
Musical instrument depicted on the state of the emblem of Haiti. Coat of arms and the flag of Haiti. Other coat of arms and emblems

Coat of arms Haiti Officially adopted in 1807. The coat of emblem shows the cabbage palm surrounded by the Frigian cap, symbolizing freedom, and trophies - rifles, flags, axes, guns, cannon nuclei, combat pipes, anchors, etc. The motto in French "L'Union Fait La Force" on the flag Haiti means "Union creates strength."

In 1804 The island has achieved independence from France and received the old Indian name - Haiti. The country has become a blue-red cloth. It is originated with the events of the national liberation struggle. For the lifting of the spirit of the rebels of their leader Negride Jean Dessalin pulled out from the hated French "tricotor" - flag enslavers are a white lane of the monarchy. This banner became a symbol of the Union of Black and Mulatov in their overall struggle for freedom.

In 1843 The State flag of Haiti was officially approved: the upper half of his panel was blue, the lower - red, in the center, depicted the coat of arms - palm tree with the "Frigian cap", national banners, guns with bayonets, guns and kernels, drum, anchors and inscription: "LUNIONFAILLAFORGE. "(" In union - power "). The coating flag of the coat of arms did not have.
Although the Constitution of Haiti is a republic, Tiracy dominates in the country. From 1957. The dictator of Haiti was "Pope Dok" - Francois Duval, who approved in the country the bloody regime of terror. Dictator considered himself an embodiment of the nation and declared himself: "I am the flag of Haiti, one and indivisible."
In 1963 The State flag of Haiti was changed. It is divided by vertical: half of the tree - black, the other half is dark red; in the center is the coat of arms.

Along with the flag, anthem, the motto (see in the description) and national colors (blue and red). The emblem is known since the beginning of the XIX century, in modern video - Since 1986.

Description [ | ]

According to the 1987 Constitution, the Haiti emblem is described as:

The Gaiti emblem shows six blue-red flags of the Republic of Haiti, three on each side, which are located behind the palm tree and two cannons. In front of the guns are trophies: drum, mountain, rifles, ship anchors, etc. Banners and pennants symbolize independence, anchors - hope, and weapons - the struggle for freedom and independence in the past and determination to preserve it in the present and future. Palma is crowned by Frigian cap, symbolizing freedom. At the bottom of the emblem - tape with the inscription. After the overthrow of the regime of Duval, just above the ribbon, a broken gold chain appeared as a symbol of victory over dictatorship.

It should be noted that the inscription on the coat of arms is not a national motto. According to 4 article of the Constitution, the motto of Haiti - " Liberté - Egalité - Fracnité"(FR." Freedom equality Brotherhood») .

History emblem [ | ]

Proclamation of the Civil Commissioner of the French Republic L.-F. Sonton, abolishing slavery in the north of Haiti (1793). At the top - emblematic drawing, partly similar to the adopted later encloser Haiti.

The origins of the emblem [ | ]

The emblem of Haiti was formed under the strong influence of the state and national symbols of France of that period. On the official papers of the French Republic at that time, emblems were often depicted, mostly or separate elements coinciding with the later emblem of Haiti. For example, it is almost identical to the image on the branded letterhead of the French general Pierre Quantina, who was the immediate head of Jean-Jacques Dessalin.

Emblem of the Republic of Haiti (1807? - 1844? - 1849, 1859-1964, 1986 - n.)[ | ]

The Haiti emblem was used since the beginning of the XIX century, however, unlike the flag, was not mentioned in the early constitutions of the state. You can judge the emblem, based on the images on the money and official papers of Haiti. The emblem appeared in the presidency of Alexander Petion (1807-1818). The first year of his rule is taken to consider the conditional date for the appearance of the emblem. However, there are information that it appeared in the desaline. For the first time, the official description of the emblem was given in the Constitution of 1843. It reads.

It should be noted that the emblem never received detailed descriptionTherefore, throughout history, its individual elements could change.

Other coat of arms and emblems[ | ]

State Printing State of Haiti, approved in 1808 (reconstruction).

Despite the fact that the current emblem is the oldest symbol of the country, during the existence of Haiti were periods when it was replaced by another emblem or coat of arms.

Printing and coat of arms of Gaiti (1806-1811)[ | ]

In the initial period of the existence of the Republic of Haiti in the north of the island there was an independent state led by Henri Christoph. At first, the state did not have the coat of arms, and at the state press and the monogram "HC" was present on the coins (" Henri christophe »), crowned with a wreath of oak branches and the inscription " Liberas Religio Mores."(Lat." Freedom of religion"). In 1808, a new coat of arms was adopted - an oval, within which the stars and the sun were depicted with a human face rising from the sea. The state seal was also changed: now she represented an oval, inside which the emblem was depicted, at the top there was an inscription " Etat d'Haity"(FR." State of Haiti"), And at the bottom there were crossed branches of Laurel.

Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Haiti (1811-1820)[ | ]

Big coat of arms of the kingdom of Haiti.

In 1811, A. Christoph proclaimed himself as King Henri I, and Northern Haiti - the Kingdom. By decree of April 1, 1811, Henri Christoph adopted a new coat of arms: on a blue shield, littered with golden stars, a red phoenix was expressed by the golden crown. There was a motto around the shield - " EX CINERIBUS NASCITUR."(Lat." Rebells from ash"). This coat of arms served as the basis of the later small, medium and large royal coat of arms taken later, but was not completely abolished, and, changing in detail, appeared on coins until the end of the kingdom existence.

Big coat of arms of the Kingdom of Haiti: In the coat of arms of the French shield on gold (or blue, there were two options) a field, destroyed by five-pointed stars, was depicted Phoenix, hearing from a flame, accompanied by a silver ribbon with the motto " JE RENAIS DE MES CENDRES » (Fr. " I am reborn from my ash"); The shield decorated the crown and the Order of St. Henri (created by the king on April 20, 1811); Under the shield was a tape with the motto " Dieu, Ma Cause et mon épée » (Fr. "God, my business and my sword"). Shield holders are two coronal lions. Probably, this coat of arms were considered the main one, in any case, he printed on parts of the official newspaper of the Kingdom of Gazette Royale d'Hayti and on the title page of the book "Code Henry" (annual official collection of laws and regulations of the Kingdom).

In 1820, the successor A. Christopa, Jean-Pierre Bayee, reunited Haiti and put an end to the existence of the kingdom.

Emblem 1844. [ | ]

Big coat of arms of the second empire Haiti.

In 1844, the blue-red flag for a short time was replaced with an old black and red. It is possible that at the same time the emblem has changed and the flags on it could change, respectively, with blue-red on black and red.

Coat of arms of the second empire Haiti (1849-1859)[ | ]

When, in 1849, President Fosten Suluk proclaimed himself with Emperor Fosten I, he accepted a new coat of arms. The big coat of arms of the Haiti Empire had the following composition: Palma, two guns and (French) imperial eagle were depicted on the curb concrete shield; The shield was covered with mantle and crowned crown; The coat of arms decorated the Order of St. Fosten (created by the emperor on September 21, 1849) and the tape with the motto who said " Dieu, Ma Patrie et mon épée"(FR." God, my country and my sword"). Shield holders - two lions. At first the field of the coat of arms was gold, but soon, apparently, after coronation, it was changed to blue.

The emperor was forced to leave the country in 1859, after which the old state emblem was restored.

The emblem of Haiti Times F. Duvalier and J.-k. Duvalie (1964-1986)[ | ]

On June 21, 1964, the President F. Duvalie recently recently restored the Black and Red Flag established by the Constitution of 1805. The emblem was also changed: the blue-red flags were replaced with black and red; From the top of the palm trees was removed Frigian cap. In 1986, his son Jean-Claude Duvalie was removed from power, and the old emblem was immediately restored, which was officially enshrined in the new Constitution adopted for the next year. This emblem is the official symbol of the Republic of Haiti to the present.

Reverse Banknotes in 1 Gourd with the image of the emblem of Haiti Times Duvalie (1979).

see also [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

  1. (Neopr.) .
  2. Heraldic album. Sheet 21 | Publications | Around the world (rus.). www.vokrugsveta.ru. Checked on August 15, 2018.
  3. L. V. Skutskay. The arms and flags of the countries of the world. America. - "Publishing decisions." - S. 118. - ISBN ISBN 978-5-44-833363-7.
  4. (Neopr.) .
  5. The Haitian Coat Of Arms (English), HAITI AND THE ATLANTIC WORLD (September 15, 2013). Checked on August 16, 2018.
  6. Haiti. (Neopr.) . www.hubert-herald.nl. Checked on August 14, 2018.
  7. Haiti-Référence: 6120.- Les Symboles d'Haiti: Armes et Devise (Fr.). www.haiti-reference.com. Checked on August 14, 2018.

Two-color rectangular cloth with the aspect ratio of 3: 5. Upper half flag - blue, bottom - red. The center shows the coat of arms Haiti.

In the center of the coat of arms - cabbage palm with Frigian red cap on top and drum at the foot and surrounded by military trophies: muskets, flags, guns, cannon nuclei, combat pipes, anchors, etc. The whole composition is located on a green hill. Below is the motto on the French "L'Union Fait La Force", that is, "unity creates strength."


Red and blue flag stripes occur from national french colors. Currently, this combination symbolizes the Union of Black and Milats.

Frigian cap at the top of the coat of arms - symbol of freedom. Military trophies mean the country's armed forces.


The State flag of Haiti was officially approved on February 25, 1986. However, the history of the flag begins much earlier, in 1897. The first flags appeared on Haiti at the beginning of the XIX century. All of them very much resemble modern.

Civil and marine flags copying state, but do not contain images of the coat of arms.

The countries of the Caribbean region are shrawing with a stunning climate and a good location with access to the sea and the ocean. But this is not all that distinguishes local states. For example, the Republic of Haiti is a distinctive country that you can tell a lot of interesting things. Where is it located and what about it is worth knowing?

Geographical position

To find Haiti on the world map, it is enough to detect it is between the continents of North and South America. There you will find a big point - the island of Haiti. It takes its eastern part. The whole West belongs to the State of Haiti. The northern part of the island of the same name is washes and the South - Caribbean Sea. On the territory of the state from the east to the West there are mountain ranges with an average height of a thousand meters. The largest vertex is Peel Peel. It rises two thousand six hundred eighty meters above sea level. The water basin of the country is presented mainly by mountain rivers that do not differ in impressive length. The largest lakes of the state are PLGR, it is freshwater, and a somar filled with salted water.

History of Haiti

The island was opened by the Spaniards in 1492, Columbus and his navigators founded the settlement here. Then this section of the land had the name of Navidad. A year later, travelers returned, but all the settlers were dead. Who killed them and remained a mystery. From the seventeenth century, the country has become a French colony, but already in 1804 gained independence. Note Haiti on the world map. People helped democratic moods that appeared after the revolution in Paris. Independence gained here occurred immediately after the United States. As a result, the country has become the first in the world with the relegation of blacks. However, the situation is still unstable - due to the low standard of living here, the uprising and strikes are often frequent.

Climatic conditions

What interests the traveler first? Of course, the weather, which distinguishes where the state of the same name is! This territory is characterized by a tropical climate susceptible to the influence of trade winds. This is the perfect place for those who love warm and wet weather. Moreover, it remains unchanged all three hundred sixty-five days in a row. On average, the temperature per year is equal to twenty-five degrees of heat, the oscillations are insignificant within a month. In the capital called Port-O-Prince, the annual minimum is plus fifteen degrees Celsius, and the maximum reaches almost forty. The Republic of Haiti cannot boast the length of the territories, but also within its limits there are different climate options. The main difference is in the amount of precipitation caused by the area - mountain and coastal areas cannot coincide in this regard. In the valleys for the year it falls around five hundred millimeters, and in the highlands can happen and five times more - up to two and a half thousand. The main sediments happen during the rainy seasons that are periods from April to June and from September to November. The remainder of the year is distinguished by dry and warm weather. Powerful tropical hurricanes may happen, as a rule, they are in the interval from June to September. It is recommended to come to Haiti only during periods when the wind is much weaker.

Haitian money

Interesting fact - there are several currency options in the country. The official is called the name of the Gourd and is one hundred centimes. In the course of banknotes with a par thousand, five hundred, two hundred fifty, one hundred, fifty, twenty-five and ten. There are both coins of five and one gourd, as well as fifty, twenty, ten and five centimes. Official international designation - HTG. Unofficially in the country use so-called "Haitian dollars." In addition, the United States money is widely used. They can be used on the market or in private institutions. The official monetary unit of Haiti can be obtained in numerous exchange points of the capital, but the transaction conditions and the volume of commission can be very different. There is a black market. The course of the unofficial changed can be very profitable, but at the same time everything can end with robbery, so it is not recommended to treat foreigners to them. You can pay virtually everywhere, but get cash easily only in the capital - to find an ATM in the province is often very difficult. In the conditions of poverty and unemployment, they simply do not need to local residents.

Culture and beliefs of the population

The State of Haiti used to be a French colony, which is still noticeable in many areas of local life. So, many here communicate in Creole. Weld not only to Haiti, is French with spanings of Spanish and English. Such adultery uses most citizens. Classic French communicates about fifteen percent of the population. The Republic of Haiti is a Christian country. Most consider themselves Catholics, much less on the island of Protestants. Local residents manage to combine traditional religion with the pagan convictions of Voodoo - in these practices, every second citizen of the country believes.

Art of the Republic of Haiti

Original religious preferences that differ in the Republic of Haiti are interesting not only to an unusual combination with Christianity common here, but also manifestations of art to which they lead. So, special ritual music performed on the drums makes the country known to the whole world. Here you can also see the amazing architecture - the remains of the San Sust Palace are the most famous in the Caribbean region. Ruins of the mysterious structure are included in the list of objects cultural heritage UNESCO. Black slaves worked on the construction site, and today this place attracts connoisseurs of architecture. A separate mention deserves Haitian painting. It is called naive or intuitive, but it does not mean at all that the drawings have a children's level of execution or lack of skill. Filmed by the color and emotions of the famous local artist Hector Ippolitus in the twentieth century conquered connoisseurs of art in the United States. Other significant creators are Rigo Benua, Jean-Batist Bottle, Joseph Jean-Gilles and Castera Bazil. Traditional sculptures of the country also deserve interest. The best sculptor of this country is Albert Mangoes.

Petrushechenny war

Repressions of Haitians, which took place in the thirties during the Dominican dictatorship of Trujillo, worn unusual nameassociated with innocuous greens. What is the reason for the name "Petrushek Massage"? The thing is that these repressions, the number of victims of which constitute, according to various sources, from five to twenty five thousand people, were accompanied by a special way to define Haitians. It is quite difficult to distinguish them from the Dominicans, but the first since childhood speaks the Creole adverbs of French, and the second prefer Spanish. This leads to a noticeable pronunciation difference. That is why Dominicans showed the alleged victim of the parsley twig and offered to call it. If the word was pronounced in the Spanish way, the man was released, and if in French, he gave himself and his soldiers enough for further reprisals. So it came out that the ordinary parsley is connected in the history of Haiti with such sinister events, still terrifying local residents.

The State of Haiti is located in the extremely warm climate, so it's often closed at the hottest hour of the day. For example, banks work from nine in the morning to five pm with a two-hour lunch break - from an hour to three. Some open on Saturdays, but by the middle of the day, activities are already stopped. Shops also have lunch breaks. Such traditions resemble the Spanish Sieste. Special interest deserve price tags - here they write in three currencies at once, in Haitian Gurd and the dollar, as well as in the currency of the United States of America. Often, foreigners are confused and cannot figure out how many it is necessary to pay.

Dangerous state

Haiti does not have a high standard of living, so it is not possible to study it in detail for a foreigner. Residents of other countries are prohibited to be sent to the slums located on the outskirts of the cities of Port-O-Priss and Cap-Aiten. The locals are quite friendly and friendly, but more than eighty percent of citizens live beyond the poverty line, so the crime rate here is still quite high and in some areas therefore you can only stay haitians. In addition, exotic diseases are preserved in the country - malaria and typhus. Only region is safe for Labadi. In Haiti, it is not recommended to even drink water from under the tap - it is not cleared enough, and even local prefer to boil it.

State flag

The main symbol of the country has a traditional rectangular shape. The cloth is separated into two horizontal bands of equal size. From above, the flag of Haiti is dark blue, and the bottom is saturated red. The center is the image of the coat of arms. Parties belong to each other in the ratio of five to three. The red color of the cloth is designed to symbolize the local population - mulatto. Blue is a sign of black inhabitants. Both repeat the colors of the flag of France, which indicates the history of the country, for a long time the colony status. The combination of contrasting shades is an indication of the Peace Union of the residents of the states from different countries - On the territory, they drive just two opposite people.

National emblem

An image of the emblem is used on the flag. The symbol, which is the coat of arms of Haiti, appeared in 1807. In the center there is an image of a palm tree. Above it is a symbol of freedom - Frigian cap from two-color fabric. Palm is surrounded by a variety of military trophies - cannon nuclei, anchors, guns, axes, rifles. The background serves as a green field, on which gold scraps of chains are placed - a kind of mention of the colonial past. Palm is also surrounded by six combat banners in national colors of local residents. The foot of the tree is located a white ribbon, on which the state's motto is depicted, sounding like "Union creates strength."

adopted in 1807, the current edition - 1986

At the top of Palma phrygian cap, Sign allegedly existing on civil liberties. This image was drawn up 200 years ago from the Arsenal of the symbols of the French Revolution (the island of Haiti was French ownership in 1677-1804).

Haiti - the first colonial possession in Latin Americawho has gained independence.

Palm on the green hill-Ostrovka.

Gun with fixed bayonets.

Guns. Drum. Toporists. Pipes of hillocks. Anchor..

Mottofrench: L'Union Fait La Force -Union gives force.

The panels of national banners are two horizontal stripes - blue (top) and red (lower). The origin of these bands is explained so. The French tricolor was used to be used here to the island of France: vertical blue, white and red stripes. During the liberation uprising against the French, the French flags disappeared against the French, they pulled a white strip from them, and the two remaining attached to the ace, but now, naturally, not vertically, but horizontally. Subsequently, the bands were sewn and became the national flag.

During the summer of the Olympic Games of 1936 in Berlin, it was found that the teams of Haiti and Liechtenstein are under the same flags. As a result, Liechtenstein was added to their flag to the crown.

Haitians are currently used by the blue-red flag with the addition of the coat of arms in the center. Thus, on the coat of arms of the country, the emblem himself is invisibly present at least six times (by the number of banners); Theoretically, it is infinitely repeated, decreasing every time: flags on the coat of arms, coat of arms on flags, flags on herbs ...

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