
Fedor Bondarchuk divorced his wife because of her betrayals. Fedor Bondarchuk divorced his wife because of Paulina Andreeva? Personal life of Fedor Bondarchuk after divorce

After Fyodor Bondarchuk announced his divorce from his wife Svetlana, and then was noticed by media representatives coming out with actress Paulina Andreeva, the opinion was strengthened in the public mind that Fedor broke up with his wife precisely because of this attractive brunette.


Apparently, the gossip around his personal life bothered Bondarchuk so much that he decided to clarify the situation. In particular, the actor said that he did not divorce his wife because of Paulina. But the ex-wife is grateful. “I value the fact that Svetlana and I have gone through this difficult period of life with dignity, with respect for each other. This is valuable,” admitted Bondarchuk.

Fedor called everything that journalists wrote immediately after he parted with his wife as "absolute lies". "One period just ended and another began," the actor explained.

Bondarchuk spoke about his current relationship with Paulina to HELLO! : “I was free when I met Paulina, and I was free not for a month or a week, but for several years. And I think it's right when people who respect themselves in the first place can not lie to themselves and say directly that they have to be ready for change. Each of us has had our own life for a long time, we just did not consider it necessary to advertise it. "

In conclusion, the actor stated: “The fact that all the changes took place because of someone in particular is not so. The fact that another person appeared in my life completely regardless of all the circumstances - yes, it happened. I'm happy today - that's also a fact. "

We will remind, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk broke up in March after 25 years of marriage. The couple filed for divorce, "still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for their relatives." Svetlana and Fyodor preferred to remain silent about the reasons for the separation, getting off with general phrases like "tired of each other", "had to leave so as not to lose themselves."

"We, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, are reporting: we have decided to divorce" - this is how the 25-year-old and seemingly exemplary marriage of two famous people ended. Fans of the star couple could not even imagine that in the strongest union of Russian cinema there could be irreconcilable differences. But when Fyodor Bondarchuk came out with Paulina Andreeva, everyone realized that the spouses were talking seriously about the divorce. As Svetlana herself later admitted, she was more scared than Fedor.

For a quarter of a century, their union has been tested more than once, but they have always remained together and supported each other. Married to Svetlana, Fedor became a famous director, and his wife achieved success as a TV presenter, businesswoman and editor-in-chief of a popular glossy magazine. The marriage of Fedor and Svetlana survived even when the singer Lika Star publicly spoke about her romance with Bondarchuk. But on the eve of his birthday, the director said: "At the age of 50, I decided that I was born again." Many then blamed Paulina Andreeva for the separation of the spouses, called her a homeless woman. But there were no comments from the former spouses ...

Svetlana was born in Moscow. The parents divorced when the girl was very young, and her mother got married again. "As a child, I was very modest and a little complex about my height. I stood out from the crowd of girls and boys, I was taller than many. I had self-doubt," recalls Bondarchuk. To overcome complexes, her grandmother sent her to a casting of models, and the girl went through it. “It was absolutely stressful, but I'm glad it happened to me. Then I worked as a model for a while,” she said.

Svetlana was 16 years old when she first met with Fyodor Bondarchuk visiting a mutual friend. "He was modest and not bohemian, very cheerful, open and in love. It was love at first sight, and I thought then:" Probably he will be my husband, "Svetlana admitted. They met for a long time, and then got married when they decided to become a family. ”Fedor made her an offer right on the set of Sergey Mazayev’s video, which he was working on then. In 1991, they had a son, Sergei, and in 1999, a daughter, Varya. The girl was born prematurely, so she has features "Everything is fine with Varya now, she is a happy child, growing up in absolute love. Her birth only brought the family together, Fyodor showed himself to be a caring, amazing person, "Bondarchuk said frankly.

In 2016, it became known that the couple were getting divorced. According to Svetlana, this decision was difficult for them. "We have no one left for the sake of someone, just there was a crisis in the relationship, from which we could not get out. New relationships for each of us appeared only after a while. This is important to understand, because Fedor was condemned for this, his girlfriend ", - Svetlana admitted. “Everything crumbles when there is no interaction, when people stop hearing each other. Love is something that needs to be worked on every day. she.

Bondarchuk noted that the most difficult thing after parting with her husband was to go out alone. But over time, she began to cope with this, because she understood that the right decision in this situation would be to open up to the world.

According to Svetlana, life after the divorce became interesting, she got freedom. Now she is happy in a new relationship and is of the opinion that happiness loves silence. “I have always wanted to love and be loved. It seems to me that this is the main purpose of a person. And no work can replace love,” she admitted.

How does Svetlana remember her first meeting with her future father-in-law, director Sergei Bondarchuk? How did the son of Svetlana and Fedor experience the divorce of their parents? How did Fyodor Bondarchuk react to the fact that Svetlana posted a photo of his first joint appearance with Paulina Andreeva on the cover of her magazine? And who is the man who is next to Svetlana today? Answers - in the program

After Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk officially announced their divorce, many began to wonder what (or who) could destroy the union, which seemed to have passed the test of fire, water and copper pipes.

The versions were different, but in the metropolitan get-together they are talking louder about Paulina Andreeva, before whom, according to insiders, the famous director could not resist. It is noteworthy that Fyodor Bondarchuk is like two drops of water similar to the father of a young actress, St. Petersburg businessman Oleg Andreev.

Many have long considered the marriage of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk a formality - evil tongues argued that the star couple had not lived together for a long time, but only maintained the appearance of a family at social events. However, none of the passions attributed to the director could convince him to divorce his wife.

According to rumors, it was Paulina who insisted that her filmmaker free himself from the bonds of marriage. Apparently, Fyodor Bondarchuk is really serious this time.

So far, neither Bondarchuk nor Andreeva have commented on the rumors about their romance in any way. However, on the set of Cinema in Detail, the chemistry between them was evident.

Fedor eloquently introduced his guest to the audience: “Paulina is not special - she is gorgeous, that's all! I saw her for the first time at "Room 13D" (a performance at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, - site comment). It just knocked me down, because in the conservative theater, some kind of absolute beauty performed. Stunning! Wow! It was a strong impression. " And during the conversation, he threw meaningful glances at the interlocutor.

Nevertheless, at the award ceremony of the Association of Film and Television Producers held on March 29, the beauty appeared alone. Svetlana Bondarchuk also does not comment on the divorce from her husband - she demonstrates to the public that she feels great and has maintained a warm relationship with her ex-husband.

Paulina Andreeva became famous thanks to her work in such TV series as "Thaw" and "Method", she also starred in the first Russian erotic thriller "Locust". The girl has already become closely interested not only by film producers and directors, but also by fashion designers, who are vying with each other to offer her cooperation.

The actress has already managed to enter various ratings of the sexiest celebrities, but she tries not to take it seriously.

In an interview with the Sobaka.ru magazine, Paulina admitted that she was relatively: “I realized that physical beauty usually blooms for a short time. No matter how much you moisturize your face with expensive care products, with age you are as beautiful as you are beautiful from the inside. It is important to remember this, ask yourself questions, are you a normal and decent person, and only then creams and so on. "

Svetlana Bondarchuk, Fyodor Bondarchuk

Two years ago, Svetlana and Fedor Bondarchuk announced the separation after 25 years of marriage. Soon the director appeared at the Kinotavr festival with an actress Paulina Andreeva... The new lover is 21 years younger than Bondarchuk. Friends call their relationship very harmonious, but the director is in no hurry with the wedding.

In August last year, the mother of Fyodor Bondarchuk, People's Artist of the USSR Irina Skobtseva, said that her son is still married to Svetlana:

“I have four pluses for Paulina Andreeva. She is a wonderful actress and a wonderful person. By the way, Fedor has not yet divorced Svetlana, ”explained the 90-year-old artist. The StarHit portal found out why Bondarchuk is in no hurry with a divorce. Friends of the ex-spouses explained that Svetlana and Fedor cannot share the property acquired over the years of marriage.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

“They own a spacious apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street. Plus, he inherited from his father a house on Rublevskoye highway, where his son Sergei now lives with his wife and two daughters. Svetlana prefers not to visit where she used to be the hostess; she chooses neutral territory to meet with her granddaughters.

After the breakup, she moved from the suburbs to a "spare" apartment on the Patriarch's Ponds, an area of ​​about three hundred square meters.

She also owns thirty percent of one of Fedya's restaurants in the capital, ”said the couple. It is noteworthy that a year ago Svetlana opened a bistro "Berezka" on Patriarch's Ponds, and in April this year her assets were replenished with a fitness studio "Fanny".

Svetlana Bondarchuk and Sergey Tabunov

Despite the fact that 49-year-old Svetlana Bondarchuk is happy with 37-year-old photographer and gallery owner Sergei Tabunov, according to the law, her entire business is subject to separation from her legal husband upon divorce. According to the lawyer, it will be very difficult to confirm Fedor's non-involvement in these assets:

“If it is possible to prove that the spouses do not run a joint household and have also opened new projects autonomously, then they are not joint property. But usually the courts do not bother and proceed from the fact that, since the marriage is not dissolved, everything will have to be divided. "

Perhaps it was economic issues that caused the marriage to still exist. Fedor and Svetlana have maintained friendly relations - together they take care of their youngest daughter Varvara and are happy to communicate with granddaughters from Sergey's eldest son - five-year-old Margarita and four-year-old Vera.

// Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / PhotoXPress.ru

Despite the divorce from Svetlana Bondarchuk after 25 years of marriage and preparations for the wedding with actress Paulina Andreeva, the director does not forget about the family. Bondarchuk regularly visits his son Sergei, his wife Tatu, and babysits his granddaughters.

“The crack in the relationship between Svetlana and Fedor appeared a long time ago,” the couple's friends shared. - But even after breaking up with his wife, he tries to spend as much time as possible with his family. Sergei is worried. "

The neighbors of the famous family in the gated community of Nov 'regularly observe Fedor here.

“He often appears,” Olga, a neighbor, shared with StarHit. - But Svetlana has come extremely rarely over the past five years - only on holidays, photos from which she posted on a social network. The Bondarchuks have a whole family nest here. Next to their house, which looks like a huge birdhouse, is the cottage of the late Bondarchuk Sr. Now Konstantin Kryukov lives here with his wife. Recently, Sergei Fedorovich completed the construction of a house for his son Sergei and his family on his own site. I can't say that the Bondarchuk house stands out strongly, there is much cooler here. Their fence is beautiful, unusual, most likely the handiwork of Svetlana. It is impossible not to recognize Fedor - a brilliant bald head, a snow-white smile. Imposing man. He walks near the house, then drives by - he seems to have a red Lamborghini. Their son Seryozha drives his Gelenvangen Mercedes. We sometimes see our daughter Varechka. A very nice and well-mannered girl. A nanny carries her in a stroller. "

According to Olga, Fedor is a pleasant, friendly neighbor, always ready to help. The woman recalls with gratitude the case when he was sympathetic to the fact that she created a problem on the road on the day she first got behind the wheel.

“Once I got on the road and could not pass,” continues the neighbor Bondarchukov. - It was the first day I got behind the wheel. Fyodor was just passing by and stopped. I asked him to drive off a little so that I could go further myself. There was a whole epic there, but he complied with the request, however, he smiled and said: “Why are you behind the wheel if you don’t know how to drive? I remember this incident. But I have never seen Paulina Andreeva. "

Recall that at the Kinotavr festival, the director and actress stopped hiding their relationship. At the closing ceremony Fyodor and Paulina appeared holding hands. The permanent expert of "StarHit" Mohsen Noruzi predicts a happy future for the couple. In the near future, the lovers are planning to get married.

“Everything will happen in the fall, the celebration will be secret and modest,” Mohsen Noruzi told StarHit. - And next year Paulina will become pregnant and give birth to a daughter. The couple's relationship will be bright and happy. They are deeply in love and together they will create more than one successful film project. But Fyodor is not Paulina's last love. "

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