fittings

Before installing the drip irrigation system, it is necessary to draw a pipe layout plan and calculate the required amount of materials, connecting elements and equipment.

To mount the water supply system, it is necessary:

  • Plastic or metal tank of the required volume or pump feeding water from the well;
  • Valve crane;
  • Controller - in case of installation of an automated system;
  • Sharovy crane;
  • Pressure reducer;
  • Filter of fine cleaning;

Adapter for connecting to the watering system.

The watering system includes the following elements:

  • Plastic pipes with a cross section of 16 to 40 mm for trunk pipes;
  • Drip tape or drip tubes complete with splitters and droppers;
  • Fittings: cranes, tees, minicarans, starting thenectors, adapters for connecting drip ribbons, plugs.

Montaja technology

  1. Install a tank at an altitude of 1.5-2 meters or connect to the water supply system. The adapter is cut into the tank, on which the valve crane is screwed using the FUM tape - it is necessary for regulating water supply. If water into the tank comes from the plumbing network, it can be equipped with a shut-off float valve, as in the drain tank.

  2. After the crane, the programmable controller controller is installed depending on the specified program. You can configure it for daily inclusion or watering every few days, as well as set the time of watering. After the controller, a ball crane is installed, allowing to overlap the flow of water.

  3. To regulate the pressure in the feeding system, a downgrade reducer or pump that increases pressure is put. Working pressure - 1-2 atmospheres, when it increases, the leaks may form in places of connecting tubes and droppers, when the water decreases, it will come unevenly. For water purification, the system is equipped with a fine cleaning filter - this will avoid blockages.
  4. To the supply system through splitters and adapters, plastic trunk pipes are connected to segments corresponding to the distance between drip tubes. Pipes are connected with tees. The last trunk tube at the remote end is equipped with a flushing crane - it will be useful in the case of a clogging of the system.
  5. Drip ribbons or tubes are connected to tees through adapters. A drip tape is a flexible hose with perforation, drip irrigation through the holes. The tape is easily cut by a knife, its ends bend and put on their special clamps, playing the role of a plug.

  6. A drip tube is a plastic tube, usually its dimmeter does not exceed 16 mm. In the tube from above at a distance of 30-60 cm make holes for a splitter with a diameter of 3 mm. They insert rubber seals and splitters that can have from 2 to 4 branches. The branches insert dropper hoses - plastic tubes with holes. Drops stick to the ground next to the plants.

  7. System testing and determine the required pressure, which is regulated by a gearbox or a valve crane on the tank.

The installation of a drip irrigation system does not represent difficulties, with proper calculation, the drip watering allows to reduce the complexity of gardening and garden work and increase the harvest of 1.5-2 times. For the winter, the system easily disassembled: tubes and droppers are removed, water is drained from the tank, the adjusting equipment is cleaned. If necessary, the system can be expanded or re-posted. Its use is not limited to a garden plot, it can be successfully applied to flowerbeds, balconies, lawns and in the greenhouse.

Video: Connecting drip irrigation system

The main guarantee that there will be high fruit crops, berries, vegetables and rapid growth of flowers in the summer garden or in the garden, can be called high-quality watering. Among the common irrigation options, a drip or point irrigation system comes out. Its main advantages include publicly available and efficiency.

Drip watering: comfortable and beautiful

Plus, in comparison with the traditional methods of watering with the use of hoses and sprayers, drip irrigation provides twice as long as water consumption. Note that modern technologies allow you to make the water supply system fully automated. To do this, it is enough to enter the required parameters of the time and period of water supply.

To equip a drip watering in my garden, with your own hands, is possible even without special knowledge. It is only necessary to understand the principle of work of the structure using the schemes and photos of this article. See also:

Varieties of drip irrigation

There are various drip irrigation systems, and among several options, three most popular:

  1. Drip hose. The base component protrudes the pipe with thick walls, most often polyethylene. Such pipes are designed for pressure up to 3 atmospheres, which makes it possible to serve water for hundreds of meters. In the hose wall with the same period, emitters or droppers are located with a specific water consumption. As a rule, it varies from 1 to 2 liters per hour. Plastic fitting elements are used to install such a system. It is also possible to dismantle the design for the winter season.
  2. Drip ribbon. A flexible tube with thin walls, the thickness of which is 0.12-0.6 mm, connects directly to the main hose. Its inner diameter in most cases is 16 or 22mm. Installation and installation is performed using fittings and connectors with standard 1/2 and 3/4 inches sizes. Such tapes can reach hundreds of meters and are able to skip up to 500 liters per hour.
  3. External microcapels with specific water consumption. In their quality can be nozzles and sprinklers of various models. They provide watering in the form of droplets or microstruy. In separate structures, irrigation intensity is adjusted. The location of the droppers is the outer side of the pipes or on tubular branches. It is also possible to install on a regular hose, which can be placed in the required locations of the dropper with self-abscluded fittings.

Drip watering sambeck without pump

Water supply under the action of gravity without a pump is one of the embodiments of drip irrigation. Such a system involves the presence of a cumulative capacity. It can be an ordinary barrel or another tank. The drive is filled with tap water or natural reservoir. Sometimes the defined rainwater is applied.

A feature of the drip irrigation system is that it can clog living organisms and fine vegetation of water bodies and trash.

Thus, water is not suitable from any reservoir, and the surface of the tank should be resistant to corrosion and destruction. The barrel made of plastic, synthetics or galvanized iron is the most suitable options for water intake tanks. So that the leaves or garbage do not fall into the barrel, it should have a lid.

The sizes of the barrel depend on the consumption of water resources. The volume should be sufficient to provide the required irrigation. According to consumption standards, the cabbage requires 2.5 liters per day, potatoes are 2 liters, and the chest of tomatoes is 1.5 liters. As a result, the owner of the cottage or the garden needs to be individually calculated by the daily flow rate, in accordance with the number of seedling bushes and trees. Knowledge of this data will be useful when choosing an irrigation system.

Watering is carried out by pressure of water in a raised barrel

To ensure water pressure in the system 0.1-0.2 atmospheres, the tank must be arranged to a height of 1-2 meters above the ground. It is important to monitor the purity of water coming from the barrel. In order to prevent the accumulated garbage from entering the hose, the drain hole should be placed 100mm above the bottom of the tank. In such a design, you also need a mesh or other filter. Polyving systems with gravity are designed for a small pressure, as a result of which they are suitable only noncompensated droppers, since compensated maintain the water flow pressure is constant at overpressure.

If it is planned to use herbicides and fertilizers, it is necessary to provide in the system a separate harbor assembly for breeding liquid forms of drugs. After each procedure, watering system requires cleaning. To do this, it is necessary that the system filled with clean water has worked for several minutes. The filter also needs periodic cleaning. It is necessary to implement it weekly.

Rules of installation and care of drip irrigation system

Assembly of the system of watering in the country or household plot should be done in a certain sequence, observing a number of simple rules:

  1. Start the system of irrigation from the water fence assembly. Power can be carried out from water supply, water bodies, wells, well, or a special tank. When installing water tanks, a removal having an outer thread will be needed, and a 3/4-inch crane crane.
  2. When the impurities in the water and large particles in the water, it is necessary to provide a mesh or disk filter.
  3. Next, the mixing unit is installed. It is saturated with water by chemicals and fertilizers or feed nutrients. The fertigation node is a tank where the corresponding drugs are breeding, which is attached to the watering system with a tube with a dispenser in the required place.
  4. For the device of the main pipeline, plastic pipes from PND diameter, starting with 32mm or polypropylene tubes, are used. In principle, any pipes that meet the requirements of the system are suitable.
  5. The next stage is the installation of the distribution network. Microtubes or watering drip ribbons are unfolded at irrigated areas.

In the installation process, fittings are required: connectors and fittings, tees and corners.

Making fertilizers in the drip irrigation system

Creating a drip irrigation system with your own hands, it is worth considering some nuances:

  1. Put the trunk tube should be at an angle of 90 degrees to the ranks of the beds. This will make a convenient connection of branching.
  2. Avoid pollution of watering system will help the plug installed at the end of the pipeline pipe. It must be removed in the process of cleaning the irrigation highway.
  3. Drilling holes in a ribbon design pipe, first need to turn the start - the corrector to wear tape tightly. The ribbon itself must be drowning at the opposite end to achieve tightness and have the ability to rinse and blow its closed areas. It is possible to do this with a ring cut-off from the ribbon, 1 cm wide, which is tightly lying on its exposed end.

The use of polypropylene pipes

Nothing prevents from building drap watering with their own hands from polypropylene pipes. This variant of drip watering from plastic pipes has a lot of advantages. These pipes are durable, elastic and characterized by low density. Polypropylene pipes are sufficiently resistant to hydraulic strokes and temperature drops.

Modern additives allow the walls of polypropylene pipes to remain unharmed under the action of ultraviolet rays. The pipe is not damaged if water has frozen, with the exception of its full filling. In addition, a drip watering device from polypropylene pipes will cost with their own hands cheaper than from the PND, since the cost of components for welding is lower than the prefabricated structures on the thread.

Drop Watering Scheme from polypropylene pipes

Pipes from this material are suitable for creating a main pipeline and for the distribution network with droppers. In the latter case, the holes can be drilled in the right places. The diameter is selected in practice with a fully mounted system.

Of course, when working with plastic pipes, there are also its minuses:

  1. Using a special soldering iron.
  2. The system cannot be disassembled for winter or cleaning.
  3. Compared to the PND, polypropylene tubes have less resistance to the freezing of water in the design. For this reason, the entire system before winter must be purged with a compressor.

Varieties of drip ribbons

Since soon we took up a drip watering with their own hands in the country or garden, you need to choose the right watering tape. The choice of the type of ribbon device is determined by the specific conditions on your site. There are three main types of tapes:

  • with a labyrinth;
  • slotted type;
  • emitter.

The type of drip ribbon is indicated on the marking

In the first case, on the surface of the tube there is a built-in element - a labyrinth. Such a structural feature allows you to slow down the aqueous flow in the ribbon trunk and streamline the flow of water through the holes. Unfortunately, the external location of the labyrinth leads to the fact that in the process of laying the ribbon there is a big danger to damage it.

Holes in a slotted type ribbons for water flowing are done with a laser with a gap from 20 to 100 cm. The labyrinth is embedded inward along its entire length to prevent the turbulence of water movement. Ribbon must be installed with a labyrinth. This contributes to the uniform water outlet through the holes. This is the easiest option to organize watering, which does not require significant costs. The only thing worth remembering when choosing a slot type is a need for high-quality filtering.

The distinctive feature of the emitter species is the presence of additional holes built into flat droppers, which are addressed inside. The meaning is that the droppers are located on the inner, and not the outer surface of the wall, as a result of which the turbulent movement of water occurs inside the tape. Thanks to him, self-cleaning of droppers.

Also when choosing a tape is important wall thickness. If laying underground is planned, the tape thickness should be 0.2 mm. In the case of arranging drip irrigation on the surface of the Earth, a tube with a smaller wall thickness is suitable.

Independent installation of the drip system

Below is a diagram of how at home it is possible to assemble drip watering on the household plot. An example will be equipped with watering a 150m2 area with 10 rows of lined strawberries, the length of which is 12 meters.

For a homemade system, you will need a drip tape with a length of 110-140m. At the location of emitters or perforations after 30cm, the bandwidth of the system will be about 4 liters per hour. Approximate pressure without the use of the pump - 0.1 atmosphere, to maintain which the watering system tank must be placed in 1 meter above the ground. It is impossible to create water pressure in 1 atmosphere, since in this case it would take to raise the tank with water for a ten meter height. As a result of insufficient pressure, bandwidth falls three times - up to 1.3 liters per hour. As a result, the watering time increases threefold.

Drip watering strawberries - the right decision

Sequential scheme of action to create with your own hands drip irrigation:

  1. Connect the tap to the fittings of the container, after which it is filter.
  2. With the help of the coupling, the distribution pipe is connected and it is placed perpendicular to the beds for watering. If the area is less than 300m2, the pipe is suitable 32mm. The pipe itself must be laid parallel to the horizon, and the irrigation ribbons with a slope. The end of the pipe on the opposite side of the site must be closed using a removable plug or install the valve to facilitate prophylactic flushing.
  3. Opposite the beds of strawberries need to drill the pipe, screw the fittings with gaskets or set the cranes. The latter will provide a separate shutdown of each branch of watering if necessary. You can also connect pipes, initially equipped with start-connector.
  4. Along all the beds of strawberries to lay emitter tapes. One of the ends of the tube should be put on the fitting, and the other to drown.
  5. When using a total dropper for watering multiple bushes, it should be attached to her minima splitters in the form of tubes and put them near the roots of plantations.

An example of the installation of drip watering from the central water supply system

Such a tank is enough for a long time

Before building a drip watering from the central water supply network, you should choose how the design will be connected to the water supply. It is possible a direct connection to the valve or connection by means of a cumulative tank.

The pressure in the municipal water supply is normally 4 atmosphere, but, taking into account his jumps and hydrotar, this figure can range from 2 to 7.5. Considering the fact that for drip irrigation, ribbons with low operating pressure are usually used (about 0.2-1.5 atmospheres) to avoid breaking the system due to a strong water pressure, a gearbox is put between the crane and the central pipe that lowers the pressure.

Another way to lower the pressure to the necessary numbers is the use of a cumulative container that has a bypass valve. It is filled with water to a specifically installed level that controls the valve, adjusting the water supply. From there, water falls into the system of gravity through the fitting at the bottom of the tank. In the case of creating a watering system with your own hands, you can use a standard valve from the toilet tank as a bypass valve.

Filter in drip watering is a necessary element of the system

Step-by-step instruction of one of the simple options for laying drip irrigation in the country or garden:

  1. Collect the filtering node. It consists of 2 filters, namely: filter-mud and filter for fine cleaning. Between themselves, the filters are connected to the clutch, connectors are hung on them, after which the entire node is joined to the main hose.
  2. Along the central path, the hose with a diameter of 20mm is stacked. Near all the beds it is necessary to cut, so the sequence of individual segments is formed.
  3. The resulting pieces of the hose must be combined with each other through tees with one output 15mm for further wiring.
  4. The tees are joined drip ribbons, which can be fixed using metal clamps. The free end of the tapes must be spinning and fixed with plastic clamps, and the hose must be connected using an adapter 20-15.

Installation of the drip system using the pump

The pump can be used in the drip irrigation system or to fill the tank for watering, or in order to increase the pressure in the system itself. In the first case, the work diagram is almost no different from the above watering from the water supply. This requires a water level sensor in the container, which will turn off the pump as it is filling.

The sensor can be made it with your own hands, connecting the terminal switch to the valve from the toilet tank. However, the inclusion and off of the pump will not occur at the same time as a result of the "bounce" of the switch contacts, which can output the pump. The control scheme will have to supplement the timer that is sold in the store of electrical goods. All questions are solved simply if you purchase a finished pumping station.

In the absence of water supply, watering is organized by pump

In the case of the application of the pump in order to lift the pressure in the water flow rate system of drip irrigation, it is possible to use a gearbox or special compensated droppers together with a pipeline withsting the pressure generated by the pump. It is very important to choose a pump that will provide the necessary water consumption with some reserve. Read also.

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You can disable some lines of watering, mounted the cranes that have rubber seals. If there is a desire to ensure the optimal work of the droplets made, then watering should start about 3 times during the day. If we are talking about a moderately hot weather, then the resulting moisture will be enough for two or three days, which is relevant in the case of those summer houses that visit the garden with a certain frequency.

Advantages of technology

Many dacities face the problem of organizing the right and regular watering of plants. To solve this issue, droppers are used for drip irrigation. They can be made independently by installing inside the greenhouses and greenhouses for plants that rain moisture do not receive. This approach has many advantages, among them you can select the absence of damage to the root plant of the plant. Unlike the conventional watering method, the drone does not imply an excess of moisture in the roots, which can contribute to the back.

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Water supply source;

You can set the interval according to which the system will turn on and off, as well as the force of pressure.

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Connect a spreading pipe with a water supply system after establishing a dispenser connector with a crane. For this, the detachable connection is mounted. Then roll over the ribbon of watering the suitable length, the ends of the sleeves are connected to the transfer cranes of the main pipes. To do this, the crane wear a drip ribbon and fixed with a plastic nut. After that, the ends of the sleeves are muff - it is shifted or fixed with the thread instead of the clamp.

Thread and plastic nuts.

Important information on design

In addition, thanks to this system, the soil does not need to loosen, the moisture falls into the ground to the necessary depth, does not lose volume and does not evaporate. Compared to the upper irrigation, the structure of the soil is not destroyed. With intense evaporation, the leaves of the plants do not get a burn.

Calculate the need for the water of tomatoes

Before the automatic drip watering the greenhouse will be launched, be sure to blow it with air under high pressure. This is important, since a piece of plastic or a different garbage can be caught in the tubes, which reliably borders the system. It can be installed not only near the stem, but at an altitude of 10-20 cm. Such a drip watering device in the greenhouse ensures quick visual detection of defects and their speedy elimination.

Watering cucumbers

One custard bush is much more "voracious", it consumes no less than two liters per day. Suppose that on the same ten meters you plant 100 bushes in four rows. If you repel from this, then the watering tape 4x10 m is required, in which the nozzles are located every 20 cm. Thus, it will take 228 liters through an hour through the system, which leads us to the need to include it every day for 105 minutes. We highly recommend landing seeds or seedlings after all the elements of the system are mounted.

Watering cabbage

For many centuries, the existence of agriculture has been so improved in the desire to preserve moisture, which created various automated irrigation systems. So, in Saudi Arabia, Israel and other arid countries, drip irrigation is widespread. In our area, this method has not been popular until recently.

Simultaneous watering of all cultures

Approximately so. And from what, choose to you. This is notable as they say or seems

What do you need to mount the system?

When making a dropper for drip irrigation, it is originally necessary to install a container in order to power the system with water. A submersible pump is installed in the tank, the performance of which should be equivalent to the required flow through all the system droppers. It is important to rely on that on the day for the tomato bush will need 1.5 liters, whereas 2 liters will need for a cush. As soon as the droppers for drip irrigation will be ready, a polyethylene trunk pipe for water should be connected to the submersible pump. The diameter of this element can range from 16 to 32 millimeters. The pressure, which will be created by the pump, will allow the pipe from the hole in the container, which can be placed on top. However, you can drill the tank in the wall, and after installing the seal, having embarked in the fitting, through which the pipe will pass. When dripping drops are made for drip irrigation, you can use fittings in an amount of 1 thing in the event that the element will have the form of the letter T. Two fittings will be needed using a M-shaped element. The trunk tube must be carried out on 3 beds. Pipes at the ends of each bed must be drowning. At the next stage, it is possible to organize a drip watering for each bush through a dropper.

Fittings for drip irrigation Most often apply simple or with a crane. In the selective irrigation of the site uses minicarans. Fitting function with a crane is to control the water supply for watering.

What irregular ribbon to purchase?

Filters for cleaning;

We start assembly

If the device is installed correctly, it can pour even remote areas.

Drip watering trees, created, or vegetables - a universal device. It is used in places where other irrigation methods cannot be used:

What to choose water tank

To create the irrigation system, it is necessary to draw a plan for its site, where this device will function.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to purchase some details to create a device, since it is impossible to manufacture individual droppers, a drop hose, a start-connector, water filters, water pipes, and more.

Complete work

After that, you can start planting plants. Of course, each bush is planted as close as possible to the nozzles. If the plants are small, their grouping is allowed. The soil is mounted, the layer of mulch must be at least five centimeters. For this purpose, you can use a black PVC film.

One kochan cabbage per day "drinks" about 2.5 liters of water. If you decide six rows of cucumbers for ten meters, you will need a tape on which nozzles will be located every 40 cm. For an hour, all bushes will require 172 liters of water, so that the total watering time will be 130 minutes.

Relatively recently, farmers finally came to the conclusion that drip watering in the greenhouse not only guarantees the uninterrupted plant supply to water, but also allows you to get much more harvests, applying less effort.


How to make a drip watering with your own hands. Drop irregulation scheme

Read here)))))))))))

What is this system?

Making droppers for drip irrigation with your own hands, in the trunk pipes you need to drill or break through the holes for the installation of an unregulated compensated dropper, the working pressure of which is 4 atmospheres. You can do a hole for adjustable droppers. The element is inserted into the hole of the main pipe, then you need to bring water to the roots using a polyethylene 6 mm tube. For fastening in the air, the end of the element needs to be mounted a tip that deepens into the soil around the bush.

The injector is a mechanism for adding water-supplying chemicals and fertilizers to the roasting area by means of a drip system.

Additional equipment (pumps, injectors, dispensers, etc.).

Irrigation in Teplice

Automatic watering economically consumes water.

On the ground where a big bias or complex relief.

In order to make a drip watering with their own hands, it is necessary to draw a plan for the location of the beds and individual plants in need of watering. It is necessary to consider where the pipes of the system, shut-off valves, drip hoses and autonomous droppers will be placed. In the case of a gentle slope on the site, it is advisable to place drip hoses under the slope, and the main pipes are in a horizontal position. Then note all the locations of the connections in the pipelines. All this is necessary to calculate the necessary additional parts of the drip irrigation system. When connecting, use the tee or start-connector that performs its function. It is installed directly into the pipe.

The standard diagram of drip irrigation, with their own hands is manufactured, provides for some stationary and minimal amount of branching. For the natural supply of moisture from the accumulative capacity of a sufficient single handouting pipe, to which drip tubes are attached. In order for the mechanism to become more functional, the industrial water level controller and the turning off sensor of the watering system. Having spent some time, forces and money, you can secure a high harvest and evening rest.

Drop Watering Device Scheme

This is how homemade drip watering is done in the greenhouse.

Thus, for irrigation of all cultures at the same time, you will need to spend 475 in one hour. If you take into account all the characteristics that we led to above, you can create an automated water supply system without any special difficulties. The easiest way to use a special reservoir filled with the required volume of fluid: sending it along the watering tape, you can easily with pollen, all plants exactly in the amount they need.

Despite the practically continuous soil moisturizing, this technology allows you to maintain up to 50% used for water irrigation. In addition, due to the complete absence of the smelting of the soil, its structure is maintained, and you save your strength and time. In the end, turn the crane is much easier than running around the site with watering can and bucket. Simply put, your work will be not so heavy, and its performance will increase significantly.

  • How I did a drip watering - Country Forum
  • Making a dropper for drip irrigation with your own hands, you can install the submersible pump on the timer, which will be responsible for disconnecting and turning the supply of electricity. Thus, you can adjust the functioning of the pump.
  • The device of drip irrigation, with his own hands created, does not only irrigation, but also feeding plants. The benefits of it are as follows:
  • The central highway is a polyethylene tube, the diameter of which depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe land. One end of the pipe is connected to a water source, and the other is closed with a plug.
  • In order to save, such a system can be made personally.
  • In areas with a limited amount of water.
  • Before building drip watering with your own hands, you should choose the right equipment. For the main pipeline, it is better to buy plastic pipes, as they have a small weight, inexpensive and cannot be corrosion. In addition, such pipes will make it possible to supply fertilizers soluble in water, to the place of watering.

Irrigation kit includes:

Plot plan

Many people grow vegetables, flowers or strawberries on their household plot. All plants require irrigation, but not all owners can carry out it in a timely manner. Folk craftsmen found a way to solve this problem by creating a drip watering for bed with their own hands, which gained popularity among dacities.

Choose equipment and material

If you decide to make a thread drip, with your own hands, you will need a thin and long plastic tube. Its diameter should be at least 15 mm, and the color is preferable to black, since the opaque walls will prevent the development and growth in it algae. Since the water in the system will move slowly, the small diameter of the hose will make it possible to create such a pressure that would be enough for watering. The length of each segment is ideally six or eight meters.

It is important! Each agronomist knows that it is impossible to water the plants on a hot sunny day: water drops on the leaves refract the sunlight, turning into miniature, but extremely efficient, lenses. As a result, deep burns appear on the leaves, the plant is ill, its yield falls. If you use drip watering in a greenhouse, you will not have such problems.

Drip watering is also available, homemade, managed by a timer programmer. ... True not 200, and 1000 liters. And raised by 3-5m (depending on where to measure) is such a landscape. Total there are 6 landing zones, polivated from this tank

The process of performing drip irrigation

The dropper for the drip irrigation system can be performed on the basis of the tape. This will allow you to equip not fully automated watering. Such a solution is suitable if one culture is located in the greenhouse or several, each of which is characterized by the same requirements for watering. At the same time, a drip tape is paved in which droppers are installed. The consumption of the latter should be 2 liters per hour. The distance between the elements should be from 30 to 50 cm. After the ribbon came to go to beds, you will get a drip dosage watering of each bush. To the main pipe, such tapes are fixed through starting thenectors with valves. The pipe, as in the previous system, should be connected to the container in which the submersible pump is located, equipped with a timer.

Saving water;

Pump for drip irrigation should be selected according to the plumbing system (tanks, well or well). There are three types of pump:

Rapid pipes and detachable connections

Most dachensons grown strawberries on their land plots. This plant requires careful care. Watering strawberries plays an important role. The growth and development of bushes depends on its quality, and how abundant a crop will grow. Water for strawberries is very important, since its roots are located in the upper soil layer and cannot eat moisture from deep layers.

If water with a high salt content.

We should consider the water supply of the device of the drip irrigation of the land. If there is no water supply, an economical solution in this case will be the installation of a fluid-filled container at an altitude of two meters. It is recommended to cover water from direct sunlight from entering it. Place the pipes and hose at the discretion of the owners: they are placed right on the ground, hang on the supports or bury. Mainly choose the first option, as it is simply economical. But in this case it is better to use opaque pipes in order to avoid water flowering. For an underground pipeline, a material with thick walls is recommended. Installation of drip irrigation with your own hands requires the mandatory use of filters for water purification. Due to this material, the likelihood of drip hoses is reduced. In addition, you should think about the type and number of start connectors that will be used.

  1. Pipes of water pipeline (plastic);
  2. This branched device of water pipes, with which water flows to the root system of plants is carried out. The principle of action is very simple. The liquid enters the container from the water supply or pumped by the pump from the well, and from there pipes and drip tubes goes to plants in need of irrigation. Ensure the simplest drip watering with their own hands can every owner of the country area.
  3. The nozzles are easy to do from medical systems for intravenous injections, the diameter of the needle in which does not exceed 1-2 mm. As we have already spoken, their number is determined, based on the preferred type of vegetable crops.
  4. Following drops, the water gradually impresses the soil, and the moisturization is very uniform. The usual watering leads to the formation of deep puddles on the surface of the Earth, while the moisture is deeply penetrated. In the hot years, this leads to the fact that the plants simply are not allowed to moisture.
  5. (Cottage. VCB. RU).

When droppers adjustable for drip irrigation are manufactured, then work can be made by several other technology. To do this, you can use the tools and materials that each Master will find in its own arsenal. This system is built on the principle of functioning of a traditional medical dropper. To ensure the irrigation of the garden, a rubber hose will be required, a few plugs, a device for filtering water, dropper, as well as sewer. The technology of work involves the connection of the hose to the plumbing system. Further goes to the move, with which it will be necessary to do holes in the dropper hose. The hose is fixed, but the filtering device is pre-installed. For such a system, a completely any filter is suitable, the dimensions of which will correspond to goals. The end of the hose, as in the method described above, is drunk, which will eliminate water leakage. Now the system of droppers can be laid under the plants.

Automatic drip watering

Rationing of the required moisture;

  1. Submersible (well and well). They are used to roll water from great depths.
  2. There are three main types of watering: sprinkle, drip and irrigation. For strawberries, it is recommended to use combined watering. First use conventional sprinkles, it removes dust from the leaves. For the second phase of plant growth, drip type of irrigation is used. It differs from other ways to what moisture is under root, the plant consumes the necessary moisture rate, which prevents the mooring of the soil.
  3. In areas with an unstable climate.
  4. As soon as the beds are formed, you can proceed to install the device. Before using the system, you need to rinse it. First remove the plugs and start the water, the dirty must drain. It should be known that drip watering, with your own hands created, requires regular filter cleaning. This can be done personally, without the help of specialists.
  5. Clean filters for water and plugs;

Of course, the main part of the elements will have to buy in a specialized store. Choosing the spreading pipes, determining their length and diameter, should be focused on the intended water consumption and watering scheme. The main thing is to make a layout simple, but practical, with a minimum number of connecting elements. Any fitting included in the drip mechanism is a blocking zone. Given the quality of water in the country areas, the item can be a trap for dirt.

Watering strawberries

Reliable to purchase the finished watering ribbon. There are models with a wall thickness of just 200 microns, the diameter of which is 16 mm. Through equal gaps in them, the nozzles for water are mounted. For cucumbers, beets and carrots are permissible between them at 15 cm, for tomatoes, it is necessary to 30 cm. Such a drip watering system is collected literally in a couple of minutes.

In addition, drip watering in the greenhouse makes it possible to delimibly deliver water to each plant, without worrying whether such or another culture has received a sufficient amount of moisture. This is especially important in the case of tomatoes and cucumbers, as they are most demanding on the conditions of moistening and its regularity.

System design


  • Homemade droppers for drip irrigation will work on the principle of adjustable water supply with a crane. If you use modern technology, the process will be able to automate. In this case, the master will have to spend money on the purchase of sensors and a motor-block. The first of them will help control the humidity of the soil.
  • The ability to water densely planted areas;
  • Surface (centrifugal and vortex). They raise water from shallow wells.
  • Dripping strawberry watering with their own hands can be made on the household plot, it is a good help for summer residents. The design itself is simple:
  • On soils with an overestimated or low level of hygroscopicity.
  • The main components of the system are plastic ribbons with holes and main leveling pipes. First of all, you need to do the main pipes - withdraw two allures along the tracks. On both sides of them are placed two leveling pipes. They are connected to the plumbing system with detachable connections. Then the tape of drip irrigation is connected to the spreading pipes, it passes through the entire perimeter of the site through the distribution crane. By performing the installation of drip irrigation with your own hands, make and combine some details. These are spreading pipes, detachable connections for the plumbing system.
  • Drip hose and dropper;

No matter how much I wanted to save yourself from a regular evening irrigation with a hose in your hand, you should not create a complex plumbing device on its site, otherwise it will be impossible to walk there, and it will have to repair it constantly.

To securely fix the nozzles, fittings are needed with rubber gaskets. Each of them, in the ideal case, should be equipped with cranes. This design will be ideal for watering various types of plants, as it allows you to accurately dispense the amount of water for each bush.

  1. The principle of operation of the automatic irrigation system consists in the dosage and gradual moisture supply. Depending on the type of plants and soil, the moisture can act as constantly (drops) and in small portions at certain intervals. Due to the fact that the ground is constantly moistened, they do not grow styling, do not enter the dry soil zone. If we talk about arid areas, it is an extremely important circumstance.
  2. Buck per 1 cu is enough for 1 hour of drip irrigation, if you are going to let several hoses. And it is not necessary to raise high, since the hoses will lie on the ground.
  3. If you are made by compensated droppers for drip irrigation, which you can perform according to one of the above methods, you will need to make some calculations. Thus, each dropper in the process of functioning consumes water in a volume of 1.5 liters in 1 hour. This condition is true at a pressure, which is equivalent to 0.8 atmospheres. If you purchase a drip ribbon in the store, then its length should be 30 cm. After carrying out simple calculations, it can be concluded that in 1 hour the system will be spent about 450 liters of water.

Exception of soil pollution.

Pumping stations. This type of pumps pumps clean water from a depth of 9 meters.

  1. Central highway;
  2. This collects drip watering of the garden with their own hands. To avoid breakthrough, it is recommended to adjust the water pressure.

The installation of drip irrigation is made with your own hands with a laying pipe, which can perform a polyethylene watering pipe of the required length with a diameter of 4 cm. Of course, it is possible to use a more or smaller diameter product, but it is most suitable for fixing the start-connector with a crane. .

Soap solution and silicone lubrication;

The drip system is designed for rational irrigation during the absence of hosts in the country area. First of all, it is necessary for greenhouses and greenhouses, where natural precipitates do not come, and the lack of moisture can lead to the death of plants, which is unacceptable. Drip watering greenhouses, with their own hands mounted, is able to become an effective assistant to the dac. It contributes to an increase in the harvest several times, protects plants from a phytoophotor disease, improves their appearance and saves water consumption. Thanks to such a system, the upper layer of the soil is not moistened, despite the fact that the bottom receives a sufficient norm of water. This allows you to maintain a balanced capillary soil moisture. Due to this, the deposition of salt on the surface of the soil and plants is excluded.

  • To connect the watering ribbon to the pipeline, you will have to drill the desired number of openings of the corresponding diameter. A rubber gasket is superimposed on the hole, after which the fitting is inserted into it. The drip irrigation hose is laid along a variety, after which it is attached to the fitters.
  • Since the water on the irrigation system is moving slowly, it gives her time to warm up to the temperature optimal for plants. As a result, drip watering in the greenhouse contributes to the creation of an optimal microclimate and air parameters, which also extremely favorably affects the growth rates and fruiting of vegetable crops.
  • There is such a science - hydrodynamics, there all these formulas are painted.
  • If an external compensated dropper for drip irrigation will be used, taking into account the maintenance of the aforementioned pressure and water consumption, then an hour later, it is possible to check the soil, which should be moisturized to a depth ranging from 30 to 50 cm. This will be quite enough. It is not necessary to leave the device in working condition for a longer time, as this can cause the death of plants from excess moisture.

In addition, fertigation is used with drip irrigation. This is a method for fertilizing strawberries with liquid nutrients, soluble in water, which come to the plant on the hose with the pump.

Pressure compensation tape is the best choice for a drip watering device. It does not make floods at the end of long beds.



Drops for drip watering with their own hands

With your own hands, creating a device for automatic watering of plants, you can significantly make it easier to work on the household plot. Such an adaptation can evenly distribute moisture and beneficially influence the development of cultures. Automatic drip watering with their own hands began to do to replace their hoses. It is very convenient and has a number of advantages:

Production of dropper on their own

Cut off the pipe of the desired length, on the one hand they put the plug, and with the other, it makes the transition to the water supply device. On the entire perimeter of the pipe drill holes with a diameter of 14 mm (this is the optimal size for reliable fastening of the connector). The distance between them should correspond to the intervals between the rows of plants. A sealing gum is inserted into the distribution crane where the start-connector is mounted. It is recommended to moisten it in a soap solution or silicone lubricant for high functionality. Connector with a crane allows you to adjust the water supply in such a device, like a drip watering, with your own hands.

Technology of work

Drip watering prevents the development of weeds and creates favorable conditions for the care of greenhouse plants. The paths between the garden are dry, and the plants are clean.

Production of a dropper based on a ribbon

As a source of water, you can use any reservoir, fixed at an altitude of about two or three meters. From natural reservoirs, water should not be poured there. This is due to a large number of microscopic algae, which are contained there. If you get into warm and comfortable conditions, they begin to grow instantly, clogging conductive tubes and nozzles.

Alternative solution

Is it possible to construct such a system yourself? It is quite real, but you will need patience and some plumbing skills. At first it is necessary to think through the location of each seedling, calculate the distance between them. It is very important to take into account the type of culture. This is due to the fact that for the same cabbage, a mode is required for such in the cultivation of tomatoes. Consequently, if in the same greenhouse you plan to raise several types of plants at once, for each of them we will have to mount a separate irrigation system.

I made a type of drip irrigation: in the old hose plastics, I told the scissors of the Tsweets to dialas up to 2mm chaotic and lifted the snake hose on the strawberry. Only holes should be made by 4-5 meters from the end, depending on the potted tank to the watering place.

Calculation for the arrangement of drip irrigation

If you decide to equip a drip watering system in the garden, and it is necessary to work with a plot of 150 square meters, then you should use 120 meters long ribbon. Locating a dropper at a distance of 30 cm from each other, you will receive water consumption, which will be 3.8 liters per hour. The polyethylene water pipe must be placed over the entire width of the irrigated area. Used for water tank should be made of plastic. Perhaps it will be necessary in a fitting that has an outer thread. It is to be installed in the water tank.

A drip system can be watering and in greenhouses, since a manual method can only harm plants. Water, falling between the rows, stimulates the development of weeds. The device works on the principle of cyclic water supply, so a beneficial effect on plants and does not contribute to the development of unnecessary herbs.

Filters are two types:

Tape or hose;


Allows you to install the daily irrigation of plants at the same time.


How to make homemade drip watering, tank is 1000 liters and hoses

Mityai Buankkin

The connection device to the pipeline is performed mainly from polyethylene pipes. To begin with, both parties carry out taps, plus another one to connect the hose. To the removal, which is connected to the water supply, solder the ball valve, the function of which is in the overlap of water in the sleeve. Then, the transition corresponding to the diameter of the water pipeline is fixed on a spreading pipe. A detachable connection is soldered between the crane and pipes, it will allow you to disconnect the entire design of the device for the winter period.

Tatyana Lenenina

Ball valve and polyethylene pipes;

With an automatic drip irrigation system, self-irrigation is carried out. Water moisturizes the ground only in the proliferation places of the root system, it slowly, evenly and continuously approaches each plant in the amount that he needs.
If you still have to use such moisture, you need to defend it and still mix with the plumbing. Do not forget about the filters, the most effective of which are coal models. However, the cost of a high-quality filter is such that sometimes it is more profitable to change the conductive tubes more often.
It is known that tomatoes per day requires at least one and a half liters of water for each bush. Suppose that in a greenhouse ten meters long, you will plant a hundred bushes in two rows. In this case, you will need to buy a special irrigation tape 2x10 m, the nozzles in which will be located at a time of 30 cm. Each of them issues about 1.14 liters in an hour, which leads us to the conclusion that the system of irrigation will be launched Exactly 80 minutes. During this time, about 80 liters of water will be skipping through it.
If the tank is plastic, does not roll, gets off the paint. He is so beautiful.

Liza Khalanai.

In order to attach the hose, you should prepare a crane with a 3/4-inch carvings. The transition from the inner thread to the external can be provided by the method of using the Forto. To the hose you need to purchase a coupling. The master will need to attach the tape with the help of rubberized fittings, which, taking into account the above conditions, should be purchased in an amount of 8 pieces.
By installing the system, we hope it will serve a long time. To create it, it is better to buy high-quality materials, even if they cost a little more. This will justify this in the future. Drip watering greenhouses, with their own hands mounted from poor-quality materials, can quickly fail, and it will have to be replaced completely.
Thin cleaning. It is recommended to apply a disk filter.

Thanks to this watering, oxygen freely circulates, due to which the land, top, is not covered with a dry crust.

Hoses for drip irrigation Drip watering in the garden

To obtain high and high-quality yields of both fruit and vegetable crops, a considerable amount of water is required. But in the summer, in the midst of fruiting, and especially in dry years, the number of natural precipitation is clearly not enough. And greenhouses and greenhouses are completely deprived.

Therefore, many gardeners and gardeners are puzzled by irrigation issues. Someone decides to water them manually, and someone is from the hose.

But how to be when the site has a considerable area and such watering methods are physically severe, and not even effective, and if you need to make fertilizers in a liquid form, what to do with plants that do not bear droplets on the leaves?

Here on the revenue and comes drip irrigation. About such a way of watering and will be discussed.

What is a drip irrigation system?

She is represents a branched water systemWith the help of which the liquid is produced into the root area of \u200b\u200bplants. The essence of functioning is extremely simple. The water first enters the storage tank from the water pipe or pumps out of the well, then on the main pipes, and then dripping directly to landings.

Provide a simple drip irrigation with your own hands has the ability to anyone, even a novice garden.

Of course, some of the components will need to be purchased in a specialized outlet. Selecting the pipes for wiring, aligning with their length and diameter, it is necessary to focus on the planned water consumption and the necessary irrigation scheme. But, you need to make a wiring as simple as possible - with a small amount of connective components used. Because every fitting that enters the drip irrigation system will be a blocking zone. And this, in turn, can accumulate dirt.

Do not create an unnecessarily complex water supply system on your own site, because the movement will be difficult, and the need to repair will often occur.

Watering in closed soil

The drip irrigation system is aimed at the most rational provision of water, at the absence of a person in its garden plot. And, above all, she is in demand in greenhouses and greenhouseswhich are not provided with atmospheric precipitation, and the lack of moisture can entail the death of cultivated plants.

Drip irrigation of greenhouses and greenhouses mounted with their own hands, most likely, will be a significant help of the gathering. It significantly increases yield, minimizes the incidence of phytoofluoro, increases the commodity species of grown cultures and allows you to spend water economically. Thanks to this method of irrigation, the surface layer of the soil is not overwhelmed, while the deeper layers are obtained by the necessary rate of water. This makes it possible to keep the capillary moisture content of the soil within the normal range.

Drip watering does not favor the growth of weed plants and creates comfortable conditions for servicing greenhouse crops. Passages between landings dry, and the plants themselves are not contaminated. With an automated drip irrigation system, watering is produced with minimal human intervention. Water enters the ground only in the locations of the root system, she evenly and constantly supplied to each plant, in such a quantity that he needs.

To all of the time, thanks to such a system, the ground can less often loose, the moisture immediately falls into it to the desired depth. In comparison with the usual irrigation, when using drip, the natural structure of the soil is not violated. With strong solar radiation plants are not subject to burnsWhat is observed when dropping drops on the leaves.

Drop irregulation scheme

As already mentioned, for the installation of the system will need to buy some details, as they independently build separate droppers, a drop hose, the start-connector, various filters and pipes of the main highway, difficult.

The basic diagram of drip irrigation, which is created by their own hands, implies a certain stationarity and a small amount of branches. In order for water to be fed naturally from water tank, it will be enough single main pipeFrom which drip tubes depart. To give the system more functionality, you can mount a special fluid pressure regulator and watering off sensor.

Basic components of irrigation system:

  1. Pipe plug (optimally plastic);
  2. Water and plug cleaning filters;
  3. Drip hose and dropper;
  4. Start connector and tee;
  5. Ball valve and polyethylene pipes;
  6. Plastic nuts.

For the construction of a drip irrigation system, you need to clarify the plan of the site on which the system will be located.

Plan of land

In order to mount the drip watering on their own, it will be necessary to draw a plan for the location of the planned plantations that need irrigation. It is necessary to think through where the system pipes will be laid, shut-off valves, as well as drip tubes and autonomous droppers. When the site is a gentle slope, will be correct locate drip hoses under a definite slopeand the pipe lay horizontally.

After placing all the places of future connections in the pipes. All this will be required to calculate the number of necessary components of the drip irrigation system.

Selection of components and material

Before independently constructing a drip watering, you need to select suitable components of the future system. For a trunk pipe optimal to acquire plastic pipesSince they have low weight, relatively inexpensive and are not corrosion.

It is also necessary to consider the supply of water drip watering system. If there is no plumbing, the rational solution in such a situation will be the installation of the water-filled container on the elevation of about two meters. Recommended isolate water from direct sunlight penetration, in order to avoid the development of algae.

Laying the pipes and hoses is carried out at the discretion of the gardener: they can be placed directly on the ground, hang on the supports or burst. Most often stop in the first version, as it is quite simple and inexpensive. But in that case requires opaque pipesTo avoid water blooming. To lay an underground pipeline, material with durable, thicker walls is used.

Creating drip irrigation with your own hands will require the mandatory use of filters for water purification. It is due to them that the probability of clogging and damage of drip hoses decreases. Also, besides the specified, you need to choose the type and number of start connectors that will be mounted.

After the beds are delimited, you can already begin directly installing the system. Before running the system, it is required to rinse.

Removing the plug and put the water to the full flow of dirty water. It should be remembered that drip watering will require periodic cleaning of all filters. it perhaps to do it yourselfwithout resorting to the help of qualified specialists.

Drip irrigation installation process

The main parts of the system are plastic ribbons, with holes and trunk, spreading pipes. First of all, the main pipes are laid - they are derived along the tracks. On both sides of them are stacked by laying pipes.

The main pipes are joined to the water supply system by reversing connections. After that, the tapes of drip irrigation are mounted to the spreading pipes, they, through the distribution crane, pass throughout the desired perimeter.

Installation of the drip system of watering with its own hands is carried out using a laying pipes that can serve polyethylene watering trumpet The desired length, with a diameter of about 4 cm. Of course, you can apply the product of another diameter, but this diameter is best for the installation of the start-connector with a crane.

Cut off the pipe of the required length, on the one hand, the plug is fastened, and on the other, with the help of the crane, you need to go to the water supply. All over the perimeter of the pipe, the holes are made with a diameter of 14 mm (this is the most optimal diameter to reliably fix the connector). The segments between the connectors must coincide with the intervals between the landings. A sealing gasket is installed in the distribution crane, after the start-connector is mounted. Specialists advise moisten it in soap solution or silicone lubricationFor better connection. Connector with a crane provides adjustment of water supply in the irrigation system, built with their own hands on the processed area.

Rapid pipes and fasteners

Connection to the pipeline is most often using polyethylene pipes. In both directions, there are still taps, an additional one, to attach the hose. To the removal, which is connected to the water supply, the ball valve is soldered, whose task is to stop circulating water in the sleeve. After a production pipe, an adapter is mounted, which must match the diameter of the water pipeline. In the interval between the crane and conductive pipes conclusion connection is insertedwhich makes it possible to easily disconnect the entire design of the system at the end of the season.

The connection of the spreading pipe with the water supply system is already after installation of the dispenser connector equipped with a crane. To this end, the connector connection is established. After rolling the irrigation ribbon, the region of the required length, the edges of the sleeves are combined with handouts of trunk pipes. For this purpose drip tape mounted on the crane And additionally fixed with a plastic nut. At the very end, the edges of the sleeves are closed - plated or insert caps, it is already at their discretion.

Drip watering gardens, made with their own hands, or the garden is a universal system. It is used in places where other watering methods are difficult to apply:

  • In areas where there is a significant slope or problem relief.
  • In areas with difficult to ensure water.
  • In areas with an extreme climate.
  • On soils with an increased or low degree of hygroscopicity.

Automated drip watering

Having with your own hands a system of automated watering of vegetable and fruit crops, you can simplify work in the garden plot. Such a system makes it possible to evenly distribute water and stimulate the development of cultivated cultures.

Automated drip watering is used to replace them with watering from hoses. It is convenient enough and gives a number of advantages:

  1. It makes it possible to install the daily irrigation of plants at a certain time. With this method, watering the soil is not compacted, forming a crust;
  2. It is possible to install the interval, according to which watering will be launched and disconnected, as well as the pressure of the pressure;
  3. If the system is correctly mounted, it is highly irrigated even the most remote areas;
  4. Automated watering reduces water consumption.

To save a similar system, it is quite possible to make it yourself.

Watering planting strawberries

Many dackets cultivate on their own land plots of strawberries (which, most often, is incorrectly called strawberries, since the most common in culture is a homemade gardening, or strawberry, and strawberries, which is quite another biological species, is growing extremely rarely). This culture needs serious care. A significant role is played by high-quality irrigation strawberries. The development of plants depends on its quality and how the harvest will be. Water for strawberries is extremely important, since the root system of this culture is located in the surface layer and is not capable of providing water from the underlying soil layers water.

Two main types of watering are common: sprinkling and drip. For strawberries, it is recommended to use combined watering.

Initially, development is used the most ordinary sprinkling, to remove pollution from leaves. For subsequent phases of plant development, drip watering method is used. His main difference from other ways is that liquid directly goes to the root location areaThe plant uses the required amount of water, which, in turn, avoids the mooring of the soil. Thus, it is possible in its site to grow yields of this berry, not worse than industrial.

System design

Dripping strawberries with their own hands can be mounted on the country area, it will be a good help for gardeners.

The design is not too complicated:

The central pipeline is a polyethylene pipe. On the one hand, it is connected to a water source, and on the other it is blocked by a plug.

The pump for the design of drip irrigation must be selected based on the type of water source. The most common three groups of pumps are the most common:

  1. Submersible (well and well). They are used when pumping water from a significant depth of the occurrence.
  2. Surface (centrifugal and vortex). They pump out water from a small depth.
  3. Pumping stations.

Ribbons, for the construction of drip irrigation with their own hands, it is best to select with pressure compensation - they are not flooded at the end of large runs.

Filters exist 2 types:

  • Thin cleaning. Basically use disk structures.
  • Rough cleaning. Walked brass structures.

Fittings for drip watering systems most often apply simple, as well as with a crane. In selective watering the site apply mini-cranes.

Injector is a mechanism that is used to add milk-dissolved fertilizers into the root system zone with a drip system.

The design of the drip irrigation system collected by their own hands allows you to perform not only watering, but also mineral feeding of plants. This process is called fertigation. It is such a way of feeding plants with complex fertilizers, which are dissolved in water. They reaches the roots on the hose, using the pump.

Applying a drip system can be watering and in the closed soilSince manual watering can only harm plants. Water falling into the aisle of cultivated plants can stimulate the growth of weeds.

As follows from the foregoing, creating a drip watering with their own hands is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

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