
Jeans in the business style of clothing. Office jeans: Casual style in action. How to distinguish a sporty style from another

Jeans are in the wardrobe of every woman and every man. However, being in front of the choice of another model, you can be confused from the diversity of forms, styles. Therefore, we decided to prepare mini-educational, which will help at first glance to choose the desired and ideally sitting option.

Basic characteristics

It is not difficult to deal with jeans options, you just need to distract from fashion trends and look at them at a different angle. Often, when choosing another pair of denim trousers for our wardrobe, we do not look at the details. And in vain, because each model is a kind of mosaic that is divided into three components:

  • Rise (landing) - it can be understated, overpriced or classical (medium);
  • Fit (Curra) - this term means how widely or narrow jeans will be and how they are on the figure;
  • Cut (Type of Clash), means what will be the pants for jeans, they can be tinned, cushion or straight.

Important! Being in the fitting room, try to imagine with what other things or shoes from your wardrobe will be a new couple of pants.

It is with these terms we will continue to work. Speaking of landing, we consider the upper part of the pants, the cut is tailoring from the hip to the knee, and the mold type means the width of the pants from the knee to the bottom. These parameters are determining when the model is selected.

Types of landing or waist height (RISE)

By landing, we mean the height of the top of the jeans, which is found in 5 different versions:

  • Ultra- or very low landing(Ultra Low Rise). To afford such kind of jeans, you need to be the owner not just a good, flawless figure. The top edge of the trousers is here much lower than the pelvic bones, almost completely opens the pubic zone (about the smoothness of which will have to take care in advance). Option for incredibly bold girls;
  • Low landing (Low Rise). This option was a real hit of the beginning of the 2000s, and having jeans with such a landing was the holy responsibility of each girl, regardless of the figure. The model is relevant today, but now it has to think through the image much more carefully. A short top in combination with a low waistline is a kind of time machine that will take you to a year 15 years ago, so try to avoid such combinations;
  • Average landing(REGULAR RISE, MEDIUM RISE) is considered the most universal option suitable for any type of shape. Here the upper edge is slightly higher or at the level of pelvic bones. Combined with absolutely any riding;
  • Planting on the waist(Original Rise) is also called high. It duplicates the natural line of the waist and is at the navel level. For the last couple of years, this model is at the peak of popularity and is not going to pass his position;
  • Heavy landing(High-Wasted Rise) closes the navel, in its most extreme version can reach the chest line. The slender figure looks even more feminine and gently.

Models and Sticks (Fit)

The main models are not so much, but you can distinguish them at first sight:

Straight or rEGULAR (CLASSIC) FIT.The most common and universal version, which looks great, regardless of age, gender, human buildings. They are equally loved as the famous designers who will not be promoted to use them in their collections and ordinary people, very far from the world of high fashion.

Relaxed Fit. - more free compared to the previous option. Comfort, freedom of movement is precisely about them. Most often, this model is found with a medium or low fit.

Very freeor Loose (Baggy) Fit. Such baggy models are very in demand by representatives of informal currents. For everyday socks, this is not the most convenient option, because to enter them in Casual Look is quite difficult. Therefore, they are more common either on Fashion shooting, or among hip-hop partners.

Boyfriend (Boyfriend). The highlight of this model is that they look like that in the morning hurry girl put on his beloved jeans, but this model was created specifically for women. Freedom and comfort they give is not replaced by nothing, because for several years of boyfriends heads of sales tops.

Slim Fit. A sufficiently cunning kind of jeans, which can either emphasize all the advantages of the figure, or to make the slightest disadvantages. Therefore, before purchasing such a style, you must once again critically evaluate your parameters. This does not mean that only thinners can afford them, just every image with them should be carefully thought out.

Skinny (Skinny). Fully justify your name, which translated from English means "leather". They are so tightly adjacent to the body that they can easily compare with it. The happy owners of such a model must remember that it will emphasize not the fact that every extra kilogram, every additional 100 grams that appeared after lunch. Therefore, the stylists do not recommend worn skinnie to full girls.

Jeggins (Jeggings). Designer experiments on the crossing of different models are not always successful, but this option is as if it became an exception. Jeans made of subtle denim, the most resembling leggings became very popular and in demand. Nuting them must be remembered that the same combinations are working here as in the case of leggings, this is especially true of the extended top.

JOGGER (Jogger)Alternative name - bananas. This is another incredibly successful result of a fashionable experiment. This time sports pants, jeans participated in it. The brainchild of such a mixing - loose jeans on the rubber band below became pets of many modern fashionistas.

Jeans is the most popular and convenient fabric from which you can make almost any item of the wardrobe. There is hardly anyone against this fact today. Clothes, shoes, bags, swimsuits and a lot of various accessories - all this forms a trend denim style in clothes. Its simplicity and versatility make it possible to not be especially conceived over the compilation of any ensemble.

A dense tissue that has similarities with current jeans appeared several centuries ago. Her durability was so great that the strong ones of sea wind calmly kept. It is known from history that from this fabric even sewn sails for the ships of Christopher Columbus.

Initially, the matter was produced only in one of the French cities. They talked about her - this is a "fabric of Nima", which over time turned into the word "denim". It is so today a denim material is characterized.

Lucky German entrepreneur Lay Strauss (Laba Strauss), which trades with fabrics, once decided to engage in sewing working clothes from Denim. His model of trousers with five pockets made of rigid canvas, painted in the color of indigo, in a short period became incredibly popular. The dense texture of clothing flocked by a double line attached to jeans high strength.

Initially, they began to offer American gold miners who appreciated the convenience of cut and the practicality of the fabric. Functional trousers also accounted for the shepherds of cows (cowboy), miners and local farmers.

The word "jeans" was transformed from the name of the Italian port of Genoa - Genoa. It was there that a successful Bavarian entrepreneur made orders for his models.

In the sixties, jeans attracted the attention of supporters of the hippie flow. In the 80s, Denim things began to become increasingly appearing on the well-known and popular people, which contributed to the widespread fashion trend. Gradually, denim clothing has passed from the category of simple ordinary things into the category of luxurious and stylish outfits.

Over time, clothing made of jeans became more diverse and multicolored. In the last decade of the last century, it has acquired a final appearance, familiar to today's people.

In the fashion industry, multiple denim brands appeared, which became famous and popular worldwide. New developments are constantly underway and the old Denim production technologies are improved. Adding lycra in a cotton yarn gives the finished fabric to a soft elasticity and increases its wear resistance. A dense aged interweaving creates a rigid unproduced base suitable for sewing jackets, a coat, warm trousers. Lightweight denim fabric is used when creating collections of summer clothes for women and men.

Advantages of Denima

Denim clothing is recognized worldwide comfortable and comfortable. Special attractiveness gives its versatility and practicality. Things from Denim are perfectly harmonized with most of the wardrobe. Even wedding outfits with elements of denim fashion became unrelish.

A dense fabric has a unique structure that is exposed to staining only on the outside. This feature contributes to the rapid appearance of scuffs. This species gives denim special style and attractiveness. To date, a lot of technologies have been developed, which make it possible to achieve artificial structures.

With the help of Denim products, it is always possible to emphasize the advantages of any figure and delicately hide the possible shortcomings of the physique. Such success is achieved by the variety of styles and impeccable geometric cut.

Denim features

Denim's clothes were relevant at all times, it is at the step above any fashion directions. Among the characteristic manifestations of the style, experts note the following features:

  • comfort and practicality;
  • reliable strength providing long service life;
  • simple leakage care;
  • a wide choice of silhouettes (shirt, trapezoid, semi-wave, straight cut, etc.);
  • multiple finish elements - overhead pockets, decorative lines, embroidery, metal fittings (zipper locks, rivets, buttons, champs);
  • combinatorial types of clothing;
  • typical tints of fabrics:
    • classic: blue, blue;
    • popular: black, brown, gray;
    • original: red, white, green, orange;
  • decorations from rhinestones, beads, leather, fur, guipure.

How to create a Look in a denim style? Photo

Things from Denim are presented to the most convenient option for a suit for recreation, sports, road trips and country travel. In many companies that declare a strict dress code, we carry business suits and dresses from jeans.

In the wardrobe of the modern woman, at least one pair of jeans is necessarily present. The sewing industry offers many products from practical and comfortable fabric. Denim style clothing for girls includes a wide variety of models of the current trend.

  • Jacket or jacket - Great option of outerwear, reliably warming up cool weather. The denim model is an excellent addition to a black dress-case, skirt, shorts, trousers and other clothes, stitched from cotton, wool, knitwear.

  • Shirt classic view - free cut, straight sleeves, blue or blue. Modern designers offer a variety of variations of Denim products: shortened, fitted models, decorated with decorative trim and accessories.

  • Shorts From the denim, they are well saved from the summer heat, they are also put on with dense woolen tights in the winter cold.

  • Dress or sundress Jeans are distinguished by the wide variability of the styles and numerous finishes. They can be worn independently or combine with turtlenecks, blouses, vests.

  • Skirt - A variety of models and silhouettes has no restrictions. Denim clothing can be selected practically on any female figure regardless of age and the set. Not only Denim products, but also a lot of everyday things from Denim, but also a lot of casual things from cotton, silk, knitwood, serve as an addition to the skirt.

  • Coat From denim material makes it possible to look spectacular and worthy. If a woman has no opportunity to acquire expensive fur, it may well replace their upper clothes from high-quality and dense denim. High lacquered boots on a heel or shoes with a crocodile skin simulation are remarkably suitable for such a coat. Successfully complement Ready Look will help an elegant handbag and a bright scarf.

  • Overalls - an indispensable thing for pregnant women. It is also convenient to walk on the street or relax outside the city. The jumpsuit looks like an open top connection with skirt or trousers. You can pick clothes using elastic t-shirts, light blouses, fanging turtlenecks, thin sweaters, knitted blouse.

  • Pants or Capri As well as the skirt, there are no restrictions in the choice of styles and forms. They are perfectly combined with things of any style.

In addition, modern stylists offer in denim hats (panamans, caps, hats), shoes (shoes, boots, sneakers, ballet shoes), decorations (bracelets, earrings, beads, hair rims).

Denim style clothing for men is based primarily on trousers. In the arsenal of some men, the number of diverse models of pants reaches 30-50 units. Choosing pants for certain purposes, and complementing their attributes, create the desired denim look. For example, work clothes, street or business suit, kit for sports, recreation, hip-hop classes.

The times when compliance with the rules of business etiquette was considered prerogative of businessmen, already gone. Now without knowledge of the rules of etiquette, neither a student nor the manager nor the director can do. What length is the length of a woman's skirt, which button on the jacket should unbuild a man, and also how to choose a candidate of historical sciences, a psychologist, a specialist in the field of business image of Lydia, a psychologist, a specialist in the field of business image.

All people are different and all people are good

According to the image of the image, abide by the norms businessethiquette not only needed, but also useful. After all, 80 percent of diseases are associated with nervous tension, which we experience every day at the negotiations, workshops and sometimes even when a meeting with the authorities and colleagues. Knowing the one who is the first to enter the elevator where to put a bag, having come to the interview, how to competently pick a wardrobe and call a partner, helps to be relaxed and calm.

The formation of a business image begins not with the update of the wardrobe, as many people think, but with a deep self-analysis and compilation of their psychological image, "says Lydia evening. - It is important to clarify how you would like to see yourself in the eyes of others. Even who seeks to create a business style, it is necessary to remember the culture of business communication. Two main mistakes that allow today: forget that people are different and that all people are good. So, often if the interlocutor is late, tune in negatively towards him, without accepting that the person is good in any case, but circumstances do not give him to do something well.

Meet the clothes

When the preparatory stage is passed, it's time to do appearance.
"If I say that a person does not have a career ladder, although there are all the prerequisites for this, I first check whether it matches the wardrobe to business style," says Lydia evening. - Clothes is a business card business card.

Business image and a sense of style often defines a twist in the career. The first overall impression of 93 percent depends on the image you created (appearance, clothing, behavior manners). Jeans are a good option to climb the mountains, but very dubious for the ascent on the service staircase.
Of course, the basis of the wardrobe of a business man is a classic suit. As a rule, it corresponds to several parameters: the silhouette line is quite clear and strict, creating the impression of laconicity and tightness, careless colors, a fabric pattern - a thin non-contrast strip. Clothing of this type gives a signal: I am a professional, in my mind, as in appearance, everything is strictly structured.

If, when drawing up the image, a business woman was guided only by dry standards, then probably would lose individuality and became similar to men. In order not to look boring and faded, ladies can decorate a business set of romantic style elements, such as a brother or riff. The intrigue will give an open neck. By the way, to close the neck of Lydia Stepanovna does not recommend: "It creates the impression of compressions and excessively modesty." Men creative professions she advises to mix the classic style with the style of Casual, for example, sometimes replacing the jacket vest or instead of a tie tie the neck scarf.

Where does a businessman get dressed?

Compared to Europe, in our country, business culture is in the infancy, - says
Imager. - Many managers of enterprises and officials cannot find clothes that would meet all business style requirements. The ideal image, in my opinion, the Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Council of the Republic for the formation, science, culture and social development of Antonina by Marina. "She managed to combine strict suits with good accessories, and therefore it always looks strictly and at the same time feminine and effectively. The standard of men's business style, in my opinion, is President Alexander Lukashenko.

Surely, many have already built a pyramid from six-digit numbers in the mind, counting the cost of Italian costumes and accessories.
"I want to please all Belarusians: exquisite and sophisticated business style in clothes can be created, buying Belarusian goods," says Lydia Stepanovna. - I follow the latest fashion trends and note that domestic manufacturers do not lag behind many world brands. The same "Comintern" has high-quality classic costume models, which you will feel comfortable surrounded by a business elite.

Do not forget about the details

The basis of a male business suit is not a jacket and not even a shirt, but a tie. This detail of the wardrobe can tell about the upbringing, manners and the social status of its owner.
The first and most importantly of the selection of the tie - it should get to the belt buckle tied. Of course, it is far from the only one. Now they leave fashion ties from matte materials with a blurred pattern, they are replaced by the items of a wardrobe with a smooth surface and a clear pattern. It is important to know: a tie should be one tone with a darker shirt and one tone lighter suit. For bright shirts, a single tie is suitable, and for monophonic - a brighter option, with stripes or into a cage. A shirt with bright patterns does not tolerate the neighborhood of other bright accessories - a conservative monotonic tie is suitable for it.

Recently, you can even meet ties with bright prints. Usually, their use speaks of infantality and frivolousness. Try to avoid this piece of clothing, if you do not want to create a comedy image.

Another significant detail of the male wardrobe is socks. According to the rules of business style clothes, they must be darker of trousers and sufficient length to close the shin, which is visible when you throw your leg leg.

Olga Dubrovskaya, Photo Dmitry Eliseeva, "ZN"

Business Style Axioms

The length of the women's classic skirt is five centimeters above either below the knee. Low below is allowed, above - no, it is considered an erotic style.
Business woman should make makeup and wearing accessories. When selecting decorations, it should be borne in mind that there should be no more than three of them.
Business suit without a tie do not wear. Exceptions - the jackets of the sports cut, which can even be put on a T-shirt. But such jackets are not appropriate for business meetings.
When choosing a shirt under the costume stay on a long sleeve shirt. It is considered elegant if the cuffs shirts are visible from under the jacket sleeves about one and two centimeters. It is best to choose a shirt without breast pockets.
Remember that according to the rules of business style, men should not fasten the last button of the jacket.
Men's suits of light tones are worn from May to mid-September, female - regardless of the season. The most universal colors of men's suits are dark blue, dark gray.
Do not allow mixing patterns on two elements of the costume, the following in a row.

Help "ZN"

Lydia Stepanovna Evening - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of the State Administration of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
He graduated from the historical faculty of Belgosuniversity, then graduate school. Lydia Stepanovna has a psychological education, graduated from the Academy of Postgraduate Education. He is an expert in family counseling.
He reads lecture courses: "State Personnel Policy and Public Service", "Business Communication in the State Apparatus".
The author of the Books "Magic Communication", "Your Image", "I myself cares with stress", "the behavior of the head. Practical manual. "

As soon as humanity learned what jeans are, clothes from it became fashionable, in demand. The history of this trendy style goes its roots in the 19th century. At this time, Lay Strauss and Jacob Davis came up with, and later patented pants from durable denim. There was such denim clothing for cowboys, gold kits. But, as often happens, all ingenious simply, and a banal invention of wear-resistant pants has become the beginning of a new fashion era.

Denim clothing each season remains in the trend, only the style of individual elements is modified. The popularity of jeans is very acquitted, because the cloth is durable, wear-resistant, and the products of it are stylish, varied. This style on the modern fashion industry is called "Denim". What are the advantages and disadvantages of such clothes, which there is a species diversity of things from jeans for women, men, children try to figure out.

Advantages of things from jeans a lot. The main advantages are:

  • wearness resistance and strength - products from such fabric it is difficult to break. Reliability of clothing contributes to special weaving and strength of the threads. Quality jeans can serve over 10 years even subject to regular use of clothing;
  • an important advantage of such products is their hygroscopicity. The clothes perfectly passes the air, and the winter versions of denim are well preserved heat;
  • denim clothing does not accumulate dust, not electrified;
  • jeans does not mean, it does not stretch, does not lose its shape, and spools are not formed on its surface;
  • the fabric is convenient and universal. Denim products can be used as casual wear, as well as overalls, because such products are always on top of fashion;
  • denim clothing is represented by a huge variety of both in the model range and in the price category. Tandem quality and accessibility is the main key to the success and popularity of the style of "Denim".

Justice It is worth noting the negative sides of the denim clothing. They manifest themselves only in case of improper care for high-quality clothing or in the event of the unscrupiance of manufacturers of denim, which saved at its cost to the detriment of its quality. Jeans flaws are only a few:

  • the fabric is a bit "sits down" after the first washing (especially if the wrong temperature mode is selected);
  • wash the products from jeans (especially for the first time) separately from other things. The fabric can slightly politic;
  • with incorrect care of such things, they can hang out, lose the form.


Denim things in abundance are presented at the modern fashionable market in female, in men's, and even in the children's segment. A variety of clothes from such a fabric is simply impressive.

For women

The women's fashion industry is a huge variety of denim. Denim style in women's clothing is presented:

  • dresses - a denim dress can be performed in different forms: a shirt dress, a damned classic or product with a-silhouette. The advantage of such things is their combination with different styles. Depending on the selected accessories and shoes, such a dress will look great in classic, office, everyday and sports styles;
  • jackets - modern denim jackets are quite unlike those products from the distant Soviet past, which were hippie, punks. Now jeans jackets are performed in a calm and restrained style, you can combine them with business, with sports and with classic styles. Denim jacket can be put on the heel, and under comfortable shoes at low go;
  • denim overalls is a real hit style "Denim". This is a modern and stylish product that has long lost its connection with working clothes. This option can also be successfully varied with different shoes (sports or classical);
  • the denim skirt is also represented by a large variety of models. It may be a skirt-clay, and a strict pencil model, and an extravagant version with a magnificent hem. You can choose a denim skirt for every taste and wallet;
  • jeans - such pants can be very diverse: with different landing, wide or tight, winter or summer, stretch or ordinary. Even the color gamut trousers varies in all sorts of colors and shades.

For men

The most wide denim style in men's clothing is presented:

  • pants are the most important detail in the wardrobe of every man. Jeans, rather different variations, are suitable for any style of clothing. Regardless of the tastes and preferences of a man, jeans are absolutely at all. Men's denim pants are different: aligned, wide, straight classic or ribbon and wary. Fashionable novelties among denim models are Skinney Style Pants and Slim. You can also combine them with a variety of clothing: Classic jeans are successfully harmonized with a white office shirt, a jacket. Stylish torn - with a trendy shirt with rolled sleeves, or t-shirt, t-shirt;
  • shirts and vests - they can also be performed in a sports or classic style. Denim shirts are restrained in sewing, and may be trendy or extravagant;
  • shorts, Capri, Breeches, Bermuda are also popular male wardrobe items. This is a summer version of clothing, which is indispensable both on vacation, and for everyday life;
  • men's denim jackets did not come out of fashion ever, only their models varies;
  • jeans overalls can be both workers and fashionable - for festive access to parties;
  • denim's sports costumes appeared recently and belong to stylish innovation in the fashion industry. Such products are made of soft tissue with the addition of elastane. Curra products free.

For kids

Denim style in the children's wardrobe is always present. And if adults have their own preferences and not everyone likes this style, then children have such clothes very popular. The prevalence of jeans in children's clothing has its explanations: for children, we always choose the best. It is such a fabric that has all the qualities that are necessary for children's products.

High-quality denim is safe for tender skin, it breathes well, keeps warm. At the same time, such material is very durable, wear-resistant, which is also important.

Baby denim are presented in the same models that adults. Only the range is even wider. For girls from such a material, sew dresses, sundresses, skirts, vests, shirts, pants, capri, shorts, jackets. Such things are usually decorated with different embroidery, appliqués, stickers.

For boys, denim things are no less in demand, because it is denim pants that will not break during an active walk, or moving games in kindergarten. Products will not lose their characteristics after numerous washed.

Denim clothing for children also has another advantage - it is easy to use, and the child feels comfortable in such clothes. In addition to standard elements of clothing, denim is used for sewing such accessories, like caps, bags, backpacks, brooches, bracelets, hair decorations, and also for shoes.

How to care for things

So that clothes serve for a long time, it is necessary to care for it. Although jeans clothing is distinguished by durability, unpretentious in care, nevertheless should learn the rules for care for her:

  • wash the products at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees. Hot water - the enemy of such a material;
  • to buttons, rivets did not leave rusty traces on the fabric, do not soak products more than 30 minutes;
  • the choice of washing agent should also be related to the responsibility. It is best to use gentle agents for colored fabrics, otherwise the products will lose their color, and the buttons and rivets will sweep. To save the brightness of the color, you can add a little vinegar into water;
  • wash things better in manual mode, while it is impossible to rub a lot of clothes. When machined washing, gentle delicate modes are chosen. In front of the machine washing, the products are inside out, buttons, rivets, lightning;
  • dry products in the fresh air, not allowing direct sunlight.

It is impossible to cut things, in order to avoid deformation.

It is necessary to iron denim products. It is better to iron wet clothes, so it will become softer.

Denim clothing is not only beautiful, comfortable, but still fashionable, stylish. Choosing such clothes, it should be taken into account the above-described tips on its style combination. Observing unaccomplished recommendations for the care of such things, you will provide them with a long life.



Sporty style arose with one of the very first. One way or another, and its appearance is closely related to the manifestation of an interest in the person. Different types of it contributed to the emergence of new types of clothing. The development of equestrian sports and riding as such was the reason for the appearance of a peculiar style of a jacket with a shortened before, and still trouser halifa and rates. Golf contributed to the appearance of trousers of a new cut. Tennis's passion presented the world shorts, skirts to a fold short length, a special type of shoes - "Tennis". Some sports even perpetuated their names in clothing. Fans of American baseball began to wear baseball caps, and players and fans of football - T-shirts.

Knitted sweaters and hats with a Norwegian pattern are combined after active popularization of skiing and skating. The bicycle sport was marked by the creation of the body-fitting shorts with a high content in the composition of Lycra tissues, because of which they actually could be so crawling and keeping the form. Women's leggings and tights refer to the similarity with the overalls of skaters. Another inexhaustible source for the emergence of clothes in the sports style was the form of the military. The luminar leather jacket, the pants of a free silhouette have been considered a long time for clothing in the spirit of sports style. Any jacket in this style assumes the presence of patch pockets, metal fittings and taking along the edges of the product. This is typical for aeronautical suits.

How to distinguish a sporty style from another

Such clothes have a straight or trapezoidal silhouette. Less often, it acquires the appearance of the adjacent and semi-accepting. The form of clothing is rather square, rectangular or oval. It can be both free and dense. Often there are models with different combination of forms. An example can serve as a fitting skirt, turtleneck and volume jacket.

Sports style combines, first of all, comfortable and simple things. A variety is manifested in the use of different elements of finishing, accessories, due to a peculiar combination of materials, its textures and colors.

The sleeve for such clothes is characterized by a shirt-like type (vtachnaya, the top expanded, in the offa is reduced), one-piece with a cut slicer (as in knitwear), Raglan. The sleeves can be supplied with a zipper in the form of a zipper, buttons or lipukes.

Clothing in the sports style is replete with such features as various overhead parts, valves on the fastener, belt, slots, vile, folds and reliefs, straps, different types of lines (zigzag, double, decorative, contrast, color).

The color solving is now prevails an ecological topic. Therefore, the colors are appropriate, mostly protective - all shades of yellow-brown, sandy, khaki color, shades of green, various combinations of brown and green, gray and green. In principle, the color scheme is distinguished by a variety, so we can say that any color is allowed.

Fabrics also differ in their diversity. The sporty style is characterized by suede clothing, tweed, plaid, weeping tissues and other species. In recent years, new types of matter have been widespread - a raincoat, rickening with Liker, a new varnish. Extremely and more often there are cloak tissues. Sport style clothes from knitwear meet more and more. This is not surprising, because the practical and comfortable knitwear allows you to create comfortable things of free cut, not throwing movements. And this is exactly what is necessary.

What clothes refers to sports wardrobe

Despite some simplicity of this style, you can attribute a lot of types of clothing. Among them are warm jackets. Long is allowed different. The main thing is that it is convenient for you. Here we will take a lighter version of the jackets - windbreakers. With a warmed lining or without it, the jackets are also boldly called a sportswear clothing. Waterproof semi-overalls with a line of bright color, luminescent tape and baker also applies here. Pants and shirts of free silhouette, shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts, T-shirts and tops. Breeches, bikes, sports kits from knitwear and so on. All this can be safely attributed to the sport style.

Not only trousers find place here. Dresses, sundresses and skirts can also have a sporty look. Especially if they are in a fold. Jeans and vests include here. From the upper clothes are notable for parks, semi-coath, raincoats. By the way, the modern fashion, which so loves to combine in one thing somewhat directly opposite, appeared to the world new types of clothes in a sporty style. It is a dress-coat, elongated vests that can be called short dresses, dress-shirts, anoots, blouse tops, blouses (something cross between park and blouse), Bermuda, skirts-pants and so on.

On skirts, sundresses and dresses, the presence of parts in the sporty style - pockets, color lines, shoulder straps, coquettes. In, sweaters and the tunic should be a simple form, but in the design of the neck is permitted a variety. There may be a hood, and a collar, a breakdown of baking and so on.

The image in the sports style will be unfinished if you choose one clothes alone. It is necessary to think about some ensemble add-ons. So, among the headdresses here it would be appropriate to choose my own hat or takes a pair with a knitted scarf. For a warmer time of the year, the clings and baseball caps. Although now there are insulated and light versions of any of these types of headdresses. So even in winter you can wear a cap with a fur lining, and you will simultaneously match the style and feel warm. In the summer it is convenient to wear a bandana.

Sport style shoes can be distinguished at first glance on a thickened sole. It is very convenient, because such a sole provides uniform load on the foot. The most popular sports shoes were, and there will be, and at the same time sneakers. Complete shoes will help leggings or high socks. It looks very interesting to boots and boots in the sports style. They are equipped with high lacing. And in the guise, it does not hurt a beautiful, but simple strap with a buckle or tie to the belt principle. You can wear it both on the waist and on the hips.

Regarding decorations, they are not so many in the sports style. These are mainly leather shoelaces on the neck with coolements, wide fabric bracelets or woven beads. A rather common decoration is a sports watch with a variety of functions.

But the choice of bags is very diverse. Starting from miniature options that must be worn on a belt, and ending with large tubes. Pure sporty variety of bags are backpacks. This also includes bags of bright colors with rivets, buttons and other metal fittings.

Sports style varieties

These include three types of microstille (some of them are separated into separate self-sufficient styles).
  1. Sports and elegant style. Clothes of monophonic, moderate lines, without contrasts in detail. Clothes are characteristic of both the main sports style with a multitude of finishing parts, but without the presence of contrasts. Elegance is achieved at the expense of color.
  2. Safari style. It has underlined freedom, and at the same time and some negligence, which is compensated by convenience - weapons on the sleeves, mint fabric, etc. Color range of exclusively natural natural shades: beige palette, various shades of green, salad. From concrete things inherent to this style, you can call a shirt-bloison with large pockets, pants and skirts, and overalls are possible. A classic costume for African hunting (safari) is pants or shorts and a long jacket with overhead pockets and short sleeves.
  3. Denim style. Any clothing made of denim. The color scheme is also diverse, but the black color and various shades of blue prevails.

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