
Why can not cry in front of the mirror, what is the meaning of folk belief? Why can not cry in the mirror? Why you can not look in the mirror when you cry

The mirror, according to esoteric, is not just a mystical subject, but also a portal in the other world. It is not surprising that with such a significant thing that is associated with a huge amount. For example, in a house where a person died, all the reflective surfaces are necessarily wound, so that the soul can calmly move away to another world. Before the mirror is prohibited There are also drinking, otherwise the man "Try" beauty and good luck. But few people know what you can not look into the mirror surface when we cry.

Looking at his reflection, we identify ourselves with him, although this is not entirely true. Think about - where you have a right hand, your mirror double is left. In addition, not everyone pays attention to one curious nuance: in each mirror in which a person looks, it looks different.

Surely you at least once in my life there was such a situation: leaving the house, look at your reflection and admire them, and then come to work (or in any other place), look in the mirror there - and literally ready to break away how much You do not like yourself. It seems like lighting the same, and the road is close, and nothing happened in the way - and the reflection looks quite differently than at home. It's not about your appearance, but in surfaces, so differently reflecting the same object.

The mirror smooth has a property to accumulate both positive and negative energy . If you look in the mirror, staying in the spirit of the Spirit, surviving strong stress or depression, your reflection will remember this condition. And no matter how well you still painted, no matter how beautifully dressed up, looking at this mirror, you will never like yourself - the energy of grief, anger and resentment has a truly destructive force.

What will happen if you cry before your reflection

The mirror is one of the most ancient occult items with which many superstitions are associated. There are several visits About why it is impossible to cry in the mirror:

The case is known when a girl on the eve of a wedding quarreled with a future husband and spent the whole night in tears before his reflection. The next morning she came up with the bridegroom, the wedding eventually took place, but on the second day of the joint life of the newlyweds quarreled even more. In the attack of rage, the husband and wife broke the mirror - the very thing that the girl cried the day before. Of course, the moral of this story is primarily the fact that it is better not to scandalize at all, but calmly discuss the accumulated problems, but it was not worth crying before reflection.

What to do if we sworn in front of the mirror

If you happened to shed tears in the eyes of your mirror twin, you should not fall into a panic - the mirror will not bring any trouble if it is cleaned. Wash the reflective surface with a special tool and perfectly wipe - that's all. The mirroring surface will be cleaned not only in the literal sense, but also in a portable - it will again be ready to reflect your smile and keep this positive charge.

You can spend deeper cleaning - Wipe the surface of holy water, and then stand in front of it with a lit candle.

Driving a candle before reflection clockwise, read the "Father our", and then give a candle to completely ruin. This method is very good to use after family scandals and in periods of large troubles.

If the mirror surface darkened or cracked, immediately get rid of it, no matter how much it is to you - such a thing will bring misfortune into the house. In addition, try to acquire only new mirrors, and if we succumbed to the temptation to buy a thing "with history", be sure to clean it - it is unknown, what events have reflected there.

Other reflection signs

Anyone who believes in signs should be aware of certain rules for handling mirrors:

Believe everything or not - Certainly, everyone's personal matter. However, the old people are no wonder they say: "Whoever is noticing, he answers, so if you know that it is impossible to look at your reflection crying, better and do not look. So, just in case.

Are you interested in why you can not cry in front of the mirror? You heard from somewhere about this bad accept, but do not know what's the catch here? Maybe once a grandmother, or aunt, or mom told you about this?

Why do superstitions are still alive in modern society?

You carry this knowledge and even follow this take, but do not understand why it is still impossible ... I have a friend, whose mom handed to her about a thousand will accept, and she knows them all and keeps them. With early youth. And I taught me.

I, however, laughed at these superstitions, until I noticed that, inevitably, and herself adhere to many of them! That is, it just entered into a household habit: I know, I will accept, I fulfill its demands, how would it not happen.

And all this happens almost unconsciously. Well, for example, you can not transfer money from hand to hand, otherwise either in eternal debt, or you will be forever, - therefore, paying, I put money on any surface, not even remembering about the reasons!

It is impossible to lick the table from the table in the hand, for, again, there will be no money, - by itself it turns out that they collect them into the napkin. Because already habit. (In this case, the truth is, there is a completely rational component: I do not like it terribly when every garbage hits my hands.

So here superstition is perfectly combined with my hygienic preferences). However, let us return to our original issue.

Causes for which you can not cry in front of the mirror

What is wrong with the mirror? With this household satellite of a person, even a whole mankind, known to us since the beginning of the XIII century in the glass version, and in the stone or metal - in general since the bronze century.

But it turns out that it is with him and not that it appeared in humans too early. In those times, when the public consciousness was just beginning to format, and the picture of the world was foggy and mythological.

In antiquity of the mirror were more muddy and they were attributed to occult properties

The same foggy was a mirror surface. If it was made from the polished obsidian or even from bronze, it was still a reflection of an unclear, implicit, as if hidden ... And if you stand in front of the mirror, it was possible to see a lot, although it was illegible.

For example, already in ancient Egypt, the priests used a grayson for magical rituals, occult properties were attributed to him. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, and then in the Renaissance Epoch, this item was revered by the attribute of various virtues: prudence, naked truth, vision, because the mirror does not lie.

The mirror was considered a symbol of sins

At the same time, he was recognized as a symbol of sins: pride, bustle and adultery, because the mirror reflects the image of the devil. In other words, it displays a different world, this is a kind of portal that allows you to look into eternity, for it reflects everything that was and is there on Earth, and what is getting in the future.

Scary? In my opinion, at all, but the mystery is pushing. It is in these mystical views on the nature of the mirror and all sorts of superstitions and the foundations of the magical perception of this familiar reflective subject.

Mirror surface stores everything ever reflected in it

About fortune telling on the mirrors you probably know. They, by the way, are considered one of the most dangerous: to put another mirror the same as the same, and then build the corridor infinitely reflective in itself in itself, to light the candles, - and peering at the midnight hour in numerous reflections, try to see either narrowed, or Answer to a given question.

And suddenly, how do you see anyone or anything - inevitable fear get lost! Even if you caress from excitement, which was not.

Actually, the reason for this superstition, namely, why it is impossible to look in the mirror when you cry, just and is the mystical conviction that it keeps everything reflected by him. Accordingly, the fact that has already been reflected ever, even for a long time.

What consequences may fail to comply with this ban?

Return of negative from the casting world

First of all, based on the reasons we defined, - to the return of the reflected bad. Someone unlucky, who peered into their reflection, crying, then stand in front of the mirror, and in him and "shoot" the negative from the past!

So it turns out that it is impossible to look in the mirror when you are not in better form. This reflective surface will remember you, crying and unhappy, and will save your dark image in its mirror memory.

And then, when you already be fun and happy, and again, we will again be in front of the mirror, and you look at it, all so joyful, here is your whole joy and end.

Because the mirror will ruin the mirror. He could look into the mirror in tears - get them back. I did not respect the entrance to the castomicular world, overshadowed it with a cry, - to be you for it unhappy in the coffin of life.

Together with tears, happiness will go

Secondly, there is a version that, if you often cry in front of the mirror, you can pay your happiness. Tears should be invisible to the winning world, otherwise he will select your happiness.

Tears will accompany all their life

Thirdly, it is possible that the mystical consequence of the "mirror" crying: shed tears before their reflection, - you will pour them all my life. And this is not a very pleasant perspective.

What if you sworn in front of the mirror?

And here it works quite simple admission: your home reflector you need to just clean, wash and wipe. Preferably with a special means. It is believed that after that the mirror is pure again, and not only literally.

In allegorical - too. It is ready to repel you positive and keep this one of your positively charged image. It turns out that such a sign also contains quite rational grain: more often wash your mirrors, and in the house will be light and clean!

Should I believe in all this?

The choice is definitely behind you. Although, if you are already a rather adult man and just now learned about this accept, I think there is nothing to start. I lived somehow before without this knowledge, did not comply with the rules of signs, and nothing, survived.

But if you, like my aforementioned girlfriend, and I, with her, with young nails, live in the world and make magic, you will simply inevitably follow them. I repeat, it becomes an unconscious household habit.

You know from childhood that you can't look in the mirror, so you already do not look at it. You can follow the signs and believing, and not believing in them. Just in case.

What is a superstition? Many of us believe in the parallelism of worlds, mysticism, so superstitions in their essence are the usual prejudice. In our country, such traditions are strong, but we are far in this respect to the inhabitants of Africa, where the whole life of people is impregnated with legends, rituals and beliefs.

Scientists speak on this subject that people who believe in the signs, if for example they have sang a black cat, begin to project themselves for future failures and of course they happen to them. In other words, we often launch these mechanisms into action, and they are very difficult to stop them.

There will be a lot in our world and most of them are connected with mirrors. Why is this happening? Since a long time, people trembled before such a subject as a mirror, considering it with something mystical and incomprehensible.

A row will take a mirror associated with:

  • You can not put it in front of the bed
  • Cannot be broken
  • Need to wash off negative
  • You can not look crying or in a bad mood

We will take the last accept in more detail, because many of us simply do not understand why it is impossible to look in the mirror when you cry?

Explanation of signs why you can not look in the mirror when you cry

We all know that the mirrors tied with parallel worlds, considering their portals. No wonder they were so common among people who possessed the magic of various kinds. To this day, the mirror is an indispensable object at fortune telling and magical rituals.

If you believe the explanations of esoteric, then the reflection of a crying person in the mirror may threaten not very pleasant consequences for crying. The mirror "offended" on who cries, imposes an imprint of failures and grief on the fate of a person. And the life of a person is so much that he will often drop tears throughout the life path.
And there is still a legend that looking crying in the mirror you can pay fate and happiness. If you are a successful person who has everything is fine, there are children, family, career, financial wealth, reflecting in the mirror in tears, you can just start losing it all.

What to do in this case

If you are subject to superstitions and project them on your life, it is best to stop crying, calm down, exercise makeup, work and calmly go further to do your affairs, trying not to think about what you have violated. It will be the best way out in the current situation.
Believe it or not to believe, here each person decides for himself, it is worth noting the fact that scientists do not confirm this to this admission, without seeing nothing extraordinary or terrible in it.

Remember that if you cry in front of the mirror, it can spoil your eyesight, especially if the mirror smooth is in daylight. And the mirror can be used as the most powerful autotraining. No wonder in the Indian Girl Provinces, they teach to speak their reflection that it is wonderful, beautiful and delightful. It increases their self-esteem for life, because this is a very powerful psychological tool for human personality.

If you still believe in accept, then "calm down" it rinse it with running water or wipe the wet rag. So you can wash off the negative from him. And if you are afraid, you just take it off and remove away from the eye, you can also throw away, only in no case give you native or relatives. And you can also talk to a mirror reflection, calm it, shumbling all tears. Remember that the mirror absorbs not only the resulting negative, but also positive emotions, a smile, a good atmosphere at home. It is this one of the reasons why you should not take mirrors from old owners, because you do not know what I saw the mirror, suddenly it was quarrels, scandals or even a crime.

Many people know that it is impossible to look in the mirror when we cry, but do not know why.

What threatens a planted look in the mirror?

According to esotericov, the mirror has a magic property to absorb human energy and fix what is happening around the event. All that we show a mirror reflection today can materialize in our near future.

Therefore, since ancient times, people knew that a bad mood, negative, and even more so tears, should not show mirror surfaces. Even if it was not a real mirror, but the surface of the water. And even more, our ancestors were warned against unreasonable attitude towards the most magical subject.

Until our time reached some superstition about what will happen if you look in the mirror when you cry. Here they are.

The man changes dramatically, in his soul and the mind puts up a dark force that can destroy life. Watching in the mirror is a gluable girl can lose rest and lose sleep. The young man is deprived of the powerful strength, weakens, the longing and hopelessness attacks him.

  1. Career collapses. There are disasters in the team, or a person is reduced in office. It is literally the next day, if it does not make neutralization of negative impact on time.
  2. Single people lose chance to meet their soul mate. Fate as if he plays with them in a cruel joke, sending completely unsuitable partners. As a rule, if a girl likes a guy, he belongs to it dismissively or with a mock. Conversely, the in love young man deprives peace because of the indifference of his passion.
  3. People who are married to go to each other. The family can collapse by evil rock literally in a week.
  4. The well-being deteriorates, an unprecedented longing and insecurity attacks. With a person, as if removing natural protection and sent to bottomless expanses without insurance. Live in such a state becomes very hard. Sometimes there are thoughts on suicide.
  5. It is believed that after the second time to disperse its reflection in the mirror with crying eyes, you can catch a deadly misfortune. A person can get into an accident or inadvertently falling out of the window. Fate ceases to protect, and the guardian angel leaves his ward.
  6. There is a belief that frequent admissance in the mirror with a frown and a fideline can take away sincere and natural beauty. The person will quickly become old, the face acquires gross features, facial expressions and freezes. For women, such a test is most tragic in its influence.

What to do if I still looked

In order to neutralize the negative effect of the mirror when contacting it with tears in the eyes, you need to perform one or several actions at once.

  1. Do not panic, but immediately remove the accessory away from the gaze. To do this, you need to cover it not transparent cloth and put in a dark angle or wardrobe. It is impossible to break, because. But it should not be in the apartment for more than 3 days. At any convenient time, you should take it out of the house and throw out.
  2. For less impressionable persons, a fastest way to neutralize negative impacts is suitable: to wipe the mirror surface with a clean damp cloth and dry well. After this action, it is again suitable for use.
  3. If the tears flow in front of the mirror, then at the moment you can ask for help reflecting, start talking to him. Thus, you need to try to perceive it as a full-fledged understanding interlocutor. Handing, a person, as a rule, becomes much easier, the negative goes and rollback in the form of trouble does not occur.
  4. If a woman with cosmetics appeared in front of the mirror, then she should immediately wash it off and apply fresh, brighter, makeup. Then you need to re-start looking at yourself in the mirror, repeating our tender words. You can admire your reflection. Such an approach may even bring good luck to the house.
  5. After crying, you need to change your mood to positive, and show the reflection opposite side of your character. You can dance, actively laugh and sing. With the help of these actions, you can achieve the opposite effect: the threat of negative changes will be replaced by attracting a positive. The mirror remembers the brightest moments. When reflected in it, joy and laughter goes to the hands and luck. And the past negative is washed off. And a person can be calm: the bad with him will not happen now.

It may turn out that the tear fell on the mirror canvas itself. This is the most negative sign that is not so easy to get rid of. But if immediately after entering tears, wash it off and wipe the reflective surface, you can soften the negative impact. At the same time, it is necessary to perform additionally another 2 or 3 ritual for neutralizing the negative effect described above.

Observe Prudence

Of course, you can believe that it is impossible to look in the mirror when we cry because this magic subject will attract the negative. But you can estimate the situation rationally and think about what if you cry, then in your life something is not going on. And the negative is not the future, but the present.

In addition, constant people begin to wind themselves, wait for bad things. And it comes. In psychology, this is called "self-safe prophecy."

During crying, do you like to look at yourself in the mirror? Do you know that this is categorically impossible to do? If you did not know about it, now you can avoid many troubles. And that's why…

A bit of history and folk superstition

The mirror is one of the most mysterious interior items! For the first time, when a person had the opportunity to look at himself into the displayed surface, he endowed it with magic properties. In ancient times, stone, metal and rhinestone were used for the manufacture of the mirror. Naturally, these natural materials carried a special energy and influenced a person.

Now, in "lightweight" form, the reflective surface has not lost its magic properties, and most people still give it unusual possibilities. Even skeptics that say that they do not believe in such a nonsense - necessarily all the mirror surfaces are hung if someone dies in the house.

This is due to a long-time custom, who claims that the mirror is a passage to the other world: the soul of the deceased could get into hell, even if this did not deserve it during his lifetime.

And how many unpleasant sensations cause a broken mirror! Grandmas have repeatedly told that it was to trouble and need to make all the fragments and wake them away to the ground.

Why can not cry in front of the mirror: the main reasons

One of the most famous cautions that you can not cry opposite the mirror. In general, any negative emotions are able to "sign up" on such a surface and appear on you later. You will not even be aware of this!

Tears are a sign of pain, misfortune, disappointment. Their reflection will not bring anything good.

  • Mirror, seeing your tears, takes positive emotions unnecessary to you at this moment. In the future, you will retreat joy. You will begin to forget about how it is to be happy.
  • The mirror surface remembers you with tears in the eyes, and every time, looking at it, you will feel that you want to cry immediately even in the absence of visible reasons.
  • The ability to transfer your negative emotions to those who will look at the same mirror. Your close on the subconscious level will be emphasized, their mood will begin to deteriorate, and the alarming thoughts will not be able to leave them.
  • Tears are washed off beauty and health. Every time we cry, looking in the mirror, pay attention to your reflection. Over time, if you do not stop showing your pain to this sacral subject, you can see how your appearance is not for the better.
  • In the Slavic world there is an opinion if the girl often cries near the mirror, then she can become a witch. Tears are a kind of conductor in a different world and everyone who falls into it becomes their among the badness.
  • Only one tear is able to burn a hole in your image, if it falls on it, and, therefore, in your soul. The hole will increase over time, passing through itself everything is bad and releasing good.

How to remove the negative from the mirror

If such a trouble happened, and the mirror has witnessed your tears, then it is quite possible to wash off this negative.

To do this, take a piece of natural tissue, be sure to red or blue, before that, moisten it in holy water.

If there is no such, then you can use a non-ribrant bottle of ordinary water.

Water with a wet cloth surface and look at its reflection with already positive emotions in order to be well captured them.

There is another option - you need to throw the mirror. But it is more likely to treat pocket instances. In such cases, you need to wrap it in the fabric and bury.

If the tears overtake you in a public place - try to deceive your reflection and despite everything. Start smiling. Thus, you will not only raise your mood, but also allocate a negative impact.

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